xt744j09w95q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt744j09w95q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1896012 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1896-01-jun2. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1896-01-jun2. 1896 2011 true xt744j09w95q section xt744j09w95q MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 2,; 1896 - page 66 The Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky met in regular annual session in the President's room in the College Building, at 10 A. M. suntime June 2, 1896. Present: Boswell, Buell, Flournoy, Gathright, Gooding, Hines, James, Kennedy, Matthews, Patterson, Spurr The Board was called to order by Judge Thomas H. Hines Chairman of the Executive Committee. In the absence of Governor Bradley Mr. Gathright was elected Chairman protempore. Mr. J. B. Kennedy was unanimously elected a member of the Board of Trustees to fill the place made vacant by the refusal to serve of Hon. Mr. Thomas Todd, having been duly qualified by taking the oath of office before the clerk in Shelby Co. entered and took his seat. Messrs. Hart Boswell, J. W. Mathews and J. B. Kennedy were then duly qualified by taking the oath of office, The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. MIL1IJTES OF THE: BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 2, 1896 - page 66-67 The minutes of the Executive Committee since the last meeting of the Board of Trustees were read and referred to the Committee on the minutes of the Executive. The President next read his annual report to the Board of Trustees which was referred to the Committee on the President's Report. The President read as a supplement to his report a communication recommending that the following degrees be conferred upon the persons after whose names they are written: Smith Edison Aflford, A. B. James William Carnahan A. B. Daniel Morris Case B. M. E. Harry Adolph Davidson, C. E. Thomas Roland Dean, A. B. Alice Duck, B. St John Jennings Dunlap, A. B. Felix Kerrick, A. B. Joel Irving Lyle, B. M. E. Edward Campbell McDowell, B. M. E. Henry Orman, B. M. E. John Henry Trigg, B. S. John Wesley Woods, A. B. James Spurgeon Barber, B. S. Lucy Stuart Fitzhugh, A. M. Paul Ingold Murrill, MW. S. Nellie Anna Reynolds, Di. S. Maurice Kirby, LL. D. Walter Kennedy Patterson, A. WI. The Chairman then announced the following named gentlemen, as neither of the standing committees indicated. on Presidents Report. J. C. Flournoy, R. A. Spurr, J. G. Mathews. Finance. D. H. James, J. B. Kennedy, G. V. Green. MITUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 2, 1896 - page 67-68 Appropriations. J. B. Kennedy, A. P. Gooding, Gen. Buell. Buildings and Grounds. Thos. Todd, G. V. Green, Hart Boswell. Experiment Station. R. A. Spurr, Hart Boswell, J. B. Kennedy. Salaries. Thos. H. Hines, Todd, Flournoy. Internal Expansion. Gooding, Green, James. Military Instruction and College Discipline. Buell, Mathews, Hines. Minutes of the Executive Com. Matthews, Boswell, Flournoy. On motion the reading of Treasurer report was dispensed with and the report referred to the Committee on Finance. On motion the reading of the Business Agent's report was dispensed with and the report referred to the Committee on Finance. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 2, 1896 - page 68-69 The minutes of the Board of Control since the last meeting of the Board were read and referred to the Committee on the Experiment Station. Under the head of unfinished business reference was made to the propriety of making room in the New Dormitory for the accommodation of Academy classes Whereupon: On motion ordered that the question be dropped. On motion ordered that the Board stand adjourned till 3 P. M. at which time the laboratories will be visited for the purpose of observing experiments with the X-Rays. The members of the Board assembled in room at 5:00 P. M. June 2, 1896 Present: Gathright, Boswell, Buell , Gooding, Green, Hines, Kennedy, Matthews, Patterson, Peak, Todd, The advisability of June 3, was discussed. the President's Chairman. adjournment till 10:30 A. M. Then after reading some extracts from the minutes of the Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees relative to the election of Professor Anderson, and also an extract from the Committee report on Salaries which was adopted by the Board in December 1893, a discussion arose as to when Professors Anderson, Matthews, and Pence, should begin to receive a salary at the rate of $2000 per annum. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 2, 1896 - page 69-70 Mr. Matthews offered the following: It appearing from the records that Prof. Pence has already served four years as a full Professor, therefore be it: Resolved that his salary be increased from $1800 to $2000 per annum after one more year's service. Motion lost by division as follows: Ayes 3. Noes 4. President Patterson not voting. On motion Mr. Gooding ordered that, the Board of Trustees rule that no Professor occupying a full Professor- ship in the college is entitled to the increase in salary from $1800 to $2000 per annum until he has served five consecutive years in his capacity of full Professor. Prof. John Shackleford was unanimous y elected Vice- President of the College for the next two years. On motion the Board of Trustees adjourned to meet at 10:30 A. M. suln time June 3, 1896. The Board of Trustees met in the President's room at 10:40 A. M. Roll call indicated, Present: Messrs. Boswell, Flournoy, Gooding, Gre en, Htnes, James, Kennedy, Matthews, Patterson, Peak, Riddell, Spurr, Todd, Missing report(s)