xt74mw28cs89 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74mw28cs89/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1988 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material: 2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, August 1988 Vol.59 text The Kentucky Press, August 1988 Vol.59 1988 2019 true xt74mw28cs89 section xt74mw28cs89 I . ’ ' " ' rt ‘ 99 “M“— r ‘ 5r % i x . , , ' ' KM‘ ’ ” i "’ o w m '26 . #700 . 1r “”1" 35.1.1" ;_ 9 4.5.. . ., i ! r“: ",1“ i {’4 (2? 0 i“ 71",; . ...9 M f ' n.‘ m a m m I. .. _ . j ' c7 ” "’ 12"? ii? i ' .'.j: l-pj. 3”” 3. - .“i = s I 9 3 3 ”x 3“ £59.. “1]. P REES. A3305 I.“ 1.0“ 3 .2; 9 .; , _9 i 99 4‘“ w: 53'?! CAPI {0179 AVENUE ; 3-3 ‘-’"_:f._-<' ~- ' -427” 3'; ,1?" 9 3;-.9* . g FRANKFURT M 40601 . Periodical V01” * August, 1988 i ’ ( vi, Room Z i Does Not . - Clmulata 3 "‘ d' ' ' ' S ntinel News." Ad seminar «..:upugnar I lOlnlng 9 ! . 7 ' d KPS ad director ~ : scheduled aV|S name . ‘73-? v. 99 7 ' The KentuckyPressAssocia- Tony Spugnardi, Kentucky the KPA Advertising Steering "MO“? importantly, she'll be . I _ 49.99% tion Ad Steering C?mmmee 55 Service advertising di— Committee. able to contlnue the respecta— .' . 7w“! Will hold its Fall seminar, Sep- -:tor, has resigned to accept 3 "Gloria had the respect of the b9111ty that Tony has 99“?” L tember “"17 at the H‘ltm91m .“na, position with steering committee officers, as lis9hed for us With advertising 99 on Newtown Pike 1n Lexmg— .ielbyville Sentinel Newsf witnessed by rapidly moving cl1e9nts. 9 Km 9‘ ton. 9 9 9 9 His resignation is effective up in the division offices while Tony has also gamed the - -”, I ‘99,;9 - 9 Classrfied advertismg and vgust 319 with the News Journal," said respectofnewspaperadverhs- I $.9 a, * 999 telemarketing Willbethe focus ‘ Spugnardi joined KPS in Thompson. lng managers.lknew when he 9 >. @ L9 Fnday, September 16. Cathy iiy, 1986, after working in the first joined us that he wouldn't 9." ‘z. «99$». Melton, director of classrfied 9 J departments at the Sentinel She was scheduled to serve be here for a long time. Tony _ ~~ 9 advertising at the Courier- .’ch and Courier-Journal . aschairmanof the KPA9Adve9r- has a strong background in 9 ‘ @9999 Journal, will conduct the two "mng with advertising agency tising Steering Comm1ttee in newspaper advertising and ~9.~*_=‘_9'9i; '” _ 9 afternoon sessions. 9 :xperience. . 11:88 bumigned tfrom thte was able taritrenglgfgi I-tlhiii 99:99 9 “ . Satiiturdgy er9rzitorn913ng,9dKPTA 9::- i - ' ' . K1959 .. 9 ews o 99 . gnor oacgep - timer: ,9 u 99 9_ . e‘9 9 “is 9.9 , . ., ,3 39,9529. ecu ve ir or avx . - iigs‘erwce Eigcediifiigfifder ’ g’thaf’b‘ ' f ' “W‘gmissthegit‘éwsfiapW ‘ .. N; 542.: ~..- . 'Momp'son' and general 92099939319; :-,90 Qm3“1986_ "Gloria will give us stability and by the KPA/KPS staff. But Mike Judy Wm discuss Ken— ln'1987, KPS hit $1.2 million in the advertising placement most importantly, he'll Still be lucky law concerning public in advertising, the first time in service," Thompson said. associatedwith KPAand KPS," GLORIA DAVIS notice advertising. history that KPS had reached 9 the million dollar mark in ad— 9 I I 9 Barry Bingham Sr dies at 82 Through the first six months I . at 1988, KPS has placed '1%541,000. ”Tony has been able to estab- Barry Bingham Sr., who built Gravure along with the two licit and resolve readers' ques— lished the Barry Bingham Sr. -:h working relationships an international reputation for Louisville daily newspapers. tions and complaints. Freedom Of Information ith ad agencies and retail quality and integrity in the The companies were sold in In 1969 the Courier-Journal Award, to recognize the nu- dvertisers that we had not Louiville Courier-Joumal and 1986 because of economic and Times were the first news— merous contributions he had .ad previously," said KPA Times, died August 15 at his changes and squabbling papers to correct mistakes made in F01 concerns. .::.ecutive director David T- home. among his children. readily and in the same promi- Barry Bingham Sf- received hompson. "He's put our Bingham was 82. 9 9 nent place daily. the first award. giacement service in the minds Until 1986, Bingham over- Bingham had been treated m A resolution approved by the :t advertisers and given KPS saw a media empire that in- recent months fora malignant A tough conflict—of—interest KPA Board of Directors to es- -vspectabilityinprintadvertis— eluded WHAS radio and tele— brain tumor. H15 death came policy, which prohibited em- tablish the award read: "In rec- ig. vision stations and Standard 1‘15? four days before the dedl' ployees fromaccepting gifts or ognition of the years of out- Gloria Davis, former adver- 2‘2 .53 . catlon 09f the LOUiSViue Falls junkets from news sources, Standing service to Kentucky ting manager of the Central Ase Foundation, called POSSibIY gained national attention. journalism, and especially the «mucky News Journal in C 3, ' ;_ - the “)0?“ prominent PUbliC gift Besides being innovative, the enduring contributions to the .’. mpbellsville, has been “ii ‘ '. by Blnghém t0 the LoniSVille Louisville newspapers were causes of Freedom Of Informa- :.med KPS advertising direc- . .. 99 ‘ community. noted for their liberal editorial tion within the Common- »r. ' 9:; 9 9,. w 999 .. _ 9 voice and high reporting stan— wealthby the Louisvilledailies Davis, who resigned from ,9; ‘” i” W . Blnghams father, Judge dards. The papers won eight while owned by Barry Bing- he News Ioumal in December a «.... ‘ . Robert Worth Bingham, Pur- Pulitzer Prizes under the Bing- ham Sr. and his family, the o accept a position as general a 9 . $6 . 9 9 . chased the Courier—Joumal ham family ownership and Kentucky Press Association «ales manager of a g. i338 ansvgse T330635 _C‘9’9 1.“ championed such issues as hereby establishes an annual .iampbellsvilleTV station, has 32% 99%; ‘ ta WITha ml 1°“ in en— civil rights, education and the award to be called the Bing- [9 years Of newspaper adver. 9 , 1., 4 ._. nce. e tWO newspapers environment, particularly leg- ham F01 Award to be given to 'ising experience, all with the » 5, ‘ were 501d_ 1n 198‘? to Game“ islation to ensure that strip the journalist, PUbliC figure, 01' \‘ews Journal. V , / CP' Inc.9Bmghams entire me- miners restored the land. private citizen who has done She has also been associated . 9 d1? t?ml5’ire wassold for$442.75 the most during the previous vith the Kentucky Press Asso— - h . ' f; million that year. Bingham's newspapers were year to advance thecause of the 'iation,notonlyasa staff mem- v . In 1967, the two newspapers heavxly involved With Ken- public's right to know and the ’ver of a KPA member newspa- were the first in the nation to tUCkY P7955 Association activi- fight for freedom of informa- ner but as an office-holder in BARRY BINGHAM, SR. use a news ombudsman to so- ties and in 1937 KPA estab— tion in the Commonwealth." v\:_; 999:9, 991.99: ,2! . J “a Zige 2 I ____..____..__~_‘,, 7. -7..._ .7 .e..._.-¥,vec___ , m7. ,7- . .7 The Kentucky Press (ISSN-0023-0324) is published monthly F ' and second class postage paid at Frankfort, Ky., 40601, and at 3- r O m e r e a n additional mailing offices. Subscription price is $4 per year. i Postmaster: Send change of address to The Kentucky Press, 332' Capitol Avenue, Frankfort, Ky., 40601. , variety of news and features will carry newspapers from Official Publication of the Kentucky Press Association . The Paducah SUI} and “5 available to readers, said the press to the new addition. ‘ xtraweekly publicaton have publisher Iohn Del Santo. The '- :.»mbined display sales staffs. Independent is also a client of TIE} IE , 31mg? Martin, forii;eTrh the Associated Press and K [E N 'H‘ U C K Y [PR at; ver Sing manager 0 e - . 1U“, has been named major Ottoway News Serv1ce A team of Western Ken- [E S S X"Counts manager, With“?- _ tucky University advertising tionsbilities for principal ad- majors placed third in the =rzrtisers, tire-Print accounts: National Student Advertising 1988 Executive Committee District 12 national sales, cooperative The Shelbyfille Sentinel Competition finals, sponsored Louise Hatmaker ids, advertising layout and News has moved its offices to by the Nestle Corporation Steve Austin Jackson Times production SEWiCES- Jana Kentucky 55in Shelby and the American Advertis— President Fhomasson, former advertis- County. The Sentinel News, ing Federation, Henderson Gleaner District 13 . mg manager for Extra, has part of Landmark Commu- ' Student teams comprising . R‘Cha'd And?rkm ' ~. teen named display sales nity Newspapers, Inc., is now 15 AAF districts nationwide Larry Craig Mt. Vernon Signal .itsnager. She will oversee all occupying the former LCNI designed $20 million adver— 265mg? me; bl' District 14 other sales and promotion headquarters building. LCNI tising campaigns for Nestle we" vet 6?“ “a“ David Davenport _ {2.13M . recently moved its headquar- candy products. The students David Hawpe The Times Journal " ters into a new faulity on the presented their plans in LA to Vice President ‘ same property. ' Nestle officials and other na- Courier Journal a: Times District 15 tionally prominent advertis— Mary Schurz l'he Owensboro Messenger ing executives. Celia McDonald Danville Advocate Messenger inquirer has been awarded The Ashland Daily lnde- WKU students represented Treasurer 3W0 Awards 0‘ Excellence in pendent has completed a the Fifth District, which com- LaRue County Herald News State At-Large he annual Society or News- 6000-square fOOt addition that prises 23 universities in Ohio, , gztper Design contest. The will expand its newsprint- Kentucky and West Virginia. Max Heath Earl Burchfield . patperreceived the awards for storage capacity from 550 to Westem's award is the Past Presldent ' MiddleSboro Daily News the "Pfing. by the Leaf" series 800 rolls and eventually serve highest ever received by a Lz‘nsdmark commumty Newspa' Jerry Lyles MW p. m P T ‘ . ' ' hon center. Members of the weStem 1988 Board of Directors The Lexmgton Herald- The $500 000 addition with team are seniors Mark Joel Rawson Leader received an Award 0T , loadin docks will elirriinate Brenna, Beth Kachellcck, District 1 Lexingtort Herald-Loader ' Excellence and the Louisville . the nefd to use a store -, . _ Stephanie Schilling, Emily . David Reeves , , . ., a... 2 - Courier-Ioumal won three _ ge Cecil and Pam Carey. Advis— Murray Ledger and Times Faith Miller Cole ti wards including one gold. room on the ,thlrd, “‘3“ 0f the ers are Carolyn Stringer and Associates Division Chairman Independents building along Ted Kidd District 2 The Wenz Neely Company Market Street and reduce ' , Jed Dillingham newsprint waste caused by Dawson Springs Progress Kentucky Press Association/ . The Gannett Foundation extra handling of the 800— Kentucky Press Service Staff made an emergency grant of pound rolls, said general District 3 . $5000 to the Louisville and manager Robert W. Parks. The Owensboro Messenger La")! Hager,1r. . Dawd T- Th9mP5°n icfferson County Community The addition also will alle— Inquirer was named a top 10 owe“5b°r° Messenger'lnquuer Execmlve Dirac” Action Agency in late July for viate crowded condictions in winner in two categories at . , L' M C . the purchase of air condition- the mail room caused by the the Associated Press Sports' 3115mm 4 . ma C am , . . . . . . . ary Jane Smith Members SerVices Coordinator crs and fans for low-income increasmg volume of adver- Editors Convention in St. Lo L d . . . . . gan ea er/ News Democrat persons. The grant was rec- tismg inserts in the past few Louis. The Messenger In- Bonnie Howard ommended by the Louisville years. quirer won for Best Daily District 5 Bookkeeper Courier-Joumal. By the end of the year, The Section and Best Sunday Celia McDonald Community Action Agency Independent will have in— Section. Officials did not rank LaRue County Herald News Tony SpUgnardi iunds for the Summer Heat stalled a new conveyor that the top 10 winners in order. . KPS Advertising Director Relief Program were ex- . gimid 6 b B . D ff it til f xtreme oroth A ernath ect u .N::.ifi.::;;::,:.:: Courler-Journal stops y squests from 263 persons in . - . District 7 Division Officers he... 0. We Its aft e r n o o n e d It | o n s Wm... og Situations when the Cou- Callatin Count News Advertisin Division :ier—Joumal requested the The Courier-Journal became stopped publishing the Louis- y Larry Broois grant from Gannett. . a morning. only newspaper on ville Times. Then, The Times District 8 Lexington Herald-Leader Don Towles, Vice prestdent July 18. had a circulation of about Bob Hendrickson and PUbiiC affairs diYeCtOT for George N. Gill, president and 118,000- Maysville Ledger Independent Circulation Division the newspaper, said the publiSher, said circulation for The Courier-Journals' mom— Coleman Love Courier-Journal asked for an the afternoon paper, which ing editions currently have a District 9 Elizabethtown News Enterprise expedited emergency grant was delivered to homes only, circulation of more‘ than Ken Metz . . when it was learned that the had dropped to fewer than 230,000. Bath County News Outlook News Editorial Division agency was out of money to 16,000. Gill said that no employees . _ id Seat; P Lo . . provide assistance. "It's just too few papers," said would be laid off and some Ellis-1132i ganto 55°C“ Tess! “‘SV‘He Gill. production employees would . The Ashland Daily Inde— The two afternoon editions shift to the night schedule. Ashland Dally IndePendem The Kentucky Press pendent has added Scripps started in February, 1985, with District 11 332 caplhfl Avenue Howard News Service to its a total circulation of about Gill also said that plans for a Home, Marcum Frankfort, Ky. 40601 list of wire services. The move 60.000 when the Courier-lour- new production plant have Martin Countian (502) 223-8821 isdesigned to improve the, mi and Louisville Times Co. been delayed. , Page 3 . Adam J. Condo, former an outstanding contribution places Lawrence K. Grossman. replaces Gene Cantrell who chased the Times from the Al- Washington correspondentfor toward improvement of rural- Garmer, who has spent his has joined the Bowling Green len family. . the Cleveland Press and Co- urban understanding in Ken- entire journalism career in Daily News city editor. In Ronald I- Caudlll, general lumbus Citizen Journal, has tucky. - newspapers, said he was at- announcing the appointment manager of Park Newspapers joined the Kentucky Post in a . _ tracted to the job because of the Times Tribune publisher Char- of Morehead, Inc., has been similar position. Sheibywlle Sentinel News challenge and the need for new les DeVane said Cheryl named regional coordinator publisher Jim Edelen has approaches in TV news. NBC Meadows will takeoverLewis' for the stateby Park Communi— named Chris Aldridge, for- anchorman Tom Brokaw previous duties as Lifestyles cations, IHC- Caudill replaces Mel Holbrook, former merly of Hopkinsville, as called Gartner a "great choice EditorandthatMike Marsee,a Al Smith as the company‘s Sports editor 0f the M‘d' sports editor. Aldridge gradu- to lead NBC News." Cartner recent graduate of Eastern state coordinator. dlesboro. Daily News and ated in May from the Univer- took over the news operations Kentucky University, has been Glen Kleine, director of the sports writer]- fh” tittiefrankfo: stty of Kentucky where he re at the Courier-Journal and named sports editor. journalism departmentatEast- State Iourna , as 11 name ceived a bachelor 5 degree in Louisville Times in July, 1986, Robert C. Carter, publisher em Kentucky University, and SP°’.‘5 editor 0f the Rmnmond ioumahsm During his college when the Bingham family sold of the Kentucky New Era in son Kris attended the Demo— Register. career, Aldridge was a sum- the newspapers to Gannett Co. Hopkinsville and past presi- cratic National Convention in ' mer intern at the Kentucky Inc. He left the Courier-Joumal dent 0f KPA, has been named July and served as correspon- Sue Brown has been named New Era in Hopkinsville. He last summer. chairman 01’ the Board Of Re- dents for Murray Ledger and COPY coordinator for the Leba- replaces Jeff D'Alessio, who gents at Murray State UHiVer- Times, Richmond Registe,r non Enterprise. Theannounce— has joined the Elizabethtown Richard Halicks, news edi- sity. Bath County News Outlook, ment was made by Enterprise News Enterprise staff. tor of the Denver Post, hasbeen Michael G. Jameson has Berea Citizen, Bracken County general managerJOhn Bramel. Gene Cantrell, former man- named executive editor 0f the joined the Louisville Courier— News, Carlisle Mercury, Citi— Brown formerly wasatypeset— aging editor Of the Corbin Owensboro Messenger In- Journal advertising depart- zen Voice and Times, Geor- ter~ for the 6700-circulation Times Tribune, has been quirer. Halicks has also served m ent as metro sales manager. getown Graphic, Grayson weekly. named city editor Of the BOWI' as news editor 0f the Atlanta He had been a regional sales County News Gazette, Green ing Green Daily News. Can— . Constitution,_ and was busr- managerat the Hartford Cour— River Republican, Jessamine . . . trell succeeds Tom Ross, who ness news Editor and asststant ant since 1986 and prior to that Journal, Harrodsburg Herald, Ken Stone, advertismg d“ resigned to accept a position city editor in Atlanta. A west— headed advertising depart- Lake News, Greenville Leader rector of the Cyntiuana Demo- with the Owensboro Messen- ern Kentucky native, Halicks ments in Exeter, NH, and News, Lewis County News— crat, has been named general ger Inquirer. attended Paducah Commu- Glouchester, Mass. Advertiser, Madison County manager of the‘Grant County Lisa McNay has joined the nity College and studied jour- Jayna Oakley, former sports Post, Columbia News States- News in Williamstown. I-Ie Mt‘ Sterling Advocate as ad- nalism at Western Kentucky and photo editor at the Geor- man, Pioneer News, Pulaski replaces Susan Arenaat Grant vertising representative. The University.I—Iiswife,Debbie,is getown News and Times and Week, Spencer Magnet and County WBhOfll‘S pursuing other announcement was made by astaff writer for theAssociated managing editor of the Geor- Springfield Sun. Kris was the intereSts' 0 newspapers are » DougTaylor,general_manager ~...,1’.|’,eS,.S.inDenver-§ miss-”v .3: ,.;:.-1 2... et .,. a 'crshas. been _yotmgest fullywcredientialed ”DWWMM'flmWWnaunn Wfiifik d ' temfif‘nnnfiatg‘glxnt'rgtifie‘nifliibiiai§i§“'r6t joumalistccivenngthec'onv‘eii- mty Newspapers, “C" m week‘y' Mlke ar ,.a ver 15mg .1- Women's Sports committee for tion.Kleine'soldest son, Kevin, She‘bW‘l‘e's‘Ohe served as ad Cheryl Wilcher, former ac- rector of the Richmond Regis- C ll S t Inf t' al ed th t' thiana fornine . . fth K ntuckians o ege por s orma ion so cover e conven ion manager at CY“ count executive for Heartland ter,1s oneo ree e D' t f A . O kl f f I d .1. d th d rior to that was a . . . f r ti nal 4-H irec orso merica. a eyis or our owa ai ies an ree years an P - Communications, Inc., has competing 0 na 0 currentl SID at Kentuck Iowa weeklies To ether the commercial 19h“t sales repre— been named advertising man— alumni honors. Park was one S ’3 . y Kl . f . ‘ g . sentative for LCNI. f h C l K k f fi t t id winners hon— tate Universny. eine amily sent material to ager o t e entra entuc y o vesaew e A , . . . nne Chaney, who has been 29 newspapers in Kentucky News Journal in ored during Senior 4-H Con- _ c b ll '11 The an- ference held recent] in Lex— ed‘m °‘ the ASh‘eY (Am) and 1°“- Bili Mudd, who spent the amp e 5‘” e. . y News Observer for the past Carol Str' . f 34 ears with the Ken: nouncement was made by ington. t 0 ear and reviousl was yn Inger, assoctate pas y _ CKNJ general manager Rich- w y ,5 p y professor of advertising in the tucky Standard m Bardstown, ard RoBards.Wilcher also pre— Henry Krusekopf, a former composmg room manager 0f department of journalism at has jomed the. Harrodsburfg viously served as marketing reporter with the Bastrop the Appalachian News Ex- Western Kentucky University, Herald advertising sales staf. manager for Holda Systems County Times in Smithville, press in Ihkevrlle, has been hasbeenelected vice chairman Mudd worked in stereotyping, and as advertising promotions Texas, has joined the London named editor of the Floyd of the American Advertising pressrolo-rln at“: :dsvertglsmdg manager for The Galleries Sentinel Echo staff as a re- County Tim:.l;lh;app01nt— Federation's Academic Divi- salesw iew1t t e tan ar . Michael G. Gartner, former porter. mert wasa ma (14y imgsgjalrli- sion. The announcement was d' editor of the Courier-Journal, . era ma ger arty a , 5 made at the AAF's National Duanne Puckett, news e '1— has been named resident of fill Lyttle Lewis, who has who took over those duties Advertising Conference in Los tor of the Sentinel News in NBC News Gartlher 49 re— been with the Corbin Times when Smith Newspapers pur- Angeles. Shelbyvdle, 1135 been selected ' ’ ’ Tribune for the past four as a 1988 recrpient (3f the Ken' NEWSROOM FURNITURE years, has been named manag- Let me Show you Ashland Oil Inc then), Farm Bureau 5 comrnu- Specially designed newsroom VDT ing editor 0f the daiIY- She how to make more ’ I rucations award to a fwriter. furniture & ergonomic chairs money with BOX 391 Theaward,consistin o anen- Midwest Publishers aved ,3 “e and 55200 has E's: Supply Co. : OLITHo-STERLING Metro money makers ASh'ahd' KY 41114 gr p q '. Chicago, Illinois 60666 E . Metro News a er Service Contact: been presented anfiiula‘lly smge Tn” Free 1'800'621-1507 WSPAPER SERVICE . Advertising lInDVIhamlm" Dan Lacy . e ___ . 1960 to a writer w o 'as rna ewspaper Appraisers ,. . Classllled Dynamics glgggtggguggc Relations 'rokers * Consultants i . Food Advertlsmg Service TV LISTINGS FDR LESS! SERVING KE‘ ' - Holiday Advertising Service . We otter a rid with full network \_ ' CONTACT lntormatlongor a titles only rolling NEWSPAPER : .,. 3 ROBERT N' BOLITHO LINDA CASTALDI AGRICULTURE log tar as little as $17.50, or a full .| 4210 Johnson Dr.-Sune 100A Raglonal Manager descriptive narrative listing tar as AND APPR - | , Fairway, KS 66205 (913) 235—5400 1-800-223-1600 entucky Farm Bureau little as $37.50 weekly- J A t , :, l . ARTIN 120 South Hubbard Lone THE CENTRAL SERVICE \ _ , P.O. BOX 215' Elkton, Ky. 42220 ' I .‘5 . o I: JAMES C. STERLING fio- OUiSViiie, Ky. 40207 Phono 502 2652936(nltarlp.m. CST) D A; OHIO 43017 BOX 492 Bolivar, MO 65613 c Inn" an r .W cry HuddleSion WE WORK NIGHTS TO SAVE YOU MONEYl ‘ _ . (417)326-8700 . V k ( r ' 9-9747 Advancing the art of graphics?" 502) 897-948] MWHH '55: .1... K E N T U c KY Q 3E " - Q:- - _- . : _ .. 41-53:" . : . u. -: ' [of "-2 3: . .‘Z - -.,. - 3...; '=, " :. 213$: . --‘ . 36% amass ‘ PRESS a..iem ..., - .. . 4 . .5.: rd,- _. '5’" r .;.;. 3- saw < .34" ...; ASSOCIATION 9....- _,_.u .._ .__ :- “23% we? .,I; " "-. I '3'3‘-:-.é~ _ .' 3m CLASSES “‘3 Weekly Division: Published One Day Per Week 1988 F3” Newspaper Contest Class 1: Weeklies with certified circulation of 3,000 or less 3 _. Class 2: Weeklies with certified circulation of 3,001 to 4,700 . Class 3: Weeklies with certified circulation of 4,701 or more i \ Muiti-Weekly: Published Two or Three Days Per Week , - . * Fie ardless of Circulation Amount Entry Deadline. September 1 9 - I Daily Division: Published Four or More Days Per Week . = ' . lass 1: Dailies with certified circulation of 10 000 or less : or Period. Jul 1 1987 throu h June 30 1988 C . . . . . . . . y ’ g ’ Class 2: Dailies With certified circulation of 10,001 to 25,000 Class 3: Dailies with certified circulation of 25,001 or more ' . RULES ntries must be postmarked no later than Sept. 1, 1988. 8. A contest entry fee of $10 is required for each newspaper entering the <,. ' ‘ ’ ' ~contest, regardless of group ownership. A fee of $4 for each individual entry ontests are open only to paid-up member newspapers of KPA. To be is to be paid for each entry in each contest category. These fees go toward . lble, stories must have been written by full- or part-time employees of the payment of plaques, certificates and judging expenses. spaper submitting the entry at the time the material was published. Work wire service employees or syndicated writers may not be entered. 9. Be sure to fill outthe entry form and return It with your entries and payment. . newspaper's entry must be accompanied by payment for all entries In the 10. Type information for each entry on a label (enclosed) and affix securely on test. Please compute carefully. There will be no refunds. the W where the entry is located. Make sure it does not cover some important area. On each identification label, enter (a) oatest publication period for entries in the Fall Contest includes issues Newspaper Name, (b) Contest Number, (c) Division, (d) Class, (e) Writer/ blished July 1, 1987 - June 30, 1988. Photographer Name. . sparate sets of tearsheets or complete copies of issues must be'furnished 11. All entries, except winning entries, will be retained by the judges. Plaques indicated In each ofthe individual contest categories. Newspapers should and certificates will be presented at the Winter Convention, and all winning ic‘g; sate the submission of entries in the KPA contests by saving tearsheets entries will be listed in a special edition of The Kentucky Press, also available pr' apective contest entries appear through the contest period. Machine at the Winter Convention awards presentation. . pr : of entries are not permitted without specific authorization in advance ‘_ th: =:udglng. Do not send clippings or scrapbooks. _ ' 12. Mark the story or picture with a HEAVY RED check mark above the entry. Please mark with a red marker to clearly define the entry. ri-r- ‘ritries In any writing or photographic category shall be entered in . . O? f, .23 category or dlvlslon and any entry |s strlctly "mited to one category 13. Appropriate plaques and certificates WI" be awarded to winners in each ly. For example, a story submitted for News Story category may not be contest category; plaques going ‘0 "TS! Place Winner and certificates to fey-31;: in judging for investigative Story, etc. Wm second, third, and honorable mention. Honorable mention is not necessarily rntegmmmgmmnmsgmmummmmmmnmmwm awarded In 6““ 5319900!- HWMMMMW .isr;:;n.mMWWW , . 3.3 origin 14. in the event only one entry is made in any category for a specific class, an honorable mention certificate oni will be awarded in t . Once you have selected your entries and property identified them, package ' ' y hat category l together In a single packet and mail on or before September 1, 1988 to: 15_ An entry will be dlsquanfied if: . ‘the entry Is not the required date as Indicated Contest Committee in the rules; 3 Kentucky Press Association *the entry Is not properly marked. 332 Capitol Avenue . . Frankfort, KY 40601 if an entry is entered in the wrong category, KPA reservesthe right to move the entry Into the appropriate category. ' -' Page 5' - CATEGORIES SEPARATE ENTRIES may be submitted for each writer. Community Interest, ‘ Newspapers may submit more than one entry In Categories 1-12, but entries thoroughness, story structure and impact of lead will be considered. Entries i are limited to TWO PER WRITER/GROUP OF WRITERS. Although bylines are must be by local staff members. not mandatory, the name of the writer(s) must be Included on the label for the i entrysince the writer's name, as well as the name of the newspaper, will appear Category 9; Best Sports Feature 7 ’i on plaques and certificates. Submit a full-page tearsheet with yourbest sports feature plainly marked.TWO l SEPARATE ENTRIES may be submitted for each writer. Community interest, General Excellence thoroughness, story structure and impact of lead will be considered. Entries E No entries are required. This category is the sum of the outcome of the other must be by local staff members. categories of the Fall Contest, establishing the winning newspapers In each ' class“ of comoettlrt‘ion fotr DtaIIfiii1 Weekly. andiMiiltl-Weefeltrrliv dir'fImT'diTilies; Category 10: Best investigative or Analytical Story I resu seva ua e econ en 0 enewspaper n ermso ee 0 o in v u This cafe 0 Is defln . staff members. Each first place award will count three (3) points; each second subject wgiiigi demonzfraatse: tsliilegitpsc:33'2/rrzps:rrtfi:?ifnslrtig?isz (f: $515521: 3 place award,two (2)points; and 93‘3" third place award, one (“POW '" deter- analysis or investigation. it a series its publication must end within the 1’ mining the winners of the Fall Sweepstakes Award. Honorable mention awards contest period. Submit two full-page tearsheets '. will be considered only If needed to break ties in calculating the results of this ' category. Category 11: Best Story Series 5 . _ _ . This category includes a series of stories on an sub'ect otherthan lnvestl a 3 Category 1' BeSt Ed'tor'a] tive story or series eligible for Category 10. A sirieslmust Include a mlnlmgm Submit one locally written editorial per writer. Send full-page tearsheets of three stories and bit ti d . : ciearl marked Editorials will be 'ud ed on communii Interest clarlt of - p” ca °n ate mus‘ end ““m'" the ”me“ 99"“ h X“ d t. I t . . l g y i V Submit one full-page tearsheet for each article within the series. Judges wili‘ i t oug , an s y e 0 writing. _ consider community interest, timeliness, thoroughness of reporting, series structure and impact of headlines and leads. i Category 2: Best Spot NeWs Story _ , , _ E The stories submitted forthis category should be of unscheduled events, for cate9°ry 12' Busmess or Agribusmess Story 3 which no advance planning was possible, such as accidents, fires, natural Submit a full-page tearsheet with your best business or agribusiness story . disasters or other breaking news events. Submit as your entry a full-page plainly marked. TWO SEPARATE ENTRIES may be submitted '0' 930“ writer tearsheet with the best spot news story by any writer clearly marked. Judges in "“5 category. Community Interest, thoroughness, story structure and will take Into consideration such points as thoroughness of reporting, sen- impact of lead will be considered. Entries must be by local staff members. fence and paragraph structure, and impact of headline and lead. Category 3: Best General News Story PHOTOGRAPHY , The entries In this category should be for articles on scheduled or organized Entries In Categories 13-18 are limited to not more than TWO ENTRIES p53 events for which advance planning was possible, such as public meetings PHOTOGRAPHER. Entries shall be submitted only as full-page tearsheets (City council, fiscal court, school board), dedications, political appearances, wlth the work of the photographer's entry clearly marked. Attach an entry etc. Submit as your entrya full-page tearsheet with the best general news story blank giving the name offh e newspaper, title of photo, name of photographer. by any writer clearly marked. Judges will take Into consideration such points newspaper division and class, and category number. Photos must have been as community interest, timeliness, thoroughness of reporting, sentence and taken by a full- or part-time staff member. Wire service employees are not paragraph structure, and impact °f headline and lead. eligible for consideration. it Is requested, but not mandatory, that photogra-, phers submit an original 5x 7 or 8 x 10 photograph, attached to the g . Category 4: Best Feature Story tears’ieef- , Submit as our ent a full- a e tearsheet with the feature story clearly _ _ 2 marked. Factors to 2; consldFergd In judging this category will be quality of Category 13' BeSt General News Picture . i writing, subject matter and reader interest. Articles should be of local Interest, JUdQIW ‘0' Category 13 WI" be made on the basis of newsworthiness, focal -‘ preferably about local people, places or things. Interest, balance and overali quality of work. Submit well-marked full-page f tearsheet. The pictures In this category should be of scheduled or organizer; Category 5: Best Column (One Subject) event