xt74f47gtg7m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74f47gtg7m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-10-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 04, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 04, 1993 1993 1993-10-04 2020 true xt74f47gtg7m section xt74f47gtg7m  






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OCT 4 1993

Hemenway ’s town meetings begin today

Diverse audiences, locations
highlight chancellor’s agenda


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


Call it Bobapalooza

Chancellor for the Lexington
Campus Robert Hemenway’s annu-
al town meeting series takes on a
distinct concert tour flavor this
year. Instead of the usual three or
four meetings, Hemenway is taking
his show on the road for 13 campus
stops during the next two weeks.

Hemenway's audiences and are-
nas promise to be diverse. Venues
range from a meeting with Physical
Plant Division employees at the Pe-
terson Service Building garage to
one with College of Engineering fa-
culty in the Robotics Building.

“’Ihe people with the best solu-
tions to problems tend to be those
people who are closest to the prob-
lem." llemenway said. “The stu-
dents in the classroom. the staff try-
ing to make the computer system
work. the faculty working in labs or
in the library. those are the people

closest to the problems of the Uni-
versity and usually the most crea-
tive about finding improvements."

The first two town meetings are
today. At noon. Hemenway will ad-
dress faculty from the colleges of
architecture. fine ans. communica-
tions and information studies. and
social work at the Otis A. Single-
tary Center for the Ans.

At 4 pm. the chancellor will
meet with College of Agriculture
faculty at Seay Auditorium. Every-
one is welcome at each town meet-

The theme of this year's series is
“Where Do We Go From Here?"

“l‘ll be throwing out some chal-
lenges." he said. "it‘s time to chal-
lenge people to stan thinking about
where we want to go. what the Lex-
ington Campus should be for the
next five years.“

Hemenway plans on using the
town meetings for generating a new
Lexington Campus Agenda. 3 set of
goals for improving teaching. re-
search and the academic environ-




By Clarissa Blair
Staff Writer


Thousands of abortion oppo-
nents gathered along Nicholas-
ville Road yesterday. waving
signs that said “Abortion Kills
Children" and “Jesus Forgives

The annual “Life Chain.“ a
demonstration of solidarity for
local abortion opponents.
stretched from Cooper Drive on
campus to Man O‘ War Boule-
vard near the Fayette County



Chemical engineering sophomore Scott Butler and eco-
nomics senior Stoney Douthitt hold signs yesterday.

Thousands of abortion foes
line up on Nicholasville Road

cm BLAIR/KW Sufi


Organizers estimated nearly
5,000 people from all walks of
life — ministers. children. doc-
tors. housewives — participated
in the event.

UK students who stood in the
chain were eager to voice their

Several students said they
wanted to send a message to the

“l‘m here to speak for the
voiceless unborn." said Todd Ja-
cobson. an undeclared freshman.

See CHAIN. Page 8




ment .
“We‘ve had "
the Lexington
Campus Agen-
da now for four
years and I
think it's appro-
priate for us to
take a look at
where we are." "
he said.

He also will HEMENWAY
float some new ideas before his au~
diences and ask their opinion.

“One of the challenges I'll be
throwing out there is whether it
should be a requirement for all fa-
culty to teach at least one lower-
division course each year." he said.
“(Another) thing we'll be talking
about is service learning and wheth-
er or not service by all students
shouldn't be a required pan of the

Other ideas include a required
course on the history of science and
technology, renovations of Lexing-
ton Campus buildings and a pro-
gram of graduate student recnrit-
ment similar to UK‘s recruitment of
National Merit Scholars.

Hemenway will make a short

See TOWN. Page 8



uitlt ('llunu'llot' Ruhr-rt ilrtnt'mut)







October 12

October I 3


Architecture, fine arts, communications and information stud
Noon — Recital Hall. Otis A. Singlctary Center for the Arts
Agriculture Faculty 4 pm. —- Seay Auditorium

Auxiliary Services (North Cam us) 8 am. - Old Student Center Theater
Engineering faculty Noon -— 3
Arts and sciences faculty 4 pm. — 118 White Hall Classroom Building


Business and economics, law faculty Noon — 102 Law Building
Auxiliary Services (South Campus) 2 pm. — Kirwin-Blanding Commons. Third Floor
Education, human environmental sciences faculty 4 pm. - Memorial Hall

Students 4 pm. ~ Memorial Hall
Staff Noon — Worsharn Theater

Physical Plant 8 am. — Service Building Garage
Graduate Students 4 pm. — Old Student Center Theater

Physical Plant 8 am. - Service Building Garage

ies, social work faculty



MARK TUNER/Kernel Graphic

Some royalty votes thrown out

SAB ofiicial: Poll worker tried
to influence election outcome


By Lance Williams
News Editor


There was nothing unusual about
the crowning of the Homecoming
King and Queen Saturday night in
Commonwealth Stadium.

However. questions still linger
concerning alleged problems in one
of the polling places on campus.

All the votes that were made at
the Margaret 1. King Library on
Thursday from ll am. to 2 pm.
were destroyed because of the ac-
tions of the poll workers.

“One of the organizations was
‘dropping hints' to everyone to vote
for certain people," said Caroline
Shively. Student Activities Board
Homecoming chairwoman.

"Ihey would say. ‘Here‘s a can—
didate you could vote for.‘ ” Shive-
ly said.

She said royalty co—chairman
Tommy Dennison saw the problems
during the voting and then reponed

“One of the people (working the
polls) was trying to influence the
voters." Dennison said.

Dennison discovered the problem
at 1 pm. but let the voting continue
until the end of the shift.

After the shift had ended and the
ballots had been nrrned in. Denni-
son took the ballots to the Student
Activities Board adviser. and the

Protest sparks worst fighting
in Moscow since revolution


By Barry Ronfrow
Associated Press


MOSCOW — Thousands of anti-
government protesters armed with
rocks. clubs and machine guns
smashed through the siege of par-
liament yesterday. and sent police
fleeing in battles across Moscow. it
was the worst political violence in
Moscow since the 1917 Bolshevik

Authorities said at least 24 civil-
ians and soldiers were reported
killed. and as many as 100 were in-

A column of 40 armored vehicles
loyal to President Boris Yeltsin
rolled into central Moscow early to-
day. taking up positions outside the
Kremlin and Defense Ministry. It
was the army’s first major show of
force during the nearly 2-week-old
crisis between the government and
hard-line lawmakers barricaded in

Yeltsin. mshing back to the

i» q,“ as». we

Kremlin by helicopter from his
country home. declared a state of
emergency. giving police and
troops wide power to crack down
on unrest

Thousands of unarmed Yeltsin
supporters took to the streets to
suppon the president. who dis-
solved parliament Sept 2i in an ef-
fort to end his long power struggles
with the Soviet era parliament bent
on hobbling his reforms.

The protesters. an odd mixture of
communists. fascists and extreme
nationalists united by their opposi-
tion to Yeltsin. struck suddenly and
fiercely yesterday. beating young
riot police in vicious street fighting
and seizing Moscow's City Hall.

'lhey attacked the country's main
television complex with rocket-
propelled grenades. Government
paratroopers in armored personnel
carriers sprayed them with ma-
chine-gun fire. Three TV channels
went off the air and fighting raged
into this morning.

At least 20 civilians were killed

and more than 100 were injured.
excluding casualties from the
broadcast station. said Igor Nadezh-
din. an official with Moscow's
main medical authority.

In addition. fighting killed four
soldiers and injured dozens. city of-
ficials said without elaboration. Ex-
act figures were irnpossibie to gath-
The lnterfax news agency report-
ed eight people were killed in fight-
ing at the TV complex. but there
was no immediate confinnation.

Hard-line lawmakers urged their
triumphant followers to seize other
installations and take control of the

“We have to take the Kremlin."
parliament speaker Ruslan Khasbu—
latov told the parliament. referring
to the government seat of power
where Yeltsin was in his office.

“The fate of Russia and the fate
of our children is being decided to-
day." Yeltsin said in a statement
distributed by the i'l‘AR-Tass news

Homecoming King Patrick D.
Abner and Queen Kary Van
Arsdale smile at the crowd.

decision was made to destroy the

"We didn‘t make any changes at
1 pm. because it was not possible

to have new people put in there at
they at the time.“ Dennison said.

Three groups were working the
polls at the library from 1 to 2 pm.
but Dennison said there was no way
to determine who was trying to

See UK. Page 8


-Players agree UK‘s football
car finally is running pretty
smoothly. Story. Page 3.


oBaby Animals are more bits
than bark. Review. Page 6. -
oRo/I/ng Stone coming to
campus today for first ‘Rock
and Roll Bowl.’ Story. Page 6.
°Scu|ptor of metal snake in the
grass by the Otis A. Singletary
Center for the Arts speaks to
students. Story. Page 5.


Sunny and warmer today;
high in the upper 70s.
Mostly clear tonight; low
between 45 and 50.

OPartly sunny tomorrow. high
between 70 and 75.





r y /



Riders on Kappa Sigma social fraternity and Chi 0 ago social
sorority's Homecoming float celebrate Mardl Gras Saturday.

Waikers raise $11,000
for Alzheimer’ 5 group



By Kathy W. Larkin
Staff Writer




While the Hawkeye Band pro
vided live country music. more
than 250 people completed a 3.5
mile walk yesterday. and unoffi-
cially raised more than $ll.000 for
the local Alzheimer's Association

The E. S. Good Barn was the site
of yesterday's Alzheimer's Memo-
ry Walk. which marked the fourth
year the organization's Lexington/
Bluegrass chapter has held the
fund-raising event

Volunteers registered walkers.
and each walker gathered sponsors
who pledged at least $1 per mile

One group who walked together
for the second year represented

Mavfair Manor Convalescent Care.
Slams“: a" helps the public focus on a
.l.‘° ds-:.o'-IItong-oInoyun-unnuo-Is-ncwug vay avmmung dime“. sud ”-
Crossword Puzzle! “0‘ Martin. administrator f0? M1)“
fair Manor.
‘ O



She said the elderly are not the
only age group affected by the pro-
gressive. degenerative disease of
the brain.

“When you look around you
see children. parents and animals.
it is a very worthy cause."

A few of those panicipating have
walked each of the past four years.

However this was the first year
for the grand prize winner. Roger
Parry. President of Sterling Health
Care in Ashland. Ky.. Parry was
formerly with Mayfair Manor in

“My father died of Alzheimer's.
so i‘m fully aware of the effects of
it." he said

Many of the walkers participat-
ing had experienced the life-
dcbilitating effects of the disease.
either through a family member or
close friend.

Patti Kyker. at Lexington pedia-
trician said. “My wife lost her fa-
ther to Alzheimer‘s a few years


See WALK. Page 8


ch‘uh‘N‘A‘rww , . ~


~.‘ 4 rh‘L‘k”: \





2- Kentucky Kernel. Monday. October 4. 1003







l ' l
Monday, 10/4

for Spotlight Jazz individual
shows are on sale at TicketMas-
ter; general public, students, ta-
culty. and administration; CALL

~TlCKETS ON SALE!!! Tickets
for Next Stage Series are on
sale at TrcketMaster; general
public, students, faculty, and ad-
ministration; CALL 257-8427
Tuesday, 1015

-Women and Film Series: Ibg

Wm Student Center,

Wednesday 10/6

-SAB Movie: SW1:
112; $2, Student Center, Wors-
ham Theater; 7:30 pm, CALL

-College of Fine Arts: Celebrate
75; McClintock Series, Medical
Center auditorium, 12:00 noon.

Ensemble, Joe Fratianni; direc-
tor, Singletary Center for the
Arts, Recital Hall, 8 00 pm,

Thursday 10/7

-SAB Movre: W
fig. 52. Student Center. Wors-
ham Theater, 7:30 pm , CALL

-College of Fine Arts; Celebrate
75; Faculty Brass Showcase,
Singletary Center for the Arts,
Recital Hall, 8:00 pm, FREE
-College of Fine Arts: UK Thea-
tre; tiaiLGuignol Theatre in the
UK Fine Arts Building, 8:00 pm.
nightly, plus 12:00 midnight on
both Fridays,tickets are $9 and
$6 (October 7-9 and 12-16)
-Tuba-Euphonium Ensemble:
Singletary Center for the Arts,
Recital Hall, 8:00 pm, FREE
Friday 10l8

-SAB Movie: Sleealasainfieak
119; $2, Student Center, Wors-
ham Theater; 7:30 & 10:00 pm.
CALL 257-8867

-College of Fine Arts: Celebrate
75; Peal Gallery Series, King Li-
brary North. 12:00 noon, FREE (

-College of fine Arts: Evening of

no, Singletary Center for the
Arts, Concert Hall, 8:00 pm,

Saturday 10/9

-SAB Movie; 51mm
1L9; $2, Student Center, Wors-
ham Theater; 7:30 & 10:00 pm.
CALL 257-8867

Sunday 10/10

-SAB Movie: W
11:; $2, Student Center, Wors-
ham Theater: 5:00 pm. CALL

-Co|lege of Fine Arts: Celebrate
75; Bluegrass Choral Musrc Fes-
tival, Singletary Center for the
Arts, Concert Hall, 300 pm.






Friday. 10/8

-UK Women's Volleyball at
Auburn 7:00 pm,

Sunday. 10/9

-UK Women's Volleyball at
Florida TBA







-A NEW SPORT!" Whittle
Bel entries are due, Rm. 145
Seeton Center by 4:00 pm.
Thmdey. 10”

-Volleybell entries are due, Stu-
dent Center, Worsham Thee-
ter, by 5:00 pm.



Center Theater, 7:00 pm, FREE

-College of Fine Arts: UK Guitar

Every Friday in October at noon)

Jazz; Orville Hammond, jazz pia-

323, 7:30 pm.


-7:00-8:00 pm. Dessert Re-
ception: Student Center
Grand Ballroom, FREE

-8:00 pm. Commedienne/
Ventriloquist Lynn Trefger:
Student Center Grand Ball-
room, FREE

-8:00 pm. An Evening of
Jazz with Orville Hammond
and friends: Singletary Center
for the Arts, FREE

-8:00 pm. Parent Assoication
Essay Winner will be an-
nounced in the Student Center
Grand Ballroom


10:00 a.m.- 12:00 pm. Alum-
ni Affairs/Family Weekend Re-
ception: King Alumni House,
400 Rose Street, FREE
-10:00 a.m.- 4:00 pm. Global
Marketplace: Bradley Hall
Courtyard, FREE

-10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. UK
Bookstore: open for all Family
Weekend guests

-12:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Aca-
demic Fair, Student Services
on Parade: Student Center
Great Hall, FREE

-1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. Aca-
demic Advising Seminar, Ad-
ventures in Advising: Stu-
dent Center‘s Center
Theatre, FREE

-1:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Cen-
tral Campus Tours: From
Student Center Annex,

-2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Ca-
reer Counseling Seminar,
Wanted: A Career for my
Student: Student Center
Center Theatre, FREE

-11 :00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Fam-
ily Brunch at Keeneland:
$20.00 per person, must
have reservations

3:00 pm. Bluegrass Choral
Music Festival: Singletary
Center for the Arts, FREE







Wednesday, 10I6

-College Bowl: Student Cen-
ter, Rm. 111, 6:00 pm, CALL







JLCGUE PiiSLE'i llll Lilli, KERR iCl'iSCfl SJCHR 117385

Friday, 10/8
-Global Marketplace: A world
showcase of jewelry, music,
pictures, T-shirts. and more;
Bradley Hall Courtyard, 11:00-
4:00 pm, FREE


mills in pitilogmphynitrd nlt‘tllR and vulpturr






Monday 10/4

-Catholic Newman Center Daily
Mass Services: 12:10 pm, 320
Rose Lane, Call 255-8566
-Aikido Classes: 8:00 pm,
Alumni Gym Loft, CALL 269-

Tuesday 10/5

Cosmopolitan Club Meeting:
7:30 pm, CALL 255.7071
-Public Relations Student Socie-
ty of America Meeting: Grehan
Building, Maggie Rm. 7:00 pm,
CALL 255-8975

-LSA Meeting: Biology Building,
Rm 205, 7:00-8:00 pm.
Wednesday 10/6

-Holy Communion: St Augus-
tine's Chapel, 12:00 & 5:30 pm.
CALL 254-3726

Symposium Series: ML. King
Cultural Center, 12:00 noon
-Student Government Senate
Meeting: Classroom Building
Rm. 212, 7:30 pm.

-Aikido Classes. 8:00 pm,
Alumni Gym Lott, CALL 269-

Thursday 10/7

Catholic Newman Center: Stu-
dent Night (CN2); 320 Rose
Lane, 7 30 pm, CALL 255-

-Japanese Student Association
Meeting: Student Center, Rm.
113. 7:30 pm, CALL 277-8100
-SWE Meeting: CRMS, Rm.


Friday, 10/8

-Cosmopolitan Club's Open
House: $3. Marks on Main,
8:00-12:00 pm, CALL 255-




Saturday 1019

-Catholic Newman Center
Weekend Mass Service: 320
Rose Lane,

6:00 pm. CALL 255-8566
Sunday 10/10

-Catholic Newman Center
Weekend Mass Services: 320
Rose Lane, 9:00 8. 11:30
a.m., 5:00 8. 8:30 pm, CALL

-Holy Communion: St Augus-
tine's Chapel. 10:30 am. a.
5:30 pm, CALL 254-3726
-Aikido Classes: Alumni Gym
Lott, 1:00 pm, CALL 269-

~- most-W»,- ' .-




McLaughlin Group panelists speak at Transylvania

Jourmlists and political commentators Eleamr Clift and Fred Barnes will speak at Trmsylvania’s Haggin
Auditorium tomorrow at 3:30 pm.

Barres. the conservative voice of The New Republic, is known for his humor and sharply worded opin-
ions. Clitt. a longtime reporter and current White House correspondent for Newsweek. takes a liberal stance.

As regular pmelists on "The McLaughlin Group." Barnes and Clift often face off on volatile mticnal is-
sues. Their lecture. “Diverse Opinions: The National Agenda" is free and open to the public.

Conference to focus on women in business

Some of the nation's top women business leaders will be on hand this week at Lexington's “Women
Mean Business" conference.

Featured speaka's are Joyce McLaughlin, president of the National Association of Women Business Own-
ers; Diane Snider, president of the National Fedemtion of Business & Professional Women’s Clubs; and
Elaine locker, president of Success Strategies Inc. and author of “The Seven Secrets of Influence."

The Conference will take place today and tomorrow at the Radisson Plaza Hotel in downtown Lexington.

For a detailed schedule. call the Kentucky Small Business Development Center at 257-4231.

UK physician given education achievement award

The Kentucky Medical Association has awarded its prestigious Education Achievement Award to a UK
College of Medicine faculty member. Dr. H. David Wilson.

Wilson. a professor of pediatrics and associate dean for academic affairs of UK's College of Medicine. re-
ceived the award during a session of the KMA's annual meeting in Louisville, Ky., last week.

He is project director for a $2.5 million Robert Wood Johnson grant awarded to UK in 1992 to develop a
new medical curriculum. The new curriculum emphasizes early development of clinical skills and patient
contact, integration of the basic and clinical sciences and new emphasis on self-directed learning and prob-
lem solving.

UK was one of only eight medical schools in the United States to receive the grant. UK officials atuibute
an all-time high number of medical school applicants to an interest in the new curriculum.

The college also has the distinction of being named by US. News and World Report as one of the top 10
primary care medical schools in the country for three consecutive years.

Wilson is the chief of the pediatric infectious disease division. He has received numerous awards for his
teaching and is a recipient of the UK Alumni Association Great Teacher Award

The professor is a graduate of Wabash College and St. Louis University School of Medicine. He complet-
ed his residency in pediatrics at UK and a fellowship in pediatric infectious diseases at the University of
Texas Science Center in Dallas.

Authors to sign books for charity

Journalist David Dick and Kentucky authors Wendell Berry. Lynn Hightowcr and Taylor McCafferty will
join the fight against hunger tomorrow in Share Our Strength‘s second annual Writers Harvest: The Nation-
al Reading.

The event is the country's largest literary benefit to fight hunger. Writers will spend the day reading from
their works at more than 200 bookstores and college campuses across North America

Ticket prices for Writers Harvest are $5 for students and $10 for non-students. The authors will read from
their original works at Kennedy Book Store at 7:00 pm. Tickets will be on sale at the door.

SOS, a non-profit hunger-relief organization, is a nationwide network of creative professionals who vol-
unteer their skills and resources to help alleviate the causes and consequences of hunger in the United
States. Canada and abroad.

EquiFestival hegirs this week

Even if you can’t tell a chestnut from a bay, the 1993 EquiFestival of Kentucky has several events on tap
which might be of interest to people of any age.

This year's Festival includes two new events — a HO—R-S-E Basketball Shootout and a “Jarnmin‘ Jazz
and Jambalaya."

The H-O-R-S-E Shootout, featuring eight divisions. will be held at 6:30 pm. Oct. 7 at Memorial Coli-
seum. An 88 entry fee includes a T-shirt and a chance for winners to try their best shots in a Celebrity

Also new this year is a treat for those who like jazz and authentic New Orleans food. “Jammin' Jazz and
Jambala " will be held at 7 pm. Oct. 8 at the Red Mile's Paddock Park. Jazz vocalist Jeanie Bryson and
guitarist Cal Collins will entertain as guests dine on Cajun cuisine prepared on site by chefs from seven 10-
cal restaurants. The menu will include such items as jambalaya. chicken Creole. muffalettas. red beans tmd
dirty rice.

Also back this year are: an equine art exhibit featuring paintings and sculptures: tours of local horse
farms; the Winner's Circle Luncheon; the Kentucky Futurity at Red Mile; the Blue Cross/Blue Shield 5K
run; the Keeneland Family Breakfast; the Equifestival Jamboree which will include a burgoo. country ham
and barbecue cook-off; the Coca-Cola Parade of Breeds; the Lexington Grand Prix; the McDonald's Con-
cert for Kids featuring the Lexington Philharmonic Orchestra conducting the “Tyrannosaurous Symphony,"
and the Bluegrass and Burgoo hayride and hocdown.

“We are so pleased to be able to put together this exciting package of activities for the 1993 EquiFesti-
val," said Nick Nicholson, President of EquiFestival of Kentucky.

“EquiFestival is designed to showcase the equine industry in Kentucky and show its positive impact on
the community. But all of the events — whether they are directly related to the equine industry or not --
will be fun for residents and visitors alike."

To receive an EquiFesrivaI event brochure, call 1-800-874-9508.





.gsasernelsssairsatss Toddler take

Free pickup 311d deliver 9 parents’ car




Naomi for joyride


. "é?“ l
, a“, By Sonya Ross
Associated Press



"You’ll Rave About Our Performance"
Convenient Hours: 7:30 a.m.-—S:30 p.m. Monday-Friday

LAND O‘LAKES, Fla. — “I go
zoom!" was all a 3-year—old boy
had to say after grabbing his par-
ent’s car keys and taking a wild joy-

Florida Highway Patrol troopers
remain stumped as to how Mikey
Sproul, who stands just 30 inches
tail, was able to hit the gas pedal
and maneuver at the same time.

The toddler’s steering was a bit
suspect. He hit three cars in less
than a half-mile during the ride Fri-
day. But no one was hurt. including

“it never dawned on me he would
drive a car" said Paula Sproul, his
mother. “Not as a 3-year-old any-

Mikcy‘s trip started just after
midnight when. as his parents slept,
he climbed their 5-foot bedroom
dresser and snatched the keys.
Dressed in nothing but his under-
wear. he hopped into the 1979 Mer-
cury and fired it up.

While backing out the driveway
and shifting into drive, he hit two
cars at an auto repmr sbqi next
. door. After a spin through a con-
Practicrng for testy/glitz? lé‘lp it“? yfiiil arrives and lowerI r venience 3101': parking 10L he
our artXiet mt? i g lllt v are ms t to mos (0'01”? 0 -

Rest pr‘epdrztion programs (twiilatiir- lot VOL" romputm (rel :YCfVcd OHIO busy U~S- Highway
a tree Test Sunwal Kit dermis «it ‘

jmeph-Bcth if 800de 1ch




When Warren Wise saw the car
coming toward him. he pulled off
the road into a ditch. But that didn't
prevent a third collision.




'~ rMD-W”* ' ' ‘




















wealth Stadium.


DETERMINATION: UK coach Bill Curry looks on during his
team's 21-0 thrashing of No. 25 Ole Miss Saturday at Common-

Defensive throttle open;
shutout proves UK ability


By Ty Halpln
Sports Editor

The UK football team raced its
engine Saturday and shifted into
high gear.

The Wildcats screamed by the
Ole Miss Rebels. who seemed out
of gas at times, for a 21-0 whip-

“Right now, we're playing like a
BMW 735i," senior wingback Matt
Riazzi said.

“We're nice and steady. We‘re
big. but we can fly. Big cars. big
plays. Beautiful car, beautiful

A pretty strong statement, consid-
ering this team looked more like a
‘76 Pinto at Indiana a few weeks
back. But this team is on a roll.

“I think we're like a Ferrari," jun-
ior quarterback Pookie Jones said.
“Right now. we're in fourth gear
going about 100 miles per hour. We
can hit 220. but not yet."

Senior wingback Alfonzo Brown-
ing agrees with Jones. saying the
Cats still have some tinkering to do
under the hood.

“I‘d say we would be a ‘68 Mus—
tang that's being fixed up," he said.
“It‘s got a rebuilt engine. We're
really close.

We‘re going to keep running un-
til we're a nice-looking ‘68 Mus-

The emotional defensive leader.
senior linebacker Marty Moore, be-
lieves this team is new and sleek.

“There‘s a lot of speed." he said.
“And a lot of talent.

We‘re not a Mercedes yet. I think
we‘re like a Lexus. It would have to
be a four-door because we've got
the size. It's a new car on the mar-


ket. and we're coming up."

The Wildcats are definitely on an

After trailing South Carolina 17-
7 in the founh quarter Sept. 23, UK
has been a team with a new engine.
This win was UK's first shutout of
a Southeastern Conference school
since a 1977 blanking of Georgia.

“Now the men know how it feels
to play four quarters," UK coach
Bill Curry said. “We have not been
this sharp this year."

Jones, UK's offensive driver. re-
sponded to speculations of a possi-
ble quarterback controversy with
backup Antonio O'Fenal.

“The way Pookie came on and
came back was very significant."
Curry said.

“Pookie's taken people down the
field many. many times so he
doesn’t need the confidence."

Jones deflected the attention from
himself and gave credit to other
pans of the Wildcat machine.

“I rate this game in the top three
since I've been here." he said.
“They blitzed a lot, but the plays
coach (Daryl) Dickey called really
countered that The offensive line
protected me well all night."

“I thought we had some very as—
tute play-calling." Curry said.

Curry pointed to a few major
points for the Wildcat win: the lack
of tumovers and no big plays
against them.

“I was so proud of the way the
team swarmed and flew to the foot-
ball." he said. “It was a big deal that
we were playing the No. 2 defense
in America. Rather than playing
one good half, we played two good

The Wildcats gave up just 201


Senior back
making huge


By Ty Halpln
Sports Editor

Most successful football
teams have a go-to guy on third
down and long.


He's that guy who always
seems to gain respectable yard-
age every time he touches the

He‘s that guy who hardly
dropsabig pass.

He's that guy who's diving
for the sticks.

For UK. he's senior wingback
Alfonzo Browning.

In Saturday‘s 21-0 win over
Ole Miss. Browning collected
108 total yards. 73 through the
air and 35 on the ground. He is
UK‘s leading receiver with 216

So, how has Browning
emerged as the Wildcats resi-
dent crucial play expert?


“(UK quarterback) Pookie
(Jones) is staning to have a lot
of confidence in me." Browning
said. I think that's the thing that
has kept us up. Ihe confidence
is in our team and that‘s all that

There seems to be an air of
stability every time Browning
gets the ball.

“I'm in awe sometimes with
the things he has done," said
wingback Matt Riazzi. who lost
his starting job to Browning.
“He's something else. When you
become second team to some-
body. its a lot easier to do when
the guy above you is playing so


“He did a great job of getting
open in tough situations." Jones
said of Browning. “He‘s a great
player who does some amazing

UK coach Bill (‘uny empha-
sized Browning's importance.

“Alfonzo is a great player." he


BIG PLAY MAN: UK's Alfonzo Browning (86) makes one of his six catches against Ole Miss

Saturday night. Browning has emerged as the Wildcats' top receiver this season. His 216

Browning UK’s go-to receiver


yards receiving leads the Cats this season.

“We sat down in the pre-season
and said ‘These are the players we

have to get the ball to.‘ He was near
the top of the list."

During Saturday‘s game. Brown-
ing narrowly missed a potential

Browning had impressive creden-
tials during his time at CCSF. His
final season there. he caught 71
passes for 1,198 yards and 14

With that kind of success.
Browning might have wanted to


(UK quarterback) Pookie (Jones) is starting to
have a lot of confidence in me. I think that's the
thing that has kept us up. The confidence is in
our team and that’s all that matters.

— Alfonzo Browning
UK senior wlngback


touchdown pass from Jones.

“I was sick that he didn't get the
deep ball." (‘urry said.

Browning came to UK as a junior
college transfer from the (‘ity Col-
lege of San Francisco and made an
immediate impact. He played in all
11 games last season and tied for
the team lead in yards per catch
with 20.6.

stay on the west coast.

“1 was tired of California."
Browning said. “I had to come
someplace where I could get my
work done."

At UK. Browning has not seen
the kind of success he was used to
at (‘(‘SF.

Both years he played for the
Rams. those teams were 0-2.
Browning is not one to look at

. -3»


those winning ways and wish
for the past.

“I‘m just grateful the coaches
believe in me," he said.

“We've got a lot of talent out
there. I‘m glad to be a part of
this team."

This UK team has already
gone through the normal ups
and downs of a whole season
for most teams. Case in point:

“At Indiana. we didn‘t come
to play." Browning said. The
memory of that disappoinunent
surfaced on his face.

“I don't even want to talk
about it."

The Wildcats have put that
experience behind them and are
looking to producing a strong
stretch run.

"Last year. we came so
close." Browning said. “This
year. we're keeping up the in-
tensity. This team has the will to
never quit.





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yards of total offense. UK defensive
end Zane Beehn was impressed
with the way UK's defense came to-

“It seems that on fourth and one,
we want them to run it to our side."
he said. “It's a total package.

We do have some all-stars. but
the guys surrounding them are good

Taking a 13-0 lead into the locker
room at the half. UK was pumped

“We were in there yelling."
Beehn said “We went out there to
shut this team out."

Curry said he has found the best
way to deal with an exited team at
halftime that has not won big games

“I’ve learned with a team that has
not enjoyed this kind of success that
it is better not to settle them down."

They did not settle down at all.
They accelerated.

UK will have to slow down this



rrrss a”

week. however. The Cats don't play
again until Oct. 16 against LSU.
Curry said the rest should give UK
off its fluids.

“The week off comes at a good
time." Curry said.

“We should be at full strength
against LSU.

“I‘d like to play tomorrow. (But)
it will give us a chance to heal up.
We generally play well after off

Curry said the kind of perfor-
mance turned in against the Rebels
has always been lurking under