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3;-.9* . g FRANKFURT M 40601 .
Periodical V01” * August, 1988 i ’ (
vi, Room Z
i Does Not .
- Clmulata 3
"‘ d' ' ' ' S ntinel News." Ad seminar
«..:upugnar I lOlnlng 9 !
. 7 ' d KPS ad director ~ : scheduled
aV|S name . ‘73-? v. 99 7 ' The KentuckyPressAssocia-
Tony Spugnardi, Kentucky the KPA Advertising Steering "MO“? importantly, she'll be . I _ 49.99% tion Ad Steering C?mmmee
55 Service advertising di— Committee. able to contlnue the respecta— .' . 7w“! Will hold its Fall seminar, Sep-
-:tor, has resigned to accept 3 "Gloria had the respect of the b9111ty that Tony has 99“?” L tember “"17 at the H‘ltm91m
.“na, position with steering committee officers, as lis9hed for us With advertising 99 on Newtown Pike 1n Lexmg—
.ielbyville Sentinel Newsf witnessed by rapidly moving cl1e9nts. 9 Km 9‘ ton. 9 9 9 9
His resignation is effective up in the division offices while Tony has also gamed the - -”, I ‘99,;9 - 9 Classrfied advertismg and
vgust 319 with the News Journal," said respectofnewspaperadverhs- I $.9 a, * 999 telemarketing Willbethe focus
‘ Spugnardi joined KPS in Thompson. lng managers.lknew when he 9 >. @ L9 Fnday, September 16. Cathy
iiy, 1986, after working in the first joined us that he wouldn't 9." ‘z. «99$». Melton, director of classrfied
9 J departments at the Sentinel She was scheduled to serve be here for a long time. Tony _ ~~ 9 advertising at the Courier-
.’ch and Courier-Journal . aschairmanof the KPA9Adve9r- has a strong background in 9 ‘ @9999 Journal, will conduct the two
"mng with advertising agency tising Steering Comm1ttee in newspaper advertising and ~9.~*_=‘_9'9i; '” _ 9 afternoon sessions. 9
:xperience. . 11:88 bumigned tfrom thte was able taritrenglgfgi I-tlhiii 99:99 9 “ . Satiiturdgy er9rzitorn913ng,9dKPTA 9::- i
- ' ' . K1959 .. 9 ews o 99 . gnor oacgep - timer: ,9 u 99 9_ . e‘9 9 “is 9.9 , . ., ,3 39,9529. ecu ve ir or avx . -
iigs‘erwce Eigcediifiigfifder ’ g’thaf’b‘ ' f ' “W‘gmissthegit‘éwsfiapW ‘ .. N; 542.: ~..- . 'Momp'son' and general 92099939319;
:-,90 Qm3“1986_ "Gloria will give us stability and by the KPA/KPS staff. But Mike Judy Wm discuss Ken—
ln'1987, KPS hit $1.2 million in the advertising placement most importantly, he'll Still be lucky law concerning public
in advertising, the first time in service," Thompson said. associatedwith KPAand KPS," GLORIA DAVIS notice advertising.
history that KPS had reached 9
the million dollar mark in ad— 9 I I 9
Barry Bingham Sr dies at 82
Through the first six months I .
at 1988, KPS has placed
”Tony has been able to estab- Barry Bingham Sr., who built Gravure along with the two licit and resolve readers' ques— lished the Barry Bingham Sr.
-:h working relationships an international reputation for Louisville daily newspapers. tions and complaints. Freedom Of Information
ith ad agencies and retail quality and integrity in the The companies were sold in In 1969 the Courier-Journal Award, to recognize the nu-
dvertisers that we had not Louiville Courier-Joumal and 1986 because of economic and Times were the first news— merous contributions he had
.ad previously," said KPA Times, died August 15 at his changes and squabbling papers to correct mistakes made in F01 concerns.
.::.ecutive director David T- home. among his children. readily and in the same promi- Barry Bingham Sf- received
hompson. "He's put our Bingham was 82. 9 9 nent place daily. the first award.
giacement service in the minds Until 1986, Bingham over- Bingham had been treated m A resolution approved by the
:t advertisers and given KPS saw a media empire that in- recent months fora malignant A tough conflict—of—interest KPA Board of Directors to es-
-vspectabilityinprintadvertis— eluded WHAS radio and tele— brain tumor. H15 death came policy, which prohibited em- tablish the award read: "In rec-
ig. vision stations and Standard 1‘15? four days before the dedl' ployees fromaccepting gifts or ognition of the years of out-
Gloria Davis, former adver- 2‘2 .53 . catlon 09f the LOUiSViue Falls junkets from news sources, Standing service to Kentucky
ting manager of the Central Ase Foundation, called POSSibIY gained national attention. journalism, and especially the
«mucky News Journal in C 3, ' ;_ - the “)0?“ prominent PUbliC gift Besides being innovative, the enduring contributions to the
.’. mpbellsville, has been “ii ‘ '. by Blnghém t0 the LoniSVille Louisville newspapers were causes of Freedom Of Informa-
:.med KPS advertising direc- . .. 99 ‘ community. noted for their liberal editorial tion within the Common-
»r. ' 9:; 9 9,. w 999 .. _ 9 voice and high reporting stan— wealthby the Louisvilledailies
Davis, who resigned from ,9; ‘” i” W . Blnghams father, Judge dards. The papers won eight while owned by Barry Bing-
he News Ioumal in December a «.... ‘ . Robert Worth Bingham, Pur- Pulitzer Prizes under the Bing- ham Sr. and his family, the
o accept a position as general a 9 . $6 . 9 9 . chased the Courier—Joumal ham family ownership and Kentucky Press Association
«ales manager of a g. i338 ansvgse T330635 _C‘9’9 1.“ championed such issues as hereby establishes an annual
.iampbellsvilleTV station, has 32% 99%; ‘ ta WITha ml 1°“ in en— civil rights, education and the award to be called the Bing-
[9 years Of newspaper adver. 9 , 1., 4 ._. nce. e tWO newspapers environment, particularly leg- ham F01 Award to be given to
'ising experience, all with the » 5, ‘ were 501d_ 1n 198‘? to Game“ islation to ensure that strip the journalist, PUbliC figure, 01'
\‘ews Journal. V , / CP' Inc.9Bmghams entire me- miners restored the land. private citizen who has done
She has also been associated . 9 d1? t?ml5’ire wassold for$442.75 the most during the previous
vith the Kentucky Press Asso— - h . ' f; million that year. Bingham's newspapers were year to advance thecause of the
'iation,notonlyasa staff mem- v . In 1967, the two newspapers heavxly involved With Ken- public's right to know and the
’ver of a KPA member newspa- were the first in the nation to tUCkY P7955 Association activi- fight for freedom of informa-
ner but as an office-holder in BARRY BINGHAM, SR. use a news ombudsman to so- ties and in 1937 KPA estab— tion in the Commonwealth."
v\:_; 999:9, 991.99: ,2! .