xt741n7xpm0k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt741n7xpm0k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-10-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 16, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 16, 1987 1987 1987-10-16 2020 true xt741n7xpm0k section xt741n7xpm0k  



9"” "w
4‘ L“ 4e-


. After Hours



Two Small Bodies will play at The
Bottom Line tomorrow. SEE PAGE 3.





UK heads to the bayous to
meet the Tigers. SEE PAGE 4.




Today: Sunny
Tomorroszartly cloudy



‘ vaxci. No. 45

Frat brothers
win frosh race

Associate Editor

Surrounded by members of their
fraternity, Beta Theta Pi. Chris
Price and Sean Coleman were elect-
ed 1987—88 Student Government Asso-
ciation freshman senators last night.

Price, an undecided major from
Shelbyville, Ky., received 150 votes,
and Coleman. a chemistry major
from Dalton. Ga.. came in second
with 137 votes.

“l‘m just so overwhelmed,“ Cole-
man said. "All week it's been a
great race.”

Only 390 freshmen. or about 10
percent of the freshman class.
turned out to vote in the two-day
election. That‘s a decrease in last
year's turnout by about 2.5 percent,
according to Will Renshaw, fresh-
man senate elections board chair-

in the past. some freshmen sen-
ators haven‘t been too involved in
SGA. Price said he and Coleman
will "sit back" at first. but once
they become adjusted he said they
will be as involved as any other sen-

"Hopefully. we‘ll try to start out
good and that won‘t happen to us."
he said. “We're going to jump on
things right away.“

Price said he hasn't given much
thought to many campus-related is-
sues. but Coleman said an issue he
wants to address early on is the
right of privacy in the dormitories.

Price said he and Coleman will en-
courage the other freshmen candi-
dates to also become involved with

"if we ever need any help at all.
-we'll call on any of the other candi-
dates." he said.

Coleman and Price said they were
a little unsure about the races out-
come. Coleman said he was espe-
cially concerned about Sean Lehman
and Ashley Boyd. two candidates


“We’re going to jump
on things right away.”
Chris Price
freshman senator

who finished third and fourth. re-

Both bohman and Boyd waged a
strong campaign, Coleman said, but
with the help of SGA Communica-
tions Senator Jason Williams, he
said he and Price were able to win

“We wouldn't have been in this
race if it hadn‘t been for Jason." Co-
leman said. “He was out with us
until three o‘clock in the morning on
some nights helping us put up cam-
paign posters."

in fact, Price said he and Coleman
weren't even going to run for SGA
senate until Williams. a member of
their fraternity. encouraged them to
do so.

“He has so much experience and
helped us with so many different
things." he said.

Coleman said the chemistry be-
tween Price and himself also helped
push them over the top.

"We‘ve known each other ever
since we got to school." he said.
"We worked great together during
this week of the campaign.“

Once they get in the senate. he
said they will continue that team-

bohman finished 21 votes behind
(‘oleman with 116 votes and Boyd
came in a distant fourth with 100

- Kimberly Cage] —— 80 votes
0 Mark Avestisian —- 55 votes
0 Kevin Horton — 37 votes

. Kyle Higgason —- 34 votes

. Mike Bell — 18 votes

- Stewart Weaver — 17 votes
. Holly Paulk ~10 votes.

UK professors: Jackson
not likely as president

Contributing Writer

The Rev. Jesse Jackson is being
heralded as the Democratic front-
ninner, but can he win the [residen—


Some UK professors and adminis-
trators say no, but say he might
wield some power at the Democratic
National convention.

“1 draft think he’ll get the nomi-
nation.” said A. G. Dumtm. assis-
tant professor of history, “but if he
gets to the convention with enough
power, he’ll be able to have a voice
in the nominations and in deciding
the party planks.“

Dunston said the Democratic
party is controlled by the people
who can influence the structure of
the platform. ”The nominee doesn‘t
have the power — it‘s the person
who runs things behind the scenes."

Several people said issues won‘t
be the key factor for voters when

they decide the political fate of

”I would like to think that if peo—
ple dealt with issues, rather than
personality and other types of crite-
ria that seems important these days,
that he would have a very good
chance of having strong support."
said Chester Grundy, director of mi-
nority student affairs.

“But at this point I think a num-
ber of people are too willing to dis-
miss Jesse Jackson as a legitimate

Grundy said many people agree
with Jackson ideologically, but “find
it difficult once that voting booth
curtain is closed to pull the lever.“

Jackson himself has acknowl-
edged the role of racism in his cam-
paign. In a recent speech he said
that . . if one does not vote for me
because i’m black, l‘ll leave that in
God‘s hands because God made me
that way and I‘m glad about it.“

Donald Gross. associate professor
of political science, said “Jackson

Sec JACKSON. Page 2

Arts & Sciences adviser
wins regional award

Contributing Writer

An adviser in College of Arts &
Sciences has been ins-been named
the 1%? Outstanding Adviser in the
Southeast region by the National Ac-
ademic Advisirg Association.

Barbara Mabry, former assistant
to the dean for student academic af-
fairs, was selected after having been
nominated by one of her six staff
members. it is the highest honor
NACADA offers to between six and
seven Mend college and universi-
ty advisers.

“Most rewards for good advisers
are intrimic," Mabry says, “but it
tion for myself and for the Universi-

“Good advisim is a key factor to

retaining students," Mabry points
out. “Students are entitled to good
advising as they are entitled to good

in 1975, Mabry was instrumental
in developing the advising program
at UK. Some 1,100 students were un-
declared when she began advising.
Since then, the number has dramati-
cally risen to about soon strxhnts.

Michelle Blanchard, a pro-med
student, says, “Sie’s the most help-
ful person i have encountud on the

Msbry has been lookirg afte- stu-
dents’ welfare for 12 years in the
College of Arts a Sciences and will
continue to do so, but in a different
way. On Oct. 5, she moved to the of-
fice of Vice cancelior for Academic
Affairs She is now involved with
student scholarships and retaition.

Universityot Kentucky. toxington. Kentucky

Independentsince‘ 1971


UK began its basket-
ball season with the
annual Midnight Mad-
ness practice
Wednesday night. The
huge turnout forced
officials to close the
doors to Memorial
Coliseum at 10 pm.
(top) Young UK fan
Megan McMenan is in
unique dress. (right)
Reggie Hanson goes
up for a layup against
Deron Feldhaus during
the scrimmage. (bot~
tom) Former Governor
,8. “Happy" Chan-
dler sings ”My Old
Kentucky Home."






Arts Editor

In UK theater‘s first mainstage
production. “Inspector General," di-
rector Patrick Kagan—Moore in-
serted a dirty svringe dripping of
modern satire under the skin of pre-
dictable 19th century comedy.

The set, designed by Zak Herring,
is made up to look like iron scaffold-
ing that frames the stage. Set inside
the frame are 18 television sets and
one large screen that looms over the
center of the stage. The rest of the
stage corsists of the same iron
material built into a barren set.

The first (and last) image that ap-
pears on the sets is that of a high-
ranking Russian diplomat (possibly
a czar) who sits in a cloud of ciga-
rette smoke. perusing the audience.

When the play begins, the figure is
replaced by several perspectives of
the action taking
place onstage,
while the main
screen closes in -_
on the figure‘s
face to capture
continually chan-
ging expressions. The audience finds
itself no longer in the “observation
booth“ but another of the subjects
being observed along with the ac-
tors. With this maneuver, the audi-
ence is transformed symbolically
onto the stage along with the actors.

While the actors unwind Nikolai
Gogol‘s political comedy of the 19th
century, director Regan-Moore im-

a modern view of social unrest
without uttering a word.

The stage as a whole resemble a
recent prize-winning photograph by


“Inspector General,"
as a play, holds little
social import from a
modern perspective.
Its saving grace is that
it is a comedy.

Pat McDonough ol' the Courier Jour-
nal. who captured a viewer sur-
rounded by a wall of TVs, all pro-
jecting the image of a luring Oliver
North. In the UK version of “inspec-
tor General." the same statement of
a society imprisoned by the powers-
that-be is made with the same
sledgehammer impact. The fact that
"inspector General“ also deals with
the issue of "divestment of funds"
only adds to the wry humor of the

This employment of theater and
cinema breaks down artistic bar-
riers as well as political ones. it ulti-
mately produces much of the same
conceptual innovation as did the
movie. “The Battleship Potemkin."
The movie also broke ground in the
art world while making about the
same political impact as Gogol‘s
play would make on a modern audi-
ence if produced without the modern
twist given it here.

“inspector General," as a play,
holds little social import from a
modern perspective. its savirg
grace is that it is a comedy. Draw-
irg from the heavy comic tradition
of Shakespeare and Moliere, it of~
fers up a fatalistic plot grounded in

:Fridey. CONDO! 16.1987

Old houses
to be fixed
by greeks

(‘ontributing Writer

Five houses in the Georgetown
Street area will have a new look to-
morrow after the UK greek commu~
nity finishes its Adopt-A-Housc pro-

Each year the Adopt-A-Housc pro-
ject is sponsored by Sigma .\'u frae
ternity and a sorority. Kappa Alpha
Theta has been chosen as this year's

Adopt-A-House is designed to im-
prove areas ot' the Lexington comv
munity and has been around for six

John Townsend. from Mayor Scot-
ty Baesler's office. has deSIgnatcd
the houses that will be fixed David
(‘hewning president of the Sigma
Nu fraternity. said the Adopta-
liouse project is aimed at elderly or
needy homeowners

Sigma .\'u and Kappa Sigma Alpha
chapters. along with 15 of the 21 ha
ternities and 13 of the sororities. will
donate time and energy to scraping
and repainting these houses, Paint
will be donated by Porter Paints and
other paint stores will donate the
brushes and scrapers

Lee Anne i-‘ightmaster. co-chairr
person of the Adopt-A-liouse project.
estimates that between mo and 900
people will participate this yea r

(‘hewning said ”this project gives
the greek community a chance to His
tcracl. communicate. make

“Everybody works together for
one goal ~ not a selfish goal. but
one for someone else." Fighlmaslcr

The houses will be worked on from
9 am. to 3 pm. and people will
work in shifts. Both Sigma Nu and
Kappa Alpha Theta chapters will
work all day

Fightmaster said food will be pro-
vided for the students working this
year as extra motivation. McDon~
ald's and Pizza Hut are donating the

Transportation will be provided
for those who are working lll order
to cut down on congestion in the
Georgetown Street area.

“The greek community has a bad
reputation as being rich or parv
tiers." Chewning said. “Adopt—A-
House is used to project a positive
image of service. "

Fightmaster thinks that this pro,
ject is a very strong tradition and
wants it to continue.

DAVID '1’an Kernel Sin"

UK's ”Inspector General" stars (from top clockwise) Andre Sayre,
John Bracket. Michael Camenisch and Melissa White.

a case of mistaken identity. A back-
woods Russian town is scared wit-
less by the expected visit of an in-
spector general. When the town
catches wind that he may be coming
incognito, they immediately search
him out. thus choosing the wrong

They choose a down-on-his-luck St.
Petersburg youth who is only too
happy to accept their hospitality,
their bribes and their women. The

plot unfolds in predictable fashion -~
pure classic comedy.

The acting of “inspector General“
definitely lenib a farcical look to
Gogol‘s script. relying heavily on
comedy blocking and slapstick. it is.
however, the supporting cast that
delivers the most accurate blocking,
picking q) for some sloppy accent-
drops and runon lines of the main


 2 - Kentucky Kernel. Frldeyfictobertc. 1081

3 Kentucky colleges rank among best

Associated Press

WASHINGTON ~ Stanford was
named the nation's best university
yesterday in a survey in which 764
college presidents took part.

It was the third time in the three
years of the amiual survey of Ameri-
can higher education that Stanford
was selected best. narro\-"" .dging
out Harvard, Yaleand Princeton. '

Berea ('ollege lll Berea, Ky.. was
named best in its category; Transyl-
vania l'niversity in Lexmgton, Ky.
was mm In Its group. and Centre

LCC names

Staff report

The Lexington Community College
Association of Students held its an-
nual in-house officer elections last
night. The Association elected offi-
cers for the 19874988 term.

Chris Essid was elected president.
John Connors was elected vice presi~
dent and Prudence Newman is the
new secretary.

The LCCAS is the representative
student government for Lexington
Community College. The assembly
consists of the two UK Student Gov-
ernment Association senators rep—
resenting LCC. four elected senators
from LCC and one representative
from each community college in the
UK Community College System.



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Kernel Classifieds!

College in Danville. Ky. was 22nd in
its division.

A total of 1.329 college presidents
were surveyed and nearly 60 percent
responded. The survey is conducted
by US. News a World Report mag-

Others in the top 25 national uni-
versities: University of California at
Berkeley; Dartmouth; Duke; Uni-
versity of Chicago and University of
Michigan. tied for eighth place;
Brown; Cornell, Massachusetts In-
stitute of Technology and University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, all
tied for llth; University of Virginia;
Johns Hopkins; Northwestern; Co-
lumbia; University of Pennsylvania;
University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign; California Institute of

Technology; College of William &
Mary; University of Wisconsin at
Madison; Washington University;
Emory University and the Universi-
tyof‘l'exas at Austin.

Other results of the survey:

— Best national liberal arts col
lege: Williams College of Massachu-
setts. Centre was ranked in this cat-

-—Best smaller comprehensive col-
lege in the country: Berea College of

—Best comprehensive institution
in the Southern and border states:
Wake Forest of North Carolina.

—Best comprehensive institution
in the Midwest and West: Valparai-
so University of Indiana.

—Best comprehensive institution

Executives charged with

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Three soft drink
bottlers and four of their former ex-
ecutives, including the current presi-
dent of Seven-Up, were charged
Wednesday with allegedly fixing
prices on Coke and Pepsi in
Maryland, Virginia and Georgia, the
government announced.

One of the bottlers agreed to enter
guilty pleas in two cases and pay $2
million in fines.

An indictment returned in Norfolk.
Va. accuses James J. Harford. cur-
rently the president of Seven-Up, of
conspiring with at least two other
executives and a rival bottler from
1982 to 1985 to increase soft drink
prices of Allegheny Pepsi and Mid-
Atlantic Coke.

During the time covered by the in-
dictment Harford was president of
.‘llidAtlantic Coca-Cola Bottling Co.

Inc. of Silver Spring, Md. The firm
had sales of $240 million a year.

“I am innocent of the charges
brought by the Justice Department
and am fully confident that I will be
vindicated,“ Harford said in a state-
ment. He said that he was brought
to Mid‘Atlantic to engage in price
competition against the local Pepsi

“Throughout the period covered
by the antitrust division‘s case,
prices in this area for soft drinks in
general and Coca-Cola in particular,
were among the lowest on the East
Coast," Harford said.

The others charged in the Harford
case were the Allegheny Bottling Co.
of Timonium, Md., formerly Alle~
gheny Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of
Baltimore; Morton M. Lapides.
chairman of the board of Allegheny
Beverage Corp. of Cheverly. Md.,
the former parent company of Alle-
gheny Pepsi; and Odis Allen, the

in the East: Villanova University of

~Best liberal arts college in the
East: Gallaudet University of Wash-

—Best liberal arts college in the
Midwest and West: Alberno College
of Wisconsin.

—Best liberal arts college in the
South: Birmingham-Southern Col-
lege of Alabama. Transylvania was
ranked in this category.

«Most innovative schools in the
country: Colorado College; North-
east Missouri State; Eckerd College
of St. Petersburg, Fla; St. John‘s
College of Annapolis, Md. and Go-
shen College of Goshen, Ind.


former vice president and Virginia
division manager of Mid-Atlantic

In a separate case. Mid-Atlantic
Coke was charged in a felony infor-
mation in Norfolk and agreed to
plead guilty to price fixing and to
pay a $1 million fine. Federal pros-
ecutors accused the firm of conspir-
ing to fix soft drink prices in parts
of Virginia served by the company‘s
Norfolk and Richmond divisions in
1983 and 1984.

In another case in the District of
Columbia, Mid-Atlantic Coke agreed
to plead guilty and pay a $1 million
fine for allegedly conspiring with an-
other company, General Cinema
Beverages, of fixing Coke and Pepsi
prices in 1984 and 1985. General Cin-
ema, which distributes Pepsi prod-
ucts, pleaded guilty to a price-fixing
conspiracy last year.


Continued from Page I

should do well on Super Tuesday.
unless one of the other candidates
can move to the forefront. Right
now, there is no clear fruit-run-
ner (in the Democratic race)."

Super Tuesday is the day on
which primaries are held in seve~
ral southern states. It is consid-
ered the best indicator of how a
presidential candidate is faring in
the race.

Gross feels that if the Demo-
cratic race stays crowded. Jack-
son has a better chance. “If other
candidates stay in the race, it di-
vides the non-Jackson vote, and
makes it all the better for him."
However, Gross said he didn’t
think Jackson has a chance to
win the nomination.

Bill Griswald, a journalism


OJackson win doubtful

professor who teaches a class in
public opinion, said that
Jackson will do well with minori-
tyvoters,’hewmprobabfy notdo
well on UK‘s campus. “He
doesn‘t really appeal to the va4
luesof the peopleon campus."

But Grundy said Jackson's ap-
peal is more universal.

“His candidacy is based on
some high ideals and principles.
It demonstrates the best in what
we call the deomocratic spirit."

“The things he articulates, you
can find in the Constitution and
the Declaration of Independence.
If the country is having trouble
with them, then it seems to me
that it‘s the country that's out of



CHE committee to meet
over tuition decision

Staff reports

The state Council on Higher Edu-
cation's finance committee is meet-
ing today in Frankfort to make rec-
ommendations concerning tuition-
setting policies.

The council is considering a mid-
year tuition increase as well as a
change in the way tuition is set. Tu-
ition is set biennially by comparing
tuition rates at benchmark institu-
tions and state per capita income.

The tuition-increase proposal is in
response to a projected $9.4 million

shortfall in funding for higher edu-
cation next year. The council is con
sidering raising tuition next semes-
ter to offset projected budget cuts.

The council's finance committee
will hold a budget hearing at 10
am, with the regular finance meet~
ing following at 11:30 am.

During the last month the CHE
has held three student hearings — at
UK, Western Kentucky University
and Ashland Community College —
to gather student input about the tu-
ition~increase proposal.








9-25, W

Miller Brewing Calm. Milwaukee. Wisconsin






Enemy tacklers have had a
tough time stopping UK tail-
back Mark Higgs this season.
but the Kernel recently slowed
him down enough to find out
what's spinning on his turnta-

Favorite album: “Spanish
Fly" by Lisa Lisa and the Cult
Jam. “l particularly like “Head
to Toe." Higgs said he likes
the group because of the lead
singer. "She looks so good. I
always dream of marrying a
girl like that — plus she can







Auetln City Saloon -- 2350 W Shopping Center. The Greg Austin Band
will playfrom 9pm. to 1 am. saperpereon.

The Bearded Seele — 500 Euclid Ave. lvy Beat will play tonight from 9 pm. to
1 am. USTA (classic rock) will play Saturday night from 9 pm. to 1 am. Cover
from 9:30 pm. to 1 am. Two Sindl Bodies (classic rock) and To Damascus will
play Saturdaytrom 9:30 pm. to 1 am. Cover 53.
TheateeeASeloon—2909Rictmondfioad. FineLine(Top40)wiltplay
tonight and tomorrow night from 9 pm. to 1 am. Cover $3.

keedlnga - 509 w. Main St. The Little Saints will play tonight and tomorrow
from 9 pm. to 1 am. Cover $5.

The Brewery — (above Breedings). Larry Reanon (country) is playing tonight
and tomorrow from 9 pm. to 1 am. No cover.

CheepeldeBer—— 131 Cheapside. TheBruceLewlsTriouazz)willplaytortight
from 9 pm. to 1 am. No cover. '
T.P. Mulrooney are performing tonight and Saturday at 8 pm. Utd 10:30. Uid
Sunday only at 7:30 pm. Cover Friday 85. Cover Saturday 36.

Kings Anne Pub — 102 w. High St. ONYX (rock) will play tonight and tomor-
row from 9 am. to 1 am. $2 cover. Saturday from 5 pm. to 9 pm. is Octo-
berfest featuring a ident show and an the bratwursts and beer you can drink.
Cover 35. .

Main Street: —- 269 W. Main St. Annie and the Hubcats (rhythm and blues) will
play tonightmdtomorrow from 10pm. to 1 am. $1 cover.
tonight mm from 9pm. to 1 am. ”cover. . . .
Two item-:— 333 S. Limestone St. A2212 (e'riciml most will be playingw
tonight and tomorrow from 9:30 pm. to 1 am. 32 cover for men. No cover for

.._ 9m}



Beet Seller — Rated R. (South Pak: 2:05. 3:55. 5:40. 7:45. 9:40. md tonight
andtomorrow only at 1 1 :30.)

The Big Eeey — Rated R. (Turtland M: 7:50, 9:50 md tonight md tomorrow

DirtyDenclng—Rhted Perla. (Fayette Mall: 2:15. 4:10. 7:40. 9:45.)
Fetal Attraction - Rated a. (South M: 2. 4:20. 7:30. 9:55 and tonight and

Like Father. LIke Son — Rated P643. (Fayette W: 1:50. 3:50. 5:45. 7:50.

Loot one -— Rated R. (eomti Putt: 2:30. 4:30. 7:35. 9:25 and tonight and

Penitentiary ll — Rated R. (Crossroads: 1:60, 2:60. 5:30. 7:55. 9:50. aid

The Holt-up m - Rated P843. (South Putt: 2:10, 3:45. 5:20, 7:55.
9:30mdtonlghtmtornorrowonlyet11.) ‘

The arm UH. -— Med PG. (Fayette W: 1:30. 3:25. 5:35. 7:45.

The Principle —Rated R. (Somh Putt: 2:20. 4:50. 7:50. 9:50am term Cid

unwise—mo. (Tuflmdw: 2:15. 4:15. 5:15.)

W h WM 0" h — Md R. (W W: 2:15. 4:25. 7:65.
mmmmmam. “Mount“: 2. 4:30.
7:30. 0:45lidwnlldmorlyl11zao.)

m — Mid n. W" we; 2. 4:55; 7:35. 9:45 aid W ’ ‘ .5.

Iurrerider — m Rated PG. (Oreo-ode: 2. 4. 5:60. 7:46. 0:40. me

3 0'“ M - M06 90-13. (M M: 2:15. 4, 5:45. 7:45. 0:40 ltd
mummy-t 11:15.)






By non snxo
Staff Writer

‘ ‘ think bexington has a
pretty healthy music
scene compared to

Louisville. It seems like five or six
new bands pop up every month and
there's something interesting about
each one." said drummer/vocalist
Jeff Duncan of the local band Two
Small Bodies.

The band. which also consists of
Joel Effron on guitars and Chris
Casey on vocals and guitars. has
just released a full-length album on
Hit A Note Records entitled Twelve
Not Seven. The band released a two-
song single last year featuring the
songs “Don‘t Talk" and “Salty
Dawg "

Two Small Bodies has been
together for 212 years. though the

Ashamee have played together in

.. different bands since their high
school days in Frankfort.

The band claims no specific
musical influences. but bits of
recent Replacements can be heard
in the fuzzy guitar work and the

Staff reports

Saturday night at 8. the Martin
Luther King Jr. Cultural Center and
the Student Government Association
will present “An Evening with Ruby
Dee" in Memorial Hall. The perfor-
mance is free.

Actress/author Dee will fill the
program with poetry, dramatic in-
terpretation and a reading from her
new collection of short stories.
humor and poetry. My One Good

Dee won an Obie Award for her
performance in “Boesman and
Lena" by South African playwright
Atol Fugard. Her acting credits also
include portraying the role of Har-
riet Tubman in the “American His-
tory Series" produced by John
Houseman. She won the Drama
Desk Award for her role in “Wed-

Two Small Bodies is (from left) Joel Effron, Chris
Casey and Jeff Duncan. Their premiere LP is

bass lines seem heavily influenced
by The Clash‘s Paul Simonon.

“()ur biggest influences are
ourselves and how we play off each
other." said Duncan. “We are
influenced by the do-it-yourself ethic
of bands like Husker Du and The
Replacements. where what you‘re
playing is far more important than
your haircut or what you’re
wearing." he said.

Duncan favors variety in his style
of drumming as shown. for instance.
by his employment of tom-toms on
"What I heed." “I like drummers
like Tony Thompson and Stewart
Copeland who can do a mix of
things.” he said. “You don‘t have to
be fast but you have to be in a
groove or you can forget about it. “

Band members work together and
bounce song ideas off each other in
the studio. according to Duncan.
"Everybody knows a little about
each other‘s instrument so that we
can come into the studio and work
with a certain riff or beat. We like
songs that do things. that have
breaks and don‘t just sit there." he

The subject matter of the songs

ding Band.“ produced by the New
York Shakespeare Festival.

Dee and her husband. Ossie Davis.
recently collaborated on a PBS tele-
vision special. “Martin Luther King:
The Dream and the Drum."


Lutenist Paul O'Dette will per-
form at 8 pm. Saturday in the Sin-
gletary Center for the Arts.

O‘Dette has established himself as
an outstanding performer on the Re-
naissance lute. He has appeared
throughout Europe. North America
and the Middle East. Described as
“a genuine wonder" by the Boston
Globe. O'Dette incorporates humor~
ous historical anecdotes into his mu-
sical program.

Tickets are $7 for the general pub—

he and $5 for students and senior cit

Kentucky Kernel, Friday, October 10. 1987 - 3


called “Twelve Not Seven " They will be at The
Bottom Line tomorrow night

Lexington’s Two Small Bodies
pursue rock sound, not look

arc left entirely up to thc indn'idunl
“The songs arc basically any thing
it c'rc thinking about. "it (‘lianncls of
Lou" is about hung in a band lhc
t-go trip and what pcoplc think of
you and lhcsimilaritics of bcing
in a relationship ‘Rcad A Book' Is
about people u how actions arc
ditfcrcnt than thou words. ‘stud

Because the band refuses to be
locked into doing only one certain
‘ype of song. the band has a few
critics “chon't like todojust
serious songs so we do songs likc
‘What I Need.’ which is a funky little
boychases—girl song.” he said
"Some people say that that shows no
direction. but wc‘rc definitely not
influenced by those bands that arc
repetitive and never change their
formula." he added.

Two Small Bodies will play
tomorrow night at The Bottom Linc.
Thisflwilngfollowgd by an
appearance at theJJZ Post -i ‘onct-rl
Party at Babylon Babylon on ( ict
23. Following a concert at The
Bottom Line on Oct. It). the band
will embark on a tour of the South
and Southwest. which will take them
as far as Tcxas and Florida

Artists bring ethnic flavor to UK



Erik Reece
Arts Editor




Encapsulated revuews for easy




Bruce Springsth
Columbia 1 CBS I Records

The long-awaited Tunnel of
Love proves that Springsteen's
marriage to model Julianne Phil-
lips hasn‘t made him complacent.
but rather has served to raise
new questions of internal strug-
The album is a hybrid that
mixes the acoustic sound of Ne
brasha with the synthesized
songs introduced on Born in the
U.S.A However. thc sometimes
innocuous music doesn‘t detract
from the lump-m-yourthroat ly-
rics that prevail throughout
Springsteen‘s songwriting.

(‘razy Janey. Wild Billy and
Spanish Johnny have all grown
up to find they are still no closer
to figuring out the emptiness of
their lives. Ycl they can at least
find the courage to forget. if not
forgive. and somehow find some
reason to believe

— Erik Rcect-

“I“ '3 3
London , Polyuram i Records

The new Bananarama album.
dubbed Wow‘ by the intellectual
trio. aims low and connects

“hen Bananarama formed. the
search for a computer program
mcr was probably as important
as the one for a producer it
sounds like one drum pattern was
used on all ltlsongs.

Your best bet is to buy thc
12-inch dancc remix single of "l
Heard A Humour" and listen to it
over and over You'll savc a few
dollars and get all the bimbo Il‘lll'
ity has to offer

—— Tim Foglt-





Blending together bcautilul
maidens. heroic warriors. flash-
ing swords. wicked rulers and a
tremendously subtle sense of
humor. “The Princess Bride" is
one of the early highlights of t‘llir
mm ‘s fall season.

Director Bob Hemcr has cro
ated a simplc. accessmlc story-
line that doesn't pander to its au-
dience. but challenges them by
mixing barely—hidden satiric jabs
into a fairly conventional :idvcn-

— Wt‘s Milli-r


“Likc r‘athcr Likc Son" has it
all It's got a premise stolen from
among Disney‘s best It's got
Kirk (‘amcrou tht- latcst punk
who makes the young girls
swoon It's got Dudlcy Moore It's
got a lot of fabulous babcs It's
got d tt-ar-jt-rkcr cndmg

The problem is. the storyline is
just plain stupid. It involves a
brain transference scrum that
Moore mistakes for Tabasco
sause and puts in a Bloody Mary
When someone drinks this potion.
they switch brains with the first
person they look at in the cycs

You can guess the rest












II'I. '* '0‘ Ill-ease.

MW CW5 .



“3/6 W










my r’ M!







 4 — Kentucky Kernel. Friday. October to, 1007


Sutton says
now, no more
Mr. Nice Guy

Assistant Sports Editor

Why is tlus coach smiling?

"I had more fun today coaching
than any day since l‘ve been at Ken-
tucky.“ UK basketball coach Eddie
Sutton said of the season‘s first offi-
cial workout yesterday. “I‘ve never
had as much talent as l have this
year “

And Sutton likes what he can do
with that talent

Last season at this time. Sutton
was beginning his third year at UK
with seven players on the court.
That‘s not even enough to scrim-
mage with.

Now, however, the UK coach is
looking at five talented s