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gty'mttfxgygy, 4,: ',., 397,1711: ". w 1 ."r;,__ _ '.~ 1. .1V'1aa 311:1 ., 1 in. A_ . 1 1;. 215,3? 11.71.21V,.t:-;,-I\:,;M,:; a}?! fVszt;nihntq,1'7.., J31 ,3)! .19}. ,. if at"... "1V'_,},,,';r ..:.}1,,1l.f '.1 .91: ' . 5,6, 1. .. ' .., .13.: . . 33' [fly-1 V VI): ."1" . VVV. '- 3.3,.  ,  . .J-fg 43;.
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J... , . . _ . . .. . . .. -. .- . . : . .. _.1... . . .,-,....,..... :1 .1 :2... .-....'2,-.-:....-...1 11-: .1; : 1' <-.. -. . ..: 1:2;1.....1;...:...::  ". 177 f2; '0 1   VHV'V. V V g V 7 V V 7 VV V "V! V VVIV V V 7 V V-  V},
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2004 PROGRAM a - - t '.11
1 - a ; Thirtieth Annual .1
'___M_ . . . _ 4r. . .
8:15 am. Registration and Continental Breakfast 10:25 am. Break(Refreshments Available) - 33 :jff. . Naff SympOStum on If 11} 5. 33:
Atrium (Room 1-65), William T. Young Library S , ,_ , '  .1 772512 .~, 1.573;? "'- if: 9
10:45 am. Poster Session, Room 137, Chemistry-Physics Building IE  E L 7 :73317 3 I tVIX17'1'121
9:00 am. Welcome by Dr. Boyd E. Haley, Chairman, Department at '1 Q o' , 1.- 3 :1 I C hem Istry . v1 "E
OQChGTIZtZWiWUP'YeTSItY 0t Kentucky ' Auditorium 12:00 pm. Buffet Lunch, Faculty Club [Please return registration card 0 8 5 E ,Tifhtie, ,- '1'113, .1.:r.1..:-..1V~j
( oom - ), Illiam T. Young Library by March 26, 2004f," reservations] .3; . 9 E $45.9, 3 & {Tag-g. 2:91;???
1 0 a") 1.1 ran. :5 4 ' n.
. _ _ 5.43.11. , , . f.
9 05 a m gtkfggzw Remarks Dr MarkA Lovell, University 2:00 pm. Remarks - Dr. Wendy Baldwrn, Vice Presrdent for ., 0' 5:3: .14, .."-..,',1" Hl. 1, - . ' .
Research, University Of Kentucky . gel)?" y: 41$ M o lec u la r 95,.{: $29.1. :3 1 _,'E
9:10 am. Dr. Steven A. Goldman, University of Rochester . . . . f 3.93 :2th 1.1.; TV..
Medical Center 2:10 pm. Dr. Catherine M. Verfalllle, Stem Cell Institute, University f-uZf 75-17,; _ "'V.  .31
Isolation, Induction and Use of Neural Progenitor at Minnesota His/{1's .1733 I BIOIO . - 1'; I
Cells of the Adult Human Brain" MultipotentAduIt Stem Cells" 1. 1394.? 'ayz 1. .1 L .14... .. - '1'!
. . . , , f... .%.,:;"_."' '. '; y .- '. -.."V :23.
Recent studies have substantially expanded our conception of the types _ _The qumtessential stem cell '5 the embryonal stem (ES) cell WhICh has 51 II'~ (I? VVWV"  .V -. :11
of progenitor cells that continue to reside in the adult nervous system, and t'm'ted self-renewalland multipotent differentiation potential. Stem cells '3: VV 75;"; 71 . . I VVfiVie1)
theirrespective roles in the normal maintenance ofthe brain and spinal cord. haveflso been 'dem'f'ed in most tissues. Compared With ES GettS. tissue '- . V 77. 1 \. .1/ t 7 VV3
Inthe adult human, neural stem cells persist withinthe forebrain ventricular SPBFITIC Stem cells have less self-renewal ability and, althoughthey ditterenti~ V1,]; [.71. '1 1 t ;- ' 1 355%
zone. and give rise to a variety of more restricted progenitor phenotypes. ate [mo mU't'P"? llneages, they are h0t multipotent. A large number 0t recent 1 . .' V17. " :3 / t" .1; 1.1:" "V 1
The major progenitorpools ofthe human brain, each of which has now been PUbl'stgd StUd'eS have SUQQGSted that tissue specific stem calls may have :21 1.1.7 V 77- .. t V 7513} 7.
isolated to purity, include ventricularzone neuronal progenitorcells, hippoc- the ab't'ty to generate cells oftissues from unrelated organs. We have iden1 21. :r .g . :1 /' 7. ....- i- . 4
ampal neuronal progenitors, and parenchymal glial progenitorcells. Each of mad a POPU'at'Pn 0t Pt'm't'Ve cells in Otmat human: VOdeNti and POSSib'Y If:   1 5'1. ' ,1 "' ' .7 '1'? 1:,
these phenotypes exists within a local environmental niche, which tightly other mammalianpost-natal tissues that have, at the single cell level, - I I . V 5. l 1 I V 1 .-
regulates both the mitoticactivity and derivatives of its residentprogenitors. Ut'Potentdlfferentlatlon andextensiveproliferation potentialwhich we named [ ' '  1 7 4:12;} l
Within these niches, both neuronal and glial progenitor cells may reside as .Mutt'PO'teht AdUtt Progenitor Cell 0" MAPC- Single MAPC differentiate in Vitro ' v- t 1 3 43531531.: t
transit amplifying pools, by which lineage-biased progenitors expand to re- "it? WOSt mesodermal cell types (cells with phenotypic and functional charac- t_.,.f,'_.-'-.-'f.;, . ': 1 {J ,' .1941 V- t
plenish discrete mature phenotypes. The largest such pool appears to be teristics of osteoblasts, chondroblasts, fibroblasts, adipocytes, skeletal, smooth 2,  "4, , .1. g , , ;--j when? t
that ofthe parenchymalglialprogenitorcell.Whenisolated and transplanted and cardiac myoblasts,endothelialcells), as well as cells With neuroectoder- $31. JV : ai GStabIIShed m the memory Of 'tV'V 5;. V771 :5; t
into neonatal shiverermice,whose brains Iackmyelin basicproteinand hence mal and Mt" endodermal features. MAPC undergo 80to >200 cell doublings 15177 Vt Ann 8 N ff VVVVVVV V
otherwise fail to myelinate, these cells can mediate quantitatively substan- W'thOUt telomere shortening, suggesting that they do hOt senesce. M01159 V V 1'12 '9 a ' a - 1.3VVVVj3" V
tial and geographically extensive myelination. Remarkably, whereas adult MAPC contribute 1? all tissues of the mouse when injected in a blastocyst, 1 3" 3711 fe 1:09;." V3"
glial progenitor cells only generate oligodendrocytes and astrocytes within and MAPC engraft In vivoin hematopoietic and epithelial tissues in response 7 :.:_1_.1't--.;.-$I "' t" 1. 27g 
theirlocal white matter environment, upon removal from the tissue environ- to local, "cues" when Injected postnatally. We will discuss studies aimed at ..  53:11, :f i ,fzp. '1. 12,. "1 {.
ment they expand to generate neurons as well as glia. Thus, at least some determining whether MAPC exist in vivo or are a culture phenomenon, to ,  .. - '..}-.$;.-1" . ' E "'1 1" .. V '
populations of adult glial progenitors retain both multilineage capacity and further characterize MAPC using gene expression profiling, and the potential ' I . '. 1g , Ada Stem/Progenitor cells t g .
mitotic competence, suggesting that the parenchyma, like the ventricular 0t these cells 1 VIVO- LO .1 '. 31,!-  1.13  5,13 l 14. [TV-l:
zone, harbors resident neural stem cells. _ . 10 V if 3,, t. 1V3.
Besides implanting precursor cells for therapeutic benefit, one may 3'10 p.m. Break(Refreshments Available) E 8 37$ $ , 1,; 1 1
also achieve this end by inducing endogenous stern and progenitor cells. in . . . . . U) >~. I if}! 35:15:73; "~V "
particular, progenitor cells in the adult ventricular wall may be induced to 3'30 p.m. Dr Pasko Rakic, Yale Unwersuty $9hl otMed'c'T: E x 8 A? t SPEAKERS .. 1":..A 31?
generate new neurons by over-expressing cognate neuronal differentiation From Stem Cells To Complex Bram Architecture <1) 8 Lo V: "77 l11'Zthrt  41; 5" V?"
agents, such as BDNF. Moreover, we have noted that the concurrent sup- Th - ~ ~ 1 1 -C "" O . .1. at a" '1: 1V:
pression of astroglial diflerentiation by resident stem cells,accomplished by replace :dlslttengitrghgihllhsasg 6:1: gzmggserdqzlrrtglsctgsh: IrEeZZIStsclgttVjts; :30, 0 g V ' 1'1, 13753: 7 Steven A. Goldman ;1 131
agggixzf:iggemztzciwglggsgem:{::9:;tt,gpgtwggtm:habit: neurodegenerative disorders. However, inability of the adulthuman brain to M5 E g 11:226.; V 12,)": Catherine M Verfaillie fhtrj
adult rat neostriatum. The new neurons mature as striafal medium spiny replace VS neurons may not be due to the absence Of potential progenitors, E O t. 2 ~31 '7 P k R k' V": - "VVV
. . . butto its resrstance to accepting newcomers Into the exrsting neural network.  . .211 are? as 0 a 'C 4v;
neurons. and successfully proiectto theglobuspallidus, extending processes In contra It I' b a) .2" C 5219635319.. ' 1 1. hi: 511
over several mm of normal adult striatum The neurogenic effect of BDNF that can (sepgggngeggonrgammaf '3, vvebrte' rates, suchl as Lhehsalamander, E 7) .9 r, E '7'?
. . ' . 0 ions 0 air rain an spina cor , umans ave ;_ ceie' 31! "" hie-2':  ' 1'
and noggintreatment was also noted in the R62 mouse model of Huntingtons 1 - p- ~ - - t m 1  1 11 - " 13*...qu N..-!';.11.1..
. . . . . , evrdently lost this capacrty. Thus, overcoming the brains resrstance to the 5 CD c ' 84.51" a. -- . . W c.- ~- 1
35:13:;hiurggztggaggftgggg::gfs'zagtgm;Sttgztseeggggargtgrgf acquisition offunctionally competent new neurons will require an understand- 8- E '52 11:2, ,2??ch Frlday, Apr" 2, 2004 f0)"; VVV
. . ' ' in ofwh  " ' 741.153.. * 1.. t v: IVIfwji-tf
that as our understanding ofthe biology and control of adult neural progeni- Wig'ldOWS 2::wggfsafgazs,oi;h:nn: 3:712:16 lfiiivgcng?:ngail e D D 3 hi7 V35 1? V: A: i -. '53 VI. :rlVCV"
tor cells becomes more extensive, our ability to target, induce and implant phenomenon Our comparative study of dFevelopmpental cellular evthts 1|: .7 i" 7. "3 '4}? Vat 1t}: 15"??? It: 51?
these cells fortherapeutic purposes Will become increasmgly manifest. mouse, monkey and human elucidate both similarities as well as differences ' 5' 31; Department Of Chemistry 111,7; . ;?,1;5i
10:10 am. Dr. Fred Starks in control of cell productionthaf may be relevant for understanding brain evo- G '.;1''."."1312%f.3"*,_5.3 ' ' -' 4; V1.1. I .75. .'
Re m embrance of Dr Benton Naff" lution as well as for designing strategies for cell replacement therapies. *xfai Ul'llVel'Slty Of KentUCky g1 ".12,~14i~;%$" -'
' l ,t 5:7 7'73? : ' _ :- ..__ 1" ._ . 2,;
a... 2......r 1-2 .4 .. ......-.(http.=I/www-ch.em-uky-.9d.u/..s,em.inars/naft/welcomemtml) V1 Lexmgton, KY 40506 0055 If-EV 3"
Egg-5'; V 1 7, 'V. 4'4)? IV} 1; "n.3, . 9:? 3515.11 1 " .. ' V a: ... wzie 3,ng TV "'~.*.,5.";V..'.:3:.?'; .5 L. 47,? .1. 11- - .. -:,i.11-x.-47.-'...5; V 'J . ' " *f'i' . gayiiw,  VVthgV; 3&45 4% 
,- .  V. 5,, .  , 4.35 .55}, , {,7 r ,9. 1,. ',...:,' .71 .21"); _., 1.1311: .'~. :7 .411 .5 . . a,  7;.1'1'. Ak. . .1 4,1,: 4:1,, .52., ,(1 $1.. .1. 7",, 11-4,}. .. .32-1 3. .1195? 33.5,, if 3113', ,11, ,, '." - ,;-.1 1-',... I 1:2, , . 1+, .13 1. '.'.-. 1,1 .f?"*1"- {5,1342% . 1 119,13, , .7... +3.1 . , .1.._.1 3,-1 .,., .
.VVVQW,*,1* $45,, 513..- 14. er ," 3 3.3V7#1'ag..f3,nw Margit, 1,;11252,'11 3 $1.5. 24731411,; his}, agwi. 01V7gi:
" 4, 43:" " '7?ng153'215L151.1"T. 12 1}. 3.44.111 ,;.1_11.f~.',1j';', fer. 119}? u:- 3.13:.311'} ,1: y. 1. ;e an? " :3 ,tx; 114.5 .4} 71' i; {1 ,1 5.91.35 gal/g,1f..;~.f.-._.I','g1.a>.,;> .1 .3,1~'571311iii~ "1,. " 356 ",115, V,,'hg"f...1" Vi/11,1"? 1; "3" 154"1":\".h1"f..:121 3"...  v 3, 1'; $65!" -s.""::;
.11, ' 1111...: n '1 ' . 3121' =1;1:.i.;" "M. -"- . i - 131;..7217' 11*1I1-.'<1;.1'..?.': .1211 1' aw" '1 1. 111"":':=2'7~=1 i1'~?~"1-7>>1:'=: 1.3759. -1~1' . ~ 3 W3. :~,..1'5""r1;1'212.2%wa %. 1*11-.'*'et-1."~1 I .-~i~." .'
a 329, 253 VVov 17V "34.1,. trim: tin" 1:5? :3: '7. 2?th 390.1%, :V'VV- V *2 htzV : QVJ Vite; 3.1V 91' :9? .VVVlt vV-VV {VxVV 2, 52a: :snVRVVV . . Vxxwm
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'1 '1 . ;'. '. "1.. 111:14'21...:.~1 .=-. = '- 1"? =31 1 -. 1. "I 3:1 1 59? '1': 5"?3; 1.1?7'12 1.13515 - 1'1: .E j . 1"51' 1? ":'=~.~*t"1 *1?a""i#r :55 :11'1".1:iv-1 7'}