xt74b853j52w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74b853j52w/data/mets.xml United States Housing Authority 1939 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 1/11 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing October 24, 1939 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing October 24, 1939 1939 2019 true xt74b853j52w section xt74b853j52w F~ tit/t 3 I //t / l/git it , . iv .‘ : 'v . ‘ , » that} V‘ g .:«.‘i~r~,'-xaw 13 “an: '1 Vol.1, No.11 Federal Works Agency, U. 8. Housing Authority— Nathan Slraus, Administratoeu t “1939 . Pittsburgh Celebrates Charleston Project Opening Speeds ‘ Cornerstone Laymg Advance of Public Housing in South for FIrSt PTOJCCt The opening on October 15 of Robert rents. The average shelter rent per The Pittsburgh housing authority Mills Manor, the first of two low-rent dwelling per month is estimated at , , brought its program dramatically be_ housrng prOJects In Charleston, 8- 0-, $12.26. In addition, there will be a fore the public October 11, when an added to the rapidly expanding “’1' small charge for utilities, which in- enthusiastic group of citizens, civic 1m}; (df' “11:th housmg H} the Sggtta d clude water and electricity for light. leaders, and USHA officials partici- b th 1?} ory cedremonges, ‘1. tin 1e Charleston may well be gratified at Dated in the cornerstone laying cere- yl :h 33201” an 11219113 eriho 8. 0,; the preservation of the Jenkins Or- lllOllY for BGdfOFd Dwellings, the c: au 0:111 y, gv 8:6 e on fefprojlec phanage designed by Robert Mills, city’s first public housing project. S1 e, :5. t eth its grolilip O :{mgiei famous American architect born in , Mayor Cornelius D- Scully and $31: high;iseiitoizlvegibsctl::’tsially:oemr- Charleston in 1781. The restored or- Chamber Of Commerce President plete and will be ready for full occu- phanage Witt be used as an adminis- Frank Duggan whole-heartedly ap- pancy early in November tration building and community hall. proved the prOJect and pledged their Rents for the 266 dwelling units in The Old county jail, erected in 1820, . . continued support of the program. . . , Z - . . . . keeping With other low-rent housmg Wthh Wlth the Orphanage and the Local housmg authority Chairman . . . . G E E tated that rents on proJects recently opened, w1ll be the Old Medical SChOOl formed a triangle eorge ' vans S. lowest ever achieved for decent mod- of historic places on the project site, the new pr0ject Will reach the lowest . . . . . . , ern housmg in Charleston and are Will be used as a marine armory income groups among Pittsburgh s . , 1 skim families. lower than the Citys average slum and general museum. Jacob Crane, Assistant USHA Ad- . . . ministrator, hailed the project as California State Enabling Act Upheld in Test Case; “an enterprise in Democracy.” Read— . . . mg an address for Federal Works Ad_ Fifteen Supreme Courts Now Rule for Public Housing ministrator John M. Carmody who, at Action of the State Supreme Court note in accordance with the terms of . the last moment, was unable to at— of California October 11 brought to the USHA loan contract. tend, Mr. Crane said: “The war in 15 the number of State high tribunals Among the issues involved were: Europe doubles the urgency Of the upholding the constitutionality of whether housing iS a DUbllC purpose, need for low-rent housing in this public housing legislation. The Cali- whether the Los Angeles authority is country- It increases the homing fornia court upheld State enabling regularly and validly organized under shortage from which every city in the acts for low-rent housing against 17 the law, whether the law attempts to country suffers.” Specific charges. delegate power of eminent domain to During the ceremonies, members of The Court’s decision took the form private enterprise, and whether the community and social organizations of a writ of mandate ordering Isi- tax-exemption provisions of the law displayed placards bearing such slo- d B D ckweiler Chairman of the violate the State Constitution. gans as “Wipe Out the Slums and ore. ' A0 th 't ’ f th C t f Other States in which the highest Wipe Out Disease!” and “New Houses Housmg u on y 0 e oun y 0 courts have upheld State housing and a New Life!” L05 Angeles, to carry Ottt the pur- laws are: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, , Bedford Dwellings, when com- poses 0f the authority In the construc- Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisi- . pleted, will provide homes for about '01011 Of a low-rent housmg DFOJeCt- ana, Montana," New 'York,”"=‘North 420 low—income families. It is the M1“. Dockweiler, in a test Slllt 01" the Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Caro- first of three projects in Pittsburgh. State law, had refused to execute a lifiTWfiflVVirginia. 1 _-, . , UK Ligmmee ; . 2 . 2 . l . I - - Housm a Vital Problem to Schools of America Current Housing Literature g . , . . ’ Teachers Recognize Need for USHA-Aided Program NDRED AND ONE UESTIONS AND . . . . 12$:ng CONCERNING SLgM CLEARANCE By Floyd McMuWay, State Supermtendent, Department of Public Instruct/ion, Indiana AND Low-PENT HOUSING. City of Detroit . . .2‘ . Housing Cbmmission, Detroit, September The housmg movement, like soil“. Slums are breeders of disease ;they 1939,18 PD- 2 conservation, has long been overdue are breeders of crime and a malad- D: "b: D t' 't'.‘ h r ' ' .e t‘ 't' f . . . . 1322233205 ‘ii322siiémcgmnlli3iii. 1221:5332: xaii‘lteIstinge in America, and educators are deeply Justed eXistence. And teachers, as z “z ' ' ' ' 't . . . . . ”“1 0“” mo" 01 mm“ ”mm 5 interested in a growmg des1re to clear well as doctors, know that all groups HOUSANEfiN FtKONIFERSih Th5,£4unifCiP§l}{{0us- substandard areas and to provide of children in a school—not merely ing u ori y or e iy 0 on ers, . . . a Yonkers, 1939, 27 pp. . adequate houSing 1501 American peo- those who come f1 0m the slums—are thngim‘gx-y Olgghemwouk-hofthe Yor‘iltlégsghouéing an} ple. We are particularly interested endangered by the spread of disease. on y, rum, I. : 3' rout: ’ summer 0 3 . opies o , , , , _ .,..,-.2 2‘ : vupamphietwartime to other local2authorities. in the public housmg program be— We must get children out of the dark- “w ' A ‘S'UMM'ARY 0F ACTIVITY FOR 1938. The cause adequate h0us1ng can help stop ness of hovels and into the sunlight. HousBing' Associatlog Of Mletl'Opollc’ican 305- the waste, the erosion of human lives. The homes which we are gouig to tog;ofll:::(:::01?‘:’[9’theHjijslgsgsiigtin'o,Mam It can help reclaim, and free them. build must, by a provision of the 1.2211211333353131); iti‘légjfg‘flfif 813‘, gfiffi‘t’gand-answer Educators are in a position to see in- United States Housing Act of 1937, ' S 'l ,' z '( ' 1 S. H P S P 193 timately how urgent is the need for be built to last at least 60 years. It OUSING ROJECTS How ROFIT FOR 8, - - , Real Estate Record, Sept. 30, 1939, pp. 2_3_ this conservation of human resouices. should be clear that at the end of 60 Summary of report Orkney? York Ciilty Housing Au- Those who have lived in slums— years the pI‘OJ ect might be practically th "tf J'zt' ft ' '-‘ t , 'i t.‘. . . . 0“ ‘ ”n 0D“ 1 "m 0 lee 0“ 1e“ ”Wm mm ‘ cramped for room both physmally and obsolete if adequate recreational, so— gggpgyggigfmglEgg-$133213 P51111455? spiritually—or who have spent some cial, and educational facilities for the 4 ' RU R Y S, . . > . . . . ‘ by Brendan Sullivan, Rm; Emm Record, time helping to educate the cross- families were not “built into” the Oct27219392pI>-12-13- section of privileged and underpriv- prOJects, or if these faCIlities should Strt't‘t'wl st l' i' 1 s " l' r I’ ‘-l2:wl 2k-2 - . . . . Villlaqgelsiiidliizitels)tlilitiiili‘iiatglhills-lIiEEpi-Xdihthng‘nhl ileged children to be found in any become seriously out oi‘ date. I am, ““3”" 1“ tad "'9“ 0‘ ‘mp‘ove mum” “'0“th typical American public school, therefore, particularly interested in 8PARTMENTSZ FgR ’{cHggPolcgggby B2153; Bil/(13116, should readily understand what the the attention which our local housing ommonwea, ep . , , pp. o —;i . -, - , ,_ , . ., .- '7 . . .' Although many Pbstfldes remain to be overcome, public _h0usmg piogiam means £01 authorities, and the USHA, are giv- 32123023332123. “Wm“ l‘egm‘dmg slum clearance 15 education. At present a certain pro- ing to families’ requirements in rec- portion of the taxpayers’ money reation, in enriched community rela- MR. ARNOLD UNLOCKS HOUSING, by Jona- t f , bl' d t' 2 t 2 t' , d 2 d ’6' Th , than Mitchell, The New Republic, Sept. 13’ spen oi pu 1C e uca ion is spen in ions, an .111 'e uca ion. Iese am 19392131). 153—155. an uphill fight: trying to build up, being “built into” the prOJects, to . . 5‘ 'fi.. “1 . . . , ,‘ . 25 . , . ‘ {033215525232°9,,2lififiifitfifit2ifitfi°gfiiy ffnffill fififififlg during a few hours each day, bodies meet the demands not merely of today ”’“M’y‘ and minds and character that an un- but of years hence: in short, to make IfiABoa ANIgUIIE‘IIT Cosrlsgirji3 PWA §4%W—RENT wholesome physical and social envi- a sound investment, along with the OUSING, y erman . yer an larence - - , 2' 2 2 A. Trump, Monthly Labor Review, Septem- ronment—which means, in pait, sub- bi 10k and mortai, for at least 60 bel‘19392pp2 578—5862 standard housmg—is subtly under— years. Stl flib‘u ‘2 t2 '2-‘ ' ,._ . . pemiltiirfs mi 2% iéi‘vli-‘ei’i‘ii‘oisfii‘gd $152323? ‘0“ °f L‘ mmmg most 0f the daY- (See HOUSING AND THE SCHOOLS on p2 4) SELF—HELP_ COOPERATIVE HOUSING, Monthly Labor Remew, September 1939, pp. 566—577. Before Description of miners’ homestead project near Uniontown, Pa., and of the Iona sell-help cooperative, Iona, Idaho. ’ l 2 % HqiviE AND ANBACRE—$2,600, by Arthur wail/”c ( / , PM . ,2.2 an issmgen, (Li‘ron’s, Aug. 28, 1939, p. /*“‘*’ 2 \ 2 av- ' ;22.~.--22222. 2 _ 8; also Readers Digest October 1939 . " ”2 2 ' . i l 7‘11- l ’ pp 1/ ,2, PARAlEE ; 4 . How four brothers of Hammond, Ind., with little “(km/2,2”: /’ “"‘ I ', l 2.2.2: . ' capital, successfully established a community of low- /"22' / ”‘1 ’ '2 " 7/, ' ,’ . l income. home owners. 2? ) 12",:5‘5, 't , ' . ' ‘ .' 1.. SOVIET HOUSING LAW, by John N. Hazard. , ‘““'"’;"’I' h . , lltagle University Press, New Haven, 1939, " 2,2622, 2.2. M ' 2, l 7 pp. 2 J. IKE”; ' ' in; l l ,. . Analyzes Soviet h xtrt Ls z 1 ‘1. ‘2 ' 2 .2, ,, ,., 2. = '2 . (I 2 3"...“ 1' l "17%”? ’ 1 Reviews social aniloujli‘tlilliltri:le1 gorseliiierffeus] all“ 153?: i 2%???“ ' ‘ ’ “W, 2 21' t V291 I { {it‘ll-2 g l l ' housmrr policy. it , 4" , , 2 _ an... 911,27 2. ' .- ‘ it l 2 ,2 . ”we 2: ' 2 . - 2' 2 ‘ 22 2 '. 223 2' '?.2»".‘.‘< I “’2‘,” . 2', 147' ,, "" 2 2... é -. 2 '3. RESTRAINTS OF TRADE IN BUILDING, by Thur- ] LY“ '212‘ ',""”'1 2' W” ' " f *5; f; 22,5 '02,. Suggest? tj‘fgm'eeybqu.eml. Alrngld dig‘flldsses re- 2;? l .. ,U,,..u-ri2;;w.*m ,zfl’v’nmv« ' “r e in ui in" .‘ ' r ' " s 2‘4"» gal 4 ,””“§2”""7""”1":‘2 ' 2 '1 "'l’c/‘i/ZIQV/33‘ how antitrust laws can remdadynlligsslizuatri‘on. eamlbes ’ 1’ W‘ffiiwi"; ,,‘ l/‘~m§::z%f“fl How CAN WE SOLVE THE HOUSING RIDDLE, " '2,'§~ WWW” ' by Robert L. Davison, sz’s Review, Oc- “’fi’” . . tobei' 1939, pp. 5—11. ,, . '2 SEW/fl“ 7 imimgilf’f :ggSix’EllelfllrillirtEZefievfeaslesallcefidoonf figfgggszefi This view oi the slum dwellings which formerly occupied the site of Robert Mills Manor in Charleston, S. C., was reducing costs. Floor plans, graphs, illustrations. taken from the same spot as the picture on the opposite page, which shows the project nearing completion. 2 O ‘ ,. l . O ' '- O . USHA Aid sought by 31 l Conference Studies Re reation and Housmg l Cltles Slnce AugHSt Public housing was an important selection, acquisition of additional Although it is generally known item on the agenda of the National recreational facilities for existing 7 that available USHA funds have long Recreation Conference held in Bos- projects, and design of community . . since been committed, local plans are ton, October 9—13. The Conference facilities within the project. 5 still being developed and applications featured a seminar on recreation in Underlying the whole housing rec- ; filed for USHA assistance. housing projects and a USHA exhibit reation program is the fact that hous- r Since the adjournment of the reg- contrasting planned community life ing is more than shelter. Housing, 3 ular session of Congress in August, with slum conditions. In a simple, to eliminate slum conditions, must _ when a bill to extend USH A lending straightforward manner the exhibit provide for the recreational and leis- . powers failed to come to a vote in the explained who pays for and who ure-time activities of all the tenants. . House, some 31 local housing authori— benefits from public housing. About But public housing projects—homes ) ties have applied for aid to build 49 1,400 delegates from over 800 cities built for the lowest income families— ; projects. The applications represent in 38 States attended the conference. must also be constructed and operated , housing authorities in cities all over The special problem for considera— as economically as possible. Since ; the United States. Twenty-one of the tion of the delegates was: how can nearly all communities have munici- ) applications, covering 30 projects, local public housing programs best be pal recreation agencies equipped and v have been received since September 1‘ made to mesh with municipal recrea- willing to supply the necessary facil- . tion programs? USHA representa- ities, some plan should be devised to a - - tives emphasized the value of advice bring public housing and public rec- ; Enfleld Indus.tn,al Workers from recreation executives in site reation programs together. , l Survey City 5 Housmg Needs , A new method to enlist public sup- ' ' port to}. local 10%,th housing pm} Newspaper Column Spreads N. Y. Proiect Information : ects has been adopted in Enfield, All local housing authorities will be cate that many people n’iistakeiily be— - Conn., where thirty volunteer indus— interested in the success of a “ques— lieve that families living in public - trial workers, members of the Textile tion-and—answer” feature recently in- housing projects are restricted by . Workers’ Union, are making a survey troduced in the Brooklyn Sunday unnecessary rules and regulations. 5 to determine housing needs. Eagle. The second column of the Answers show that there are no more . . . Window cards, similar in size to series appeared October 1, and reads, rules at Red Hook than are required ' those provided Red Cross contribu- in part, as follows: for the comfort and convenience of all 5 tors, bearing the legend, “We have _ . _ in any apartment building, public or e cooperated with the Enfield Housing 1)"th Housing Pmblems Alred and Answered private. l Committee,” are being given to house- During the past week the following Q. We heard that the lights are turned holders who answer the questionnaire questions on life at Red Hook houses out at 10 p. m Is that true? distributed by the enumerators. were received. These questions indi— A. No. The current is on at all times. I Q. Can I have company in my apart— Aftel‘ ment? ' ——-——-—-———-—-—— A. Of course. Your apartment is your home and you can entertain as you , , . F»? r“ please provided that you do not ,1;.':;,_;:,i;.:.~_;; . .; . '_; ., ., , rg‘-‘-...- make so much noise that you dis— ' ’ ‘ i .' , l . - ‘l, " turb your neighbors. . . {i\ ' grk/ . Q. I work on a night shift and get home {.2 g. 31:3!“ l 1 iv , a- about 2 a. m. Could I get into my 5€€‘E?“1!l . 1,». 5.: ifiwflfiqfilgfimljml“315mm!“ A, Yes, The entrance doors are kept §3§333:;~:N ‘ ‘ '. ., . ~. g " m , A, . ' locked at all times but each tenant i:— ‘1qu ;I§§0~;;fi§u! “r”. , 1 i M Q. If I move in to Red Hook, can I keep me; aaYWfir -- . ' E" my dog? wy, ff,‘ . V. / , M . w— . . , .. . A. No. Do 5, cats and other animals ygfi~ ’afi’rawe are mi permitted, but you may 7“4i“w’y’:m:f Q. Can I bring beer or liquor into the l ”Moria”, MW“ ”I“ ”a A. Yes, but if you or Your guests be— ? New homes for low-income families being built on the slum site shown on the opposite page. These new low-rent come boisterous or disorderly such homes were ready for occupancy on October 15. conduct will not be tolerated. 3 , . . Housmg and the Schools Systematic Efforts Made (Continued from p. 2) to R l te F or . . - ~ e oca ami ies liocalaiitliority and Number D‘Ltifld Those Who ale engaged 111 publlC DrOiect number of “Hits Opening education always have a real respon— ———————-——-——— sibility in public affairs. Housing is . Aware'that the problem of relocat- BID OPENINGS DEFINITELY SCHEDULED a subject which we cannot and Will 1ng familles forced to leave their . Asbui‘y Park (N. J.—7—l) 126 mam—39 “0'9 ignore in our SChOOlS- MOSt 0f homés on proteCt Sltes calls £0.11 Cire‘ Angina (Gare—2 Pt. our boys and girls upon leaving ful investigation and organization, l' u [u _ , . . . 130330],‘(Mgggj:j:j§:‘_::‘ 3‘7); iéiéigg school have to dealw1th hous1ng prob- housmg authorities throughout the gharlotfie (\1T . C.—3§1:))).-. 353 £73433 lems of their own. Our schools can country are tackling the job system- ‘nmm e ( em” fl )” 0 ‘ h help spread understanding of housing atically. Laurel(MiSS--2y2)..—w— 125 11—13-39 not onl in the classes but b coo — . Lexington (Ky.—4—1).--._ 86 10_23_39 . t' y 'th th . . . i . y t' p .Scatteied throughout New York Lexiggton 6364—2)--." 206 10‘23—39 913 mg W1 0 ‘51 CIVIC Oiganiza 10115 City’s five boroughs are branches of Los ngcles ant—471) 610 11- 8-39 throu h the use of chool buildin s - - Lowell (MaSS._1_1)___W 536 11_ 1_39 f . f g 1 t . S . _ t g the New York City Housmg Author— McCoinb (Mm *34) 90 10 24_39 :1 OFUEIS, cc “1915’ 1130:2193 pic ugei’; ity’s Vacancy and Rehousing Bureau Meridian (Miss—i—iif' 89 1143439 edc" 0:1. ousmg. h“ 111:1. ermgb? u which aids in rehousing not only fam— 1Y1“r}(1‘,a“,(Miss-T4I3h" f0 11— 8‘39 e uca ion on. suc pu .lc pro ems, ilies from project sites but also those M“ 3‘” 1‘ (N 3 -v0‘3>r 1: 03‘ 10*23*39 the schools Will be functioning at the Ponce, (P. R..»l~])....,.... 300 10—25—39 . who must move for other reasons. very center and core of American . . . ' _ , 5”” FWWSCO “all“ democracy, carrying on the tradition Families llvmg on the Slte 0f the l—QAR 472 11* 7—39 . ,. . - ,. - . San Juan) (P. H.724)“, 420 11s 8—39 of the early settlers’ town meetings. l” Olgosed 3113111155; and N93171:: plloJeCl 'l‘iimpa (Flau—3—‘l—li. Pt. - - _ , - ,. 1n ewar { . . were in t e owest ll) 184 10»25739 IIQOk t0 the 131113110 hous}ng mole/“S income rdu m’an of them on re_ Zaiiesvillc (Ohio-0 —l).., 324 10—26739 to bring about a release of energies to . g p, y ___..————-————-——-——— people who have previously been, hef- BGtWGQU J 11116. and September 'l‘ENTATIVE SCHEDULE 01“ Bin OPENiNosl through no fault of their own, the Newark authority had aSSlSted ”11““le (Mus) ,7) 700 11—16—39 cramped in body and in spirit by liv— 296 families in finding new homes. Gary (Ind.~ii—1)......_, 305 l]~20—39 ing in substandard homes. Some of It was possible for Cleveland to L‘.;1¥';§3§§1(f§§2,:§3l ) 1:8 31:33 the energies and talents released will utilize the Merrick Settlement House, ’l‘olcdo (Ohio—o 2),_,..... 112 11~17~39 turn to science, to statesmanship, to near the site of the future Valley where is usually a 30_day period between bid ad_ the aits, to c1 eating a‘niore happy and View prOJect, as headquarters for its vertising and bid opening. None of the bid openings Wholesome world to llVQ 1n. Vacancy and relocation bureau. . shown here have as yet been definitely scheduled. . . . . _ , , Backed by awe and religious groups, New Local Authorities Construction Report Analys1s the authority found homes for ap— During the month of September, 5 The addition of two new projects in prox1mately 250 families. new local housing authorities were Covington, Ky., brought to 106 the The Philadelphia authority con- created, bringing to 264 the total for number of projects under construc- Vinced business, civic, and welfare or— the country. The new authorities tion during the week ended October ganizations that rehousing required are: 13. The addition of the new projects the support of all civic-minded citi- Fail'field (Ala) Housing AuthoritY- caused an increase of almost 1 per- zens. Forty rental agents have Thfe 1:011:31“ Authomty 0f the Clty °f Stam' cent in the number of dwellings un- agreed to cooperate by submitting 0} ( onn')' . . der construction and an increase of listings of vacant accommodations. Rock Island Co. (111.) Housmg Authority. , , n . . ~ HousingAuthority ofMontgomery Co.(Md.) slightly more than 1 percent .111 the To date 000 families have been 1e- Alexandria (Va.) Housing Authority. total over—all cost of new housing. located. Weekly Construction Report I Week ended Week ended Percentage tem Oct. 13, 1939 Oct. 6, 1939 change Number of projects under construction________-.,,.,-_._,_-_____,-,,_,___-_____,_, 106 104 +1.92 Number of dwellings under construction"..____,-,-,-._..,_-__,,-______,__-,m, 44,076 43,678 +0.91 Total estimated over-all cost 1 of new housingwiwmn______________,_____‘,, $203,236,000 $201,187,000 +1.02 Average over-all cost 1 of new housing per unit $4,611 $4,606 +0.11 Average net construction cost 2 per unit $2,897 $2,896 +0.03 ___—_____________________.______—————————— 1 Includes: (a) Building the house, including structural costs and plumbing, heating, and electrical installation; (b) dwelling equip— ment, architects’ fees, local administrative expenses, financial charges during construction, and contingency expenses; (c) land for present development; (01) nondwelling facilities. » 3 The cost of building the house, including structural, plumbing, heating, and electrical costs. ________________________________4_————-——————-— Publication is approved by the Director. Bureau of the Budget, as required by rule 42 of the Joint Committee on Printing. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Subscription price $1 domestic, foreign $1.80 per year. Single copies, 5 cents. Material for PUBLIC HOUSING should be addressed to Informational Service Division. U. S. Housing Authority, Washington, D. C. 4 U. 5. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 18-1822