EXEEPTIBNAL WEE. AND WEN-E“ Administrative Guide for Classroom Units for Teachers of Exceptional Children and Youth and ASIS Unit for SPECIAL EDUCATIGN Work—Study Program Coordinator for Exceptional Children and Youth Publishd by DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATEON HARRY M. SPARKS Superintendent of Public Instruction Frankfort. Kentucky Eat ISSUED MONTHLY a”; as second-class matter March .21. 1933, at the post office at rankfort, Kentucky, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Pos T1331??? Return undelivered copies of EDUCATIONAL BULLE» m Frankf Inonwealth of Kentucky, Department of Eduazation, ort, Kentucky 40501. RETURN POSTAGE GUERAN’E‘EEB. VQL.)~(XXH; iuw,1964 N07