xt74tm71vw6v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74tm71vw6v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky 1953 Memorial Coliseum, Lexington (Ky.) athletic publications English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Programs (Men) UKAW University of Kentucky Men's Basketball (1953-1954) programs UK vs. University of Minnesota (December 28, 1953) players coaches Rupp, Adolph rosters statistics schedules Memorial Coliseum Kentucky vs. Minnesota, December 28, 1953 text Kentucky vs. Minnesota, December 28, 1953 1953 2012 true xt74tm71vw6v section xt74tm71vw6v OFFICIAL PROGRAM10 CENTS KENTUCKY vs. MINNESOTA MEMORIAL COLISEUM ^ V Mondoy, December 28, 1953 8:00 p.m. When you can't attend, and the WILDCATS are "away" hear the games on 5,000 Watt WLAP Dial 63 Every play of every game described direct from courtside By J. B. FAULCONER, Kentucky's Favorite Sportscaster Sponsored byAshland-Aerna and Combs Lumber Co. Also 11 RUPP on the AIR TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS at 7:00 P-m- Hear the inimitable Coach Rupp discuss bas-betball in general and his beloved Wildcats in particular with J. B. Faulconer. Sponsored byThompson-King-Tate GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY SEASON The University of Kentucky and the sport of basketball are celebrating their Golden "Wedding" Anniversary this season. Although details of the ceremony uniting the school and cage game are clouded in history, it is a matter of record that Kentucky fielded its first basketball team back in 1904-05 and thus will be solemnizing a 50th year of association during the present 1953-54 campaign. Kentucky's first recognized varsity hoop team, according to available records, played only two games and broke evendropping their initial contest to Cincinnati YMCA and topping old Kentucky University (now Transylvania) in the second and last court struggle. The decades since that modest beginning have seen the cage Wildcats grow in national stature, mainly under the guidance of famed mentor Adolph Rupp, to the point where Kentucky and basketball supremacy are virtually synonymous in most peoples' minds today. WILDCAT TIPOFF Official Kentucky Basketball Program Published by U.K. Athletics Association A. SHIVELY, Athletic Director KEN KUHN, Sports Publicity Editor - NEXT HOME GAME - XAVIER Monday, January 4 8:00 p.m. Tickets$1.50 and $2.50 Coliseum Ticket Office Hours9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (open noon hour) KENTUCKY ALL-AMERICANS Name Position Year Basil Haydon...............Forward............................ 1921 Burgess Carey ............Guard .............................. 1925 Carey Spicer .............. Forward ...................... 1929-31 Paul McBrayer............Guard .............................. 1930 Forrest Sale ................Center-Forward............ 1932-33 Ellis Johnson ..............Guard .............................. 1933 John DeMoisey ..........Center.............................. 1934 LeRoy Edwards ..........Center.............................. 1935 Bernard Opper ............Guard .............................. 1939 Lee Huber ..................Guard ........................ 1940-41 Bob Brannum..............Center.............................. 1944 Jack Parkinson ..........Guard .............................. 1946 Ralph Beard................Guard .................... 1947-48-49 Alex Groza..................Center.................... 1947-48-49 Wallace Jones ............Forward............................ 1949 Bill Spivey ..................Center.............................. 1951 Cliff Hagan .................Center .............................. 1952 Frank Ramsey.............Guard .............................. 1952 1953-54 KENTUCKY BASKETBALL ROSTER (Freshmen) COACH Harry C. Lancaster (Georgetown '32) Name Pos. Age Ht. Wt. Hometown ...................... G 20 6'3" 190 Ashland, Ky. .................... F 18 6'3" 170 Anchorage, Ky. .............. F 19 6'3" 160 Louisville, Ky. ...................... G 18 5'1 1' 160 Maysville, Ky. ...................... G 18 5'1 0' 165 Midway, Ky. ...................... F 19 6'3" 180 Owensboro, Ky. ...................... G 18 6'1" 183 Prestonsburg Mills, Ray ............. ...................... C 20 6'4" 1 85 Manchester, Ky. Mitchell, Billy ...................... F 18 6'2" 180 Georgetown, Ky. ...................... F 24 6'1" 175 Lexington, Ky. ...................... G 17 5'i r 155 Lexington, Ky. (Freshmen are eligible under Southeastern Conference rules for varsity competition, but will not be used by Kentucky this year in order to preserve their NCAA elig ibility.) page four FRONT ROW (left to riaht)_Ron Smith, Dave Noack, Dave Garmaker, Charles Gurtler Ed Kalafat, Bill s'mTnov.crGlen'Reed/'goug BolsVrff, Virgil Miller Buzz Bennett. SECOND ROW p Cowles Coach; Chuck Mencel, Bob McNamara, Mickey Bearman, Richard Paulson, George Reynolds, Milt Papke, Andy Snyder, Ron Craven, Manager Milton Rosenberg. MINNESOTA ROSTER No. Name Pos. Class Age Ht. Wt. Hometown 12 Craven, Ronald (f) Soph. 19 6' 185 Huntley (Fairmont) 14 Paulson, Richard (f) Soph. 19 6'1" 180 Princeton 15 Smith, Ronald (f) Jr. 21 6'2" 185 Canby 21 Papke, Milton (f-g) Sr. 21 6' 185 Fergus Falls 22 McNamara, Robert (g) Jr. 22 6' 190 Hastings 23 Kalafat, Edward* (c-f) Sr. 21 6'6" 245 Anaconda, Montana 24 Noack, Dave (g) Soph. 19 6'2" 180 Arlington 25 Reynolds, George (g) Sr. 21 6' 170 Anoka 30 Mencel, Charles (g) Jr. 20 5'11" 176 Eau Claire, Wis. 31 Reed, Glen (f) Sr. 21 6'4" 190 Superior, Wis. 32 Bennett, Charles (g) Sr. 21 6'3" 189 Duluth (Central) 35 Bolstorff, Douglas (f-g-c) Jr. 22 6'4" 190 Grand Rapids 41 Snyder, Andrew (g) Soph. 18 6'1" 152 Gilbert 44 Bearman, Michael (f) Soph. 19 6'1" 188 Minneapolis (North) 52 Miller, Virgil (f) Sr. 23 6'3" 225 Hopkins 53 Garmaker, Richard (f) Jr. 21 6'3" 200 Hibbing 55 Simonovich, William (c) Soph. 21 6'11" 275 Gilbert Gurtler, Charles (c) Soph. 19 6'5" 197 Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. 'Captain for 1953-54 season. page five ADOLPH RUPP The University of Kentucky's chief of basketball, Adolph Rupp, has won so many honors, titles and nicknames and proven to successful during his 23-year regime at the helm of the cage Wildcats that you could very appropriately sum him up as "Mr. Basketball." The colorful and affable wizard of hardwood magic, who stands alone today as the nation's win-ningest basketball coach, is credited in most quarters with doing more than any other modern tutor to make basketball a national spectator sport. From the very outset of his career at Kentucky, which began in 1930, Coach Rupp has introduced or popularized new and revised trends in the game that have aided materially in making the country basketball minded. One such innovation was the controlled fast-break offensive pattern which has since been a crowd-pleasing trademark of Wildcat cage teams. With his 23rd season at the Blue Grass school behind him, Coach Rupp can look back over an approximately two-decade regime of unparalleled success that has made Kentucky a consistent national power and earned him recognition as the nation's most winning cage mentor. HARRY LANCASTER Baron Rupp's capable right hand man is Harry Lancaster. As Kentucky's first full-time assistant cage coach, he bosses a promising squad of first year performers and handles the gruelling assignment of scouting the Wildcats' future opponents. Lancaster, who came to U.K. in 1942 as an instructor in physical education, spent the summer of 1951 in Greece as a representative of the U. S. State Department. His duties consisted primarily of advising Greek Basketball Federation officials and coaches, lecturing and conducting coaching clinics. mm I FOR AFTER THE GAME ENJOYMENT VISIT THE Phoenix Hotel BLUE GRASS ROOM and have you tried the new Phoenix Coffee Shop? LEXINGTON'S LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL page six DEDICATED 1950 Here in Stone and Steel is Raised a Memorial To More Than Nine Thousand Sons and Daughters of The State of Kentucky Who Gave Their Lives in Battle That We Might Live in Peace Erect and Strong and FreeFrom Dedication Tablet. In Memory of Those Who Died This is a house built not on sand but on a firm foundation. Fabricated out of steel, stone, concrete, and brick, it is more substantially built than the Coliseum at Rome and should stand as long. This is Kentucky's Coliseum. It belongs to the people. Erected as a memorial to our honored dead of World War II, it is to be used in the service of the living. It is an honest building. This is a house built not for superficial purposes but for an honest program of education. It is a sports arena where thousands may gather in wholesome recreation to witness games of skill played by men who display the finest quality of sportsmanship. It is a gymnasium where students pursue courses in physical education to the betterment of their minds and bodies. It is an auditorium where students and citizens may meet to hear the world's greatest speakers and thinkers bring us wisdom and knowledge. It is a music hall where we may assemble to listen to the great artists of all nations lift us to new heights of aesthetic appreciation. May it, also, frequently be a temple where we may worship and be led into closer communion with God. It will ever be a shrine where the brokenhearted may come to pay homage to their own who paid the last full measure of devotion. DR. H. L. DONOVAN President page seven MINNESOTA'S SCORECARD GOPHERS FG FT PF TP 52 Miller, Virgil (f) 53 Garmaker, Richard (f) 23 Kalafat, Edward (c-f) 30 Mencel, Charles (g) 32 Bennett, Charles (g) 12 Craven, Ronald (f) 14 Paulson, Richard (f) 15 Smith, Ronald (f) 21 Papke, Milton (f-g) 22 McNamara, Robert (g) 24 Noack, Dave (g) 25 Reynolds, George (g) 31 Reed, Glen (f) 35 Bolstorff, Douglas(f-g-c) 41 Snyder, Andrew (g) 44 Bearman, Michael (f) 55 Simonovich, William (c) Gurtler, Charles (c) TOTALS (Complete Roster on Page 5) OFFICIALS MAX MAO FRED BRYANT M page eight KENTUCKY'S SCORECARD WILDCATS FG FT PF TP 16 Tsioropoulos, Lou (f) 42 Evans, Bill (f) I | 6 Hagan, Cliff (c) 30 Ramsey, Frank (g) 20 Rose, Gayle (g) 22 Bird, Jerry (f-c) 25 Grigsby, Pete (g) 32 Evans, Clay (g) 33 Puckett, Linville (g) 34 Coy, Hugh (f) 35 Curry, Jess (g) 37 Hurst, Harold (c) 44 Grawemeyer, Phil (f) 66 Bibb, Bill (f) 73 Chandler, Dan (g) TOTALS ViAX MACON and JIM ENRIGHT (Complete Roster on Page 11) tl m "98'' OLDSMOBILE MOTOR COMPANY page nine Laundry Dry Cleaning DeBoor 15 Per Cent Discount and Curb Service AT 265 EUCLID AVE. 880 E. HIGH ST. PHONE 3-0235 PHONE 2-7046 page ten s v i PUUn FRONT ROWCoach Adolph Rupp, Linville Puckett, Jess Curry, Gayle Rose, Clay Evans, Willie Rouse (out for season due to knee injury), Dan Chandler, Pete Grigsby, and Assistant Coach Harry Lancaster. BACK ROWStudent Manager Mike Dolan, Hugh Coy, Cliff Hagan, Lou Tstoropoulos, Jerry Bird, Phit Grawemeyer, Harold Hurst, Bill Bibb, Frank Ramsey, and Bill Evans. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY ROSTER No. Name Pos. Class Age Ht. Wt. Hometown 6 Hagan, Cliff (c) Sr. 22 6'4" 200 Owensboro, Ky. 16 *Tsioropoulos, Lou (f) Sr. 22 6'5" 200 Lynn, Mass. 20 *Rose, Gayle (g) Jr. 20 6' 155 Paris, Ky. 22 Bird, Jerry (f-c) Soph. 18 6'6" 200 Corbin, Ky. 25 Grigsby, Pete (g) Soph. 18 5'10" 165 Martin, Ky. 30 *Ramsey, Frank (g) Sr. 22 6'3" 185 Madisonville, Ky. 32 Evans, Clay (g) Soph. 18 5'9" 165 Flemingsburg, Ky. 33 Puckett, Linville (g) Soph. 19 6' 165 Winchester, Ky. 34 Coy, Hugh (f) Soph. 18 6'1" 185 Richmond, Ky. 35 Curry, Jess (g) Soph. 20 5'11" 167 Portsmouth, Va. 37 Hurst, Harold (c) Soph. 19 67" 190 Waltersville, Ky. 42 *Evans, Bill (f) Jr. 20 6'1" 170 Berea, Ky. 44 Grawemeyer, Phil (f) Soph. 18 67" 180 Louisville, Ky. 66 Bibb, Bill (f) Soph. 19 6'4" 180 Owensboro, Ky. 73 Chandler, Dan (g) Soph. 18 5'11" 160 Versailles, Ky. 1951-52 Lettermen. page eleven MEET A WILDCAT LOU (Plato) TSIOROPOULOSLynn, Mass. One of the most improved men on the Wildcat team on the basis of his outstanding play in intra-squad scrimmages last season, Lou's effectiveness this year likely will depend on how well a trick knee holds up. The knee was injured in pre-season practice. Barring further trouble, which could seriously affect Kentucky's prospects for a successful campaign, Tsioropoulos is expected to see regular duty. He started every game two seasons ago. An All-America high school football player, Lou has never participated in the grid sport at U.K. Extremely agile and well coordinated, he gets open surprisingly well and his chief offensive weapon is a one-hand push shot from virtually any position on the court. Reminds many people of former Wildcat star Wah Wah Jones, now Sheriff of University-dominated Fayette County, in both his rugged physique and habit of faking a fast break under the basket, then stepping back a long step and popping one in from outside. He's been drafted for professional play by the Boston Celtics. KENTUCKY BASKETBALL SCHEDULE 1953-54 1953 Dec. 5 Dec UK Opp. -Temple (H) ............ 86 59 12Xavier (A) ............ 81 66 Dec. 14Wake Forest (H) ....101 69 Dec. 1 8St. Louis ...................... Away Dec. 21, 22University of Ky. Invitational Tourn. (Duke, U.C.L.A., LaSalle, and Kentucky) Dec. 28Minnesota .................. Home 1954 Jan. 4Xavier ........................ Home Jan. 9Georgia Tech .............. Home Jan. 11DePaul ........................ Home Jan. 16- Jan. 23- Jan. 30- Feb. 2- Feb. 4- Feb. 6- Feb. 8- Feb. 13- Feb. 15- Feb. 18- Feb. 20- Feb. 22- Feb. 27- Mar. 1- -Tulane ........................ Home -Tennessee .................... Away -Vanderbilt .................... Away -Georgia Tech .......... Louisville -Georgia ........................ Home -Georgia ................ Owensboro -Florida ........................ Away -Mississippi .................. Home -Mississippi State .......... Home -Tennessee .................... Home -DePaul ........................ Away -Vanderbilt .................. Home -Auburn ........................ Away -Alabama ...................... Away page twelve WENNEKER'S "Shoes of Champions" You don't have to be a champion to wear fine shoes from WENNEKER'S but you can rest assured that any shoe purchased at this friendly store will be of champion quality and appearance. Save 25 to 50 percent on FAMOUS NAME BRAND SHOES for both men and women. For years WENNEKER'S has brought you FAMOUS BRANDS at LOWEST PRICES. Featured at Wenneker's THE EDWIN CLAPP SHOES 153 EAST MAIN STREET in LEXINGTON TUNE IN . . . * U. of K. BASKETBALL * HOME and AWAY With Claude Sullivan and Ted Grizzard SPONSORED BY -is # PURCELL'S WVLK Always Dial 590 MUTUAL FOR LEXINGTON AND CENTRAL KENTUCKY page thirteen REVIEW OF 1952 (All Games: Won 29, Lost 3SEC Only: Won 18, Lost 0) Ky. Opp. Washington & Lee .............. 96 46 Xavier .............................. 97 72 Minnesota .......................... 57 61 St. John's .......................... 81 40 DePaul .............................. 98 60 UCLA ................................ 84 53 SUGAR BOWL TOURNAMENT Brigham Young .................. 84 St. Louis ......................:..... 60 Mississippi ........................1 1 6 LSU .................................. 57 Xavier .............................. 83 Florida ............................... 99 Georgia .............................. 95 Tennessee .......................... 65 Georgia Tech .................... 96 Alabama ............................ 71 Vanderbilt ........................ 88 Auburn 64 61 58 47 50 52 55 56 51 67 51 48 Ky. Opp. Notre Dame ...................... 71 66 Tulane ..............................103 54 Mississippi ........................ 81 61 Georgia Tech .................... 93 42 Miss. State ........................1 10 66 Tennessee .......................... 95 40 Vanderbilt .......................... 75 45 DePaul .............................. 63 61 SEC TOURNAMENT Georgia Tech .................... 80 59 Tulane .............................. 85 61 Tennessee .......................... 81 66 LSU (championship) .......... 44 43 NCAA TOURNAMENT Penn. State ........................ 82 54 St. John's .......................... 57 64 TOTALS ............... ......2635 1774 Kentucky Ranked As Number One Team In Nation, 1951-52, In Both Associated Press and United Press Polls of Sportswriters and Coaches "KENTUCKY CARDINAL" Guaranteed Sox A Man's Best Buy In Hosiery Fancy Designs - Colorful Patterns On Sale Now at Your Favorite Retail Store55c a pair or six pairs for $3 Ades-Lexington Dry Goods Company WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS LEXINGTON, KY. page louileen Good Luck and Good Wishes To The WILDCATS In Frankfort MAIN STREET (opposite Capitol Theatre) In Richmond 205 WEST MAIN Kessler Jewelers, located at Main and Limestone in Lexington, and with convenient downtown locations in Frankfort and Richmond, oilers you the finest in jewelry, watches, pens, and guarantees every item of merchandise you purchase from any Kessler Jewelry Store. Personalized jewelry is a Kessler specialty, jewelry which matches your personality, and is designed with you in mind. Make all of your jewelry purchases the friendly, and economical Kessler way. Diamonds our specialty. In Lexington MAIN & LIME For Gifts of the Unusual Visit the PHOENIX GIFT SHOP Phoenix Hotel and CAMPBELL HOUSE FRANKFORT LEXINGTON RICHMOND KENTUCKY BASKETBALL SCHEDULE 1953-54 1953 Dec. 5Temple$2.50 ...................... Home Dec. 12Xavier ...................................... Away Dec. 14Wake Forest$2.50 .............. Home Dec. 18St. Louis .................................. Away Dec. 21, 22University of Ky. Invitational Tourn. (Duke, U.C.L.A., LaSalle, ,and Kentucky) ................ Home Dec. 28Minnesota$2.50 .................. Home 1954 Jan. 4Xavier$2.50 ..^.................. Home Jan. 9Georgia Teeh$2.00.............. Home Jan. 11DePaul$2.50 ........................ Home Jan. 16Tulane$2.50 ........................ Home Jan. 23Tennessee ................................ Away Jan. 30Vanderbilt ..................-............ Away Feb. 2Georgia Tech.................... Louisville Feb. 4Georgia$2.00 ...................... Home Feb. 6Georgia............................ Owensboro Feb. 8Florida ...................................... Away Feb. 13Mississippi$2.00 .................. Home Feb. 15Mississippi State$2.00 ........ Home Feb. 18Tennessee$2.50 .................. Home Feb. 20DePaul ...................................... Away Feb. 22Vanderbilt$2.50 .................. Home Feb. 27Auburn .................................... Away ... where most people trade Central Kentucky's Largest... Since 1887 Lexington, Kentucky