xt74tm71ws54 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74tm71ws54/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1955 journals 025 English Lexington : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.25 text Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.25 1955 2014 true xt74tm71ws54 section xt74tm71ws54 Progress.R_ep.o1¤t 25 ' January, 1955 i
1 J. F. Shane
1 The eight tests reported herein were designed primarily for the evaluation of ex-
perimental hybrids developed by the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station in its
breeding program. There were also included experimental and commercially avail-
able hybrids developed by other state and federal agencies, several privately controlled
_ hybrids, hybrids currently recommended for certification in Kentucky, and two open-
pollinated varieties.
The planting arrangements provide a basis for adequate comparison between exper-
imental and commercial hybrids, as well as for comparison within each classification.
The eight testuareas were chosen to sample the varying soil types, climates, and other
conditions under which corn is grown in Kentucky. The locations of the various per-
formance trials are indicated in Figure 1.
Yield data for 36 hybrids that were entered in tests at six locations are given in
Table 2. Also included in Table 2 are yield data for Z5 of these hybrids and two open-
pollinated varieties.tested at two additional locations.
Data on moisture, standing ability, dead stalks, and ear he ight are given in Table 3
for the 36 hybrids entered in the tests.   -.
Experimental Procedure
Cultural practices commonly followed in each community determined the spacing
of hills and the number of plants per hill in each test. Such data, along with fertilizer
treatment and date of planting and harvesting, are given in Table 1. The conditions
within each trial were maintained as uniformly as possible.
The entries in each test were compared on their performance in 2 x 10 hill plots. A
simple lattice design of four replications was used at all locations. On the average,
four replications of the simple lattice design were equivalent to approximately six
replications of a simple randomized block design. Seed of privately controlled com-
mercial hybrids was purchased on the open market, while seed of state or federally
controlled hybrids was obtained from the respective experiment stations or from
growers of certified seed.
1. Yields are recorded as bushels per acre of shelled corn with 15. 5 per cent
moisture. Correction was made for missing hills and one-stalk hills but not for minor
variations in stand.
2.. Moisture at harvest. The percentage of moisture in the corn at harvest was ob-
tained by sampling 15 to Z0 ears from each of two or more replications. The average
of the moisture determinations for each hybrid was used in calculating its yield.
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station
University of Kentucky

 I 2 .
3. Broken stalks. The percentages of broken stalks were determined by making a
count of the stalks broken below the ear-bearing node. Stalks broken because of corn
borer damage were determined by examining the stalk at the point of the break for ‘
corn borer punctures or the presence of frass. Root—lodged plants were determined
by counting the plants leaning at an angle of 30 degrees or more. Plants erect at har-
vest were determined by an actual plant count at Princeton and Quicksand, while at
diag:-r locations they were recorded as the difference between 100 per cent and the sum
of the root-lodged and/or broken. Corn borer damage was negligible in all but one of
the tests; therefore, the sum of the root—lodged, broken and erect plants will not neces-
sarily equal 100 per cent. ·
4. Dead stalks were determined by examining the base of the stalk just above the
crown  weakness in the internodes just above the crown is indicative of V
premature killing of plant tissues due to the action of stalk~rotting organisms.
5. Ear height was measured, as it is found to be important in relation to stalk
breaka r—eared hybrids are generally less susceptible to breakage and more
desirable for mechanical harvesting. _
Interpretation of Data
The difference necessary to assure reasonably that inherent yield potential exists
between varieties has been calculated and is given at the foot of each table as the L. S. D.
(least significant difference). Unless the yields of the two hybrids being compared dif-
fer by as much as or more than this L. S. D., little confidence can be placed in the in-
dicated superiority of one hybrid over the other under the conditions of the particular
Data on agronomic characteristics other than yield have not been subjected to sta-
tistical analysis; however, small differences between any two hybrids are likely to be `
of little importance and should not be considered strongly indicative of a true difference.
1954 results. Yield data for the individual locations and the average for all locations
are given in Table 2. Moisture, root-lodged plants, broken stalks, erect plants, dead ’
stalks, and ear height are given in Table 3 as an average of the locations in which the
data were obtained. Data for agronomic characteristics other than yield, moisture,
and stand were not obtained on the Kenton County and Jamestown tests and are not in-
cluded in Table 3. Hybrids with a high average yield for all tests tended to be among
the high-yeilding group in any one test.
Twenty experimental hybrids from the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station
were re -entered for more advanced testing. They are not available commercially,
but may be released if they continue to perform well.
Period of years results. Evaluation of hybrids for yield and standing ability over
a period of years is more valuable than the results from a single year. Hybrids may
be outstanding one year and undesirable another year. Results 0V€1‘ 8 P€I‘i0d of Y€&1‘5
tend to average these fluctuations. The recommendation of an experimental hybrid for
certification and commercial production is dependent upon its continued excellence in
several tests and season.
Data on hybrids which have been tested in all locations for two or more years are

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