xt74qr4nmk7q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74qr4nmk7q/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.  journals kaes_circulars_004_507 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 507 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 507  2014 true xt74qr4nmk7q section xt74qr4nmk7q   ¥" V~:~   =~A V       =4—     V V V i V rl
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enerui  I By
Hd my  · John E. Couey {
V Louis J. Boyd i
 l. John W. Foster `
wI1c1‘<‘ r V  
; food.  V
Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics
‘ College of Agriculture and Home Economics, University of Kentucky
 _ and the U. S. Department of Agriculture, cooperating ;
_\i 65; FRANK J. WELCH, Director
F). ’ i
Issued in furtherance of the Acts of May 8 and June 30, l9l4.
' E

  "* ir  
  V Cure of the calf begins when the V
· V cow is bred —-  
i   ·vr»   .,;· j -A ·v,. j     — A ’·‘‘·   ‘·~* ’r.
E     V...   V VV vbll AV   = V  
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a A .·%;.   %;NV A, civ. A _,.,cc     ,._.4A.,_ A l5;v._     ” V E V     -— ·
4 p   cl,4   y  _ / p   [    V] V_V‘;   _  p ` y ‘ A »·,w A V 1 A l V
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  A         A.AA     AAA» ;   A,  ·VAn     »   
    VA   IZ? AAAAL ` 'Y”¢   ’  -<¢-  T?A>#;k"l»      F   ,  
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· Y ·   -·’,   V1   .-AA, V   V *$?iA p E
2. Feed plenty of high-quality  
  roughage and some grain (usually I
  X 2-4 ounds durin the dr eriod, °
,  ¢ . _ .- Y
 if » °*··=='< **·¤ b··=¤·**··¤ *¤¤¤*·* according to body condition. J
      3. During the last two weeks of E,
   . gestation, watch the dam carefully *
    each day for signs of calving. {
  $1*; . 4. At least three days before J
;_  _   V   »   W,. A  .__   calving in winter or in bad weather, ,.
  s   j     . »i:_ t_ ‘ 1‘  provide a clean, well-bedded, well- l
.—    —...  .,   :~-  V   .   r   .   .   .
   »   r:·..    »  ,,__ .   _       l1gl]t€Cl,d1'3.ft-f1'€€ stall. In summer, I
        ~   “   =··      ?
  ··,$·   ..§§ l_;fi  clean pasture lots, separate from t
    , .r    ft  , 1,,  these used by the dairy herd, are
      i   ·= "    ‘?é* . . . .
-s·'r.·i,g;g,ggi*·-·‘-· _         satisfactory 1f shade 1S ava1lable. {
l$`T‘{iZ?§?&t3<.— ‘{<:l:fi‘     "  "`YI°¥Y~Y:·*"   i
  ·‘t‘+  ·-’ “i.¥f$*=%t’§··§'k§`*F?bi*‘*·     ;‘ '
     in l ’\ 
'_r*?··'*:77~Z* r'    N.¢r’7fl_p`.<.,     if f  `¤‘ ?“§i">:\§l·£/ze,  ·
_ ,~‘ V   _’?*  r·2~,,%,;;q,._ ,;,4-_   { `  ; ,;  gy  ~ {
  ··l -·..·¢ r,g;,;&!.:,r` ,L g;.·¤ { eg.;  ·  ,  ¤-.U :_·w ,»  l'  u ‘ » .
‘ · Provide clean lots I
` l
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x     » iw _, afig-·_>?_-Mg;_~r_jg§_ it  y
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· A fl    _“A- 7/ J    
    ;~- Y ii?   ` f· it ?  E’§‘·f‘$Y;‘1 ‘`=·* ; `·‘’ Zi ·,
Be on hand            
l =·* ·=¤'**¤¤ ,     %§1r·'~·`   M A.d__=   -
i   . °* ` a y V=;V   ‘»=‘‘‘   i , _     »*V’, if
;     ¥ ,   s t r i   . . 
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     ._ ii noni *  A3 $4-F  
.. ,,é»   ,. ··¤  ~y _·   QJ- ' ‘¤·,!7<~‘*
Disinfect       _ _ { .,_  _ r   `l i lwgi _
the navel     » i ~   i
   ·   ’  —   ;  
`»·»    —¤~ '  
Be resent at calvin time to hel in deliverin the calf, if i
. . . » 3
1l€C€SS3.1'y. Call yOLl1' V€tG1‘1112l1'13.11 Wl1€H lHlJO1' CODUULIGS H10l'€   tl
than one hour. Make certain all fetal membranes are rem0v€.;a. ‘ QQ   -·=¢; ¥   ‘ VV`·»`'’`»   ` A __
·· »     ‘,f’·     F:   Q aa·    · 1  
  » . Q   » Q. -       — Q ..»=   ·--....   > r   1 Q
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  ···`     iféia **7 ¤:Q" .. =·sQ;£<··;:.·>*,;;:Q 1
 A  ` Every calf needs colostrum milk.
QH if QA  M9·l<€ C€1'lZ21ll1 the calf is 011 its feet and nurses Within 2111 l10ur  
’ _   &fl€1' birth. If the calf is weak the first milk COlOSt1‘uH1 f1`OH1  
mom   1 ’ .
(wed  1 UG dam should be m1lked into its mouth.
11  _
with ‘ S€P211`3.'t€ the cow and calf 011 the second or third da to are-
, Y 1
I Q \e11t 0V€1—f€€d11]g of colostrum 1H1ll(. However, the calf should
 i. Contmue to receive its dam’s milk for the first two weeks.  
Y i
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Ai  5 i
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i `Y   ..‘i·»,=.‘?—’»{»•r»·`» ·V’‘·  .. °·   . "‘&’i *   `··`   ·       A ¥‘  (
l Identify each calf soon after birth.
Use a neck strap, ear tag, or tattoo to establish positive identi-
fication after the calf and dam are separated. Enter the identifi-
cation information, names of sire and dam, and the date of birth
4 of each calf in a permanent record book.  
A .·· l  
  .a‘a     ‘   4 l  
  AAi‘A     i · ‘·ri   i =
Establish i  v_ 1 , . ; A V   V x i  W
p€I'I1’\3I\€I\  i l s  ` 1 /    
identification M   .  A A __   _ I   A;.
I’€C0l‘d   A»_   fi!   f ~ /
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4; _    K "-\  is`;-‘-l`.; .   .··, ctw    
*~ ~   _   Mg -»·_ se .
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2 · .     4, ’ `·A=;   , ’?`· —   · .
E   ‘>-   ¤   ~·=‘ ¤»#. · ~ _ ·   J
; Dehom the calf at 2 to       Z   , V A _ V   ·
s 6 weeks of age.   ;i;>;;//, K _ ‘*-_ Q`. . H   Y.
e  M,-  N, M . V  .. .
The electrnc dehorner ns ; {;?;§;;{,_ V,,» lp     ~ gz    _
about the best way, but  f » »  ` ·    
  * other methods can be ·       ,   _   _ · K _] -;’ ;.,.;rg:, 5
”*` '*~¤.,>'   . 4 , · . ’   ;· ` ' '   s = Q,.   ·' » Z Q $2;i?;§·’i€j_;&?’$.~ ¥¤\€ ` ’ — ‘ nr  ‘ . ‘ Q .1, --.. ;     .      
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Calves Need Indnvnduul Care  
lenti- _ -
zntiii- ~ ,
birth _. gy
{ l
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Ml · " ... ~· %<  .j‘>§ I
lu , we z  ¤~» . .
ig; .       { Where possnble, keep calves nn 3
  ‘ g'  , ·‘ "—" Y . . . . `
    _ 'v_v _ sy il!  e   ~¤ mdnvndual pens for the fnrst 'I2  
'lil . · . ·· - { ( ' jg ‘ _ · 4
eg Q', ,_ · _   —-..     ; ., ‘»_· W ,_V __ to I6 weeks. Thus helps an con-
     " r   - ,  _:'   Q     trolling disease and reduces
    * = Vo ’~-‘· wx. = .=--   ¤ ’   . .
* *5% ‘ ’ -       ,_.a   ··:   $¤¢l<·¤s h¤b·*s·
‘ »‘   : L .. e EA lv V;       N - ~v·=\-V
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 W   ·V     V.    5 »,.,.· V ··
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= /. __     J t.     ;éf Rmd .
, {aw ~·~.  ~ V ..»-> ·»#»‘ ~= t - ` ’ .
l V; V · . gay  ; ,~; · -  · `_.-  _  {_ , mesh _ p11]
l &€ `yg$"      14 m'   floor ' V
·  -;· -·     keep pens cl 1‘ y an cl V pot
  Vf g:¤=·r.2._ a-*£i—¥·3‘;>éE" tg A ;
i     clean. The use of raised  ’ call
- . we + ta--·· ’.»2fs;g;?y r* -5:* nin? mg
  - floors, slatted or metal day
l   `  l  mesh is recommentled eqn
‘ TZ.  ·,·7 »*-   A  *i Q€'*_g .5;,   .;_¤· ·_ - V
_ V =·~-:;{a;~¢¢,>   —- Q'- ~   __ ,
i   _,_4»   »,V,’ Viz   Supply ample ventila- h and
V V   “ at     V · . { d
i V VV ;·~.     »l,»   VVV,  VJ-VVV—V tion but avoid drafts. 6
I . .· .. .»   _' A; , .,.._`_;’ _` ·· · Y 7
» A * l QE};. Q ~— Yi"`- `1 »`;'>·»V“¤:f:i};§§.,"¥ ` 24*.   .
A Clean and disinfect
    _     each pen before putting  ` 2
‘ ‘ ’ 'i’/   ¤»’ —V l     .'‘'» V ·
_ y       V   ._l,   in a new calf. V HIP]
      i‘f   ·’‘4 Us
    ei  _  
  ,     Select a l]OUS11]g sys- ml
    V   Vp-y     . . . yy
     y     tem that per1n1ts indi- ll 3
    V=l· s     Fwd vidual care and attention. ·
‘       *.»·V.‘ on
  ‘‘`V¤       ¢~~if»    L H sate M0
_     .:., ig;
I ~’*' sl,   » ,  ’ K 
  `‘;V;   *c‘' `   V
· V  -   i. .,.a, _     E
-· i— ij   
Below: Hay rack and waterer, and movable plywood P6"-   _ ?
l  V\_ 1
    i:_  . W
 —      ' ,      5 it   py,_   , l   A i t  ‘~·  
    - t   ·i;> ` · tl`   
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      ‘ . 1 ap     . _   Q 2  FL .   
    ’     #~=       T    
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    . . `V   t.alV < V V      
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      Y 7 (;;’ a ”i~yV 5* ~     ??  ~   if .   
-*‘         if Sz; F      L  Al  /   4 _ L2-{4*;%; :"T‘- iff 
l     t;;if`c-nn-r"   .      ’ -’/if -3*%  ’· ll
K p.   ·_   ··  V. . p V V W;,,V”饒v QW- '    y {
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 . / ·»{` In-was * .
.,]` s ‘ ·
j Use ¤ Scale —· Feed      
. According tv Body W¢i9h* ‘ T i·-\  " N     l
j ` ,· ·,:./I  null    
1. Use a scale and feed 1 pound (1 -  p    
_ pint) of whole milk daily for each 10       ;s·    _;  
nd pounds of weight. Thus, a 60—pound   `‘il  .> »_‘_‘V‘‘   f T" ` 
sed calf would receive 6 pounds of milk per   l    
etal day. This should be fed in two or more    l t —» A _ A,   "  {
id. — equal feedings. Calves have been started {   f     s 
 · successfully on slightly less than this,   _ ._     {
jla- and some milk can be saved if they are A _   ‘i'A A E
;_ fed 0.8 pound of milk for each 10 pounds · _ _ t     _
i Of body W€1ght` Know how much milk you are  
ect _ feeding. More baby calves are ‘
_ — 9 F d tl   _ f _     lost by over-feeding than by y
ting -. ee ie ca , pie era y rom a und€r_f€eding_ E
, nipple-pail, immediately after milking i
' the dam. If this is impractical, heat the  
S_ milk to bod tem erature about 100 de rees F before feedin . ll
sy Y P g V
udp Warm milk will help prevent stomach upsets and digestive scours. ‘ j'
. E1
xion. y
S. Practice regular feeding from sparklitng-cZca·n buckets as 1
. . · 1
another precaution against scours.  
· I
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~ ‘ » T ·»·- ;   = .
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  =`i` ’  r  X    1 ‘,   [ i `  i
   NQ ‘»,a : ·’*· 2*   . t   J
  if- 0 . =‘     4  “ ~  ,,,__n` Buckets and nipples must be
i  . [        ’ T » ‘ kent clean-
~ . . ! . . Mw »<·.·.., r , Nj
· ‘     ‘*%   *‘.*· . 4   . ·   =
wir  , ,~ ' ’    f·§`?€"¥I»f;`;     ` '      ’ .
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 i i?} {     f    F TF ‘
Tec. .`. L:  Q QT   _./j" l

 ’ wi               —` ,. < iii Ae  - 
                    AAA-   L
l   s       ·    *·    A .
  xs     {  A y A A »<;~ Raise Herd Replacements
‘   _  eele   I     Economically
i  ~  - .  A  · q   — .=‘‘ W€<
  ''“V’`. i A- A.           5‘‘     . . . ° W6
( A     ‘     A   1. Use a limited amount of milk .
. =»  { -A-»     · -       A Hill
2   _   ‘?"       `    A ' / ` plus a dry calf-starter (Table 1). (fn
·   l11‘     A AAAA A     »A=—   l ·   ·l ` · ( Feed about 1 pound (1 pint) of milk »
r 22 4             A*AAAAAA?».AA - 4 Wa]
  ` _     (*3    -   daily for every 10 pounds of body · the
p ( if  Ei    idid     AAl‘   weight.
2   <;§» (t»a        ;z      we
1         -0       ·;’·   .  
1          *r·     _.A, r   -
l    -u¤ i     ’   "*"·`$·¢—‘ 2. Offer a good calf—starter (Table 4
l , l
z Offer calf starter the frrst week. 1) at the Gnd Of the Hrst W€€k_ B€_ _
( A number of excellent starters _ _ gm
* me gn the m,ke,_ 5,,,,:,3; gin with small amounts; usually a ( {Ou
  "'“*’l° °"°? “‘°d l’Y *l‘°_K°"' handful rubbed on the calf’s nose ft
p   tucky Agrrcultural Experrment _ _ 0 (
· ( 2 gmac., h a y e 9;,,,,,, ,,0,,,,;; after milk has been fed will start her _ mi)
f 9'°"’*l" ““d l‘°"° l’°°" °°°"°"‘l' eating it. Increase the amount as the 1 h
cal. (See page 'I5.) , _ al
calfs appetite for dry feed grows. mcg
( ( Usually it is not necessary to feed gm
l over 5 pounds of starter per calf per
· ( day. . 5
. ‘ tutl
A quz
l   tior
   1;,     ·n     . JF" ,.  `   ·{¢:`,5? - mil
  yAA_ ai!      
  Ar  A   ` ;; A   A      ‘ 6
2 p   _ ;;w,;A;° Q~;2§ $;’          A ·     five   {  Wal
°   ’ · .AAA. .  "   ; ,. ?. ·# ~*” X A   FF?   (-is —     ’ ·. `    ‘ .
    ,AA.         ; (I 1Ilg
r px: .     l Arryfy Y
Keep calves       I ~ ( . i”??$?  ,AA;‘   »·”·"ll usu
— is . . ._._ E, _   ,   Rf   .v,. _ A v } _
growing   _,     A-AA.       " `         A· Sl-
    A_       »A·l   —  — —=r·   Ai-.;   ‘g
*  X     I 'C `   tile ` ` H   i r r .
  . [  ‘°°?N·~ -4,, ..A. :_.,, - ‘ 5::* sr? -*4  ;
  3  ’ AAA» —      “   -.1 ,, °``A `Ewi  "= W (
»   i n ·‘”f.    ’sA4      
~ L*+~·.··L".2»·    W; {     .,A_ ‘ e' LL - g‘\,;§Y{'v2 zi  ·,
. { fe  . ·· .. I- _¤’» .i . A   A. ··   i» - 5*-.4** - an 
` _ W p f   f " I `J A, I   ‘\   ->  -    
    l  l"l%:.§L ET  ;VY¥¤lV§il€Ii* '`-` Y""   
A ~_ · ‘ _` ¥_A · J?   og; ,1 _ p V ¤ ` A__,r-·'_,»g6Lj» ·
        =’ .,_4iL{‘;A; ag, _ g  
`A  (   -< -       }~?¢fj<¤‘!";l‘,‘ '.i' $:*5 
A , _ * _   9 _; ° _ !.'—_` $*2 ,,`   [Mg   ugécxgr :1;:,  »
` — F A' A,A.   :.   -xvii-?-i;. °‘·."*£»=;n.·¤Li·~-MK    

 V ._   L/~~».i:..,   .1%* is ..  U  1_
i il` Y x   _ Q '"xf   Y  
{t*"'·;f?";—°E;,   \ rv ‘  
— 3. By the end of the second or third    Qi   K I f
    .   ·d.l  
week, when the calf is eating starter   ‘   K ; / s·.·     J
` well, decrease the amount of whole   J `° pj {
ulk milk fed by 0.2 to 0.5 pound per day tg?.   7 T ’   ; ‘ l
ll' (from M2 to 1 cup) and add enough   · — 3 4
uu` , warm water to replace the milk; keep l     _ ,
Jdy . the ratio of 1 pound of liquid for -   ` , ,;; e 
· every 10 pounds of body Weight. Good hay  
j is the 1 I
1 key to _
lble ` 4. Feed a small amount of clean, $¤°°°$$ p _ _
B6` ‘·  good-quality, green, leafy hay after `    
Y 3 ¢ four or five days. (Legume hay is _    
  ·_-. 1   ’
me often preferred, but good-quality,     Q  
. _ [_»·<·.f'·· ·   ``’` ‘F4(’.“· .
he . mixed hay may be used.) Replace J ‘‘,‘   \~.\  
the hay daily with a fresh supply, and   `‘,;_Y ` 1  
)WS· increase the amount as the calf be-   .».·   __ ,
feed 1 gins to eat more hay. _        
per   .»—   ii
‘ 5. If a reconstituted milk substi- -    {
_ tute (gruel) is used, extreme precau- ‘   `'-`   · ''‘‘` `  
V tions must be taken with respect to   `xg 1 1
` quantity, temperature, and sanita—   `° .’ . 1   l
  tion. The manufacturerls directions   ~ ·· 25:*   1. at 
  must be followed to the letter. i
  ’ >*
  1 6- Supply fresh, clean, drinking
       Z Water at least twice daily if a drink-   1,,; ._
  V °, mg CUP is not used. In winter, it is   .. .   ¤_ :».~;;..., 1
  ‘?   . - 1 ,;  ”`ii  :.;_~ ~.<..
  pmt.  usually advisable to have the water A   :_.»  
M ll slightly WEUI11. Provide ‘   ·` 1
ll; 1 fresh,   ’ 1 `   R. ll
,  ’   . clean ‘ ¤
    water V l
     V daily
»··i.`·¥T’€.if’L     .   ’'°‘

 . eV ii
. l
l · V ’ T ».   l    
a 1 . . `’`°`”‘‘ ‘    · > »V¢>::,;:’i;-§~; ,  
      ‘ . * `   i i i""“** f?’;;. W?a£§?`V“<**e#; ¤ iV» ;a` T ;.· _¤  ‘ .,. f .0; X
            "   ~ . .. V     \’ ;            
l   ‘   ‘ , =._, , ·‘       -   `‘;  ····   *Q—*?_»a    Y   ~     <¤V  ’
    .» KQ W,     . ..., . ..  
  ;;,·"·k ``‘` _ at . V V ·, an _.,. ’ :4 as ’ Z     ,-jj    V  .·  '..;.·   1 _:_:  
A     s ’vr~. a lz,     -~~. c   VA‘‘‘ V‘”° ‘ V. @1*   W   ;;·~>i     V2. » (
1       -V: `—‘·°‘ '   if   , -’ V  . _· y_     gw/:V~$-V_Vg9ggj;% P
V   ¥·A ?   » `   *:» ¥     V l -v·=· ¢ ·  -:;»   .».. a     . fe
    . ~ ‘»*·     { _ ‘-·‘ ¤%_VV   _ _A___   V V ~ · , ‘;,·_·V , pn
l    ]  l`   l-.,§            V:·Av— V »     "’  
l ;·   »»-_ 2,     .     ·~   .V‘.?  V ‘‘'V Q     V i
.      ‘i‘ ——VV· V     ``’’   ”`’‘` ' `   V»’.   IV     , —
   Q  _        __           ·—v: I     p
l  s»  » » V  ;   - 1; . —V V I     ;-:~vv¤   »~·   Ol
*             ;;v        .;—.   Q
l ;&4'J¤.;_ V {2;,r _;   ,y*;;fS?"{?:;,,“ V  ~¢ Q:·>’·».&'  V g ’ I D  - je ',,,2.y¥‘V V   '~/_"·%;(.·  7:
, { ~ Ti,   ,_W\(. x  .' __  _ x   ` _     ..-;»·_;;j . H.
` 3 y   —~   .. .   > I ‘ ,
L l Q?   `  ¥    a     VV :;·. .<..V·~A A   V»,, ~i; C;
  g»¥mC*·  ?:               s        
`           ’»v-     VVVV   H·
· l   al J       e   ’ V   .’V·· sVe·~VV‘>  i;· ¤e—g   =.   »·&~. V;V¤,’¥i—V·V* —V
¥‘¢V*§;;,Q“         ‘     V-;~ .» ‘V~`   »V·v   J g
.   ,5,%  ,j;J;_,€,;   _ pim  i i A    _ _v V __ AV I [_
V V · { V     V A ‘y>°V L `Y@¥2'i~V " -»¢é~ »? V  M   `,     `’—» vi}, ..»_. ' A V,V.   V , · ji V
= jx]? , 4-V   l;;i$;.£        E U VM YM. . , V  _VV · EY  \»      '   V»·V  ” · aj
I Good-quality hay should supplement good pasture, especially for b.
calves 4 to 6 months old. C(
V ’JVi*'1`*i£:¥~¢l‘l%(°’£~‘~=Y`?i;E·T?l        " l- I   
V   VV    ‘V¢J#>4. V>7—”f¢.‘ V.    V·' ·_=»?;;.E£¢·"—I—.   *~;.·1V‘V‘»i·..  ’ ¤V eV V
, V   E   1, i’3*.i.¤ ‘ »£?   " ;V`5*"»~é` 1;·§7»¤Z—     Vt` ’$:??'·M~.TVVf.   _ '  J V' ` A,
l *Si.7}"“V '€$?f}··’°llTE  Y' »¤z¤,§V ; " "`&§*°‘i· — "?;£§**:;I‘V`?tiV?`#~.  `A`  ` `V- ,» {il
   ·}l·'·iL       ‘V ¢·@*??“  e »jZi?.‘V` ~`“ QQ . V-  :'°2?3?.§§·‘   , V
i     yé  {Q          
»·§g"' €¤’:·;;.;?Z§' » ~=gl¤¥ ·:J`q;%V·’-gi? .&q=   :-2.,4  °`i"$’Q  4* VV.·?;§`4éV:>¢‘<:,·-·é»=?~?¥*·§’?,,   rv
V ·i»72·¥V 2-'·:fr?\—%*' ~‘.*`   €£.;;,V·i*i *- `,V·.~:l§_,.·2*  V , ·i»·g,; --.  ’;¤ ! ' 2 ‘ ·»9··V’·1‘4.V*?`°~—w’-C·2»?"=,&‘,.;f· .V‘ 12
V V .:J•s.·€·.·': V;;‘···— s" .`.;=·V*;2__,.T;—~  5;; x_VsT_·~·;’»_ ;~V .»’»_   *· ;—~_ ..¢ ·==V_5;—.~ ·,,·s. 
{ . ·-';$;{;— ", Vegy;f,`Y   ._   _¤;°_}. }.‘¤·»~»V VF'·_·T{·'¢&;:&§;.·*V= i`::  s;-_,"·¤· ’{$i' V%&_"$i]»}2,;`1~i
”· ’;:».V V·V~··:V.“;' `   #·,%$'j;;  V ·‘_,V·;&,_)·~ . ‘.=  ,. ._..~t;;;_i_¢~·.,`;"§¢¤. qx%zF*"··__L' f
· V= VV   · —V · k· ,'   - ·V   LV' ·.   #‘<.V   .V .1. ··' ’ 1;* .:. 1 ·_·V‘ V.  ,
l ?“ { · ,..· V »    V if  fe-   ¥~   ".V-V   "‘*¥°3*7VV"¤     
VW. —$¥V . »   Yi . V V': Y"   "¥`,? ’ · 7 ;'·   &"*·€4?‘°fY; ¤’:l§i···¤:*·,:·,é;. · V   V,¢` ·."‘="`§V ir V  
"’·'¤€’· '   " *=—   ·°'V   V~ @_2&%?:·i·$§i·¢;;;·   VV-—. =:.,?V‘~"T,·‘%f·`V‘7T~—· VV··  
9%*1.·’».·V~,Ii·VQ‘__;:"»`qV.·*g,.;.V;».?Z,;,·VVV F V if ;‘¢?i:*5V   1   I  i¤»¢ » .  `  
·;¢~V ‘V·'     .¢,-  'VV~*sn·°*   V,1»~a;   V sf  ·§$~Li’·V  s c  " - V  *1 `  
V— ·`   ’*;4‘      _,{'   V l *§.‘i']l*     `
  V J       J   V)        yl]      
V sQ;<’·‘% QQ     'E _ _,;,¥g( g,s§{;§`   {gy;   4§§,&Z—g;;§_,_ ·   ,   fig  
l ?.§.    _-__ {    j_  q,] y A  
V   ,l;,*’·g»—_ i..¢V€Z;3»3     A ‘”'Zg$,i1L"•_ ··"`V—-L, if ;`.§"§L*€·.¢E$.   ; qq; {ga V' »yj;,V;‘E, ·. .,;,_·_; ;,,;;:l§¥ *·_»¤   VV :  {  '  
I ;? ·VV»    —
V UZ;;,LjiV,Q;V;  ,j_,,VV·;g___V—»,;;;,5V-eh,   _r_ · M I,,‘ · y;§·;},~§ ,1;%    4;   ·, .;)__
_v,:;;;·.·         · v,,·y·V» ,"~·‘Y,»· -. `_   »·=,_ #.4, -.‘·?*.»_‘u·. :·~€i•’ #2* -
_   ,7. _ ,_t,yq_L;¤ , .·;,,»,m;,¢t4j;, »;;x?,?._~ {gr    N '. A W·§,;_f.;,,,,.,,_hgm   · ,_y- ;i gt, _, M
;   sux         . J   ¥.,Vé’:&1?5.·;‘;Q4,£[;;V  V   ,= ~ -E§;?£;a:1~i"{’¢" `    VM  K, . ’,~.~»
    wr, ;.(,f   f$‘i l  t ii J'- ` V  e V   lg,-(   , ·, x . g i , V-`#..,» s- *.4 pq?} i F rf   { ` ·_  
V -— V V> *l”lV~V4*V ¢v.»'¤>*?* ~V * *»VV ?*i¢*‘l5s·—¥ V .»· ¥  =~V   fl? ~ : ;   nl  
V High-quality roughage is the most economical feed for growing y
1 heifers. Be sure they have plenty of shade, water, and minerals. `_
F 12
. 2 ,
· 4   Tv .

 2   s
-  I
. r
` I
- i
,     Important that Roughage Be of Good Quality I
  ‘ 1. Provide calves 4-6 months of age with a good-quality hay
    to supplement pasture. Grass alone is too low in dry matter to
  L romote satisfactor rowth at this a e. Continue limited rain
  P Y S S 3 (
  ; feeding. (A good mixture is made of equal parts of coarsely  
 Q, . cracked corn, oats, and wheat bran.)  
 P 2. Be certain that heifers 6-12 months old have a good supply  
. . . . . . ¤
 _ of high-quality hay and pasture, if possible. At this age limited
jj --»-  . quantities of silage (10-20 pounds) can be added for late sum-
e~`;   i mer or winter feeding. Depending upon the condition of each
A calf, 1-2 pounds of grain per day may be necessary to maintain
5. ;._ normal growth. ‘
  - 3. Economy can be maintained and heifer growth continued
   _ after the first year on good roughage alone. However, if pastures
- become short or hay scarce or of poor quality, 2 to 4 pounds of  
concentrates per day should be fed for growth and development, 1
especially after heifers are pregnant. {
      '_p\ i `i‘‘·=’·   r ,,_.   4. Protect heifers from flies
  .     —....,..   ,..   ii `f»`i   and provide suitable shade l
  _ ·r V _   V .   “"   .,,,__ i ppj and plenty of water wlule <
 Q‘_  { *i  Z ’’‘o       __   heifers are on pasture.  
·./$4 . of ····~  W ...._ gas;.  
{ r· Z` `  . . .   ` ````'       ,
   A   ’p‘A       . 5. Provide salt and steamed i
  .     ‘;·:   ·r-·~-»-~- .      .  bonemeal free choice to grow- Z
f"}j’ E      I   l ing heifers, .
  I   .   ~~f.     if in   l
  < .  i s  ”i”`  ” `  . . .  
        p_'_  _. F; .-_p   `    
   ·     . »e  =  4..; ....   __, .,_.  
  `   5;: M   L gx `4
i .}*1   ....     »..` - x  
 ‘ Grain may be needed
I to supplement roughage _

 ll    7 7
Consider Age and Weight Before Breeding 3  
1 I Determine breeding time by age, size, and the market de-  ifi 
i Q mand for milk. Usually fall-freshened cows are more profitable  
than those that freshen in spring or summer, for they produce at *·'°
higher levels and their milk sells at a premium during the period  
of highest production. Breed from October to ]anuary for ]uly  
1 to October freshening. VQ  
l Heifers should meet the following age and weight schedule be-    
  fore being bred: _  
. 1   ....... - . YY
Age, Heart girth,° Weight,   ·
\ Breed Months inches pounds .,§_ =__
V { ]ersey .......................................................... 15 52.0 500 i  
1 Guernsey .................................................... 17 57.0 550 ` i 
Ayrshire ...................................................... 18 59.0 600 Z  
Holstein ...................................................... 18 62.0 700
g Brown Swiss .............................................. 20 66.5 850
_   ° Adapted from "Duiry Science," 2nd Ed., by VV. E. Petersen.
·         .,_,..   V.     .  
: l   `   X .
i   ..   . .,     . Q _ .,.. i ..,._,.,........, . ..
I ‘ ~—‘:!w A    .. .   .5   .   , I
i '-  §  ra *7 I  
  , I `   ; Heart girth, or I Cl
· " - , V   weight and age ll
‘ _ if ‘ ’ determine time i D
lfj of breeding. D
   . .  a 3 i St
i . A ·*       2 . . é¤f?» B SE?
'    4%* r ‘ =»   , ,Tzl»~  ‘ ll
  s     `
E  gl   l"   `~.ij;§e;Z.r·:>
; .   4 _, ” {  vi1
Q  EE gg   F . mq
‘ i   1   ~ 1 ii
Q .
.   14 `

    *'      `iv :· *3*  y   i    “    ¤ .r ’ ’  
j V. ·   vi n  -/,   A jj; V   2 ‘ A by tg *I ·/
-  A     . ·   I W ’- * W" {
 ' `0"     "  =--  ;      4  " ,3* -1 · E
A   Il_»   »   _   A   ~, · f/4x? i
  .   _' 3k. .,     ~*`&,t~  ,     . ·. . 4
 S ~  t. .   *· . yd S   ·*‘  .‘ ji ‘ l Y; { » l
l l [V   --*3 H V   A I I   -3* 'V Y;-,,   7. *4     e 5  WI T:. I , .   I
 “   —r¥,.;¤_ “         ¤m$r:*·•A 0 Z" ‘   ` ,. *   ‘   'V
'§¤  ` V ·-, ‘ . ·i.‘v `”°-F ‘ ·‘. _   A' ~ N
i =i     ,.  - »¢=    ~r/· *¥• V __ ....-M ' `
B     · . .»,v,   /r,’             -   * ·’ ·y     ....-»-.=`v   ,  ?*l  
    '=A—    ‘·`   s   ,0   `A   ‘       a  
  ‘ ' /·..,     ' V `   ,'~;..Q;'}!2%g;?    ; » ~"    . V; ··    · "  “
(18- .§       . I   ' ‘,’»/   ’·i     ‘:`     i   s -
·   ‘'‘‘     ~ -·     . ;;‘   A°‘‘ _; ,’··A         “     ·= A‘,·  
rble   -   =’`       ~ it  4»`A» 5 1   .     J     -
,  M 1  . .,»`Vv  ‘           M     · .,..       ` Q . 
8 3.1 I e . r .».= -   ..;».   il   ’ V . ,v··   — · . V ,
      J   A   ri   =I . ~ ~ ~ . A —. ?   »,
        ·· ”  ` `  V     E  ··  
cb€_ VY   ‘ _ , A ll · , · `  is  °·     #4,}; ij  
.         I  I ` V A-;. . {Y 3 )` ,· i Yl?2 Z `_A   _   jj,
' ’ g . _/> _ · ’ ,_ J, Q"  ,_ · .» _ »_ . ~.,·— , _ , >.•,j ’ _
T ’ A   ° ,‘»‘   .=v» »         .¤:* all   ·=   .    »   s 1 e ”
Mw ·             i; .» ~A*   .- '; T     A ~ lvv·-· ·..~   ,,·‘;  -2        .’:¢ ~ .. .`
»0unds 2-   4- 1 -_··V   ‘ ‘ _, 3 it       5 s —· _ g,     1__;.;-gg?_.:44--;;g`&?§§*iJji;__; .» Y;_@‘<.j  -‘`.{-   ;*Q"__   `'_’ Z   rr;
            ---·   `‘--   ·—-,·
500 -,   -   ·.   _ ·       -V°’   ,A·,   `*··  . A‘‘·‘,.     ,_-»     ‘=··  
550 . A       x . {   ’ 7 ·.   ’``‘` i   _,.,·. » =‘,‘>.`*v®‘%.iS*” 1;-@5,-       »`·_   ·»’-`   `‘.-- ‘     Xi ··‘‘ `Q   ` .,  
2;%-L 0».`   ,’·’ ’ ST     ·-;¢ 2 ,-»V`;   - ,-··,. J . ‘’.'   V?   ; .      ‘* w ;i‘~·#€ fi ’..‘ it? iLe>1.-;;».3—¥.—"an   
600 ,  It ¤ .   ‘ ‘·,. ’ ·v=»   ,·'.#J*¤ . ». . 3t *24   a , »;·=· .>¢.‘      ·.       hi ,—>; ' :
700 f Results of good management pay oft! These four generations
850 are the result of longevity, regular breeding, and persistent pro-
 S duction.
i Table 'l.— Some simple starters used by the Kentucky Agricultural
Experiment Station:
g Ratian 1 Ration 2 Rntinn 3
i Lrnseed orlmeal ................................................ 50 50 50
 .· Ground or crimped oats .................................. 120 120 120
or ; Ground yellow com .......................................... 80 80 80
ge Wheat bran ...................................................... 50 50 50
ne ' Dried skimmilk   ............................................ 100 0 50
· D1st1llers’ dried solubles (72 percent com) .... 0 100 50
 f Steamed bonemeal .......................................... 5 5 5
. Salt .................................................................... 5 5 5
 - Vitamin A ..........,.,.,,..,,........,........................... .. ° ° °
  évltkllllin A may be supplied by 0.5 pound of cod-liver oil or by stabilized
I utamin A as recommended by the manufacturer. Two or 3 percent dried molasses
  LFIJY also be added to improve the palatability, but this is usually not necessary.
use starters may be fed until 16 weeks of age, when a chan e can be radually
in d = · g g
· H L to a good growing ration.

 i l JQ  
‘ ll E   `v“i  
ii ·     