xt74mw28cs7q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74mw28cs7q/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1961 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material: 2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, May 1961 Vol.27 No.8 text The Kentucky Press, May 1961 Vol.27 No.8 1961 2019 true xt74mw28cs7q section xt74mw28cs7q , ;.:~-}‘5'S-§.4-. ufl‘a-g may: amk~kz~m¥ " u‘ 3 .‘ 5 1 < 3 3 ' -3 ' ‘ 1
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I; I I II ,
I Iii‘II h. MAY' “
; I “ lair ‘I .
. z I I II I‘ II I I" After the conference, a spokesman forthi
. II S'I.¢ Th K t k P A W S It + press Felix R. McKnight D’lll’ls T' I
I '1 = I ’ . ’ ‘ ‘ Imes
III II e en "C y fess + S e ee Herald editor and ASNE presideutI Said-' A" R
I ‘II Volume 27, Number 8 Advertising Leaders Oppose The: Fres‘dent, assured the gmuP thatthe
i I II N . l C P I administration Intends to continue its polieII
II I ii I Ke t cgffigfl Pgbhcaflt‘fn I OfIOI‘ICI onsumer I'OpOSO of free access to the news and that 110 form Following
I , I I, n U V css ssoua ion, nc. Included in the lead article in Printers’ of restriction is contemplated or Sir ”I 99nd annual
I II I II Kentucky Press Servrce, Inc. k f 19 1 “H d ggested, -- k Pre
I , , . . r ., t '-, ow o 7 ’ tuc'y
II I II Victor R. Portmann, Editor In ’ Mlle 0 Mry .011 he op}; . .; I. l he" t' r r
II; I it Perry 1- Ashley, Associate Editor ad men rate JFK regime so far. , it is sig— ° ° ° ,. neSSmee n g.
I I ‘Ié Member nificant that three-fourths of marketing men Drug Advertising Under Fire I and state ah
I I II II Kentucky Chamber Of Commerce are vigorously opposed to the establishment I recl'eiltim‘ for
‘5 I II I ‘ Newspaper Managers ASSOClatlon of a special counsel or Cabinet post to rep— More trouble [or the drug industry? Youi‘ exdairrred in
I I I l - _ . . l
I I I i ' I Sustaining Member. _ resent consumer interests, as had been sug— 10ml druggistr Legitimate drug advertising tuCkV' Dam
I II I ”I National Editorial Assocratlon gested bv the Administration This will be surely coming if the o If I ne\er '1t thci
I I“: 1‘; - b ‘- . - s - * - - ’ rnmus‘ ' ‘ ‘
Ii I Assoc1ateMemer .. r,.. . . I_I r- l'l.'~ I). I. z) . 'tt
I I II II , National Newspaper Promotion Association It vs as pornted out that such 1 depCIrtd g“ 1. introduted in tlreISen rte as a result (II when melk e
i III - I , Printed by The Kernel Press ment in Federal government was unnee e Audit 1m Chilgdtlon, IlsI passed. It wouldI ableu\\99
I; II II ‘ _________._______ and emphatically unnecessary, because, to- sharply restrict advertisrng, marketing and' families.
I i I I ‘ The Kentucky Press Association recognises day, consumers are adequately protected by distribution oi ethical-drug products MI The busin
II I I I I the fundamental importance rill the rrnplred existing agencies such as the active Federal would amend present antitrust laws to set. I0 the state’s
I I ‘I II trust imposed on newspapers a dissemination T .. l C 1 F l . l D‘ Ad ,. l . l" .- ., fi 3 I . l' I. . I , . Wilson
III I ‘iI of public information. It stands for truth, fair- lac e 10111111155101], tie Doc an( rug - tie y pena MC I)ll(.(.- sing in utnsed agree) 60L .
III I III , ”If”, accuracy, (indldecenlfy 1C" the ”risintfltioln ministration, and the Better Business Bu- merits. Perhaps we err. but passage olsuth; way (3011111115
I‘ II II. onews,asset ortrinte anonso ourna- .. ;; .. I- , .- .. ., - _ I ,, ...-,-" 's
I III I II ism. It advocates strict ethical standards in its leans, alert and vigorous in their scanning a statute uould surely (.urtarl alladtemsmg, C1V1l Defelr
I III I II? I i advertising column. It opposes the publication and track-down of evrl advertismg. Add to 01 drugs on the local level, even it airrreddi open the PM
III .I' l i of propaganda Wider the gm“? of news. It “I: this, the alert self-regulation of advertising rectly at the large drug companies in their gram Will I"
I ll‘ ‘ III ‘ firms the obligation; y a newspaper to from ’ media ir d‘r -bv-d-r censorshi) of false 'rdver‘tisimr in made 1110" " ~ " :1 l to it‘s of z
I - II I ‘I II‘ ‘ ; honest and fearless e itorial expressions. It re- ‘ I ‘y . .(y i. I‘ 1 ‘ i. r ‘ . ' n _ . ‘ ‘ (”dunes (“111“ at P 7
II III I I II II s-pects equality of opinion and the right of every misleading and bait advertismg, surely (lls- reaching physicians. Drugs are high in cost I Thomas “ Hi
II‘ II ; III I I individual to particrpatron m the Constitutional claims the proposed step in an unwarranted to the consumer. but should this be blamed! speaker at t]
I II I I I II I guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes b . . _ . I.” . , v. . I (l ’tf . t
it III ; I I II in the newspaper as a vital medium for civic, ureaucracy. on .u \trtising? (iould this be construed as. on 01 {1.0
I I II" I ‘ economic, SOCifll, (Md cultural community de— Adding further, that advertising works for an indirect attack on all advertising? We be-I the 1961 ne‘
III III; I :i I velopment Md progress. the consumer, not against him, other perti— lievc so. With all t
I, II: -I“: —-———-—————-——— . . . ' .
t I Iii . ‘l . . rent ob ectrons to the r0 osal )ornt out and in the
III III l I II; Kentucky Press Assocration, Inc. I l p p t . . I ‘l *l .
II III I I II “I Foster A (hm; President that such a move would mean increased a a o a I hurry. lie 1
II II I II If ' " " Berea Citizen, Berea red tape and proliferation of government Nation's Weekly Newspapers to please evr
II III I‘ SI I'I John B. Gaines, Vice—President regulations and therefore less efficrency, M k C. l . . I record atter
III :III I l‘ 1‘ II.- Park City News, Bowling Green and, based on past experience, surely will Cl e ”cu “hon Gums I commodatior
III II I :II I II :éfiorJRAgitmaXEsistsfnctregzrcyr-eli/(Irznfhglzi(Iggy engender harmful effects on all advertising 1961 circulation of weekly newspapers is I We regret tl
; V I i ' I I y . . Iy, . -. J . and marketing. between 353,000 and 700,000 more than it I 0f the nearb
I { III II I , Flond‘l R' G‘umon’ A'SSI'SMM Treasurer The Press is certain that all advertising ,. ; . . . . Tl l'if ., , l (l I While at
i‘I I II- 'I I I. University of Kentucky, Lexington 1.} . . . l . . “. ,, h ., 1.1 “‘15 ‘1 yeai ago. 16 (l ercnce (epensI “l" , l‘t
III I I III District Executive Committee me( la gitves a realty amen to t esc va 1( upon which directory you read. :(ItmiatIt I:
II I I I‘II} Chairman, Fred J. Burkhard, Casey County rrgumen 5 [lie N- \V~ AYCI 8‘ 801” D1199“) 0fI P"' m 1.
II II I Iii”; News, Liberty (At'%0737é§ £3351, I‘lVinSiam '5. as a a u Newspapers and Periodicals gives theI E15011“ EC
II II. II Davis, Lyon County era , yvi e; econ , _ - ..,, . . r I .r aternoon w:
I I I II‘ III: I Larry Stone, Messenger-Argus, Central City; t00,()00ancrcase figure. The loner 353’090‘ “CM is m'r
I- III II Third, Basil Caummisar, Courier-Journal and After Verbal JFK Attack figflure is shown in the Circulation totals inI I- I ‘:
I III‘ II II Times, Louisville; Fifth, Frank C. Bell, Trimble _ the directory published bv VVeele News- The “ (‘St
, I I, ‘II Democrat, Bedford; Sixth, George Trotter En- No Censorship Is Planned , . R . . t' t' . I : Tl l'if rerrceI holds, Iimm
III III} I terprise, Lebanon; Seventh, Warren R. Fisher, paper epresen ‘1 IVE-5: “9 Ire (I e the l it
ill I“I I Mercury, CarliSle; Eighth, George Joplin III, Representatives of the American press is based on the number of newspapers r eating
IIi III I II it $3121Oilrwefrfgle’pgfiggfgsitélflfiglili‘e'thalini/l‘11:. met with President Kennedy at the \Vhite listed. I {isthOt' near
III II: I I: I 1 ice K.,Hehry, Daily News, Middlesboro: Sthte— House this week for a conference motivated The Ayer Directory lists 9325 weekly, I th: 11),“: I;
II I I I II‘ f‘lfi‘wia Edsvglagdsthg Tempéin,CHe{;1ld-Léader, by the President’s speech at the 1.961 ANPA semi-weekly and tri—weekly newspapers andI ll “1 .
‘ :_ ‘ i I 1‘ exmg on; a e-a - urge, . . an uron, _ . - . -. .. - . , - _ ; . . . u . . . .. item a arranger
II IIII I I :I State Journal, Frankfort; Immediate Past Presi- .convention in which he called for some form include: 653 that ,arc partly free Icnculrl , telltative m
I I III . I ; (lent, Paul VVestpheling, Fulton County News, of self-censorship in face of the Communist and 10/ shoppers weeklies, but it does not I ii . , c 1-
r, “I : II Flflton' . threat to the nation’s security. Mr. Kennedy include free Circulation in its totals. The ‘Hifitmg 50
II ; II II Kentucky Press SerVice, Inc. said the press should “heed the duty of self— W NR directory lists only 8,183 newspapers. I 19 196.1
III I lllll II I ‘ James M' Willis, President restraint” in a time of peril. Both directories show the total nurnberol': 0nd “EGk 11‘
III I I‘II II‘ Messenger, Brandenburg R r . t' ti . fth r S“ 'k d h' t , d' ,1 . I .. . . ., 'lose to thel hmhforatu
IIII I, i II II George M. Wilson, First Vice-President IeIp esen a ves o e p e s as e 1111’ 0 non- ai y newspapers as very c I m therel
II I I II I I, Herald-News, Hardinsburg clarify his speech and he conferred wrth year-ago total. Ayer shows 2:2 less papers '
‘II I I I III3 Landon Wills, Second Vice—President them at the White House for more than an than last year and ‘WNR shows nine 1655 _
III I III II ‘II . MCLW" County News, Calhoun hour on May 9. The representatives, includ- than a year ago. I A New I\/
Hi; I iilllI I iii V‘Ctor R" Portmann, Secretary—Treasurer ing such top newspaper executives as Lee Circulation of the average weekly 1" 2 are
III I “:I II} Perry I. Ashley, Asst. Secretary-Treasurer H'll‘ I . _ . . . . . . I will P ent 5‘
“I5 .I “It ”I _ . . l s, D. Tennant Bryan, Frank Bartholo- 2606, according to the VVNR figuresr I pm“ $11
I115 I I~ I I Unrversrty of Kentucky, Lexrngton . r . i‘” E
III-{5 I IIIIII t Board Of Directors mew, Turner Catledge, Felix McKnight, 2512 according to the Ayer figures. I “GWSprim a
II,;I ‘ I‘I iii . . . . Benjamin McKelway, Mark Ferree, and Ir- Average line rate for the weeklies of the (om ens t'
yI . IIIIII .r‘ Chairman, William T. Davrs, Lyon County Her- . M' . , . , _ l h P‘ 'd h . . . . 7 . 6 919 centsII P a ir
ri’ IIIIII II old, Eddyville; Maurice K. Henry, Daily News, Win aier, assuiec t e 1651 ent t at there country, according to VINE, ]S .- A. Il' 1111 other t
I‘IIII , III II giddlesbgroi Nile; 0C Iaillinglgrm, Frog-es? is no need for any censorship of the news, or 87c per inch. Total cost for 115mg :3 “Q“‘Spapers
I:; , III I awson pnngs; 0 ar ner, ourier, ic — - . . . -. I . ; . .I . 3.08.5
{II :I I}; ;, ll. man; Bob Fay, Shelby News, Shelbyvilie; Off-L eIlthel governmental or voluntary, at this xxeekhes in theIWNR directory is $5 I and all equ
IIIIII I III I ."I | cers ex—officio. time. per line—American Press. l
I; I .
III 5 3‘3 i I
“I! I I“ .I '
I.‘ II"; 3
til I I if
l _
okesman fer the ;
Dallas Timesl i f
:53?” a, All Roads Lead To Kentucky Dam Park On June 8 , '
P that ille ,
ntinue ' - I . _
rid thatltismpllllell Following the pattern of yesteryears, the * a * 44 4: I ‘
:l or suggesteglll 92nd annual mid—summer meeting of the . . I
l i Kentucky Press Association, combines busi- A Ptog ram Of Prof”- And En|0ymenl '
,. iiess meetings of significant interest in press
I, Fire I and state altairs with plenty of time for . u . I
V , mm)“ for the entire family. AS the poet Thursday Afternoon 8.00 p.m.—Address, Catfish And Other Otha
. l 1ec1 . . ‘I ,, er Things”, Attorney Thomas Waller, Pa-
lmduml’fl’oui‘ Manned m Knee Deep In June ’ Ken- 5:00-7:00 p.m.——Registration, Theater, Garri— ducah
rug advertising” ka'v Dam .Park and Kentucky Lake are son and Ashley 8:30 p.m.———Presentation of l96l production
if the Olllnibus‘ never at their best as in early June, and all 8:30 p.m.—Reception, U.S. Brewers Associa- awards, Secretary-Manager Portmann I
to as a l‘estiltofl token pomt toward an oinoyable and profit- “on, John Henry Cox, host Dance to the music of Jim YOungblood 1
ssed. It Wouldl able week—end for members and their . .
marketing, andl families. Fl"‘3l3Y M°"““9 Saturday Morning ,1 .
; products “Hill The business program is devoted largely 8:00 a.m.—Registration, Theater 9:00 a.m.—Business Session, Theater, Fred J.
‘ust laws to m. to the state’s economic problems with Lieut. 8:00 a.m.——Business session, Theater, President Burkhard, presiding .
l licensed ilgl‘ecAIl Cor, Wilson Wyatt and Henry Ward, High— W. Foster Adams, presiding Film presentation on economic development ‘l
passage 01‘5th way Commissioner, leading the discussions. Address of welcome, Frank Paxton, Paducah 10:00 a.m.——"Highway Progress", Henry Ward, l l .
1 all advertising; Civil Defense, and fallout protection, will Sun-Democrat Highway Commissioner I I
yen il' aimed dir open the program. Our 1961 seminar pro— Response, R0 Gardner, president, WKPA ll:OO a.m.——Old business I
1panies in their gram will be formulated, as well as other Appointment of convention committees New business I
Zines aimed ml topics of association interest. Attorney 930 a m—"Fallout Protection” J A Farra R990” 0f committees ‘i
ier high in ml Thomas \Valler, Paducah, will be the guest . Portland Cement C0,, film, presentatiorli Adioummenl i
this be blamed! speaker at the Friday banquet . . . and and commentary l2100 ”oon—LUnCheon: dUlCh i . ‘
be construed nil don’t forget the presentation of awards in ”Agriculture and CD”, June Davis, Dept. Saturday Afternoon ,
artising? we be- l the 1961 newspaper production contests. of Agriculture Afternoon open for recreation II _
I With all opportunities for enjoyment on lO:l5 a.m.——”The 1961 Seminar Series”, Golg Tournament '. :
and in the lake, especially for the entire perry J‘ Ashley I ii ;
‘ family. the recreation program is diversified 10:30 aImI,_C0f-fee break P'°9"a'“ N°fes I “ ‘
. a ers l to please every registrant at the meeting. A 11:00 a.m.—”Kentucky’s Economic Develop- Registraiién fee, $2-50IPer adult, children free l
>P P I record attendance is indicated as all 2.0— menf program", Lieut Gov. Wilson Wyatt Banquet tICkefS, $3-50 Including fax and tIpS I I 3-
l5 ; conimodations were filled early last month. 12 noon—Luncheon, dutch Children’s box lunch, Friday evening, $1.50 .l
Y newspapers is l We regret that many will have to make use . Baby sitters for the children, Mrs. Lee Gardner, Jl
[)0 more than it I at the nearby motels for the meeting. “may Afl‘GmOOH chalrman . I I:
arence depends I While at first the committee scheduled 21 Recreation “as you wish”—Boating, fishing, The AP Executive Committee and members will Il
ead. l tiili'acadc to inspect the Barkley Dam prOj— swimming, golf, hiking, horse back riding hold. a group luncheon on Sunday noon, . I
’5 Directory all at. and, perhaps a side trip to the State Calvacade to Barkley Dam Spec'al tables reserved II
:als gives the Prison at Eddyville, the highlight Of Friday Calvacade to State Prison, Eddyville Program Committee I l fl j
3 lower 353,000 l afternoon will be ‘1 ViSit to “location” Where Calvacade to MGM ”on location” shooting John B. Gaines, Park City News, Bowling Green, I Ii -
ulation totals ml llCM is making a Cinerama movie of “How ”How The West Was Won”, Smithland Chairman; Larry Stone, Central City Messenger,- i I I lll -
Weekly News- lhc West VVaS \Voii” with Debbie Rey- (Indicate your choice at the registration desk; William T. Davis, Eddyville Herald; R0 Gardner, I , . II J
The difference} llOl(lS, Jimmy Stewart, and Andy Devine in members to drive own cars) Hickman Courier; Landon Wills, McLean Co. I‘ l ,
of newspapers the leading roles. The scenes are being News, Calhoun; Ben Boone Ill, IElkton Standard; , I .
l“shot” near Smithland and Dycusburg on Friday EVening HITV‘I’Iard (Elli; FIrjnkl'f‘ JFavoIr—itg, Pa”; yes: I
; .9325 \Veelillil the river within easy driving distance for 5:30 p.m.—Reception, Theater, John Marcum guiginocgafin NIEZS' Dififnthmirebajv::an l l. i
newspapers mldl the Park. We Will drive our own OMS; make and John Cooper, hosts Springs Progress; and J. Earle Bell, Union Co. ‘
free CirCtll‘dilOlll all arrangements on registration. This is 7:00 p,m.——Buffet dinner, Theater Advocate, Morganfield. ,'
but it does not tentative and depends entirely if the MGM l
its totals. Thel Slimling schedule permits. W
83 newspapeiiI The 1961 mid—summer meeting, this 860- How Naive Can You Get? Middlesboro Daily News l 1
total number Oil imd week In June, promises to set a’iecmd, A resolution has been introduced in the Will Get High NEA Award l l
Ty close to the 10th lei attendance and interest. We ll meet California le islature that “earnestl and re— III
22 less papersl You therel g .. y _ ITlio Middlesboro Daily News was noti- I I ‘.
, ,. spectlully requests the large daily news fit ll 1 . .1 b 1 d I
lllOVVS nine leis . H _ . . cc tiat tie newspaper ias een se ecte II I
papers in that state to furnish free adver for one of the top three awards in the Best I Ni .
kl IIl A New Mexico law, extending the state's tising space to the Department of limploy— News Story Division of the NEA’s 1961 Na- II
age W66 I.VI (ll 2pcr cent sales or compensating tax to news ment. The author of the resolution ex- tional Better Newspaper Awards 3‘ : I .
\lR figures ‘1" I print, Will go into effect July 1. Heretofore, plained this would be a “meritorious public Tl . , A, . . . l 2600 , l l
figures- fitl newsprint and ink were exempt from the service,” since the Department of Employ- 1.616-\\/Ibleac11;1)i0X1}IInateyh. l “ICWSI‘ I
weekhes 0 till iompensating tax which applied, however, to ment has many new iOb openings and it pape: 1?th 0d tfiS: 1g; nation:
I IS 6-212Ice’lIII all other tangible property purchased by would reduce the state’s alarming unemploy» awar 5' e, awar 5 WI 6 ma e 111.113 2:“ II
it for “Sings; “Cll’spapers including machinery and parts, ment rolls “if the jobless had knowledge of at the NEAS 76th annual convention 111 II; E
tory is $50 ' l and all equipment. such employment opportunity.” Salt Lake City. I I
‘ l l? '
l l
l i
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99 9 9 9 ,_= f . p lntlng industr t e newspa Covered f0. _ f1 and service t- al‘ mums in th Country 616, 1‘
'9‘ ‘ '9 ‘ Olmation to Y, and, also t per OVert' I mmlmum mdes: =19 6 area of . ‘atOI‘ est- b' '
‘ 9 = 9 9 9 Pass out . ’ 0 haVe 1', 11116, are , . Wage but ‘9 50 Sell 1 Ploducti ‘1 hsh.
99 e 99 9‘ 99 9 11181), This C . 0 thelr IOCal . 1' $250 0 gasolme St‘ . ’ not fol. ( ‘ Ploducts '11 d 0D, which
.i 9 ‘ ‘ 999; .- tried onlpllatjol-1 ' , buSIHeSs_ ' 7 00 01‘ n] . - athnS W1 ‘ ,h )PCI‘utum E ‘ 1 SeI‘ViC may
9 9 9,9 19 to . , is bl‘le (f , . Ole 1n 1‘ 1K. hav _ , . 0 :1 f2 . 9 65 “Se . 49-
999 9 99,9 99 mit make it Coffiplete as 0:: bUt We have ) ekCISe t'dXes at thelllmtuall Sales (Exclugi‘: 19111911199991“ W‘lge “111,1 are exefl‘lpt fr: inbthe 9 9.99,}
‘2 9 9 99 ‘ 9 ' 1‘ SOUl‘ces 71 ‘e (Ii 16 1 ‘ ’ 91:11. f . ‘ ant 0v )l . In th 3*
9 . . er— ll . V6 . We 9 C'Itlm ' ° - W
999 9‘ 99 9 .FOI presently p ). 16 law exempts tl ) “Stablfl Lnlployees are 6 1f 110 film 9 2A
‘9 9 9 ‘9 _ mml‘mu COVCI‘ed e (Inge: Ant 9 le fOHOWl‘ 5111161“ in ‘ employed 0 #9919999, I: 9,;
9“9 9‘ “ 9‘ hOUI fm Wage is 911011315 {Uployeeg the defilets 1 0 dealers “Ind f 11g from COV- Emplowu Such 0P61"1ti9)iis by the ‘ 9‘99?“ i:
. 9 1 ; ‘ ‘ - , c “ '; 9 ‘ {11‘111 ‘ - '5 ‘9' (3n i A . I . 9.9x 91,, “:3; ‘1, l“
9‘9i 9 ‘ f ' 0‘ the fix.“ t ec to $1.15 9' 10‘6159 mOtel . 1mpleme market ‘ gdgc'd In '- 9 ' ‘L’ WWW 9
1 9; 9‘9 92 E‘the d'lt W0 years A an 11g Emplov ‘ S, resiaup . nt 11] CQUHUJ, glllmnq C fig)“ 1%? 355,
9 ‘9 99 ‘ e (120 1 After th 1 ,ees Work‘ 9 dnts Incl C0111 i. - C5 Whey . , “ Ottonf 9199999 ‘3’???
9 ' ‘ ‘ - «1 nedv ' ( 3Y5 aft - e ef- £01”)th mg 1n 1' ' 3 ud— m‘a’Clul , 9 Cotton '9 or “(9199999335199
:-, l 9 9 9 9 - Slgned th . el Presjd 5: Catere~ etall StOr n qualltltix 1.8 (19-09, , 9 9:9 35,9 an;
1 9 999 “,9 b ~ . C bfll ent K611- sel-\,-_ 9. . IS) and . , e lunch 71191111991“ 7 ES 'dl'e 0 \nm
9 9 ,9.) :9 9 ,9 egmnmg two We . )9 and $1.25 an h flee-5’ mOtlon pi t . Slmflar l‘etail f H \xnge and (We . exempt fro 9 ,,
‘9 ‘9‘ (“1““- " 8‘s after 81'} 9 0”" 11911591151 110m Cu“? theaters 1 00d "mcmnkm-s ”lme. "1 ,
9‘9 ;‘9 9 9 F01‘ “6le (If CHfictive gifted childles’ S011001 fol. h-Ind‘ 1OSPi’tals, “'l'eutlls‘ 219-9 6x69] “1 akin g mu“ 1 9 Officers E01
9 1., 99 9 ' , . . 9 c 7 ’ A '1 . 9 '91 .
9 9 9,9 9 9 9; ‘ (‘XCe t‘ ‘ -V Ceteled retail banal C19, .GH’ and amuSe mapped 0r A“ 9X61113t' pt flom the A- honl Sprlng mec
9 919 99 p 10115 as 19 employee . 5 Abhshme ment 01. 1. m, 9, l 1099 from . . Lt.
“ ‘ “‘ 9‘" “ Wage and o d'ter nOted, the 95’. “nth able baSis Hts Operating 0-1 Screw “mine is provid l‘mmmum W91 Herald—Ne
9399 9 ‘9‘9 99‘ 9 Change fol~ Single Will continuemnlliTUm Commission 1 k l a 5621mm 9310‘7668 Engaged in (9(111‘01‘ agricultuli‘f and 9 Davis, Ed(
9 =1 ‘9 9 9 1 9 ‘ . 6 - , Wit 9 9-91 emp o , rag-CO -f )u (in , , 9 em.
9 ‘99 9 9V 9 ‘ ()Veltlme 9 ISt m0 Vea- no u be ex yces 1n .) .- 1 they w , 23 Shade- .
199 ‘9“ 9' ‘9‘ 9 9 Year fou:tt}:utmg after 44 h‘OurlsS’fomfo and Olle'hfllf tlfglpt from Overtime :fbtdll StOres 3”“ lerCSting €01: cmfiloyed in thcgl