xt74qr4np396 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74qr4np396/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-10-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1986 1986 1986-10-21 2020 true xt74qr4np396 section xt74qr4np396 ‘ D ' l l»
I I Vol. XCl, No. 40 Establishod 1894 Ufiwemw ottoman Lenington. Kentucky mm tsunami rundoy. Octoborzt, I906
21 Club sports to H y ,
idea for matching e 11 rge
0 funds. It promotes . . .
receive un 5 NH 1" ' err I: .
- n . ‘
’ liy .ui' mourns Weaver said the problem with Club Involved. . . . . . . .
\ewslfirhtor non-recurring funding is that "(you Kathy Rose, Al I lerlcan faces pOSSlble 30'year Jall sentence , , ‘ 3.

. start) right back where started Cl b [S direct I' p. , ‘ , ‘. _
t'lub sports haie long been on the when ithet year is over." ll SpOl‘ 0 . . . . . _ , . . ‘ ‘ ‘
short end of an already short finan- Weaver said it had been Sin- — Bl.“¥"”“,‘ hHM“ ment [documents turned ”‘9? t” the “NW” lhh‘l‘lh‘lh'lh’l h‘“ “”1”” ' ‘ . ' v '

(.m] stick gletary‘s impression that the non-re- Associatedl ress court included Hasenfus confession rey readto llasentus '_ . ~
’l‘hat situation. however. may be curring fund had just been a “stop- sports. said the recurring fund will ‘ The courts president. Reynaldo ”50th mt. gum ”rm.” y” ,- ,4 . ‘ ' .'
”1“an gap measure" designed to help club ”helptremendously ~~ | \1\\\(.t A. ‘XICUFHRUH ~ The Monterrey. then read the accusa- the court nioiiienis lit‘ltil't‘ the \t‘.\ ' » I.
\ [K Fromm“ mm A. Singletary sports for just one year. However. Rose said the fund. especially the ettliist ldlltljliléhl; government for- tions out‘ loud abnd they weie lltllln chm began. ;:(-(rt.[hpunl(-tl lit 1 s . ' ’
has recently approved a 310.000 rer Weaver said that funding is some- concept of matching funds. will act mil L (:1le :UVLQDE’bHd’Slen'fUS at latedto English )dhlhlerpreltel\ .. (onsullionald livwh .- ‘ g . '—
curring fund “welt-Wm). for club thing club sports is "going to need as a “major incentive" for clubs to d tarini. ie ort a in una ‘yester- The government s 01cc 0 . lLtt‘ Hug-9mm \lt'itl‘itL’Uitii hmwg p“ ‘ ~. , . f 1
sportsusage vear afteryear." get involvedinfund raising. day with terrorism and Violating ragua radio reported that llasenlus “(the 50m” liorgen, ”to, “WW-“h.” . I . .‘ .
A recurring fund would mean that . Weaver ”said Singletary approved . , ‘ _ publicoi‘dei' _ , . was brought to the courtroom more lh" ~“-‘>‘~‘“’h ”’"lh’lh "l ll “W" -‘ '

‘ each year club sports would have a the fundingon three conditions: ”I think it 5 a good idea for H tony ”Ml ‘h‘f 431‘ ear—old Amer- than N0 hours after ‘th‘ hearing broadcast liieon L’.(i‘.t‘l’l‘.ll.t‘lll radio . '. .
510.006 PWl 1“ (him ”0m- LBS! 3'04” wThe money is to be distributed matching funds.“ R059 said. h “pro- ican ”1”“, up I” 3” years m prison. started._At 7:18 pm. EDT' he “a." The lawyer criticized the govern . " -
club sports received money from a through SGA.” A Committee com< motes (the) club tandi gets all the H“ ““5 CdPlhl‘fil ”Cl 6 bylgoy‘ern- seated in ‘a chair by' the judge s inent h”. ““ka h ”MMNW. h, Wt. ~.5 , ,
tund designed for their use prised of SGA and club sport mem- members of the club involved.” merit ”ml” alter Shmeg the tablevlisteningto the charges. llascntus lit-ltirt‘lht‘ll‘iitl started ‘ f 1 _

’ 'lht‘ hind “41> requested h.“ 1934“?) bers willdistribute the monev, Rose added that the club sports shooting (”mu m a plane ferrying . ““9 “1“ demonstrate that the m" ”'lh‘“ hi1"? ht‘Pl him I‘Uldlt‘d “t’ . ‘1 . _ . T '
Student Government Association ./A ceiling will be established on fund will also have a good effecton ”“Pi’hfl‘ h’ l 5 backed (ontra re- trons lmpUlw ‘IU Hasenfusi .81“ ”1‘ hate not managed to see hin. It is ' ‘_ ~ ‘ . .
President 'l‘iiii Freudenburg But the allotment of money 50 that no Student organizations requesting he“ l . | , ‘ . (_ ' dlSSOlUbly linked 10 the fJfllCldl PM; not until now that the public trial . . . .
slllt't‘ the fund was nonrecurring it club will get more than a certain monetary assistance. _ Th“ ““heh ‘hdm‘i‘ dgdel hd' cy 0f the government 0i the l ”it" opens. Sotelo Horgi-n said “He has ' ' . , _' .- -‘
“(is deleted at the beginning of this amount This year club sports have been senfus “”0 Pl't‘bt’mi’d h)’ JUSUCG States toward the REDUth “l 3W“ not hadtheadyiseotcounsel ' - w , . ,
year ./I)istribution of funds will be on a forced to approach SGA's Student 31mm” lh’dl'lh” 3‘1"“ 1“ 3_ small rauga. h'thh “(hale-S lh“ ‘ih'l'fll llasentus. his \icaraguan attorney . . . ', .
‘ s’t' \ -\rts ti- gmenC‘N 59an matching-fund basis. For example. Organization Assistance Committee CUUNTUOHI parkedwithyiournalistsh baSiC PNhC'Ples Ul 91" 'hlel‘hiil “NS said. "is in a legally indefensible po- .- "

‘i d ‘\\'e'”\'er l‘l proached Sin- if a club sport is allotted $250, the for funding. This action by club “9‘95 53'“ lh“ charges were "\"10‘ and the charters of the lhllt‘d \‘d- sition became he has been unable to ‘ '. ‘ , . ‘
(‘1‘?!1‘ “Xi" lhe‘§()55it)llm. (,1 05. club Wm have to match that amount sports has drained funds from S()A(‘ lating the public order and security. tions. the Organization of American - 3. .‘
Bligh”); u permanent club sports before receiving any funds. that might hay? gone to other orga~ criminal association and terrorism States and other treaties in force. as _ . ‘ .~ ‘
lllllti” ‘ Kathy Rose. director of club nizationsshesaid. 1h“ lush“ ”hm-”l” “ld govern— “"3” 35 the bas1c prinCiples "f “UN \~ IRIBl \AI lute“ i I i i 7’
lo 0 o ”I ' ‘ i
’ . a " »- ” “ . ' . a .. . ‘ . . '
. _ y w. a... ~ . ,. g- . . . .y , . App leations now being . . .
l . .. l‘ ‘ h. . .i _.. ‘ f - J . . ~ -_
w - ' ‘ tdf hl h
in a an”; ~ accep e 01‘ SC 0 ars lp
_ ‘ . W ‘ By 8088] woi.ocii ‘ ,
' . W ’ ’ S‘a‘mm’r ' i i ‘
' . . ”Wm'“ ' , «a . '
i ,... ' . Applications will be accepted until » ' . ' ' I
1 ”f x ” W _ I I, Friday for the $5000 Harry S. Tru~ \ . .
i ‘~ ’” ' ~. “ man Scholarship. which is given to . '
‘ «w ' y '3‘. a __ students who will be juniors next - t‘ , " ‘ .
g .. a... . .‘ _. . .1 fall. ‘ , ‘ .e . ~
4' . ‘A ' - J. . . ‘ ' "l can't think of an undergraduate . , ‘i , \
., -.». V 3.; i \ g ”} . ’ scholarship that gives, more . -~ ~ . '
f -_ «4"» f“ 5 g; , .. money.” said Bradley C. t'anon. L'K . , ' ‘ 4 .
\ 5&3; ‘l' ““‘ .... " ‘ . professor of political science ' :__ ' “'~
”g our; .’ a “ ' I The scholarship awards up to . _ I... / . .
g i “h”; ‘ - ‘ $5.000 for a student‘s junior and se- 3-, . g -
7 i 'l ‘ i .. ,r ’. ' ' ' ' ‘ l ("inon said and A 'r 5 ”‘2‘” - ' . . '
j . 95?: . ___ .fix -. §\_ nior years ot sthoo. . . . .f , ..
‘ L gr' i‘r'fi'» ‘ an optional two years oi graduate _ .
ff " i?“ . . .- A “a“ ’ school. £5” ‘ ‘ , .
y J}: The Harry S. Truman Foundation ‘ '
I . _ ., «—.. \ awards 100 scholarships nationally. X ,.
3' .v he»; ‘ , With each state receiving at least \ ‘ . ,
” t \ W 4;; . ‘ one. (‘anon said
‘” The award is offered annually to ‘
/ * w ,9 .. . students with an interest in goiern- ,- _
”7 ._ A... (”fig 2‘, . " ‘1‘ Kw“ , ment work. including forestry sery- BR ABLE} CANON - . .. ' ,
43"}:11“ ,» 9‘3?”ng ‘. .. " ice. civil engineering. work \th the 1 . ~ ‘
a 21'}; ’1‘“; . ”it" . state road department or “any kind A 5“]de with a {T (il’A would . . . "
V H ‘ J” ” > . ”'i " . 0” service where‘you‘re ”mph” H! 1” stand a much better chance ot ltt‘illll . I ,
'1‘ , 2i? i . . the public sector. he "ald selected than one \\llll .i 110 (‘anon ' . -
’ ' . ‘_ l. ‘w‘ k ' The LniverSIty selects two t-ppli “m , - _ . .
Furl.” - v . cams on [he basts 0f their ””mm'” "\ic try to select those we think _ I. - ‘
' . I is interests and academic records l" will have the best chance in the re- ' . - ‘
- / ,, ;. .. 7 w; heme?“ ['VK at the regional (“mph eional competitionj (‘anon said . ‘ ._'~ ‘
—. if"; ‘ at“. I. h V” ”i I tllionlanon Sa‘d' .. . Applicants must also subtiiit a 600— '1 ,r ' ~; " .. ,
/ . Students with a "strong acaneiii word typed 655;“ m an mm. m pub- , ~
, / 'C "To“ and. background m “if“ he policy. t‘anon said. and must list ' A _' V' "
.- /— ,-’ . W... a curricular activities. wthh are at N“ ”mm ”10mm,“ 1“ wmmr . .. . ’. .
. ”on K ‘5' it most anything of an organized social their ' . - ’. , ~ '. , .
Gl‘OOVln’ “nonmuu m. a nature." at the high 5‘"th ”r “’1' 'llithlt'itib- the students nominate .» . '
lege level are eligible candidates. themselves by pursuing the schol' I. .- i . ‘ '
Darryl Green on employee of H, G. Wilson and Son Con- mons yesterday afternoon. Construction is under way to ca'l“:nb:d(li”:idminated tor the an mi ;ii'ship."i'anon said .‘ ‘1 z _
t t‘ C . ‘ . corrected ' . . , i ‘_ S‘udenis ii'.i\ iick ll) a iilications ‘. , ' ..
s we ion 0 grooves the new Sidewalk of Complex Corn raincge Problem students must be juniors next "in m the Wimp-“i :(WMl digllll‘llltenl. ‘ . ~
and have a minimum 3.0 grade point m 1613 ”New,” ”hm. TN”; - .. - J
‘ average. , _ ’, ~ . .
‘ to it Its in ustr dismisses Lex A
. Wm proposal for ree ri es , .. . y.
3} annual literary magazine, is . . . .
tOta 0 Ht 0 . rlc a accepting submissions for H! Bl" KARE" PHILLIPS loss ltil' l,e\’l l.’ \\ (tilii tho- increased . '
next issue due out in the StaffVSriter i‘idertshiip ti‘oii. l l\ \(Illi‘llll li(' ' .
. c )llll ei on , t -
I“ .l \\l‘:'li BRAINS'I‘EIX _-——_——_——_——_—_—_— Spring. see D'v'mv [K OfflClalS say that [he cantpus ‘ ~ .
_\.‘ .; . ).,>.5 . . _ r _ x ‘ .. ié‘l' .. .. '
-‘-“’“”“”'“ “Our aim is to enable the new ownersto start “992 Eggggfcf‘gfiffimfigfde"h “‘“V‘ II it... .i am Him. Humick
.. .. . t . . . . ' g; l. "but it r i.- ll\ hisn‘t ‘lli‘ ti .'
“HRH” (wnvml Motors from a strong posmon, to continue to prOVide However. a proposal enahllnL’ “film W ju'm {Mg‘h' . .
('orp announced yesterday that it . . . Cl them to ride the LexTRAX huSt“ {K ‘ , ‘
ti... pulling out of South Africa. .. jOb opportunities for the employees an to my K." baskem" Mm leaving campus W free “8.. WM,
lllttH‘ t'liairnian Roger H Smith at? ' V m l'S " . ed lastspring.
tributcd both to ttnanctal losses and continue [0 561' C OUT CUStO C ' . held. a mod” day yfs'.rd°y ”This tproposali is something l l-\ and l.e\'l‘liA.\ lm. cunmm ‘
tliiit nation's slowness to abolish ROger 3' SMIlh. '0 dlscu” “‘9 UPCOMIW “'0' that‘s on the table at all tlmeS." sold under the mu”. contract mm a; ,
.ipat'lht‘itl Chairman son. See SPORTS, P090 6. Keith Baker. chairman of the adii- the\ “9“,!th past. ”hm. NW1
(it‘lK'l‘al Motors is the second-larg— SUV-V board at the Lexington Transit "The l anCl‘SIlV is always niaktnu ' l
“at l 5 employer in South Africa. _ , mtg Authority. f an attempt to improve the hm serr
behind Mobil, according to the ln- .. _ ‘ . , . “rue“ The proposal was “part ii an M. .. said Donald Thorntor 1K Ag.
i-estor Responsibility Research (‘eii— desperately ‘h .S‘hhh Africa be' Smith announced that GMSA would a..- ' Vs- ’ 33%"? overall package brought UP LI“ “Wight. (mm-h". [Ur parkmg and
lt‘l‘ iii \\'ashington. DC In 1985. 39 cause 0f the hailhhs economy, H9 "0 longer sell vehicles ‘0 the 5"“th “e ‘ spring that was not passed.” said transmutation "We always 1N9“ to
l 5 companies Phlk‘d 01h 0f S‘hhh said the company 5 sales and m.‘"‘ African policeand military i i " i ” ” “ Wally Skiba. director of [K humim ctudents' complaints and do what w e
Africa. followed by 22 so farin 1986, he? share have dropped substantial- However. tiMSA had only sold 11 resource services Lam -- he chm “he a never-ending
(ieneral Motors South African 1." 1” the 935‘ year and "0 qu1ck ‘m' vehicles to either branch 'h 1985 and Todo will I). “m" and Since then the proposal has not litllllt‘ .. ‘ '
Ltd. a wholly owned subsidiary. has provement wasforseen. those‘sales were carryovers from I y . h h {v 65 been discussedhe said. ‘
annual sales in the $300 million "Our aim ‘5 to enable the "9‘.” 1985 “hm“ said. . . pwwm w" ”9h, ”om The plan would allow L'K students. Thornton said he couldn‘t reiiieii.-
range and a 2.800-member work- owners to start from a strong pOSl- They like it). aind “$1518th: by to 70. Tonight will bo door faculty and staff to ride a LexTRAN Mr the proposal enabling 1K Sm,
force that is predominantly non— h0h~ h’ Chhhhu“ ‘0 lih‘OVlde J0h 0P‘ consumers and tmestors 'h the l h't’ with laws in tho lowor to bus back to campus for a discount dents. faculty and staff free and my
white portunities for the employees and ‘0 ed States ‘0 the" continued involye- mid 40! price. said Pat Hamrick. general count bus “(1‘95
it has assets worth about $140 mil— Chhhhue, t‘.’ serve our customers." ment .m South Africa. The dec‘s'on . manager of the Lexington TranSIt
mm and makes cars by GM‘s Ger- Smith saidinastatement. :35 SlmPlY helped by the poor mar- Authority. LexTRAx originally submitted the
man and Japanese partners. Adam Smith said the proposed sale also et conditions. said Gary. Glaser. \l . . However. the proposal. which has proposal in an effort to "increase
Opel. Isuzu and Suzuki. according to “'35 a result 0f the South African an auto industry analyst w'th F'rSl G‘ :1 :uffgringdfrom losses not been around for about two years. ridership with [K because they
GM spokesman George Schreck. governments slowness 'h eliminat- Boston Corp. , , sterpm . l“ 9:3 fiscoupt sales 'n’ would require substantial rerouting needed the dollar support from
GMSA is expected to be sold to 8 "lg apartheid: , . One oftGM 5 board members .'5 cen “es, It 0 er rom ate August of LexTRAN and campus services L'K." Hamrick said,
group headed by the South African ”The ongomg economic recesswn .130" Sullivan. the Philadephia ml" to early October to clear out “5. m' making the plan seem ”inoliil’orth"e
management at its Port Elizabeth in that country. along With this lack Isl" who devtsed the Sullivan prin- ventory backlog m the United at the time.hesaid. . d .. 'd
car and truck assembly plant. The of progress has made operating'm eiples. a set of guidelines for the em- States. _ “We can‘t very well adjust a .. its not totakljly dea ,. he; sabe
purchasepri'ce was not disclosed. the South African environment in- ployment and treatment of blacks It IS expected to show a third- major part of the svstem just for The plan 5h0“ Ibeeontinu ‘0
A GM engine plant in South Africa creasingly difficult," hesaid. by businesses operating in South Af- quarter. operating loss of at least UK u Hamrick said. ' given consideration. however. not
hasbeen idle for several years and is rica. $100 million when results are re- ‘ under its original proposal,
noi part of the package being sold The No. 1 US. automaker has . . ‘ leased later this week. Ford Motor Another factor hindering the plan
said Ron Theis another companv been under pressure externally and Glaser said GMs South African Co. the No. 2 US. automaker. is ex- was finances, Hamri'ck said “We Since the rejection of the above
spokesman ' ‘ - internally to divest its South African operation was relatively small and pected to show a profit. the industry were never able to reach a financial policy UK has been “reviewing the
‘ p ' ‘ interests In May. in response to a the sale would have little impact on journal Automotive News reported agreement with UK." he said. “Re- (campus bus) system and various
Smith said GM was “struggling proposal by an investors‘ group, GM‘s balance sheet. in yesterday‘s editions. routing would mean a substantial alternativu."Skibo aid.

 - . g..
. . - ‘- a ' ' ‘ '
- . ‘ 2 KENTUCKYKERNEL. Tuesday, October21, 1m
' c K I" ' W—fl
I I . , ,A...W__.__—————————-—————‘———— Erik Reece
' . ‘ .I AllSEdllOl
.' \ AssistantArts Editor
I' ":\‘ , ‘ ‘ 3 ,, ”WWW
. \3! ‘ .t '
. J AR literary outlet Directors GUI 0 America 1g 5
i ' : a"; {V .,.,v ‘ “to
_ -. ,‘i‘ .‘ ,9 -I,I;. . e e
V . . . . . f f bl k d h t
"“ V x- 1 ‘1 f!“ ,: .._; W _
‘3'" W31. IV %. is; it) .lt;l‘t‘\\ll..\‘t)\ emtion,” sining the prwess is ;. “’l‘hal legal challenge \\Ill eonlin
5' 3-137“ ‘ . . . . . - " I k I "- :\>>‘K'li*l“‘ll)”'-‘V‘ "mutilation oi lilnlUl'), not merely as me and additional legal strategies
‘\ " C rea Ive Inc Ina Ions .' r" llltl.l.\'\\ii(tl) The H moment it relates to llllll but Ll> ll atteels our \Hll he t‘\i)lUl‘t‘(l. \\.ii‘n \llll in
“ ‘. ' “.5? '1» g her llil'('('ll|l‘\ (illllil oi .\IM*I It'd “ill \ocivl)\ wreeplmn ot ll\(’ll ' \\.i|‘n .llltllllilll lllt' L'ullll \\lll pursue p0“:
“ I I I I. .w- I \ __ \ 3 II l. \. , ”,I It .1. we 2* - tight \iuoroush ilLL.llll.\l the eompll ““3 hi.- lt-eislulne strategies .nnmil .ll
{SELL-“I ‘ ~ “ ‘ ‘\\ l \ ”\‘ ‘1‘I\‘l‘nl'\”7\ IIL‘II‘I, 111ml» \‘aneei :u- ten/ed coloring ot black and “title Pl“'l(‘('lln.L‘ the interests oi llliilillulx
::,'-"-.7'.",-'= ‘ "D mu." M A l . -- - . . 3: " lll(i\'l(‘>. a process the lll|t\l('lll.lht‘l\ “coloring black-and-nhile tilms is or, '
i. -. \H' pcfllsni' ol Tltt' lllm‘lix lift; lht \lU ;-'-¢ . ~ ' ~ .
2.3.3 ', ‘I . . .~ . {I . k tor 'hi‘ “I'm, Km,” M call --muiil;iiioiiot instill} a l't’\\l‘llll]}.’, of history \ihieh \ie he;
._1 Lift 2"“; i ” l“ \ 2“ ‘th Hum,“ ”ml: W l i, l r3» H - .m 'h i. ,,-;"=-="-.- 722;.“ ”355» l i l t i new to he inherentl) dangerous.
'4 - 'r " a; mu i 1mm i- \lllilil ;e\ u: 2m w-W “3‘ --I 3 ‘ - .r: - - The [HA nationa "km \" “‘ up”). 3. Ni ii ,1“ t ,I .iill . . . . II I . 3
diary“; '3 ‘ . . 3‘ m‘ or: 3-! po the\ ana \.'i : ”lit" 'ew-zito i‘lll‘ ', llli;lll|lll“ii\l\ Sgiliii‘ila} m \m. \m-k l “\HUL l m lh\ ( Til“ uIlInllmIiisI: utilititd “lull tIlIiIi
1" PM _ \ ,,I , , z.\ .‘I .I “3-: - ’ . _ , iI \ , . urnel' row on ma .I\\ eni I‘ei'e
5335-3915.: ”Ml: "h All“ H m l \ h ‘4?“ fl ‘3. - “L" [H “mm J” ”k .Llhl l .J. l‘--”'l“"' lit“ “Wk- lll" “('3 “Ml “ 1\ announced lilans Io i'olol‘ it»!
if“; » _;_,;-g_c . i..- put. 3% . »,, .345 “mu.” to oppose the linlIiiiL lilllt elmllt‘nut‘ to flu- issuance oi ne\\ lil‘u'k 'iml \\l1il(‘ mm”, 3.13““, n
.‘- .','1,'L' '~ "-_ ' HR The . , , .. . . .. " “" - ’4" -\ \ )okesmiin l'liiii'k “am said . _ I._ ,, , ,, ‘ ‘ _ ' '
‘1‘“.- Q‘iil' ' i‘ , VAR ”M "W! Lliil‘vxllllli’ ‘mlm "5 0 ii } "“l"l“~'lll-‘ h“ tinted ““~‘-\l“- “L“ elUilinL: "( .isaliliiiii'a "lhe .\l.‘il
-’ -. f. -‘ 0;. - ' " "fir Jim-“N _ . . . .. ,- ., m . i . Sum ;i\ ‘ , . . .- - . - .
w,- \ mien .a. i a.“ An ,z-h- ‘ .1 . . , . - Hm llk’ U’ll'l ("l“l‘llli' lll‘M“ [use lulleon \ankee Howlli'
.\":" I, \ei \ user” ,i: .1 “,e..:‘.:::;'ul indim JA\I" \ A\( l‘ The hoard called the whining ot .HIH'UH“ l” l'lllt‘ ”M“ ”‘3‘” ”NH" hand)” Lilltl "The Position \l\\.l\\
4:"..,.”iI":'}‘.s" '\‘ ' " ‘ not: :1.’o:'."»; 3 Y» in The Kind xiiiiaue lliH\lt'.\ "anion |l('\(‘ mum numbers ltmus'liuve
‘11; "313}; (v of .xoi‘n 'ix.’ - 1"": ' the Hutton "in the past. JAR has published I
1524'.“ 35,1233”. " ' " 13‘” “l““l‘ ""4"“ l‘: ”my: \_. - i;,. . .. Helix its people like Richard Taylor, .lllll.1-—-——:—'T—————’,Tf - * "' ” ‘ "‘7‘“ ‘ :LT—
,‘ ‘.‘,,L-','5ri‘:,-’ ‘ WW“ * "i“ ttmr. rum,» w: in lil"l"’l".1".lli than Greene and George Ella Lion [
‘1‘;I 5" ‘ ’ ‘ 1“” ‘- "1“” ~‘ all \xell—knimn Kentuek} poets I
ill-"iii“; ?:-.'z‘ . ~> . ' 7_i\ l‘:~':K pm‘li I III 't .i;_:. '.\' \ II I (.11 .llilli‘J \ ‘lIIt‘(i Mlltl |
is“): 23*"; i ' ' \"‘“‘1“:V‘L‘\ “1". Li” “ii," 3n ‘3313 ft‘,’"‘[[ th'lt’ Mir! .ol‘\ iul I . . l
31.53“; , :.:-z.wx i': x« .. a.m.-um“: w '
{Ix-31,,“ l} admin“ iv ‘, \ i” , l, L- ”.l.‘ “i: Works are considered anon} ! \ .’/ l WHERE:
II":- 3", _ A .II, _. tilt'. \ \,I \II‘ILSI \ H i IL IinoushI and thlil‘fl is no limit to the l I. , \ f‘fo’” ”4"“ l’Vc/I l Haggin Hall >
.«I. .- $0,: 32 .M'c'cpldiikvlllOJthkilloL‘Jll} ///,:~ \\ \ll i W l“ ‘1 Rec Room
' 4""1", \ 3 ‘i‘i '\ R i“ l*‘ L \ " j a n l I
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'I“.-,.3I.'.I:5,ui; p3 . ._ " ‘1.» 'n'c \e-i work tron. ()i! .‘9 Works should he (_mm mm: 0 30cm \ , . . ,7' '1 i T o
,—‘35;II:I"I,~_"_ .. n. , W, .3 ,, , , ,,, ,, i .,i ,,v , if 1,.vy r / // ,..-. I”, ‘ ,/ -.. fl ' '7/ L Ues., c" 2‘
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.II. ’36-".jiffi .. . , II. . ». \. . : .I a n om..- 70.33., 40506 49/ I” 3,. _,- ._ \ / “3“ 4-9 p.m.
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Who Ya onna a ? .36 Cool Cats Jersey\
7.; 7 to all donors
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.‘Tvl ‘o'v' ‘,
Wolff System ,
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GHOSTBUSTER SPECIAL I iOL l’ to a1 1 6 L81 1111-8
.fi'.~.‘I-Ii‘.'- wfl" ' '
8 Visuts For 5 'l 1.00 g.
,zx-{t-j' -,-‘a ‘
-."‘.-:i»"i':‘§;».'1;?{v , - . _ ~-
j.rz-3.:T~,,.,«.I;g-2I,I Let us exterminate your ghostly appearance f? ,. , 337,?
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:93 {‘13-’35 7} A " - 5
=~»'-.:-‘-'~=.~‘-.'-fi“-, 223 SUNY 3 x , 1 3,41%,” , ‘
x,’ V‘ust be purchased by Oct. 31 . - ’ , ‘ ~ ,. .4, ' ‘ 3, 3
{-3,} ".2“ f-‘II: ‘ ‘7.-. 7 7 . i l
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.w . Shoes thr 10-31-8 I - . - - . . - .- l
-.-=3"';I~I,,§-,:,:f_x.;‘-;.'.~, " U 6 For chocolate connoisseurs, C teneral Foods international Cottees I
H has created new Double Dutch Chocolate.

‘.'-'-I‘i..';5-.‘4r‘f" . , , . ..

w 1 gif-s ', lhe incrediblv chocolate cottee.

it‘i.’$ .. ‘~ ‘- .
,1 3, ”333;? l_____________.______________._____. ______,
3.115." 317'} "" fat."
I, 385 S. Limestone 255-5 1 25

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c";- 1 if ,9} L;- i 2.

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c N RA

(:3. 3 _.,._1I. ..

r; .* MEAD DATA E T l-
CO M P A - .

. ,.‘_r‘:a’ ‘ TION SESSION will be given to U.K. students, tOCUlty and staff and their spouse‘ at the Stu-
.:.7-i'1‘-35""*-=53 INFORMA dent Health Service Medical Plaza Bunldmg across Rose Street from Uni-
l‘, 'i"- "'1'; P . .

j; 13-13%; ’5'}, versnty Hospital.
"..t;',‘.'-',’;'_4'i,,;- , ,, ,,-_______._______._._________,___.._____..———
' ISL'JZQ- 1733'}:
l; '3‘ :121- "fill:
'I.:?:""£-.-.‘”-'5“~‘ Head Data Central cordiall invites Universit ot Kentuck - -
,-~-..=,;..:I,».t3.a{ , V y Y Parking: Medical Plaza Structure
;~:,.- ,3¢,;rz_,,- computer scuence students to attend a company-sponsored pre-
i"~-.‘-:,':"'.-t‘/'}‘;t . ' ‘ ' ' '
«aJI:_.-~,;-,'s_i for ruiting information sessnon. .
1132,35 Thursday, Oct. 23rd 8. Friday, Oct. 24th
. -"',‘.-':.5I-..t
"WWI, -‘ . .- .
DATE. October 27. 1986 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 pm.
'IIjI’.,-I.I-,'i,-‘I,I-i}-'3.'- TIME: 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.
.'-'}.',.I{';;vfi‘:' PLACE: Student Center - Annex Room 205
fix-gig; Charge: Students and Spouses $5.00
:1 DthStOf'l representatives Will be on hand to give a brief overvuew Faculty, Staff & Spouses $5.00
of our products and services and to discuss career opportunites for
’{Z'éjf f; if graduates seeking positions as:
.5)" (.33.: 0 Programmer Analysts
".I ° Sottware Engineers
'I " ". ° Systems Architects IMPORTANT
. : v ': ”"' " . . A I c
’. ,,’II, I . . . I Annual influenza vaccunation is not routinely recommended for healthy adults.
I: 3‘ " " MDC ‘5 0 leader 'n the {05' growmg eleClron'C PUbl'Sh'ng 'ndUSer- However, annual vaccination is strongly recommended for individuals with di-
- ", If an environment of continuing technical and business challenge abetes, those with chronic heart, lung, kidney and other debilitating disorb-
” I' .’ ans innovation is a small atmosphere is appealing, come visit with ers. IOlder persons, especially those over 65 years and persons providing es-
- . us Monday night. REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED. sential community servrces. are also advrsed to conSIder annual vaccmations.
. i If . Influenta vaccinations will not be given at the Health Service for preg-
.. " I nant women or for anyone who is allergic to eggs.
. , . I t
, , . \

 t , . . 2 . '
KENTUCKYKERNEL dely, Octobor21, 1986 ~ 3
M b. . d [It l{.ll d . II _7 l‘ I I. A
q p lag}??? Q . ,av . l . V
I‘.‘ LURINIH klfl S than 1‘: hours atter dos Santos said puto the hureau \Lml at d l“HIP“ l’N‘lT n1" l”I'mdt‘lM mndldalt“ \hutt/ the; v- .~ Hal tan :5 it t.a: a” mt,” l . I' .
Asstx'tated l’ress lll lus hrst annoum'etm-ut on the tar) olhee 1t established here alone -, .‘tl .lwalttlttt. ‘ htssano who L‘teat rest» n' for hot. lteltutart l *5 . ' .~ SI ,- -
radio that the m-srdent s et had not t-Lm‘her‘ reports put the death toll «as prom- tmmstet m n trnnstlmrml said :ntdme that m- t'Y't'ntl tn the ‘1, ‘ ~' Jr , . “ - ,. ~ I . ,
t , t 2 w , 1,‘ . . ~
Kl).\l.'\'l‘ll’lllll('lli 50ml] :\lt‘lt'a returned on sehedule lt‘ont [atnlua 'll 27. hut tuo utore hodtes \xeu- L‘tr'.“tt.lt.t’tl' tntutt' ltt‘lt‘tk‘llllt‘!“ t‘ amt-Harm!) and 'ni people wt \lo V ‘ ., ‘as 5 tr" ‘, Fl ' ‘ ' .
l’resulenl Satuora \laehel ol Mo The radio play-d solemn ntusu lound tn the \At‘t't'kittle ol the tuu; Ylntt l'or' to t‘ .t. t‘tT'. and has tut-ell /.lllll‘tll1“‘ 'hn 'le»;w~' wtmln‘rentw ..y u u r(‘ l l ' t I _ . -
Iamluque. “ho led hls Marxist na throughout thedu) engmed'l'utmlex 134A let it satd hue :z, rude: I e the \rwy ‘4 e tn-wtw ‘, i I” I?“ . . | ,I .
tron through 11 erists rtdden years ol lle stud last night that a on da) pe ln Lisbon. the Portuguese tte‘As lt .ta» rt hat:.atttmot‘t Yha'. .\lat'hel , " x L‘\ ’ \ I, I '1‘? _I. . _ - . ' .,
Independence. \Hts killed uhen lus nod ol national nlourrunu had been agency AMll’ qUoted othetal and l'resutew l' \\ [totha \;mwtltt1t‘ lhete is ~.t rut ,v at at ‘v; i., \v _* 3} ' _ I I - .
plane k‘l'ihht‘d ”NU i! ratnsuept declared sources and aviation e\‘perts it did WM ltt'al'. o1 \tomnot Mueh [x If": pt.t\ r m. .Ha a}. 1 ~ v.._ 1 ._ I , II . , [I 4 1‘
South Alrteunhtllslde The Smletlnult plane erashed zoo not tdenhly as saying the trash “as narne ot the t:‘.l't here and ”Watts lleuart rata l- :at' No.3]; \t- a t, t . A» ‘ A ,’ ' '
.\laree|uto dos Santos. \o ‘1 than yards utstde South .v\lrtea's trontter caused by human error It did not ut Net/t . m- .- 'h a «art and tot~ largest um =;. m'tu rt ' n : i I r I I r L .‘,_'
tn .\loLantluque‘s ruling l‘reluno mth Mo/anthrque about it) nule.s elaborate ”1 tttith \‘er IV! A A ~ ' J "a t-"tu N OFFlCC I'll ‘ H A “E W 7 f; I I I'.' :
part). stud m a nationmde radio ad south ol this border toun said the Muehel's death lett .\lo/.uulrtque 'lhe tum": er" .- ts hailed as 'lle and lltttlut: n. T. _zmu m _’. ., _. '_ ,
dress that Maehel. 3:5. and other se South Atru'an tort-tun nuntster. lt l~ \xtthout a leader at a tune ot ‘.\Itts stat' at .3 e! , t! trientll‘. t'el.tY.‘I.':\ \ht/auttt 't a _ . t w ,v , ~, , , : , ,I 5 ' . I. '3 ‘
tuor olhetals died In the trash ot the Botha enutL', drought tnereasutLl atlat‘k~ to \tte: ‘ \laehel also unate mounds . pew somt \v‘ ,v , .4 , .r ., .., _ ~, . . I .,- ' .I-
presidential plane \untla_\ nthht ttlsl South \lrtea s lhueau tor lntor 'dllll .\lzu‘\tst rebels and art-wry; I:‘.t'!':.tt‘\ . - me ‘.\e»' tot uues'rrtert' \“l‘d'lftt‘h' ' "I ; 4' "" ‘t . I‘ J" ,4" ."' "
new» the border in South :\ll‘lt‘d tnatton said the .\o\tet pilot and tune eonl'ltet\uthSouthMrtea atmt um' - 'tt l"e\='let‘.l lteaear. :rt A f .' . .’ A .3. ‘ '02:.
"tn eu'etunstunees not _\et clan other people surrned the crash Prune .\luuster Marlo Maehunuo “asltznu’w! \:ttev‘, \, , , ,- , .‘ A '7 ' ;.I .‘I 4: :5"). 1424?:
llted Among the sentor olhelals killed and dos Santos. '.\ho is the seere'arr \‘tl'I‘ New No e11: ‘tmkesr: a' 'ta \2- t 1- \ 9 ‘. r v, _.- '- " i “ I I .,.' ". -‘
South -\lrteu said all but to ol the ‘.\.‘l\' 'l'runs‘port .\luu\ter l.uts .-\le:tn ol Purltzunent are e\peeted to share l notes l-. “when: said the neus H' . or group . r - ft. m _ a . t ' t...” ' J ~.~ ' :' I. ,'~,'t ¢
TWlM’l’lt'Hhoard\H-relx'tlled taraSantos It said deetstons Until a sueeessor ts whoset. \l 1' he s l- t" t ..sed tnrottua ‘ " e 't‘xv r, l : ~ r: 2: - n', , ' 1‘ 1‘ . 1 ' ' I—- '. '3'! q"; ’1' 3: .5.
. 'l'he hrst olhetal eoulu‘tnattot‘. ll\ .\laehel's hodx was brought to ho alter the luneral e\peetwl sot-w lt'L‘H“ two. a : . - I,.. I , .»' 1. - :j ; 1, III-I: THIS};
\laehel s uou-rnntent eana- utore tnatltxmrt h_\ truek and tltmn to Ma tum-next ueek \et 'e' t' ' \' .'~- l-eotu l' r :m» t m» t - ‘ .- ' ' : A . ' I 1: ‘ J'.’ '7}! I!
. . . v , ., , I.” '3'..'_7.01' tI..<
, a“, , g , » 12‘: ,o. [new
. . . '7". '.L:Z.'.-"I"r
' ' 1' ' I ‘ .‘5 ’t 5'. 51;}?
. o o o o a o ' A ' I . 'VZ-I' If”; ’II'- "wI' .
‘ .. .v .- 'T‘y'vr‘:\.~z‘. .55.I
M1croscoplc orgamsms k1ll m1111ons of fish along Gulf Coast, scares tourists . . . ,
i 3' 3 3 ' ' «‘37: J‘J'j't
lh l)\\ Il).\lilll~j\tt then are llttttttlL‘ lot a ('lllll trout that (‘atttsh nltlllets and some tatie [It sin-r- _g;_ o t it IQ.“ 3th,. H,‘ _ . , , , , , a , ,_ ; .. 1 g " ,‘ .t‘- ’I‘-. I".".'_'."I.V‘Ig". 23'
\ssoeiatetl l’r-e“ mt] drop \xater tetntwratures to on redhsh .luddsatd the 'm. v, ,v A: : u . a; 'heu‘ «p I_, .I , ”an: 1 , ;' ; , I ,. : ;. with)?“ I;"_‘f_f~.I_'-_.'-I ';
degrees or lower a level that hm- The red 'tdf‘ ha: smhttwed ott the “‘lt.\ to: .‘ee'e tt. fit an .a;\ «er» ' r " 1 '- : : .' . .571“
(‘ltlll’l S l'llltlh'll 'le\as .\ derst‘edttde eoast he said, but olhetals are rot: eaten; till“ - not; Cm.” ”I ”It”, , .2 I . .3 7 '1‘}: tr, .4":"-',-"t’:.§ri
~ tone "red llllt' that has killed uul 'lhe '.\ater terutn-rature has l>een eerned that ll .\tll enter the Lamina om mi”, N .; .y a , ...,I,,I It." ‘-”-I'._'IlI;:II',I.'~ :-z
ltons ot ltsh along Tents (lull toast tn the upper Tits to the t'.o\ and a tltt: Nlatlre : ntu'ser) tor sht t.'t.t‘r l'.‘ ~e- .v 1. IIIIIII R . C . {‘5‘}: Ian". ‘Q
has unwed 1nto,\le\tean 'aaters and to on uta} not occur tuztzl n.td l)e ousters .uzd o'het txsh totaled he i ,I I“ ». v. ”I , I ecrmters on ampus, .‘IfT‘I 'f‘." £273"
l‘ottld lutuer lllllll the end ol the _\e.tt eeuther or Later said l‘a‘ l’atterson l.‘.(‘t‘lt l‘oxt l\.1ltt". and south l'eue .l‘lll'. llt‘t". n I ~. .l' ’tte \N IIII .:a.. . l-r. ,, I: _, ,. Yuesday, October 21 ._ '53,, ',: .- :1 :7
12 temperatures do not drop tilllt‘ltll“ a tot'eea~ter' at the \at ottal \\eather lslaut‘i \‘reet IMI E, .t. IIIIII ’II tam. _ M II 'II \. , w, . -. _ Wednesday, October 2'2 if: ‘i'i-Qi T‘ ‘3', ‘E.
and testerdaIt N't \ tee ml orpus l 'lu’ts?‘ "'l‘here s t'ea'tt\ rto'lttn; to [It‘t‘H‘tt' limit I“ ': . III I I I \.I I. t- \I l' 4, I II n , , \I’ ‘I and '1_I.',AI'.I'.-V:.'.3I ,‘II'II‘
\uttt the explosion ol lltllltwt'ltltlt llal l‘slwt lt.:!'.t'\' tvrog‘ttut :t tron, 'to‘, t; 't 'l:e'e lit“: ~ '1 aw; WWW, If A III ”will; l." I\ '.~ , , , I. Thursday.O(tobe'23 "1H3; 5351413;
ot’uatusuzs appeared tn late \uuus' leader tor 'ht- 'l‘e\a~ l'itl'h\ .u‘nl ' It eat: t hanueoxerr'itrht or II, . ,I .II v. H ‘ ‘ 'W 11-.)1227 T“ ‘51,)“:
near halxestou. tblttt‘ial‘ in this eu} \\tldl1te [tepat'tnzent \ narute laho ,II wit I .. "v“‘I I st. 'II in“: ‘ For Information :_._L ‘9; :__\' ‘ I
ot 2.3:»,th ha\e eloq-tl treat-hes to ratotvt 1n lloekport s.ttll Lester-«lax .ludd satd gm. “WI. ’la\ 11.: the “II, 'o‘u \,_ . t, .. 'u' MINI“ Call: JAIL In.“ _
thtttnet‘s andIthe o_\ ster hanesL the red tide \\as about one to tuttt ”at ”(1.. “I” rm. 'lh‘usdaj, '.\ltt'?. abou' ,' l i 31,-” . ._ _ .W ,' :.‘ LEGO-2413862 ;_ ‘I .U‘:\
xxlltt'lt “as st ltedttled to open \o\ '. tttltk“ ‘~‘-ttlt‘ lI‘Ult l’td" "‘Hlllll'l' 'H people 'aet‘e eoughutL 1nd t-\;,o:- ‘ w . »t ' -~ "_ ' : we '- w e“ 34 .t’ ; "£4393“?
has been suspended tron; south of the \leuean bowler .1 ll \l,tlil'(’ wt want: ”my ,2”, “I,“ I: t ,I I: H, tun t' _ , . . .. I .‘t ‘. . I, , l' _ ' ~152- L";1‘..'-i“i
(I.ll\|'\"‘lllillll*'\lt‘\l(’tlll"tllll‘l tilletz‘ IT'H: “aw .atwotht n.\,:\ \IIHI t.- .'. r .. l“' ' '.' »_ . ' 4 \ , " t -. ; 4 ' ‘ 3." _' t
Met’ehants routplau: that pultheux "ll t'o'tld he :lp 'o tum \(l'lfl'l a it owl-pt , , I‘ I‘I 't e, \ l . .