xt744j09zv65 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt744j09zv65/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-03-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 2001 2001 2001-03-23 2020 true xt744j09zv65 section xt744j09zv65 mm! Down and out Post-Spring Break funk PRIDAYKENTUCKY His last hoorah Saul plays with heart When the semester started. Spring Break KERN E seemed like it was years away. It came and, unfortunately, left. Students have nothing to look forward to now. Summer is on the way but that means going home and working with only an occasional spot of fun. You‘re back at school and after this first week, homework starts to seem less important. The surplus of sleep you stored up over break is running thin and going to class at 8 am. is like trying to pull teeth with a rusty pair of pliers. Can you escape the funk that has you in its grasp? i say you can! You ask how? The trick is to be creative. I offer the following possible solutions. Go to a party where you don't know anyone and use an alias (a person can only endure being known by the nine digits in their Social Security number for so long). Eat something exotic. Don't allow yourself to fall into the school- food funk, or perhaps buy the upgraded TV dinner that comes with the extra side and dessert. Make it a point to drive everywhere this weekend. This serves a two-fold purpose. First, it eliminates the stress caused by walking miles to class every day, and second, it helps to remove you from the stale college air. Relive part of your Spring Break. Buy a CD that contains nothing but sounds of the ocean. and buy a really bright light bulb for your lamp. Rub some suntan lotion on your nose. play the CD and put the light right by your face. Note: 600-watt halogen bulbs are not toys! Handle them with the intention of not getting a tan! And finally... WASTE TIME! Don’t waste it all, but waste enough to make you feel a little lazy. Instead of starting early on that big paper, try practicing your golf swing in the dorm room. Have fun this weekend and try to get it out of your system, but be careful. I don‘t want to find out that there has been a strange string of serious light bulb burning incidents. With a little creativity, a bit of stupidity and a fair amount of laziness, we can make it through this ever-traumatic post-break depression. aired M rail_editor®hotmail.com m “guns-3r. r“ r'r- sue. fit“;- ‘- {c‘x’i titer“ $ 4.6 2.5 One minute it is sun- ny. The other minute it is raining and snowing. Boy I'm confused. Kentucky Kernel VOL. 8106 ISSUE “I22 ESTABLISHED IN l892 lNDEPENDENT SINCE I971 News tips! mate reopens build The issue: University Senate Council turns to Wethinqton and Todd for support to begin construction of research center on University Drive STAFF REPORT This side. not that side The University Senate Council has reopened the de bate of where to build the Bio medical" Biological Sciences Re- search Building at UK. William H. Fortune. the chair of the council. has sent letters on the behalf of the whole council to request that UK l’resideiit (‘harles Wt‘lhlllg' ton and PT‘f’Sitii‘niri‘it't‘i Lee T. Todd support building the JMQJJKJEL structure in the University Dri ye area. The council opposes build ing the BBSRB on the Virginia Avenue site the site that was recommended by a con» suiting company. AM. Kitiney Company. In the letter addressed to Todd. the research faculty said they prefer the BBSRB to he constructed on the University Drive site and felt their voices Were not heard when the issue was debated in September. “As expressed in scores of e mails and calls. the research faculty strongly favors the Uni versity Drive site." Fortune wrote in the letter. "They want the facilities to be clustered together. in part because of shared facilities and in part because they believe that research is sparked by a ‘critical mass‘ of folks Working in close proximity to one anoth er running into each other in Game over Madness ends early: Cats are the casualties in Trojan war By lion Cox Sim WRITER— PHILADELPHIA » The "City of Brother- ly Love" was flooded by more than 400 mem- bers of the media who were anticipating a Kentucky-Duke re- match of the infamous 1992 game. But the Cats didn‘t live up to their part to see that game happen. losing yesterday to No. 6 seed University of Southern California 80 76 at the First Union Center. Both coaches said the media attention did have something to do with the outcome of the e. “I thank you guys (the media) for helping us. so you guys deserve half of this victory," USC head coach Henry Bibby said. with his tongue firmly planted in his cheek. UK coach Tubby Smith also felt the me dia's attention affected his youthful team. “When you have a young team like we have, it's hard to keep their focus." he said. “I think that did have something to do with it.“ But Smith said the loss had more to do with the Cats lack of de fensive intensity. “We didn’t play with the same passion SeeCATSonZ Pacing defeat UK head coach Tubby Smith sits alone after his team was forced out of the NCAA noment mm" night with a devastating four-point loss to the USC Trojans. Mimi more EDITOR Tour- tlie halls. eating together and sharing ideas." The consulting company said last fall that the University liriye site is not suitable for the construction of the BllSRli When UK faculty met with the contractors on Sept II to discuss the building site. (‘ieorge Nielsen of the consult ing team said "that the team felt the University Drive site suffers during construction be cause of the demolition neces sary to the Kelley Building and the Animal Pathology Building." Also. in both letters to the outgoing and incoming presi CREATIVITY Artists ing site debate dents. Fortune addressed a copy of a letter that was sent to the council. signed by lo l'K (‘ollege of Medicine department chairs supporting the HHSRH on the l'niversitv lirive site “They ldepartmeiit chairsl maintain that siting the build mg across Limestone will re quire duplication of facilities available on l'niversitv l)i'l\'l‘. w itli resulting loss of research space," Fortune wrote The council said if the Hit SRB is built on the Virginia Ay eiiiie site. research faculty would not have informal inter changes if they were divided by Limestone sculpt the Arboretum Magic: hands ANDREW count I KERNEI stm Art studio junior Jamie Givens welds her sculpture Thursday. preparing for her first college exhibit this weekend at “Sculpture in the Arboretum." Art and nature: Work of two UK students among state talent displayed this weekend By Sara Zaehringer Stir} were? 7 Praying mantises anrl )elly jars will line the walks and bills at the [K Arboretum this weekend. Friends of the Arboretum is sponsoring the fifth annual "Sculpture in the Arboretum" Saturday and Sunday Nine artists. including two [IK students. from across the state will be exhibiting their sculptures in different places throughout the park. The sculptures. some of which are for sale. all vary in size and shape and are made out of everything from stone and metal to stained glass and car bumpers. .lamie Givens. an art studio junior. has been working on her sculpture of a gigantic praying mantis for the past ‘2 l 2 months. The 6-foot tall insect made “Sculpture in the Arboretum" will be from to am to 6 pm. Saturday and from to am to 4 pm Sunday at the UK Arboretum. out of car bumpers is titled “Startled” because. in (iiven's opinion. that is the way it looks, “With metal sculptures you have to find your pieces." (iiyens said. “i had to dig through iunkyards. which was a lot of fun." Jason Kelty. who is getting his master‘s degree in fine arts at UK. will also have an instillation on display at the park. His piece titled “.lell-U .lar" is made up from the gelatin castings of jelly jars. Kelty said his piece is called an instillae See ARDORETUN on 2 AIHLEIICS- Players nervous, excited about Pitino’s style Butterflies: U of L's coach promises hard work By John Foster STAFF WRITER (‘hange is in the air at the FM versity of Louisville with the hiring of Coach Rick Pitino the (‘ardinals are looking expectantly toward the future. As Athletic Director Tom .Iu rich said during Wednesday's news conference. “The last six months have been hell. Now we have a glimpse of heaven." Pitino continued the heavenly metaphors when he said. "Now it's time to take the (‘ardinals back to Pri lvideiice " Yet they are being cautious iii their optimism. After this year‘s I219 record. Pitino and his players admit there is a long way to go Pitino stated his first line of business is going to be to "turn around the players currently here.” .Iuiiior guard Reese Gaines said he and the rest of his team are going to have to do a lot of conditioning to prepare for Piti- no‘s tip-tempo style of play. much more conditioning than required under former I' of L coach Denny (‘runi He also dispelled rumors that he is considering going pro with expectations of a breakout year next season. “The players think they know what's in store for them. No they don‘t." Pitino said. His next priority will be to hit the recruiting trail hard. Pitino inher- its a program Slm~ ilar to the FR pro gram that had a 13—19 record the year before he came. In his third season he took the Wildcats to the fi nal four 1' of I. players are hoping for the same sort of tum around. Junior forward Hajj Turner predicted that Pitino will take I' of I. "back to the top ‘25 every year." Freshman guard Bryant Northern echoed the uncertainty expressed by many of the players saying he is “so nervous." He said that he is going to have to work much harder in order to earn playing time over the top- notch recrutts he expects Pitino to bring in. That's not to say he isn't excited “How many guys get to play for not one. but two championship coaches in their lifetime. I get but- tertTies just thinking about it." he said. Call: 257-1915 or write: kernel@pop.uky.edu 1 1mm "48952.3. iéoi Ii “Mimi f ALLIHENEHSIHALEIIS The Low-down Let’s make no mistake about why these babies are here. They are here to replace us. They’re cute, they're cuddly they’re sweet - and they want you out of the Way ’3 Jerry Seinfeld. 46. extolling the joys of being a new father Thursday on "The Late Show with David Letterman." U.S. orders Russian diplomats to leave \\'.~\SIIIN(}'I‘()N The United States is oust- ing .»1 Russian diploitiats in retaliation for the planting of a suspected spy at the FBI a move expected to draw a tltrl'ttl'rttit respotise frotii Moscow. l' S. officials said. The action is the largest diplomat e\piilsion since the (old War and further clouds dealitigs between the relative iy new aditiiiiistratioiis of I’resident Btisli and Russian I’resident Vladimir I’utiii. a former KGB ofIiciaI .-\ senior l' S otticial. speakitig on coiidi tioti of anonymity. said six Russians were or dered e\pelled immediately because I'.S lll\'t‘s[ir gators believe they were "iiitellig.zeiit'e handlers" directly ittiplicated iii the case ofthe icciised spy. former It‘Bl agent Robert Ilansseii Gunfire erupts in California high school LIL t‘:\.l().\'. l alif 'l‘wo people were shot and seven others were injured 'I'hiirsda\ as gun fire ertipted at a high school less than three weeks after two students were killed .it a nearby school :\Il I‘o' year old suspect was one of the two with gunshot wounds. police t‘apt Itill .\lct‘liire said. The other yictiiii was belie\ed to he :1 iii year old. but no details were released The other victims were students and .idiilts ininied by bro k'eii glass and by falling. .\Icl‘ltire said lllt‘ tiiitl day shooting at liratitte Ilills ll!‘_'.lt School sparked a confusing scene. with officers scram bling across the campus as many of the Bride stii dents tied to a nearby park What happened was ti't iniiiietliately clear .\lct‘liire said .i school po lice officer confronted the gunman near the ad ministration building School district spokesman .lim I~Isterbrooks said an I'll (‘ajon police officer was making a presentation to students when the shooting occurred. The gunman was wounded iii an exchange ofgtititire with a policeman. he said. but he did not know if it was the officer making the presentation. .:\n lifk'i‘fll‘rlilll believed to be the shooter was taken to surgery for a bullet wound to the face. saitl Eileen (‘oi-nisli. a spokes woman for Sharp Memorial Hospital The liospi tal also received a lli;\t‘.il'sliltl student \\ itli a sit pertictal wound to the chest. she said. Senate supports campaign finance bill \\'.\Slll.\'li'l‘lif\l 'l‘he bipartisan Setiate coalition behind campaign finance legislation is holding than into a fourth day ofrlebate. biit the toughest tests are yet to come iii the struggle oyei' a bill to curb the influence of money in poIi "This :s a poison pill that has tiotliiiig to do w itli union members rights but everything with defeating campaign finance reform." Sen. ('harles Schtimer. I) N Y _ said Wednesday as the Senate killed .i proposal for new barriers in the way of political itt'll\ it\ In iiiiioiis and corpora tioiis The vote was on .11. and came after critics said that despite an illijit‘i‘ll'ltlli‘l‘ of evenhanded» ness. the lil‘lilt‘ilt'l‘i etleet would be to require or gain/ed labor to obtain permission Iioiii its iiieiii hers before using their dues for political activity llt's DHARMA BUM: Fifty years ago American author Jack Kerouac sat at a typewriter and pounded out in 20 days, on one long continuous scroll. "0n the Road," a book that became the Beat Gen- eration's an- them and established Kerouac as an icon for gener- ations of read- ers. Auction house Chris- tie's on ‘rhurs- day said that on May 22 it would be auc- tioning the IZO-ioot long scroll with an estimated value of $1 million to $1.5 million. LlL' SLIM: A series of three Eminem dolls will hit stores in July. One is a low-key version of the rapper as Marshall Math- ers - his real name - dressed in a puffy white jacket. A second doll depicts Mathers as his alter ego, "Slim Shady," wearing a hockey mask and carrying a chain saw. De- tails ot the third doll were still in the works. Albanian rebels retreat ’l‘l‘Z’I‘OVU. Macedonia Ethnic Albanian rebels retreated Without a fight Thursday as heavily armed police launched a push to clear the hills above Tetovo of insurgents. a Macedon- ian police official said. Shortly after the govern- ment offensive began. the bootn of artillery or mortars could be heard. shattering more than 24 hours of calm around 'I‘etovo. Macedonia's sec» ond largest city. Still. there were reports of vio- lence elsewhere. l’olice reported one officer was Wounded by a rocketpropelled grenade just out side Skopje the second attack oii a policeman in or near the capital iii 3i hours. The police iiiovetl into the hills itist a feW hours after Mace donia‘s president ignored the iiisiirgents‘ oIfer of a ceasefire antl vowed instead to “neutralize and eliminate” them. Seattle losing a 'family member’ Sl~I.-\'I"I’Ll€ Before there were lattes and microchips. protests and grunge rock. there was Boeing. For 85 years. the aerospace giant has been more than a part of life iii Seattle. It became synonymous with the city. even as other high tech companies invaded the skyline atitl sub llt'lts. So Wednesday 's news that Boeing. which has Tit-loo workers in the region. plans to move its corporate headquarters frotn the city that fit- eIetI its growth astonished residents I’hiI (‘ondit. Boeing chairman atitl chief executive. said the company hopes to save money and establish headquarters tiiore centrally located to its opera tioiis. spread ove ' in states. The company’s Iiiige iet manufacturing plants and office complexes will remain iii the Seattle area bttt more than Iialf the Limo employees working at the head quarters will be transferred or may be laid off. California overcharged by $5.5 billion SACRAAIICN’I't). (‘alif I‘llectricity whole- salers overcharged (‘alifornia . 3.3 billioti over the past it) months. according to a report by managers of the state's power grid. The five companies. among other things. frequently offered electricity at prices dottble what it cost them to produce. con- cludes the (‘alifortiia Independent Sy stem ()pera tor sttitly. which was ptiblisiied 'I‘hursday iii the Los Angeles Times. The Times said the ISU planned to tile the study with federal regulators 'I‘hursday arid are detiiaiitliiig that the money be paid back. The companies denied the allegations. adding they expect the l“t‘(lt‘l‘zil Energy Regulatory (‘onimission will determine prices \verejiistitied. Loretta Lynn recovering from pneumonia NASHVILLE. 'l'eiin. (‘otiiitry siiigei' Loretr ta Lynti is being treated for piieitiiiotiia and will miss scheduled appearances at a tribute to singer .lohnny Russell on 'I’liiirsrlay and on the (irand ()Ie ()pry radio show Saturday. Lynn. lift. was ad» itiitted 'I‘iiesday to a hospital near her home in Hurricane Mills. "She is in good conrlitioii. btit the doctors are watching her closely." said her spokeswoman Schat/i IIageman. Lynii performed last week on the "Live by Request" show on the AXLE cable network. IIer hits include “(‘oal .\Iinr er's‘ Daughter” and "The Pill." Hurricane Mills is about 3b miles west of Nashville. Compiled from wire reports. Aventis Bio-Services Doing fit "I“: \ lit i 'W& \ t Aventis at Aventis Bio-Services titilr till {it lit/ill”: 4'” tr‘\ (II\ no} l’lasiiia is stttli an iitipoitaiit job. we pay you the highest iccs iii the arca \o you get l\\t\ icwai'tls loi donating IllL‘ that ioiiics \\ ith doth; .i good deed l’ltis. .it \\cntis liio \ci\itcs. were always liiiiliiig: new ways to make you lecl eyeii l‘y‘llc‘l ( lictk out the latest iiiipi'oyciiictits wear.- iiiatlc » ' s2 y Gail or visit Aventis Bio—Services Today! Find out how donating plasma can be fast and my for YOU! 1340 Oxford Circle Lexington, KY 154—8047 www.aventisbioservices.com extra iticoiiic and tltc great lccl \\ c iiccil pcoplc like you to donate plasma so we \.ll| icstoic the low siipplics \t u lioiioi are 'x What '3‘ New! .Supcrrhcd waiting area for children open .' \ ( (II/fur dt’lrlily .' J Good Gets Better and Better Regular lionor llt \ s \ i Continued from page I that you need to play at this levh 91 in order to win." Smith said. The Trojans took advan- tage of the (‘ats‘ early defensive Woes by breaking otit to a 25-8 lead iii the first seven minutes. stretching their lead to 21 with Ilizltl left before halftime. ’I‘he ’I‘rojans. who never trailed in the game. were able to sustain their first half lead with their starting five. The Trojan starters accounted for T8 oftlieir final 80 points. led by ju~ nior forward David Blutheti thal. who finished with a game high 27. The (‘ats found themselves down ill at the half. till. But they catiie out of the break with the intensity Smith wanted front the start. The (‘ats went inside to freshman .Jason Parker. who finished With 13 rebounds atid a ARBORL'I'U M Continued from page i tioti. not a sculpture. because it is made of several compo tients and not just one piece. He said he hopes people see a connection with nature when they look at his artwork. “I'm trying to express the dichotomy of tnan living from nature and changing nature by doing that." Kelty said. This is Kelly's first show itig at “Sculpture iii the Ar- boretum." although he did have a series of instillations made of hay displayed at the .»\rboretum last fall. Kelly set tip his piece along with most of the other artists this morning. Due to the gelatin cotiiponetit. he had to coats Corrections career high 22 points. After hitting 2-of-ll in the first half. the (Tats hit six treys in the latter half. all coming front junior Keith Bogans. who lead the team with 23 points, anti senior Saul Smith. who fin- ished his career with 17 points. The (‘ats cut the lapoint halftime deficit to one. 61-60. with 8:05 left to play. But Bhithenthal answered for the Trojans. hitting two big three- pointers to holti their lead. "We were right there, we were back lit the game." Bo~ gans said. "but he (Biiithenthal) made sortie big shots." The (‘ats were able to ctit the lead to one again at 75-74 with 32 seconds left. bitt were forced to fotil. Anti it was Bluthenthal again who was there for the Trojans. scoring the games final five points from the line. “It was either going to me or Brandon Granville," he said. "I knew I would make them." do a lot of last minute work. which ttiatle for a busy week. Kelty said. Givens. who heartl about the sculpture display through Kelty. is excited because this will be her first time displaying a piece of art in college. She said she doesn‘t know what to expect but hopes that people will come out anti see her and the other artists‘ work. Marcia Farris. the Arbore- tum director. is looking for- ward to the show as well. Farris said 500 to 600 peo- ple visited the exhibit last year. and although the exhib- it will take place rain or shine. site hopes the weather will cooperate. “We love it." Farris said. "it's a good time to get out in ‘arly spring and see, daffodils blooming anti a good place for artists to display their Work." The Kernel incorrectly identified Louise Stone in Thurs- day‘s paper. Stone is the director of Experiential Education. She is this year's recipient ofthe Sarah Bennett Holmes award. The award recognizes a remarkable woman at UK Who pro- tiiotes the growth and well being ofother women. To report (in error call The Kentucky Kernel at 257—1915. - riority Registration ( 'heclt out our new Imurv: i/m' Ila/rt \, sp It. \.t ‘t/ ‘/t \a; ‘11 I,” ummer and Fall 2001 The rumour. '.(‘.'P.'lflfi' Campus Calendar March 19 - .Warch 25. 2001 ’ atomiteri av 'lw, Who) of Student Atttvities Registered Strider" 0th tizitt tilt Depty trin submit information for FREE ortline ONE Witt ”took .0 the MONDAY itilOt'TlOllOr‘ l’, to appear tit httpz//www.ulry.edu/(ompus Calendar (all 257-“67 for more inlomiatior. March 26 —April 18 You must priority register ' viii Nb FPI MLETtNGS my.“ .1. t M- .- um wt” (13" «mum's: «m. ‘lntemen' ‘Newmtiri renter Mass brin- IAAPWQ our" review went: «rm. tit Sat? , 3899.“ ”Tue Kwon Do (tut) P'OtlllP Home. limit I? 309m Alumni Gym Iott "it Andrews Intergholasttt Dresxage Show tourinburq Nt 'Vrrginin Interment (ollege Dressage Show Bristol till SPEUAI WW3 'Irip tn the Kit History Museum phi Alpha llie't‘l ‘7pm meet in Stud (it Annex porlenq lot ABDLMOYIES ‘Momiit Student At'ivities Board 8pm Iexuiqton Opera House 'Ult Opera Theatre 8pm quletgry (tr MH ‘The (Yth (Dr‘ftnUP‘i A f'eshmn" Showrnse of Sir len Minute Plays 8pm Fine Airy Bldg Briggs lheutte Sun-I 1 during your three—day Window. WW", 'lno “or lint tr o'm‘trv’ rem litt'iillt', 0.01 slin'nmryquy “my int" Ag meat: ’w tht ’ All”. “Cell Jll inst: l‘ren're it," a tow» Lat-mu iiyni :nl‘ ."QIO‘”'. UN The lyric laminae A Mi rrinr tannin a Atty 8an it qq- “MM lNTHMUMlS‘ "I'Q‘JVION “loan Gym inlbv‘nli lultt‘k ’winir thnnr Rom {5min Baptigt (mirth Contact your college or program office now for advising. ‘ It. lm Mmolr Plnvx 80m Lnr» w MtlllNOC a... .. _ .- .. http://w“ w.u ky.ctl u/ chistra r/lic|p.litm| Imam Rib» we SPOIVS II trial or m tum-m we »- we: - mm inch“ rir am my W . 0 Fall fccs arc due by August 9. Zillll ° "hairdo mom Ar'Ithn luv-“II v ... 'u emu» "rvy' Rm 1! M the aw 'heuir- runways. tttitirioii ‘il Mimi “lm in 1! Alarm Mm it- 1qu Vigil igtmi. 'orvur «we w 'r ’1iw firm It. 0mm” tit Mr Um t '» in: ‘W W» lmn mg ‘, 10m Wort-w“ M- l’ostmark deadline is on or before \iigust I. Zillil Bygiiicolo Foster CONIRIBUHNG Mill“? . When ()sunnike was grow mg up. she never dreamed site Would beeonie a Yoruba priestess ’l‘h is is mainly because she was raised in a eostal environment. “I grew up iii a Pentecostal baekground and l hated it." ()s- unnike said. ()sunnike said site had to look within herself to find out who she was as a spiritual beiitg and as a Mark woman and how the two were one and the same. “I looked within and diseov- ered that (lod looked like me." ()s‘lllililkt' said. (loing through history. Us l’ente- -PillLANIHRQPY unnike is not alone iii her be liefs. Historically. titatty black women have relied heavtly on spiritual reflections. “I believe that black women are the foundation of the ehureh aitd the religious movement in this eountry and that they have always been a eonstant pres enee in the church." said Davita (iilit'WiXXi. a journalism senior. 'l‘his presence was reeogr nixed by lYK's Afriean Ameri ean Studies and Researeh Pro gram iit its Seventh Annual Blaek Women's (‘onierenee The theme of the eonferenee was “Remembering ()ur Spirit: The Role of Religion iii the $111" vival of lilaek Women." The majority of events dur iitg the eonferenee were lee tures and addresses that fea- tured a variety of prominent speakers who stressed the im- poriani'e of religion in blaek women‘s lives. “I fH-l that blaek women are very spiritual people." said l’aulette Jones. a roininuniea— iioiis senior. 'l‘he eonferenee was pro seiited over the course of two days aitd included many (H'ilVl‘ ties and events Renita .l. Weenis. an or dained elder in the African Methodist ilitisi'tiiiiil (‘htirelt spoke about Mark women‘s eon ii'ibiitions to religion and the strong presence they have held iii the ehureh. Site also spoke of how the llible has served as boili a almigion helped blacks endure means of liberation and oppres- sion for women in the church. “in my l'illll'i‘il. women were being denied ordination by the tttale priests.” Weems said. There was also a tribute given to l)oris Wilkinson, a UK soeiology professor. entitled “Sometimes l Feel lake a Moth- erless (‘hild Blaek Women. Faith. & Survival," Wilkinson also spoke about the intportanee oi reli gioii in tire lives of black women. “The emphasis oti religion iii the .sur\ ival of blaek woiiteii was timely and needed." Wilkinson said "Religion has enabled people oi .»\i'riean de seem to endure worldwide " Phi Beta Sigma sleeps out for the homeless Sigma Week: UK fraternity plans an entire week devoted to helping those in need tiy Scott Sloan stitiriiitiiiifitfl The week after Spring Break has been a lot more than just easing baek into elasses for one fraternity on eantpiis. Sigma Week 3on1. organized by Phi Beta Sigma. has in eluded a series ofevents intended to raise awareness of issues around lVK's campus. The fraternity will have the ”Sigma Sleepout for the Homeless" from :4 pm. to i am. Friday at llaggiii field. The fraternity is asking for as many l'K students as possible. (lreek and nonilreek. to attend and bring donations of ('iiiih ing and canned goods. After the event. the organization will take the donations to ()od‘s l’antry and the Hope ('eniet‘. aerording to Jesse l)a_\'. a member of the fraternity. The group will sleep outside until i am. The event is part of the fraternity's national program to help raise awareness >'l r1,- 0 arts and humanities 0 biomedical sciences - business 0 education 0 engineering “‘W‘NE.“ D“ O F. $‘\i\\.\. “60“ TEX"; 1" \ifiERE ‘: . \ih‘itiiii} \fm. hm ‘ Mi 311m 3 The University of Louisville offers master's. specialist and doctoral degrees in Thinking about graduate school? 0 music 0 natural sciences 0 nursing 0 social sciences social work And we can help you finance your degree through scholarships. fellowships and assistantships. for the homeless in the l'nited States. l)a_v said, The group has organized an event oti Saturday to benefit Lexington children. The "Field liay (‘ookout il)a' Kids" front noon to .3 pm, at llaggin iield will bring together ehildren from around Lesittgtoii to enjoy an afternoon oi at tivitiis Day said. The fraternity invited ehildt'en from three Lesingion roin initniiy eenters (iatneswav. liast Finland Wet-sap to the event. liav said the event tvpirallv averages around so kids and loo students l'l\' students are in\ ited to attend the ew-ni 'l‘he fraternity ltas bought hamburgers and hot dogs to L'i‘lll :it the i‘ttokout, Field day aeiivtiies for the i‘itildi'en will llit‘illtit' a Jiiryard dash. three legged raee. wheelbarrow istt'e. eralt walks and a game of kirkball. "it gives lthe ehildren] an opportunity to get away ironi sehool and from their parents and to have some fun.” liav sillti Following the field day and eookoiit will be a play at oniit ltni. iii the (‘enter 'l‘heatre iii the Strident i‘enter The production. “A Tribute to Black 'l‘heatre." Todd M. Hall. a fortner member of the iraternitx. directed it'. Is a ('ollabo ration of several different plays. liay said § 3”... ss. Axe-9 Dave Newton, a political science and history so- nior, volunteered Thursday to chain himself to a chair from to a.m.-2 pan. outside Pat- terson Office Tower. The demonstration was sponsored by Amnesty Interna- tional and Its to- m was to got Inuktodnua for the FAST pro- gram, which turns coil phones, pagers and com- puters into tools that help stop hu- man torture. For more information on tho FAST pro- uan, visit the no site at mmtyusa. org. mm | mm STAFF minim i nummncnzszooi i a Visit our web site httpi//www hitrttiipcom for your fashion accessories ! No shipping charge on $20 purchase or more ! Fashion Earrings. Bracelets, Necklaces. Bags. Scarves "I BRII'IANN IVI'PRNSIIII’S \( \IH \‘IH \l \thml 21ml |\l| UR si'ltl\t. litit H H lls'l \4 ll \i\|tti«’\ lls't “vi ii‘.i\.llti\'\ \‘er‘ .Uiil \t‘l'iun'iti \ lili \l‘.) \\i( 1 \“t, 't 'lit‘ amt .iL‘ it. Herve.» t t n s i in- another . ‘l\ in ”llllrllh 'illl;‘llisli|;\., tr illist'l, ... ‘sillkit'lli Illlthsls .lllii . .Ilk’tl |Hlllllilll .iit 'tilni‘ pr: twang pitnliit ts teslaiiiiiitl and hotel itt.iii.iet‘itteiti not ill tie. Hi i. [thisillllt assistants III Lt-opetatiitg i'i. .. r'i t.. ililr \IH HM. H)Rl\l|ki\llllsll Iti\is \\ll)\l\l|\\.\l\k( ll 2N ioitl'H iiJsl’H liltstn (tilltt HHHR i -l ltiiil‘_t lillttlll‘tJlltIl‘ _ ':!i.l tit lx‘r pert i‘ Jttt ‘ :‘iaxnltieltel ill't'llldlt re.- \I'ae, ‘ t' talsiiottt dat . pit week ivlllpliik‘i pt \‘l.tll.'liiit;' .-.| ilriiig will. i .‘t..i'rl ‘il;\«i‘-: 'll lili :‘ ' lit i i i tl‘,i|‘,"l\ii‘giLtJ‘rtt 1;" r-li‘tii ‘t ti ‘J :l i ‘. Nit‘iliittt {in l‘ i’l llltil‘ltl. e or lieliit: 'i_' '. 'iii.._'itl 3' 'll'll’r pp. t' err » i la. [kt \iti'lst-i ' ‘,':i "w i]_").’\ 'itomo . 'i‘lr‘ t\l .‘j‘i Kashmir was good; now it '\ gotten better. Kashmir lnbiam .zes Restaurant .ce. III 3.: “I fill Soul/I /.IIn('\truu Lexington. 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' .4,'.,;, , .~~'eo o9 y y - For more information: htth/graduateJouisville.edu 502-852-6495 [\IMCRSl'lit if l( )l 'lS\ll.l ,l’. /____._ (/i/l't’ [II he L'lt t/t' Scene iim Statey Scene Editor Phone: 257~t9l5 | E-nnil: ternelartOyahooxom Q I FRIDAY.WCIIZ3,2001 I mm IHEAIER From Texas to Cincinnati ‘Whorehouse' is a success After aii these at. snag-csmierm-wfi; PHOTO FURNISHED Ann-Margaret shows that she still has the talent that made her a star on the big screen as well as the