xt74f47gt90r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74f47gt90r/data/mets.xml Adams County, Mississippi Mississippi Historical Records Survey 1942 Prepared by the Mississippi Historical Records Survey, Service Division, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: United States, Work Projects Administration, Service Division; 2 volumes, 28 cm; Minutes of the County Court, 1802-1804; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:M 69i/5/no.2 books English Jackson, Mississippi: Board of Supervisors, Adams County This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Mississippi Works Progress Administration Publications Transcription of County Archives of Mississippi, Number 2 Adams County (Natchez), Volume 2 text Transcription of County Archives of Mississippi, Number 2 Adams County (Natchez), Volume 2 1942 1942 2015 true xt74f47gt90r section xt74f47gt90r M W /5/ \}@||\\l@l@|@|@Wl ||N@ j ` YLSD 2/ v. 'Z · § 14 · TRANSCRIPTION OF COUNTY ARCHIVES OF MISSISSIPPI NO. 2. ADAMS COUNTY (NATCHEZ) VOLUME II MINUTES OF THE COUNTY COURT 1802-1804 Prepared by The Mississippi Historical Records Survey Service Division Work Projects Administration ‘ Jackson, Mississippi The Board of Supervisors Adams County July 1942 LE 2 WORK PROJECTS 1·x.DMIVNISTR]iTIO}] F. Hg Drydon, noting Comnissionor D Floronoo Ko:-r, frssistmit Corn~z15.ssionor Q. Edward Gotlin, $1:211:0 1.gimi11istra1’cor Joromo Sago, Diroctor, Sorvico Division SPONSOR D Mississippi Dopartmonis of Igrchivos and History A * t A PREFACE . The Historical Records Survey program was organized as a Nation- , · wide project of the WPA to inventory State, county, and municipal ar- ' chives, early American imprints, church records, and manuscripts in - _ collections. In Mississippi the Historical Records Survey has oper- e ated as a unit of the State-wide Records Project in the Service Divi—_ sion, and has been sponsored by the Mississippi Department of Archives and History and some seventy county boards of supervisors. The Survey_` is being discontinued in order that its personnel may be diverted to I A activities which have a direct and unqualified relation to the war ef- ‘ fort. However, this volume is being published since all data had been ”` compiled for publication previous to the redirection of the activities of the project, The preparation of inventories of county archives included the writing of administrative histories or essays which traced the develop- , ment, analyzed the structure, and described the functions in each coun- ty of each of the agencies whose records were inventoried. It soon be- came obvious that if each inventory of county records was to depit the particular history, governmental organization, and records system of each county, it would be necessary to resort to the minutes of the coun- ty governing bodies for the source materials to do so. Experiments in transcribing pertinent passages from the minutes indicated that full A coverage or uniform results could not be obtained by leaving the selec- tion of the material to the judgment of field workers. For that reason, in 1959 and 1940, workers were assigned to transcribing in full, the minutes of the various governing bodies in some forty counties. ‘ This volume, Transcription of the County Archives of Mississippi, No. 2, Adams County, Volume II, Hinutes of the County o6Grt, 1802-1804, is a_transcriptien of the first volume of—miHutes of the county court kept in the basement storeroom of the Adams County courthouse. The volume, 16 inches high, nine inches wide, and one inch thick, is in poor condition. The cover and many of the·pages are loose and torn and several of the pages are missing. . The minutes cover the period October 4, 1802 to September 9, 1804, and make accessible unpublished materials which furnish valuable and important information concerning the formative period in Mississippi history. Students, historians, genealogists, and others interested in basic documentary sources, will find a wealth of data embodied in this collection. - , The county court was established February 26, 1802 by act of the first General Assembly of the Mississippi Territory. This act dissolv- ed the court of general quarter sessions of the peace, the court of J common pleas, and the court of probate established February 28, 1799 V by Governor Winthrop Sargent and the Territorial Judges. (Sec Missis- ,; sippi Historical Records Survey,_Sargent's Code, A_Col1ection"o£ the L iv - i Original Laws of the Mississippi Territory Enacted l799~l8OO §y_Gover~ { nor Winthrop Sargent and the Territorial Judges, Jackson, 1939, v, 168 ppT mimeo; and Mississipkillhstorical Records Survey, Transcription pf ‘ the County Archives of Mississippi, No._2, Adams County, Volume TJ Ming i p utes“of_the*De£Et_of”EeHeral Quarter_SesEions of the Peace. Jackson, l§?l’.§,"?E>{ET l'G7"§pZ`mi?6E