The Kentucky ECerne UMVKKSITY ()!' KKNTl'CKY. I.IAINCTON. KLNTlCkY. Kill DAY, KK.BHUAIIY VOI.l'MK VIA M'MIIKH IT 12. HJol Students, Faculty, Townspeople Will Greet Coach Blanton Collier At .Rally Tonight Enrollment V . ft- - IvJL..; &L Big Reception Starts At 6:30 - ;" For Spring .1 Dn. Thomas Him Moiu.w To Be Honored At Founders' Dav Next Week l)H. hoiil.HI v A- - Shows Gain ' - rt ilTKH days after l'aul resigned as head footliall couch a native ol I'aris, Ky.. is uilco. ned as the new leader of the lootball squad. A hero s welcome will be extended to Coach ('oilier at 6: p.m. today in trout of the Memorial (.'oliscuin. K.ig'nt ol 4,269 Register, Early Tab Shows UK Founders Day To Be Celebralecl ; : V, . . SGA To Meet Monday Psiglit Wednesday afternoon, According to early figures com-- j piled by the Office of the Registrar. 4,629 students were enrolled at thai time, as compared to 4.608 students enrolled at the same time last year. The number is expected to increase moderately by the end of the week. At the beginning of the 1953-5- 4 Tin- University marks its SUlli birtliclay this month with three hoo! year, in September. 1953. over 5000 students enrolled at the am ersarv programs: University. In the past, this pat-- ! ( 1 ) Tin- - annual rounders Day program at 4 p.m., Sunday, Feb. tern of a drop in enrollment for 21, in Memorial Coliseum, saluting two great UK scientists of the the second semester of each school year has been followed closely. Uoln it l'eter and Dr. Thomas Hunt Morgan. past-- Dr. Largest Enrollment (2t Talks spotlighting the achieve- - Chemistry and Experimental Philos- The University's largest enrollof the two scientists at 3:10 ophy. ments 1946-4- 7 school He remained as head of the ment was during the p.m., Wednesday, in the ' foyer of year, when returning veterans were Chemistry Department at UK the Margaret I. King Library. swelling the ranks of colleges and 3 A graveside memorial service (known then as State College i until universities over the nation. honoring three past presidents of 1887. He died in 1894. Enrollment at that time reached Dr. Morgan was awarded the p.m.. Sunday, the University at 2:45 a high of 7,900 registrants. Feb. 21. at the grave of Dr. Frank Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1933 for Following the sharp decline in clarifying the gene theory of herL. McVey in Lexington. edity. He was professor emeritus college enrollment brought about by Dr. Peter, pioneer Kentucky chemwere of biology at California Institute of the Korean war, predictions ist, and Dr. Morgan, only made to the effect that, by 1960 at ever to receive the Nobel Technology at the time of his death the latest i, college enrollment would Prize in Medicine, will be honored in 1945. records. reach all-tiA brief cementery memorial servColiseum program in a dra- -' at the The expected increase was partly honoring three past presidents ma tic presentation portraying the ice based on the theory that Korean of the University has been schedleading events of their lives. vets would add substantially to en- Featured roles in the Founders uled for 2:45 p.m.. Sunday. Feb. 21, rollment. will include at the grave of Dr. Frank L. McVey Day dramatization Donovan Predicted Increase members of the UK student body, in the Lexington cemetery. September 18, 1952, Dr. On Past administrative heads to be with music by the University SymHerman L. Donovan, UK president, servphony Orchestra and the University-Chorister- honored in the wreath-placin- g predicted that there will possibly be ice are Dr. McVey. president from on the Day 1E17 to 1940, Dr. John B. Bowman, more than 10,000 students years." Ia addition to the Founders campus "within the next few ceremony itself, a program high- and Br. James K. Pr.ttcrson. The Speaking to the new freshman lighting the achievements of the Fayette County Alumni Association ' class in Memorial Coliseum, Dr. two scientists will be given Wed- is sponsoring the memorial program. Donovan said that the University's nesday afternoon by two current enrollment would be at its greatest UK department heads. period. That within a two-yeDr. John M. Carpenter, head of would place his predicted increase the Department of Zoology, will at the 1954-5- 5 school year. speak on the accomplishments of T anticipate the enrollment will Dr. Morgan, while Dr. Charles E. be larger two years from now (Sept. Snow, head of the Department of 16, 1952 than any in the history Anthropology, will outline the life of UK, unless we have a third world of Dr. Peter. we pray to God that this Nearly 500 books will be given war, and Also participating in the Wedneswill not happen," he said. day afternoon program will be Dr. away to students in an attempt to Program Launehed '.rector of pledge them to enter their personal Lawrence S. Thomps- Because of the expected increase libraries, who will aud greetings libraries in the annual Samuel M. in University enrollment, a building from the library staff. Prof. Ezra L. Wilson Library Contest this semes- program was launched at UK to Gillis. director of the Bureau of ter. provide adequate housing for stu y will allow any stuThe Source Materials in Higher Educadents. tion, will preside at the discussion dent to select up to 10 books of his The program included (and still choosing, provided that the student program. includes i the building of new men's Dr. Peter came to Lexington in pledges himself to enter the Wilson and women's housing facilities and 1832. serving as chairman of the contest. Applications may be made the erection of new fraternity Transylvania University Chemistry at any time in the office of the di- houses. as dean of the rector of the Margaret I. King LiDepartment and later Medicine College. When Kentucky brary. A donation by an anonymous UK University was transferred to Lexington, Dr. Peter was named as alumnus who is now a leading atchairman of the Department of torney and book collector himself Due to the illness of James made the gifts possible. The books King, baritone and instructor of have already been purchased and music at UK, the musicalc prepresented to the library for distriviously scheduled for Sunday bution to students. afternoon has been postponed. A fund established by the late Dr. Edward Stein, head of the Department of Music, has anSamuel M. Wilson, founder of UK's nounced. Wilson Library, has made the conMr. King was scheduled to test possible. It will be held later appear with Aimo Kiviniemi, The second semester membership in the spring semester, and a cash tenor, in a program of vocal drive lor Student Union committees award will be given for the best music. It will be given at a later will be held next Monday through date. Dr. Stein said. Stockton,' personal library owned by a UK Wednesday. Jane Ann chairman of the publicity commit- student. ter, announced this week. Everyone is eligible to sign up at the Student Union ticket booth which will be open from 10 a.m. to cam3 p m. during the three-da- y paign. Lily Pons, coloratura soprano of Miss Pons married Andre Kostel-anet- x Students may choose from the eight committees available, each of the Metropolitan Opera, will appear in 1938 and their careers haev v Inch is headed by a member of in a concert beginning at 8:15 p.m. since been combined in concertiz-in- g as well as in motion pictures. the Student Union Board. Tuesday in Memorial Coliseum. The The committees and their activiconcert is a continuation of the During the last war she and her ties include Publicity, handling all Community Concert and Lecture husband made two trips abroad, spending four months each time. publicity for the Student Union and series. Sports, publishes the SUBway: than Miss Pons, long a favorite of concer- The pair travelled more g tournaments t-goers, mar.agins has appeared in several 100,000 miles and visited every theaand similar activities; Col fee Chat, movies and recently made her tele- tre of war except the small islands sponsoring a program of speakers vision debut with Bob Hope. She in the Pacific, entertaining troops which meets every two weeks in the also recently completed her fifth in Iran, Egypt, North Africa, Italy. House, sponsoring peace-tim- e Music Room: overseas joint concert India. China. Burma. Belgium. Tuesday night Sweater Swings, lour with her husband, orchestra France and Germany. bridge tournaments, etc.: Outing, leader Andre Kostelanetz. appearing Have Received Awards taking hikes and overnight trips; io London and in her native France. Miss Pons and her husband have Membership, sponsoring the memMiss Pons made her operatic de- received numerous awards for their bership drive: Poster, making pos- but at the Metropolian Oicra on wartime contributions, including the Union January 2. 1931. in "Lucia di Lam-iuters publicizing Student Asiatic-Pacifi- c Campaign Service events: and Activities, helping with iiioo! " She had ouginally beRibbon, which only 13 civilians have campus projects. gun her career as a pianist, but received. She was awarded the Margaret Holyfield is the recently-elec- when her natural venal talent was Cross of Lorraine by General de ted president of the board. discovered, she turned to singing. Gaulle, and has received France's She replaces Emma Belle Barnhill Made American Drliut highest decoration, the Legion of who graduated in January. Five years alter beginning studies Honor. The board held a similar drive under Alberti di Gorostiaga. a Miss Pons recently made a pillast semester which was considered French vocal expert, she made her grimage to Lammermoor castle in ery sucee. lul by committee chair- American debut. She was an immeScotland, the setting for Sir Walter diate success and the following Scott's novel upon which Donizetti men. summer she made a tour of South based his opera "Lucia di LammerNo actual goal has been set. and America, enjoving similar acclaim. moor." ..ny number ol students may rceis-le- r Since then, siie has sung in every Although she has wandered lor the dillerent commit tees. through the halls of the casllu in treat opera house in the world. I an ar Books Offered To Encourage Library Contest give-awa- Musicalc Canceled Membership Drive For SUI Groups To Start Monday Lily Pons To ernment Association will asenibl-to greet Coach Collier. As a preliminary to the welcome. mi ll liii- -f mi I HI " Coliseum. Band Requested To Assemble (Warren Lutz. director of the UK Band, has requested that all band members be in the Fine Ar's building in uniform by 6 p m. at the latest.) Alter the parade reaches 'he Coli- seum. Lexington polic e will prob- -i ably block off the area in from of the Coliseum extending from Lex-- 1 ington Avenue to Ro.e Street. On behalf of the Ci'y of Lexington. Mayor Fred Fugazzi will welcome Collier to his new position as head coach. Members of the UK Athletics Association, including Univerry President Herman L. Donovan and Athletic Director Bernie Shively will also extend their congratulations to 'inm' - m " Timt-- i iT "1 I T AlnmsBack Med School T' I A resolution urging the establish-- l inent of a medical school at the University at the earliest possible time has been made by the Executive Committee of the UK Alumni Till'; CLASS YOU WANT-- A girl signing up lor military sciisn't such a ridiculous thought on those hectic registration days. Actually Ttish Williamence son was just having a bit ol fun at the expense ol SKC. George S. Gordon of the Signal Corps. "AUK YOU SUNK TIMS IS UK Appoints Collier As Football Coach By JOHN RYAN'S Sports Editor The UK Athletics Association announced late Wednesday afternoon that Blanton Collier has been selected head football coach to replace Paul Bryant, who resigned last week. Collier has been an coach of the Cleveland Browns pro team for the past eight years. In selecting Collier the University has selected a Kentuckian to handle the Wildcat reins for the next three seasons. Collier is a resident of Paris, Ky.. and coached at Paris High from 1927 to 194:5, when he went into service. Collier arrived in Lexington early Wednesday morning to confer with the Athletics Association, and it wasn't until then that he made his decision to accept the Wildcat coaching berth. Before coming to Lexington, Collier flew to Florida to discuss the opportunity w ith Faul Brown, head coach of the Cleveland Browns and personal friend of Collier. Gives While at Florida, Brown told him that he would not stand in his way if he wished to accept the Wildcat (io-Alic- offer. Subsequently, he came to Lexington and accepted the position. Coach Collier said that he had not decided on his staff at the present time, and that t lie announcement of his assistants would be made later. The signing of Collier brought an end to much speculation concerning the identity of the new Wildcat coach. Many names were frequently mentioned, as the orobable successor to Bryant. These included Ernial Allen, Clarence Underwood. Informal fraternity rush that began earlier this week will end next Jack Curtice. Sid Gillman, Carnie Laslie, Farmer Johnson, etc. Serves As Assistant Coach Collier first met Paul when he served as Brown's assistant coach of the Great Lakes team during World War II. Then when Brown became the head coach of the Cleveland Browns, he took Collier with him. Collier has served as Brown's assistant at Cleveland for the past eight seasons. cil has announced. The IFC rush committee main- h tabled a table at University tration and new students were mitted to sign up for rush until 5 p.m. Tuesday. All men w ho re tered for formal rush last fall but did not pledge were already eliih!,for the present rush. To insure students who are new on the campus the opportunity of becoming acquainted with the fraternities, all houses held open house from 7 until 10 p.m. on Wednesday, and the evening meetings will be terminated tonight. Must Submit Lists On February 19 fraternities will be expected to submit lists of men to whom they wish to extend bids and rushees will file preference cards in the Student Union Building. That night, fraternity representatives will receive a list of those men who pledged and will notify their pledges individually. The rush committee has distributed the rush calendar and a list of the general rules to the various fraternities, and also directories listing all registered rushees. The committee estimated that almost 200 men would be eligible for the informal rush period. regis-Coac- n, - The new Wildcat mentor is a graduate of Georgetown College of Georgetown, Ky., and did graduate work at UK. He and his wife. Mary Forman Collier, have three daughters; Carolyn. 18. a freshman at Randolph-Maco14, Kay. and Jane, 12. Coach Collier said that he has not made any policy decisions, as yet, and declined to say whether he will keep the policy that Paul Bryant had been using. Bryant had been limiting the out of state scholarships to five per year. Association Will Support The Kentucky High School Athletic Association through its president. Edgar McNabb. and its secretary, J. R. Montjoy, said that they would offer Coach Collier all its influence in securing the Associations' support for him. The new coach, now 47. said that he planned to use a combination To He of the Bear-T- , used by the Browns, next season. He and the spht-Faculty directories will be ready said that the schedule for next sea- for distribution on the first of next son looked terrific and that he cermonth, according to Miss Carroll tainly had his work, cut out for Reeves, University telephone operahim. tor. Coach Collier plans to live at The directories contain Die names, Paris for the time being, until he addresses, telephone numbers (Unican get situated in his new posi- versity extension and home num(ion. bers! and departments of stuff and faculty members. 111 addition to other information pertinent to the n. Faculty Directories Distributed T Of IJrid-- e Meet Sel For Snlurilav The preliminary session of the duplicate bridge tournament, sponsored by the Student Activities Committee, will be held at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, Fat Watlington, chairman of the committee an- ping-pon- nounced. The session w ill be held in Room 12fi of Die Student Union Building. Dr. N. B. Allison, associate professor of engineering, will direct the tournament. In order to be eligible to enter the touriiHiueiii. a person must be taking at least 12 hours at the this semester and cannot be 011 piobauon. Students are invited to enter the tournament with or without a partner. Miss Watlington v Uni-wiM- ly ei said. Those who are inleiested in entering Die tournament may sign up at the Student Union information desk not later than noon Wednesday. The hostess on duty will have the LILY I'OVS ere sign-u- p sheet. than 2;o peiiormances ol The winners of the tournament "Lucia," this was the first tune thai she had visited the locale of the will have their names put on a plaque which will be placed in the opera i.. v.h..;!. I.e i.: sl suc cess. i Card Room of the Student Union. more . ' Prelim Sessions Appear Tuesday lo Appear Association. Fraternity llnsli To End Thursday ¬ L'niv'ersitv. Announcement that the committee had endorsed the proposal to establish a medical school at UK Collier. was made Monday. Student Rody Representative The resolution requests that the Representing the student body. General Assembly appropriate suf- Fred Williams, vice president of the ficient funds to employ a medical Student Government Association, dean and finance the preparation of will welcome Collier on behalf of plans. It also urges that the UK the student body, and representaBoard of Trustees formally establish tives of the football squad will do a medical school at their next meetthe same. ing. Plans for the welcome had oriMembers of the committee assertginally been scheduled for Thurs-- . ed in the resolution that "further day evening, but it was necessary to dcluv i in establishing a medical postpone them due to the fact that school i will be gravely harmful to Coach Collier's plans were not the health and welfare of the peo- known at the time. He was in Paris. ple of Kentucky." with his family, On January 14. the University "W Have a New C oach" Committee on Medical Education Dr. Donovan, who expressed the reported that Kentucky is now the hope that the turn-owould be a only southern state without a state big one. gave the simple ex plana -medical school either in operation ti,m tnat "we have a new coach.'' or being built. State officials are also expected to Committee Submits attend the rally. Appointed over a year ago by UniCollier will give a speech during; versity President Herman L. Dono- the rally. van, the committee submitted a Collier, who has been highly summarization of 10 points for its praised by Cleveland sports writers report, which has been turned over for his coaching techniques, said in to the Kentucky Legislative Re- a press conference, after his apsearch Committee. pointment was made, that he was Its point of view was: happy to be at the University. 1. Kentuckv is in urgent need ol more trained physicians. 2. Before these physicians can be t? made available, it will be necessary i-to train them here. 3. One medical school (at the University of Louisville cannot train all of them. 4 A state medical school to train physicians must be established by the people of the Commonwealth. The annual Mardi Gras Ball 5. The state medical board must sponsored by Ihe Newman Club wiU be a part of the state university. be held at 8:30 p m. on Feb. 27 in Must Al'tirm Obligation the Student Union Ballroom, Tom 6. The University of Kentucky Koiisler. tic ket chairman, announced must affirm its obligation to train this week. physicians. Tickets, which are $3 per couple, 7. Lexington is the best site for will be on sale the 23rd. 2'Jth. and the medical school and its auxiliary 27th of February in the Student functions, including those of a state Union. Koiisler said. There will be booths either outside or inside the hospital. depending on the 8. The Commonwealth can build Student Union, weather, he said. and support a medical school of exForrest Dean and his Kentucky cellence at UK. Colonels will provide the mu-ifor 9. The medical school of the Unithe evening. The dance will lust versity will work with presently ex- - until 12:30 p.m. with late permission for the girls living in residence halls. Continued to Page 8 The highlight of Die evening will be the announcement of the Marcii Gras queen and the most popular professor. Jean Skinner. Alpha S;g; candidate, who is a KD unci a oph- -; omore. was Mardi Gias queen last, year. Mr. Virgil Christian, instructor in economies, was elected most, popular professor. Six men have been nominated lor Alpha Gamma Rho announced this year's popular profe-so- r candithis week that, its candidate for the date, one from each college of the Queen of Hearts" title will be Ann University. Voting will take pl.-Mulkey. from 8 a in. lo 4 p.m. Monday n. the Candidates Listed Student Union. Other queen candidates, already Nominated for tile contest were: Roy E. Sigalus, assistant profesannounced, and their fraternity ;r,siirs are Catherine Shelburne. sor ol farm crops, m the College of Agi iculmre. Phi Delta Theta: Ro.-.- Gayle Helta Tan Delta; Carolyn W. Hi; nr. Lewis Roberts, protessor I'uiuiiic.'.iam. Alpha Tan Omega; of Lev. for the Law Colli ge. Sophia Hurgin. Tau Kappa Eps'.lou; Herbeit Soiviison. distinguished Jem Skmner. Sigma Nil: Gi.i Nicholson, Alpha Sigma Phi: Margaret pt'o!cs.,oi ol psychology, Ford. Kap:.i Svina: Sally Patron. lor Die College of Education Lambda C'lu Alpha. Mollis S. Summers, assistant proCatherine Greenuaile. Phi Kappa fessor ol English, for the College ot Pat George. Phi Sigma KapTan: Aits and Sciences. pa; L.!:by Ken. pe r. Pi Kappa Alpha; Russell Shelby Grady, associate M irty Viall. Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Mai 'ha .lane Wei.thers. Sigma Chi: prolessor ol accounting, lor Die ColJustine Stinson. Sigma Phi Epsilon. lege (if Commerce. Herbeit L. Fogel. instructor Greta Bai riekman. Triangle: Con-vi- e ,.n for t '' C i;,t.i in. ol Engineering. Joanne Montgomery, Kappa Alpha. St i ut Jgww February 27 ' Keys Valentine Queen To Be Chosen Tonight Vali-nlin- will be selected ing the dance. by persons Ballot attendboxes with each candidate's name and picture will be placed at the entrance ol the ballroom. A silver trophy will lie presented to the winning canilul.ue. Trask 'lo I'lay Clyde Trask alio his orchestra will furnish music lor the dance. The ballroom will be decorated in the Valentine mot if Special tallies for independents and for individual li at nities Will be sel up lor the dance. Tickets may be purchased lion: members before the dance for 2.Tnl slc.g. .aim:. i. coupie aim il.-will be $3 a couple at the door. 1 I tfO J'f"f To Be Held ( UK's Queen of Hearts'' will be crowned in Die Slucieut Union Ballroom tonight at the Dance sponsored by Keys, sophomore men's honorary. The ciai'.ce will be held from 8 to 12 p.m. The queen and two attendants I UK's band, the Marching loO and the UK cheerleaders will parade, starting at 6 p.m.. past the mens dorms, down Limestone, to Maxwell. to Rose. and. from there, to th-- ; ' ' Ken-tucki- Representatives of the City ol Lexington, the University, the foot-- j ball squad, and the Student Gov- Student Government Association members will meet at 6:30 p in. Monday in Room 128 of the Student Union. Carter Glass, president, has announced. It will be the first meeting of the second semester. .... - Ix-iii- t By RONNIE BUTLER An upward trend in student enrollment at the University was indi-- ; cated by the number of students who had entered the University j Program Will Salute Dr. Peler, Dr. Morgan I K, l.anton (uillier, Wat-crnel- d. i''-- i *