xt747d2q8041 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt747d2q8041/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-09-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 25, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 25, 1979 1979 1979-09-25 2020 true xt747d2q8041 section xt747d2q8041 I
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Vol. LXXII. No. 2. / . Unlveralty of Kentucky ‘
Tuesday. September 25. I979 an Independent student newspaper Lexlngton. Kentucky
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Liaison elections approved a 2» .
W!" M i -V’» 2'
for cam us re resentation i " 3
. a
By STEVE MASSEY Also. Metcalf said that a meeting with UK Public Safety *’ .
Assocmte Editor Director Tom Padgett and Vice President for Business .
Affairs Jack Blanton resulted in the decision to “beef up '
A campus liaison program. designed to give UK student campus patrols.“ ,- ,, .,
organizations a voice in Student Government and Metcalf added thatjust how the patrols will be increased . ‘- . a '-
consequently student affairs. was approved at last night‘s has not been determined. i i‘ ‘
50 meeting. In SG election races last semester. Metcalfincluded in his ,, '_
However, the program does not include an election platform the increasing of campus patrols because of a .
process which would give proportional representation for increased reports concerning alleged incidents around the -t-E:"'_":_v'v.r a.
student organizations and dorm residents as was proposed campus. .- "i , ".35"; V ‘ a s
at $05 meeting two weeks ago. Other SG action included the approval of October l7-l8 . .' . ' ‘ ,
As passed. the liaison program will allow each campus as dates for SG specialelections oftwo freshmen senators as g 3. i I _ .
organization registered with the Dean of Student's office well as senators for the colleges of library science. dentistry . . ' 5 , w.
the right to select one representative for the l979-80 and law. ”17;; Ne , . .. - - f I 1 ’2 2 ' '
academic year under a “fair and legitimate“ election Also. SG approved the format for three segments of Ht “2"?" 'y . ' 9” ' .2 . . I
process. Students Present . . .. The television programs. sponsored , . . ' . . ' ”a , ' I} 7,
Mark Rock. 56 student affairs committee chairman, by $0 with the purpose of presenting diverse perspectives ' l " . " .. W" it
described the program as a “positive move toward of student life. will be produced by WLEX-TV. _ f W ' I ,Lj My» ~ ,. ‘3 .
improved communication between SG and the [PK student Three of the six one~half hour segments that have been ‘ . ' i [I ' fl. ‘ -
body." adding that “one of 50‘s toughest problems is determined include an interview with Otis Singletary in ‘ 1‘,” p .2 , ' g b .
staying in touch with students.“ October. afollow-upto last year‘s programtitled“Minority " -_' it,
But one point of concern at the meeting centered on the Concerns at UK“ in November and an “Opera " , ' ' I . '5‘ .. '
unequal representation afforded to students in the Extravaganza" slated for Februrary. ‘ '_ e s 3 ' i
registered student organizations and dorms. All Although notthe highlight ofthe meeting. one bill passed ”e W K
organizations and dorms will have the right to one elected by SC challenged the staff ofthe Kernelto a football game , k l _,
representative. on Sunday. October l4. , - , h. " " t
This means that the 644 students living in Blanding The bill.titled “One moretime"in reference to last year‘s . .w- W”
Tower will receive the same representation as the I24 hard fought victory over a tough but outnumbered Kernel . W‘ ‘ 2»
students living in Patterson Hall. staff. stated that “SG would whip the Kernels~ ass." . . w . .. . g . . ' . " it?!“
Brad Sturgeon. SG public relations committee However. members of the Kernel are still investigating I i ' ”M‘s ' i i
chairmain. said the reason for withdrawal of proposed last year‘s incident in which a player on the SG team was i . . .
. . _ .. . . ' ‘ , , . By DAHD ( 0\I.E/Keme| Staff
proportional representation was possible complications. allegedly not a member of 50. The kernel intends to A h I ' h d .
In his opening address to the senate. SG President Mark scrutinize the SG line-up very carefully this year to make 9 plng an
Metcalf said that Mayor Jim Amato has approved the sure that no players from a college team (that will remain
l‘ placing of a traffic light at the intersection of Euclid and nameless) are on the SG squad. Dr. Matt Leichter. director of the Diabetes Program ('ommonwealth Stadium Saturday. Matt completed -
' Harrison avenues. which is adjacent to Blazer Hall and Furthermore. Kerrie/staffers said they intend not only'to at l'K,1ielps along his son. Matt. at the American 20 miles on his Big Wheel to help raise money for the
across from the Student Center. win the game. but to brutalile SG as well. Diabetes Association Bike-A-Thon near American Diabetes Association.
ttendance up at UK ' 8X 60190, 10 decline NEXT ear
JOHN HARDIN students is expected to decrease again Also contributing to the decrease. take place in academic areas with low help till the attendance gap. he said. women comprise 46.8 percent of the
Reporter and willcontinue to do sothrough the Ockerman said. is a number of percentage of students such as evening Minority enrollment at l'K may see student population. up from 45.6 in
l9905. restricted admittance policies which classes and part-time students. If this slight increase in the future as has been [978. Five years ago.fallenrollment of
Even though attendance at L‘K is up Ockerman addedthatthe number of are being implemented in over- happens. weekend and night Classes noted in the recent past said females showed only 43.6 of total '
this year. a decline in attendance is part-time students. non-traditional crowded areas such as engineering. may have to be added.()ckerman said Ockerman. \lthough this year's campus population. lnthe fallofl969.
expected at UK and other college students (those above the average He said similar declines in college Much of the increase in part-time tigures are not complete. a (it or ()2 this figure was 39.7 percent.
campuses for the next two decades. college age of lit-22). off-campus attendance are forecast nationallyand students will becoming fromthc rising percentage gain is protected. with Ihis is not to say. howeverdhatthe '- 4
according to Elbert Ockerman. dean students. evening class and minority added that UK community colleges numbers of non-traditional students. minorities comprising about three number of females at UK is going to I,
of admissions and registrar. students will increase in the near are also expected to feel the bite and He said many ofthcse students will be percent of the total population at Mt. pass the number of males. George
Although figures won‘t be olficial future. He added the ratio of men to indeed already have. as their going to universities for additional Oil-campus studies are growing (iatti of Admissions and Registrar . _
until Sept. 27,the unofficialnumber of women will tend to balance out. attendance was down last year. training in theirfields oreventorcntry steadily at l' K. as reflected in figures noted that nationally this figure will ,
students at UK this fall is 22.565. The principle cause ofthe projected By I995. a decline of IS percent intoanew area ofstudy. He addedthat from the Office of Admissions. As of probably balance. As for UK. ‘ . ‘ '
which is up from last fall's attendance decrease in overall attendance from present numbers is predicted for in many cases. these students would Sept. 7therc was an unofficialcountof Ockerman replied. “We'll see it '
of 22.083. according to Ockerman. is simply that colleges in the US. And by I985. a I0 have to continue their former line of 93 off—campus l'K students. This probably approaching as even ratio at
Ockerman said the number of “...the pool of high schoool graduates percent drop may have already been work to meet college costs, compares with 80 at the same time in UK. Many places (nationally) have
traditional(l8to 22-year-oldlstudents is on the decline." He said this trend noted, according to collegiate Ockerman stressed the need of all I978. showing an increase of I625 already evened out.“ j
is expected to decrease in I980 but will was occurring because the “baby enrollment projections. colleges to recruit from the non- percent. Ockerman warned. however. that ’
rise the following year. In I982. boom"generation is finally passingthe Despite the expected decline in UK traditional area. “Colleges have to tap A I48 percent risctfrom 650m 746) the projections and analyses noted are ' '
however. he said the number of traditional college age. student population. increases may these (non-traditional students)“ to in evening class enrollment was also prone to human error and should not . .
noted from ms to I979. be used a definitive guideline on the '."-.
Nationally. the ratio of men to future of higher education. The basic ‘ ‘,
O a, ' '_——‘————*“— women has been approaching a state patterns noted at UK, though. are ‘_-‘
of balance Ockerman said At l'K. more or less prevalent nationwide. ".‘
Rep, Carroll Hubbard. D-Mayfield. world a u a ‘ , .
Farmers in those counties will be eh i l f r P I h h "' i
' . l campus percent loans to help them recover from EEpCIogsc-ss. DEPOSED EMPEROR JEAN .BI'ZDH' 0 Ice crUSIer cras es 'n c ase .1 I
h Two weeks ago Hurricane Frederick dropped more gggfnsitéufiazg:T‘igfielzddfiéhdégicgl28:13:31 ‘. i ‘ ‘
STUDENT TICKETS FOR “(‘5 t an a foot of rain on the area over an ei ht-da . ' .'_' -
AGAINST M AR y LA N D AR E Maggi; period. Another five inches fell last Friday. 8 y France, flew .to Ivory C03“ yesterday and “as given WIth U K fOOtba" team buses I ' - '
\ PLENTIFL‘L." according to Associate Dean of refgge by‘their government. . . Tl!
Students T. Lynn Williamson. He saidalarge number SEN- WENDELL FORD. 0"“ ACCUSED - ut . his successor, President David Dacko. ' . ‘ I ' ‘I I
of student tickets are available to full-time students TH E PA R EN T COM PA N Y OF T H E immediately announced he would demand Bakassa 5 While attempting to pu.l over one of three chartered buses carrying theUK ':
/ tomorrow from 9 am. t04 pm. with a validated I.D. LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE RAILROAD of extradition as a common criminal...who killed. football team Saturday night. a police crUiser driven by a Metro officer collided 2"
' at Memorial Coliseum. Students can get guest tickets "siphoning offdividcnds and profits"whilelettingthe raped. and PillaSCd Inc 4 {talc- . Earllcr. a radio head-on with another car driven by a 72-year-old Bellevue. Ky. man. i .
from |2 noon to 4 pm. Ticketswill bcslofor stadium line‘s railbed and equipment deteriorate. broadcas' from me “’9“le 5 cMW" 0f Bangu' 531d Patrolman Gary Davis and the driver ofthe other car. William Woods. were f"
seats and $6 for end mm, scam cash only. Ford leveled the charges yesterday in blasting Dad“) had condemned Bakassa ‘0 dcalh' both shaken but unhurt in the accident.
‘ ream}: rate increases totaling 38 percent for the LdtN. THE SOVIET HUSBAND-WIFE FIGURE Davis said he had clocked the first of three buses at 7I mph before 8:45 pm. I: '
IOCB' :cfiucia‘rrrpcizemuch of the coal from southeastern SKATING TEAM crops Protopopov and Ludmila Saturday. The speed limit .0“ the interstate ts 55 mph. . _'_ ,
“C said the governmcm‘s approval of the hi her Belousova. four-time world champions and twice Davis. who was patrolling the interstate as part of. Metro‘s special traffic -:
TRI ‘ mes has “been adamant. de . , M It 3. Olympic Champion have defected to the West. the enforcement program. said he slipped behind the bus in the passmg lane and ' . .
AL BEGAN YEsTERDAY FOR A . 3 “'5'” ° 5"“ ml“ SWtss Justice Ministry announced yesterday. tried to pull the bus over to the side of the road. .
. LEXINGTON DENTIST in US. District Court companies and the Kentucky state treasury. which Their r st for olitical s I in SW" . . . .
, , , “l” P a y “m ’"land The bus suddenlv Iurched to the ri ht Side of the road Dths said and - on a ‘
, charged mm conspiring to sell cocaine and writing gets revenue from a coal severance tax. follows the recent defections of three prominent . . h' h . .' h f f 8' h ‘ b'l . ’ h' i ‘
*5 illegal prescriptions. . Soviet ballet dancers in the United States. one-way Is “8" e was It ‘ acmg anot er automo It approaching lm '
' . Dr. David Lowe. 30. was indicted in May after an natlon head?“ . . . . ,
. invcs‘iwion by men Kentucky Sum Police SYRIAN JET FIGHTERS AND us MADE Davis said Woods was going the wrong direction on [-645 eastbound lanes
.. . narcotics agents. Also indicted on drug trafficking TWO OF EVERY THREE AMERICAN ISRAELI p.155 ducled south of Beirut ycsmdy in when his car met-the UK buses.‘Woods was later arrested by police and charged ‘ .
charges were Jill Wheatley. 32. who was employed in MOTHERS will be holding a job in I990 as a huge ‘h‘ biggest air battle 0"" Lebanon in three months. wnh “Funk.” drtvmg and driving on the wrong s'de 0f the road. . i
_ Lowe‘s office and Coleman 0. Hay, a patient. exodus of women from the home to the workplace Four Syrian MIGs were downed both sides said and Davis said he managed to slant on his brakestust before the collision but had .
Wheatley and Hay pleaded innocent. but changed continues during the next decade, a group of Syria claimed “V0 Israeli 1"“ were “hit.“ "0 time ‘0 avoid the car. ”5 estimated "‘3‘ he was traveling between 55 and 65 i t ,
their pleas to guilty yesterday. Lowe has pleaded employment experts predicted yesterday. The lSI'ICIiS said 3“ lhc" Planes made ll safely b3“ mph before applying his brakes. ' '
_ . Innocent to all charges. The role of full-time housewife and mother is to base. A state police officer, Lieutenant Roger Wilhoit. was rcportedlycscortingthe
' 4 “comm the exception mhcr than the rule. In Washington. 5““ D°Pmm°m Spakesma" UK football team buses. He was quoted in earlier reports as saying he swerved to \
_ ‘ according to six economists and sociologists who have “mm“ ”5“?" ““‘d m W cm". a “dangerol’s miss the oncoming car. which then hit the police cruiser.
, ' ‘ State “Tue“ 3 b°°k 0" “mm“ “mm develqpmcm and appealed 0" a" “d“ m “mm Attempts to contact Wilhoit for further comments were unsuccessful and a . .
y . he book. The Subtle Revolution: Women at "“7an , - - - . , . - - - ~ .
. g .. , FIVE RENrccxv courmEs WERE Wont. describes the sharp increase in female “3” "0"“. "mm” '" Frankfort ”“flda’ “'d mm" was “m '"' . . '
' _ 1‘ . . DECLARED FEDERAL DisAerR AREAS employment as a revolution that isaffecting“virtually weather ”3‘“ “‘"d ““m' ”"50”“ “Om ”‘c hm“ ““m‘ °‘" and Check“ m m 'f he . i ‘ ‘ '
-, . yesterday because of Green River flooding caused by all of our soaal and economic arrangements.“ was hurt _ . . ; '
- ,. . "in! "0m Hurricane Frederick. An estimated it million women willbecnterinsthe SUNNY. MILD DAYS AND CLEAR AND “th n“! thing I know the buses are 16mins" Dans “Id- i . . ‘
. f . . The counties which will receive federal assistance labor market by the end of the next decade, and the COOL NIGHTS are in store for the Lexmgton area. Davis added that there was "0 action he COUld “0W take again“ the bus l ' .
.v 1 . .. ‘ from the Farmers Home Administration are Butler. majority of them will be mothers. the authors The highs for today and tomorrow will be in the 80:. drivers. Davis said he never saw the state police cruiser when he clocked the I ‘ y -
. . Ohio.Mcbean.Edmonson and Simpsonaccordingto reported. with the Iowsfortonight inthe 50s, speeding bus. -, . ‘ - ‘ . .
’ . 1 He also said he didn‘t know the bus was carrying the UK team back from its i -
. . ‘g. . game in Bloomington. Ind.. until after the accident. &
‘ l
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 , ,
“fix, i
KENTUCKY Debbie McDaniel Jay l-‘ouutt 5‘". Mil“! Marl Green Thor-u Clark Guy Landon ;
[editor in Chief ('ampui Edi/m Term Young Paul Mann Enlfrlammrnl Editor Dunn» of Pholouaphi- .
Aiim'iale It'drlm .M Mm .
\ . (‘uy Willi . Lisa Dot-aid ' (’lndy McGee John (‘hy David Maynard
. Managrnx £41m" Editorial Mum (‘upi Editors Sport: Editor Pho/o Manager
(I °torials 8’ CO t5 Iii-n mama ,
e I mmen AJJIJMIII Spam Editor .
l .
- Re-evaluation of priorities -.
CHE f d' h Id 'd d f t t l
un mgs ou cons: er nee s o s a e W.
Kentucky needs a pharmacy college more than it bonds for the construction ofthe Kentucky Centerfor turn-of—the-century hotel in downtown Louisville. addition was devoted primarily to office space. Now _ i
needs a renovated luxury hotel; the people of the the Arisindowntown Louisville. About $22 millionin Carroll has committed a total of $37 million tothe the hospital often finds itself operating above its 3
PW." h?” 0‘ the “a“. need adequatehealth care Stat? money has already been committed to lhe two Louisville projects. whilethe UKadditions would designed capacity. The proposed primary care center .5
_ tacilities far more than they need a performing hall project. which conSists ofa large performing halls an cost about $20 million. The governor hasindicated he would give UK‘s outpatient services room to operate. 3 .
and, an art gallery art gallery. a home for a private art school. office. is unwilling to divert any money from the arts center freeing valuable space in the hospital for needed
. yet In the past week. the state has guaranteed the SlUle and rehearsal space and a 600.car parking or hotel renovation [0 UK. inpatient SCTVlCCS.
futures oi the arts center and hotel. while the UK garage. . . . . . F rt t l h CHE b . . .
College of Pharmacy and a proposed Primary Care , In addition. a group of legislators approved the sale It would be particularly distressmg ifthe College of h 10 una :y the . . su committee doesn t'have 1
Center and other facilities at the A- 3 Chandler of $2 million in bonds to help finance the renovation Pharmacy 0.’ Medical Center were ultimately the I e atstwor lnlICQCClSIOHIO buildornotbutld—
Medical Center were jeopardized. of the Seelbach Hotel in downtown Louisville. The Victims of this stubbornness. . the p armacy building and Medical Center addition.
A subcommittee of the State Council of Higher governor had previously announced he would abide Pharmacy is one of the most highly regarded Cl‘SFECfommendation still has to be revrewed by the s
Educaction. the body that sets the operating policies by the wishes of the legislators. The proceeds of the COHCSCS 3‘ UK- Earlier 1" ll“? decade. a STOUP 9f ' inhanclej eolrlnmittee and the full CHE' These '
ofKentucky‘s eight public universities. recommended bond sale will go, as a loan, to two Louisville pharmacy SChOOl deans ranked 1‘ 35th fourth best In (giroupss ou u yconsrderthe implications Of‘he" ' 5
Iasl Wednesday that the State not finance the businessmen. The men‘ who have already secured the natlon.I But With growth. the Sludentstand faculty CClSlonS. :
construction ofa new College of Pharmacy building. 5.35 million in private and federal financing. would ofthe college have been spread over five campus Further. this is a time. for all friends of the
the primary care center or a medical research building have up to 50 years to repay the money. They said the bUildings. making the interaction necessary for good Umversrty to come to itsaid. Students. faculty and '
at UK. Subcommittee members. explaining their Seelbach could be renovated without the state‘s education and effective research difficult. Asa result staff members should write the governor and state
recommendation. said they are concerned that the money. but the desired level of luxury couldn‘t be ofthis space shortage. the collegeis faced withthe loss legislators with their feelings on the matter. Student
state. in the future. will be unable to pay Offthe costs reached. of its accreditation. Government and University Senate should send -
of the bonds that would be sold to fund the projects‘ These events indicate a severely distorted sense of The Medical Center is the only “tertiary" medical resolutions to the CHE representing the campus‘s - t‘
construction. They noted the state already has about priorities on the part of some state government care institution in the state outside Louisville. As opinion about the decision it has to make. UK .
$2.7 billion in outstanding bond debts. officials. While a showcase arts faculty in the state is such. it is responsible for providing high-level medical administrators must use every means possible to win ;
Yet. in the week preceeding the subcommittee‘s highly desirable, surely the educational and health care 10 [he citizens 0f the eastern half 0f the state. approval 0f the budding protects. f
meeting. Gov. Julian Carroll announced he was care needs of Kentuckians come first. These are But University Hospital has been expanded only This isatime when silence wouldbedetrimental to - 3
orderingthe sale ofan additionalSlZmillion worth of definitely more important than the renovation of a once since it opened in I962. That relatively small UK.
Letters to the Ed 'to
Eloquent rebuttals appeared the next a particular Kentucky political show that thistype offorestorigirtally formerly abundant. They have been mowing or otherwise disturbing the ‘
Asking for tOO mUCh day. obliterating his argument with candidtae when that candidate would covered much of the Lexmgton area exploited for umber. cleared for woods (cg. removal of dangerous 1
_ , , _ facilitv and conviction. These writers probably feel very uncomfortable “’th settlers arrived ”770-90) .In the farming. etc. _ . . trees). except along theiogging walk- i
hhmk ml“ world IS being ”Tm?” demoiistrated someone here is paying tackling any changes in the minimum spring. Wildflowers are found ‘" the Unfortunately the UNVCTS'I)" '5 m8 trail. have "01 he?" implemented ‘
Yesterday. I asked a friend of mine if attention and it was a relief to hear drinking age law? unmowed part of the woods. Many mowmg most ofthe woods preventing so far by the administration. If you .
she would bring me a pack of matches from them. I know that those students at UK animals use the area. notably rabbits. regeneration of tree saplings and would like to further this cause of . ,
from Phllllp‘S Market on her return With his second letter. Mr. Kues who want to drink alcoholic beverages woodpeckers. woodcock. quail and appearance of Wild flowers. .” nature. preservation (for enjoyment. ‘ -
trip from there. She went there to get humiliated himself far more than Joe do. The Board of Trustees. the most spectacularly. the yellow- continued. the trees and flowers Will education and research) please callthc .
her lunch. When she returned. I asked Lincoln ever could have. It was University administration. the UK crowned nightheron. it is very rare to gradually die. not to be replaced. Office for Academic Affairs and .
her ll she had my matches. She SlaICd obvious then that this little Hitler was police. the Metro Police Department find this speCies in an upland area. Another less serious prolbcm is trash register your support. Call258-29l l or . ,
that she didn‘t bother to ask for anyhl not worth the worry. and the legislators in Frankfort all This site is undoubtedly one ofthe top and trampling recently aggravated by send them a note,‘ letter. '
“35 50m€“h3‘ Pissed Off at her but Still. I want to thank you. Mr. K. know this as well. So why the blatant five sites in Lexington for natural the new student housmg next to the '
contained my anger within myself. Your stupidity forced some interesting hypocrisy of a useless law? diversity. It is probably the best on woods. Proposals made this spring by Julian Campbell .
After all. what is more important than and intelligent people out of hiding. lt ' richer soils. where walnut groves were the Biology School faculty. to cease Lexington _
a pack 0f matches? l mean really! Was was a pleasure to hear from them. ‘Brian Dempsey rem ‘V**“- _...,,._.._,.. ' A" **‘*'“ _, ~——"—"fl— '—'*—_“_—“—“——*—‘—h—fl ‘- ‘
l asking too much from her‘.’ Music sophomore i ll 3 2'
By the way. what is all this i have John Cooke i \. . 9A3” a, x 1' . 2
been reading about cats. dogs. En lish senior 3 ' 43 ,
bunnies. and baseball bats‘.’ 8 caSt no_ Stones - t
R J I am hurt by the fact that this 1 OH on ‘3,
0b?" ones mentality of hate. misunderstandin . l J . i t
A 3‘ 5 freshman second Class adUIts and fist-wielding condemnation if i j ._ . j: ’ t
Th As an out-of—state student attending Mr. Kues has once more closed the l [ -__ ———-“,ftt l ‘1. .l
UK I find it absurd that ever time 1 minds of readers to what is really the t . m .1; t
ank YOU, Mr. K cross the border into the Bliiegrass only truth and standard which we have i DENT ] Y LEE—'4] H7 :2 i
Mr. Kues‘ first response to the state I am told that I am not “old 10 live bY- Yes. the Biblecondemnsthe l E¢ _l ' i E
‘ commentary ofJoe Lincoln disturbed enough" to drink any alcoholic practice 0f homosexuality. and. for i I u? 3' ;
me. Still reeling from last semester‘s beverages. YCI. in my home state Of that matter the practice 0f 56* OUISldC l ; ~ ' g t." ". -.
book-banning. l was exasperated Florida I can legally buy and consume 0f marriage. Mr. Campbell.and as one i . l * i ‘ W‘ : - . ,1~ ‘ , c413
because this semester had just begun any alcoholic beverage I wish to. l striving to live under the rule ofGod.l t E ,5“ ll ‘3 t , If ,. ”gt \ " ' |\‘ . t t/ if.
and it seemed the phlliSllnCS were would hopethatthe state legislators in cannot condone these things. i j \ "if; ‘es L‘V \ 4 if» ' . S .' ,1 sf.
already out in force. Frankfort and those whose religious But neither canlcondemn out ofa t . Y 1t“- . ,. L h 0’ ‘(4’ $ e’V 5-3.
It is often difficult to convince convictions oppose drinking would spirit 0f malice and prejudice. Jesus 2 ‘ "I\ l __ . ' ‘ .' ’ . "l f
’“ people outside (or inside. for that recognize that the United States' did not condemn the woman who was i — «Ls (,d_ t “ i3 1! r" g
matter) this “uni-nursery" that anyone Constitution entitles me to the right of taken in adultery (read JOhn'S goSpcl). l ‘ . . ‘>‘~.\\ \, a ' 4: , l '1
i. , . . . . I ‘Q uses”--- - ,
ere is I’CCClHng anything remotely freedom of personal chmce as an because he was motivated out of love I ~ . i . \ k i 2.; ~1
articles are reserved for authors who. in the editor‘s opinion. have housmg. Trees at least 200 years old " a 999099;.956259 . ' ° . l
‘ special credentials. experience. training or other qualifications to are found he" surrounded by a D 3 ° ' '
' addressa particular subject. VOW!" stand Ol walnut. ash. W" a; 49. 9.0 f
' . coffeetree. cherry. hackberry. etc. (in “' ""NW‘AW-iiil "w or. g, ‘- .
' ; all about 20 species.) Historical studies i
. t .
if i l ' ‘ .
F." .‘ _ - .. .s.y-..»uu~.-1'»v:m”up-.05..- . ."'."""' ,...-.......,-......._ . v' " _' '0‘”? ' ‘T" ‘ ’ , "“‘ ..s man-.wm‘fi‘ "" ' ' ' ' " "“

 ; ll” KINII ( I” M'RNH. luesday. September 25, ”79-1
é Campus ot (it'lllldll) three «lunatic-s allel the end ol the lllllt‘lldll l m and ~—4——4‘4—~4h-—~—4—4“M—r—KE
two decades alter the lniaslori ol the Volkswagen “Beetle "
0 Participants in the program are no t T L h" F" '
rle 5 Ian Reilenherg. loreigri correspondent lot the lrunA/ur/n u - O - u "C I m erles
'll/l’IL’l'NIl‘Hll’ lei/mm, Vlho VHll speak on "All“?Ik-lll'hcllllrtll . .
Relations in lodai's World " counsellng center Fllm week
As part ol |l\ general WHICC Pmlllilm “’1 *4l“l"”1‘~ the l'li/aheth l’oirtl. loreigil correspondent tor the (hmimn
“WWW” ”(Tm)“ Program 1‘ ollerlng a seminar '” “ll“ and Stlt‘lltt' lloriilor, who “Ill speak on "(ieiman Sell-lrriagcs ” September 24'28 l
method. Designed prirnaril) to introduce stlidents to the Druid Schoenhaum. prolcssor ol history | nl\Ct\ll\ ot l
””11“un 0' “““ng research WW“ and ilnlelCill C““.“« 1h“ Iowa and lormei lleelartce \Hllt‘l iii (ierman). Vlho \sill speak on Student Center 245 l
seminar wrllalso ollera numberol special sessions desotedtothe “(ieriiiarii Rummy “K. l’olitical Scene m Bonn .. 1
. particular approaches 1“ and requuements “l “ritmg '” “”11“” Henry l'rietllander. prolessor ol .ludiac Studies. Brtltlkhll 12.00 1.00 I
d'5C'Pl'nC5- (‘ollege isho “Ill speak on “(ierrnans and .lens -\ii -\ttenipt lo ' ' p'm'
, (ieneral topics “I” include, the elements ol style. \Mtrtl choices. (“cmum the l’asl .. T I
, paragraph 51“”qu and documentation lh“ special “""m‘ M” Mr Program I\ open to the public and a detailed schedule “Ill ueSday Managlng fl"..- PIrimarlly concerned With busmess and l
l. he as l‘Ol