xt747d2q7x27 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt747d2q7x27/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2000 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Boot Camp Beat, Vol.3 No.1 July 14 - Aug. 1, 2003 text Boot Camp Beat, Vol.3 No.1 July 14 - Aug. 1, 2003 2000 2019 true xt747d2q7x27 section xt747d2q7x27 1 , . .
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 Page 2 -- Boot Camp Beat, Georgetown College, July 14- Aug. 1, 2003 ,
Co e ' 'ng the role f th t d t I
By JAMIE E. DEXTER check, but we didn’t care, it was Before she knew it, she was she spotted the man and his fam- 2%: WM .; k
Picture a small-framed more important to be with fami- making a difference in her town. ily at the county fair. with." ‘ . 3
woman atop a motorcycle, lean- 1y than to have things." One her most memorable sto- ”They treated me like I was Wt 3 ~ ‘
ing around corners and flying After living ”paycheck to ries, which came to her in the their best friend.” ° 3
. through the dust. The same paycheck” for a while, Cox middle of a series of storms that While she aspires to make her MIX . 5 _
woman also donned an air tank decided that the family needed a hit the area, was the highlight of news aper better for her town, it ‘ ., ‘_ :-
and goggles, conducting an larger income. She entered the her journalism career. She was Cox {as always wanted to be a r ‘ 5
exploration of marine life. office of her newspaper and, wrapping up information on mother. it? 5 .‘-
Though she’s had many inter- asked if there was anything extra storm damage when she heard a In her eyes, the most impor- 5 h L « . my
esting experiences, one stands that she could do. The paper had call over the scanner about a tant aspect of motherhood is ‘ is“ & wig f
out in her mind as the most just put in a new computer sys- man trapped underneath a log. ”raising your children with the .rr‘wm,’ ~ ‘
important. tern, and it just so happened she It sounded as if they were clean- values you care about and hav— giiwx : m , 5
”My greatest joy in life is had typing skills. ing up from the storm dama e, ing the op ortunity to teach g 'VM, 3 ‘ 1.5.
being a mother.” Cox then began as a full-time so she thought it fit into 316 them.” For that reason, she took ‘V "‘ L ' . ,
Cox is the mother of three temporary typist, entering story. a circulation job so that she 1.13 T _ :17???” . ' J
children, all in their 203, and the things into the computer, and Along with another reporter, could be with her family, m “‘7' f ‘ ‘ _
wife of newspaper owner Jim soon, she knew how to work the she arrived on the scene to see because she didn’t want a 15;?
Cox of the Garrard Central system, which made her valu- the man trapped under the log. babysitter to teach them about . ~ I
Record in Lancaster. She is a able to the company and gave When her co—worker decided to life; she wanted to teach them !
writer there and came about her her a chance to move up to cir- take a picture, the man spotted herself. 4" t3?
journalism career in an interest— culation manager. them, as did the paramedics, What’s in the future for Pattie I _ .; f *3.
ing way. Then, Cox, decided it was and waved them off. Cox? ,5 ..
. As a carrier at the Advocate- time to work with her husband She later called the man at ”My next goal is to be a s gtwg“ 3 ~39
Messenger, a daily newspaper in at the family newspaper, the home and explained to him that granny. When my children were
Danville, Cox began her career Garrard Central Record, which she wasn’t tigying to invade his born, I remember thinking, * ._ s
in journalism. She decided that, is a small weekly. She went into privacy, and at she just wanted ’How can I be so in love with a
above all, she wanted to be a the job with no journalism expe— to show the quick response of little human being that I don’t . aw
good mother to her children, so rience, and began her first story the medical teams in her home- even know,’ and I’ve heard that It
she became a carrier to provide by simply taking notes and ”fi- town. He agreed that the story being a grandmother is like that. Pattie Cox works on a story in the computer lab at ‘5: 4
income to her faring. ing them up in a format that s e was important to their town, and It’s a feeling you can never for- Georgetown College during boot camp. Pattie and i 5’?
“We lived pay eck to pay- saw in’other newspaper articles. Cox wrote it up: Months later, get.” her husband own the Garrard Central Record. ‘. Boo
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Wrestling wuth success... Grandfathers By;
I ' . o o o reStE
Chronicles of a oun wrestler ins iration hel s
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BY JAMIE E. DEXTER a cho . Blue Li htnin backed me -’ . 0 )‘ adOJ
The lights in the arena spin circular into the ropes, lfisfted Italy shirt over _ . .. 7 _ ulde Dexter ' phoi
designs on the faces of the screaming my head and began to lay into me $15” 3, b
crowd. Hard rock music blasts throug With a malicious assault of chogs, West, fié’fithfiifii f3 y'.
the speakers, increasing the flow of which left huge hand—shaped we ts Mgg‘fitn ““5 t V By P ATTIE COX _ stop there. Dexter, who v. an?“
adrenaline for the youn wrestler wait— on my chest. omit 2 .. . x. Sort Of a shy kldr the during hlfi’lh SChOOl served i cell“
ing behind the curtain. The music hits its Even as weak as I am, I stuck ’ 5 quiet one who sat 'back and Oh the S _ 091 newspaper i orig:
peak and he bursts out of the curtains, with it, and through several more watched _the other klds Steff as editorial and enter- i Fave
meffiing a flhny of screamsdand chziifnts. geeks I learnedllliow to (:10 moves off I ‘ ""‘ gay/1 Jamie Prater learnfift talnment wnttirl had VIE: g as a
at’s w ere I icture in se , in e to ID es, ow to ave a rin , , IS 0V6 0 1 e an 15 en“ many ar C88, W
front of a crowd ofp fans, doingy what I resenae arlid most of all, how to get . desire to become whatever FOUSt read and liked. 1 It
had always dreamed of doing— rofes— heaten fashionabl .Iwas what most . he wanted to be from his Seeing additional talent in ‘i ”Let
sional wrestling. Since I was a child, it people would call a jobber. It was ' ‘ e» mmmrm grandfather. ”He’s my the young man, she made :5 Bern
was always one of the most intriguin my job to get beaten as creatively mm % MM 7 h "I ' BSt friend in the world,” him editor 0f the youth i“ own
shows to me. I would rent old and believably as possible, and ’ ism“ ‘ .3 . 5 “ he said. section. ' 5
Wrestlemania videos arfid clolslel: off the eventually lay down for a three 5 ”were ; . .- h”Ig01t1myinspir:Lipnfo}il' ”She allowed me to i W31“
door to m room, a a ' ow and count. {3 “er 1 " « '3’ j w at I ave been on ex lore in own creativi- :1 the t
began exediliting deiféaristating3 wrestling Through pulled back muscles, ' .1 3 » k «a ‘ ' ’52 ‘. in my life and what I hoge ty}? he said: it} strai
maneuvers on it. bruises, cuts and headacheslstuck it .1 ‘ I ~ “ " .~ '~ " to be through my randfh- In his writings, Dexter i sure
When I came u on a small wrestlin out with a smile, but the final straw ‘ j _, ‘ ;.:- . i ‘ , ~ I» ther,” Dexter saiE. ”He attempts to show the read— choc
federation in Hardin called Old Schoofi came when I had my first mock ' “ 5 1 " .. . ‘ ~ ‘ ' 5.. 3;; always told me, ’you can er that the county is full of
Wrestling, I was more than a little sur- match against some of the most is, 3 " :t f .- .. = do it.’” intelligent young minds 5 able
prised. was not aware such things ruthless guyslhad ever seen. . v. ‘ ‘ i, ‘ ~ ‘ Dexter took his grandfa— who will be the futureof ~,i favo
existedinmy area.Isought out the train- . I was teamed up with my good 1 ‘ ‘ ' 1" ‘ ther’s words seriously, their community. ”1 need- 11 with
er , through the Internet, Bad Boy friend, Draco, against {1 newcomer ‘ , 5 ’ 3 _: .. ; 3. 1 . ' applying them to his life at ed to show that the kids of 1" tome
PhillipjleHand asked him 1“ could train named Rossy and his band of .1 -» . ,. a“; _. ‘ ~ . an early age. Right out of our county can really make .5 F;
With . He mterViewed me about my Redneck" accomghces. _While Draco '~ §ng " 3 13¢; '» , , " Maf'shall (3011an ‘ Hi h a' difference " he said. - .
PaSSion for the Sport/andISignecl on for wrestIEd aroun With‘ROSSY in the (ray, I z a ' School again aidedby-‘the .Foust then began to 3 Ma"
training that cost me $20 every other ring, I gayed the traditional face as ’ {a memOII-y ofhjs randfather give him ”more serious” 1 Geoi
weekend for an entire weekend of tram— an rea ed out for the tag when he .. . 5 ex who instilled infiiim a good assignments like covering retai
ing. . . . ‘ was m a tight SPOt' tt was then one ‘ 1 R... “a: work ethic, he immediately city council meetings. year:
Not bad, con51dering most wrestling of the Rednecks dec1ded to pull me . ‘ QQW 3 _. ”in i. went to work full time Initiall town leaders did— H
instructors charge you upwards in the off the apron, preventing me from 5,: ' t , .- " «%W ‘ ”I d , kn h ' ' , )1: h' - 1 ow
area of $500 - $1 000 with no cash returns ta ’ " z» \ “ 7" .. - . ' hm - ~ on t 0W ow It n t ta 6 {m serious y 5 The
. . . ,’ gFmg' , ' ' ~ , A , - ' ~ happened honestly,” he because of his age. Foust
if you dec1de it 5 too much for you. My t didn t stop there, though. They said ”M mother saw an introduced him to overn- - resta
first day was probably the scariest. I were bad guys. They had to be Jamie Dexter gOOfS around With fellow bOOt ad for a ya - ator in the ment officials andg called since
remember driving my car, in the snow, tough on me, SO one Of them camper Jody Norwood as he demonstrates 1 a1 P gln n D t 1 1: th have
to meet Philli s at the Hardin abbed my arms and pulled them some of his wrestlin moves of! newspaper. h ex er, peopke hi) encomatEe ,em
Community Building. Iwalked in and a EEhind me, holding me so that the g ' WE hv as at t dehitime, to £5718}? mlsierifius y. ’h , . resta
short, stocky bald man approached me. other could grab a metal road sign. I me u for'what my trainer said I did best sai ds e encourage mfio . te CEO tdihnih £6 5 OWh‘
”Are you Jamie?” saw ”Speed imit 35” on its way to meet at, a hack body drop. This move found :fin hmtha .resuirée. e filing 0 0,5,0}? 'd gs or
It was Phillips and he told me to hel my face, and I closed my eyes. me bein thrown over Rossy’s back like MOUg t ey wou never t 3 county, . e sai ' ’ .
the rest of the trainees set up the ringlI As the si landed, it ex loded off a rag d" 11, where I would land on the re someone so young. He Dexter W111 continue hls
hIeLlrped with the heavy lifting, which was in skull vvifiila loud, metallic scream. roun 1 with a heavy thud. I did just went to the mterView and education at Murray State. .
o y heavy to me because I’m a wiry, V/hile In eyes were closed, the words fiiat, ex." e t I mana ed extra hang time remembered the. editor, UnlYeISIty . once . he
weak individual. ”S eed Limit 35” were still flashing and ju. Ere right than of pain—induced Bobbie Foust, asking him receives hls assoc1ates
After the ring was set u , it was time bethre my vision. groanin: -. Rossy then pinned me. to 5“ down at the comput— degree from the communi-
to start learning how to take bumps, or I fell to the ground, since metallic For weeks after that, my head ached er and dESIgh a page on the 2’ college. He hopes one
falls onto the mat. Phillips had me put weapons are supposed to knock a and my body was sore. I couldn’t do it computer. ay to S0 t‘? a larger Clay ‘
my arms on my chest and fall back on wrestler out. I thought I was out of the anymore. As much as I loved wrestling, Since technology was newspaper hke he Heral ‘ .
the mat, which consisted of a layer of game and out of harm’s wa until they and as hard as I worked out at the gym, notiung new, havmg used Leader or to .one Of the By
wood and very little padding. My back icked me u again and landhd a second I didn’t-fhave the body for it. I co dn’t a computer Slhee k111det' Nashv1lle publicationsand A
slammed onto the mat and it took my glow to my head with the road sign. take much more punishment, so I bid garten and thlhklhg that do entertainment thhhg '
breath. I fall to the ground and Rossy, the Phillips and the gang adieu and left with someday he might actually and mov1e feVIEWS- ful
After several tries, I finally got it legal wrestler, pulls me in by my 16 s a new respect for what professional go into the field, he sat ”From the beginning I atte
down, and it was time to move on to and pulls me to the nearest corner poi. wrestlers go through every day of their down and figured 011i the have always wanted to Jou
other things. The most memorable move He pulls, hard, on my legs, forcing me to lives. 7 software he had never write entertainment and spo
came when the second trainer, Blue straddle the pole. As you can guess, this I\ Ei'vwhen I watch World Wrestling before encountered. Opinion stories, but I’ve Pre‘
Lighting, bounced each of us off the is a low blow and is illegal, but the ref Ente ""iiment on television with m