xt747d2q5h7h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt747d2q5h7h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 18800125 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1880-01-mar25. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1880-01-mar25. 1880 2011 true xt747d2q5h7h section xt747d2q5h7h MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, March 25, 1880 - Page 1 At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentuclky held at the County Judge Office in the City of Lexington, Kentucky, on the 25th day of March 1880. Present,His Excellency - L.P. BlackburnGov. Ex-Officio, Chairman William B. Kinkead D. C. BueI.1 J. G. Simrall B. F. Buckner James F. Robinson Robert S. Bullock L. J. Bradford P. P. Johnston Trustees William B. Kinkead, D. G. Buell, John G. Simrall, James F. Robinson, Robert S. Bullock, L. J. Bradford and P. P. Johnston, were this day sworn by B. F. Buckner, Judge of the Fayette Court of Common Pleas as required by the Constitution and laws of Kentucky, in order to qualify as Trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky, and said B. F. Buckner was thereupon duly sworn in like manner for the same purpose by William B. Kinkead, Judge of the Fayette County Court. On motion it was unanimously resolved that B. F. Buckner, be elected Secretary of the Board. The following gentlemen were then unanimously chose as Chairman and member of the Executive College, Viz: William B. Kinkead Chairman Robert S. Bullock ; James F. Robinson ) Members B. F. Buckner P. P. Johnston ) Robert S. Bullock was then unanimously elected Treasurer of the Board. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, March 25, 1380 - Page 2 On motion of P. P. Johnston, Messrs. B. F. Buckner, John G. Simrall and D. C. Buell were appointed a Committee to prepare, and procure the passage by the Legislature of an Act, Amending the Charter in such particulars as to said Committee seems appropriate. The following resolution were offered by B. F. Buckner, Viz: Resolved - That the Board of Trustees in view of the immediate necessities of the college in the matter of the purchase of apparatus, utensils, machines, etc. the payment of salaries to the Professors, teachers, etc. and the defrayal of other incidental expenses, will raise a Committee to confer with the Legislative Committee on the Agricultural and Mechari- cal College and to solicit the General Assembly to lay a tax on the property of the State liable to taxation for State revenue, and set apart the proceeds thereof for the use of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of one cent on the one hundred dollars for the first year, three quarters of a cent on the $10o, for the second year, and one half of one cent on the $10O, for each succeeding year. After discussion said resolution was unanimously adopted, and it was further resolved that the Committee contemplated in said resolution consist of the following gentlemen, Viz: His Excellency Gov. Blackburn, Chairman, D. C. Buell, P. H. Leslie, A. R. Boone, John G. Simrall and B. J. Peters. MIINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, March 25, 1880 - Page 3 On motion of L. J. Bradford it was resolved that the Executive Committee be authorized to make the necessary arrangements to procure by renting a suitable place for con- ducting the College until permanent buildings shall be erected. Said Committee was on like motion directed to submit to the board plans, specifications and estimates for the building of suitable College buildings, dormitories, etc. for their adoption or rejection at the next meeting. MINUTES 0 THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESMarch 25,1880 - Page #3 & 4 Said Executive Committee were on the motion of L. J. Bradford, authorized to purchase the 23 acres of land adjoining the lands of the board, owned by the Valentines provided they can purchase them at a price which they believe is not exhorbitant. It appearing from the Charter, that four of the Trustees shall retire and four be appointed at each regular session of the General Assembly it was decided by the Board, that the secretary determine by lot, which of the Trustees shall retire at the next regular session of the General Assembly, which at the second session, and which at the third session thereor. And thereupon the secretary in the presence of the board placed the names of the trustees on slip of paper, and placed the same in a hat and thereupon the Chairman of the Executive Committee proceeded to draw the names of the four trustees who are first to retire, and the names of the following gentlemen were drawn. Viz: William B. Kinkead B. J. Peters Wmi. H. Wadsworth P. H. Leslie And then the said Chairman proceeded to draw the names of the four trustees who were to retire next thereafter, that is at the second regular session of the General Assembly, and the following gentlemen were drawn. Viz: James F. Robinson B. F. Buckner John G. Simrall D. C. Buell And then the said William B. Kinkead proceeded to draw the names of the four trustees who were to retire at the third session of the General Assembly, and the names of the following were drawn. Viz: Robert S. Bullock L. J. Bradford A. R. Boone P. P. Johnston The board then adjourned. Att. B1. F. Buckner Luke P. Blackburn, See t y. Chairman 'Ex-Officio