xt74b853fq98 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74b853fq98/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1914032 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1914-03-jun2. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1914-03-jun2. 1914 2011 true xt74b853fq98 section xt74b853fq98 Irregularities M!INIRES OF TWE BCARID OF TzLTSTaES The Board of Trustees of the State University of Kentucky met in regular session on Tuesday June 2, 1914, at 11 o'clock in the Trustees' Room in the Gymnasium Build- ing. Governor McCreary was present and acted as Chariman of the Meeting. On roll call the following were present: Eenry S. Barker, Barksdale Eamlett, T. L. Edelen, Charles B. Nichols, Tames K. Patterson, Robert L. Brown, Tibbis Carpenter, Claude B. Terrell, Tohnson N. Camden, Richard C. Stoll, Louis L. Walker, Dr. A. G}tliff. Absent: Tames Breathitt, Tames W. Turner, William H. Cox, Denny P. Smith and Richard N. Wathen. The minutes of the December Meeting were read by Judge W. T. Lafferty, and on motion were duly approved. The Secretary then read the minutes of the Executive Committee. Motion was made, seconded end carried that the minutes be adopted as read, ex- cept that part Ysich related to Miss Kinkead and Professor Mackenzie. Dr. Tnmes K. Patterson then said he had failed to receive copies of the minutes of the Executive Committee and would like to know if the other members of the Board had been so fortunate as to receive copies. Judge Lafferty asked all the members of the Board who were present if they had received copies of the minutes of the Executive Committee. Each one answered that he had. Miss Emily McCann, the young lady who sends out these reports was called before the Board and asked if she had mailed copies of the Minutes of the Executive Committee to every member of the Board. She answered that she had. She was then asked if she remembered mailing a copy to Dr. Patterson each time and she said she did. June 2, 1914 MfL'UTES OF TIE BOARD OF TRUSTEES The minutes of the Board of Control of the Agricultural Experiment Station were read by Mr. R. C. Stoll. Motion was made, seconded and carried that the minutes be approved as read. President Barker then read his annual report, which is as follows: Lexington, Ky. Tune 1, 1914. To the Board of Trustees, State University of Kentucky. Gentlemen: - I have the honor to present to you herewith y official report as President of the University, for the session of 1913-14. Our roster roll for the session does not show as great an increase over the pre- ceding year as we had hoped for. This is owing largely to the disastrous drought throughout Kentucky during the summer of 1913, which so reduced the income of the farmers of Kentucky as to make it necessary for them to economize, and this kept a great many from sending their sons and daughters to the University. But after Onl, our total roster roll did increase slightly for the past session, and, under all the cir- cumstances, I believe that we are to be congratulated on the outcome. The conduct of the students has been exceptionally good and the discipline on the campus was never finer in the history of the University. When your honorable body meets, I hope to have before you a financial statement covering the whole University, 'which information will show that we have lived sub- stantially within our income. The statement will speak for itself Ead you will see at a glanc6 how the money has been expended - Iat for and who got it. Since you were in session last, we have had a meeting of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentuckyr, and I regret to say that we were unable to obtain from that body any recognition of the great needs of the institution for more money in order to make it do the great work that is incumbent upon it. The finances of the Tune 2, 1914 MINUTES CF TTHE BOARD OF TRUSTEES State were found to be in quite a disastrous condition from the standpoint of the Legislator, and it was impossible to get a serious consideration of any proposition which looked to the appropriation of additional funds from the State treasury. Two of your number were members of the General Assembly and these will bear me out in the statement I am making on this subject. While we are greatly disappointed in not obtaining additional appropriations, still, we will go forward bravely, doing the best we can with what we have, keeping in view always that this institution must make itself useful to the Commonwealth before it can hope to obtain that recognition in a financial way which is necessary to make it a great University. While we have not received any money at the hands of the State of Kentucky, I am pleased to say to you that the Congress of the United States has passed what is known as the Smith-Lever Bill, under the terms of which we shall receive $10,000 for Exten- sion Work in Agriculture. Wie shall also receive additional money from a general fund created by Congress for the upbuilding of agriculture in the South. In the aggregate, I hope and believe that this University will receive about $40,0O0 for Extension Work in Agriculture from the United States within the coming twelve months. Under the terms of the Smith-Lever Bill, the amount each year is increased, and I sincerely believe that in the next five or six years, we shall be getting from $60,000 to $70,000 a year from the Government for scientific work among the farmers in Kentucky. The University will obtain a large reflex benefit from the expenditure of this money among the farmers. Just in proportion as the farmer sees that the University benefits him in a material way, he becomes its friend and supporter; and as he dominates the Legislature, if he is our friend, wie can hope to obtain in a few years aslarge appro- priations as did the State Universities to the north of us. Last Fall, I visited the State Universities of Ohio and Illinois. The first has an income of $1,000,000 a year, and the second, an income of $3,OOO,OOO a year. I received a very interesting history of these two Universities from their Presidents. I have also talked with an alumnus of our University, Professor Anderson, of Ann Arbor, Tune 2, 1914 MDTUTES OF TEE BOARD OF TRUSITSu 1 Michigan. All of these gentlemen informed me that their respective universities, fifteen years ago, were as poor as we, and with as little standing in the eyes of the Legislature as we have now. But at that time, they commenced a campaign of building up the agriculture of the states in which the institutions are situated, with the result that now the President of neither of these institutions ever finds it necessary to go to the Legislature in person at all. He merely writes out a statement showing his needs and never fails to get all that he asks for and frequently more than he asks. All of my informants encourgaged me to believe that the same thing could be done in Kentucky and that if this had been done fifteen years ago, as it was in those institu- tions, we would now be enjoying an income relatively as great as the incomes of the institutions of which I speak. This is not said in the spirit of criticism but simply to record the facts as a basis for the hope that we are not always to have so poor a standing in the Legislature as this University has had in the past. Under the permission of the Executive Committee and of the Board of Control of the Experiment Station, I established a well-equipped printing office in the basement of the Educational Building and put it in charge of Mr. Clarence Egbert, a first-class printer. The total outlay amounted to $6,000, two-thirds of which was paid by the Experiment Station and the remaining one-third came out of the University funds, and the respective institutions own the plant in that proportion. The experiment has been a great success and I am informed, and believe, that there is a net profit made each week of at least $50.00. Mr. Egbert thinks more; but I have put it down to this conservative figure, and I am willing to assert that this profit is correct. The possession of the printing plant not only enables us to save a large amount of money each year on our printing bill, but enables us to do a great deal more printing at less cost than in previous years. A large part of our printing bill is made in getting out bulletins from the Agricultural College and Experiment Station, and I am informed by Dr. Kastle that he Tune 2, 1914 MINUTES OF ITD3 BOARD OF TIRUSTEES - June 2, 1914 never had as good printing done before. In short, the work of our plant is entirely satisfactory to him. IWle printed this year our own catalogue and will place before each of you a copy of it so that you may see for yourself the kind of work we are able to do. In addition to all that I have said above, we axe giving employment to several students, thus aiding them to get through the University, -which they could not do but for the money they made in the printing department. This printing press constitutes a good working basis for the establishment of a School of Tournalism. You will recall that I urged this upon your attention last Fune, but by a close vote you decided to limit our new enterprise to the printing press. The latter has proved so unqualified a success, however, that I feel emboldened to press the establishment of the School of Journalism upon you for the coming year. I know of no one thing so fraught with good for the University as this. In the first place, such a school would do more to teach the students taking the course, to write good English, than any other mode of teaching; and in the second, it would enable us to establish a weekly paper which could be made to contain far more agricultural information than the average farmer's journal. The pro- fessors and students of the Agricultural College and Experiment Station now furnish enough scientific agricultural information, weekly, to various farm papers to more than sustain our proposed paper. In addition to the agricultural element of the paper, we would have space for the Law School, for the several Engineering Schools and for the Arts and Science College. Bear in mind that the editorial work will cost nothing, the printing will be done at actual cost, and it can at once be seen that its success is absolutely certain. The advertisements would more than support it and it could be sent to the people of Kentucky interested in its contents, practically free. No greater advertisement could possibly be done for the University than the establishment of this School of journalism and the issuance of a college paper which will convey valuable scientific information to the people of the Commonwealth, at the lowest possible price. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF 7TJSTEES The General Assembly at its last session passed an act giving the Alumni repre- sentation on the Board. This will increase the number of your membership to twenty- four, but I look for great good to flow from interesting the Alunni actively in the up-building of the University. The law pakes it incumbent upon you at this meeting to prepare and promilgate the proper paraphernalia for holding the first election in Dec- ember next; one of your number, himself an alumnus as well as a most competent lawyer, Mr. R. C. Stoll, has kindly prepared the election material required by the act and will present it to you for your approval. Since your last meeting, two scholarships have been donated to the University by the Fleishman Company, of Cincinnati end New York, for the purpose of graduate research work in the Food and Drag Department, affecting chemical, bacteriological and other problems connected with the baking industry. The conditions of the scholarship are, namely: that the student shall be a graduate of some college or university with the bachelor's degree, and shall continue in the scholarship work for a period of two years. The scholarships pay each $500.00 annually. This makes three scholarships donated to the University within the last two years; they amount in the aggregate to $1250. In closing, I desire to say that while the whole University is progressing as fast as is possible under the circumstances, I desire especially to call your attention to the rapid development of the Agricultural School, as shown by the report of its Dean to me, a copy of which was sent to each member of this Board; if you have read that report, anything more on the subject will be mere surplusage; if you have not read it, then let me beg that you will do so at your earliest convenience. That report shows the great and splendid work this department is doing to build up the material wealth of the State. I adopt that report as a part of mine to you, as showing far better than my feeble words, how rapidly scientific agriculture is forging to the front in Kentucky. I believe the time is not far distant when this University will be the very heart of Kentucky's material development; that it will stand towards this Commonwealth as the State University of Wisconsin stand to that State. Tune 2, 1914 MYIUTES OF 1= BCLARD OF TRUSTEES We have for graduation a class of one hundred and twenty-nine students. No finer set of young men and young women ever graduated from an institution of learning, and I predict for them a most successful future. Wie have made special preparation for an interesting Commencement; we expect a great many of our Alumni who have been in- vited to come back to their Alma Mater on this occasion to renew their allegiance to her interests. Very respectfully submitted, (Signed) H. S. Barker. Motion made, seconded and unanimously carried that the President's Report be approved as read. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried that the list of candidates for degrees in June, 1914, as recommended by the Faculty be approved. The list is as follows: BACELORS ' DDREPES. Bachelor of Arts In English. Charles FLm Blevins Katherine Mcircby Logan Reuben Thornton Taylor Lydia Elizabeth Westcott Bachelor of Arts in Latin. Stonewall Jackson Robert Allen Norris Myna May Peck Edwin Thomas Proctor Stephen Lenont Pannell Bachelor of Arts in Modern Languages. Ducius Madison Eanmonds Sallie Elizabeth Pence Elsie Grace Sheldon Anne Elizabeth Waddy Tune 2, 1914 MINU5: ES OF T=i- BOARD OF TUSSTEES Bachelor of Arts in History. Earle Cassady Ruth McChesney McHenry Holbrook Julian Larabie Pinkerton Bachelor of Arts in Education. Herman Lee Donovan Pauline Hank Otto Jefferson Jones Frances Folsom McGuire John Howard Payne Joseph Roemer William Thomas Woodson Bachelor of Arts In Mathematics. Angus Neal Gordon Bachelor of Arts. Mary Fraces Huff Gertrude Tartar Harry Netherland Woodson Walter Franklin Wright Bachelor of Science in Education. Grace Elizabeth Baker Sue Dorothy Matthews Idie Lee Turner Caroline Taylor Watkins Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry. Abe Sidney Behrmnn Robert Cornelius Dabney Edward Friend Danforth Harry Benjamin Dobrowsky Coleman Hewlett Carl Emil Lauer Henry Neal Marsh Robert Pfanstiel George Thomas VanArsdale Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. Edgar H. Nollau. Tune 2, 1914 MID=JTS OF 'BE BOARD CF TRUSTEES Bachelor of Science in Mathematics. Clarence Wilder Denham Mary Kinkead Venable Bachelor of Science. Leo Yoseph Sandman Bachelor of Science in Agriculture. Virgil Alexander Babbage John Lloyd Brown Paul Dennis Brown Arthur Louis Brueckner Hal Farnsworth Bryant Jesse Roy Christie Edward Hubert Faulkner Hubbard-Kavanaugh Gayle John Albert Hatter Gilbert Coleman Richardson Seneca Clairborn Routt Henry Wolf Schoening Graham Allen Smith William Cameron Smith John Tee Taylor Joseph Raymond Wall Adolph E. Waller James W. Whitehouse Bachelor of Civil Engineering. William Cornelius Almstedt Paul Howard Croft Levi 0. Colem Carroll Allen Duncan Robert L. Gregory Harry Daniel Hundley Thomas Leonard Pearre Hovey Duncan Palmore Perry Adolphus Rowe Raymond Earl Steffy Clarence Horace Schwartz Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. Arthur Ray Bemett Edward Closson Tomlinson Blaker William Stanley Carrithers Robert Boyd Cottrell William Caldwell Cross Donald Magoffin Gaither George William Gayle Cecil Chenault Harp Ellis Brown Hayden Tune 2, 1914 M'YINUTES OF TAE KEARD CF TERUST=S Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. TContinued) Henry Berkley Hedges Thomas Dougherty Howard Edgar Engman Johnson George Edelen Kelly Herbert Ray Masters Daniel Tenmyson Morgan Herschel Reginald Shelton Henry C-lover Stuong Roger Thomas Thornton Robert Presley Townsend Henry Tyler Watts Bachelor of Mining Engineering. James William Atkins Thomas Robinson Bachelor of Metallurgical Engineering. Henry John Jakobe Oliver Wolcott Smith, Tr. Bachelor of Laws. Arthur Titus Bryson George Addison Chrisman William Wayne Chambers Guy Leslie Dickinson Allen Vlyant Gullion Leslie Guyn Taylor Nathan House Elmer Dishman Hays Wallace Duncan Hamilton Henry Townes Hardin Charles Walter Hoskins Guy Alexander Huguelet George Enoch Jones William Henry Jones Clayborne Xenophon Johnson Ted Benjamin Kelley Henry Clay Kimbrough, Jr. Arthur Leo King William Marion Magruder Henry Benjamin Miller Jesse Isidor Miller Frank Rice Parka Roscoe C. Preston William J. Sandford, Jr. June 2 t 1914 MINUES OF TIME BOARPD OF TrlJSTEES Bachelor of Laws. Basil Duke Sartin Henry L. Spencer Duran Keel Tackett Frank Hereford Tomkies Charles Chester Wilson Ward C. Yeager G R AD U A T S S C H 0 0 L. For Master of Arts. Ella Kiziah Porter William Claude Schultz For Master of Science. Dolly Taylor Battaile InniB Gillis William Henry McAdams James Spencer McHargue Thomas Foreman Ott Benjamin Dunbar Wilson For Civil Engineer. Leonidas Metcalf Allison Walter Andrew Harn Orville Heber Taylor Daniel Voires Terrell For Mechanical Engineer. Arthur Board Haswell Arza Lytle Wilhoite For Electtical Engineer. George Taylor Bogard Charles Elwood Daniel Hiter H. Lowry, Tr. For Mining Engineer. Robert Ryland Atkins Kessack Duke White TUM 2, 1914 MIIRTiES OF TE mO-ARI CF TH.USTETES For Master of Laws. August Adolph Bablitz. IREARY DEGREES. Doctor of Laws. Andrew McConnell January Cochran Barksdale Hamlett Charles Evans George Herbert Harries Edward Lindsay Powell The Report on Rules and Regulations for the Election of Alumni Members to the Board of Trustees of State University was read by Mr. Stoll, which is as follows: "JLexington, Ky. June 2, 1914. To the Board of Trustees, State University, Lexington, Kentucky. Gentlemen:- You are aware that the last General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky adopted an Act entitled, "An Act To Provide For The Election Of Alumni Members To The Board Of Trustees Of The State University, Lexington, Kentucky, And For The Appointment Of Such Alumni Members On The Executive Committee Of The University," and this bill has been properly approved by the Governor of the Commonwealth. The bill provides among other things that the election shall be held under rules and regulations prescribed by the Board of Trustees of the University. At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the University, I was asked to formulate these rules and regulations, and to submit mr report to this Board. I have been in conmmunication with W. J. Irvine Lyle, President of the Alumni Association of the Uni- versity, and asked him to appoint a committee of the Alumni to assist me in the prepara- tion of these rules and regulations. Mr. Iyle appointed Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, June 2, 1914 M1INUTES OF 2-E BOMRD OF TUNITERS Mr. George B. Carey and Mr. J. D. Turner on that committee, and the rules and regula- tions hereinafter referred to have the sanction of the Alumni Committee. Shortly after the Act above referred to was adopted, the question arose as to whether the members of the Alumni of the University to be elected on the Board of Trustees shall be residents and citizens of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. This ques- tion was submitted by me to the Eon. Jones Garnett, Attorney General of the Common- wealth, and he gave me his opinion in a letter dated May 13, 1914, and in this letter he says: "It is my opinion that each member of the Board of Trustees of the University is an officer of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and that they should all be citizens of the State of Kentucky." I attach hereto the original opinion of the Attorney General. I am attaching hereto the rules and regulations prepared by me and the Alumni Committee for the election of Alumni members to the Board of Trustees of the University. Respectfully submitted, (signed) Richard C. Stoll." "Frankfort, Ky. May 13, 1914. Hon. Richard C. Stoll, Lexington, Kentucky. Dear Sir:- I have your letter of May 11, 1914, in which you ask if the six trustees authorized to be nominated by the Alumni of the University and appointed by the Gover- nor, by House Bill No. 524, are required to be residents of the State of Kentucky. "The trustees nominated by the Alumni are appointed by the Governor, and to have concurrent authority with the other trustees appointed by the Governor over certain property owned by the Commonwealth of Kentucky and designated and known as the Univer- Sune, 2. 1914 MINUTES OF THI' BOARD OF TRU ESe 1 sity. If these trustees are officers of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, section 234 of the Constitution requires that they shall be residents of the State of Kentucky. "An office is based upon some provision of the law and the person selected to carry out that provision of the law would be termed an officer if he is given the right to participate in the exercise of the powers or the performance of any executive duties. The Board of Trustees of the State University are the agents of the Common- wealth of Kentucky provided by law for the purpose of exercising executive authority over that branch of the State's business. They have control of valuable property be- longing to the State of Kentucky, and direct the expenditure of large sums of money. They employ sub-agents for the purpose of carrying out the directions of the Legisla- ture, and have certain power and authority over these agents who in turn are required to instruct the scholars who are enrolled in the University. "It is my opinion that each member of the Board of Trustees of the University is an officer of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and that they should all be citizens of the State of Kentuclky. "With kindest regards, I am Yours truly, James Garnett, Attorney General.t" "Lexington, Ky. Tune 2, 1914. State University, Lexington, Ky. The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky in the year 1914 adopted the following Act: "AN ACT to provide for the Election of Alumni members to the Board of Trustees of the State University, Lexington, Kentucky, and for the appointment of such Alumni members on the executive committee of the University. Tune 2, 1914 MIAMUTES OF IflE BCARD OF TRUSTEES BE IT DUSTED BY THE RGERAL ASSMOLY OF THE CMIDNWTEALTH OF IC1~UChY: Section I. There shall be added to the Board of Trustees of the State Univer- sity, Lexington, Kentucky, six (6) additional members who shall be graduates of the University and not less than thirty (30) years of age. The said six (6) additional members of the Board of Trustees of the University shall be nominated and elected by ballot by the graduates of the University and by those who have received degrees therefrom in a method as herein and after set forth. Provided that no graduate shall be permitted to vote during the year of graduation. The names of the persons who have received a plurality of the votes cast shall be certified to the Governor by way of recommendation for appointment, who shall ap- point the persons so recommended, as such additional members of the Board of Trustees of the University and shall have all of the rights, powers and privileges that are now conferred by law. "Section 2. The nomination end election of such additional trustees held hereunder shall be held biennially, under rules and regulations prescribed by the Board of Trustees, and all nominating ballots and all election ballots shall be publicly opened on fixed and published days. At least sixty (60) days shall inter- vene between the mailing and opening of both nominating and election ballots, and such ballots shall be mailed, by the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, to each person entitled to vote at his address as appears from the books of the University, and except in the year 1914, the date fixed for election shall be the day before the regular commencement exercises at the University, and no ballot shall be counted unless it is actually cast by noon of said date. In case of an equality of votes between two or more candidates, the person who shall hold said office of trustee shall be designated by lot from among the persons receiving such equality of votes. The Governor of the Commonwealth, upon proper certification by the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, shall issue a commission in the name of lune 2, 1914 MINUTJ.S OF TIE BOEARD OF TR USTEES the Commonwealth to such additional members of said Board of Trustees. "Section 3. On or before December first, in the year 1914, and in a manner as provided in Section 2 of this Act, such six (6) additional members of the Board of Trustees shall be nominated and elected, and the two (2) receiving the highest number of votes shall hold office for six (6) years, the two (2) re- ceiving the next highest number of votes shall hold office for four (4) years, and the two (2) receiving the next highest number of votes shall hold office for two (2) years. Biennially thereafter the alumni of State Uhiversity shall nomi- nate and elect, by a plurality of votes, as provided in Section 2 of this Act, two (2) members to serve for a period of six (6) years; provided that whenever a vacancy occurs from death, resignation, or other cause, the Board of Trustees shall appoint a graduate, as provided in Section 1 of this Act, until the next regular election when such vacancy shall be then filed by nomination and election for the unexpired term in the manner as provided in Section 2 of this Act. "Section 4. The Board of Trustees, at its first meeting in the year 1915, shall elect an Executive Committee which shall consist of seven (7) members, three (3) of whom shall be from those graduates of the University appointed from the alimni recommendations, any four (4) of whom shall constitute a quorum. "Section 5. In all appointments made hereafter by the Governor of the Common- wealth of Kentucky to the Board of Trustees of the State University, other than those elected by the Alumni, one fifth (1-5) of such number appointed shall be alumni of the said institution. "Section 6. All Acts or parts of Acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. RULES AID REGUIATIONS FOR ELECTION TO BE HELD IF 1914. "Under the provisions of the Act of the Legislature hereinbefore quoted, there shall be elected six members to the Board of Trustees of the University. Tune 2, 1914 MINUTES OF THE BOAERD OF rUS7r:iS - June 2, 1914 These six members elected must be thirty years of age and graduates of the University. Of the six members elected, the two receiving the highest number of votes shall serve for six years; the two receiving the next highest number of votes shall serve for foar years, and the two receiving the third highest number of votes shall serve for two years. "Nominating ballots shall be mailed to each person entitled to vote not later than Tuly 10, 1914. "Each person entitled to vote shall have the right to nominate six persons for members of the Board of Trustees. "These ballots shall be mailed to the Secretary of the Board in an envelope furnished for such purpose. "No person shall receive a duplicate nomination or election ballot unless upon satisfactory representation to the Secretary of the Board that his ballot has either been lost or destroyed. No person shall be permitted to vote other- wise than by ballot. "All nominating ballots shall be cast not later than noon of September 15, 1914, and at noon on said date the said ballot shall be opened by the Secretary in the presence of the Executive Comuittee of the University and of such other persons as desire to be present at the opening of said ballots, and the ballots shall be opened in the room at the University set apart for the use of the Board of Trustees of the University. "The names of the twelve persons receiving the highest number of votes for nomination shall be placed upon the election ballots, and no other persons shall be voted for. In case two or more persons shall receive an equality of votes, the Secretary of the University shall determine by lot the person who shall be the nominee. "The election ballot shall be mailed to each person entitled to vote on or before October 1, 1914. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES "The names of the candidates shall be arranged on said ballots alphabetically, and opposite the name of each candidate shall be a square, and the vote shall be cast by making a cross in the square opposite the names of the persons to be voted for, and shall be placed in the proper envelopes and mailed or delivered to the Secretary of the University. With the election ballot, the Secretary of the University shall mail a short biography of each candidate, which biography shall contain, among other things, the date of the candidate's birth, the date of his graduation, the degree which he has received, his present and past occupations, any public service which he has rendered, and such other facts as might aid the voters to make a proper selection. "Other than the short biography above mentioned, no other matter shall be mailed by the University to those entitled to a vote except the nomination and election ballots and the envelopes in which the ballots are to be returned to the