xt74mw28cr50 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74mw28cr50/data/mets.xml  Kentucky Equal Rights Association 1915 Minutes and reports from the annual conventions and other meetings of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. Includes the following titles: Minutes of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; Minutes of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; and Report of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. JK1883 .K4, 24 volumes. annual reports  English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Equal Rights Association minutes and reports Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Women -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Report of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at Lexington, Kentucky, November 8, 9 and 10, 1915. text Report of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at Lexington, Kentucky, November 8, 9 and 10, 1915. 1915 2019 true xt74mw28cr50 section xt74mw28cr50 i' 1
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% REPORT a ~
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E Twenty-Sixth Annual Convention ‘
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3 Kentucky Equal Rights
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g Lexington, Kentucky §
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. ' g November 8, 9 and 10, 1915 E
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' . “If ye abide in my Word * * * ye shall know the Truth, g 1
* ‘ and the Truth shall make you Free." E .
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Kentucky Equal nghts Assomatlon
___ l
Mrs. Deshu. lh'eckinridge. . . . . . . . . . . . . .726 McClelland Bldg, Lexington i
. i
Miss Laura Clay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .180 N. Mill St., Lexington l
1 Mrs. Thomas J. Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .State Hemlquarters, Frankfort ‘
Mrs. It. A. McDowell. . . . . . . . . . . .No. 6 Magnolia Apartments, Louisville l
Mrs. Joseph Alderson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Middlesboro
Mrs. F. A. Rothier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185 E. Second St.. Covington
‘ Miss Elizabeth S. l’::1)1;e1"_.‘; 5.4:“. .‘StatbZHeadchuu-ters, Frankfort
1 IREEOR’DI’NG: sscn'zid'rixiiv l
‘ Mrs. J. D. Hays.,......_.._._.,.r....._...,......_.........-.,......Owensboro t
~ Mrs. J. B. Judah. . . . . . . . .‘ ._. . . 1...?1115, Murray Avenue, Louisville I
" gmbrftfiu‘f‘} F E
' Mrs.\V.F.Lillard........'..............................Lawrenceburg l
‘ MrsMaryL’.Clay.........................................Richmond l
Mrs. Edmund PostPadueah ‘
Miss Laura. Clay, Lexington. Ky“ . . . . . . . . . . . .President from 1888-1912 .
Mrs. Desha Breckinridg'e, Lexington. Ky.. . . . . .President from 1912-1915 i
. Special Committees
‘ News Correspondent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mr. L. V. Armenbrant, Frankfort a“
? Press Chairman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mrs. Desha Breckinridge, Lexington col
. Church Work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mrs. A. M. Harrison, Lexington ”a:
1 State and County Fairs. . . . . . . . . . . . .Mrs. Mary Bates Miller. Richmond 3}
l Prize Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mrs. Joseph Alderson. Middlesboro s:
Peace.....................................MissLauraWhite,Danville d
. Constitution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mrs. John C. Graham, Louisville ‘
. Finance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Miss Rebeeca Averill, Frankfort
j Ways and Means. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mrs. John ‘Sower, Frankfort
2 2 V;
‘ {f
1 ,

 AdVlSOI‘y Board
; Senatdr Johnson N. Camden. Versailles.
l Hon. D. N. Lafferty. (,‘ynthiana~.\laster Kentucky State (lrauge.
1 - Mr. Harry Allington, Newport—Pres. Kentucky Federation of Labor
Judge Ed. C. O’Rear, Frankfort.
Mrs. James Bennett. Richmond.
Hon. Claude Thomas, Paris.
Mrs. James A. Leech, Louisville.
, Hon. John G. Miller, Padueah. .
l Miss Belle H. Bennett, RichmondAAl’res. Woman’s Missionary (‘oun- ‘
4 oil of Methodist Church, South.
i Mrs. John C. C. Mayo. Paintsville.
} Judge Robert L. Stout, Frankfort.
Dr. R. H. Crossfield. Lexington—«Pres. 'l‘ransylvania University.
1 Dr. E. B. Barnes, Richmond.
Major James Blackburn. Frankfort.
Rev. H. G. Turner, Danville. ‘
General and Mrs. J. B. Castleman. Louisville.
Mrs. Morris Bartlett, Lawrenceburg—l’res. Kentucky Federation
‘ VVomen’s Clubs.
‘ Judge H. S. Barker, Lexingtonirl’res. of State University of Ken-
t tucky.
l Dean Irene T. Myers, Lexington——Dean of Women {l‘ransylvania
Dean Anna J. Hamilton, LexingtonH’Dean of Women State Univer-
sity of Kentucky.
Mr. Huston Quin, I.011is\'ille#l’1‘es. Kentucky Child Labor Associa—
Miss Linda Neville, Lexington—Secretary Society for Prevention of
Mrs. A. M. Harrison, Lexington.
l Monday. November 8
i Phoenix Hotel. Automobile Ride, 2:00 p. in.. Mrs. S. H. Halley,
‘1 Chairman. Reception at Ashland 4:00 to G :00 p. m.
. Monday Evening, 8 p. 1n.. ()ld Opera House. N. Broadway: Orches—
l tra. Choral singing of “Star Spangled Banner and Suitrage Hymn,”
l led by Miss Katherine Cochran. audience joining in.
Address of “’clcome: For the City of Lexington. Mayor J. E. Cas-
sidy; for the Fayette Equal Rights Association. Mrs. E. 0. Young. first
Vice-President. Response, Mrs. Julia Duke Henniug. Rev. J. M. Melear,
introducing Mrs. Snowden.
Address—Mrs. Philip Snowden, London. England.
“ Tuesday, November 9
Ball Room, Phoenix Hotel, 10:00 a. 111.
Reports of General Oliicers—Prcsident. Mrs. Desha Breckinridge,
Lexington; First Vice-President, Mrs. Edward L. Hutchinson. Lexing-
, ton; Second Vice-President, Mrs. Charles Firth. Covington; ’l‘hird Vice-
President, Mrs. J. D. Hays. Owensboro; Corresponding Secretary. Miss
(:3 Laura Clay. Richmond; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Robinson A. Me,-
(I Dowell, Louisville; fl‘l‘easurer. Mrs. J. B. Judah. Louisville: Auditor,
7.15' Mrs. Samuel Henning. Louisville; State Member Executive Committee, |
\ Mrs. Thomas J. Smith. Frankfort. i
1} Reports of State Committees: “Peace,” Miss Laura R. White, Lou- I
‘ isville; “Education,” Mrs. Oden Hodges, Lexington; “College 'l’rize,” l)r. i
Irene T. Myers, Lexington; “Church “'ork.” Mrs. A. M. Harrison, Lex- i
ington; “News Correspondence,” Mrs. John Graham, Louisville.
m J
. l
m l

Round Table Discussion: “How the Kentucky Federation of Wo- "
men’s Clubs May Help the Suffrage Cause,” led by Mrs. Morris Bartlett,
President of the Federation. ‘
Appointment of Committees. ‘
Tuesday, 2:00 P. M. 1
Ball Room, Phoenix Hotel. "
“Lucy Stone and the W'oman’s Journal," Miss Laura Clay.
“What a City. a Small Town or a Rural League i\‘[ay Do For Suf-
frage.” led by Mrs. Herbert Mengel, ‘l’resident of‘the Louisville “‘0—
man Suffrage Association. Presidents of all Leagues present will par- l
tic‘ipate in this discussion, giving their three-minute reports of the l
year’s work. ;
Press “'ork: Led by Miss Dow Husbands, Press Chairman, Pa- 1
ducah. l
Tuesday Evening, 6:00 P. M. y
.Ball Room, Phoenix Hotel. Banquet, Mrs. E. L. Hutchinson, First
Vice—President K. E. R. A., presiding. Tickets, $1.00.
Toasts from Mrs. Philip Snowden, Madame Rosika Sehwimmer, Mr. ,
“lalter J. Millard, “Aunt Jane of Kentucky,” Mrs. Abby Meguire Roach, 1
Hon. Edwin P. Morrow and others. - 3
I Old Opera House, North Broadway, 8 :00 p. m. 1
Miss Laura Clay presiding. l
Miss Mary Frances Scott. solo. I
Introduction of Madame Scliwimmcr. Dr. R. H. Crossfield. 1
' “Peace,” Madame Rosika Schwimmer, Budapest, ,llungary. ;
Wednesday, November 10 l
Ball Room, Phoenix Hotel, 10:00 a. m. l
Report of Credentials Committee. ’
Fraternal Delegates: Greetings. ‘
The Campaign States: Experiences in New Jersey, Mrs. Charles 1
Firth, Covington; Experiences in New York and New Jersey, Mrs. Harry l
R. Whiteside, Louisville.
Report of Congressional Committee, Mrs. Murray Hubbard, Fort ;
Thomas. ‘
' Federal Suffrage, Mrs. Thomas J. Smith, Frankfort. :
‘ Petitions to Kentucky Legislature. 1'
Election of Officers.
Wednesday, 2:00 P. M. 1
Ball Room, Phoenix Hotel. "
‘ “The Ballot and the Schools,” Mrs. Elizabeth King Smith.
“The Schools and the Ballot,” Miss Mary Scrnghain.
, “The Ballot and Imprisoned “’omen,” Miss Linda Neville.
“The Ballot and W'omen in Industry,” Mrs. R. P. Halleck.
“Need of a W'oman’s Building at the State University,” Miss Mary
. Clarke. .
, Forward Movement: 1016.
Report of Resolutions Committee.
l . Wednesday Evening, 8:00 P. M. y ,
3; Ball Room, Phoenix Hotel.
L The New President of the K. E. R. A. presiding.
3 Mr. William Rout, solo. ‘
. Introduction of Mr. Millard by Mr. Paul Lansing. '
l “Chivalry Up-to-Date,” Mr. Walter J. Millard, Cincinnati, 0.
1 “Ring Out the Old, Ring in the New,” Mrs. Desha Breckinridge, re-
tiring President K. E. R. A.
i 4
. i l
" l

; l
l l
l l
As a preliminary to the business of the Convention, A Boston Tea
L Party was held at Ashland, the historic home of Henry Clay, where
; Mrs. Desha Breckinridge received the guests. 1
j “'ith her was Mrs. Philip Snowden, of England, who, that same i
l evening gave a most convincing and enjoyable lecture on \Voman's ‘
~ Suffrage. :
The next evening, following the banquet at the Phoenix Hotel, 1
l Madame Schwinimer, of I'Iungary. spoke on “Peace.” telling many in- '
cidents of the war, and greatly impressing her audience. 2
’ The last evening of the Convention was opened with “Chivalry Up— J
, to-Date,” by Mr. W'alter J. Millard, who defined “(‘hiralry" as “a gener- l
1 ous act without expected compensation,” and said that the granting of 1
; \Voman’s Suffrage would bring it “up—to-date.” 1
l The Convention closed with the speech of our own Mrs. Breckin- ,
‘ ridge, “Ring Out the 01d, Ring in the New.” and her earnestness and i
l brilliance made a delightful but regretful close for her term as l’resi— i
I (lent, and close of the Convention. }
l Proceedmgsnfr Assomauon ‘
l The 'l‘wr'enty-sixt-h Annual~Conrenti021‘ of Kentucky Equal Rights 1
l Association: was called to order at the .l’liouni): Hotel, November 9th, - l
1915, at 10:30 o’clock. the llrrlf-siileirt in‘ tlie‘ciisiir. Reports of general .
I. officers was the first busihess.’ : , 3' , - " ' I
1 The President reported first the work of the State Organizers and I
. speakers sent to teachers’ institutes with the recommendation that in-
1’ dividuals in local Leagues do all the personal work they can.
Second, the plan to get the political parties to endorse in that
platform an amendment to the Constitution allowing women to vote
l with the result that three parties in Kentucky endorsed it.
i The President reported the work done in connection with the min-
isters and church convention. Two thousand letters were sent to l
ministers with the result that two conventions endorsed sufi’rage. l
The plate page about sufi’rage was sent to all country papers. The
first went to 100 papers and a second page was sent recently to 100
papers. The President suggested that the local Leagues in the future
' realize that they must not only be self-supporting, but also help the
State Association.
The First Vice-President repdrted work done in connection with ‘
bringing Mrs. Snowden to Kentucky and arranging ten lectures in ten l
' towns and that she could not supply all the calls for Mrs. Snowden as ‘
she proved such a drawing card. j
Second Vice-President reported her work as organizer. She visited l
four towns. LaGrange. Lawreneehurg, Mt. Sterling and Whitley City. f
The Chairman of Courtesies Committee presented Frau Schwimincr '
I to the Convention. l
Third Vice-President made report concerning the work she did in l
connection with the teachers’ institute at llart‘ford at the District 3
Baptist meeting and at the District meeting of the “I. C. T. U. l
Corresponding Secretary reported that she had not only attended E
5 .
l .

 to the correspondence. but had made speeches in several towns; also
attended the Convention at Chicago. speaking at Covington for Suf-
frage and at Fort Smith on Constructive Peace. She had written let— ;
ters of condolence to the families of Mrs. Susan Look Avery and Mrs. ‘
Mary C. (Trainer, who passed from our work in the last year.
The Secretary reported the principal meeting of the Board and the
matters for the Convention to take up.
The Treasurer reports receipt-s .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,038.50
. Expenditures . 2,656.00
Balance on hand ‘5 382.08 ‘
The Treasurer’s report was accepted. 1
The Auditor reported the books had been examined and found cor-
rect in every detail. - i
State member of Executive Committee of, National Association re- {
ported the various towns where she made speeches and work that she
had done in other directions; that she had been appointed Chairman of
Political Science Committee of the Federated “ionien’s Clubs and also
on the speaker’s list.
Mrs. Leech offered the following resolution: That Article 5 of the
Constitution be amended by adding the words “A Chairman of Cam- ‘
paign” after the word “Auditor” and before the word “And.” The res— ;
‘ olution was adopted. .
The President reported the following committees: 1
CredentialsAMrs. Judah. Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Hubbard. }
ResolutionsfiMrs. Alderson. Miss Husbands and Miss Finch. l
‘ Courtesies—Mrs. Hutchinson, Mrs. Young and Mrs. Oldham. .
VVoman’s Journal—“MissClay,‘MizsAverilL.Mrs. Ripy, Mrs. Moxley l
and Mrs. Rotliier. "3 :g': “—3 i ’- .. ; . i .
Committee of Supplies—Miss Clieiiaiilt. 'Milse‘ Cassidy. Mrs. Freeman, ;
. Mrs. Bartlett of .‘Cox‘ingt‘on. Miss Lloyd, Mrs. Chalkley and Mrs. Beckner.
- Chairman of‘StafclCorresi‘ioridchoc C(nn’jmittce:reported she had sent .
each week a lettér that-Was:published. in [the Woman’s Journal to the 3
Kentucky News. _ E , . . _. .» , . , '
State Fair Chairman reporter] worlyat State Fair and a gain of v
1.525 members on only an eix'pei‘iditlu'é: of'rlETZSfiS out of an allowance of
$75.00 owing to the many kind and helpful friends. 1
Mrs. Morris Bartlett. President of the Federated “’omen’s Clubs i
of Kentucky. led a round table. discussion on “How the Kentucky Fed— l
eration of ‘VOTHCD’S Clubs can help the Suffrage cause.” i
Mrs. Leech and Mrs. “'caver. ex—I’residents of the Federation, spoke "
. as to the past attitude of. the Federatibn on Sulfrage.
Mrs. Smith. Chairman of Political Science Committee of the Fed—
? eration, spoke on the future plans of her committee. ‘
Mrs. Phillips, President of Padncah Club, spoke on her plans for 3
the year.
Mrs. Whi-tesides spoke on how advanced Kentucky’s Federation was .
' compared with New Jersey and some other Eastern states. l
Mrs. Hubbard. Chairman of the Federation Committee to present z
the resolution of the Federation to the political parties, spoke 011 the i
i value of the l\701naii’s Journal in helping. .‘
Mrs. Judah suggested that the members of the Federation should i
. work for Sufirage instead of so many other reforms.
1 Mrs. Post, President of Padueah Suffrage Association, spoke 011 the
:. co-operation of the President of the \A’Oman’s Club of Paducah and l
how helpful it had been. .
i Mrs. Ripy, Secretary of the Federation, suggested as a practical l
is work. a parade during the Legislature.
1 Mrs. “Tillis suggested much more pressure on the Representatives
‘ to the State Legislature should be made 'at home; that local League
. give farewell parties to their Representatives to let them know how ?
much Sufirage sentiment was in their community.
. ~ 6
ll 3

Dean Myers reported as Chairman of College Prize Committee the i
‘ methods and results of the debates in colleges in Kentucky.
. Miss Clay moved that on recommendation of the Beard the Con-
: vention appoint a nominating committee. Carried. ,
On motion the Convention adjourned until 2 o’clock. 1
Respectfully submitted, 3
. 1 . . . t
‘ Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association was called ‘
to order Wednesday. November 0th. 1015, at 10:30 o’clock, at the, E,
' Phoenix Hotel, the President in the chair. The minutes were read and
approved after one correction. 3
1 Mrs. Oldham reported for the Fayette County Association. This 1
1 report will be published. They gained 485 new members at their fair. l
1 Mrs. Leech offered the following resolution to amend the Consti— l
tu‘tion by adding to Article 6 the words “Ex—State President” after the i
, work “Committee” and before the word “The.” Carried. l
Mrs. Leech offered the amendment to Article 5 of the Piy-laivs,
Section .2, by adding the words “Ex-State President” after the, words i
- “Standing Committees” and before the word “Shall.” Carried. c
‘ Miss Laura “illite reported for the Peace Committee: {
i The outcome of recent missions to the governments of the warring i
‘1 nations warrants the belief that. while the nations at war are not. i
i willing themselves to begin negotiations or even signify a desire to so 1
; do so lest it be interpreted as a sign of weakness and place them at dis— ~
1 advantage in the final peace settlement, there is nevertheless abundant
i ‘ evidence that those charged with administration of the foreign policies
{ of these nations would welcome, or at least not oppose aliirmativc
‘ action by a neutral agency to bring about a peace based on internation—

' . a1 justice. 1
1 This meeting. therefore, respectfully urges the President of the i
.. United States to co-operate with other neutral governments in calling a "
‘ conference of neutral nations, which would constitute a voluntary
1 court of continuous mediation. would invite suggestions for settlement
1 from each of the warring nations, and in any case substitute simulta-

1 neously to all of them reasonable proposals as a basis for peace.
1 Adopted this eighth day of November, 1915, by a mass meeting
: called by the Kentucky Equal Rights Association at Lexington, State
of Kentucky. LAURA CLAY, Chairman.
. Credentials Committee reported 80 delegates present.
1 Mrs. Firth reported some of her experiences in New Jersey in the
3 Campaign as Kentucky Representative. She said she learned first that
“l’rocrastination is the thief of time ;” that too much had been left to
i the last minute to be done and what Kentucky needed before we are
t a campaign state, was more organization work. She spoke nineteen
1' times in eleven (lays. In New Jersey they received what is commonly
1 called defeat by the unthinking, but the Suffi'agists do not feel that
1 way, as they marched in the New York parade after their defeat carry-
1 ing two banners, one saying: ‘.
1 , “Hurrah for the 131,011 men in New Jersey who voted Yes.”
1 Another one: i
. “Not down and out but up and doing.” 1
3 Mrs. “iliitesides reported that she had Inade 178 speeches in New 1
Jersey and New York as Mrs. Breckinridge’s substitute as l\’entucky’s 1
contribution to the campaign. She, said one of the most inspiring 1
things was the street speaking from gaiiy decorated automobiles. She ‘
? said Kentucky must begin street speaking as it is much more effective 1
than indoor speaking can ever be, as you reach an audience not com- l
7 i

 posed of Suffragists, but people who need Suffrage doctrine; that work
done in rural counties in New Jersey was not only Suifrage work, but '
splendid civic work, as the laws in New Jersey were very antiquated.
She spoke on how a campaign develops the most wonderfully talented
speakers out of women not known before. The eve before election
thy spoke from 7 o’clock until 1 o’clock in the morning, even reaching
dance hall crowds of young people. Mrs. Whitesides said she thought ‘
New Jersey had organized too late rather than not organized; that it
was not in as good working order as if their organization had been , ,
older. In New York each speaker was expected to make at least three .
speeches each day and this they all did, speaking some places for 2G 5
hours continuous. However long it seems and however dreary. it is all .
permanent work that Kentucky women are now doing and they will
reap the Victory later. Kentucky did her part in this campaign by con-
tributing besides speakers $100.00 and two donations of $50.00, making ,
$200.00 in all. 1
Mr. J. L. Sparks presented fraternal greetings from the fraternal l
orders of Kentucky. ’
Miss Steele, of W’oodford County, President of the Baby League,
reported for her League. —
Credentials Committee made a supplementary report, present 05 ‘2
delegates. .
Convention pledges were next made: Franklin County, $7.50;
Daviess County, $14.00; Boyle County, $14.00; Bell County, $7.00; Mc-
Cracken County, $35.00; Madison County, $50.00; Mason County, $10.00;
Fayette County, $35.00; Kenton County, $35.00; Louisville Association, ‘
$50.00; Anderson County League. $5.00. 3
‘ Individual pledges were next made and these pledges were made '
on condition that ten people would give $100.00, ten people would give .
$50.00 and ten people would give $25.00: Miss Clay, $100.00; Mrs. Hen- .
ning‘, $50.00; Miss Laura White, $25.00; Mrs. Hutchinson, $25.00; Mrs. ‘
McDowell, $25.00; Miss Belle Bennett, $25.00; Mrs. Morton, $25.00; Mrs.
Hayes, $10.00; Mrs. English, $10.00; Mrs. Kelley, $10.00; Mrs. Brannon,
$10.00; Mrs. Clark, $10.00; Mrs. Alma Bergman, $10.00; Mrs. Rothier, ‘ '
$10.00; Mrs. McLaughlin, $10.00; Mrs. T. J. Smith, $10.00; Mrs. F. 0.
Young, $10.00; Mrs. Dodge, $10.00; Mrs. Alderson, $5.00; Mr. Starks, for 1
the Fraternal Day Order, $5.00; Mrs. Crutcher, $5.00; Mrs. Roach. $5.00; 1
Mrs. Judah, $5.00; Mrs. Geo. Miller, $5.00; Mrs. Mengel, $5.00; Mrs. ‘
Graham, $5.00; Mrs. Lindenberger, $5.00; Mrs. Spencer. $5.00; Mrs. ' .
. Cheney, $5.00; Mrs. Whitesides, $5.00; Mrs. Bartlett, Covington, $5.00; "
‘ Mrs. Laidley, $5.00; Mrs. I-Ielburn, $5.00; Mrs. Leech, $5.00; Mrs. V’Vash— ‘1
er, $5.00; Mrs. Glossup, $5.00; Mrs. VVarfield Bennett, $5.00; Mrs. Phil- ,
. lips, $5.00; Mrs. Van Meter, $5.00; Mrs. l‘hilip Grinstead, $5.00; Mrs. !
‘ Tyson, $5.00; Mrs. Hartke, $5.00. l
‘ _ The Nominating Committee reported: l
President—Mrs. T. J. Smith. l
First Vice-President—Mrs. R. A. McDowell. ‘
Second Vice-President—Mrs. Alderson.
Third Vice-President—Mrs. Hubbard. 'l
. Recording Secretary—Mrs. Post.
. Corresponding Secretary—Miss Pepper. i
Treasurer—Mrs. Judah. i
State Member of National CommitteeuMiss Clay. i
i - Chairman of Campaign—Mrs. Breckinridge. §
. Mrs. Post withdrew her name. ,
f» Mrs. Judah moved that each member vote as individual delegates
, and the President vote each remaining delegate up to the number to i
which they are entitled. Carried. '
. The vote was announced and Mrs. Smith was elected President. 1
1 Mrs. Leech moved that the informal ballot be made the formal ballot l
: and that the Secretary east the vote for Mrs. T. J. Smith for President. ,
1‘ The Secretary cast the ballot for Mrs. Smith.
I‘ s ,
.1 .
-‘. l
g .

 i l
The vote was announced and Mrs. McDowell was elected First Vice- .
President. Mrs. Leech moved that after casting the vote for First Vice- ‘
President the Convention adjourn until 2 o’clock and continue the elec- ‘
tion after lunch. Carried. Mrs. Young moved that the informal ballot ;
be made the formal ballot and that the Seeretar;~ cast the vote for Mrs. ,
McDowell for First Vice-President. The Secretary east the ballot for
‘ Mrs. McDowell.
No other business the meeting adjourned until 2 o’clock. .
' = Respectfully submitted, ‘
; Approved. V'nmiNIA R. MCDOWELL. :
l J
l The Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association came to Q
I order at 2 o'clock, November 10th. 101.5, in the Phoenix Hotel. the 1
| Second Vice—President in the chair. 1
i Mrs. Hubbard reported her work as Congressional Chairman in
' Kentucky. 3
Mrs. Smith, 011 account of the crowded condition of the program, i
requested not to lead the discussion for Federal Suffrage, and Miss Clay ;
‘: olfel'ed the following resolution : ‘
“Resolt‘ed, That we desire Federal Suifrage by Congressional leg- }
islation; and endorse the actions of the National American \Voman’s
Suffrage Association’s Convention at Nashville on this subject.”
Carried. :
Mrs. Firth suggested that the Convention go on with the program
3 while the tellers were counting the votes for the Second Vice-President. .
3 Mrs. Leech moved that the Convention ask the President to appoint l
‘ a committee to revise the Constitution omitting the pro rata vote in :
. election. Carried.
‘ The Secretary announced the vote and Mrs. Alderson was elected :
- Second Vice-President. Mrs. Smith moved that the informal ballot be ‘
made the formal ballot and the Secretary cast the vote for Mrs. Alder- i
‘ 1 son for Second Vice-President. The Secretary cast the ballot for Mrs. .
Alderson for Second Vice-President. i
i The Secretary announced the vote and Mrs. liothier was elected
.1 Third Vice-President. Mrs. Smith moved that the informal ballot be
. made the formal ballot and the Secretary east the ballot for Mrs. ;
‘ Rothier for Third Vice-President. The Secretary east the ballot for g
: Mrs. Rothier for Third Vice—President.
l ' The Secretary announced the vote and Mrs. J. l). Hayes was elected ;
Recording Secretary. Mrs. Smith moved that the informal ballot be 2
i made the formal ballot and the Secretary cast the ballot for Mrs. Hayes 3
l - for Recording Secretary. The Secretary cast the ballot for Mrs. Hayes i
i for Recording Secretary. l
l The Secretary announced the vote and Mrs. Judah was elected i
Treasurer. Miss Lloyd moved that the informal ballot be made the
formal «ballot and the Secretary cast the vote for Mrs. Judah for ’l‘reas- :
.l urer. The Secretary east the vote for Mrs. Judah ’l’or ’l‘reasurer. l
i The Secretary announced the vote and Miss Elizabeth Pepper was . f
1 elected Corresponding Secretary. Miss Lloyd moved that the informal
. ballot be made the formal ballot and the Secretary cast the vote for f
l Miss Pepper for Corresponding Secretary. >
‘ The Secretary announced the vote and Miss Laura Clay was elected
l State Member of the National Executive Committee. Mrs. Smith moved '
‘ that the informal ballot be made the formal ballot and the Secretary ‘
1 cast the vote for Miss Clay for State Member of National Executive
Committee. The Secretary cast- the ballot for Miss Clay as State Mem- ‘
l ber of the National Executive Committee.
l The Secretary announced the vote and Mrs. Desha Breckinridgc ‘
V was elected the Chairman of Campaign. Mrs. Smith moved that the .
» informal ballot be made the formal ballot and the Secretary cast the ;
ballot for Mrs. Breckinridge as Chairman of Campaign. ‘
z 9 g
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 ‘ |
‘ The Secretary announced the vote and Mrs. Lillard was elected
Auditor. Miss Lloyd moved that the informal ballot be made the formal
ballot and the Secretary cast the ballot for Mrs. Lillard for Auditor.
The Secretary cast the ballot for Mrs. Lillard for Auditor. .
Miss Elizabeth King Smith spoke on “The Ballot and the Schools."
1 Mrs. Mary Schrugham spoke on “The School and the Ballot.”
Miss Linda Neville spoke on “The Ballot and Imprisoned W'omcn.”
Mrs. Mary Clark spoke on “The Need of a ‘Voman’s Building at the
State University.” It was moved that the Association go on record as :
approving the suggestion of the Alumni Club for the Woman’s building ‘
‘ at the State University. Carried. l
The following delegates to the Washington Convention were nom—
inated: Mrs. Herbert Meng‘el, Louisville; Mrs. Samuel Castleman, Lou- I
isville; Mrs. James Bennett, Richmond; Mrs. Charles Waite, Covington; 1
Mrs. Edwin Post, Paducah; Mrs. James Leech, Louisville; Mrs. Geo. l
Rudy, Owensboro; Mrs. Robinson McDowell, Louisville; Mrs. Mary W. '
Bennett, Fayette County; Mrs. E. L. Hutchinson, Lexington; Mrs. C. M. i
Freeman, Ashland‘; Mrs. Desha Breckinridge, Lexington; Miss Laura
White. Louisville; Mrs. Charles Firth, Covington; Miss Dow Husbands,
The following alternates were nominated: Mrs. Murray Hubbard,
Fort Thomas; Mrs. J. D. Hayes, Owensboro; Mrs. Charles 'P. Weaver,
Louisville; Miss Mary Finch, Maysville; Mrs. “l. D. Oldham, Lexington;
Mrs. T. M. Russell, )rlaysville; Mrs. W. H. Brannon, Owensboro.
Miss Clay moved that the delegates suggested by Mrs. Breckin-
ridge be put up for election. Carried. All of these delegates were
. elected.
Miss Clay moved that the first vacancy be filled by the first alter-
nate and the second vacancy by the second alternate, etc. Carried.
Miss Clay moved that when the delegation gets to “lashington any
vacancies occurring be filled from any members of the Association
present. Carried.
Mrs. Alderson, Chairman of the Resolution Committee. reported the
V - following resolutions:
i We, the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. at our twenty-sixth
‘ annual Convention in the City of. Lexington assembled. reatlirln our
; belief in the justice, expediency and necessity of: extending the fran-
l‘ chise to women.
3 Hence, be it
Resolved, That, believing there is no question of greater impor-
tance to the people of Kentucky than the political freedom of her
; women, the Kentucky Equal Rights Association calls upon the General
Assembly in 1916 to submit a Constitutional Amendment giving to the
Women of Kentucky full suffrage.
9 Resolved, That we petition Congress to protect women by appro— .
priate legislation against State denial of rights of citizens of the United
States to Vote for members of Congress, Presidential electors and Unit- .
,‘ ed States Senators in the, State wherein they reside, upon the same ~
V terms that men are authorized to exercise this right. 3
, Resolved, Since the labor inspection of Kentucky is inadequate to ‘
- the needs of the State. we hereby urge the Commissioner of Agricul- .
;' ' tnre to appoint an additional assistant inspector as provided by law. ‘
’1 Resolved, Since the outcome of recent missions to the governments i
.3 of warring nations warrants the belief that, while the nations at war
- are not willing themselves to begin negotiations or even signify a desire
ii to do so, lest it be interpreted as a sign of weakness and place them
‘3 at a disadvantage in the final peace settlement, there is neverthheless ;
3‘ abundant evidence that those charged with the administration of the
;; forign policies of these nations would welcome, or at least not oppose,
1; afiirmative action by a neutral agency to bring about a peace based on
[r international justice. This meeting, therefore, respectfully urges the
:2 10
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 . .
President of the United States to co-opcrate with other neutral gov- l
crnmcnts in calling a conference of neutral nations. which would con- :
stitutc a voluntary court of continuous mediation. would invite sugges- .
tious for settlement from each of the warring nations, and in any case ;
submit simultaneously to all of them reasonable proposals as a basis 3‘
for peace. ,
Resolved, That the appreciation of the Convention be extended to l
the Fayette Equal Rights Association. to the Women’s Clubs. their
1 many individual members who made, such able committees. to the Lex-
ington Board of Commerce, to Mr. C. H. ,l,’.crryman and staff for the f
‘ use of the opera house. so appropriately decorated by Mrs. Huston-
Shaw; to the Telephone Company for telephone in Convention head- i
I quarters and to all friends who so kindly offered their cars for a drlve ;
1 to historic Ashland and for generous hospitality received there and .in
l , the city throughout the Convention and to all who helped to make this ;
1' Convention a memorable success.
We also extend our thanks to the press. l
Resolved, That in welcoming our new President and pledging her \
our loyal support, We cannot but feel the loss caused by the retirement
of our State President, Mrs. Desha Breckinridge. i
' Forgetful of self, she has given her heart, brain, energy and bril-
liancy to the cause and for this she has gained our appreciation and our l
love for always. Miss Dow HusBANDS, '
Committee. l
Miss Lloyd moved the adoption of the resolutions. The resolutions 4
were adopted. l
Miss Clay moved that all unfinished business be referred to the ‘l
Executive Board for final discussion. Carried. i
No other business, the Convention adjourned, sine die.
Respectfully submitted, E
_‘"—'— l
PreSIdent’s Report 1914-1915
The type of work this year has