xt74f47gtc1f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74f47gtc1f/data/mets.xml Arkansas Historical Records Survey (Ark.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs 1942 xi, 118 p.: ill.; 28 cm.: UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14:Ar 4k/no.8 books English Little Rock, Ark.: the Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Arkansas Works Progress Administration Publications Archives -- Arkansas -- Carroll County -- Catalogs Carroll County (Ark.) -- History -- Sources -- Bibliography -- Catalogs Inventory of the County Archives of Arkansas. No. 8. Carroll County (Berryville and Eureka Springs) text Inventory of the County Archives of Arkansas. No. 8. Carroll County (Berryville and Eureka Springs) 1942 1942 2019 true xt74f47gtc1f section xt74f47gtc1f s ' I9; f ’1" y ‘ ‘m i ’ , , - .7 ' - 1 ”310% " I"IIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIII_lL-E ,, ~ :iNVENTORY , _ ¢ g .. - ofthe , - :- CQUNTYARCHIVES , , _ , E“ ' g . =,*ARKANSAS , _ - ‘. z . V : 1‘ I ‘ \. 1%.." , , V . "‘Y‘flgif ,aqlffifgi . V _, . ‘. . “ 5“ '. [.y'f ._ ' $1351??? '90” ‘1 ‘ . L _ , figmsufi : ’y, , . ' ~ g . v CAERLLCOUNTY 4 It! ' ['1' ,Eir . ', t j _‘:i ‘v‘-(IBE3913YVILLEJAEDEUBEKA ‘ 'g .. ‘ E. 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"“‘,‘."“-“"~: 7 "NH": '«}*r“7;vf? - ' iii ' ’1; " ftrjj ’-3'-,‘;1"?"j{::fzj "”’\" 3" .3.‘ 73315:: A f '7‘ $73433 ‘ 31 7 . at," v “ 2 j f "-r‘ni ‘ v -:*;’._f- f} E13; ’ . I- .: ‘1 V = . __ - . ~-‘ _ , 3 7:25;? , v‘ HLSTORICAL RinCORDS SURVEY PROJECTS l * r Sar out B. Child Dlrector “"233 [’2‘ l. u ~ . 7 ’ r .121) $51 = ; , Raymond Foster, State Supervisor 3! T," 5'» E E ' . » [Vi-131 , , j; .’ j . I»; In. l. 'i ; . -. 3;; V in < 1 ‘ E guy E 1; , >232}. .. , . . _ .. P. z » . > REESE-RC}; AND RECORDS PriOGl-IAMD . :39 -. E; ‘ Harvey E. Bocknoll, Director . ' John G0 L. Mulroassen R0 ional Suorvisor 1 'Fz'?‘;;:3;-". Howard H. J'acowav State Chiof v f ., ,_ a a . ',{i‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 13f; 4’1? 7 v 1+ ’vE'E , - ‘ , 7* . E , - ’ gr; {1.41773 1 ’ ,‘I'flltk‘: % y “ ‘ - , 1': >3 i E ' ,‘ _:;r E19 1 .- = WT . .,1 ' g 23' E; ‘~ . DIVLDlON OJ:I . if: Ef > ' - COWJJNITY SERVICE PEDGRME , ~ 5' xvii-11; _. ‘ - c ~= ‘ Q3“ 7 . . . ' l .9: E, R v * Florence Lorr .[rssmtsmt Comussmner , :3 p, ‘E‘xfifik‘afiifl v , ’ _ . ;.,_2 :L 1‘; ,. Loo G. Spofford, Chief Rogglonal Super—Vlsor ' 1. “31) May Bovons, Stats; Diroctor ,’ E t «as» E :x: .-, -':- f; I ._ E , . . (3‘ V ’ 1" (-53.3334511": sag" ‘ a“ E - (WE; / WORK PROJECTS lelell‘lISlRII'ION a ' x ”43% ' ' ' ‘ , A :2:sj :3‘ 3%? r F . 1-1. Dryden, Aotlng Commssmner V .,,;.,.V':;:g;:;;-g—': E , Eggfl i ' Chas . B. Braun, R5931 01ml Director ' * ‘iif'fyfiif ' Egg: E >. Floyd Shpzrp, State Aumlnlstrator v ' - ‘ ' fi.\:§§~">,f§‘_ , -‘~: ‘; ’ [2$M3€';,¥._ '_ _ . - y .. 3 i “a? ”1:31;: ’ ‘ , -~.. 'w‘ * m; . ‘ ' , ‘ v . » ‘lr ’5.: ‘ Wfizi‘ ? ('4 ~;(~« I . . ' 1 _\ 7‘”C 1 PH» “ UPOISJOR . .5 _:_'-f;/Lf';;':x._ 3 “x; av, ‘ I - . - A V 3,?'7.Z:.l’:':§f it i: ‘w , U,:.L1VOI'S it or jarrkonsas . , , u , ‘1‘”; ' College of Arts and Salonces ' 1' 2. Mfizfimw ,, r ', , ‘- .. E x u u, {3‘ Ivy-0,5. . -, n V =: ' $314?" ’ , 7 25%;? 2 , :--'- - m »» '."".‘.".x’;3“ ; gs}: 6,51 , v CO—SPOho OR _ 1 _ _ o E: i ”A, Judm If. C. Stafford 7 ' A » LiM}? ~ Q , . , z?“ "‘1- ; H {L v. Count Juclvo of Carroll Cai>unt ‘ ‘ ‘ 5 ~ 145;,mv,‘ . v . E ?» ’ ' \ *7 ; .2; ; . E , a) “f aji‘kg“ ghfiflét’fla E . ‘ c iv are; ?55w.‘;*’;?w‘$e¢ “Ti-7’77? inn-717g; ' ‘ . . , ‘. ;:$€ .- . IE". I ‘ , E, ijjgifé a V , E ' “ .fifi ‘ ‘flw ‘ -p$ .9 E » “ 7'5. fir-Sr; ’ . $723 “ 3* *1: ' ' E . 1v 4;; 71‘ . ' 253;}: f E ' 3 ‘ 21’" ' .43! ' _ ' .. 32:32:? “ IE " To bring togethcr the records 01 the past , 3,; E ' and to hrmse them in buildings where they will - ' ~33? LEE be preserved for the use of man living in the E 7 3.; ‘E - \ ‘ - M EEIELI . future, a nation must believe in three things. ' “’12:“; , E . It must believe in the @1181). It must believe , ' E ' “£3 . ' ' in the future. It must, abzgve all, believe in. V j? E" ' ~33 the capacity Di its people so to luzzrn trim the - g '7 E ,7 ' past that thuy can gain in Judgmon‘c for the .. ~21; ‘ 374515 14 E ' 35E; creation of the future." “' - 3 lg , ' «’11 ‘ ; ' v v Y, z m E . 121mmmm 512112130 Roosm‘sm f if a I. L" ‘ . " V I fif-C. "' .3 7' '2 - - ,. 3 H "-’LVLLIE ‘ , .7 2"" . , y," 3.1-, ~} . ' , , $33.31;; 2:13 4': 3,3 E327 5:1.“ ‘ ' .49 ‘ » , "- xii-113,4“: m"; 3 « ; us": A ' =1 1“»ij " . 7 ‘2 “5:175 Lafxglv‘x , . _ ' ‘_ " “ {106g $152.11 A ‘ ' ,4 ‘ 4:22-12:93; ‘ ,A‘ ‘3 .W , " '.r‘>.".’.v."§{"’*' , ' ;, £23252; , i , v -- ' , . - 3 . E . v _ .ge- , «Kgméfi’ E3; . "32:1 1:“. waxy-I. .1...“ .7 ._ ' -.'III- 'c'.=-.=L. . . vat. . 1‘. "InMLI- . ...__ . . . . -- :‘IY‘N: .7. .. _- 4‘ v..’¢'~‘-. v I“... .- - . ‘52-. '9’" . - ,.. . I. g. a...“ 1‘~:" .- I.- 1:1 “'5.2;“.‘rlII.-xz‘.:..~“‘:I;fiI‘-."5“?”53 '.-' " Sfigéxrii‘3‘2fi’i'ixé1’lfi‘ E‘s-if 37“»‘w’wz .‘E‘FI “1'19. ‘I‘ ‘ “1.. ’"I ”5”" =’ ‘" a?“ . ‘ . 1'7."- ‘*" ' ‘i'n I- ?" ‘ "3 " . -‘ vh 1:15:71 1‘ .1. “IV". ‘i‘iL:'::~".-‘fiu’*~ 5f:»‘<’<2"=€.‘~' 31"» “.‘i’t«:l~:I.“w,r."-4~I~§€i='wi‘i}z7flI???“. 3:511 »;‘1IM-I*;?é-Il£:3p€: 4.4”II1.~.JI.~I~ .. 7.9m . . . . .. . .. ' . . ' . I 5'21“" r . ’ /L-w-.:J:'<*,Ivt“i‘¥'~I..’I:{;.I:.;v:~..:I«-~~*»‘:;zr=€?5‘:WJ‘:¢.‘I~=I~::~«.I xfi‘lé‘I-Ii.‘irz..~ ..,.-I .3].me ”an. r 'I' ._ ‘ ' . . I.. , ~ ’ . ‘ ' , ‘ ’ . I ,. ":‘I . -: :.. - I. '-.-:I .17 4 I‘“ L.::1M.I-.‘-, 1.». .‘iI‘Irtxk 4: {'r'-,~:‘II‘L:.II,'.".J; I' "' r: ”r‘II Mr . 'I'4I . I“ .. . - ._ _ I -_ .— _ , . - ’ ;. .4.. .I ., 3.. . I .. :..“. ... _‘ , _..., ..L .1. w, PH 41.; a I... _ . . . ./ , ‘ ‘ _. _ , .. . ; , _. .17 ; _. K. a I, . :szfi 7-1:: I . 1‘ ' ~ ' . . . ., .1 1'94. :.' 1;. _- I I: - , fink“. I‘. I. I . .3123“ fill . ' . , . 54' E; 1 1:. L: . > V ”11;! 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' It»: “Ir'; , ,7 ’* “gnu: _ k k ., L ._,. ,_ _ . ‘ .r I: -.1. win... g. ' 1‘ 5 .- Iezz' 9%“ » ~ . _ :_ M . .4 §j1fi)§#g.g.' - V. I. ‘3‘; ‘ fwuefi‘: 6145:, ' . . .. .. , Xi fig‘rngram a ' 4' i . ’k: MKWLJ-‘k‘ I . , .‘ . If.;‘~:‘I,~‘;Tq-.{‘9».‘- I. . I I , .5 ‘ F . Hazy-5m... .. '- . - . II. ‘ ffi'x‘ié’ifvég,ik£sf . . - ' '. r" 5 I ”WI” . I. t ":55 : i..‘-'_.I~; _ . 77 > -‘ . I.“ P ‘2} 92:9 2 . . . , {I r. x. ”23...: . . 1 If“: 1: L " - . ..,.». 1 4 NILE-$175319? . . ‘ ' " ‘T “1." 1 L. I,J;§3u’§‘::.,‘1" - ’* ., I ' fig“ - . .. i- 1 “RIB; " - . . ‘ . ‘ I. < Neda. -: -’ I _. .‘ ‘V 1. I; 3% ~54 $5.611? ' ., . ,- 1 I1. 2 Idp‘w-g. . - __ > . :..... f . 9"%}‘5'¢". “ ' ’ . . I. 3.“ 33;; 1r- 4359:1973» . 9 5;; k ' .3 KW: 42‘ : . L4: I _, \gfifzILIT-Ii‘ i‘ . . I, '.‘I t 3? raw“ 1 I ' . ’ I .rI::I,'L=;I 1: $7311». \ 1 - ’ . ‘-., 1&1 ' " ‘ 1‘11"" " 1 . . I-zTI-I’. 1 9:2 “6331:1511 ‘1 ‘ ' .,'.I;..I.‘. 1 f. I: 3111151533" , . ‘ ~ . :11 1.11M ;.- .I 379.19.: . ,. ‘ ' : ' 3.3-; I .1; g. L . ~ . ' . Vivi-:11? " ”7535511 '7) ' . II“? I.-. I ‘ n . .. .- :..-,..! 1%"? .35“. 1 .. ‘ ‘. . 3.55753. . i7 3.551;? sizr'iiI‘Is’ :.. ' . = , ‘; .:fa-If9»iv» . . . 1; 3'41“ I: 4-36 ”'95. .I._I. . . 7,40,...“ I »¥,§~,‘ . « f . . 1.143,... . 3*}? fix” . . s 5 Lgafigiatifi :. . < _ 2. Wimhx . .. ~ ,- P . .. “I”... 1 ‘° “ I" . . 153% 3- ”F123. 1' i3 ' . , 315:}. .. i3“ . ., _ , 4”“ . ~ 9*; ”a. ~‘ ‘ . ' ' . ‘I.:_=~";lf~’"f% I. L.- .gI.:.-;.s.I.».. .- 13!:~.:-,:~: HE‘Qu ', I ‘ -.. .34.; 4153313-‘3? l'"‘>=\;I~.:’-'£:::"5.~-‘2 ~ . '~ - ' -. T. . ~ij I Extrmif‘grs: $ig-LII-EI351I-rr I , . . » . . , L. E? 34.15.15!“ $331.13.». ‘I., . 1 _. f . / . h 155% ‘~ WWRI’ ; I' ‘ - V . 3 ’I if)? «$44.44.. . ' , . "W43 . .~‘:.:. {*5 “ é" '. 7' 1.... . ’ . . ._ . :2. .. 11...:— 1.? xi i: Kz’me’v‘ 3"“ Méiii‘L_ij;;j.I 4.» ‘ . - . . , 7 ._ ‘: £35.45??? ‘ * ‘ - « . 4 I... “II-W‘rwxfi' fifrpmrtvigg E _ ' ,- _ ‘ . '-.C_,"T =3§fi _,y . yplfi y" " , , f ‘ l i » v . it; 3 FOREWORD ' r “ 'fi ,,¢fl§ 'jj, i The Inventory of the County Archiyes_o£sg£§§n§3§;is one of a number 451€§ _l of guides“T§Thi§tbri53l‘hfiterials_prepered throughout the United States ‘flg? 'Ii by workers on Historicnl Records Survey projects of the Work Projects f ‘ég 5% Administration. The publication herewith presented, an inventory of the p.5gfi fig archives of" Carroll County, is number {3 of the Arkansas series. , ‘fghg rig The historical Records Survey progrum was undertaken in the winter ' ‘ yfi§ , (a! of 1955—56 for the purpose of providing useful employment for the needy . nfgfi Q j unemployed historians, lawyers, teachers, and research and clerical‘ ‘ ‘ ‘;gg§ ‘§" workers. In carrying out this objectiveg the project was organized to ,lfflg‘ h" ‘ compile inventories of historical materials, particularly the unpub- ' ‘ "jfig ' f f lished government documents and records which are basic in the admin- 'jflfi Cgf'r istration of local government; and which provide invaluable date for ‘ r‘l‘gfiI§% ;} . ,students of politicala economic, and SOCifl history. The archival guide I'. [lgég 5 ,,3 herewith presented is intended to meet the requirements of day—tenday >-yf§§fi ' 'f g‘ administration by the officials of the county, and also the needs of ifzffig . L: . . lawyers, businessmen, and other citizens who require facts from the pub- _ ‘jifififl Wé“’ lic records for the perer canduct of their affairs. The volume is so 7,ffi%§ _ é; _ designed that it can be used by the historian in his research in un- yp‘fifl§% fitp_ , printed sources in the same way he uses the library card catalog for ‘ Jfige iggxf 7: printed sources. . 5g§§ ‘ , ' » - ' * ? r ‘ Viki : 4 The inventories produced by the Historical Records Survey projects i}5ffi§§ . %_mo - attempt to do more than give merely a list of records—-they attempt fur— 'n“3§£§fi izf ‘ ther to sketch in the historical background of the county or other unit V_ ;gfi%§’ £hf‘.\ : of government, and to describe precisely and in detail the organization ' ‘ "ifgflg gfiff ‘ and functions of the government agencies whose records they list. The ~f*§%§ ~éiil county: town, and other local inventories for the entire country willg ' "*5¥§§ E E2, .{ when completed, constitute an encyclopedia of local government as well , jogégfi _ nfr;fi as a bibliography of local archives. Up to the present time more then - ;”g§§% . _q,fi*“r,ll,800 Survey publications have been issued in the country as a whole° _ ~_;¢fi%§ V H-pf‘Wj ‘ The successful conclusion of the work of the historical Records )“figfififi%§§ , .%j~vy . ,Survey projects, even in a single county, would not be possible with— " . gyfgggfi: pm3’ ’ out the support of public officials, historical and legal specialists, ,wfififigé , "éif » > and many other groups in the community. Their cooperation is gratefully - ‘.”7g§%§; ‘JIEJffiT‘ acknowledged. . If,$Ffififi§§ I>33{%3 A The Survey Program was organiZed by Luther H. Evans, who served > 'Jfiéfig%% '7' Eel“ ' as Director until march l, 1940, when he was succeeded by Sargent B. yggifigfig y ” ;§5§ fly Child. The Survey operates as a Nation-wide series of locally spon- x‘i‘¥?%§%§ ijfiffiyvr 'sored projects in the Division of Community Service Programs, of which ‘gpfi%%?%% / 1;}fififiyf; Mrs. Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner, is in charge. my :Iffififififig ’ r ,i ' ' ‘ :‘ -r=;;:>ze»:.' . on: . ;:"wli-‘:§"‘»"tr,‘€ . \ ' v. ' r. a. Dryden - l é“ ‘ x ‘ 1 Acting ’C'oumissi'oner, if F " , of Work Projects . ~ {-3121 1 1515155515,?) %"1115*”*~13r«132~“»~11r 1 1:1 ...1 . 1P1,“ ;:~.; 9:; , - ’1 ~ ‘ 1 2»: v11?" 1; 121;! :21: '1‘1:‘1."12;:“: 1; 211171 ‘ 3-“:1 71:"..5 ' :1..-: 1:12: :1 :=t"-1..r1 ';' 5 1 1 ..1‘1‘ 1,.1'. '»-"~;. .211 ~ 1 . 1 3:12: 1'; 53533331431 1'1 - ‘1 1 ' 7; 1 2' ' .- r 2' 1. "1' ' 1‘ ‘. 2 1 :1. ":¥:"‘,:'~_. - ‘2; 3 ' 1.: ; 3; j: y '1 \ 17’ '_ “ " '- 1 ”11.2 3 1 2 ‘1 3 _ , 2 .91.. . ”31.11 3. 1 _ ' 2 177'. . ‘ ' . , ~ / 1 c :21“. i 1:5 ‘ 1 ‘1 T 1 k“ 2.6.3.; . ’ f1”. 3 ‘ :I:._' :11}: . F11. ’1;;1\1.~~ 1 1 5111‘ I ‘ '1 11 +3.01," " ' ' 1 " 551. 1.17 ' i '1 ' L-s ‘ =1' 1: £531.. 1 (11, 2 2 L" 1;. :.. 1: 1_ '1 rr_-._ -..‘ 1' , 2 5'1 1 ‘1. 1"2'17/1'" -. .1111: | , I - 1‘ ‘11.}. 1~ '7; j 1 . . 51.1 1..' ‘.2;;1"- ‘ .1. 1‘ :» 111:1":1' 1 1 1 r15 3; ‘3-2-1 1 1 \,. E ' _ s-‘ :1: 1‘1 '. 1v 1.1. ' 3:1" .- {-31.331273 .. ' . 1;:ng E 2 1-1 - 5:351:11“ 5.: 1:1,: ‘1" 3 ' 1 . r ' ‘2“1 -«:‘~ :4212 1 1 » :13 1,- "¥1’; 1f. ‘..'-‘: ‘1; . fa: ' ' ‘ ,1 1‘ 3“" 1*" ‘ 23533-10? " "3"" 2 .~: ~1 ' - 1', ~, ,., 251.11.; - ‘1»;- 1-.=11 ~5.‘ .5.-$153.11 1 2‘ "‘53 1 152': 1 , ' "a"; .; M ,3 . . . 1 13:1»; ".- 1 S‘1‘1i1~:;f'ji.fi‘1‘£»—';1’~fi ,1' 1 - "1 ’1~ 1.3“; .9;5;‘-T‘.-'i;f§’1i».j~;?~ . ,, 2’ 1 1"i I511}; 31:111\'~’.:2,1. 11 ' ~ mzxgz." '1 - 1 ‘1 W“ 11’ GE‘s: 11 1 :1 1 31:31 51211112512... ' “ ‘ 1 1 ' 5- 574 35‘" ~ ' ' 1. 1: ' ' 71? 32:5. a 11 1 12 ..‘ 3:15; ..:;1 “11:1 :.71 1 1 3 . 31.; 1:1‘1;:'1:j1-:1-3\£‘ ' 1 1. 13.12 bQ? 1333:9159; . 1 1 ‘2 '51. '17:"!31, ,5~ ' - x . 1 g ‘3}? 3 .13 _ 1 1 ‘- 133 9213—; 5.523% * {1' ' M51511» 1' ‘ . % ,55151 1 ‘ 3- 312955.151... 552415;. . ' . ‘ ‘1’ L' 3:? %{ 5152:1123 1.. ‘ . 1 : ' . 1 1:‘-:'.-.' w;~x.,,1- 1 1 , 13111352755 ' ‘ ' 1 ' 1171: ‘1 1 ~ ' - 1 - . 1 1; ;” '1"-.1- ' ’ ' ~' 2 2 psi-.112 \x'ggh ~ . . 1 1 . 1 ‘ 1 1" E15535; 16,311.25; ‘ ' ' ' 1‘ 5 1‘ 1 . 1 1 3133““;59121 ::1 ‘ . ‘ -1 t 1 5:55 W 1- ' 1 . 1 .1: ~ "1’3551' “5:31;:1-3. ' ' . ' 1. : ”$35”; _. 1 1 ' 2 1 35-15521; ,5; 3 . ,'~ 1 3:1 . 1. . ; 13152118351153, 1. 2 ~ 1 1 ,1 ' 1,1? 3333534 3" .135“. .1 3 . 1 23.31.? ”5.1.11, 1 . ~ 1 L " 1133‘ 7.15““ 121': 1‘ . 2 ‘ ‘ 1 ' 1 .3 f. .- '3 5315:. _.-<5.~,?3_,2,:1, 1111134 _ _ . L . E5 1 51551;;111 1 ' . f 35:11: 5*”.‘1‘11’5595‘ . ‘, . 1 . . . ‘ *1 1 111 23.33: 5 5.331.132.113- ~: -. - 3'1 r 3:333:31 am .211. ~ - -‘ ’1 351955”? ‘ .3231: ‘ 1 ; $3152.? .1153“? , - ‘ 1,1.111 -. ~13: _;"‘\~r% . 1 , , 1 .5 11,125» “ 5‘2-13‘311‘5113 ' ‘1 ' I1 11:5534‘155‘mp... ‘ . ~ ‘ ‘1 512156121151‘1 . 1 1 5. 3 a. ..w..czy_-1113,\ 1 - .1, ,~1 1 in 1- 1W._§};-z.r 1: . 1 1. 1. 1?. . 1 121 ~~~=»';25~.~.1. '1 '1 1 ~ 1 ...:2512-1 , 1: 1 11.5.1? ..12’41. 1 - - ' -..4_ ‘1 '.. 351 “55:35.: ~~ -- r ' 1 '11: - A 7", ‘5.“ ""235; ' ‘3'“ - 3359351513333 }, ‘ . 1'1 "‘12,: 5 5+ 2 ~11:- r1~:.1 - . 1 . [1.13. 1 1*”‘1’ 1 ' ' 2 .- 41, ; ~ ’ . 1 r»: 1 -+ 1 “5 W13 ‘eézir'n't‘w _, 1 . ' , 1 ~= i- ' "‘ X "“5914." ' ‘ , . ‘ : 1 16%", " safe“ 2 1’1'2'21-1 ? 111. 'M1f1vsh-‘x1‘1 ’ :1 ‘1 7152151314 2’1“ 1‘ 1 ”$31.: 1 1 1 1 1 35533153}; 31:31:11. .1 g, 1 137%" .35; 131"” 1 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 ‘ 1 53151. 5'1, .. 1. g i .55.»: 2 121:1 . -. ‘ . . ,1 i :1 1511's 3511.713 . . . 1 ~11 ‘3 .1 1 1» 13.31”” 311:, 1 ‘ - ‘ 1r“ . Kg‘p‘wv 93531333215143 1'» i ‘ . 1" 1' 1' :‘é !' ’:”'1‘::§L.125?1§3""§\§1‘ i 1 ‘ . 11;: ~": :33. 3' “13:33:53: aifyr‘ ~~ ‘1' ’1" ' 2 1 ' l 7 ‘5 1 r§_:. 1:. 1. - 1 ‘ 1 1.2 {1: 1+ 3.121, ' »« ix»: .1: 1 . 1 - 1 1' ~ 3 . 5.7.1; + ‘ t'r'~£§“:"‘é%‘e’1f‘5 mu'rsaa‘ ' . ’ ‘ 1 ' ‘ 1 ’ . ' ‘ ; 1 «'1' 11' :3", ‘ “ 5:39,; TA;7¥;’W‘$TfiECFWMfifl———_ . —" —'—— ——~—-——’—“—‘———72 7~~1 _._ V ~ - 1 -.A. .1 9 ,... 9 9 ‘ f§ ' “fifl ;‘ 9 The Historical Records Survey wss initiated in Arkansas in March ' 959$ '- 1956 as s branch of the Federal Writers' Project. In Nivember of the :9 _ifi ' same year the Survey become Ln_indepondent unit of Federal Project No. jfié l, and functioned under Fedorul sponsorship until" September 1, 1933. _ 'yfifi On September 5, 1939, the unit becnmo'a State—wide locally sponsored ,9 Vjfifi 9 _ project under the suporvision of Howurd H. Jucowuy. hr. Jocowuy rc~ 9??? ‘ signed on Septonfior 5, 1940 to become Stotc Chief of the Research and - ‘ '3§% 1 Records Programs and was succeeded by Raymond Foster who has served on l”ggfl 3%! the supervisory staff of the Survey since Dccenber 1958. \ ”$3? , ' ' 9 ' 93 3% The Survey is sponsored in Arkansas by the College of Arts and Sci— ‘ ‘ 9“$§ fa ' cnccs of the University of Arhunsos and co#sp0nsored by the county . "§fifi ' :9 I UUdEGS 0f the Stflte. It operates uhder'tho jurisdiction of Research “Tugg 29 and Records Programs of the Division of Community Service Programs of 9 “;Q§§ 92 9 thc'Work Projects fidllinistrotiono The Arkansas unit is under the tech- '_ ,‘9ygg n 1,9 nicsl and editorial supervision of the Control office in'Wsshington, DOC. ‘ 9' Ifhfi ffi» ' The Arkansas Survey has had as its chief objective the publication 9";gfig [3; . of county inventoriesa but at present is also making a survey of State, 9}9%§ ‘9 9 municipal9 and church archives: early American imprints, manuscript dew J gfi$ ' 9 positories and collections,‘snd is preparing a guide to Arkansas news— 9gfifig ,99971 2 papers. A list of former publications will be found on the last page of ‘ ‘9fi3§$ 9 , this volumea 9’ ' ‘ ' L3”ffifi 9 '9 9 The Survey is preparing a volume which will include detailed dis- zl§§% 4 FT:‘ cussions/of the organization, structure, and evolution of county govern- liq99%% 19- 9‘ ment in Arkanssso‘ The material for this volume will be assembled from 9 ,fyfig é'5'. the Stute‘s constitution, codes, and dots of the General Assembly. The '* ”jg? 9 §;~r material will consist of all those laws and constitutional provisions "3flflfig _ '999: that are governing and have governed county ofifices. It is believad ~1glg§3 9 - tfi- that the publication of this volume will make it unnecessary to repeat ”thing? ’ , 99“- 'certain items of general information in forthcoming county inventories; ‘f'gfifigfi ‘ j 99,9 pending issuance of the general volume on ocunty government, it is sug- '1 :kfifi£é§ etc, gosted that the reader consult the Inventory of the County Archives of Vgfififif ~ ' .99t‘, Arkansas,.No. 23. Faulkner caunty(CSE&E§7“f6r‘EbEE”uEEEETbd"&i§€fi§§i6hs gféfiggg ' 7 9:? 9 than those found in this inventory. » 9 ~ "flfp§%§ ‘ ' ‘ - ' 9 A consulstion of tho- table of contents of this volume will indi~ ; , é 9‘ cats that the inwantory is divided into two parts. In the first, ma: 9:9 _ gfL. general section of the volume will be found a historical skotch of the \ 9%3€%g% ' - '39929 county, and an essay on the housing, care, and occcssibility of tho 9 :“QfiE%££? 99§%3_ ‘frecords. In the second section of the volume will be found a listing [9;glggéfi '¥%nfifjl of the records of county offices. The orrnngcment of offices by fuhctions d_;?§%§§§ Hgfl§fl?5' is as follows: Gunorei administration; recording; administration of ' ,9'9hfifififlfi Lfigfigffif justice; finsncey elections; education; health and welfare, and mis~ ,’/';y¢j§ffl% j_9}f§%fififlcellsnoousc The rerords are segregated under subject h-r.~w.dinggs.7 accordn ” flyfifiggfiy 9it§§}£“ing to office of origin or final dcposit, unless other classification “ .vljfiffigfififi ‘9:_;%:€}; is directed by law: Under agencies, records huvo been classified, so ' y:gf%§g§% ,.'f$¥3§:fer'ss possible; according to the subjects with which thcy deal. 'Thoy "ihfifi§fiéfifl ' 9‘ 95$“~9.sre described in entries whose style is formalized to give the follow— . “fffifififiéfi :99'2’fsfi'ir3éf9u-i ' '9 9 ‘ 9' . 9 . ‘ L 9 9 .~ WW9?“ ' , Thrl 9‘ . ' . ’ _9 ’ 9 ' 9 9 . ,smfi‘yg,’ E), "w “4‘23: “-Fz-‘Ezl-‘e.‘-‘er.;73v"-<-I=‘=m«ne'er-Hr~+=».‘13='-;+*':*‘«’5:«‘:5 :7:~»‘a»=-.-“~=<’» .z'..—.‘~‘v7::».~s:<1~’,-;:;‘;.-rr>.r'22":4:--'=-w-";:'rrr*':-3a"-;,‘—‘:.~':-:~-Au:—;. trim-W? r'"'.-‘« ;..i,,. i, ,, , ,. , . . . , . .. ,, i, i. .m .. 11-. :7 .~ 2 ~ i!"- 13.5.1',;;:‘ . 2 .' .Prei'ncc ‘ 1 , - ing information: Title of record, dates for which'available, quantity, 111595 1-1515»; labeling of volumes or containers, variant titles, description of record ' 21, 5.,1:,».'.’ . .. . . . . ' E21». contents manner of arrangement inoemn- nature of recordin 8175.6 of _ 1N ~ 3- ;_.,,r ’ L ’ ’ 3 . 1 1». 51,1, ‘ volumes or containers, and location. 5,3;‘1 1 The inventory of the Carroll County Archives was begun during the E: 1 1'. 1 latter part of 1938end completed in\1940., The original field workers ‘ »3 1- 1 1 .. ‘ were: Ln Reno Tweedy, Clcement L. Whitely, Margaret K. Walton, and Lucy .4, 1.»; J - . . - 1 - - - "‘3 2.; 1 . 135.5,“, 3. K, Jordan who worked under the superViSion 01 Joe Watkins, District ,3; 15‘- ‘1: _- l 3 Supervisor. i ‘51" i}: 2:.“ . . . I27 ’ E 11;? The work in the State offiw included the editing of forms, writing 11 1 1.1256,") of entries, historical and legal research, writing and editing of essays w} ‘4. . . , . F. . ,1 . .0. “225:: ‘ 1,; 11,31. -3 and publication 01 the volume. Persons in the state GdltOI‘lfIl ofi ice 5,11 . 32 1 to whom credit is due are: iilbert 1.. Condrziy, forms editor; Wilber J‘ett, . ’1, 1:1; 1“ 3 Mary Winburne, and Jennie Birl-zhcad, entry editors; Irene Thibziult writer .1 1 1‘2; 1/ .. prepared tne Historical Sketch, Irene Robertson prepared the art work 3331; v 1 ‘ - which consist of floor plane], courthouse and etc. Frances Kemiedy ' 2 : V “ directed the mi]neogrre.1")hinrs‘ and nu‘blication of the volume Resistor}. b . 2 ;' ; I: 11.11:" .1 , .1 i. t.) i ,, ‘1; 1:... 1, Flossie Blassingnme, Mnbelle Neighbors, 1.ViS Crawford stencil operators. ' . 1'7 “ Cari E Ott directed the indexing. - 11. l" 121M ’ 1 ,1 11 inc editorial critiCism or Mabel :3. erodie, editor in charge of 13.; ‘_ .3 13-. 1?“-»1,‘1, , public records inventories in the central office, and Guy P. Timboe, as— .51: ‘- 1- 1"\A,v,, Sietnnt editor, has been inVrlunble to the iil‘lfiilliSr’lL-E stair in preparing- ‘ 1, 1.13%. this volume for publicntione The administrative 1,)1:.rsonnel of Work Projects ‘3‘1‘31- 3 1- 126313,, Administration, of the Division of Conununity Service Programs, end of Re» 1? 1‘“ 111‘ T‘ search and Records Programs have cooperated with the friendly counsel oi“ _ ,‘E ' - “with, »%:.”","-’--; 1 ‘ . . _ ‘ . . , 3 , .. J .. . . . ‘ 1 5 111,11 , John L. nndreessen, Regional Suprz.rv1sor oi iilStOI’lCCll Records Survey, 13 . 115‘... egg?“wé.'~-i«.i.:f:ci,.;:' :5 _ n T ‘ ” i ‘ it ., , erzflelully acknowledged. - . - “ '11 - $1.1“, ‘ 4 . 1 1: \%§%‘ , The Survey's offiCinl snonsor, its State-Wide ndVisory Board, and 1 ? 1-1333-1: 34‘; 11 w?‘:?‘.;:“.“‘ . _ - , . " , - . ' . *1 .- v. Emi‘f‘gfi“ -. theCorrmmnity AdVisory Board of Carroll County each contributed valuable . ;1 13,111“, V assistance to the project in the compilation and publication-of this volume,'.l;_'_ 1,1331% -‘ Other contributing agencies were: The Ari-canine History Commission; ‘ ‘ 19,713,21‘ 'J $9.1“ “ r- _,. ' , r - i . - 7 WI. 1 - 1 . ‘. ‘-f V .. ‘[ ‘wfiki‘xgciagq nrkunses Writer's Progoct, Erin; and the county officials of Carroll County. a. 3 Vi ‘ ‘43»; ‘Efi;’:‘.3‘1.>.z‘i-‘.::~ I. : " .371: . ._- . 1 F- ” E’E‘Efl- "133153152 . _ . ‘ :2: . i‘ ‘3‘?“ - -’ “ 1 - 5.111%" War l/Icmorial Building RAYMOND FOSTER ' - 1 3. ,. 1 171211231, . Little Reck, nrkensns ‘ State DupchlSOI' 3- ‘1 . E ‘ *téfi‘flg May 1942 - The j.rkz‘,_nsris Historical?E 1,: IC,“ ,4 *3?‘-7.1~. . "I _, 1 ‘ fl ‘ v. 4,:57 _: 1 1 *W‘é“ Recoids Survey 2», .2 W1, “72%“ ‘7 1 , ‘ ' f“ 1 11%;.»131-4322 "= - . ' ‘ . 3 ~ 1-: H‘M‘fitfi . ‘ F ‘1‘ . ‘ x11 ‘1 -- . - , 1 I ,-- ‘ ~ . ,1 - : . ,~, ,_ *1 a, 4} t \ . t“ ‘ 1" .2... ."E:‘-:‘~‘$’r ‘ . . wait-.5. I: 1gea‘,-;r;:.;-,I;r-: : . - ,. . . . 3 1’ 3; 1‘3 5‘ :. , ‘ ‘ :2 ' t 1- “GEN“? was; ’5.- - ' 5 ‘ - ' ' é "7 “‘ “Sins ' , ' ' . - ' . ‘ ,- ‘ _ , 3w *“ 1U 2 .. ._ ; . ., ., e 5U»’7b9§} _ I. ' ‘ * V ’ . ‘5”1‘ teem , V.¥j_‘ , ‘ ,1 .; . l , ‘ \ , ”I. .aaéfi y - _ , ' H 5W? ABBPEVL’EIONS , SYMBOLS , 13:41) mule-anew or?” . ‘ -, ' ‘ . admr‘ ....u...o..°..............;......................g..administrator ‘ lfi? ,‘d ' amend. ..”no...”o.................................,....,..Imendment ‘ ,\ 7 7 ‘ arr. ...c................................‘.................;. arranged ‘ 'ifl i_ 'art, ,.........K..............................u......n........ article gfi; E Aver. r.......................o................................ average V ‘Fjfi app. ........................................'............‘......::pr;_3:,t‘ovw3.=d. " 1 mus) bundle(s) j z r 'bldg. building; ‘ '5; fii chron. ;9........o..................................chronological (1y) 3% i Cir. ...a.......u............................................ circuit ” fifig »% elk. ........................................................‘... clerk "Efl 1g Veg co. .......................a....................................county :figfi lyg SQ, colln ....................°..........°.......a..............ecollector 4 ;3% ;_ Const. ..............,......................................Censtitution a tt, , Kai deft. ............,.....................................,.... defendant -fii§ 31» ‘ Vfis's; dist". district H ;3 . est. .......................a..............9.........56....estimate(d) ' /.< fig "3 ‘ fa b. ...o.n..‘............................................file box(es) 13335 ‘rifiv” f. d. ...............................u....................... druwer(s} ‘Ujfig s. - ,f‘ ., gdn. ..‘..........,..u.;...,......................°..,....,... guardian v,fifi§ . g h; ....n......L.L.°........Q.C.....°..50..................3 handwritten .g iVég i ‘,, hpf. ......a.................n...........a handwritten on printed form . “fififi i a hph. r........o.....................,...... handwritten on printed head ' fififi 3— }§ ‘ ibid. ............,..............~........ ibidem (in the same place ) >5fififi , t<,fit -mim. .........¢..,......,................................. mimeographefl ,,g3§% jects ‘5'; ’ n. d. ...................................,.f...........°...... no &ate _ t (,fififi Re» %f ,- no(s). ..................................................... number(s) ’; ‘w§§ of . £3,’ Humor; o....,.............................................numericfl.(ly) jffifi? is .' -g9_ off0 9...,.....................w............................,...office lflifig , ‘gf ' op. Cita .................uo....,.....opere citeto (in the work cited) ‘ fig 1 . ?2 ’g pfip) ...,..,.,...............,..................................page(s) ' qfiflfifi 1., \ ‘ pltf,leilt1ff 10 5y‘ ro 5....i;.‘.....................a....t..o..............,........ range \: E;AEE§ .Olumgtri_ g sec(s) ................;..........t...a.........,......nL....seotion(s) ‘,ffl;§§§ fff " t.