xt74b853j590 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74b853j590/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky College of Nursing Kentucky -- Lexington University of Kentucky College of Nursing 2014 newsletters English University of Kentucky College of Nursing Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky College of Nursing publications Nursing Opportunities, Fall 2014 text Opportunities, Fall 2014 2014 2014 2019 true xt74b853j590 section xt74b853j590 Fall 2014 table of CONTENTS 10 page Feature A Conversation With the New Dean 16 20 page Practice Doors Wide Open: A New Era at Eastern State Hospital page Partnership Preparing to Lead: It’s a New Day Norton Healthcare Partners with UK’s DNP Program 26 page Research One by One 32 page Students Meet the Interns 2 Grant Productivity 4 Awards 5 Student Scholarship Showcase Anniversary 6 Faculty & Staff Appointments & Transitions 36 Events 38 Donors 41 Donor Profile Opp2014_interior_FINAL.indd 1 11/16/14 12:05 PM * grant PRODUCTIVITY FUNDED Grants awarded RESEARCH grant PRODUCTIVITY april 2013 to present Electronic Cigarette Use Behaviors, Prevalence, and Perceptions Among Women of Childbearing Age In Kentucky Dr. Kristin Ashford, women’s health nurse practitioner and associate professor, received a one-year, $19,792 award from the UK Office of the Vice President for Research that will determine the behaviors, perceptions, attitudes and beliefs regarding the use of e-cigarettes among women of childbearing age (including pregnant women). Prenatal and Postpartum Training Dr. Kristin Ashford, women’s health nurse practitioner and associate professor, also received a one-year, $4,500 contract from the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services. A Dietary Antioxidant Intervention for Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease Dr. Martha Biddle, assistant professor, received $3,000 in supplemental funding from the Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) to fund a full carotenoid panel for HPLC analysis. Effects of Family Sodium Watchers Program on Outcomes in Heart Failure Patient-Family Caregiver Dyads Dr. Misook Chung, associate professor, received a five-year, $2,404,267 grant from the National Institute of Nursing Research. Dr. Chung and her team will administer a family-based intervention that will improve the health status and quality of life of patients with heart failure and their family caregivers. Tobacco Policies in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Dr. Amanda Fallin, assistant research professor, received a six-month, $5,000 award from the Center for Clinical and Translational Science Small Grant Program. She will create a database of tobacco policies and treatment standards of care on Kentucky’s mental health and substance abuse treatment facilities. Predictors of Cognitive Function and Disability in Adult Trauma Patients Who Receive Blood Transfusions Dr. Susan Frazier, associate professor, and Allison Roenker Jones, PhD candidate, received a $6,000 award from the Emergency Nurses Association Foundation. Their project will evaluate the association of blood transfusion volume, ratio of components, and age of stored blood components with cognitive/psychological functioning in trauma patients. 2 OPPORTUNITIES / Fall 2014 Opp2014_interior_FINAL.indd 2-3 Smoke-free: Refresh. Replenish. Re-energize. Interventions for Nutrition Education and Skills Dr. Ellen Hahn, professor and director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy and Tobacco Policy Research Program and Marcia A. Dake Professor of Nursing, received $2,750 from the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky to hold the KCSP annual conference. Dr. Frances Hardin-Fanning, assistant professor, received a three-year, $368,888 K23 Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development award from the National Institute for Nursing Research. It will engender the skills to develop and test novel interventions aimed at improving eating habits and thereby lowering risk and cost burden of heart disease in rural Appalachian food deserts. Promoting Responsive Smoke- and Tobacco-free Policy Adoption and Implementation Dr. Ellen Hahn, professor and director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free policy and Tobacco Policy Research Program and Marcia A. Dake Professor of Nursing, received $50,000 for year two of what is anticipated to be a five-year initiative from the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky. The study promotes smoke- and tobacco-free policy adoption and effective implementation. A Randomized Controlled Trial of Anesthesia Guided by BIS vs. Standard Care and Effects on Cognition Dr. Debra Moser, professor and Linda C. Gill Endowed Chair in Nursing, and Zohn Centimole, PhD candidate, received a one-year, $26,700 award from the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Foundation. The specific aims are designed to provide a comprehensive assessment of neurocognitive implication of bispectral index system (BIS) guided versus standard anesthetic techniques. Postoperative Symptom Distress of Laparoscopic Orthopaedic Ambulatory Surgery Patients: A Qualitative Study Dr. Janet Odom-Forren, assistant professor, received a one-year grant of $4,533 from the American Nurses Foundation. Dr. OdomForren and her co-investigator, Dr. Deborah Reed, professor, will conduct focus groups with key stakeholders. Data gathered will allow for the development of tailored interventions for management of postoperative symptoms. Postoperative Symptom Distress of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Ambulatory Surgery Patients: A Qualitative Study Dr. Janet Odom-Forren, assistant professor, received a one-year grant of $9,939 from the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses. This qualitative study will 1) identify all symptoms that cause postoperative distress; 2) identify symptom management techniques that effectively reduce the distress of laparoscopic cholecystectomy postoperative symptoms at home after ambulatory surgery; and 3) identify facilitators and barriers to self-management of postoperative symptoms. Nurse Education, Practice, Quality and Retention—Veterans’ Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program Dr. Frances Hardin-Fanning, assistant professor, received a three-year, $627,041 Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) award that will develop, implement and evaluate a medically trained veteran to BSN transition initiative in the UK College of Nursing BSN Program. Reducing Diabetes Risk for Rural Appalachian Grandparent-Headed Households (GHH) Dr. Jennifer Hatcher, associate professor, received a three-year, $375,000 grant from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. GHH will holistically examine the socio-ecological context of the health of GHH in rural Appalachian Kentucky, in order to implement a culturally and contextually appropriate family intervention to reduce diabetes risk. Promoting Colorectal Cancer Screening in Rural Emergency Departments Dr. Jennifer Hatcher, associate professor, received a two-year, $359,528 award from the National Cancer Institute. This work will be the first to address the disproportionate incidence and mortality from colorectal cancer in rural Appalachia. Farm Theater: A Novel Safety Strategy Approach for Agricultural Communities Dr. Deborah Reed, Distinguished Service Professor and Good Samaritan Endowed Chair, received a four-year, $1,231,184 award from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Dr. Reed and her team will work with established farm community organizations in Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi to develop and test a novel intervention: didactic readers theater, with 450 adult and senior farmers, and their family members, to positively change farm work culture and safety behavior. Central Appalachian Regional Education and Research Center/Occupational and Environmental Health Nursing (OEHN) Training Program Dr. Deborah Reed, Distinguished Service Professor and Good Samaritan Endowed Chair, received a five-year, $990,000 award from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Principal Investigator Dr. Wayne Sanderson, UK College of Public Health). Dr. Reed leads the Occupational and Environmental Health Nursing Training Core. Prestigous pcori grant AWARDED DEBRA MOSER Debra Moser, DNSc, RN, FAAN, professor, has been awarded a prestigious Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Grant (PCORI) to advance her research in riskreducing interventions for cardiovascular disease in Kentucky’s Appalachian region. The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute is authorized by Congress to conduct research to provide information about the best available evidence to help patients and their health care providers make more informed decisions. PCORI’s research is intended to give patients a better understanding of the prevention, treatment and care options available, and the science that supports those options. The $2.1 million grant will be distributed over the next three years. Appalachian Kentucky is in the top 1 percent of the nation in cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality, placing it among the worst CVD health disparity areas in the U.S. Individuals in Appalachian Kentucky have extremely high risks of multiple CVD risk factors, amplified by the distressed environment. Dr. Moser’s research will focus on interventions individualized to patients’ specific needs and barriers to success. University of Kentucky College of Nursing 3 11/16/14 12:05 PM * 6 awards & HONORS AWARDS Recipient List CONGRATULATIONS student SCHOLARSHIPS In the Pursuit of Sharing 2013-2014 College of Nursing Student Awards College of Nursing Faculty Award RECIPIENT: Jessica Anderson Sebastian-Stanhope Award RECIPIENT: Lacey Buckler Delta Psi Senior Nurse Award RECIPIENTS: Kathryn Campbell Omicron Delta Kappa Maurice A. Clay Award RECIPIENT: Anthony Carney Best graduate student poster presentation RECIPIENT: Amber Davis Best undergraduate student oral presentation RECIPIENT: Marissa Hooper Best graduate student oral presentation RECIPIENT: Jessica Murray 2014 College of Nursing Annual Award Recipients Employee of the Year Award RECIPIENT: Nancy McDevitt UK HealthCare Commitment to Nursing Excellence Award RECIPIENT: Anthony Carney Excellence in Undergraduate Precepting Award RECIPIENT: Christy Hurst Taylor Ann Davis Starbucks Award RECIPIENT: Joy Coles Excellence in Graduate Precepting Award RECIPIENT: Kimberly Bennett 2014 Dr. Doris Wilkinson Award for Most Outstanding African-American Female RECIPIENT: Kristina Harrison Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award RECIPIENT: Karen Stefaniak First Place, Minority Health Research Student Poster, 2014 Southern Nursing Research Society Annual Conference RECIPIENT: Corinna Hughes Carolyn A. Williams Award RECIPIENT: Kathy Isaacs College of Nursing Alumni Association Nightingale Award RECIPIENT: Samantha Keeling Lyman T. Johnson Torch Bearer Award RECIPIENT: Joshua Kidd First Place Student Poster, 2014 Southern Nursing Research Society Annual Conference RECIPIENT: Christina Thompson Baptist Health Lexington Nursing Leadership Award RECIPIENT: Hayley Wihlon 2014 College of Nursing Student Scholarship Showcase Awards Best undergraduate student poster presentation RECIPIENT: Anthony Carney 4 OPPORTUNITIES / Fall 2014 Opp2014_interior_FINAL.indd 4-5 Excellence in Part-Time Teaching Award RECIPIENT: Demetrius Abshire Excellence in Undergraduate Unit/Agency Award RECIPIENT: Trauma Surgical Services Eighth Floor, UK HealthCare Gloe L. Bertram Award RECIPIENT: Tricia MacCallum Louise J. Zegeer Award RECIPIENT: Cathy Catlett Teaching Excellence in Support of Professional Nursing Award RECIPIENT: Vicky Turner Dean’s Award RECIPIENT: Jeannine Blackwell Excellence in Service Award RECIPIENT: Patricia B. Howard 2013-2014 Other Faculty Awards 100 Inspiring Nursing Professors to Watch, Onlinelpntorn.org RECIPIENTS: Demetrius Abshire and Stephanie Fugate Outstanding Alumni Award, University of Louisville RECIPIENTS: Kristin Ashford and Patricia B. Howard Golden Apple Award, The Learning Center, Fayette County Public Schools Community Partners Leadership Team RECIPIENTS: Leslie Beebe, Joanne Matthews, Courtney Reeves and Stephanie Steele Inducted as Fellows, American Heart Association RECIPIENTS: Martha Biddle and Misook Chung Inducted as Fellow, American Academy of Nursing RECIPIENT: Misook Chung Scholarship College Celebrates the 10th Anniversary of the Student Scholarship Showcase Although the word “scholarship” may call to mind college applications and financial aid, it also can mean the pursuit of knowledge through formal study or research. That pursuit is partially played out with the College of Nursing’s annual Student Scholarship Showcase. In April 2014, the College hosted its 10th showcase. Much like a scientific conference, students present posters and oral presentations selected and then judged by college faculty. Winners, chosen in both categories at the undergraduate and graduate levels, receive a plaque and a $100 award. 2014 State Award for Excellence, American Association of Nurse Practitioners RECIPIENT: Audrey Darville 2013 Junior Investigator Award, American Public Health Association RECIPIENT: Francis Hardin-Fanning 2014 Hall of Fame Award, UK College of Public Health RECIPIENT: Carolyn Williams 2014 Other Awards 2013 Chapter Spirit of Philanthropy Award, Sigma Theta Tau International RECIPIENT: UK College of Nursing Delta Psi Chapter 2013 Presidential Award, Sigma Theta Tau International RECIPIENT: UK College of Nursing Delta Psi Chapter Gold Award, 2013 Opportunities magazine, Lexington Chapter of the American Advertising Federation RECIPIENTS: Claire Sale and The Williams McBride Group 2014 “The Healing Presence of Art” Employee Gallery, Photography, UK Arts in HealthCare RECIPIENT: Claire Sale Digital posters, created on a computer and presented on-screen, were an idea Dr. Dekker received from faculty. She worked with UK Chandler Hospital’s A/V department, which had high-definition monitors available for complimentary use. Eleven students presented digital posters. “That is really moving forward. I haven’t been to any conferences where that technology was used,” says Holmes. The practice sessions for oral presentations helped students be better prepared and confident. History of the Student Scholarship Showcase Mary DeLetter, PhD, RN, an alumna of the college’s PhD Program, was instrumental in establishing the showcase. Dr. DeLetter, who at the time was an assistant professor in the College, was inspired by a one-time event of student presentations in the early 1990s. “It prompted me to think that it was a good venue for students at all levels to be able to present to a friendly audience and to gain some experience in recognizing scholarship,” she says. In 2003, she got full support from then-Dean Carolyn Williams, and the Student Scholarship Showcase was born. Ambassador status, National Institute of Nursing Research RECIPIENT: Ellen Hahn 2014-2015 University Research Professorship, UK Office of the Vice President for Research RECIPIENT: Debra Moser WRITTEN BY: Jennifer S. Newton The 10th Anniversary To honor the 10th anniversary, the showcase committee made some changes to enhance the event. First, Sherry Holmes, MSN, RN, coordinator of assessment and special projects, who was chair for three years, turned facilitating duties over to co-chairs Rebecca Dekker, PhD, RN, APRN, assistant professor, and Debra Moser, DNSc, RN, FAAN, professor and director of the Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease. “We felt like we would get better student participation if faculty members were more actively involved,” says Holmes. Having been a participant who won two showcase awards herself, Dr. Dekker has a unique perspective and passion for the event. Her first priority was to seek faculty input, ask them to include the event in their spring syllabi and encourage students to submit abstracts. The strategy worked; the committee received 21 submissions and saw an increase in attendance from 2013. Other changes included adding a “must be present to win” raffle, staggering the order of undergraduate and graduate speakers, introducing digital posters and requiring students with oral presentations to attend a practice session. Although it began with a research focus, this year honored the original intent to add other exceptional work, such as clinical papers, literature reviews, evidence-based projects and practice guideline implementation. Fostering faculty-to-student mentorship and giving students an opportunity to present scholarly work are important, according to Professor and then-Interim Dean Patricia B. Howard, PhD, RN, FAAN. The showcase offers a broader opportunity, at little to no cost, in a supportive and energetic environment. “It’s practice for state, regional or national presentations,” she says. Unlike anything students experience in the classroom or in clinic, the showcase instills confidence and increases awareness of the value of scholarly endeavors. “It’s celebrating students impacting patients, patient outcomes and the research world. They’re doing important things no matter where they are in the progress of an academic career,” says Dr. DeLetter. “It really gives (students) positive strokes and encourages them to continue scholarly productivity,” says Holmes. True to its roots, the showcase benefited not only the participants but also those who attended. Dr. Dekker says both she and the students were inspired to want to change nursing practice for the better—what a testament to the College’s mission: “to support excellence in nursing education, research, practice and service.” 2013 Lyman T. Johnson Torch of Excellence Award RECIPIENT: Sophia Weathers University of Kentucky College of Nursing 5 11/16/14 12:05 PM * faculty & S TA F F TRANSITIONS Faculty Appointments Faculty Appointments Amanda Fallin, PhD, RN, Assistant Research Professor Dr. Fallin is an active early-career tobacco control scientist with a focus on tobacco policy and disparate populations. As a faculty associate in the Tobacco Policy Research Program, she is currently developing a program of research focused on tobacco use and tobacco-related policies in mental health and substance abuse treatment facilities. In June 2014, she completed a three-year postdoctoral fellowship with Dr. Stanton Glantz at the University of California San Francisco’s Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education. While there she led projects related to tobacco use, policy and prevention for vulnerable populations: in tobacco-growing states; and among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender adults, college students and bar-going young adults. Fallin has led two multi-site capacity-building projects funded by California’s Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program to evaluate smoke- and tobacco-free college campus policies in California as an extension of her dissertation research. Her article, “To Quarterback Behind the Scenes, Third Party Efforts: The Tobacco Industry and the Tea Party,” was the most downloaded article in Tobacco Control in 2013. As a predoctoral student, she served as a community adviser on an NHLBI-funded project to promote smoke-free policies in rural Kentucky communities. Dr. Fallin earned her BSN, MSN and PhD from the University of Kentucky College of Nursing. 6 OPPORTUNITIES / Fall 2014 Opp2014_interior_FINAL.indd 6-7 Dianna Inman, DNP, RN, APRN, CPNP, PMHS, Assistant Professor Dr. Inman is a pediatric nurse practitioner, primary care mental health specialist and an assistant professor of nursing at the University of Kentucky in the graduate program. Dedicated to serving children and adolescents, her work has focused on assessing and treating students in schools in underserved areas with primary care and developmental and behavioral health services. She is an active member in the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, has presented at national conferences and is a member of special interest groups related to school health and mental health. She has written articles for Ready Set Grow Health Information for Kids and Parents magazine sponsored by the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners. Dr. Inman received the Outstanding Faculty Member Award from the Medical University of South Carolina and the distinguished Palmetto Gold Nurse Recognition Award by the South Carolina Nurses Foundation. She has received funding as co-PI from the Duke Endowment and Health Resources and Services Administration for implementing evidence-based programs to decrease aggressive behaviors in elementary school students. As an advocate for children and adolescents, Dr. Inman has served on the First Steps Board to improve school readiness for children in Charleston County, South Carolina. She is passionate about improving health outcomes of children and adolescents through increasing nursing students’, nurses’ and practitioners’ knowledge and practice related to evidence-based care. Shelia Melander, PhD, ACNP-BC, FCCM, FAANP, Professor Dr. Melander is a nationally known adult-gerontological acute care nurse practitioner (ACNP) leader. She is currently serving a two-year term as president of the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties. She was involved in the revision of the Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Scope and Standards document in 2006 and was a member of the work committee that established the 2012 Adult-Gerontological Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Competencies. She also led the development of the Statement on Acute Care and Primary Care Certified Nurse Practitioners. Additionally she facilitated the development of a second multiorganizational white paper addressing nurse practitioner employment, which is being used across the U.S. in both primary and acute care settings. Funded with a grant from the University of Southern Indiana College of Nursing and Health Professions, Dr. Melander started and taught in one of the earliest master’slevel ACNP tracks in the U.S. In 2003 she was recruited to the University of Tennessee College of Nursing to teach in the ACNP Track, where she taught at both the master’s and doctoral levels. Since 2003 she has been involved in high-fidelity simulation to maximize student learning. Dr. Melander has practiced for more than 12 years as a cardiovascular ACNP specialist in both hospital and office settings. She was the first certified ACNP to practice in the Owensboro/Daviess County, Kentucky, area. While practicing at Sandra Fallon Cardiology in Santa Monica, California., she was one of the first practitioners to be involved with advanced genetic counseling for cardiovascular disease treatment and prevention. TRANSITIONS Faculty Transitions Carol Thompson, PhD, DNP, ACNP, CCRN, FCCM, FAANP, FAAN, Professor Dr. Thompson is nationally known for her acute and critical care nursing leadership. She was the first acute care nurse practitioner (ACNP) and the second nurse to be president of the Society of Critical Care Medicine; the first ACNP on the national board of directors of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses; the first ACNP to serve on the Tennessee Board of Nursing; and was among the first 100 nurses to be certified as an ACNP. During her 27-year academic career she developed one of the early ACNP programs at the MSN and then DNP level. As she embraced technological advances in education she became a founding member of the Society of Medical Simulation and developed expertise in online learning. Her scholarship interests have included dyspnea, pain, agitation, delirium and mobility in critically ill adults. Since 2013 she has delivered more than 30 international presentations. Dr. Thompson received her BSN from Florida State University, an MS in nursing from the University of Maryland, a PhD in nursing from Case Western Reserve University, and a DNP from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. She has achieved Fellow status in the American College of Critical Care Medicine, the American Association of Nurse Practitioners and the American Academy of Nursing. Faculty Transitions Patricia B. Howard, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN Dr. Howard has been promoted to executive associate dean for academic operations and partnerships and has been appointed as the Marion E. McKenna Professor of Nursing. Dr. Howard is recognized nationally and internationally for her expertise and program of research in mental health service evaluation that focused on improved access and quality of care for those with serious and persistent mental disorders. Her innovative approach to expand the multidisciplinary research team to include the voice of consumers of mental health services has enhanced the validity of her translational research on quality, patient satisfaction, and treatment outcomes. She has published in highly recognized nursing and health services journals and presented at numerous national and international forums. Sharon Lock, PhD, RN, APRN Dr. Lock has been promoted to professor. She is the primary care track coordinator in the College’s DNP Program. From fall 2012 to the summer of 2014, Dr. Lock served as interim dean for MSN and DNP Studies. Her research interests include teen pregnancy prevention and sexual risk reduction among adolescents, and she maintains a faculty practice at the UK Center for the Advancement of Women’s Health. faculty & S TA F F Joanne Matthews, DNP, RN, APRN-CS Joanne Matthews has been promoted to clinical assistant professor. She holds a dual position as course coordinator for the psychiatric/mental health nursing courses in the undergraduate program and psychiatric clinical liaison nurse for UK HealthCare. Prior to her current roles, she managed the inpatient psychiatric unit at UK Albert B. Chandler Hospital for 10 years and an acute care unit for two years. Gia Mudd-Martin, PhD, MPH, RN Dr. MuddMartin is now an associate professor with tenure. She teaches public health nursing in the undergraduate program. Her areas of research include the application of genetic and genomic advances in the prevention of Type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease; the public health impact of genetic/genomic advances on vulnerable populations; and translational research in genomics. She is a fellow in the Society of Critical Care Medicine, as well as the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. University of Kentucky College of Nursing 7 11/16/14 12:05 PM * faculty & S TA F F TRANSITIONS Staff Appointments & Transitions TRANSITIONS In Memory a Staff Appointments & Transitions Clair Abney Clair has worked for the College of Nursing since 2008 and has transitioned into working with the Grant Development Team to provide support and assistance in the preparation and submission of grant proposals. She has an associate degree from Bluegrass Community and Technical College and a Bachelor of Arts in English from UK. She is currently working toward a Master’s of Public Administration from Murray State University. Shannon Ferguson Shannon joined the College in August 2014 as part of the business office. Prior to this position, she served as an academic administration-payroll coordinator. Kevin Garland Kevin joined the College in August of 2014 as part of the business office, after transitioning from UK’s Health Profession Colleges Integrated Business Unit (IBU), where he served as the travel coordinator. Prior to the IBU, he worked in the travel area of UK’s Athletics Department for 12 years. Kevin has been a UK employee since 1997. 8 OPPORTUNITIES / Fall 2014 Opp2014_interior_FINAL.indd 8-9 James Hayhurst James came to the College in 2013 and has a BA in Journalism from UK. He has worked in the newspaper industry, where he used skills such as writing, editing, photography and desktop publishing. Currently James assists faculty with various projects ranging from exam preparation, poster design, word processing, maintaining the faculty and staff directory, and literature searches. Mary Jane Lasshafft Mary Jane has a master’s degree in mental health counseling from Western Kentucky University. She has worked in post-secondary education for more than 20 years. Her prior work experience includes academic advising, extended campus coordination, program evaluation, continuous quality improvement, and curricular development and implementation. Kelly McQueen Kelly is a financial analyst and joined the College in August 2104. She has worked in a financial role at UK since 2011, previously in the College of Agriculture, Food & Environment. Before coming to UK, she had 20 years of experience in a variety of settings including manufacturing, building and service-based industries, in financial operations and clerical roles from beginner to management level. She has an associate degree and is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration here at UK. Kerry Powell Kerry has served in an academic adviser role for several years. Shortly after receiving her master’s degree at Asbury Theological Seminary, she joined the registrar staff as an academic adviser. Kerry worked with nearly 400 graduate students in multiple degree programs. In 2013, she had the opportunity to transition to UK’s College of Nursing, where she advises pre-nursing and undergraduate nursing students and also works with students in academic difficulty as the student success coordinator. She also works with the graduate program answering program inquiries and coordinating teaching assistants. Dan Rios Dan joined the College in 2013 and is an information systems technical support specialist. Before coming to UK he served as a project manager for Saint Joseph Hospital, transitioning the hospital from paper to electronic medical records (EMR). He has also served as international IT support for Ethan Allen furniture and studied at the Culinary Institute of America. DR. MARCIA DAKE We are sorry to announce that Dr. Marcia Dake, founding dean of the UK College of Nursing, has passed away. Dr. Dake served in the Army Nurse Corps during WWII and used her GI Bill to complete her master’s and doctoral degrees. She was one of the first 10 doctorally prepared nurses in the country and in 1958, at age 35, was the youngest dean to serve at a college of nursing in the U.S. The first baccalaureate class was admitted in the fall of 1960, and at that time nursing was the only undergraduate program at UK to have a selective admissions process. UK’s BSN Program was one of only two baccalaureate nursing programs in Kentucky; the others were hospital diploma programs. Under Dr. Dake’s leadership the College received full accreditation in 1965 and the master’s program was approved by the faculty senate in 1969. Dr. Dake served as dean until 1971 and leaves a legacy that will forever be remembered not only in the College of Nursing but throughout UK’s Chandler Medical Center, and by pioneering nursing students who withstood a rigorous, yet excellent, nursing program. COURTNEY MYERS Condolences go out to the family, friends, classmates, faculty and staff who knew Courtney Myers. Courtney, of Holland, Ohio, was tragically killed in an auto accident on Aug. 14. She would have been a second-semester sophomore in the BSN Program for fall 2014. Outside of school she had a deep love for animals, the outdoors, playing volleyball and was a huge fan of country music. Dean Janie Heath spoke to Courtney’s mother, who spoke highly of our faculty and staff and expressed her appreciation for all. Her clinical instructor, Lauren Smith, remembers that Courtney was particularly interested in becoming a surgical nurse. She also set a critical goal that she would use throughout her academic and practice career … to learn how to “think like a nurse.” She was a member of St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church in Toledo, Ohio. The College of Nursing held a memorial service on Oct.2 to remember and celebrate Courtney’s life. faculty & S TA F F Tribute KAREN TUFTS The College of Nursing and the nursing community lost an inspiring graduate and practitioner on April 6, 2014. Karen Tufts taught us much about holding onto dreams and having the courage to pursue them. Karen began her nursing career midlife and earned her ADN at Lexington Community College and her BSN and MSN degrees at UK. Choosing psychiatric/ mental health nursing as her passion, she practiced at Charter Ridge Hospital, Eastern State Hospital and the VA Medical Center (VMAC