xt741n7xmv10 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt741n7xmv10/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1967 bulletins English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 42, No. 3, Winter 1967 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 42, No. 3, Winter 1967 1967 2014 true xt741n7xmv10 section xt741n7xmv10 VOLUME 42 WINTER, I9b7 NUMBER 3
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nurse, Joyce, braved the icicled ridges to make a district call on l
horseback. ·
Most of the Wendover staff went ·. V
in to Hyden for the Communion Serv- /@ l'
ice in St. Christopher’s Chapel, and ..... ··--·
while they were absent, Santa Claus _ ,,,9*4 V
delivered his Christmas loot. There _ i
were tiny red stockings, one for each _ {
of the Wendover family, and stacks JA i j
of gaily wrapped presents overflowing li rt ii`;
from under the tree. The plump tree IT
had been charmingly decorated the · ‘ i
night before. It was an old-fashioned
tree, strung with cranberry-popcorn strings, and multitudes of
Christmas cookies hung from its boughs. A gingerbread owl
peered out in disdain at the Yuletide festivi- p
» ties
j , ' At dinner hour Dr. Beasley and his kin
${,0 ‘ '4 appeared. Dr. Beasley was dressed to kill,
rh * wearing tails complete with white gloves.
i Most of us spent our turkey feast gawking
* ° at him in all his elegant glory. Miss Lester j
MM gallantly suffered the flames from the tradi-
tional plum pudding, but she did not suffer in ~
vain for it was a delectable finale to our dinner. After dinner the p
great unwrapping began. Balloons burst, poppers jettisonned con- A
fetti, and Alphonso hid under a chair. Santa’s cryptic handwriting
under went numerous extensive dissections. Dr.
Beasley and Miss Browne dutifully chewed their 5
Green Hornet bubble gum which Santa had given
them. Unfortunately, Dr. Beasley could not retract
his inspired bubble, and coated his chin with shreds ’
of Green Hornet. Miss Browne enlisted Gabrielle I
Beasley’s aid for some tutoring in the fine art of p
bubble blowing. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed his
gifts. Miss Lewis gaily feigned dismay at the me-
chanical stuffed dog Santa had sent for her. The
couriers merrily grumbled about the unsubtle Santa
who had brought them French Lilac bubble bath.
At eleven, a caravan of jeeps drove to the ****4
l I
l Hospital for the Carol Service. The brisk air, sparkling snow, and
. happy visions of gifts given and received, left most of us with silly
Christmas grins. The service was informal, but most reverent. All
Y sang with the sincere feeling that reflects refreshed joys and
` hopes. After Christmas Eve at Wendover I felt a completeness
that let me smile myself to sleep and dream of Christmas mice
Q with green and red ribbons on their tails.
il • •
l ·—·~
Louise Thuliez, a companion of the British nurse Edith
Cavell in World War I and an anti—Nazi underground worker
in World War II, died yesterday in the Saint Joseph Hospital
, of Paris. She was 85 years old.
A Miss Thuliez, who was captured with Miss Cavell by the
Germans in 1915, was sentenced to death on charges of spying
` because of her help to Allied troops. Her sentence was com-
muted, and she spent the rest of the war imprisoned.
Miss Thuliez was saved from execution by the intercession
of the Marquis de Villalobar, then Spanish Ambassador to Bel-
p gium. Miss Cavell was executed October 12, 1915; the death
sentence against Miss Thuliez was to have been carried out at
R dawn on October 13.
) The case was celebrated and caused strong indignation at
the time chieiiy because of the execution of Miss Cavell, who had
I played a key role among British, Belgian and French citizens
I who had aided Allied war prisoners to escape from behind the
German lines. Philippe Baucq, a Belgian architect, was executed
with Miss Cavell. Two others, one a woman, were reprieved with
Miss Thuliez.
—The N cw York Times
October 14, 1966
Progress Report
Our Development Committee has worked hard during the ’
winter months and responses to requests for leadership gifts for
our fund drive are very encouraging. At a meeting of the Com- V,}
mittee in New York in January two important decisions were •
made. The FNS must have a new film illustrating the work [
today. Marvin Breckinridge Patterson made her movie "The
Forgotten Frontier" thirty-five years ago and its historical inter-
est will always be valuable. It was shown at the annual meeting
in New York this. year and producers of documentary films were
invited to see it. Two prominent men in their field expressed
interest in making a new movie and we hope to get this project
under way very soon so we may have the film ready for showing
in the fall. The second decision made by the Development Com-
mittee was to employ a professional to help us with our plans
this spring. The firm of Marts & Lundy will send a member of
their staff to Wendover in March to study our program and to
develop plans with us.
We are in Appalachia and find ourselves involved in many
community activities. Various members of the staff take part
in the Leslie County Development Corporation programs and are
active members of the regional Board for Mental Health. The
director and the assistant medical director are members of the
regional planning board for health facilities in a five-county area. T
Members of this board are interested in the proposed plan of the
Frontier Nursing Service to prepare nurses for work as rural ‘
visiting nurses both at home and overseas. Not until we have U
built the Mary Breckinridge Hospital can we put these plans into ,
H. E. B.
` l
Edited by
From Candace Wilder, Montclair, New Jersey—October 21, 1966
J I received your letter just before leaving for Peace Corps
i Training in Albany, New York. This evening our "agriculture"
group flies from New York and Sunday morning we will be in
,j New Delhi, India. If all goes well in the last five weeks of train-
2 ing, and if we find that we can communicate in Hindi, that we are
[ able to distinguish a chicken’s head from his tail, that we know
l the difference between garden "irrigation" and "fertilization"—
THEN, we will be placed in pairs in small (population 5,000 to
10,000) Indian villages for twenty-one months. Sounds exciting!
From Gay Gami, Beloit, Wisconsin—November 14, 1966
All of the Beloit couriers have spread out considerably this
term. Carlotta Creevey is in Milwaukee working with VISTA.
Rosalie Ransom is in Taipei, Taiwan, on an anthropology seminar,
and Katie Hunt is in Columbia studying Spanish. Next term, as
well as the following summer, I’ll be in Cambridge, England, at
Homerton College, working and studying.
From Mrs. Herbert P. Gleason (Nancy Aub),
Boston, Massachusetts—November 16, 1966
My life is very different from FNS and yet I often think of
p those lovely weeks.
'l Our oldest child, David, has started first grade which is a
very exciting step. Alice, now 3%, is in nursery school and I have
e been directing the school this fall in the absence of a paid pro-
l fessional. I haven’t worked at my real profession—social work—
V for about four years but seem always to be involved in community
activities galore. My husband practices law.
. From Alison Bray, Leeds, England—December 4, 1966
I am in Leeds for a few days seeing my family before, I hope,
i leaving at the end of the week for a 6—week trip to South America.
12 Fnonrrmn Nunsmc smavrom
I can’t believe we shall really get off. Our original plan to go on
a cargo boat had to be cancelled at the last minute because Mary
Ogilvie, with whom I am travelling, got virus pneumonia and
landed in a hospital for nearly a month. However, we have man- (
aged to get this new booking, so I hope we can make it. I can’t
wait for the sunshine! V
From Mrs. Irving Lewis Fuller, Jr. (Vicky Colema11), $
London, England—Christmas, 1966 {
Life in London this year has been grand. Spring came, and
. flowers and a few rays of sun! Also, the Fullers Senior arrived _
in early June for a visit. Shortly after they came we were lucky ,`
enough to get four tickets to Trooping the Colour, the annual
military parade in honor of The Queen’s official birthday.
On June 13th John was christened in the American Chapel .
of St. Paul’s Cathedral and is the third American baby to have
been so. He behaved with the dignity suitable to this auspicious
occasion and spent most of his time admiring the minister’s beau-
tiful robes.
Before this year is completely out we hope to go to The (
Queen’s Evening Reception, an annual reception for some mem- (
bers of the diplomatic corps; a dinner on St. Andrew’s Night; and
Christmas at the ancestral home of some English friends. It is
a huge old house on a large estate on the Welsh border. .
We don’t know where we’ll be going for our next assignment,
but we will be coming home in May or June for two months? home
From Mrs. Hugo H. Gregory (Carolyn Booth),
Evanston, Illinois—December 6, 1966 ,
These are such busy years for us. I am the speech therapist i
at Evanston Hospital and work primarily with stroke patients. I
Hugo’s work with stutterers here in the Chicago area grows more
challenging all the time. Kathleen, age twelve, is learning to ride
and care for horses—but I suppose you’ll be completely mechan-
ized by the time she comes to the FNS. We all ski on a modest
and safe basis and are looking forward to a little Christmas trip
to northern Michigan. p
Hugo was at the Smithsonian Institution recently and said
the most interesting exhibit he saw was of the FNS. It was so
good to see Brownie last year!
From Mrs. David A. Crump (Toni Harris),
Newport Beach, Califor11ia—Christmas, 1966
J It’s blessed to be living by the sea, sand and surf. We begin
to feel spoiled-—salty atmosphere and adventure the year round
{ with sand crabs and jelly fish.
_ Life with Sarah, our eleven year old, revolves around the
, telephone and in being my "right arm." I don’t know how I’d
! exist without her help. She is in third year ballet. Elizabeth
. attends a school for gifted children in Orange. It is a great school
. and we feel very grateful that she is there. Teddy, the eight year
‘ old, is sensitive, imaginative and very artsy-crafty. Alex, at six
and one-half, is electric! Samuel has just turned two and is a
sheer delight.
i From Mrs. Charles W. Steele (Candy Dornblaser),
’ Palo Alto, California—Christmas, 1966
Last May Chuck took a position in Redwood City. His work
is a unique mixture of mathematics, computation and engineer-
3 ing which he finds immensely interesting and challenging. By the
time this letter reaches you, he will have finished his thesis. He’ll
j receive his M.S. in Computer Science in mid-March, 1967.
I continue to work as a labor and delivery nurse. This fall
I joined a choral group and I also teach carpentry in nursery
4 school.
_ Danae is now in the third grade. Reading is her first love
j and she is fast becoming an accomplished swimmer. Heidi began
_ first grade this year and took to reading like a duck to water.
Heather, now the oldest child in her nursery school, is having the
time of her life.
The highlight of the year was our delightful visit to Chuck’s
parents and sister in Illinois. From there we went to northern
Minnesota and were joined by my mother and brother Dorn and
14 F1=ioN·1·1ER NURSING smavicm _
From Mrs. Albert 0. Trostel 1]] (Parker Gundry),
Milwaukee, WlSCOHSlIl—ChYlStm&S, 1966
The children have been amazingly well this fall. Rick is in
first grade and doing quite well. Kimmie is loving senior kinder-
garten. Margie is into everything. Abbie is working long hours
but is pleased with his. work. I’m considering tutoring illiterate
adults, along with my other activities. I
• • • • [
From Carlyle Carter, Paris, France—Christmas, 1966
I missed being at Wendover this summer, but I had to finish I,
. my thesis at Brown University. This year I am in Paris at the I
Sorborme. The main reason I’m in France is that I decided last .
year that in order to teach French properly it was really neces-
sary to know how to speak it. The course work is very interest-
ing, and so far not too demanding. The dormitory where I live
is one block from school. It is an international dorm, consisting
of 60 girls, who represent 30 nationalities. Needless to say,
French is our common language. .
There is so much to do and see in Paris, it’s unbelievable. I
Within ten minutes’ walking distance in various directions from
my dorm are the Notre Dame Cathedral, the Pantheon, the Sor-
borme, the Senate, the National Theater of Paris, the Luxemburg
Gardens, and numerous other spots of interest.
Since the Sorbonne seems to have a lot of vacations, I’ve
done quite a bit of traveling. One week I went to Germany, _
visiting Cologne, Munich, and Berlin. I found Berlin (East and .
West) particularly interesting. In France I’ve visited Burgundy
and the Loire Valley where all the beautiful chateaux are located. `
During Christmas I’ll stay in Paris, and wait for warmer Weather *
for travel.
From Mrs. Walter Hudson (Barbara Williams), {
Baltimore, Maryland-Christmas, 1966
I continue my work in academic pediatrics as a consultant
in the Children’s Evaluation Clinic at the University of Mary-
land. The majority of children seen in this clinic are under- I
achievers in school and present a real challenge as to possible
cause and response to therapy. In addition, I am a Pediatric
Consultant at Rosewood, the state hospital for the mentally
Walt continues as chairman of the social studies department
in junior high school and keeps very busy on weekends traveling
around Baltimore giving magic and puppet shows at birthday
parties and banquets. He is also on the evening faculty of the
( Baltimore College of Commerce where he teaches Public
• Speaking.
Kevin and Scotty are growing so rapidly. Kevin attends a
i nursery school located on a farm in the country and thoroughly
i enjoys feeding the animals and tumbling in the hay. Scotty looks
forward to the time when he will be old enough to go to Happy
P Acres, also.
From Mrs. Dandridge F. Walton (Theresa Nantz) ,
Paducah, Kentucky-—Christmas, 1966
Sarah Halley is in kindergarten and loves every minute of it.
· Right now she is quite excited because she is going to be a jack-
. in-the-box in the school play and an angel in the church play.
Bailey is going to nursery school one morning a week and com-
plains that it’s not more often.
We took our iirst vacation in four years this year and went
to the Smoky Mountains and Asheville, North Carolina. We’ve
V also been to St. Louis a lot since Dan got season football tickets.
Once this year we took the children to the zoo.
_ From Mrs. Robert F. Muhlhauser (Ann Danson) ,
‘ Cincinnati, 0hio—Christmas, 1966
( We certainly are loving being grandparents. Ann Danson
A Navaro will be one month old on December 15th. She has lots
of dark hair and a dimple in her chin. She sleeps, eats and cries
l lustily! Bob and I have our first sitting assignment on December
21st—can hardly wait!
From Mrs. Peter R. Ehrlich (Selby Brown),
( Bedford Village, New York-—-February 1, 1967
My eight-year-old Jamie and I had the most delightful and
interesting time Monday at the FNS meeting in New York. Mrs.
its FRoN·rnzR NURSING smnvion {
Patterson’s movie (The Forgotten Frontier) was fascinating;
and, of course, Brownie was marvelous. I loved seeing Kate, too.
Jamie was enthralled with the whole thing and asked questions
all the way home.
Lil Middleton Hampton, who brought her ten-year-old Tom
(she and I seem to run to medical directors instead of couriers),
Harriet Sherman Barnes and I keep in FNS touch and are most
anxious to do what we can do here. ?
I am busy here with my boys! Besides working at the hos- {
pital once a week, their schools, food and clothes take up every j
. other moment. They are all great fun, however, and I hope they I
will join me on a trip to Kentucky. *
From Mrs. John DeMaria (Anme Kilham) , -
Rehoboth, Massachusetts—February 11, 1967
My sister is in West Virginia as a VISTA volunteer and my
mother has a grant to do folk art collecting (for her museum in
Santa Fe) in the Southern Appalachians. I don’t as yet know A
if this includes Kentucky. We are busy here with many projects,
I with interior decorating, teaching art classes to {ive young
girls and R. I. Audubon work plus, of course, enjoying our son,
Nikie, who is growing up so fast!
From Efner Tudor, Contoocook, New Hampshire
—February 17, 1967
I miss Wendover and all of you more than I can tell you and
I will take the iirst chance I get to come back as a courier. I’m '
definitely going to visit you sometime in April or May. i
At the moment it is below zero. How I long for Kentucky
weather and countryside. What a beautiful place it is!
We extend our tenderest sympathy to Dot Clark Ramer of
St. Simons Island, Georgia, in the sudden death of her husband
on Thanksgiving night.
Our hearts go out in deepest sympathy to Marion Shouse
Lewis in the loss of her only sister, Mrs. Cuthbert Train, of Wash-
‘ l
ington, D. C., in January, after a long illness. Elizabeth, like
Marion, was interested in the FNS and for years had been an
active member of our Washington Committee.
We are sorry to learn that in mid-January Pebble Stone was
I in a car wreck. She suffered a sprained ankle, bruised and scraped
’ knees and a lacerated arm. She saw her doctor and all was going
i well until the day before the FNS New Yo