xt74qr4np10t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74qr4np10t/data/mets.xml Missouri Missouri Historical Records Survey. 1939 23 l.: forms. 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number F466 .M36 1939 books English St. Louis: Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Missouri Works Progress Administration Publications Archives -- Missouri Manual of Instructions on the Preparation of the Inventory of the Church Archives of Missouri text Manual of Instructions on the Preparation of the Inventory of the Church Archives of Missouri 1939 1939 2019 true xt74qr4np10t section xt74qr4np10t “MM ‘ \ ‘ % wunnmmunuunnun . * " ' ‘ . w. “ ‘3“‘d‘é‘é‘sw F : - M 466 ~ . M36 ‘ ’ . 1939 3 MAMA; OF INSTRUCTIONS ON A TEE Pammm 0F '7 ‘ , , 7 mVENTORY OF THE CHURCH moms, _, , , 1.3 , 7 ‘ j ., _ OF MISSOURI ‘ = ‘ , 1 , > * 'HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY ' ' 7 , . ' . 31" LOUIS, 'MIssoUnI ’L - ' ' ~ . ' ' ' > > , ' 1 ' ., , , _ .7 . .. (ririimr- '2 v - 14:3 .~; ., .' . ' W ’ ' ' ,7 W, , W» V _ A ,. ‘ :‘1<<=xw:fi‘ “I “a,“ \‘z I *4 " I W ’99:)“ JI |:“§ / ”1.951,”? ’1' MANUAL or INSTRUCTIONS \5? no, 1 /- ‘.m ' ON . I THE PREPARATION or ‘ THE _ mom or THE Lemmas ARCHIVES or MISSOURI ‘ HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY _ er. LOUIS, MISSOURI i ~ ‘ \ i Historical Records Survey g 4156 Evans Avenue f St. Louis, Missouri, E June 12, 1959. | I 5 I I v E I g In order that you may have a proper understanding of the f manner in which this office desires to receive information on the Church 3 Records Form ZOHR, we are enclosing a complete set of instructions to be i followed explicitly in the future, when you are preparing these forms for g ; the State Office. t v { We realize that it is difficult for you, working single- ; handed, with no knowledge of the system used in editing your material at E St. Louis headquarters, to know just what course to follow. These instruc- , ' i tions are sent you to enable you to grasp in simplest fomn, the setup of ‘ E the Church Records inventory. j I E The purpose of the inventory is to set forth a complete : history of all the churches in Missouri, containing information concerning ‘ i E their originrfldenomination,_g§ggt location, and early founders; with short I i stories, anecedctes or items of human interest. 3 You are required to prepare, at the earliest possible mo— 3 E ment, a list, on which.shell be shown the name, address and denomination i of every church in the county in which you work. This list should include 5 E every active church, as well as every inactive or defunct church. It i should be made in duplicate; you should send one copy to this office, and ‘ i retain the other for your reference. This list of churches is to be sent I in by you even though the survey of churches has been practically completed 4 i in your countyo ‘ I 1 i In order that your list may be compiled with accuracy, we E suggest that you consult the following sources of information: i 1. County recorder of deedso (He may have a i list of ministers and ordained clorgymen E v who are authorized to perform marriage ceremonies). ! 2. The county assessor. (Church property is l i ‘ : _ _ .V k - t (,, f Page 2 % 4%“ g? . usually exempt from taxation, -$§Bbhfi§§: ; I official may have a list of such prfioer~ ties). 5. All local ministerial associations and alliances. . 4. Chancellors and secretaries of Roman Catholic and Episcopal Dioceses. 5. The Synods, Presbyterery, District ( , Associations, (such as, Baptist) State : Federations or other governing bodies t of Protestant churches. I 6. Church pastors, church secretaries, elders, deacons or superintendents of ‘ Sunday Schools. 1 7. Local libraries. 1 § 8. Local chapters of the Daughters of the i 9 American Envolution, and county histori— ! cal societies. ! i 9. Minutes of District Church Associations. ; i 10. Newspaper files. 1 11. Local histories. ! l 12. City directories and telephone direc« t tories. 5 - 15. Local church histories and year books. 14. Any other available sources of informa— r tion you may locate. I t I f we are certain that your list will be as accurate 5 , as it can possibly be made, if you will mhke an exhaustive search of I I each of the above mentioned sources. ! 1 : Make every effort to obtain all information required ‘ t for the ZOHR (Church lboords) form, in your first interview. This ’ will save you thne and money and speed up production. A completely 1 filloduin sample form showing just how entries should be made, is 5 t enclosed. ‘ Workers should complete both the church form (ZOHR) . ‘ i and the Building Form (lOfiR) and historical sketch, before sending i 1 in either. They should be fastened together securely and sent in i i together. To do otherwise is to have the forms come in scattered and i L not properly identified. Be careful also to have your name, county 3 i and the date at the top on each separate form, history or additional 1 ‘ sheets, as Well as the name and location of the church. If a shoot becomes torn off or separated from its mute, and without the worker's % name on it as identification, it is "lost" and you will of necessity i be required to write another. 1 Page 5 - ‘ Do not attach several reports on different churches 3 together as one, as that is confusing to us. Make them up and 3 send them in separate sets, in the same envelope if you like, but A not all pinned together as one. ‘ With reference to personal contacts, it should be ‘ remembered that the character of the Church Records Survey demands , a dignified attitude and approach on the part of the worker. ' If there are any further questions, pertaining to any ‘ ‘ part of the work, feel free to write us at any time. This department A will be glad to help solve your difficulties if you will make them 3; known to us. Very truly yours _ I 3 mm ‘ a I “’0 i . A. LOYD COLL S ’ 1 > State Superv- sor : _ Historical Records SuWey 1 By: A. C. Schaef‘er b,Z V 1 . Unit Supervisor 3 ACS:AB Church Records Department ’ { ‘ 1 1 ~ \ n - - W II'ISTJWCTIOETS TO FIELD l’a’ORKERS I (Clam-zen macros Irwuuom') ‘ I = June 12, 1959. I ‘ The Church Records Forms must be closely examined and thoroughly I understood before any effort is made to begin the inventory. For your con- I I venience and information we have prepared the following instructions to 1 I - help you to correctly fill in the forms you are to use. I I I ‘Workers should bear in mind the necessity of filling out all ' headings on the Church Records Fonn in as complete detail as possible. Additional sheets of paper may be used when the space provided on the Form I is not sufficient to include all necessary information. Abbreviations I should not be used and all letters and numerals should be clear and dis- . tinct. ‘I 1 At the top of the Church Records Form is a line for the worker's , I full name and address. Efiiiggfljflenter your name and address, alsqwdate, ' ‘ 5m;thisfllingi if you do not enter this information, we will be unable to give you credit for your work. V The next line at the top of the form is for the name of the State I 5 in which you are working; namely, Missouri. ‘ we now come to the body of the Church Records Form, and we cau— I tion the Worker to be thorough end exact in filling out these entries: 3 LINE NO. 1 - COUNTY. Enter on this line the county in which the church is located, 3 such as Butler, Tansy, Mercer or whichever it may be. I CITY OR Tom I \ = Enter here the name of the City, lown or Village in which, or I : nearest which, the church is located. :I _ LINE NO. 2 - HAZE or CHURCH. I Enter here the full name of the church. It should be given ac- I curately and exactly. If, for example it is "First Baptist 1 Church of Meadeville" enter it as such. Not just "Baptist | Church." Or if it is "First Church of Christ" it should be so , written, and not "First Church" or some other term. If the le- I ‘ gal name is different from.the common name, EEEE.EEE§' I The word "colored" should not be used in a title or name of a ; i church unless it is actually a part of the name. Use the word I 1 "colored" in parenthesis immediately following the name, to I designate colored churches. L » I ‘ i; ’ - 2 — . . ] V M A STREET ADLRESS. ‘1: ' Enter here the exact street number if the church is in a city, h town or village. If it is in the country, give the rural route i : number and from.what town the rural route runso Give also the ‘ 1 address of a country church as, "On Federal Highway-# ," or 1 1 "State Highway fii~__ ," or so many My___flniles in a certain di- rection from the nearest town or prominent landmark. When giv— y i ing R.F.D. Routes or highway numbers, enter also the legal name g or popular name of the road.‘ Your description of a church’s 10- e i cation should he so accurate that even a stranger would locate f .' it without stopping'to make inquiry on the way. i i LINE no. 3 - DENOMIHATION. 5 Enter here the Egg; name of the denomination. The full name of i ; the denomination may not always agree with the name of the church 1 > or church building. For example, a Baptist Church may be of the ; 3 Northern Baptist Convention, or Southern Baptist Convention. Do 7 ' not enter simply "Baptist." The example given is also true of g ‘ other denominations. For instance, Méthodist-Episcopal, thhod- 1 . ist—Protestant, Mbthodist-Episcopal South, African Methodist- ‘ ‘ Episcopal, etc. ‘ } ' DATE crewman. ( Enter here the date church was first organized. This refers to : date when a group of people of a certain denomination first gath~ 1 cred together to form.a permanent body for the purpose of holding w . regular church services. V i LINE NO. 4 - DATE 0} LAPSJS, IF HOW DEFUNCT. A Enter here whether church is aptixg 0r.§§£§fl£§' An active church i ? is one in which services are now held either regularly or part , 1 time. A defunct church is one that has gone out of existence or ' one which is now inactive, and the building may have long since 3 * been destroyed or removed. ' \ ~ When a church is listed as "defunct" give date 3§§_hgw it became ‘ . so - by merger, vote of perish, action of higher body, expiration { j of charter or any other reason which caused it to become defunct. j , Defunct churches are to be found in practically every locality ' and it is the duty of the worker to locate them. The records of h 1 these churches are sometimes of considerable importance. If the ‘ church is defunct the forms must be filled out just as if the ' church were active. In the case of merged churches, the worker :‘ must submit fonts for the new church and also submit fonns for 3‘ the previous histories of each church in the merger. : LINE NO. 5 - IEFORMATION AS TO PREVIOUS BUILDINGS. £ Enter here any information as to building or meeting places used ; by the church prior to the erection or acquisition of present 3 , building. If services were formerly held in private homes or 3 l r ! - f a qfl“ ‘ ~ a. 1 1. 1’ 11 1 ~ 3 — 1 V groves, give date and lgggtigp and kind of building - log, frame, bricx or 1 j st one . 5‘ 1 1 LINE No.6. ~ DATE PRESENT BUILDING DEDICATED 0R COHSECRATED. Enter here date dedicated or consecrated. , DEDICATION generallf means the services used in opening the church 1 ‘ for worship. COHSECRATION refers to a solemn religious ceremony 1 _ in which the building is blessed. In some denominations no ser— 1 vices of consecration are held, the building being merely dedicated. 1 _ And there are some denominations which do not even dedicate. In 1 f the latter case the date given may be the date of the opening or 1 of the first service. If the church is dedicated but not conse~ 1 } crated, the word "Consecrated" should be crossed out. 1 s 1 - REBUI LT . 1 I If the building has been destroyed by fire, tornado or any other 1 : cause, and has been rebuilt, give date when rebuilt. If an annex ; 1 or addition has been made to building, give date when this was 1 done, and materials out of which addition was constructed — wood, l 1 bfich mm. 1 LINE N0. 7 - ARCHITECTURE, BELLS, INSCRIPTIONS, SPECIAL FEATURES OF BUILDING. 1 ‘ Enter here the type of building - log, frame, brick or stone. ’ Give a brief description and dimensions of the building. State 1 whether the building is rectangular, square, T shaped, L shaped, , 1 etc. The majority of churches, especially in the rural districts, 1 are generally of a simple hall or meeting house design. There v 1 should be reference to distinct architectural style only when the “ . building was obviously designed to follow some definite architec— 1 V tural period, such as Gothic, Romanesque, Bysontine, Georgian, ' Colonial, etc. 3 Inscriptions may include Memorial Tablets as well as the customary 1 1 inscriptions on corner stones, over doors or on Alters. 1 LINE N0. 8 - FIRST SETTLED CLERGYNAN. f 1 Enter here the full name, if possible, of‘the first settled clerv ; gyman. For instance: ~ Rev. John Calhoun Smith, rather than Rev. 1 J.C.Smith or Rev. John C. Smith. When full names of clergymen are ‘ ‘ not known, denominational hand books or lists of Ministers compc— 1 ‘ tent to perform the marriage ceremony, will often supply them. ‘ , By "the first settled clergyman" we mean, the first clergyman to ‘ ' be formally elected, called or appointed to serve the church con" 1 , stantly as a resident Pastor. This does not refer to occasional 3 ' missionaries or circuit riders or part-time pastors. Include in- 1 formation about their work in church "history.“ See Line 17, Page 3 - 5. If first settled clergyman is unknown, enter name of earliest 1 j known clergyman and explain. Be sure to put thegtitle "Reverend" 1 before the name of every ordained glgggymgn, otherwise it is I » 1 . 1 jf ~ 4 - I t ' ‘ impossible to distinguish betwaen clergyman and others who some- p times act as preachers. W TENURE» - I ‘ Enter here the length of service of the first settled clergyman, . ‘ and th§_fggggfi. EXAMPLE: - 10 years (1870-80). EDUQATIOEAL BACKGROUND. 1 3 Enter here the actual education of the first settled clergyman. ' An effort should be made by the worker to secure as definite in~ : L formation as possible, Do not merely state that a man had a 1 common school or a college education, but give the name and ad- f _ dress of the school or college, with degree of education ob- 4 tained, and the dates. Do not say "highly educated" or "limited N ‘ education" as these terms are of no value to the State Office. q ' LIFE no. 9 - some moors. 1; 5 Enter here the ggmhgr of Hinute Books by zolumg and by years. fl State whether bound or loose loaf. It is not sufficient to state g ' records are kept. DATES, VOLUHES, LOCATION and ELLE, ADLRESS, Q I and TITLE of CUSTOLIAK ShGULh DE SHOWN. If records are in l : other language then English, bu sure to so state. k ‘ If records cannot be found, look in such places as Conferences, L State Archives or Historical Societies. If records are missing g i ' for any period of time, state what heppene€ to them, or if dis- i position is unknown: more some statement such as "neither the - v ‘ church officers nor those of the Conference Associations, ctc., f can locate the rocorés for (1849~59 — or whatever years are + ‘ missing.)" l ~ ’i ‘ LIEE NO. 10 n RM¥ISTER.BOOKS OF BAPTISH, CO*FIRHATIOF, MARRIAGE, MEMBERS, 3 DEATHS. % _ Enter here the EEBE of register - Raptism, Narriago, etc. Not 1 ' ell churches have all the types of records mentioned. For ex- 1 ohmic, one does not expect to find Confirmation Records in smma l Protestant churches. It should be remcmhored that some churches l have no rites of baptism or confirmation, and some may not keep 1 ‘ hhrriagc Records if they consider marriage as a purely civil ¢ ceremony. There are also evangelistic churches that do not keep y lists of members. This subject of distinctions in records : _ should be carefully studied by the worker, as it is of utmost importance. -Do not fail to distinguish between the types of records kept by different denominations. , L ‘ In some protestant churches, the information, or a part of it, t , called for in Line 10, is contained in the Minute Books (Line 9). In instances where this is true, it should he so stated in 1 Line 10. “ ‘ I l i — 5 - W . EXAMPLE OF ENTRY FOR THIS LINE: I Register of Baptisms - 3 volumes (1848u90) (1891-1910) (1911-1938). , 3 Register of marriages ~ 1 velume (1848-1958). E No records of deaths or confirmations kept. 1 Lists of members kept in Rflnute Books. These records are kept in parsonage adjoining‘churoh and are in the custody of the present Pastor, Rev. John Paul Brown. ' ’1 LINE NO. 11 ~ RECORD BOOKS OF SUNDAY SCHOOL OR OTHER ORGANIZATIONS. Enter here, by numbe: oi‘yplumes and ygags, such records as of , Sunday School, Christian Endeavor, The Ladies' Aid, The Mission- : . ary Society, The Young People's FeIIGWShips, Training Unions ' , (Baptist) Sodalities and Confraternities. Make these entries " just the same as you did the entries on Lines Nos. 9 and 10. ' l Remembe; it is net sufficient to state "records are kept," be i sure to show DATES, VOLUFES, LOCATIONS and NAMES, ADDRESSES and ‘ TITLES of CUSTODIMS. if , If 3 LINE H0. 12 — FIHAHCIAL RECORDS, (if separate). t Enter here the financial records by volume and date, and brief = > statement of what they contain. If financial records are kept in f : Minute Books or with any other record, so state. The worker , l ' should make it clear to the church that we are not prying into i . the financial affairs of the church. If a clergyman should state i ; that no financial records are kept, he might mean that none of ! importance are kept. HOWOVUT, in every case the worker should i ‘ make inquiry as to Whether or not there are some Eggpzds at 2 " $3.“.Sf..9.§.ll‘:§@$3ll.9i§f£i9§_$.£€*.1.€L¥'T.v‘.° 3 ‘ LINE NO. 15 - UNPUBLISHED HISTORICLL SKETCHES. x f Enter here the titles of such items as: Anniversary sermons and h addresses still in manuscript or any unpublished historical l sketch. ‘thn you enter such items be sure to give the name of f , the author, the title, when written, where kept, and give a ' brief outline of article. i 1 IJHE H0. 14 - PUBLISHED HISTORIES OR HISTORICAL SKETOHES. , ' .Entcr here any published history or sketch of the church. This 4 ’ will include references to chapters in local church histories, or . . to articles in church year book and directories. The worker should look in Church Conferences, State Archives or Historical Societies for these sketches. Be sure to list the full name of 1 - the author, title, 1&5333 of_publication, publish2£,—date and { number of volumes and EEEEE' Also give a brief outline of con- . x tents. . y. I ” I 11 . ‘ b ;.;%v t - 6 - l 3: F 3‘, LINE NO. 15 ~ OTHER RECORDS. i i Enter here any other records or writings about the church. l 1 Usually frmn county papers, individual church surveys, etc. E j Local Weekly newspapers frequently publish interesting i E articles concerning churches in their community and a y . search of the files of such papers will often disclose * f valuable data and historical information. - ” LINE NO. 16 - scanner or Broom-s. l ; Enter here the condition of the church records: - Excellent, I ; Good, Poor, or Very Poor. If the condition of the records H ‘ is poor, it is advisable to state what the defects are. t V l ‘ LINE NO. 17 " OTHER IEEORMATION. i % Enter here the name, EEQEEEEA Eflflflifi and Benefitioggl'psckgroung of % ; the present clergyman. Enter this iniormetion here just as you ' t did for the first settled clergyman on Line No. 8, §23_instruc- F f tions'gpr Line up, g. , g : Enter here also a brief history of tho church, its origin, names 5 * of charter members or curly members, short stories and anecdotes * of human interest. Use additional sheets of paper for this. Be sure to give the SOURCQ_9§ information which you use in writ- fl : ing your brief history. If your information is scoured from 5 _ early settlers or old church members, be sure to check it for - accuracy and facts. Give name and address of such persons, and ‘ date and place of interviews. Also state whether information ' was obtained solely from memory of such persons or from data in 1 their possession. If your history is taken from published or i 4 unpublished histories or sketches, he sure to give title, author, . ‘ pgylisher, flute and page number. A \ IMPORTANT ~ RAROCHIAL SCHOOLS and RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS of all kinds. ‘ ‘ Parochial schools should be listed by name in the historical g , sketch of the church to which it is attached, including such information H as date of founding, number of pupils, and by whom taught. Example: j "St. Patrick‘s parochial school, found in 1902, has on ottoncuncc of 300 1 pupils and is conducted by tho Ursulino Sisters." If separate records are 1 ’ kept by the school or by a school society, list some in their proper place E on the Church Records Form, undor Lines 9, 11 and 12. ‘ lEflfliflfiflfiljfiyiiiifiilgflfi sponsored by various faiths and de- i nominations are to be found throughout the state. They include [ schools, colleges, seminaries, convents, monasteries, hospitals, orphan L usylums, homes for the aged, etc., and will be listed in our inventory ; 5 s l ‘E R . k |.,‘ ’ fl 1 under their respective denominations. 7.3I’orkers coming ' across any such religious institutions within the county, , are requested to write this office for further instructions 1 ‘: . as to the inventory of such records. Insome cases the 1 3‘ State Office may secure the necessary information from official directories of the various religious bodies in 3‘ . the state. We suggest that when you compile the list of 11 ‘ churches in your county for this office, you include also 31 a list of all religious institutions within the county. 1 1 Very truly yours, 11 Cl ~ W 1 A. LOYD LLINS 1 1 , State Supervisor 11 Historical Records Survey 1 1 . By: A. C. Schaefer Unit Supervisor 11 ACS:AB Church Records Department 11 . 11 1‘ U l 1 :l .9 1 ;1 I l ‘1 .1 11‘ ‘I 1: 1. \ 1 , ' y 3‘ If i ,1 I <5pr FORM 20 HR SAMPLE com October 2-, 1941. ff .“ Charles L. Na?“ 52§ W. Mound St“ Cagfiggg, M0. {3 ._ orker's full name i , W , ' , WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION SURVEY OF STATE AND LOCAL HISTORICAL RECORDS: 1940 I . g, r MISSOURI Historical Reoords Survey , __ (Name of State} t (Leave this space blank; . ' .3 CHURCH RECORDS FORM ;; 1 1, County Jasper City or town Carthage i: :32, Name of church First Presbxterian Street address 111 W. Chestnut Street {I 3.3. Denomination Presbyterian, U.S.A. ___Date organized August 4, 1867 ‘ . 4. Date of lapse, if now defunct Still Active ,. :1 1 $31 3" 5. Information as to previous buildings First met - August 4, 1867 - in Dunlap's “,1 1. Hall; then in Thomas Bldg. Moved in Jan. 1 7 , to egan s a 1. ire church «} huildi ' (frame) erected in 1870 and used until 1905, when church mer ed with ‘1 Westminister Presby. using that church's quarters until 1916, when present modern 5, f: brick and stone edifice was erected. _* l’ 6. Date present building dedicated or consecrated 1916 Rebuilt Never I 1 7. Architecture, bells, inscriptions, special features of building Modified , f 5 Gothic Architecture; the bell which began service in the church's original struc- 1 -_ ture built in 1870 now hen s in their resent modern edifice and is claimed to ~ { 56 flawless and of good tone; cornerstone, 18" x 24", set at southwest corner of “ buildin ' facin south'is inscribed "First Presbx‘gerian Church, AD -- 1916". F Cther special features of this building enumerated on the attached page to which ‘ 1 g; a cut of the building is pasted. . ‘ , ~ i ‘: f.‘ 8. First settled clergyman Rev. John W. Pinkerton Tenure Sept. 1867 to Aug. 15I , Educational background No information available. L ‘, - - MM, ‘ » ;‘ ; 9. Minute books See answer to‘ uestion 10 followin . , ' .(By years, volumes, file boxes, etc.’ ’ 1 , 10. Register books of baptisms, confirmations, marriages, members, deaths All f racerds oflthia church are combined in nine bound volumes titled "Sessions 5? the ‘ v, Church 1867-4882 1882-1897, 1897-1905 1891-1903 1903—1914 1905-1918 1914- ? f; f; I§55, I§l§~l§35, $935 up to and continuing on beyond present date. These Books 1 _‘ contain a record of the church finances, membership, baptism, deaths, minutes of 2 card meetings, a list 0 all officers, 6 ders, deacons, trustees and pastors, i East and present. ‘ ' 1 1 , . I§ee reverse side) , ‘ « 1 11. Record books of Sunday School or other organizationW, 1., temporary memorandum form; such information is permanently in books listed in ' ; 1 _. . 7? r 1 item #10, over. _______-,________,____,________ ;_ 12- Financial records, if separ9~t0JmiszW~ in those books listed in answer to uestion #10 reverse side. f MMWW 11 15. Unpublished historical sketches: (give author, title, date when written, and 1 1 note if written in one of the record bOOkS)M% :1 ' . 1 1: 1 MW 1: 1 14. Published histories or historical sketches or directories, etc.: (give author," title, place and date of publication) A short historical sketch of the .'~ 1 organization and growth of this church through its early years is to be found in f "The History of Jasper Count , Missouri" b Mills & C:.3mpan , Des Moincs, Iowa, 1;. 1885, beginning on page #278. : K copyof that history is attached to and forms a g" part of the report herewith submitted. ‘, 1 1 Wm ‘11 15. Other records, miscellaneous manuscript material, etc. An old "Subscription ‘* Book" was discovered on a shelf in a second floor class room by the worker. This :1: 1'1 ' book recorded pledges made by members f_o_r the perigiigffi-iQOZ. It is in a good :31 state of preservation and the pastor, Rev. E. E. Mace, said he, would retrieve “.51 and place the book with the other official records of the church in his study. f5: VT“. ."Volumes 1867-1882 and 1882-1897 Fair (X'S',"'o't"h"er“‘s ""“‘"' "" . 1 _' 16. Indicate by check condition of records: Excellent ( ) Good ( X ) Poor (1 11 Very poor ( ). 1 1f 17. Other information, particularly as to the origins, history, and previous mm“ 1.‘ ' - ' ‘ ' 1‘ 1 of the church, as well as name, address, tenure, and educational background 01' :1 1 present clergyman (as in #8). Use additional paper if necessary Fully covered on separate pages attached. Present Pastor, Edwin Eugene Mace, address 1 110 E. 10th St.! Carthage, Mm, which is the church manse; educational back rounfh‘ ' Senior High School, Springfield, Mm, EA. from Drury College, Springfield, M02; 1‘ 1 B.D. a three-year seminafl course, from the Presbfierian Theoloical Seminar 2 5 formerly Me omick’s in hicago, Ill.;~ post-graduate study in the University 01,1 _ Arkansas. Official connection with this church began April 9, 1957; no specified: , tenure of appointment. He will remain until called 13y some other church or until :1. _ he chooses separation of his own accord. : 1' '4 i except in? Worker: Charles L. Napper ”NI; 523 w. Mound Street ted in if Carthage, Missouri May 25, 1959 WI ,1 I a Subject; FIRST Pinsxsnsnmu CHURCH I m: 3 N. 3. Cor. Lyon 6; Chestnut Sts., f tained, ; Carthage, Jasper County, Missouri I m‘ Q I MT ‘ x “M‘”“"“”"“ I I; An account of the organization and early history of the above .' named church is contained. in "The History of Jasper County, I tton, and ; Missouri" by Mills and Company, Des Lioines, Iowa, Page 278, I W published in 1885. I -———————--. The First Presbyterian Church of Carthage, Missouri, was organized II _~ August 4, 1867 in what was known as Dunlap's Hall on the south side of the II Mi“ %‘ ublic square by a committee of the Presbytery of the southwest Missouri II I f fnow Ozark), consisting; of Rev. Wm. R. Fulton and John McFarland, both of m; : Greenfield, Missouri. I ——-——.......3 The following members constituted the church: Alma Foster, Mrs. II give author'z- S arch Foster, Benjamin Beard, Mrs. M. O. Beard, Mrs. Sarah Lamb, Alfred III :3 I; C. Baldwin, Mrs. Isabel Mitchell, W. 2'". List, Mrs. L. L. Dunlap, W. P. I f the , -; Davis, eleven in all. II found—TIT; ,' II ’ Iowa, , f Mr. Benjamin Beard, a certified elder from Frankville, Iowa, was 10— I W» i cated and installed as ruling elder. The young church held ' its first I '. ‘1 services in various halls in the city for the first three years. After I ”“2 leaving Dunlap‘s Hall, in which the church was organized, the congregation I I worshipped in a room on the northeast corner of the public square, known I M 7 as the Thomas Building. In the meantime measures Were taken to erect a I Lbscription” I permanent house of worship and. two well located lots on Grant Street, three I her. This‘ '1 blocks south of the public square, were purchescd for that purpose. From I in a good; '1 January until Nov. 1870, services were held in illegaun's Hall, from wl’xich I trieve » C they were transferred to the new building, then completed, and costing in I study. the aggregate, for lots and building; $6500. I l The following were the first board of trustees: I. N. Lamb, Edward W. ‘I Harper, VI. Po Davis, Aluon FOS'IZGI' Find “5. I}. List. Thurs hgve served up to ) Poor (I I. the present writing under that board Messrs. Peter Meyers, George W. Lem- I ' I. ley, A. J. Brown, J. L. Moore, Wm. Mel-fillen, Louis Moore, C. Rivers, 0. H. I I; Pitcher, W. Allin, Joseph Wilson, Dr. W. H. Crothers, T. W. Bartlett and I _ John H. Taylor. The present board are J. A. latchell, J. L. Moore, J. I -evious ntmeI: Burch, W. A. Wheatley and John N. Wilson. II IackgroundOI, By invitation of the church the Reverend John W. Pinkerton entered II . on his first labors as stated supply for half of his time on the last Sab- I Fully bath of September, 1867. He was a man, concerning whom the uniform tosti- I address ; many is given, he was loved and respected by all who knew him. His minis- I backgroundl E try extended over a period of nearly five years, up to the time of his , I .eld, Mm, ' resignation, August 15, 1872. Duriz-‘ag his pastorate he had as his as-- " minor sistants in the session Messrs. Benjamin Beard, Dr. C. A. Shell, Richard I .versity 0f C. Sukey, Richard Bulgin, George W. Lomly and J. D. Yomg. There were I . secified; connected with the church in all during his ministry ninety-eight members, :h, 1- until: eighty by letter and eighteen by examinations. From the pastorate of this , I - I '; church Mr. Pinkerton wont to Iola, Kansas, where he died February 12, I . a j: T. 1875, aged 42. I ‘,fi__._¥ , WM, _ n -$l H.‘; t H, a' I f Page -2 FIRSQ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH — Carthaye, fig. H 1;; Rev. Hiram Hill succeeded him, as stated supply, October 27, 1872. H ‘H He labored faithfully for nearly a year, but owing to continued ill H 3' health was compelled to relinquish his work and seek the climate of H v; California, where he was able to resume the ministry. During his I ”H ministry eleven were received by letter and one on examination. ‘ H ,3 Rev. T. 0. Rice, of Des Moines, Iowa, began his ministry with the H _f church on the last sabbath of October, 1873 and perfonned it with earnest- h »5 ness and ability. His labors continued until Mhy 11, 1875, when on uc- _HH _‘ count of diseased eyes he felt compelled to resign. During his ministry [H ,‘ there were installed into theoffice of the eldership messrs. O. S. fH s Pitcher, William McMillan, c. RiVers, and J. s. MoLees. There were re- HHH ‘ ceiVed into the menhership of the church fourteen by letter and four on ' H ; examinations, leaving after removals and deaths, a total membership of M H sixty—six. HH 4,: By invitation of the church the present pastor, Rev. W. S. Knight, % .; then pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Augusta, Illinois, visited the W } church may 11, 1875, and after spending two sebbaths with them.wns culled H H} to the pastorate on which he entered July 18th, following. From that time W ; to the present writing the church has enjoyed a steady and substantial _ Jfi .1 growth. A debt of $3000 remaining on the building has been paid, and sub- W '= stantial improvements made on the church, including the purchase of a H ] pipe organ. Messrs. John H. Taylor, Dr. R. L. Gelbrcoth and Chnrlcs T. H " McElroy were added to the eldership and Arthur Wheeler and W} W} Calhoun H K were installed as doucons. Up to the present time, (1833) 202 have been H H received into the church since the beginning of his pastorate, 129 by f H letter and 75 on examinations. After removals by certificate and by death, 'l H the membership is 202. H j The Sunday School oi’the church has ulweys been an important factor J g of its growth and influence, and at the present time enrolls a membership 5 “ of 250, under Charles F. McElroy as superintendent and “L W} Calhoun, us— i ; sistnnt superintendent. Several seasons of revival