xt747d2q8381 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt747d2q8381/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-08-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 22, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 22, 2008 2008 2008-08-22 2020 true xt747d2q8381 section xt747d2q8381 KINIHM KLRN N11
August 22, 2008

Best UK Men’s Sport: Basketball
Best UK Women’s Sport: Basketball
Best UK Athlete: Patrick Patterson
Best UK Campus Event: Dance Blue
Best UK Greek Event: Greek Sing
Best KY Kernel Writer: Eric Lindsey
Best UK Professor: DeSantis
Best Easy “A” Class: UK 101
Best Place to go on a first date: Movies
Best Music Store: Best Buy
Best Video Store: Blockbuster
Best Book Store: Kennedy’s
Best Health Club: Johnson Center
3 Best Women’s Clothing Store: General Eccentric
“ Best Grocery Store: Kroger
Best Coffee House: Starbucks
Best Late Night Restaurant: Tolly Ho
Best Pizza: Mad Mushroom
Best Barbecue: Billy’s BBQ
Best Fast Food: McDonald’s
Best Italian Restaurant: Olive Garden
Best Mexican Restaurant: Rincon
Best Oriental Restaurant: PF Chang’s
Best Sandwich Shop: Jimmy John’s
Best Bar: Two Keys
Best Place to Dance: Main Street
Best Place to Play Pool: Cat’s Den
Best Place to Hear Live Music: The Dame
Best Local Band: TIE... Jonathon Webb and
Jonathon’s Machete
Best Radio Station: 104.5 The Cat
Best Spring Break Destination: Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Best Tanning Salon: SunTan City
Best Hair Salon: Great Clips
Best Apartment Complex: Newtown Crossing
Best Website: Facebook
Best Place to Watch Sports: Buffalo Wild Wings



Alisa Oerther Kati Tharp & Jillian Rogers Jen Plas & Shannon Spivoy Jennifer Hunt
Hoar! (‘mn‘rmmmr Editors Dmiqn lemqmpm‘r

I , i I I

133815 NIVW





 At the end of last se-
mester students at the Uni-
versity of Kentucky almost
unanimously voted for
freshman Patrick Patterson
as “UK’s Best” male athlete
of 2008. To those who
watched the young, up-and-
coming star lay basketball
last season t is should
come as little or no sur-

The West Virginia na-
tive choose UK over Duke,
Florida and a slew of other
big name schools that were
interested in the dominant
6’8 power forward. Until
Patterson ste ped on the
floor for the 1rst time,
most fans didn’t realize
how crucial it was for UK
to win the heated recruit-
ing battle for the top-notch

When asked how does
he handle the high expecta-
tions? He replied, “It's Ken-
tucky basketball, and the
fans expect you to make the
(NCAA) tournament and

Sweet 16 every year. I knew
coming in that those were
the expectations, and you
just have to practice and
play hard.”

With the Wildcats off
to a rough start in the 2007-
08 season, Lexington looked
to its freshmen phenome—
non ,to help turn the season
around. In Pat-
terson’s first sea-
son as a wildcat
he was the sec-
ond leading scor-
er only to senior
Joe Crawford.
He showed more
poise and leader-
ship skills than
most players
ever have as an incoming
freshman. Patrick aver-
aged 16.4 points and 7.7 re-
bounds per game and
played over 35 minutes a
game. It doesn’t take a
sgorts analyst to tell you
t at these are some impres-
sive stats for a guy in his
first season of playing Divi-


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sion 1 Basketball.

With his courageous
performances ni ht after
nlght, and his re entless
work ethic, Patrick has
quickly become a fan fa-
vorite amongst all Ken-
tucky fans. He was named
SEC Freshmen of the Week
three times last season and
recorded six
tyin Jamal
Mas burn’s
record for 5th
on UK’s double-
double list. As
UK turned their
season around
it was hit with
some devastat-
ing news, their freshmen

owerhouse was sidelined
or the remainder of the

In late February the
Wildcats were hit with the
news that Patterson wasn’t
going to be able to finish
the season due to a stress
fracture in his left ankle.

Fearless Freshman

Kyle McCandless ~ Guest Writer Source: www.ukathletics.com

“There’s no doubt in my
mine that Kentucky would
have ended the season
stronger than they did if
Patterson had been able to
play” said, senior UK stu-
dent Billy Kolpp.

At a Ju y 17th ress
conference Coach B1 y
Gillis ie noted that “It
looks ike thin s are way
ahead of sche ule as far as
recover goes.” When
asked a out UK's team
leader next season Gillispie
said, “Our on-court leader
is probably going to be
Patrick Patterson, he's been
our off court leader and
his attitude is fantastic.”

As the next season ap-
proaches, all of the Blue-
grass is sure to have their
eyes on one player in par-
tlcular, Patrick Patterson.
If last year was any indica-
tion of what’s to come from
the rest of Patterson’s time
at UK, wildcat fans are
surely in for a real show.


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Jennifer Hunt ~ PR Staff

Tired of community
bathrooms, late night fire drills
and a closet that won’t hold half
of our stuff? Imagine Sitting
in t e sun by your pool, makin
a list_of things you want to coo
for dinner in your kitchen, and
later falling asleep in your full
Size bed in your brand new
room that’s Just for you!

If you’re lookm to move

off campus or just l_oo mg for a

out Newtown

N e w. t o w n '
Crossmg was"
Just voted the
2008 Best

C o m l e x .
With its con-
venient locaa ._
tion on Fore-f,
man Avenue-


which is between Souht Lme?

stone and South Broadway, just
across the street from Memorial
Hall, why wouldn’t you want to
live there? With a less than 10-
minute walk. to class you are
gractlcally 11v1n on campus
ut have the _ reedoms an
amenities of liVing off campus.

Newtown _Crossmg 13
now an American Campus
Community Their on;Site staff
is. dedicated. to arovuiing ou
with professmna serv1ces t at
Will enhance your comfort,
wellbeing and academic suc-
cess. Newtown Crossin offers
fully furnished one-be room/
one bath, three-bedroom/ three
bath and four-bedroom/ four
bath floor plans.

Depiding to move off
campus is a big dec1310n. You
wan to make sure that ou are
still getting everything t at you
had supplied in the dorms, Just
better and with many more
amenities._ At Newtown Cross-
ing you Will get your own bed-
room and bat room. The apart-
ment will be fully furnished
with full_kitchens. The sound
suppressmn walls Will be a big


change from our old dorm
room as well. igh speed inter-
net and cable are also included.

When looking for an
a artment it is important to
t ink about what you want and
what you would use while liv-
in there. Newtown Crossing
of ers many amenities for stu-
dents to relax and have fun
while taking a break from
Ins1de of the club-
house the
offer bi -
liards, a the-
ater room
which can be
reserved for
mov1e nights
with your
friends a 24-
hour fitness
faCility and
new tanning
beds. Outside
N e w t o w n
_ Crossing has
a_ lighted basketball court, a
lighted volleyball court and a
resort style pool With a sun
deck. There 18 also an on-Site
restaurant called the Blue Line
Dinner. You cango here to re-
lax and get a quickbite to eat
when you don’t feel like cooking
for yourself.
One of the best thin s that
Newtown Crossing of ers for
students is indiv1dual leases.
This allows you to not have to
worry about combining rent
payments w1th roommates or
any other hassles that may
arise. You are only responSible
for your own rent! You can even
pay) your rent online on their
we site at www.kentuckystu-
denthousmgcom. Now you can
even a 1y online! _

ewtown Crossmg’s web-

site also offers a virtual tour so
that you can see our new
apartment Without av1n to
leave the house. You shoul def-
initely check out what UK stu-
dents have voted the 2008 Best
Apartment Complex. Go VISlt
Newtown Crossmg for their
move-in deals and more infor-
mation about rates.




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Better and better.











icant meanings.

The idea

of DanceBlue
stemmed from a

' young boy by the
name of Jarrett
Mynear. Jarrett
battled cancer

for 11 yea1s and


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1m” - 1.1m” i 1-. .u- nv‘ .
”(quilt 1 1111/ n"-r" 111.“ 111
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sadlyp assed away at age .
not before leaving an impact on and he also donated $10. 000 to the
the lives of people affected by can- fund. "I wish I had 1/10 of the
cer. He started various projects toughness that these young peo»
and funds to aid in fighting can- ple and their parents have." Gille-
cer. and he is honored throughout spie said.
many other places and people. Through this event the
The fund got its name because his community of UK shows not only
favorite movie was the Matrix extreme drive by being able to
and gold is the color that repre- dance this long. but also extreme
sents cancer in children.
The 2008 DanceBlue broke munity! Many students have been
records 011 February 22-23. with a affected by cancer and have seen
grand total of 3542485589. almost it hurt our loved ones. and that is
doubling from the previous year. why DanceBlue 2009 should be a
The funds were raised by sponsor- repeat best event of this up and
ship of dancers and also corpo- coming school year!


Du iincchour
Heart Out

Alisa Oerther ~ PR Staff

DanceBlue was voted the out to participate this past year
Best of UK‘s most popular event and dance for a straight 24 hours.
either because of the huge sum of “Not only are you showing school
money that was raised during the pride, but you are also helping out
event. or because of the non-stop your community." explains Krissy
dancing that lasts all day and all (handler. 21 2007 and 2008 Dance-
night. DanceBlue has been held Blue participant.
for the past four years at UK. Many other people show their

DanceBlue benefits the support every year with Dance-
Golden Matrix Fund. which fund Blue. l’eople donate. participate
ing goes to emotional support to and show support by volunteering
patients and families battling can- with the event. Most participants
cer along with cancer
search at the UK Pediatric
Oncology Clinic. The name
of the fund has many signif-

don't have any trouble stay-
ing up dancing because
many child1en and families



hours by dancing
with everyone.
sharing their sto-
‘ , ries and inspiring

Billy Gillespie
came out and
' spoke during the
event to show his

love and concern for their com-


Five Hundred students came www.volunteercentertlDanceBlue.






Alcohol Research at the University of Kentucky


Healthy male and female SOClal drinkers between 21 to 35
years ol age are needed for studies on the effects of alcohol
on behavxor Participants Will be finanmalty compensated for

their time Movres a hot meal and non-alocholic
beverages Will be provided alter the study in a
comfortable setting
Call 25,7 3137101 more






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Adults with ADHD Symptoms
Wanted for a Research Study

University of Kentucky researchers are evaluating
how a medication affects ADHD symptoms.


You may qualify to participate if you:
0 are 21-45 years old;
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Persons who qualify for this research study will
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You may qualify for this study if you:

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Smokers who qualifv for this study will be
compensated for their participation. In addition,
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smoking. Your participation will be confidential.
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Heavy Drinkers of Alcohol Needed
for Drug Delivery Research


Researchers with the Lniversitv of Kentucky College of Pharmacy,
Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science are recruiting volunteers
who are heavy drinkers of alcohol and not seeking treatment in an
alcoholic treatment center to participate in a research study to evaluate
behavior and brain function in heavy drinkers of alcoholic beverages.
Brain images will be taken by MRI while images and tastes of alcohol
are administered to you. You will be asked to rate your craving for an
ah oholic beverage.

You may be eligible for this study if you:
‘ new adult between 21 and 75 years old
' do not have any metal objects in your body
- do not use narcotics
' are able to refrain from drinking alcohol for 24 hours


Qualified volunteers will be coiniwnsated for their participation. A free
medical exam to determine eligibility will be provided. The study will
require four i'liliu 1isits over three tosix weeks and will total 12-15 hours
ol vour time

lllt' research will he conducted in the Clinical Research Development and
Operation t‘entcr (CR DOC) unit located on the 51h floor of the hosital
and the (‘R-DOC Outpatient L'nit located on the 2nd floor of the UK Clinic.

Researi l1 investigator is Dan Wermeling, l’harml), IIK

tor more iiitormation please iontatt
\l\tN~ll\ «\l

lustin l’errv at (859) 323-2737. KENTUCKY

\ll l dual ( tpportunilx l nivcnil) ( ollcgc of l‘harmm v




‘1" A




. A- . 45‘- L—LA. H-

 NIP 0 Q Qflnfl

the Games

Wings and More...

Jennifer Hunt ~ PR Staff

For all of those hard
Cat fans who never miss a
game, whether it s at home
or away, here ,is a much
friendlier solution to your
wallet. Rather than fueling
up and trackin to another
s ate to watch t e,Cats play,
head toBuffalo Wild Wings.
Just minutes from campus
the Buffalo Wild Win 3 on
South Broadway has een
voted the best place to watch
sports by UK students. So.
whether the basketball team
18 laying Florida or the
foo _al earn 15 pla mg
Louisv111e, if you dont ave
tickets to the game or Just
dont want to spend money
on the as to e_t you there,
Buffalo ild in s is obv1-
ous a greanace o_ 9. So,
to honor B III’s as 1 3 com—
monly known, have
thought of five reasons why
, students love Buffalo
Wild Wings.

1. There is never a bad
seat in the house! There are
plenty of huge big screen

Vs so you won .miss a
minute of the action. No
matter if you’re Sitting at
the bar or a corner booth,
you always have a big screen
close to yell at. , ,

There’s nothing like
feeling the
floor shake
at an, amaz~
1n Uame
w1 h all the
fans gom

crazy. bu
BWI is of-
fers the next
best thing to
the ame
day amos-
phere! As long as Kentucky
is Winning everybody is ex—
Cited and cheering. t is the
closest thing you can get to

T uste the

Samantha Saracino ~ PR Staff

being on the sideline. _ .
3. Even though this is
number three on, my list it is

‘far from a mediocre point.

BWIII’s has great food!

' What goes betterwith a good

game than ‘a big plate of
Win 8 and of course your fa-
vori e drink, If you re _not_a
big fan of wmgs or spice is
no your flavor. they also of-
fer naked chicken and many
other spec1alty wraps, sa -
ads, ribs, sandw1ches and
burgers to satisfy our cray-
in 3. Not to men ion their
W1 e variety of ice cold bev-
erages! ,

4. BWIlls on South
Broadway is only minutes
from campus walking or
driving, The Todd 8 Road lo-
cation is a bit farther of a
drive towards Hambur ,, but
if youlive out that way 1ke I
do it is, probably closer for
you! Eit er location is a
great and convenient to
watch the game “or enjoy a
night out With friends. he
Broadway location is close to
campus so ou don t have to
travel far or watching the
big) game! ‘

. They also offer cool
games to play and keep you
entertained urmg commer-
CIals. You can compete With
your friends and other
guests in the restaurant
playing t_r1v1a , or other

alges while enjoying your
00 .

There are so man more
reasons than this w y stu-
dents love BWIII s but these
are m 7 favorites. 80. the next
time K lays awa ' andvou
don t fee like watc mg it in
your dorm room or a art-
ment go to Buffalo 7 ild
Wings and see WhV UK stu-
dents voted it the best place
to watch sports in 2008!

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call 254-0101
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Small Pox Vaccination:
Healthy Volunteers Needed for Study

The faculty and staff of the Lfi'iivcrsity of Kentucky Division of
infectious Disease are recruiting volunteers for a research study
that Wlli im'olvc the use of small pm vaccine.

You man be eligible to participate it'you:
° .u‘c in good licttltli and or;
- "ii-inc Li diagnosis ni'utopic tlcnimtitix or haw a past diagnosis
oi tiloptc tit-i'iiitttitis; and
- ,n‘c hctuccn the 4ch ol‘ IN and 4t) and hm c ncu‘r received a
small pm \.iL‘iflll‘.ilitill.

Oiizililicti \irtm mun \\ ill mm 9. Lil no cost. studxu-rclutcd care

i .

41nd mil lic cmtipcnxaitcd for participation For more infatuation.

plt‘ztsc \‘~llitiil buphuiill .1 liii}.k‘tlll or call (859) 257—5467 or (800) 365-2470.


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Sunday, AllflllSt 24 -

1can food and a C{great time, there is onlyéone place that
comes to min ._ Rmcon Mex1cano! moon. which
means “corner’ in Spanish, was voted the best‘Mexi-
can restaurant according to UK students. This family
owned restaurant easfly keeps the students coming
back With their freshly prepared sauces and salsas as
well as their to—die-for mar Iaritas. “We are so happy
and proud to be voted the est Mex1can restaurant.
Man of our customers are students and we are thank-
ful t at they have made our restaurant a part of the
community. ‘ stated mana Yer Sergio Budan .

_ Not only has Rincon een servm 7 (1911010115 Mex-
1can food smce 1992. but theyalso 0. er great rices
and good serv1ce. Some of their s ec1als mclu e two-
for-one margaritas on Tuesdays. hursdays and Sun-
days from 5-10 pm. The 1 also havettwo happy] hours:
from 3—5 pm. and from 9: 0 pm. During ha pg our, se-
lect nachos are half price and pitchers 0 ud L1 ’ht
are only $4.99; Who can reSist offers like that? .80 e
next time on re in the mood for some authentic food
and a grea time, follow the crowd and head on over to
Rincon, the best Mex1can restaurant in Lexmgton'

iuesuay, August 26
UK. Student BIIIIBI‘

5 ltuum 206

Sun.: Bum-123m
Mun: Slam—50m t‘. iuu: Ham-311m
Sponsored by the
till Student Activities Board _






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 - Getting .to Best Pizza Place:
Know (I |( . _‘ Mad Mushroom

Jennifer Hunt~ Guest Writer

You never know what your
getting into until your there. right
in the middle of it. Standing out-
side of White Hall Classroom
Building wandering which way is
fastest to get to the Biology Build-
ing for my next class in ten min-
utes. l was in the middle of it.
.Campus hadn't seemed so big
when i took the tour of UK in
high school and on the maps 1 had
studied for hours. I really had no
idea where most of the buildings
were. I quickly headed for Rose
Street and luckily the Biology
Building is pretty easy to find and
I made it in to Krupa's class on
time. I knew then though that I
had to become more familiar with
campus so I could avoid any fu-

ture mishaps.

A great way to en-

sure that you know

as much as possible

about UK‘s campus.

services. activities.
etc., is to take UK 10]. This class
is offered to freshman or transfer
students to help make their tran-
sition into the UK community as
easy as possible. This is an easy
class that is pass/ fail meaning
that if you show up and do the
work that is assigned (which is
minimum) you will pass.

There are two instructors
for every UK 101 class: a professor
or member of UK’s staff and an
upperclassman student. Both of
these instructors are very helpful
and can offer advice in many ar-
eas. The classes are small so you
get to know the people that are in
your class. I met one of my best
friends in UK 101: we met there
and learned that we lived in the
same dorm, right down the hall
from each other.

This class allows you to
further explore UK. For instance
before taking this class I did know


Call 257-2872 or come to 26 Grehan Building to Apply!

@ the Kentucky Kernel.




m l

how to calculate my GPA using
UK‘s standards. You will learn
about UK traditions. sports. activ-
ities, clubs and organizations. the
best (and worst) places to eat on
campus, and even the best places
to find a date. In UK 10] you
learn about the expectations,
rules and regulations of UK. You
also learn about campus safety.
academic policies and other pro-
cedures to ensure the success of
your college career.

UK 101 also allows you to
develop your future plans. Many
of the classes are based 011 Ina-
jors. They also offer classes for
those who are ‘u11decided.‘ In
these ‘undecided' classes there
will be an emphasis 011 career ex-
ploration and professional devel-
opment. There will be guest
speakeis f1om different occupa-
tions giving you inf01mation and

The college environment is
much different than what most of
us are accustomed to coming out
of high school. The instructors
and curriculum of UK 10] help . _. .
' ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ . “‘H.‘ .
you adjust to the changes in ‘ sAT AUG. JOTH

11festy1e. You W111 study good eat-

ing habits and how to. avoid the I . 1'm ERSA‘I. I-s

freshman 15 and how to have fun - ' “*7 s. BIC)AD\\'AY
safely while on and off campus. ~ ' EXINGT()N KY
. , . - I


G<>LD FIVE “WIC’I’KWS flfifi‘NTs

UK 101 IS a fun class that
helps you adjust to life on cam-
pus. You will get first hand ad-
vice from your instructors who . V}
have been in your shoes. You will . -
be given the knowledge and tools ‘
to know everything you can about ’ ( “§I‘<>\\'D<)\\"\
the UK community. I highly reo ‘ ‘ ”I. V““\"I\TTAN
ommend taking UKlOl for all of ' WEINADAY

the valuable information that you , nyfiiig’.‘

w111 learn. But don tJust take my ,

advice...it was voted the 2008 Best . ~ ’ “CK‘¥;°::J.i':::zfigzgzzfinAL
Easy ‘A‘ Class! Which is a good ~ ‘
GPA booster in case college isn't
quite as easy as you thought it
would be!





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 Setting an '-

Jennifer Hunt ~ PR Staff

Lively, energetic and outgoing
can all describe Dr. Alan DeSan-
tis. Not only does his personality
stand out among the usual mun-
dane professors that I’ve had. but
his teaching style is a stark con-
trast as well. His demeanor and
actions demand attention from
every corner of a crowded room
with his sporadic movements,
comedic lines and changes in
‘mood’ lighting.

Whether speaking of class re-
lated subjects. university athlet-
ics, personal favorites or his fami-
ly and friends, DeSantis always
immerses himself in the topic.
His personality and passion for
teaching are only a few
reasons why UK students
have voted him the best
UK professor for 7 of the
past 10 years and have
again awarded him with
this honor in 2008.

I recently asked Dr. De-
Santis how he felt about
being voted UK’s 2008 Best
Professor and he said, “It is won-
derful to be recognized for doing
what you love. I am honored and
touched." Dr. DeSantis, associate
professor of communication, has
won numerous awards including
the Inter-fraternity Council's
Great Teacher Award, the Golden
Key Society’s Honorary Member
Recipient Award, and the Alumni
Award for Outstanding Teaching
at the University of Kentucky
during his career at UK. DeSan-
tis also works as the UK Faculty
Athletics Representative to the

When Dr. DeSantis came to
UK he started teaching COM 101.
which at the time had about 80
students a year but over time the
class has grown to an astounding
1,200 students per year. In an in-
terview for excellent teachers giv-
en by UK, he said. “I am going to
teach to my students the way I
wish I was taught to."

As a past student of COM 101,

it’s hard to describe the experi-
ence of DeSantis’s class; it pushes
the limits that have been set by so
many other teachers. He makes
you think about things that
you’ve never really cared about
before and ask yourself what you
can do to change societies flaws.
“If I can get them thinking differ-
ently, more critically, and more
analytically about something that
they thought was benign. heart~
less or simply amusing. then I‘ve
done my job,” says DeSantis.

My favorite thing about De-
Santis‘s class was that he puts his
students in the context of the
world and shows them how the

world has affected them
and how they have or
will affect the world.
“As teachers we never
know where and when
our impact stops. Nev-
er loose the passion for
teaching because in
many ways it is in the
classroom that we have
profound social impact on person-
al lives and on a cultural level as
well," says DeSantis.

When asked in the excel-
lent teacher interview how he
keeps his students attention he
said, “If your enthusiasm isn’t in-
fectious you’re going to loose your
students and all the great content
in the world will be wasted.”

When not working for UK.
DeSantis enjoys spending time
with his family. listening to Bruce
Springsteen, watching the Sopra-
nos and playing percussion. With
all of these hobbies and talents.
he could go anywhere in the
world to pursue many things. but
he chooses to stay at UK. He
claims. “I have the best gig in
America. I can‘t imagine a better
place for me than being here right
now." I. as I’m sure along with the
entire UK community, would like
to thank you. Dr. DeSantis. for be-
ing here and sharing your passion
and energy with us!


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