xt74b853j745 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74b853j745/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-09-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 27, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 27, 1983 1983 1983-09-27 2020 true xt74b853j745 section xt74b853j745 _ . ._ _________________._________————— ___________._____.__ . __ ____. ____ _.__..._._1_._.... -

Vol, LXXXVI, No.35 An independent student newspopor sorving the University of Kentucky Slnc. 1894 loudm sopiomboi 27 l98.)

fiflm~—-~nvfimr.fli - . _ ._ .. . 1
l Limitations on arms
1 ‘ , . I?
V ‘ . - ~I " - - ~ needed Reagan says
’3 3 w, . ~ .- , . ,

y .. _.'v I’ ‘ "°‘ ~ l'NlTl‘Ill NATIUNS .-\l’ he tisiiiiitkm one at \mt-t l \ itrlr
u l" i ' w ': " fig“ ' ‘ clanng "a nuclear war cannot be Ralf-J tJllO‘l them .i iii\t‘l up tut ‘-
3‘ 'i ‘:5" .. ,1 L 3:533 3. .9". i. won and must timer he {ought sugar (initial ibplmiiieiit

b 3 ‘I , ' /fl = ,. _. ”- '.. l ‘3 President Reagan offered yesterday ltmguii said his prop-m.» urti- in
3 3:5: I. : 2 " 555 “.9. 3'12” to make new proposals to limit me tended to n-pls to t'tlll't‘lll‘ mast
9 IV” M fl '3 x 3&1;st ‘ Rf; diumrange nuclear weapons in l-Zu hi the Mints but he your l)!’ mu

m 3..- ”it” ' " s; < 1*» $-11; . 9 :3 “.33? rope. and challenged the Sorrel Sllt‘ a atriialt number: He Hit! .8-

it" I»; IV A \ Y 3'35? t'niontomake .s‘tn‘iilarctmcessiiltis t.iils would lie It'll to arms iii'tti'lia

/ . . .53; “fig a: Reagan told the 3. N (‘yeneriil A5 tors trim-new swim-timid

.- ., 3 , ‘ _ l :1 2'3 I g. . ,‘ . sembl) that it the Sm'iets make con N:‘ZLLEJT‘Tfim‘TL':11‘"Jllth'xrx:I
&%§-"' 3' fl 1 fi“ ‘33 £532” “ . “<33 - .- 3 (tessmns M the". 0““ the lnited limits on its \\ Iii masiiiitnrnmtr
’ 1 ,1... .1 _,..: 1 1. . ~, _ Males will consider a new ceiling on . _
.. :, . 13::git’“*m"${$«a§‘3‘7vif «WW a; “£1th 3 i the number of l' S misallm m Eu "Missiles already installui .hi i nil
ti ’ 1... 1‘ 3 .. a...» i . I *WI ‘ 3 :5 , .,, ' .37, _ _ ed Stairs. no kmrf would insist on
_. < . : 3.. ,3 . --,., 3 1._ "-.-‘ ,... I‘m A, rope. reduitions in planned diploy . _ , , ‘ '
.~ 3 " V $3. $3 l" / '-‘_,’-»’ I31; {3:393 - . 3'“ merit of the new Pershing ‘2 and m‘mhm‘l u". NM" "11”“! M‘h m.
‘ £3 {5? f” I ' _';; - 5:3i.» _ 1,; _. ... a»... v3? 3 .. ‘ l-s ‘ nd com ninn curhs pltl)llll'lll oi l .N nits-tiles tl‘: lIiiriipr
- - .. 3' ff ., 0 . y, ' giksi‘ . .1 (“me ml»! L, d 3 , pa llul the l tiitni States would ti-t.iiii
I \ ' '3 I I‘ I if». .. 2.53- :- ‘ ‘ 1- :- 3 " onnumhenot dlnrd“ the n 'lil l I ’1' this its in: s ‘is Pl“
.3. 3 3 3 . ”"3: / 3%.??? . .. , £57 ”4:; , ‘H .. ‘ p. I t [ , \ ll V
“*3 §.\ 3% I, 5.3. 3...}.2‘1313. ’1}? 1he door to an agreement is “hl'rl'
.- w wZ; ' 4‘ . ‘ a . open." Reagan said "It is time for Reagan s.iiil the l mini Malt-s will
a..- ”s -. %;$_ .1... .3 x. . i “"155 3 7".” theSovrelt‘niori towalkthrougn it consider a NHlt'l demand that ms
“is ”I -I Sovtel Ambassador illeg Troya .igren-iiii-iit on iimliiuii tango \u‘atp

l. Sfim.‘ . .. 1. . DOVSR)‘ sat quietly as Reagan tie tins also lllt’ltllll‘ liiitils Ill .Ilrt r.ilt .u

l 3,” t V q . . 1‘2:\ munced the Krenilin's version of thi- well its missiles

l A“ W ‘»~. ~ 3 ' "\ downing of a Korean airliner as ‘a He also \Altl llml .i llh-ri- u.

l ,. “"1“": , . , J 1 _ 3 timely reminder of Just how differ ugm-mi-nt on l',ll\\|lq' ruliii‘litlu

! N” __ 3 ‘ . ,. I . ‘5 ent the Sowels' concept of truth and the Mutant bratty. would ll‘ ttt'pi'lml

l s. l 3 K . . ‘ . ' ' . . international cooperation is from to reduu- tlii- iiiiiiilii-r til Pentium 1

l fill/ll . ‘ thfltOtUK’NSt 0i the world ' and ground launched iIriiiu- llll\\llI‘I

‘fi—‘v-r—‘r — I ' ' l 1..---. 1...--- ‘ Reagan was warmly applauded ti) ll plans to tlt‘plll) mi iii-st turnip-an

Th h f ’ " ““0"" “m“ W" most L' N delegations, even though soilsttirtinu iii iii-rciiilii-r
oug t8 0 matrimony be accused member nations from NH“ plans in tk'pltn ltlt t'i-r
straying from the "onginal ideals .shiiigs and w cruisi- iiiissilis lll l-Zii
Rhonda Meadows, a business administration freshman, an- when she wrote in shaving cream on hIS Mazda RX-7 that she Ottht‘ “"tr'dt’f’dy "Ill" t" "Hitch "W t‘t' MW“ \‘ 1“
swers an important question yesterday at an LTl parking lot would marryhim. Heis Robert Bourland. asludenl at ill, “l" “m 5““0‘ WWW“ t“ “"3 tiln'fld.‘ ttt'lilmt‘d r1“ ti "t ”W l 5
gan 5 arms control proposals was rnissilt-s has it singli- warhead while-
that they were nothing new Richard [ht-SN zirsciin) ilirw- \Adrln‘mb
GTE k h' h t h f tit' ffi i |
SEQ S 1g 81‘ ra CS ecause O compe 101], 0 C a says
By JOHN VOSKUHL the Student Center theater, said work service" after January 1. Nel- the phone companies like GTE. to behalf of the (‘itizens t'tility Board about no He .islml it thi- iii-posit
Assistant News Editor GTE is seeking a $31.3 million rate son said. And he said that it will be raise the rates of their local servtce of Kentucky The board is a consuni would go up n it”; I. “Mum .m
case. from the Public Service Com- up to the customer to choose a long “All of this competition is driving or advocacy group designed to ad int-mseiiiphoiii- rains in thr PM

General Telephone and Electron— mission in January, 1984. distance service. the rates primarily to cost.“ he said vance the cause of utility rate pay
ics is requesting higher phone rates Nelson said American telephone Nelson said there med to be a He also said the phone companies ers in Kentucky. said Robert Hark.
in 1984 largely because of increased companies used to be a "regulated “built-in subsidy“ in local service to must make up for the revenue they executive director oi the board

competition iii the telephone busi- monopoly." But now they are facing keep the cost down. Revenue from will lose to the private companies. Dimd Bradford, SGA president, Moss said itu- miiiiuini «inmost
noss, said thecompany's regulatory- competition from independent long- equipment sales and long distance “Basically. what we're attempting asked Nelson about the deposit that students it «ii-posit oi illlllthl to b.-
matters director last night. distance services and department charges was used to help pay for the to recover is our long distance rate GTE charges most students for long causi- slutll‘llls do not lhut' .tllt‘qunll'

Wayne Nelson. who spoke to about stores that sell telephone equipment, service and keep some of the burden revenue.“ hesaid. distance phone service credit rulings ’nn» .ii-pusit l\ .I p".
20 people at a public meeting on the he said. off of the localrate payers,hesaid. The meeting was sponsored by the “It almost seems discriminatory _' scribed amount that I's 2 l.’ oi the
proposed rate increase last night in GTE will only furnish "local net- He said the competition has forced Student Government Association on Bradford said about thi- iii-posit of .n-o-raiii-.Iiri-.Ii plillllt‘lilll llt‘MIlIl
Watchmen Program provides aid for families


Reszdence hall clerks find It difficult to Stay awake of developmentally disabled people

By KRIS'IOPHER RUSSELL ' \_ _ ._ ByCINDYPALORMO She said the workers, (are tor people have become moimi pro
Reporter , Reporter the people in their own homes \Iiders Slnt'l‘ the program in...“

\l\‘ 53 h Bel ' k ’th th T;me spent \fk'lUl the mfibledmpe: Fourotthese agl'Kntmlo-iits
. - . \ ra angers wor wr e pe ranges rom one ur ('unenlly, t re are sewn I'K
Biiiiiyilnhiggakf ls qmte a Chore for ‘ Epitetcéot: Program is more days ut’iepeiidintrfon it}: family’s 3; students training to lmconii- mu
- 4 I I _ “A \ 3 ‘I ' mm a] . ques ._ caring or persons ers-

ufifiga' ais bgsi‘niosgt: igllmzt ) l \ ~. , “I got invav$£mgza forl the tame way the family members In (re-r to new?" wmnml in.

- - expenence ou . c as- pm. u must - at imt n
mafigfiifdfiremhagg 130:5”: anvv».:g.g2§% , room,“ Belanger. a special educa. "The ages of the disabled per years old. show interest iii work
read a lot — eight to 10 books a 5 ‘ "m “‘12; Em «am "7: it” 310': "is? "Sim will“? i" mi? m“ ‘7'” mubwm W" m"

,, . a I mm. W C 0 "‘3 P“ I'm 8 a 0 wt 8 W5 we re! time a ntistartmty
wfidrgwe $aCli‘ijllis stays awake by 43‘1“?!” fig“? - employment to students interested functional lC'VElS'." (11955" said complete a 12 hour training pro
laying crossword puzzla. “I‘ve be- ’5‘ ”We ' in lObS in the human services "The four mayor disabilities arr gram. t'hesseriiaid
some a crossword master since I .3? ins area. “I thought 1 WW“ just get mental retardation, “mm“ The traimns prrirrram iii de-
started this job," Gillis. a history ju- “* fiiyt‘; experience. but now I have made palsy. epilepsy and autism " signed to dissolve myths about de
riior and night clerk at Kirwan 4 \I‘ 2/ new tnemb thfoush the people i To be outlined tor care. the or velopmcntally disabled children
Tower,said. \" Z havecared for. ‘ velopmentally disabled members and adults It 31,“, km“, ",0

Richarcbon and Gillis are two of . Z The R859“? (3'9 Program. must have become handiwppcd houn to firstoid core Train":
79 night clerks employed by UK res r. M , Spotnsu‘efd by “gigging?” if“; bag; it: :gt‘ieaotwm‘. mtg-3:1: 1 trips! have twmo (mi-mania In
. ' t . eia ion or in , i . . . ia erview w; ‘ l .-
lde’lsl‘ici: hi‘iiusftichardson’s fourth year a 2 designed to help family members disability in three of seven areas limo", an- ".36.. “r t *
asa night clerk. “I‘ve stuck with the ER F ~""‘_“—“‘ . care for developmentally disabled main life. mobility it! learning. The providers are paid by the
job for four years because I've RDNT DESU I people “Pam” f” “V"‘8~ WW9 and Bluegrass Association for lie
found that this job is the only way I _ . _ ,____ . . f‘We need about it) more people expressive language. economic tamed (,‘itimiii but the taniilics

- M'“ " With fleXible hours, Nancy Cha- selfsuffiCiency. selfcare. and bet a rcentage or the
can work full time and attend school 1 ' l I ’ ' - l _ ser coordinator of the Respite selfdirection wage-prawn"
fuglténhffilgsaafd Gillis both work . ! Tm Care Program. said. “This way The program, which began on The next training series Will be
from 12:00 p.m. to 8K!) a.m. in the iriuviniamimipmu tthe familyi can do WWII? April 18. FM. has offered care for held from 7 LI) to 9 I) p in Sept
morning.Sunday through'l‘hursday. but he would rather have one with “Every other Thursday is my favor- things "‘05! P909“? take for grant- about M people 5m" the pm 2!. ll 2!) a m l" t p "‘ ”m l: and

With the hours he works. Richard- different hours. “Sure, I‘d like to ite because as soon as i get off duty. ed. The ""ln'ly can 3° ‘0 church. gram ”’33“ 9*" ha" m" m” 7 3’ t0 9 1’ P m ”Ft 3 A“ “5
son has to study on the job. u] do get work normal hours' Richardson “.3 payday, and i love payday." he the qocery store (I even in voca- 13 days when care has not been at» stuns will he held at thr- lafayetti-
to study here on the job. but it‘s not said. “But there aren‘t any part- said. tion. fared. ”as" “'d 9" “'d m ”mm" (“mm
that easy to study when I‘m on time jobs out there that pay super Richardson dos not have to work
duty,“ he said. "On a busywnigl‘ii}i wages. and the pay would have tobe the busy nights at Kirwan ll. That . . l
there's le in and out of re reall ood to entice me awa from bel to Ed lmhof. lmhof. a histo- 0
WWW my," y ,, m... w... m, 3..., 5.... U.S. commitment in Lebanon - INSIDE

Gillis agreed with Richardson He said he does not enjoy his job. day from 122mp.m. t082ma.m. o ‘ , I

when it comes to his study habits on despite the good pay. "it can get As busy as it can get in the lobby. [8 awesome Hopklns says 3 4‘ . . 3.;

the job. “This place can get kind of very boring at times.“ he said. “I lmhof agreed with Richardson about 9 c “ _ Mufifl' '-

busy. soles kind of tough to concen- mean, how exciting can this job be. the hardat part of the job: “It‘s . J , _~* 1.: 1.-

ti-ate,“(}lllissaid. when all that 1 do is Sit at 8 Oak stayingowakemodoubtaboutit.” Associated Press drswali could be wwked out very ;'" ‘I ' , “r 35‘”:

Working in the Tower may be from twelve to eight in the man The job of night clerk isn‘t that soonsowe could getoutofthere. be the 3f . 5‘“. 1 :
busy. but Gilliswwldrather work in ins?" difficult. Richlrdlal said. “All i WASHINGTON—U.S.Rep. Lorry cause the commitment we‘ve got vie-IIIzr-II,‘ .,
mere than other places. particularly Richardson still recalls the one in- have to do is to make sure that the Hopkins. R-Ky . returned from a there now I! awoanc." Hopkins 3;»: _ . ‘ y -,j.‘..,

ii fratman women’s dorm. “I had taunting moment of his job. “I was people who live here. are here." he twodoy tour at Lehman yaw-day, said “I just have to mph-size that ; 'v“ ._ ‘ ' ’

mm the (bk at film Hall dur- working at Blanding IV one night, said. “And 1 have to check those saying that US troops are keqilng tdon't want this caintry going into {7%vsgw "' = I“? ‘1’

ing intercessiai, and every night I and iii] of a sudden. a yoim lady who don't live here - and make the situation in Beirut from exflod- thebodybogbusinal " ”5"", ”"' ' ' ‘. .‘IlI

ind to get tip and open the door and passed W the lobby and went sure they don‘t get in. after visiting inc. but he prefer: that we bring our “1 think we're in a position over a... we...» r...» -‘ .L-ZL‘“
let people in all nilht long." Gilli! outside. and all she was wearing Moreover." menhome. than that ll not very comfortable to ' ‘ ”5" “ "-
said. “I'd much rather wrrk in a was a smile," he said. "Unftrtu— Gillis said he would recommend ii me. We can't afford to cut and nut.

mai’s dorm than a women's dorm mtely. itonly happened once night clerk job to special people. "i really have to believe that. be- become u we leave the [utm- will

justta' that reason." The mt night it! Richarrhon “It‘s I great it!) fit imomniaa." be cause it we pulled out tad-y. l ttn'ri leave. the French will leave and that

AI will as their shifts are over. and Gillis isSilidny. Their nbilityto said. ”But it's it damn good job if it would be followed by the French wand be followed by “audits tn .. , . . . 3

Richntbm and Gillis hood Itnlfllt stay awake is put to the tut. you‘re going to sellout full time and or the Italian. or maybe antimo- dusuuumneind " puzkyyia ,2 ,. ;II‘1.:.V.;‘:,“" ‘

to class. Both have all at their "Am-id here sindny nights are youneodtoworkolotothoun." mainly and i am cuiviriood they But will mam mad, .3» ‘ , .I

clans in the m, and they dud."Rich|i-itaiuid.“11nndoy Rim aid the job lava mildruhlnthere—dleDI-Iieond “takendvnmcdthcnntqipwtu- reinfe- .. fen"

Min them. “it may seem nights are much billet. We found little time it: other activities. all of the other lactic- thuo would m'ty to get out at that slut-ban if we hémnbmyimpr-I . :

like-machoailetotollowmut ttinttl'ieclourthewoekend'eudie "Whuiaietakoorittilsjiib.thcy becominmdotdymfll anmmmobkpolum.» “a. ‘

“formalin. mm WMWWMBMW." hemmllifeJollivetorthe or. and Mindy m o! dumflnvillpruaitttiotop .. 1- . . ., 3

inodtolt."ludnnhonald. Gillis aijoyl 'niindly limits. but m, become that's the only peqilewouldbew. :fil‘ty, l hip: and pray that will .

Minuteman”). mmlylikathemeveryotherweek. timel'msbiciogetwi." “i would hope that in U.S. Iridi- wen"
l ‘ , O

 2 - ‘I’HI RWY Km ‘lueedey. “pm 21. I,”
e e e e ’

Improve Your Grades Commrssron continues despite Watt s remark ‘

W Associated Press Tr—T-f in testimony before the commission yeste-
i 0! m m t e secretary 5 day. Watt’s leasing prosram was attacked by -

SCHAUM S OUTUNE SERIES . . WASHINGTON. .— Ihe chairman. of the g 7f“ . 'I‘TIL theSierra Club. thehlatinnal Wildlife Feder-
comission that James Watt described as a comments W1 res” " a ationandotherenviromnental groups. ‘
Snowman-wwwoemms and hundredsd “black . .. a woman, two Jews and a ' ' ' [’5 David Masselli. of the Western Organiza- '

WWW 50"“ W W “Wm” mums “m" 3""‘9'5 cripple" pledged yesterday that the panel's dfi}mr;utzon %(;he pine ) tion of Resource Councils called the program
m u” work would not be derailed by what he called e 0” S . . . e e ar “sleazy," .

MCQUMM' ”was ‘ m ":18” :‘..‘.:t,.§.‘.;’.."22:.:'...‘.'§"“"‘" :12 the interior secretary's “unfortunate re- rofessionals who have “From one end to another. comers are
fimlliflii,’z"u‘e'i :79: ”MW"- firm-try 3695 marks." p 3 being cut and suspiciom figures are being l
“mm “mm" “’5 flmlfi'ii'iflfixm'cmmm 3.33 Chairman David Linowes told the opening weathered many storms m spewed out of computers to justify the dump, {0,
my? ‘ mini 3:: Engineering Mechanics. an E1 so 95 session of a two-day hearing that “nothing in h . ,, mg of coal for less than its value.” Masselli wc
lnttaduct’le'h'lo auxin-n" sass "M" ”WW" 3:: the secretary’s comments will result in a t 9” careers- said. l
“W” '“""'"” $3315.51?“ ‘ mum." so as diminution of (the panel's) efforts." The Linowes commission was created by du
.023:;';:;‘;:;.f¢1""""'"' :: 3: Luv-nan» Urn-mm $9 95 Before the meeting, Linowes said he felt his David L in 0W es Congress last summer to investigate charges Iti
Collepe Iuslneas Law :7 as 2:3;1'33fi‘gfwm :: :2 fellow commissioners were weathering Watt's . 3 ’ that Watt‘s program has cost taxpayers $100
etentamporary llatharnallcs of Finance 3 393: ”mum ammo u ,5 remarks, which have raised a storm of pro- commlttee chalrman million by offering large amounts of coal in a _‘
2:: xxx: :. g 95 Minion" mm" 00W" ‘3 95 test and brought renewed calls for the secre- — glutted market. Wll
Development Economics sass gmz'sim‘fl3:f:,"ggm. :2 3: tary’s resignation. in a speech last week to the US. Chamber na

- flufmflmfifigmm. :13: Statlcand SlranuthotMalerlals SI 95 “These are professionals who have weath- versity 800mm“ described as a 3“cripple” 0f3 Commerce, Watt. in (19503 ribins the com- act
international Em . s6 95 :gzggl'fifam'y'sj‘f' 2"“ E“ :2 :2 ered many storms in their careers." Linowes by3 Watt because 30f a paralyzed right arm. missmn, said he had appomted “every kind of Pl:
Macro-comma: mm 5195 "3 3 H“ MW 59 ,5 53m said the secretary s comments had muddled mix you can have. I have a black, I have a 1
313.17.1'."“°°'""" :57, g: i.:?.'..'.3‘,‘...m.f. ss 95 Watt. meanwhile, was said by aides to be the waters just atrociously” as to the com- woman, two Jews and a cripple. And we have Ev
Nan-mamlmrcmmisls ss 95 “Gus" reassessing his future yesterday as the Sen- mission’s job. 3 3 talent.“ Ne
:fc'xxxaz'az'mm u i; 3: mm Grammar 55 as ate prepared to debate tomorrow a resolution 3Julia Walsh, a Washington investment ad— Eight Republican senators called outright Jir
Personal Finance roaming: Econornlcs s5 as Purlcmm Cult-“utwn~ 5' SWIM ‘5 ’5 calling forhis resignation. Viser, said she wasn‘t “terribly personally of- for Watt’s resignation and three others have Fe
Prmclplcrolicmmm $6.95 Foam" LANGUAGES Members of the commission, asked for fended" by Watt‘s description of her as the stopped just short of demanding it. And Dem- enl
g:1f:,'::’::':3::m,::"Wm“ :; 3: “when”, m“ 55 95 their opinion on Watt’s future, declined to “woman" on the commission because she ocrats have introduced a Senate resolution
In Accounting sr as German cumin-i 2nd Ed ss 95 take positions. 3 3 said she has had to endure similar comments calling for his resignation for conduct “totally

mum, ‘S';"'3'33"s3fg3':33"3';3'a3 m H :2 3: Richard Gordon, a Pennsylvania State Um- during 30years in busmess. unbefitting a senior Cabinet member.” 4
Genetics. 2nd in $7 95
CHEMlsmy c I 39395 e e e a g e a
5;; 2:::::::33.;.'::.".:... :33: ViSitors isappomte over . . . . s in ings

manic misry . Analytic cornelry
oCompulars and Business 51 95 Basic Mathematics 56 95 '
P ' ”the 't 5995 .2 [a $8.95 I

mm m "COMPUTERS g::lc:li:‘klu::n $7.95 Associated Press land, killing all 269 people aboard including 61 manenko denied his crews have recovered

so 95 icioruivl'zmlisons g; :2 Americans. bodies or the cockpit flight recorders, which -
223335211222. so as 0313:“; (Sizzlelry v.95 NEVELISK, U.S.S.R. — Soviet officials Moscow claims the plane was spying for could reveal new details about the last me
Computers and Programming sass Elementary Algellrl 55 95 gave a U.S.-Japanese delegation five crates the United States and has refused to apol- merits of the doomed plane and why it veered "
gms'i'mi'c‘ims 33: "'5:5.31..§'1T.73LT§¥.3""'"'"'“ seas of fuel-soaked clothes and other debris but no ogize for its action. But it allowed the U.S.- off course into Soviet airspace. E
Discrete Mathematics 57 95 Finite Dilterences i Dlltarenca Equations :3: [)0de from the downed South Koalean jetling‘li‘ Japagese beam to vlisggathis portdog Sakhalin Japanese searchers have sexerfeddegve
Essential Computcrllathernatlcs $8.95 Finite Mathematics » - the visitors 'sa int on a a nese "-0 H0 et e ris recov- dismembered bodies and huh I‘ 0 I‘iS

. . yesterday. leavmg ppo pa pa g
3:333:13“ Li:"::£"..'“§7.': Eu. 3:: $331.1? 12:33: . "mgmm :33: and suspicious. ered by3Soviet searchers. 3 3 items in waters off northern Japan. At least
Pmr-mmmo min Fortran sass General ropnloov so 95 3 . Heading the Sov1et delegation was Ma]. 16 Sowet and Six American vessels continued a

eProorarnrnIng mm Structured cm: st 95 Group rn3uory g: g: ‘ l was not surprised by the meagerness.3é Gen. A.I. R omane nk o, chief of the Soviet bor- the search yesterday westof Sakhalin.

EDUCATION. PSYCHOLOGY ‘ SOC'OWGV 3:333:30,” $195 tended 3;!“an lt wouldhabe llriigl:t‘th:a;6 der forces for the Sakhalin and Kurile Is- 1‘
Child Psychology $6.95 "Imam-lit“ "Hm“ 3’ 95 one Of mericans. c rac e g lands. Four Japanese and three American of- The American group was led by Lynn Pas~ t
lPri'troduftiorlJ'olzt'Yrmzlm :33: :3;5:‘..,..,. 3:: "ems Mme" m the four-lgiuredmeletgig. Eh: ficials attended the talks that one described coe, deputy director of the office of Soviet af— 5
Inmcmnto Sociolo'av 56,95 Modem Element-Iv Moth" . “'95 fSOVISts claimed they surr en e a ey a as “very formal — no one invited us to fairs in the State Department. The others '
Test llama in Education $5.95 roacrnlnerodulctory DitteranlialEqualions 3:: oun . lunch." were Dennis Wilham, semor representative }

' ELECTRONICS 1. ELECTRICAL it'lfi'é‘hmi'l'wm ssiss A Soviet jet fighter shot down Korean Air It was the first time the Soviet Union has for Asia of the Federal Aviation Administra-
Eucmfimm """i'm “'92 Lines flight 007 on Sept. 1 over Sakhalin Is- surrendered items from the Boeing 747. R0- tion and Navy Capt. Bert Derry. F
:“l‘ in." an" . as: :z:r:.::r:v.::::::m 5:13. 3 3

aslc or: tea ngnee n9 . 1 - 7 3 3
. 5 5 .~ 5.55 a... 5......" ms . 0 mm cmmn __..__, MW..- 5 , ~ - ,

'32 ":xgzl“ '°' 8" theory a "mm mm :53: BARGAIN MATINEES-EVEIYDAY MS ‘5' carrou addresses 5

"“"‘“" '"‘,f,'.“;:°""‘ :33: 3:12:13. mum... . i: 35 $2 00 ALL snows 3% . 1
Electric Circuits . . ' ' r 5 ‘ 2
Electric Machines and Trigonometry s7 95 . BEFORE 6 PM. 3 l2: 9:52 ‘* Stlldent gatherlng .

' ammonium v.95 Vector Mills“ 57 95 3 r ' 5 ’55 - 1.5555; 5.
2333323,, 5735 PHYSICS 5 PHYSICAL SCIENCE ‘ ka'kfill‘gumghfi .. 3 .5333. 333:5 w 3 0" INS falth In GOd 3
Electronic Communication 51 95 Applied Physics 57 95 mm.“ W m 3 : _‘_3_.._... .1 .33. 59““ . _ 5 't _. 3 333 I .
Electronics technology $8.95 Cottage Physics. 7th Ell. $7.95 I mum on": JIDI 3n) . 35 'E.‘3.3-3.e.‘.\. 3 3 ft; §§§f - t
Feedback and Control System 59.95 Earth Sciences 55 95 3 2 0° ‘ 307300,, 30 | -3. ...§.333.\.5\.3 .. s 5 Former GOV. Julian Carroll spoke l
Transnusarorllines $9.95 oMorern Physrcs :33: i Double “on". ' ' ‘ ‘ . , .S . .§’ » .ifk . to approximately 50 people about his I:
l S . 33:... . 3 3 3 5333.33 _ 3.5..
ENolNEEnlNC so 95 :Eyzc..35c.:nc, ss 95 i 53 .3- . 5. j” - _ .5 faith in God at an interdenominatio-

. . ysms or ngrneermg ; 3 A. 3~: . 3 . . . _ E
‘23:: Structural Analysis $9.95 and Science 57 95 3 FAYE'TE M‘ll 3 i 33 3‘33 333 3g». Unaaln sggigfvsfighgunlfiz;ng;o:e $22135“ l
PRlCES want To CHANGE WITHOUT none: nronmcommc PUBLICATlONS E lKltOtASVltlle an m. m-m ' l 33 .3‘ ' 1 4 3 3t(lxi3emr3a offllliisrsjrmon was justice and l

in a olr . 1 33 33 ~33.- 3.3:. vi ;. ;3 ‘35: 3 3 3 ‘ 0Wlng 8 es. 5
KENNEDY BOOK STORE ' i E 555$ §fi§§ §3 ‘1 1- .. T0 “Marat?” the impolrtance of t
Rodney Dangerfield ’ .5“ ~ :3 ‘ ‘ I knowing 8 es, Carrol spoke of
. . "" “9""m .. the Wildcat mascot who gave the
405 S. Limestone Sf. . Lexrngfon. Ky. 3 l.::333:o:3:ris37.:l:34o ‘3 x N 3 football team a penalty in the Cen-
mommmull 1 '1 . . .35 tral Michigan game “because no one
145345545745945 I ? 3..;-_3 33 73 3
, 1 1 5 . 3 3 i told him about the new rule enacted
‘ . . l- 3 - S3 3 .1 f this year" forbidding cheerleaders
. l "53 fi -. ' §§§ fig“. on the field during play. 2;
, . ' .5 ‘1' [i ‘ ' ' led b Billy An—
/ / 1 y . ~. _. 3 $5 3 The serVice was y
. - ' M "4 . derson. pastor. in 230 Student Center
1 I / / M . 7 I . .. ‘ 3 _ 3 33333333333333 3
’ / ~ . » , .5.» Although Anderson said “this is Rl‘
I W - . . . 7 " a '3 not a political meeting, but a ant
C / . .. » ' » ‘ worship service,“ Carroll voiced his En
v i- ' . l support for Martha Layne Collins in boz
': .-";gf. 3, ‘ ' f the governor’s race. iati
. . 5' 1 When asked if he would run again
‘ . '1 3.335 T . ' ‘ for the govemorship in 1987, Carroll C
‘ " l a; “S a“ 3 said he has no specific plans. He has 5“!
”M 5— m, .45; .. ,5, .5 7. _ 5.34 been appointed the chairman of shc
. .IA(K\TI\IRS krrnrlSltlll Kentucky’s anti-drug program by he!
Melon mania Gov. John Y. Brown and said he is a].
. . . . 'ted that the r ram’s kickoff ‘
AT kay TraVIs, a marketing sophomore, enjoys a piece of melon 32:; is the firstweeFl): gngovember. r'
' at a recent sorority watermelon bust. I t
e e e I
3.00p.m. til Mldm hf 00 OF I
(Justin time for Mekong Delta FIRST STUDENT BI. D DRIVE I
' I
“Mom n, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1983 l..
. For Men: 9 - 3333 A N D
~ Jeans-$12.” {9°35 8- gzrdsgléfi33
C°'d"$'3'” 0" on ' e" ' WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 28
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OFlannel Shirts
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mm. Student Blood Program Is Co-Sponsored By.
‘5“°”'F‘°"“°"‘°"P°°C°°" 1 CENTRAL KY BLOOD CENTER
30% off-Leather Flight Jackets
20-50% off-All Other Winter Coats 8 Vests l/I/I/I/H/i /~ .
25-60% off-All Down Jackets 8 Vests . A N D
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The Store At Least A
. 10% off* ' x -3 . 1 . .
\ a
t?) -
‘ * N " HURRY -3)”.
‘ . vl‘\’ I SaAanE ”K‘s“
. in: acroasfromll w.» Arena) -. - memo!
‘ 9 33 :- ,( l ' t

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tked by ' ‘ ‘9’). 1
F ‘ —W
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0 4.. .- 2 ~ ‘ . e .
“hem . . Your Cat D , .
* mg 18 ead
dump. . evo
. It might ha
lassem f . ve been 8 cat's m v
or Lexmgum theater e0“ 8"" s“"“Pel's unde er .
would _ 809“. That coxer. _ l‘ the bed for n 0m 3“
VtVed by But Ezeggrlfi~uhn ce. grltnerflnlgnlyear¢m_ to find his c3252?“ ““1“" Wts Over ms 1,. hm” x lence
arg6 duction let 8- one I' cal pro~ COVCI'S he - .wns him then dls- "You' h ‘ l S 8 we“ h‘mm dnd (”w h‘
rs 3100 out with a roar ins , , IS bBIng robbed * . re not gomg to t . quuted ”nu-mam Mn u d t.“ u . . .
bal ina I“Wasperfect. wad "“rdume- for the °'.‘ 3‘“ Year's Evepu a damp? when Kate and be f “with!” \‘mr- N J I " ‘ . - .
“PS Y0“!- Cat Is Dead Add 1] Jxmznyasksthebomdmzrlgr you, Fred arrive at JnmnlramuTWd lulvl‘. }‘\l;[.-f‘..1;‘: {Ik- 1JH‘M I. W" ' ' I I ‘ I » l U I t
. ’ ' H PHXT ~ . . ".'o - t , ‘ - ~ ‘ hen! , , ‘ ‘ .u': w..- -; . ' H'“ . 1‘
EIzlrétober r\atlllltglaltinghter beforea nearfuncae: list of Smaller: tiV‘V’V‘c’EmVysgrowing thiefaSha": £1? git: hangnml.“ the \flxrflfwmhxm an; dw‘mw .. $135.3” pr“ mm '.... fu. . , , .
m' e ouse this Weekend Th . a dism' ‘ a 50 mCludfi A - .' , - m) an d M'xcr I'd t ‘ V A .
kind - . e lssalf , l r bUbblv , \lto n . 42 ~ , I, ‘_
of act play [S the first in the Stulgo ten out of arom a play. being wnt- Kirkvmod's' “:10?!” gnu James adnllmmg m the 59“ “.3, Wu tamltm. (0‘ .V‘ k ._ < . _ V , , . V
haVe 8 Players 1983'84563500. 0 news of his soap Opera, and me on-Lhemmv del) excxllng life “,5 her ”P ‘k l95 haul!) }l(' M“ to “la“ V“ l'kml an ‘ I. 42.: l n .. "'. .' , . _
’e have Th . so V ca 5 death. and you get rt ' . Ivery and come re. ‘ l.‘ ,d nu"\ht’r trluwn one Wmnlmnn-g \ 'H I" W" ‘. ;. e l . ‘ ‘ " ‘ -
e actlon Starts on New Y , mefunn) stuff Pa eeareexcmngw behold and ten hate pm“ thr _ . l on V anuu-r 'r-m V . . . . V . ‘ .
' Eve When a bur la b ‘ ears Ross Martin as v' ”5 sewn " \' .: fl . N” 51"“ ““18 "ll-Mm: .l' . “ . ' ‘ ~ ~ « . '
"Tag“ New York flange; reaks "“0 the After tying the on, Complements l-‘ost m the bum” Vour doing ("”9 5“" ‘0“ km- W'Wm ' A t _ ' ‘ "
lsDeve Jimmy Zoole ( rt 0t actor-wnter onto the kitchen sin: d‘be burglar mm Vivid lies anders [trim-man“ “0010an , and la) down on the I’lrwlur R l‘ l V. V . . e .
l 'm- FOStel'). Jimmyx';o {afield by Fred take the law into h?“ demdlngm Even llmughmlst'egluwk rebuttals H‘N'H‘er n . . 11 «hr m ;«rr\ J “Mid?“ ""3" t e - fl
Putlon Enters the apartm gt” n-end' Kilte, Jimmy prancfi 5 own hand; thu‘ds 0f the 311 down for two- has overnnt ng 3“ M K‘rk“ APTek’ViSion Writer \Lalr v.” ,
deg-:38 y Del/Columbia ReCOrds “gelslorind “thgvitahty \ ‘1‘”..3‘,’ _l:q- .|f'('."l*->r I!" 'V \'¢
S Vel' ut “Ht .. ‘II' .._ 3. .'EW YURK I . V H ‘V V“... . !!l.lk:g ‘: . . V .1” w: .,, r.
.t least Tollthemabomit. album m this respect YB‘Vglidthe ,- ,,..-"“ .. , Bombeck's new of [thpdd'u l lnvt‘ Lucy" Mth Frml hupllu- “M, k. Yummy V V. V . - r, .- . -. ,
mtinued Bllly Joel has t d‘d‘ups" float in m ‘ l ’d‘ . ....'T :5.” ual m . 9 suburtb. throu m a w . '_ f ' It: I? ., r ,_ ' '
andit'sanoldomgo a new one _ aCCOmpany'mg J 18 backgrode V V, _ first tsunderslandmgV and mu haw “dd“ u lezdstw \m ”WV -. t \ . .. _ _ . V .
’ ' ' 0e ‘5 messa e of '_ Venture mm [819. . ' ., ‘ ' mt‘ " hn \ l.‘ VVVV . ' ""JK‘ "‘ e H, \l V ‘1 . V
n P M3115 ilsaft release‘ A" Innocent tellflr‘leglfesplemw youfeel. g ; _ ' comedydebutmg tontglltlbwn Uh Madehne~ the ABt' :llllllll‘ '1 it”... I 4”" ' ~~ . ' W
Iiet 2:“: tabllshed 983:: atgterrl‘férbytan %' resents Oneer allbzlgny'galsfi rep- 1 +5"? ' Thus the modern vum ””1 "l \“l H h:lht' ‘ ‘ '-
" _ :5"; > ' ‘) , o , V .V V ‘ .l..' x v m“: V, .,.. o
others §ound of the late ‘505 all: eeatllle the boy-gm overtones 0.11:2? or i' . " " w: "5.5- gettmg nowhere ln it’ll-Jugs a lrt‘ddnllll or trend, ‘. l»VV\l.nlu-|;;. p an ”‘1’ V __ - - - ,. , h
ntative 608 since John Lennon's R ry cent Man. "no. » - _ Q? r oelme," she bounces m he opt'mng scene of "()h 31;. Jul m“ M, VV V‘ V ,. '. w . . t -, - .~ \'
nistra- Roll. OCh n A SOCk “Op dance a d ' - a. ' ' 'ckmS"Sh€'saMam: r _m,dmr 3088” whllv mun “rm“ "MIR lm-v . , i "l" V- ' ‘ A ' ‘3,
However J y rich girl and ‘ wrefora .- 1 a " “ Madeline { 'h d‘ fmm ‘Hi‘hdam- " ltl-mm-rl.” \ , " “ v .. . ,_ .. ‘_
n l 1 .09 5 songs are origi- 10v ’ a tale Of a am who » b' ' ‘3 ““8 mid-life malam. .1 ‘ ' -
a C0mp0§1t10n5_ dr es only her beau's saXaphone é (‘thS and health food. pUttlng her at x13“ so mm mm. . .
.S 1 Malley 't‘he flm track' “Easy hufidnmlme album into a b0Y-girl ” I arl'e'James Slot'an’ ( 5 mm h“"’“‘"" h ‘ "0| 1".st ’ lu “‘Ht‘ll m \s
, ' a ivel ho - - epetitionse ' ;t _ . _ ‘ ‘ ‘ ("guru
snaps out the tegnpo whilsecjlon ,And although Joe] $1.11,: , (harllti writts romance "(Nels ll . I! uh \l‘l'lvlllm .u-u. \ . . . \
lg hghtheal‘tedly expres .8 oel Sings his own on in