xt74mw28bc4t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74mw28bc4t/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1942 journals kaes_circulars_003_382 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 382 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 382 1942 2014 true xt74mw28bc4t section xt74mw28bc4t .7°
I  l
I · f 4 H  
; Poultry Prcqoct or - I
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  Circular 382
D ¤
96   Thomas P. Cooper, Dean and Director
A3. I

The laying flock project is for 4-H boys and girls who can  
take over the management of the laying iiock on the farm. This   t]
means that the club member shall feed and water the hens, keep   I;
the hen house clean and comfortable, see that the hens are free  ° U
from lice and mites, gather the eggs daily, sell them at least once Q 
a week, and keep a record of all expenses and income. The  Q
parents will furnish feed, hens, and equipment for the project.  {
The equipment should include a satisfactory laying house. To  
meet requirements the old house may have to be remodeled.   8
The club member should receive a certain agreed-upon pro-  I i
portion of the income from the flock. The proportion suggested   I
is that the club member receive 20 to 25 percent of the gross  i_ I
income from eggs and l0 percent of the income from the sale   »,,·, 8
of chickens. Gross income includes the estimated value of eggs   F
eaten or used for hatching and of chickens used, as well as  f  
receipts for those actually sold. The division should be made  is I
after each sale. This is a suggested division, but any other agreed  A
upon may be used. By careful management the flock can be  
made to produce sufficient profit so that both the club member  1 _
and parents will benefit from this cooperative arrangement.  1  
The County Agricultural Agent will be glad to consult with  `.
you on problems of culling, feeding, house remodeling, or dis-   I
ease and parasite control. _  IQ I
A Word to Parents   I
Your cooperation with your boy or girl in this project  p`
will not only create an interest in poultry but, if properly  $
done, will increase your own income because of improved  i
management. By giving your boy or girl the entire responsi-  
bility of flock management you encourage him or her to  
assume greater responsibility. l 

 5; Poultry Project for 4-H Club Members
 32 By STANLEY Caron and C. E. Haiuus
an   Profitable egg production depends greatly on the management
iis  A? the laying flock receives. Feeding. housing, culling, and disease and y
ep   parasite control are important points to consider in securing maxi- l l
·ee  t mum economical production. M
ice 3  t
`he  { FEEDING i
   I Rations.- For good egg production the flock must be fed a bal- y
  anced ration. Meat scrap, soybean oilmeal, or milk must be used in y ,
T0-   addition to home-grown grains for best results. One of the following   i
md  ]_ rations may be used. Select one system of feeding and continue with  
y   it; don’t switch from one feed to another abruptly. All feeds should  
gi;   be kept before the hens at all times. In addition plenty of clean water
V   and ground limestone or oystershell should be available to the hens
ggs   all the time. On rainy or cold days, keep the hens in the henhouse; 4
ag;   they will eat better and thrive better than if they were out in the .
d  X weather.
E;  * Ration 1: Skimmilk or buttermilk, shelled corn. i _
bei   Ration 2: Meat scrap, shelled corn. Six level tablespoonfuls of
 ,_ Salt should be added to each 10 pounds of meat scrap (or 2 pounds t
_[h   of salt to each 100 pounds of meat scrap).
gi   Ration 3: Ground corn, 4 pounds; mill feed or ground wheat or
is-  ft lJ?1l`l€y, 4 pounds; meat scrap, 2 pounds (1 pound 0f meat scrap may
  be replaced by l pound of soybean oilmeal); and salt, 3 level table- ‘
  SPOOHflllS. Mix thoroly and feed in a hopper, with shelled COI`I1 ifi
  another hopper.
ject   Ration. 4: A commercial laying mash. .
gl-[y   Rfltiion 5: Corn (or corn, wheat and oats) and a c0mmefCi&l O1`
ved   hOU1€‘-made supplement mash containing 26 to 32 pe1‘C€Ht protein.
nsf.   li€€}> both the grain and the protein supplement in hoppers before
. to   the hens at ali times, Do rmt limit the amount of grain fed.
 _ Gfeen feed.— Green feed should be a part of all rations. Rye,
y wheat, or barley are good green feeds, especially in the fall, winter,
I,  and spring. When hens must be kept up, feed them liberally alfalfa
 E or lespedeza hay in racks.

 4 . Exrzwsiow Cmcumiz No. 382  
      so _v,. ;   ‘v, E ? D 
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   ’    -.:A    .    `
    ,-_4 g V··V,   _,;_ L       ,..:..- V V yy __»_.,V   <-.    ____ 3 ·V.:   V·V_   =_=; ;_ ,.»VV=:· ; -·»:_=   ·-·-»   -»»- .   ..v.v», , __; _:____ { —...       Q
  :‘:   {·`i     - ==·· ¢ =·= 1 ‘`'`V ` '=‘‘· if ;’.   ;·_.;.‘» '  *5   .z   {
Fig. 1.-Reel—type feed hopper, constructed so as to keep the feed clean; and  i'.
a simple arrangement for a waterer.  .
Feeder space.- Provide 1 foot of feeder space for each 3 ori   F
hens. The type of feeder shown in Fig. l and Fig. 2 is easy to build.  I di
It is four feet long and large enough to take care of 25 to 30 hens. i P
Water. — A 12-quart bucket may be used as a water container. It  
should be set on a platform 18 inches off the floor, as shown in Fig. l.   X4
Don’t let the feeders or water containers get empty. If they do  ·` H
egg production may be lowered.  
I- B
Lice and mites can•greatly reduce egg production of a flock. l¤·  r E
spect the hens and henhouse frequently to see whether or not these  ’
pests are present.  V {
Treatment for lice.- Lice live on the hens and may be gotten  :~ fi
rid of by dusting them with sodium fluoride or by putting nicotine  i (
sulfate on the roost poles about half an hour before the hens g0 {O Q
I'O0St.  ·
In using sodium _fluoride put a pinch on the Huff, thigh, back  "_ (
breast, neck, and under the wings. Be certain to work the material y {

   Laymc Frocx MANAci:M.rzNr 5
  r ** ,/se
. PA //  
 I ./ "
 , //
  — [X > ii
 A /// ///
  \ 0
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li gu. ‘
 ” ‘§!n
é l
 V- /JOIVETK/{_ L//EN  
; and  ' }
OT 4 ‘ Fig. 2.—Details of construction of mash or grain hopper. A piece of 3—inch l
lulld.  V down-spouting is as satisfactory as the lath reel. A small circular block may be .
H k Placed in each end of the spouting to support the screws which serve as spindles.
&r. It i l
lg do   well mto the feathers. Repeat this treatment each week until the
VY _ {lock has been treated three times.
 V lf nicotine sulfate is used, put a thin stream from an oil can on y
it each roost pole about half an hour before the hens go to roost. Be
; sure that all the chickens go on the roosts. Repeat the treatment
_ IH. __ each week, for three treatments.
these i Treatment for mites,-. Mites live in the cracks and crevices of
i the dropping boards, roost poles, and nests. They get on the chickens
otten __ at night, suck their iill of blood and then hide in these dark places
mine   during the daytime, Treatment consists of cleaning the house thoroly,
go to 1 removing all the droppings, litter and the like. Follow the cleaning
 , by Paiililllg the roost poles and dropping boards with used €I1gl1'1€
back, . ml and Kerosene mixed half and half. Be sure to saturate all possible
tgyial placcs Wl1€1“€ the mites could stay, Repeat the treatment until all
1 [ht? pests are destroyed.

 6 EXTENSION Cmcur.AR N0. 382  
To make a profit a high rate of production must be maintained.  
This means that nonlayers must be culled at regular intervals. After  
the pullets have come into production in the fall, culling can be  
started. Remove crow—headed and unthrifty pullets. During the  
winter, spring, and summer follow the "Guide to Culling Hens", on   _
page 7, in deciding which hens to keep in the flock. Check the flock   (
every 2 or 3 weeks for nonproducers.  
. "`" —:i—   »=».—i’ *   "``—-i ·-§’ -—;t ‘‘:- c i‘`·‘‘‘ ` ‘i‘V z 2.:
. L ,r.~; E   .vl.·   =.;:   `=..    ‘»r:   -;-»·   1 ·a:‘_‘;‘ A   ,    
  ;`’      ,.»~   =:r ` `-‘e _      »
  .,`t. Z   t.;, ttr. i   ‘i‘t‘°’ E     ‘ ti         . __;;-·_ .   » ’_._ V .   _
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 I f  -,»·     ..‘_`   _v_-     Q;   · ' $5   -. »;‘_,._ ?,..:.¥» 5 
.   ‘V‘.‘   =;‘~ i   »t==   `i‘= ·.—. Q .j ·».‘    . S
ti.;    7w=$=;::;=··=>‘-‘··’. ." ¤.‘2 a>-~*’=; 2  ¢~     ···- 2t;··..¤..-"*L:.;·=.      e=i§2’:5;:¢s-_=;-<=_-:.;.C=Z;...  .
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·2 ‘:`' 2 ‘ · =   Z., ?  55*. .. »          i·
  -·_t  .     :e‘    - ,           '`·- = ·°i° ?   ‘i         
Fig. 3.—A dropping pit with hinged roosts makes cleaning an easy job.  
1. Keep the hen house as clean and dry as possible. l
2. Keep deep litter of straw, planer shavings, shredded fodder, 0T   ·
ound corn cobs on the floor.  i 1
gf _
3. Keep the young chickens on a different range from the Old  _`
. ( l
chickens. .  ·
4. Kill and burn sick chickens as soon as they are noticed in the »¥‘ 
flock.  Q A
5. Feed all feed from hoppers. Don’t scatter feed on the Hoof of  Q
the chicken house or on the ground.  K
6. Keep containers for milk and water clean. -· 

ined. t ,
After  ·p 1. How to tell laymg hens from those that don’t lay
n be  ,
r the   What to { Condition if hen ` Condition if hen is
L  <· examine is laying not laying
, OH  ;'  
flock  ‘ Comb and Large, glossy, red, Small, pale, scaly,
{p wattles ..... smooth, soft rough, hard
 A Pubic bones . .. Wide apart, pliable Close together, hard p
 { Vent ......... Large, oblong, moist Small, round, dry
 p 2. How to tell whether the laying period of a hen has
‘ been long or short
  Whatto Condition if laying Condition if laying ‘
. examine period was long period was short
  ,   Vent ......... Bluish white Flesh colored
1 ,_ A . Eyehds ....... Edges white Edges yellow
   ‘» B€al< ......... Completely faded white Yellow tinted ,
  ; Shanks ........ White, Flat, {ine scale Round, yellow, coarse
   p Plumage ...... Worn, broken, soiled Molting, HCW
    plumage ‘
ob,  in U
  3- How to tell whether a hen produces many or few eggs
 Q in a laying period
 V What. to Condition if hen is a Condition if hen is a
I   cxamme good producer poor producer
er, 0  .
  Capacity of ab-
.e Old   S €lOH'l€H ...,,, Deep—4 or more Hngers ShallOW——2 flHg€1`S
j km .......... Soft, pliable, silky, free Thick, harsh, under-
ln the » A from fatty deposits laid with fat
` Pbd9m€Y1 ..... Soft, pliable Hard, fatty
{ p ubic bones   Thin, pliable ` Thick, fatty deposits
nor 0
V B on ends
I. ody ......... Deep, broad over ribs Shallow, narrow over
‘ and back ribs and back

 8 Exrxwsiom CIRCULAR N0. 382  V
 _{A.;,;; -_-·   »·__ ei ·_ _ · i_V_;   .-‘;.;   ·=_, Q.; .;V’   :A·_ gg  zvv ; _»_’_   _»,v:;   =_· A   ;    
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  »V.·!   ‘’-_   ij;   ;_.;··. VAV.       -=·-   IAZZ AE§{iiV¥i ·=--     ij 
      »···_4‘ ;   .··»   ».‘A    »_ 1., ‘.-· :·¤< A,=— ·A  ,.··‘.   .A·»‘·. :_ .~_., A »A.A r_A_-1 -—‘-. gas; _-·=A :¤2==A.;:A·A·»;-¤-A -—·· ¤*= ¢ ·»,A A-AAS? ..A..» L .j;_¤_r-‘     F
_ Q;  ti
Fig. 4.-A house like this is small, dark, and poorly ventilated. Hens kept ln  _. 8,
such houses lay very few eggs in late fell and winter.  1
 Y_ lz
A comfortable house is essential for satisfactory egg production  
and is absolutely necessary for good fall and winter production. A   P
good laying house need not be expensive. On many farms there are  
houses that can be converted easily and cheaply to satisfactory laying   b
quarters. just a little change, such as cutting an opening at the pr0p€1`  
place or putting in a dropping pit may be all that is necessary t0   d
make an existing house into a good, comfortable laying house. A  j
suggestion of what can be done with an old house is given in Figs.  E h
3, 4, and 5.  
In checking your hen house for needed remodeling, or in building  L
a new one, keep in mind the following essentials for proper poultfY  .,
housing:   H
l. The house should be faced away from prevailing winds and 50  < tl
that it will get as much direct sunlight as possible (facing south, OY A_  j
east is usually best in Kentucky). V U
2. To give enough room for the hens, there should be 3% sqnnfc I  (
feet of floor space for Leghorns and 4 square feet per hen for [hi?   k

   LAvmc Ftock MANAc£M1zNT 9  
».    *   ·’ · = ” ` `'' ` ’’‘`    &-_ ‘· . ·1‘   e i i me-··l&;,.” M l
M —.  J » » . · -   ·—·, " ’·  ‘··     ".   “ `·
\     ‘ 1 · · y ...-~’.   '  J     »»'-.A .  .`4‘‘   i_ _._,;;    
.`*=;   l ‘‘ ¥J ¥ i  sZ..I , W   ; ‘   ·1¤;;  1 .    _  .  LII     it  · ·»    i ’ LEE    ; ; f ``=; ;—     ``  ·  ·  .  ‘ §
  l  1.  i ` `—..’`     .; V»_-`      - ‘·V  Z ,V_· $5 ¥ {’‘   **5_y—f·l-q·—»"PiQ " “‘_`   `°°"v‘‘   .‘‘.  iii  '  * ; .; l
   Z li`  .3.  ° `·’````    »VV  ii? Z;    `'    ,..-   if  `*V` ii.   '‘-` Y`};   I »-V'.   ig ;£   ~·»- . l     n
      “v;`,i    : ;’   A·<- Y    '4:;L``:”':`;””$;     ';.·:    _     ri—»    vV»..‘   E ‘ ·   ` .
  4 ;   U    ,1 _A    —i:        <   1    r» 1   L·»     ·.»A·   . r
   Q     '``I    l`“‘    ‘‘»‘‘‘‘‘‘‘   *     .J?ij :     _ ?  2    . g   _·     .-lj ;    ‘ I
   `     -%.. F e . ·   S" ` .=»‘ `·     ·A:.* ? I  ```   `’`=.      *?? ¥·`  ».»` :`§"»  ”  V =
   =   ··..¤ 1.; .  .. ‘·°·’   Y    ‘* 3 .·`°    ·`    ;52%;?j§;§. ; =¤.  .  `‘-   e-     ' n . l
  ii    ...   .;`V  are .=.     V»·=·· - ».'  ` ‘ V    i  ·-   = V¥   *A;   ».`—;   `   .. · M
_ VA___       -_.‘·     ‘=-» j` ; .5i?_;   _,‘‘ fj   »·=—‘'’   .___ .. ,_.`  ..   ---~» .3; ·__.; .._V_ . ·     l
.      Fiig. 5.-—The same house shown in Fig. 4, after remodeling. Means for ventila-  
_   tion and sunlight have been provided in front, and 5 feet more depth has been 1
evt in  .. added.
 Y_ larger breeds. Eight or l0 inches of roost space should be provided  
 5 for each hen. l
[mon  Y 3. A dropping pit; is needed in the back part of the house. l l _
H A  1 4. An opening should be provided in the front of the house to  
gm   permit; circulation of fresh air. y
a in   5. Windows should be placed where necessary for even distri— l
gl cg  p bution of light.  
~I`  L. . Q ~
_pm   6. All cracks should be covered so that the house will not be l
my A   drafty. y
‘e. . _ .
)Fi s ‘  M. 7. Drainage away from the house should be provided so that the l
g'   house can be kept dry.
ildiflg  i NESTS
Jultry  _ P _
 . rovide one nest for every 4 hens. Orange crates may be used for
nd so  F nests. Nests should be made so the hens enter from the side next to
th OY 'i  the Willl, with drop doors on the front side for gathering the €ggS.
’  Z This keeps the nests fairly dark, so that the hens scratch about ifl thé
marc Q Hest less and {ight each other less than when the nests are well lighted.
3 the   Clem nesting material, such as straw, hay, and shavings, should be
  kfipt in the nests all the time.

 10 Exriznsxon Cmcumx No. 382  
_ em
° Keep an accurate record of all items of expense and receipts from ;4— am
the project. Keep the record up to date.   _.
Breed of hens    ——
Number of hens at start of project________,_,.._...___..   —
Number of hens at close of project   p Q
Size of house   j
Date project started   
Date project completed  Z
Approximate Weights of Various Feeds per Quart Measure   ~
Pounds per  ;
quart  ,. %
Shelled corn ........................................ 1.7 ·
Ground com ........................................ 1.5  1
Whole oats ......................................... 1.0 f —_
Ground oats ........................................ 0.7 ` 
Whole wheat ........................................ 1.9  
Ground wheat ...................................... 1.7  V i
Wheat mixed feed ..................,................ 0.6 Q
\Vheat middlings .................................... 0.8  I
Meat scraps ..........................,.............. 1.6 `
Soybean oil meal .......,... _ ......................... 1.6  __.
 i Tota

  i LAv1Nc Fnocx MANAGEMENT 11
  Weigh feeds in quantity; keep them separate from other feeds;
p   enter the date and amount when a new supply is added. Subtract the
mm  t` amount on hand when closing this record.
  Date I Kind and amount ` Value Date I Kind and amount I Value
—   | is   I
I  I _—*_`I —‘_—| “" ` I
·—’  {A I I   I I
  I I I I I 
  +__Lm I I
at   I I I
 E Transfer each month's total to the summary Sheet on page 19.

 12 EXTENSION Cmcuuuz N0. 382  
FEED RECORD (Continued)  E
Weigh feeds in quantity; keep them separate from other feeds;  E
· enter the date and amount when a new supply is added. Subtract the   _
` amount on hand when closing this record.  S D
.   i ot n
Date I Kind and amount I Value Date I Kind and amount I Value    
 *°”‘”-"_B—_ f  Z
I I I  · i
   I 4.
I I I I   T
I I I I  r
 F T
I I I I t T
I I s  W
— T
I I I  Q Ti
I I I I  5. T
     { E
I I I I   T
I I I I   T
__l______L..._________,./  2 W
I I I I   W
I I I I  
 . W
I I I I  i  
I I I I   r
   ; W
   I W
I I I I  
   I To;
Total. . . I I I I _» ·—
Transfer each month’s total to the summary sheet on page 19.  

  _ LAYmc Fmcx MANAGEMENT 13
f€€d$3  _ (Number of eggs gathered)
cz the  
__   01 Iggnth I October I November I December I January I February I March
T` g  2 ....... I I I I I I I
 Q 3 ····-·· I I I I I I I
——   4 ....... I I I I I I I
I 5 .....   I I I I I
...  I 6 ....... I I I I I I I
 _I 7 ....... I I I I I I
__.. I 8 ....... I I I I I I I I
? 9 ······· I I I I I I M
..» »  ‘° ······· I I I I I I {
 ` Q1 ······· I I I I I I I
J.  I 12 ....... I I I I I I I
  13 ....... I I I I I I I
-_-d  I 14 ....... I I I I I I I
  15 ····-·· I I I I I I  
· 16 ....... I I I I I I
-·*  I 17 ....... I I I I I I I I
 I 18 ..,.... I I I I I I
../  I   ....... I I I I I I I
 I 21 ....... I I I I I I
__,  I 22 ....... I I I I I I
, Z3 ....... I I I I I I
__/ I  24 ....... I I I I I I I
I  25 ....... I I I I I I
.,/  I &26 ‘’‘···· I I I I I I
 — X ‘‘‘···· I I I I I I
I 27 ....... I I I I I I
/  6  
g    I I I I
j     I I I I I I
JZ I   
I Transfer each m0nth’s total to the summary sheet on page 19.

 14 EXTENSION Crncumn N0. 382 _  l
EGG RECORD (Continued)  
(Number of eggs gathered) ’
’   F oct.
· of ?nBoShth I April I May I June I July I August I September  I i`
1 ...... I I I I I I  I —_
2 ······ I I I - I I I   _
3 ······ I I I I I I ¤ _
4 ·---·· I I I I I I  I _
5 ······ I I I I I I J _
7 -·-·-· I I I I I I i E
8 ·····- I I I I I I ?
9 ...... I I I I` I I
10 ...... I I I I I I I
11 ...... I I I I I I j  &
12 ······ I I I I I I _,  _ Nw.
13 ...... I I I I I I   ;
14 ...... I I I I I I I
15 ...... I I I I I I  I —
16 ...... I I I I I I I  —
17 ...... I I I I I I I ——
18 ...... I I I I I I I —
19 ...... I I I I I I I  ·—
20 ...... I I I I I I · E
21 ...... I I I I I I  — *
22 ...... I I I I I I  I
23 ...... I I I I I I Ii
——~———-——-——·//ii “‘‘I‘“ I I I I I I  
26 ·---·- I I I I I I /  ‘ 2
27 ...... I I I I I I  
29 ...... I I I I I I  I Y
30 ...... I I I I I I I  £
31 ...... I I I I I I I-  \
Totals   I I I I I "  *
  ·  Z W
Transfer each m0nth’s total to the summary sheet on page 19.   i

_   | Eggs sold [ I _
. Oct' [l)ozens| Price [ Value] O‘h°‘ Items
ntember `  
jj  | I I [Eggs used at home ...... Number ji
  [ [ [ [Chickens used at home. .Number $ [
| [ [ [ Chickens sold ........... Number $  
A | [ | [Hens that died ......... Number  
¤ I I I I I
; I I I I  
”“—` [ T0l2lI..[ [ [ [ [
 » I I
..#  I   E
J [ Eggs sold [ _ ‘
P" r Nov` [I)ozcns[ Price [ Value [ Other Items I
.... [ [ [
....- Z | [ Iliggs used at home ...... Number $5
..J F. I [ [ [Chickens used at home. .Number 55  
..» ' I | | [Chickens sold ........... Number $   [
..# » [ | [ [Hens that died ......... Number n
-/  [ E I I I I [
4/  ·  
..2/  ; I Eggs sold [ _
_’/  I Dec. [Dozens| Price [ Value | O‘h°’ Items
_/ ` I I
  I [ I IEggs used at home ...... Number___ j$_____
.;? _·  
"/  é I [ [ [ChlCk€HS used at home. .Number JIS
 . I I | | Chickens sold ..,........ Number $:5
2 f  
 I I | | [Hens that dred ......... Number

 16 Exrensiou Cmcuma N0. 382 I 
SALES RECORD (Continued) Year____ 3 
— I Eggs wld I . s  .
Jan' IDOzensI Price IValueI other Items — E
I I I IEggs used at home ...... Number $  _
I I I IChickens used at home. .Number $ _
I I I I Chickens sold ........... Number $5 ·
I I I IHens that died ......... Number ‘
I I I I  S
I I I I  .
Total. .   I I I g TGLHI.
I Eggs sold I _
Feb' ID0zensI Price I ValueI other items  _ May
I Eggs used at home ...... Number 3,,.  `
I I I I Chickens used at home. .Number____ $5,.. _ &
I I I I Chickens sold ........... Number 25,.., I _
I I I IHens that died ......... Number I %
I I I I ,  I m
I ,  m
Total. .I I I I  
,  {\
I Eggs sold I _   J
Mm" IDozensI Price I Value| Other Items . 2
I Eggs used at home ...... Number_, L-»  i
I I I I Chickens used at home. .Number___. 5../  jg
I I I I Chickens sold ........... Number____ 3.//  g$
| I I IHens that died ......... Number_,. ii
I I I I ,/  
I I I I Z  
rmi. .I I I I  

 .  Lmrmc Fmcx MANAGEMENT 17 I
Q  SALES RECORD (Continued) Year
 I _ I Eggs sold I _
— Apnl Il)ozensI Price I ValueI Other Items
$___  I I I I IEggs used at home ...... Number $
$___ _ I I I IChickens used at home. .Number II _ I
jg I I I I I Chickens sold ........... Number $  
‘ I I I IHens that died ......... Number I
_‘  .   I
 I T0tal..I I I I I
 I` I Eggs wld I .  
  May   O[hCf IICIHS I
$____  I I I I IEggs used at home ...... Number .15 I
E-; _ I I I IChickens used at home. .Number $ I
E; I I I I I Chickens sold ........... Number $ I
_) I I I I IHens that died ......... Number
”/ · I I I I
....z I    ~
"2  l I Eggs sold I
l June |D0zens| Price I Value I Other items
$,.»  . I I I IEggs used at home ...... Number____ $___
  ..  I I I I Chickens used at home. .Number__ fI$_
3.// ~ I Chickens sold ........... Number____ 55%
//  `. I I I IHens that died ......... Number_;_

 18 Exrmtsrou CIRCULAR N0. 382  l
SALES RECORD (Continued) Year______  .
-  .  
J l I-———é··——EggS sold [ Other items I
u y [Dozens[ Price [ Value [ 1
I I  
[ [ Eggs used at home ...... Number $____  .
[ [ [ [Chickens used at home. .Number &§__  
[ [ [ [ Chickens sold ........... Number $__  
[ [ [ [Hens that died ......... Number  
‘ CI 1 1 1  
I I I I I  ‘
Total. . [ [ [ [  
| Eggs sold [ _ “< 
Aug' [Dozens[ Price [ Value [ Other items  
| [ Eggs used at home ...... Number 33,..   z
[ [ [ [Chickens used at home. .Number 5,,.-   E
[ [ [ [ Chickens sold ........... Number 5,., E
| [ [ [Hens that died ......... Number .1  3
I I I I ,./  I`‘
I I I I , I
Total . . [ [ [ [  `
,  i
s t I-—————-———EggS Sold I oth ·t
cp ' [Dozens[ Price [ Value [ cr I ems .  `
| Eggs used at home ...... Number_,, [IX  ·
[ [ [ [Chickens used at home. .Nurnber____,. Sz  I
[ [ [ [ Chickens sold ........... Number_,.. $5// I
[ [ [ [Hens that died ......... Number___, .  
I I I I /  ’
I I I I  
Total. . [ [ [ [  

  i LAYING  
, FL
"_`   53 .
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 ; E E B >` I j I j . j . : .8 5
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 I Z cz A € ZG g > ~ ‘ § a z 2 fg
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 20 Exrmzsrou CmcuLAR No. 382  
" A   O.O\
Name ............................................ Age ........ at  
County ................................ Date .................. ii 
·· $L.'f
Post Office ............................... R. F. D. ............ ..  r?  
Years in club work ............... Years in this project ........... .  ’
Approved .....................................  "
County Agent  y
Date ......................................... .
Lexington, Kentucky September, 1942
Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics; College ot Azri¤¤1*“¥€ '
and Home Economics, University of Kentucky, and the United States Department Of AS"; .
culture, cooperating. Txzonns P. Coormn, Director. Issued in furtherance or the Acts 0 _
May 8 and June 30, 1914. IOM 9-42 I