xt74mw28ct05 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74mw28ct05/data/mets.xml United States Housing Authority 1939 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 1/15 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing November 21,1939 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing November 21,1939 1939 2019 true xt74mw28ct05 section xt74mw28ct05 ’ ;‘ (1.144.; V .7 .FW3.7.-r//e _ / -— = f e ’" «313,6 'flwgswfiq 3 s ,. ’5‘ am wear“, " ’é ' , Q “fit-$51“ :1 6%3‘3, ; fill Vol.1, No.15 Federal Works Agency, U. 8. Housing Authority —— Nathan Straus, Administrator November 21,1939 Two R. I. Cltles Sign Pittsburgh Slums Shown Cambrldge Votes For Cooperation Pacts In Local MOVIe Short, Housmg by 4 to 3 “Other Side of Town” _ . _ Important steps were taken early _ . _ Friends of the public housmg move- this month toward the construction . The story 0f housmg 1n Pittsburgh ment in New England were greatly of a low-rent houSing project in Provi— is dramatically told by a 10—minute encouraged recently when a substan- dence, R. I., when the Common Coun- mov1ng picture, The .Other Slde 0f tial majority of the voters on a hous— cil, comprising the Board of Alder— Town, 19mg shown mIall 3731"an ing referendum and city election bal- . men and the City Council, voted to theaters 1n the Clty ind 1n 1n epen _ lot in Cambridge (Mass) demanded . . ent theaters. The picture was pro- t" t' f th I 1 h . approve the cooperation agreement duced by Courier Productions, Inc., con mua ion 0 e oca ousing between the c1ty and the local hous— for the Pittsburgh housing authority authority s program. The housrng ing authority. The agreement, 1m— and was designed to supplement supporters led their opponents 4 to 3 mediately signed by Mayor John F. USH A’s 30-minute film, “Housing in at the polls, some 17,000 voting for Collins, guarantees complete tax ex- Our Time.” the housing program and about 13,000 emption to the authority’s property. “The Other Side of Town” gives voting against it. The Cambridge . USHA funds totaling $2,500,000 have movie—goers a convincing demonstra— referendum had been watched with been set aside for public housing in tion of the great need which has a great deal of interest throughout Providence. brought into existence Pittsburgh’s New England. I In Pawtucket, where $1,000,000 of progressive public housing and slum In the mayoralty election, John W. USHA funds have been earmarked for clearance program, Lyons, who previously, in reply to the construction of a low-rent hous— Pittsburgh’s three low-rent hous— SDGCifiC questions by the Cambridge ing project, the Board of Aldermen ing projects have been for months in League of Women Voters, had de- signed a similar cooperation agree— full View, but until now, only slum clared himself “heartily in favor of ment (insuring tax exemption) with dwellers or those engaged in all’eviat— Slum clearance,” was reelected. the local authority on October 3. It ing slum conditions have known inti- The Cambridge City Council, in was signed by Mayor Thomas P. mately. the main reason for public February 1939, approved a coopera— . McCoy. hous1ng. tion agreement with the local housing 55y; "any" - 2' . -, ’ “a.“ :2; ”a; ' .. ,. _, ,; g ,1, authority which would set men to .mgm ed“: a, M“. .v 0. 5‘3? 2:1 isz-‘w' r141 k ‘1; $7. .. 1;” ”gimépg; _._-',.'~ able homes for over 750 low—income w / = -1 refer“ * s. ~- families in two public housing proj— 1‘3“ ”as, 1" ,4ffi: . 93“: ~84“. ects. Mayor Lyons, who opposes the '1" .j, x '91:). -{ . 3 11:35: .. cooperation agreement in its present “m3”; " M“ form, has not yet signed it. "' I 7,,WWV-‘3 *1; ”5:4,. 3.3“ The local housing authority already , S“ ‘- .Wgwfi, «r QR lift—"i , ‘* has an approved USHA loan contract “‘7’“ . ;’/ s, “"2131NT’WWQ $3M ‘ - f” for $1,815,000, and is managing New 2‘ .I‘L" 2: ,; 7"” <1 ”AWN; p f. L.” ‘ Towne Court, 294-family low—rent /‘ Em {hmefiwf . Afifi Q housmg project constructed by the ' *3 ‘ “it"; v . m " :Efiéqu‘ ’5? PWA Housmg Division. (See pic— . , a; a” 15% :W%- ._" ture.) Management of New Towne _ %fix:: ”6;“: - r :2. ‘7‘“‘\ Court is under a USHA lease'agree- _' , ‘ ' . » . ,. ,, 5:5». ment Similar to those covering 30 New Towne Court (PWA Housing Division Project), Cambridge, Massachusetts. other PWA projects. , ., 1 i . t ‘ ,, .1 .I_ I, II. . . . , (“Pkg Two Methods of Zoning Procedure Explame School Children’s Essays In New USHA Bulletin for Local Authorities Appraise Gary Program, The first thorough-going analysis an instructive summary of the value Name LOW—Rent PTOJCCt of zoning in relation to public housing and technique of zoning itself. . . ‘ will soon be available to local housing In cities Where no zoning ordinance The Gary (1nd.) housing authority authorities, when the USHA releases exists, local housing authorities will recently went to its public SChOOlS fOI' Policy and Procedure Bulletin No. 26, find useful that section of the Bulletin 3 project name. One hundred and entitled “Zoning and Rezoning for which outlines the “necessary steps ten young essayists submitted papers USHA-Aided Projects.” in obtaining the enactment of a 2011— 011 “What D095 Slum Clearance Mean Zoning, long considered one of the ing ordinance,” and which sets forth in Gary.” Fifteen students sug— most effective instruments of city the basis for a zoning plan. gested names for Gary’s Negro 10W- planning, is defined in the Bulletin as Bulletin N o. 26 may be secured, rent housing IJI‘OJECt, now being devel- “the regulation by municipal ordi- upon release, by addressing the Infor— 013€d With USHA assistance. nance (or resolution) of the height, mational Service Division, United Miss Momenta Weaver, Roosevelt area, and use of buildings, the use of States Housing Authority. School senior, was judged the winner land, and the density of population.” of the contest with an essay suggest- “The position of the local authority MINNESOTA HAS T A U G H T ing the name, “The Delaney Com— as a public agency,” according to the HOUSING FOR 2 5 Y E A R S. munity.” Miss Weaver chose to - Bulletin, “and the close relationship Housing is an old story at the Uni- honor the Rev. Frank S. Delaney, which exists between it and the local versity of Minnesota, according to prominent Gary minister, deceased, government, ShOUId enable the 100211 F. Stuart Chapin, Chairman of the who established “a home for the authority to participate in an active, University’s Department of Soci— needy and gave them shelter in a useful, and effective manner in 2111 ology and Social Work. Referring clean environment.” Rev. Delaney matters relating tIO 2011in3, to PUBLIC HOUSING, V01. 1, No. 10, was the founder of the Stuart House, After a brlef d1scuss10n of the na- listing universities with housing a Negro community center. ture 0f zoning .(“uIse dIStHCtIS>" courses, Mr. Chapin writes: “In the Commenting on local conditions, “height andnarea dIStrmS’” “dens1ty Department of Sociology at the Miss Weaver wrote: “Because what a regulations, and the hke) ’ and the University of Minnesota, a course person is or becomes is greatly influ— various methods Of enforcement (1n- on 110115ng has been given continu- enced by his environment, it is partic- . ‘ cluding the part local authorities can ously since the year 1915—1916.” ularly fortunate that the housing play in enforcement), the Bulletin ,. . t . t b b ‘lt . . l alit ,, proceeds to outline the two aspects of —-——-—-—-——-—— pinec is 0 e 111 m 0m 00 ‘V' zoning which affect public housing. ' r“Ma-aM-m._.,,~,,_MH“WI__‘_MAAIA”I“ Local housing authorities are con- l 00 _ ' AWMW‘D“M‘““*'44~-——--—J—~v——I‘ cerned ”With both on—Site orI per-I I ~, :04? UnhcaLthII Living \fi‘d I missive zoning and off—Site or I , yIQchI C . , (56$ I “protective” zoning. The first refers I S Ondltlons _ (3:0g . I to zoning (ShaIIIgels (amendments 01- I ”GO . . , I “variances” w i01 may e necessary i e _, . .‘ ' ‘ ’ , . l for the proper location and construc~ j [#41qu all. 1 ” . I III/ I ' - -. L\¢}‘\& my j . . - 97011“ in ' ‘3» In: “ . 'ejii I tion of the p10ject. The second type I 12353 9 figs, u _ , I ‘l‘fl'bé'h':\(\‘3\§f§(\cx , I includes zoning or rezoning of the I , l t . fwd/I: l area adjacent to the project, in order I :1“ IE”? i to safeguard the immediate neighbor- Doll . - . 3 f ‘mfig Q, .2.« I :I',_ I _ I hood and preserve the desirable resi- l Or 9:316 light ”Artiffiliflj‘ g3 llo lnsrde D {1111'}an { dential nature of the project. l cha ion 1;” . 11:" 1? If“ 4&2‘ Water 5 » ». I} r. "walk-w my The procedure which should be fol— I flit-‘32 “fit ' M“ "1" j lowed in either case is fully discussed, 5 mfifiti Izrfi ' 3 E, j .i and the various ste h' l 1 l l «Mtge 9'3" ha? an i‘ ”V ""f’f‘i'é" GIG i . . c . . ps w .1c1 . oca I Comm I I2; ‘4‘ . I_;lIII:I§Ib [IQ/C(14) I housmg authorities should take in co- I “0 ~"~ —_.v 3:1: ‘ I" ’“f p ." e3“ 00023 operating with local officials are care- i _._,,._.- z ,I _ _ ,7 “Law“ I fully explained. The close relation- I ggggfa 1201}. t ship which should exist between the I .ng© Structures Unht For ”We 2‘ ‘ 1; local housing authority and the local I $09K Human Habitation 014% III zoning or planning comm1ss1on is I ' J . ' stressed. The Bulletin thus serves ~~——-.—————~~~_~~—»~»_.—w»—~m—~~-—-~———«~-—~—w—c"—”i‘1¥i’iflffli§¥flfl‘ii as a praCtical handbOOk for housers Louisville boys collaborate on “before and after” sketches for local exhibit. Slum evils are depicted and enumerated faced with zoning problems, as well as above. 2 ' h , . manan‘ed by the Commission under Is Drawm s l) School 30 s L” ’ -. - g y . . y lease agreement with the USIIA. Current Housmg Literature , Feature LOUISVllle Show The articles are regularly sold by the . . tenants to help pay prOJect rentals. HOME SWEET HOME, by Gertrude Kotila, SO impressed were Ray Tabor and They include rugs, bath mats, blan- R. N., Public Health Nursing, August 1939, ty . . Maurice Tillman of the Ahrens Trade kets, quilts, dresses, shawls, fine nee- pp- 454—4-56- SChOOl in Louisville Wlth the trans- dlework, canned fOOdS, and decorative .Staif- nurse in the Cleveland Visiting: Nurse Associ- 01‘ _ ' _ ation is favorably impressed by the effect of a Gov- 1d formatlon Of local Slums lntO respect- furnlture. ernment housing project on the lives of her patients. rs able reSIdentlal communities under In April, When Clarksdale and MEMPHIS SLUM CLEARANCE AND HOUSING 1n the USHA prOgram that they made 1t Beecher Terrace are completed, the STUDIES, by Alfred H. Fletcher, Civil Eligi— 0,_ the subject for dramatic treatment in Louisville Municipal Housing Com- Meeting; October 1939, pp. 583—586. D . . . . . Describes results of a series of slum studies carried W“ water COIOI‘S. mISSlOH W111 be Operatlng four 1:“)th on by Memphis Department of Health and advocates al- The boys produced two pictureS: housing projects, providing decent subsidized housing- Tables and man. One ShOWS the squalor and disorder homes for nearly 2,000 low—income TENANT REGULATIONS IN PUBLIC HOUSING alt of a slum, with crowded land, dingy families. PROJECTS, Real Estate Record, Nov. 4, 1939, er rooms, shoddy construction, and lack PP- 54" ' a ‘ a Brief summary of New York City Housing Aii- lt' 0f sunhght’ f1 eSh all, and pure water. PUBLIC HOUSING PAYS DIVI_ thority's revised tenant regulations. _ The other de aicts a neat modern . . . n d 11' U 'tlI "d . ,d DENDS. When the Site Wthh IS DIARY NOTE—MR. SI—IIRE INDICTs, by Fred- to i We 111° W1 1 V“ 6. Wln OWS’ a now Stanley S. Holmes Village, At- erick L. Ackerman, F. A. I. A., The Octa- y, friendly front porch, Simple landscap- 1 antic City N J was still a slum .0071, 'October 1939, pp, 38_40_ d 111g and in the rear SWingS and a, ten— ~ ’ . I, -, An architect's answer to Mr. Shire's indictment of 1e, - ’ ’t A . d, h - t a . ltS back taxes’ due’ but unCOlleCtl— the profession which appeared in the September issue 1113 COW - 10““ eac pm uie, ”1 ble, amounted to some $28,000. of Tthccagon. a -' - a _ _ . . 1‘ bold lettering, are cataloged the Char F01 abOUt 5 years, It had yielded BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, U. S. Bureau of -y acteiistics 0f the two ways 0f hfe- practically no tax revenue. Then Labor Statistics, Bulletin No. 1005, August '9’ The pictures caused considerable the site was acquired by the PWA 1939, 26 pp. comment in a recent exhibit by the Housing Division for a 10W_rent Report on building construction, January through . . . . . . . . August 1939. Comparison with first 8 months of S, Louisvdle MunICIpal Housmg Com— housmg prOJect. Immediately all 1935. Tabies. '1 mission. Th xhibit a1 f ' ' c _ 1 ‘ de ed b h s: eature: back taxes were paid in full to the UNIT GUIDES FOR THE STUDY OF HOUSING u— artic es pio uce y t e enants 0 City, and the property now yields AND CIVIC BEAUTIFICATION, Board of Educa— c- . . La Salle Place and College Court, pub- an annual revenue Of $1,000 per tion, Cleveland, Ohio, 1938. 114 pp. Mim- 1g lic low-rent housing projects built by year in lieu of taxes. eographed- ” the PWA Housing DiVlSlOH and nOW An attempt to correlate the work of various depart- . ‘ O ments of public schools with regard to housing and civic beautification. Includes studies of low-cost [,_. ,. ,.-._.,..._.~L___T.._s___w,.__._ ——»VH..M_._.M_,__-_c___b.,.w__m_,_,___, .‘_.~_ _~ housing. -_' _ . — m __~-._-._.-..j l i Q < i MODEL HOMESTEAD COMMUNITY GROWS l ’I/ , , . X1! ' . . , l sge/ i—loleciuate.Light&£lir Steam Heated Poems $33 , l NEAR CHICAGO, Amencun Buildei, Octobei l , 00/ (got i 1939, pp. 60—63. ' l 00" 2x I {1861046 Lights 0,90 J Description of the 360-acre Prospect Heights hume— t 1 Of/ 0&8 l stead project for home owners with modest incomes. i i @365» 32% l Community facilities described. Financed by FHA. i i __.A. W--. _. A_ _ ___‘_‘_W _ . 90 l Illustrations. Floor plans. } f . i l 1939 FEDERAL LEGIsLATION AFFECTING MU— ! Dri _ l . . W, V f i NICIPALITIES, by Earl D. MalleI-y, Executive l '_ Vaie Bat/7m ,r W" ,0 T ’n .33: , l Director, American Municipal Association, i l g aeill’f' ' '“ , v- , ' i V5 ' i . . . . . l I has it h l, i. [i 1" v -f” u , K't h E . i: l Colmado Mumclpulitics, October 1939, pp. j ,1 It! ' 1‘ . ‘l/ "132‘; ,. _ “N A; t l C en (311le6“ J 147—150. i i r‘; _ ' i ' (Petrigeration) 1‘ Contains section givinp: reasons why USHA hous- {l l 3?“. A ' . 4 , f V , (Stove) , ing’ bill was blocked in the House. Describes national : l i ,=::- V." ’7 gm. “W“? w H my; , : l housing census authorized by Congress. , x . -i “if: 'f a..1g’:;i,y§}. (Built in Cabinets) . l Construe’tlo“ i3 . a): ~72 7,1- "- l WAR—TIME BUILDING PRACTICE, by R. Cot—v a greDrooi 4 ’59: i, » 54;; .v' i terell Butler, A. R. I. B. A., The Builder, 5 i p " ‘ ‘ . Oct. 13, 193:), pp. 547—551. ‘ ; g" _ . A , i The first (if a series of articles which attempts to i .. I. . A; A "I“ Dike l assess the effects of war conditions on the building 3 i, I ' d :t- . - 1‘ XO§¢>® flrts & Graits Laundr Facilities 601$!» ”1 1“ UH 1y : l $029 . ll ew , HOUSING SCHEME, NORTON ROAD, BALDOCK, ; i {A Game Rooms ~ 6%?1 HERTS, by E. R. Bingham Harriss, J we“ Small Play Rreas _ Large Play Ground 0/, , l A. R. I. B. A. (Harriss and Hal'l‘iss), Ar- . . I 6° ”’0 l chitect, The Builder, Oct. (5, 1939, pp. 525— LOL‘ISVI'LLE ITIUI'EIUVIL KLEIN) COMISSIOH __"_J 528 ‘ , HA-_V+__“__~_‘~WV_‘__A\A_H__YA‘_H_‘____W_‘____4*__‘___,___.._fi..._w.-_‘_..~—_V._H-—..._.A——--.~ . _ . . . . _ . . ’ Features the planning of houses in blocks of various ted The elements of good housmg, and how they are combined in the progect, are shown in this sketch by two of Louisvdle 3 sizes laid out to emphasize points of interest in the youngest housers. site. Illustrations, plans, layout. 3 W'wm"_w’kufi—-— ' 7 J ,7 ..- 0 , ,7 i , , I , , , I Construction Bids Natl Bureau of Standards Boston Slum Area Survey ~———————~ Testing Now Available to Supplement R.P. I. Data . ‘ Number Date of o . ll ilctl 't‘: l. I . . . 0,3,1“th ifii,‘,,i,.,}.“‘ . ”0i“ 0 33% to Local Alltl'lOl‘ltleS Field work on Boston’s Resurvey oi: I III 1 l r . . I ‘. 1 i“ . _ Housmg and Low Income I-Iousmg . The best testing facilities in the Area Survey, supplementing and B11) OPENINGS DEFINITELY SCHEDULED country were thrown open to local bringing up to date the Boston Real ———-—————————-—— housing authorities recently When the Property Inventory of 1934, was Anniston (Ala—44)...-" 166 1242—33 National Bureau of Standards agreed started recently. The study is spon- .— —’ -___.___ ' 2—1 —3 . _ . Siam: E83.—g—g)l’t.l)- SS; 12— ovag to test, 1113911 the iequest 0f USHA, sored by the Boston Housmg Au- Baltimore (Md-24).... 790 12‘25—39 any materials or equipment to be thorjty in cooperation with the Work Bridgeport (Com-H)- 1» 200 11‘ “9 used in the construction of pubhc Projects Administration. The first _ Columbiié (Ga.—z(i~2—A)_ 104 12—12e39 housing projects. The tests Will be phase of the field work is in East Corpus hristi Tex.- - ‘ . _ 8_1_R Pt. II)_______-__ 24 12-134“) made in order to determine conform Boston. Corpus Christi (Tex.— 2 9 ity to contract spec1fications. A sample of the dwellings covered Cofiifié‘figggf('13,;er 210 1 ‘13“3 Local housing authorities will for- in 1934 will be enumerated, and a 8r3—_R)--—-..__—————.———- 100 12-13r39 ward the material or equipment to be complete record 0f vacancies, new Fall River (Mass—G—l). 35-1 12— 1—39 . . . . . . tested, prepaid, to the United States construction, and demolitions Will be greagféfllls (MEN-1324)- 3257)?) 13—1338 Housing Authority, care of National made. The information will provide rare ex.— — _.-.__ .4 — — _ . . Meridian (lVIiss.—4—1)._. 89 12— 6—39 Bureau of Standards, Washington, a basis for a study of family compo— Mobile (Ala.—2—1)_._.____ 100 11—22—39 . - . i i n - m hi i 1nder- Padumh (l{y.—6—l),,___, 125 “48‘39 D. C. Any fees or expenses incurred S t on a d 11100 e W Ch W 11 be 1 P 1 1 17 6 2 7F 11 28 39 by USHA in connection With the tests taken at a later date. PghSlféLOl;(gig—g—1_)_.:::: 123 12:14:39 are t0 be reimbursed by the local . . Salli 2Friili0isco (Calm— 472 11 28_39 housmg authority. Construction Report AnalySIS Toiedo (dfiidl'd'iéjfiilil 112 11—28—39 Application to the Materials and D . th k d d N b __________.____-— Specifications Section of the United 10 grlng e wee ten ed thovem 6:; - ' - , ve new prOJec s an e secon BID OPENINGS TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED1 State? .Housmg fAchorlty’ .before half of one project which had Dre- submitting materials or equipment . . ————————-—'—'—— for testing will save time and ex Viously been reported went into con— Allegheny CO-(Pa--6*2)- 288 12—18-39 . ‘3’ . . struction. The five new projects are: Atlantic City (N. J.— pense, Since, in the case of nationally 150 units in Laurel Miss , 264 units 1471)”""-;“"."_'"_""" 375 12:13:39 known products, tests may already - - - - .’ , " - . glimleitoil (lbi (i 1 4)»- $3: g g; 38 1 in Cincmnati, Ohio, 256 units in 3” (.m -‘ : )_.:'"“” 6 12_20_3 lave been made- Charlotte, N. 0.; 586 units in Lowell, Rework (NJ. 2 0)....” 56 9 E f St (1 d . . _ . \‘ , H . (C .ureau 0 an ar IS seIVicesare Mass; and 126 units in Asbury Park, - 041: 1)‘I.\Cnollll 460 ”#19439 available to local housmg authorities N. J.; 184 units were added to a proj- New8rlcansELa—1—3L 91g 1313—33 only through the Un1ted States H0us— ect in Tampa, Fla. The addition of New I‘leaus La.~1—5)_, 90 1 « — ' ' - ' . . Oakland (cant—34).... 154 12—13—39 mg AUthOMY' In every case. 11 W111 thls grOHD 0f prOJectS caused a Hate— Pittsburgh (Pa—14%).... 1,758 12-18—39 be necessary for local authorities to tional decline in both the average CODSUlt With USHA regional COD- over—all cost of new housing per unit 1There is usually a 30-day period between bid ad- ‘ ' . ' . - vei‘tising and bid opening. None of the bid openings StTUCtlon adV1serS bef01e applylng for and the average net conStrUCtlon COSt shown here have as yet been definitely scheduled. Bureau Of Standards tests. per unit. Weekly Construction Report __________.____—______._._—____—_—————-—————— Item Week ended Week ended Percentage , November 10, 1939 November 3, 1939 change Number of projects under construction”.,,,,,__,,,_,,,,_,__,,,_,,i,.,______,__,__, 120 115 +4.3 Number of dwellings under construction_____-_,,,,_,,___,“Hm,““d””M1,, 49,306 47,790 +3.2 Total estimated over—all cost 1 of new housmg $226,150,000 $219,797,000 +2.9 Average over—all cost 1 of new housing per unit $4,587 $4,599 —0.26 Average net construction cost 2 per unit_i $2,891 $2,894 —0.10 ________________.____.____________—_.—_——————————— 1 Includes: (a) Building the house, including structural costs and plumbing, heating, and electrical installation; (b) dwelling equip- ment, architects’ fees, local administrative expenses, financial charges during construction, and contingency expenses; (c) land for present development; ((1) nondwelling facilities. . 3 The cost of building the house, including structural, plumbing, heating, and electrical costs. ' ________________________—______..__———————-——-—-—— Publication is approved by the Director, Bureau of the Budget, as required by rule 42 of the Joint Committee on Printing. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Subscription price $1 domestic. foreign $1.80 per year. Single copies, 5 cents. Material for PUBLIC HOUSING should he addressed to Informational Service Division, U. S. Housing Authority, Washington, D. C. 4 U. 5. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 191223