… No. 211 Established 1894 University
of Kentucky, Lexington.
Kentucky Kentucky Kernel independent since 1971 Thursday. … 31, 1991 Students find plenty
of haunts for aHlloween night By … social frater~ iiity are sponsoring
their second an- nual haunted house. which Will be held at
the Phi Psi house, located between Kindcrcare and
the Baptist Student Union. Several rooms in
the house will be decorated. Ltlsl … Scott. said Chris Porter. chair
of the event. Porter said
the Lexington Chil< dreii‘s Mosetini, and … businesses donated materials used for
the haunted house. All funds collected from
the event will be given to
the March
of Dimes and Juvenile Diabetes.
The haunted house is open tonight … a good cause." Porter said.
The 14th
Annual Boyd Hall Haunted House, sponsored by
the Office of Residence Life. also will take place tonight at Boyd Hall.
The haunted house encompasses two floors in Boyd. “A large percentage
of the other residence halls are responsible … " decorating a room in
the house." , said Angela Potter. … in Boyd. Twelve rooms in
the residence hall will be decorated. … involved. Potter said. Proceeds from
the event go to- ward UK’s … Way campaign. “This is one
of the largest resi— dence hall projects helping
the Unll' ed Way campaign." she … more than 500 people visited
the house, drawing nearly SI .000, Potter said
“The haunted house is not only … but it benefits a lot
of people. People enjoy it. or
they wouldn‘t continue to come back … year." Look for Norman ‘stormin’
the door By NANCY RABINOWITZ Assocmted … likely you will cn- counter
The Teenage Mutant Ninja ltirtlcs. Freddy Krueger
of “Night- mare on Elm Street." Scarlett O'Hara or
The Terminator. And what will
they say'.’ or treat." Merchants report that
the tried and true iii spooky garb are
the most popular costumes among trick-oritreaters. … with an outfit similar to
the green garb wont by Kevin … his Robin Hood movie. lti
the South.
they're expecting .i surge
of Scarlett O'Hara wear. lri "Trick Portland. Ore.
the Energizer Bunny is big. Beer … still big in New York.
The Addams Family is emerging in … Jersey. And Arnold Schwarzenegger as
The Terminator is showing up frequent- ly around Los Angeles. But
the Persian Gulf War has re- … Schw'arl.» kopf. many stores around
the coun try say
the masks are not moving. ”We … Pat Edgeconib. as- sistant manager
of Costumes lInA limited in Indianapolis. … customers also have turned tip
their noses at
the store's stock
of mock gas masks. Basically, little in
the costume business has changed in … are still runaway favorites. espccmlly
the ra/orrtingered menace Freddy Krueger.
the hockey-masked killer Jason
of the “Friday
the 13th“ st.- ries, and Chucky,
the homicidal doll
of “Child's Play.“ “Kids relate to all
these horror things," not people in
the news. said owner Harold Bengin … Shop in Boston. “A lot
of people. a lot
of young kids especially, want to be Freddy," said Bruce Campbell
of The Cos. ttime Corner in Westfield, NJ. And
the Ninja Turtles. Costume Llnlimited’s Edgecomb said she regrets having deemed
the turtles otit
of fashion and not stock- ing up on
their costumes this year, having received numerous requests for
them, Other Halloween sticking to standbys. “A lot
of people want
the typical yampirc Dracula and Franken … name UK graduate 11th president
of Kentucky State .Ntinii. .li.iiriii.in. cited Smith's posi- ~l tour llll;lll.\l\' in
the id
the rccctit turmoil. .‘i‘ r con … 1 . Smith was named
the lltli president
of Kentucky State l’iiiycrsity yesterday
The Board
of Regents selected Smith. if. on … for more than two hours
The selection comes after months ol struggle between
the board and John T. Wolfe … president Oct 18. Wolfe was
the third consecutive KSl' president to resign under fire from
the rcgcnts.
The three regents who voted against
the tiiotton to appoint Smith were … member (‘hris Rasheed. All said
they would sup« port Smith but … search to be conducted "Though
there's d good argument to be … thorough search should be conducted.
there\ an equally or more compelling … recently had a search .illtl
the iiztliyiiaial that's been chi» sen here today was among
the top lilur tinaiistsf \tinri said. … ll sllt’ would yote Effects
of occult discussed By LORI TRAVIS … 1.. Hudson first recog- ni/ed
the reality
of the occult 21 years ago Hudson … were trying to dis- tance
themselves from cult activi- ty. “A … away. be tapped me on
the shoulder and said. ‘Hey, man, Sa- tan loves you‘."
The incident convmced liiiti that people actually worshipped Satan last night. Hudson.
the duct tor and campus minister
of the (ieorgia Christian Campus Minis- try at
the University
of Georgia. talked about
the occult and satan ism. topics that he has stutlied for
the last I 1 years. Hudson. a recogni/ed expert in
the field, presented a program GREG … on campus last night about
the dangers
of involvement in
the occult called ”Occult Involvement: Signs 8; Symptoms" last night at
the (‘hiistian Sttidcnt Fellowship build mg on
the l'K caiiiptis. Hudson devoted almost
the entire talk last night to … slides while cyplainmg some ol
the misconceptions surrounding
the religion. Witchcralt has
the 25th largest rc ligioiis following in
the worltl 'l'hc it‘t ls int … . look like anybody l':
the ence.
The religion l\ timid ythcisni.
the belief iii itioi. one god. llic popularity
of today's w itthcralt, ol- tcn … 70 publications dcaliiig zy ith
the religion, he said. and
these publications and books can be … do not be- Iicye that
they are anti-Christian.
"They are not evil people.
they are deteiycd people." he said. \‘lillllt‘ll' iv .' See OCCULT
the three w ho dissented or … lil. \ tih spoke to
the boarrt and -..lllt‘l a: on
the tll\l~1ic'tl campus tw ti ’Tlc‘ inst-it: for
the betternicrtt .~: ..i..lertt\ "l! l\ … .x'i- bc a'. to obtain
the .mp- .11 tron front
the entire tinnetsity t.:'..i ” Simth … UK launches campaign for funding
of flibi‘ai'y slil‘iltll' .1" 1 R130 … 8“ million. tral library. During
the past toy touting
the to l. A tlill|l‘r1l\ii - … . it i l niycisity
The ad campaign Lfnt‘ in. '; … broadcasts l’K sporting cut I
The company is picking tip tht … spots each week Vonderhcide said
the .td \.llT‘ paigti is intended to niise awareness about
the proposed library .it I K … Six UK divers qualified for
the NCAA zone meets last night. … Otis A. Singletary Center for
the Arts Con- cert Hall. Admission …
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