xt741n7xpn04 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt741n7xpn04/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-09-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 25, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 25, 1997 1997 1997-09-25 2020 true xt741n7xpn04 section xt741n7xpn04  













45. Clearing and mild

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WEATIH Rainy today. big/.1

near 6 5. Cool tonight. 1011‘ near

tomorrow. big/J near 70.

FA”. “MAI". Film and television

industries gear Hpjor the start oft/.n’irjir/l


September 25, I 997

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WSllit threats TIIBI Bhfllltfll‘ changes

By Mat Herron

Campus Editor

Eor social fraternities. parties
could cost more than a vicious

Because of an increasing num—
ber of lawsuits nationwide. insur-
ance companies are cracking down
on the (ireeks by charging higher
premiums for liability insurance.

Companies such as Lloyds of
London. which insures the Lamb-
da Chi Alpha fraternity at L'K. are
now looking more closely at past
behaviors and problems of the

chapters it insures.

“For the first time. the fraterni—
ties are seeing the light." said Joel
Epstein. consulting attorney at the
l ligher Education Center for Alco‘
hol and Other Drug Prevention.
“The companies are saying. ‘You
have to learn to manage the risk.'"

This risk of injury has not
always been well-managed. Epstein
said. At the L'niversity' of Idaho in
1993. 18—year-old Alpha Phi social
sorority member Regena (Ioghlan
was left paralyzed after falling from
a balcony. She had been at two fra-
ternity parties before that fall. one
that was titled “50 \\'ays to Lose
Your Liver."

One school. Bowdoin College.
in Maine. has proposed that its
(ireek System be expelled by
3000. and the National Eraternity
Conference is trying to get SUI)
chapters to go :llt'tdiol’frce by that
year. Epstein said.

The liability insurance covers
“a slip. a fall. some type of accident
that occurs within the premises of
the fraternity." said Tony Hayden.
president of the liitcrfi‘ateriiity
Council and a member of Sigma
Nu social fraternity.

According to a 1091 risk man—
agement report from Phi (iamma
Delta International. if .i fraternity

member knowingly violates the
law. i.e. serves alcohol to minors.
etc.. and a claim is filed as a result
of an accident. the insurance coni—
paiiy‘ may not have to pay.

.\lost claims filed against frater~
nities result from fights or falls
from high places. according to the
spring 1997 edition of Knightly
News. published by Sigma Nu.
The lowest number of claims are
filed for ha/ing incidents.

Several national fraternities have
taken steps toward making their
member chapters substance-tree to
avoid skyrocketing premiums.

»\ccording to Eraternal Law. a

publication from the \lanley.
Burke. Lipton and Cook law firm.
fraternities .ire the sixtli—riskiest to
insure. ranking behind ha/ardous
waste disposal companies and ahead
of engineers. doctors and lawyers.

In WV. fraternities and sorori~
ties formed the Eratcriiity Insur—
ance Purchasing (iroup. .i nation-
wide group to which .i majority of
(irceks belong. Hayden said. In
the first three years the group
existed. member fraternities and
sororities deyeloped a ltissipl‘cllll»
uiii ratio so high that insurance
companies were losing 36 cents
for e\et‘y dollar it paid otit for

claims. Hayden said.

\lmost all chapters .it [Is belong
to this insurance group. with the
c\ceptioii of about four or live. lior
those four or live that don't. their
nationals have instituted .i policy
similar to the group's, l laydeii said.

L‘ltimately. chapters may have
to do away with alcohol if for any
other reason than to keep from
going bankrupt. he said.

“Either go dry and (pay lower
premiums)." Hayden said. "or stay
wet and i’coiiipanies) .ire going to
hike them tip so high that only the
biggest. richest chapters will be able
to afford them.“








UK students
turn ‘kidsy ’
ut museum

By Brian Dunn
. lootiI/It .\Vc:.'\' Iftlltor

L'K junior Stephanie Slater w mced
as the bubble burst in her face.

The irl who blew the bubble. 3-
year—olt :\nita Baxter oflxxiiigton.

then dipped the soft—ball—sized ring

in for more.

s\fter she blew more bubbles. Baxv
ter remembered something upstairs
at the Lexington Children‘s Muse-

“Let's go!" she screeclied as she
grabbed Slater's hand. “Let's gof“

“The iiitisetiiii is a great place to
work.“ Slater. who's been there for
III months. said. “Especially when
you get kids like this.

“I love kids." the foreign lati—
guage and international economics
major said.

:\nd the kids love the museum.
which is manned mostly by present
and former L'K and 'l‘ransy'lvania
L‘niversity students. The children
often get lost in the fun.

Molly Platt. a 9—year—old blur.
zipped into the bubble exhibit.

She ran past the smaller bubble—
makers. the ones that produced
bubbles the size bowling balls and
beach balls. and she hopped into the


bubble contiaptioii that produced
human rsi/ed bubbles.

"Put yourself inside a bubble."
the sign said. \nd she did. .\s she
pulled down on the jump rope
hanging from tlic top of the con

traption. a hula hoop rose out of

bubble juice and lifted .i litililile tip
around her.

The bubble soon was six feet tall
by three feet wide. But. to Platt‘s
ama/ement. it slowly contracted.
Her uncontrollable release of gig~
gles popped the bubble. and l’latt
dripped with bubble goo atid excite~

“\Yliere to next?" her legs said as
she hopped out oftlie btibble matrix
and raced to the next hands»on
exhibit in the museum. \Yould it be
the w atertall. the moon or the shad—
ow wall?

"The shadow walll" It was her
favorite exhibit.

Platt posed as a bridge in the
dark as a bright light suddenly
flashed. l’latt‘s shadow. creating a
sturdy bridge. to her ama/emeiit
from on the wall.

“She had a good time." Platt’s‘
grandmother. Rose Sullivan. said.
In fact. she had such a good time at
the T—year»old iiitisetiin sponsored
by the l.exington—l'ayette L'rban
(Iounty (iovernment and corporate
friends. she called it the best time in
Central Kentucky.

Children. however. come in all
shapes and sizes.

_lennifer (Iovington. the muse—
um‘s gallery and admissions coun-


Slater. a
UK junior.
plays with
Amid Bax—
ter. 3. (If
the (flail—
dren ‘r

.\ IIIa‘t’IHII.
Anita goes to
the et'lal'ltits
Il’l't‘t' fin/(’3‘ {I






" NIII‘STIIII students OTTBI‘ BI‘BBST examinations

-a...;.._. -.... -.-- - .l





help increase

By Heather Nelly
sign it 'ritcr

Eewer black women get breast
cancer than Caucasian women.
btit their chances of dying from
breast cancer are higher due to a

o 9

lack of early screening.

The UK College of Nursing
will sponsor a breast health edu-
cation seminar and free breast
exam screenings to create more
awareness about breast cancer
and the im ortance of early
screening for lack women.

The education seminar will be
held at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow at St.
Peter Claver Church. 4l01effer-
son St.

Erec clinical breast exams will
be also be held for women over
18 years old at the Kentucky
Clinic North from I p.m.-5 pm.

on 'l‘uesday and \Yednesday.

more than 38 percent. Peterson

these stereotypes that if we go itito
a hospital. we may not come out."
The seminar will also teach

Nurse midwives from the College said.
of Nursing will perform t e The mortality rate of black


“Nationwide. African-‘:\meri—
cans are diagnosed and die from
cancer more often than any other
group." said juanita Betr. Peter-
son. staff and exrraintiral devel-
opment director of Chandler
Medical Center Minority Affairs
and co—chair of Kentucky African
Americans Against Cancer.

Between 1973 and 1992. breast
cancer among black women 50
years of age and older increased

women with breast cancer is twice
the rate ofCaucasian women.

“\Ye're not getting screened
early enough." said Marcia Cole—
man. seminar coordinator and a
nursing graduate student.

Coleman will speak at the edu-
cation seminar about the necessi-
ty of early screening and barriers
t at keep black women frotn get-
ting screened.

“There are barriers. such as
fear." Coleman said. “\Ye have

women how to give selfexams.

“To address breast cancer is
the key to survival." Peterson

Sister to Sister. an organiza-
tion that teaches black women
about breast health. will attend
both the education seminar and
the free screenings.

Following the screenings. the
organization will provide women
with information about breast


See SCREEN on 2




By Ellen Lord
Sniff H 'Htt'r

If the quality of ptiblic educa~
tion has you worried. (iloria
7.emer .iiid llollie \Yard have an
answer you may find appealing.

These New York homeschool—
ers have foutid a way to cater to
the needs oftheir I I children in a
loxing. supportive eii\irotilnent
that ptiblie schools cannot. ;\nd
they are offering their expertise to
Lexingtonians iii a three-hour
seminar 'l‘uesday night.

“The day I ptit (my son) on the
bus. I felt it was a very unnatural
thing." said Zeiiicr. a homeschool-
ing advocate and mother of five.

Her oldest son. Jacob. attended
.i ptililic elementary school until
the second grade. btit Zemer
found his teachers focused atten»
tion on his dyslexia instead of his
abilities. Despitejacob's high IQ.
he could not read. and the public
schools had no room for delayed
readership. Zemer said.

Determined to work around her
son‘s dyslexia and help rebuild his
self-esteem. Zcmer began hotne-
schoolingjaeob and his sisters.

Nowjaeob. H. reads at a col»
lege level. Zemer said.

Zemer began to organize activi—
ties for other homeschoolers in
southwestern New York. She
became a contact person for the
area and helped parents to co-op. or
teach sections or stibjects together.

“It called me to be an active
researcher." said Zemer. who said
most parents get frustrated
because they lack resources and

“Most people‘s comfort zone is

trying to imitate school at
home." said Hollie \Yard. co-
leader of the seminar and hotne-
school teacher of her six children.
ranging in age from one to IT.

“()ften ‘teaching' and imposed
learning stran rlcs a child before he
ever realizes his inborn potential
and gifts." Zeiner wrote in an infor-
mation sheet about the seminar.

“Anything that is going to stay
in your mind has to go throug
Vour hands and into your heart."
7.61116!“ said.

In addition to resources. home-
schooling is also a matter of com—
fort and curtailing the curriculum
to the child‘s individual needs and
interests. Zemer said.

Kentucky‘s homeschoolin net-
work is not as strong as New ork's.
said \Vard. a leader in a statewide

See 10MB SCHOOL on 2









Monday, September 25, 1997,

Kmmdy Kernel















DRowAIwe Vault Soktaus m

THAT woroome’s ARe'Al'T




Perm/>5 SHE i/UST um rs
THAT A um: mitt Mun
ram 6IVMl6 (in? A MERcI -
LESS 851mm m #1513





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Editor In Chief ............................... ' ...... . jennifer Smith FOUND HATKED FaR SEGA
Managing Editor ........................ . ........ -. . .. .dxris'Campbell I SEE.
Associate Editor .................................... Brett Dawson l Fea-
NewsEditor jamesRitchie CRUSHED‘”
Campus Editor ........ . .............................. Mat Herron
Assistant News Editor ............ . ...................... Brian Dunn
Editorial Editor ........................................ T odd Hash
Entertainment Editor ....................... OJ. Stapleton, Dan O’Neill
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The Independent Newspaper at The University of Kentucky I int 1’.-
Founded in 1894 ............................. Independent since 1971
026 Grehan Journalism Bldg.l University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0042
Yimrfirst copy aftbt Kentucky Kernel Is free.
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Two mothers turned





Vesta/days, , , , ,

Looking for a cheap date?
Free pool for ladies every

Thursday night.

teachers lead seminar
From PAGE 1

homcschool organization.

Susan Vogcl, a honicschoolcr in
Lexington, said there are three
major support groups in Kentucky
that have at least 100 families each.
IIcr oldcst son receives high school-
lcvcl instruction from specialized
teachers at a co-op one day a week,
and Vogcl follows up with further
instruction throughout the week.




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nt to rcdccm a pastry dessert at the fair




schoolcrs fall under the Kentucky
Supreme Court rulings on private
schools. said David Thurmond, the
director of Planning for thc depart-
ment and the liaison for non-public

'l‘hc statc rcquircs homeschool-
crs to teach students normal stud-
ics. such as reading, writing,
spelling. grammar. history and
civics. It also requires them to teach
in English. to provide instruction
equivalent to the public school's
term of 175 days ofsix hours each;
to record and maintain reports of
scholarship and attendance; and to
be open for inspcction by the local
school board, 'l‘hurmond said.

“Local school officials should
have the right to verify that a


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The Kentucky Department of FAMILY AFFA

bonafide school exists,” but do not
necessarily visit each homeschool-
ing location, Thurmond said.

Teachers should work with
friends and teach some subjects
together, said VVardeho will lead
a section on individual learning
styles in the workshop Tuesday.

Individual lcarnin styles are
“very practically hel l for people
teaching their children,” Ward
said. In her presentation. she will
explain a simple classification of
learning styles based on whether
students perceive information as
concrete or abstract, and whether
they organize it in sequential or
random order.

Rather than turning a home into

New Donors

7 days.






6 month inactives


Photo furnished


II Hollie Il’ard (lcfi) and Gloria Zen/or (sitting in car) teach
Education requirements for home- their rhildren through homeschooling. They‘re leading a seminar on it Tuesday.

a schoolroom. Zemer and Ward
encourage parents to find what
works for them.

“The second most important
thing we give to our kids besides
unconditional love is an educa-
tion," Zemer said.

“Education is meant to unfold a
child into the way he should 0," she
said. Instead of a “happy meafeduca-
tion," Zemcr said homeschooling
provides children with a “gourmet,
all-you—can—eat, smor asbord.”

The seminar will 6 held at Hill
’n' Dale Church Tuesday from 6-9
pm. Those wishing to attend can
register at the door; the cost is $20.
Zemer and Vl'ard will answer ques—
tions for the last 30 minutes.




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Exams highlight

cancer awareness
From PAGE 1

cancer and available ser—
vices, such as the health

“I think some Africanr
American women have per-
ceived this disease as being
somet ing more common
in w 1te women,” said
Linda Collins, a black grad-
uate student in the Depart—
ment of Spanish and Italian.
“I think we have a tendency
to put this particular disease
at the bottom of other
health problems.”

Although the risk
increases with age, breast
cancer is found among col-
legs-age women.

women are tendin to come
down with the disease at
earlier ages, in our 205 and
in our 305,” Coleman said.
“There are AfricanoAmeri—
can women who are 20 and
30 who have died from
breast cancer.”

An appointment can be
made for the free breast
exam screening by calling



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