xt74tm71z580 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74tm71z580/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 199504 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, April 1995 text GLSO News, April 1995 1995 2019 true xt74tm71z580 section xt74tm71z580 i ‘3 a}: é 3'?
I “‘3'“ With W%
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On Tuesday, March 28, uNCONSTITuTIONAL Parifl Of 2
LouiSVIlle’s Board of Aldermen Thursday, March 31,1995, saw 1 1:56.631: ‘0 rtne (:1: 1 I 31:”:
voted down a proposed ordlnance US. District Judge Eugene H. P132: “”1 Og’S‘y‘bne owea’r Of)’
that would have extended. equal Nickerson rule that the US. :Okes’lp aye 0);) ganIleS 35f:
fights to homosexuals m the Military’s anti—homosexual discrimi- tac ast 6:? remerp-kerih :ven “ed
workplace. nation policy is not sanctioned by the o pee s a}: Lng up 1 eth e“ oylean”
WIth a vote of 7—4, 'the Constitution. wals caug y m m er 1:210 mgt
Aldermen have for a second tune The ruling was that the policy a hargle Grays)“ t1; 4my U“ ledpan 5
defeated a proposal that WOUId give violated the right of free speech of w er; was al oud —lty<:jarlslo ' th
homosexuals. the same protectlon the six homosexual defendants, all “ . l pever,p 2:12,: WI] 0.18020 er
from discrImInatlon that heterosex- former servicemembers. gut (pys. l 61;)“ y glihs 6V}?
uals enjoy from bIrth. The judge’s ruling also wan el'ko P 3y W‘d til/ere 056 W 0
Media attention has been disagreed with the Pentagon’s :cvere flthe me, and. etrhe Vlverelgjgy
focused on Alderman Paul Blather, assertion that allowing homosexuals 6‘: 0 l eggaounh ml e a e . S
who had PreVlOUSI)’. tOId ms to Openly serve their country will an .eaEy. t SW 2h waéhgrowmg
colleagues and Fairness (Of undermine “unit cohesiveness and up Indehmgvonzfin d5“; 2156:;
Louisv111e) members he WOUId morale.” He wrote that the Opposite aropn t e 00 an ar farea. by]
SUPPO” the proposal, yet voted is true: that the disruption occurs ezries-t' memforIes 0 veiha
agaInst '1' “I voted my own when anyone keps secrets from their i1 rpodmdions rom my m0 er
consc1ence,” he . commented comrades. mc‘l‘lYe ; t h'ld' Y ’t
afterwards: lEVIdently, _hls He wrote that “Hitler taught the b ou rehnlod'fly c l . 0U can
consc1ence ls not disturbed by lyIng. world what could happen when the e my C 1 . continued on page 5
The Board meeting was attended government began to target people
by an estimated 50 supporters Of the not for what they had done but llTJ‘lSJLlDEi APEXKL:
proposal, who held Signs that read b f ' ” ‘Ga Aviator Wins Medal............2
“Waitlng for Justice.” 23 of the ecause 0 their status. He also Y .
supporters were arrested and charged spoke out agaInst the Idea that sexual Communlty News 3
with criminal tresspassing when they orientation determines misconduct. GLSO Calendar.....:.........I....I.6-7
refused to leave the chambers The The ruling applied only to the Transcript: M61 Whlte Meets Pat
Courier-Journal reported that at one six who filed the suit jointly, but the Robertson 4
point, a suPporter stood up and ACLU is optimistic that it is a big M61 White’s Mom Speaks I........5
_ step in the fight for fairness.v Some Facts on Partnerships ......2
continued on page8

 93.5151: ;:>'5"',=’.".‘?1f’-/"74 GAY AVIATOR GETS SOME FACTS ABOUT
1,4, .2144 7'? int/£7 , 1:3! 2
//(f’ -2;,{1'3;;253575137, NAVY MEDAL LESBIGAY PARTNERSHIPS
1%2421: 1(HE WASHINGTON (AP).— ”- >Fr0m “CONTRACT to LOVE” b
, , , , ,1 . ,. , y
C: f’,',~‘,l7’,"§’1/" {xi-fly, ,3,- .{é.r‘<,;z:?;f-5Z;<,;;:/fy':l Tracy Thorne says he s surprised and Elizabeth M MacDonald
1' r” {GAYK 11,” i, pleased that the Navy gave him an (OUT Magazine May 1993 pp 83-87)
£3515 5/ ES/BIAN I”’-’;e,~i"':-itf achievement medal. eve,“ though It Millions of gay relationships do not
,1; 23’ 1 C1,»;- ,1, {Bailiff/f"? has been tryingto kick him out Since implode at the drop of a business card
1, SERVICE/IS? hegwent onh national teleVISlon m On the contrary, the subtext to this
1, 7' -:-/ , ,2,_:.l,__»f1,1h,.;h1m/1.};‘Lrjg 51-19 2}: say .1? :gfabdl d b . l ” litigious trend is the fact that gay couples
1:: RGANIZATION , d metl h e u e yT" as, have already staked a moral claim to
. , ,: ’. 1, .I .' ,4 ,1 f. he sai. a ter t e cerenzjogy h ues ay marital rights. “Gay couples have always
at :blm he was ails/[aide] t 6 Play and will continue to ratify their long-
GLSQ N@WS AC ievement . e ‘a '\ y lasting relationships, “ says Dr. Joyce
commanding officer said What are .
. , ’ Brothers. “There Will always be people
Published Monthly by the we domg here? On the one hand, who speculate that gay relationships are
Lexmgton Gay/LESbian we’re kicl7 .3 a
7) GLSO ANNUAL you need to have information in to discrimination based on sexual
not BOARD NOMINATIONS Karl (271-2673) by April 10. orientation. Do you think we could
tard. We are looking for community We are looking for volunteers to get Kentucky to establish a
this members who might be interested in help with the picnic on June 4 at Bell Governor’s Commission on Gay and
ples serving on the GLSO Board. Our Court. This kickoff event will offer Lesbian Youth like they have in
1 to nominating committee members are food, a mini-people’s rodeo, and Massachusetts? Jean is also
lays Chris (276-2877) and Tammy (275_ space for vendors. Call Mary to answering two letters written to the
)ng- 3037). We will be needing a new volunteer to help out. editor in the Herald Leader in
)yce secretary, someone interested in More than 400 of us showed up January and February: “Nothing
aple developing social events, and a last year, and we are hoping to see Normal about Gays” and “Gays Too
are facilitator for coming out groups. even more turn out in ‘95lv Influential”. Ruth Fiscella answered
less Our monthly meetings are open and WOMYNWEAVE PICNIC the letter 0f March 6 WhiCh was
we welcome you to attend to learn On Saturday, April 23, Womyn entitled “Homosexuals are Sinners”.
more about how we function. Our weave will be havinga picnic. For a Another happening has been
pies; April meeting is on Monday, the 6th, chance to socialize with a ton of some good contacts in the
; in' at 7:30. Call Mary (266-5904) for great womyn, call Ramona (266- community about P'FLAG~ RUth
: in more information. If you are 4672).v spoke to a group 0f Presbyterian
tore.i thinking of beoming more involved GOOD NEWS FROM clergy on March 1 about P'FLAG’S
tyisi in the gay and lesbian community, P-FLAG! work, education and advocacy
! here is a great opportunity.v P—FLAG has had some more against discrimination and in April a
rew l NEWCOMERS GROUP good news this month. Out regional member 0f P'FLAG has been invited
lalei FORMING directors, Tom and Debra Myers to speak at a senior citizens’ group.
3P,”i It is often difficult upon moving from Charleston, SC, have been Do you have an organization
ela-i to a new city to find an entrance into making the rounds of every P—FLAG that would like to hear from “5?
Thel the lesbigay community. Joe (278- chapter in their four-state area. It We’re ready! Don’t forget our
5 in‘ 5032) has volunteered to start a was the pleasure of the officers of P- meetings on the 3rd Thursday at 7:30
uall newcomers group to give people FLAG to have lunch with them, hear at Chapel Hill-V
7.1 new to Lexington a place to start. what other chapters are doing and LESBIGAY TRAVEL
; of Even if you’ve been in Lexington for share our progress here in OPPOSTUNITIES
; or a while, this group may be of help to Lexington. The fOikS at our friendly neigh-
ude you-V Besides this, Jean MB Genasci, borhood travel agency, Pegasus
ried PRIDE MONTH COMMITTEE the head of all the regional directors Travel Inc. Want you all to .know that
. If your organization is interested and a P'FLAG Board Member two leading travel companies, RSVP
its in being a part of the Pride Month phoned to tell of some excellent new VACATIONS and OLIVA CRUISES
out activities, or if you want to advertise resources on making schools, & RESORTS are offering [OPS Of
HO a particular event, you should colleges, and universities safe for exc1ting _ programs‘ for lesbigay
1% contact Mary at (266-5904). Our gay and lesbian youth. travelers in 95 and 96;
wer April meetings are scheduled for Jean, from Massachusetts, is Club RSVP has set two datesfor
3T0" Monday, April 10, and Monday, fortunate to live in one of two states on all-incluswe land resort vacation
[65’ April 24 _ both at 7:30 at Mary’s where the state legislature passed a in Puerto Vallarta, Mexrco 0n APiii
rim house. For inclusion in advertising, gay student right biii forbidding 23—30 and November 1148' Crutse
;e 8 continued on page 8
GLSO News Page 3

 uPDATE; MEL WHITE- be upon it. In Jesus ‘ name. Amen. For you, my good friend, I would -
PAT ROBERTSON Mel: Amen. This IS the. total content pray that you would reconsrder. l
of my meeting. Since you’re know you’ve gone through an awful
MEETING together (Mel hands us letter) Can lot, but I, you know I don’t approve
At 8 pm, March 8’ i995? Pat you read my printing, or should I of it.
Robertson and spokesperson Ge'ne read it? Me]: And that’s perfectly legitimate
Kapp went to_Viigihia Beach. City Pat: Well, I can read it. for you to do that. It’s the other stuff.
‘iaii to meet With 'Dt' Mel White on Me]: You can look over his shoulder, It’s the threat to the American nation
thel23rd day Of hie fast. 'White had Gene. that because we’re tolerated
1nsrsted on .discussmg with Gene: Sure. (There is a pause, as God brings earthquakes and fires.
Robertson the use Of hate crimes Pat and Gene silently read Mel’s That’s the excess stuff that I’m
against God’s gay and lesbian letter.) worried about. But again, that’s all
children. iii the short meeting Pat: (After we finish reading the my only agenda. I’d love to talk to
arranged by Sheriff Frank Drew, letter) All right. Do you want to you at length about it but probably
White asked Robertson to do two keep this? Would I get an answer on those
things: first, publicly acknowledge Gene: Yes, sure. two requests?
the rise i“ hate crimes against gay Mel: That’s my only thing for you to Pat: I’ll check about the other. I’m
and lesbian Amerlcans; and second, consider, and after that I’m out of going out of the country, and 1 just
to publicly condemn anyonewho here. Thank God. don’t know whether I this has
commits or incrtes these crimes. Pat: OK. Well, that’s good. Mel, I been rather trying this whole
White’s other request of Robertson want you to know I received word experience, and I don’t want to
was to meet With a oeiegatioh from from your dear parents, your mother prolong it.
PFLAG to hear the” stones. and father, and they’re good Me]: I’m sorry. No, I’m out of here
Robertson assured White that he supporters. They love you very no matter what. Just to see your
would respond to these requests much, and they’re very concerned smiling face, and I’m out of here.
within the next few days. about you. (laughs)
Immediately upon Robertson’s Mel:lkn0w. Pat: We’re dropping the trespass
departure, Sheiitt Drew. informed Pat: They don’t agree, as you know, charges, and I think you won’t have
White that all charges against hit" as with your lifestyle, and I don’t either. to put up bail, or anything.
been dropped. Followmg is a But that doesn’t mean that we don’t Mel: Oh, really?
transcript of Pat Robertson & Mel love you. Pat: Yes.
White meeting at the Virginia Beach Mel: Thank you. Me]: You guys have been gracious.
City ‘iaii.0ii March 8’ i995‘ _ Pat: And I have never preached any Pat: Well, I got a letter for you. You
(Editor’s note: A letter White hate against homosexuals or can read at your leisure about my
hands Robertson and Kapp lesbians. Andlwould never condone position on this, and why I’m here
outlines two requests: that violence or encourage violence. and your dear parents.
Robertson. publicly acknowledge (note: “Pat” has equated Mel: By your coming to visit me in
and repudiate hate crimes tighiiiSt homosexuals and lesbians with jail, I think you win.
homosexuals, and that he meet satanists and nazis on his program, Pat: Well, I don’t know well,
With ti group 0t parents 0t he has also stated that acceptance nobody wins.
homosexuals from P'FLAG). of homosexuality is one of the signs Mel: Well, nobody well I don’t
Mel: Would you, one of you iike to ofthe decline ofour culture). think I think that you’ve shown
lead us iii a prayer? Oi would you Me]: Absolutely not. your graciousness and I love you for
iiite me to? _ Pat: 1 really wouldn’t. And, I would it and I thank you for it.
Pat: _No’ i ‘yiii' Father, take control of course again encourage people not Pat: Well, I receive that.
of this meeting and let Your blessmg to be violent against people like this. Mel: Thanks, Gene. You’ve been
GLSO News Page 4

 from the front page of the bad things that kept and afraid of them.
“Why don’t you bealittle lady!” happening to me was that boys In breastfeeding both of my
“AM you ever want to wear are began making sexual advances sons, I finally learned to stop hating
those dirty 01d bluejeans!” toward me, and I was both hurt and my breasts; in doing Lamaze
“Why don’t you IUSt be like the confused that I wasn’t being childbirth with my second delivery,
other little girls!” allowed tojust be friends with boys: I learned to stop hating the rest of
In elementary and junior high They all seemed to have another my sexual organs and could enjoy
school, I played baseball, ShOt agenda, and one that I did not like! being a woman. I was, however,
marbles, played basketball, tried to I had one male friend during this continuously sexually and
play football but dIdh,t like It when period who still let me be “one of emotionally abused by my alcoholic
the boys tried to get me to play the boys” and he tried to protect me husband, and had never experienced
offensive center so they could touch when other boys made those orgasm except through masturba—
my crotch hard while waiting for unwanted sexual advances toward tion. Each time he made sexual
me to center the ball! I started my me. advances toward me and I rebuffed
periods when I was ten, and my I graduated from high school at them, he would call me a lesbian.
mother tried to force me into sixteen. I was offered a Ford This worked well for him astould
wearing a bra in the fifth grade, Foundation scholarship in then submit to his advances and
finally succeeded in the SIXth grade. Mechanical Engineering from UK stop pushing him away. I don’t
I WIII always remember that but my mother refused to sign the believe I let him kiss me after I was
afternoon when I was playing paperwork so I could accept this about 25 because, for him, every
football With the neighborhood scholarship because “well-bred kiss led to an erection, and every
boys in front Of my house. It was young ladies do not go into that erection led to intercourse.
hOt and we all tOOk Off our shirts. field!” So I became a Physical I believe we stayed together
Suddenly one Of the boys started Education major and drank my way those 22 years because I contracted
pointing at my chest and yelling at through the fall semester, 1961, with him, coached with him, and he
the other boys to melt at my “tits.” dropped out with a 0.6 GPA at the didn’t try to force me into “woman
I was mortified, ashamed, and ran end of the semester. The 22-year things” and dresses, accepted that
into the house to die! Ilearned that old alcoholic who had been “male” part of me. Also, I was a
day to hate my body, especially pursuing me for two years asked me wonderful enabler for him. We both
those breasts that suddenly made to marry him, told me he loved me, continued to get sicker, both together
me so very different from the boys. and I accepted since he was the first and individually. I was introduced to
Suddenly I didn’t fit in WIth my person who had ever said this to me. tranquilizers at age 19 when I was
friends anymore, suddenly I became Like most of my peer group, I first treated for an ulcer due to the
a girl! married to get out of my parents’ stress of my lifestyle. I spent the
Injunior high,Iwas forced into home. next 20 years self-medicating with
the “girl mode” because older boys I first read about “lesbians” drugs, then later alcohol, until I put
found me physically attractive, and when I checked out Masters and him out and joined lZ—step programs
they wanted to date me rather than Johnson’s Human Sexual Response in early 1984. By then I had tried
to play sports WIth me. When I was and Human Sexual Dysfunction suicide and was emotionally and
twelve, ICOUId pass for eighteen. In from the UK Med Center library spiritually bankrupt, as well as
SIXth and seventh grades, I tOOk when I was 22 years old. By this physically exhausted from living
ballroom dancing and became quite time I was pregnant with my first with him and from the cancer
goodhat dancing the jitterbug, child and my husband and I were surgery I had in 1983.(End ofPart 1)
whic was very popular att at time buying our first house. In reading
in my school. Ieven taught several these books, I first learned about Sic SIBEIBtB/EI’ISSZHEEIEEUZ!
boys to dance during this time. One lesbians, was both curious about 0 Tammya1275_3037’
GLSO News Page 5

 April 1995 K AI IRA-I 1m
0 O t
GLSO. 21 Years of Servmg Kentucklans @fl : . g . .
~ III I ' 1
Sunday Monday ' Tucsdzl) Wednesday Th 11 rxdu) Friday Saturday ‘ l" 9", J, ‘2‘!
Agril Fools Day '
9:00 AM Frontnmners
55 7 S. Limestone
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Lexington, KY
: -- = - . ~ ,, , ' 7:00 PM GUESS (EKU) 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. 7:00 PM LexMen's Chorus 15' Quarter Mr, Kmdqlem. 253-0014
7:30 PM Pride Ctr. Al-Anon 6:00 PM FrOntrunners- Rehearsal Mr. Kentucky leather- (from ,
.- u '1 _ on v . ~ , 7:30 PM UK Lambda Crossmgs In .17 form-“mm
700: PM '3'. 'f'e-w ,0 3 Taskforce 845 PM Rambow WOOdland Paflk 8500 PM HIV/AIDS SPPt- G111: ‘ ‘ ' ay ' ”an "‘ 8:00 PM "Someone Who'll Watch Tortoise & Hare lunch
700 PM 5!!“ . 80: I BOWhng'SOUthland 8:00 P M Gay/Lesbian AA 8:00 PM ”Someone Who’ll Watch 8:00 PM "Someone Who'll Watch Over Me'—Actors‘ Guild
'i 0v Me'~A (013‘ Guild OverM ”-Actors' Guild o
9 10 11 12 1; ° 14 e 15 speaal: 10% off M-F
1 1-1 1 :30a.m. 1 :30-2 .m.
Palm Sunda};v 7:00 PM GUESS (EKU) 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AIDS/HIV Sppt.GIpl 7:00 PM LAX-Men's Chorus Good Friday PM . var ’ p
6:00 PM MCC-GTeenleaf Al-Anon 6:00 PM Frontrunners- 7.3%333’31: Lamwa 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AA figgmlmm'IW
Mo‘el . 8:45 PM Rainbow Woodland Park j 8:00 PM "Someone Who'll 16.00 , - '5“, rk .
6:30 PM RS Imperial Court Bowling-Southland 8100 FM Gay/Lesbian AA Egg/1 hfsiggfilgfdfilw; CE"? Watch Over Me"-Actors' 8:06 pMMflflill-am Ren OWl1 Ed weekend bl' U “Ch .
7:00 PM Gay/Lesblan AA Over lac-Acton. Guild Gmld Over Me'-Acd§l;”f Guild - b k h
servmg blueberry uc w eat
16 17 . 18 19 » 20 21. . 22 _ . pancakes, eggs benedlct
Easter GLSO News Deadllne 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. 730: iMmfi-Men's Chm” Integmy— 31- Augusnne's KFABOU d Mtg-LOUISVIUe .
2500 PM fi'fiofluck 7:00 PM GUESS (EKU) Al-Anon 6:00 PM Frontnmners- mam“, gjg‘ggggegaflmim“ $2300. arnold, spanlsh omelettes,
3% iii ”SWW: Mm“ 7:30 PM Fairness Meet— 8:45 PM Rainbow Woodland Park £530 PM uxlambga; 8100 FM oomm Who.“ Watch 8500 m ,SOL‘nge‘fijfiwm and m u Ch m ore
7:00 PM Gay/Leéiaifiéni AA ing —Alfalfa's Bowling—Southland 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 33% m Eng; wig-“mm Over Me"-Actors' Guild Over McLAcm. Guild
.. 4 Over Me'»Aclors' Guild
23 24 25 26 2 7 28 29 Wednesday is International
1290 PM AVOL Walk/wins! . 7:00 PM GUESS (EKU) 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. 7100 PM LeX-Men's Chm” 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian Gay Vqllqyball Tqmmmznt- o
anIDS-UK Cmmnmwealth Stad1~ Al- Anon 6:00 PM Frontruxmers- 7:35:33: Lambda AA we. 01m Valley Volley- N|g ht
8:45 PM Rainbow Woodland Park 8:00 PM PIIV/.AIJDSVSVl;1=t-1 Grp- 8:00 PM "Someone WhO'll ew oon '
.O'l ' V V - ee ea V o e - . - 8:00 PM "Someone o' 1 Watch Watch Ov Me"-Actors' 9:00 AM Frontrunners
- - Bowlmg-Southland 8.00 PM Gay/Lesblan AA , , . er _ 1 .
6.30 PM RS Im C 1.111 Ove Me -A Gulld - . ne W11 5 ch
700 PM Go.y/L§~f1:1'l:lll...o 3:00 PM COLTcsnllr/lslg. 61““ 8 0334ng?“ 01313 w t B rea d S a n d d e sse rt 5 ba ked
3 0 March May a . o
SMTWTFS SMTWTFS dallylnourkltchen
a? volloymll Tom'namout— —W W
sOhloVallcyVollay- 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
ball C“: 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 o 0
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Free evenlng parklng.
6300 PM MCC-G-reenleanuogtel 25 27 28 29 3° 31 28 29 30 31
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian.“
Printed on 3/28/95

 {mm the front page from page 2 u
shouted, “The stench of hate in this three years, according to the [Q‘WUNIITY NEmem page 3 y
room is foul” and sprayed air Baltimore center. ,4
freshener. . - Approximately 1,590 couples in options include a trip to the Spanish
Opponents, led _by notorious San Fracisco have legally Riviera on September 3—10 and the Italian 5
homophobe Frank Sthh’ cheered established domestic partnerships Riviera on September 1—17. RSVP’s
when the results were announced and since Valentine’s Day 1991, casual, intimate and affordable 100— “
left the chamber. Shortly thereafter, according to Alma Rivera, passenger Seaspirit offers varied ;
Sthh tom the press that his group spokeswoman for the National iteneraries in the Pacific Northwest,
WOhld work to register people to vote Center for Lesbian Rights, and these British Columbia and Alaska between “
and work to vote hht 0f office those “often lead to gay contracts.” June 10 and September 16 this summer. p
who favored gay rights. However, 100 to 200 gay partnership 1996 RSVP options include numerous g
Th? Courier-Journal also reported suits are now lumbering through the Caribbean itineraries in February and 2
that Farmess Campalgn coordinator city’s civil courts, according to the March. Tours of French Canada will be IV
Carla Wallace, though v151ble upset, Partners Task Force for Gay and offered in July and the Eastern P
delivered a speech to the Board, Lesbian Couples in Seattle. These Mediterranean and Greece in August.
saying. If those 0f you who voted for cases “are not on the rise, certainly Olivia’s unique vacations for women
dISChmlhahOh are laboring under the not in any dramatic sense,” says include an Alaskan Cruise June 21 -28, the
hSShmPhOh that thlShSShe :vrll go Donna Hitchens, an openly lesbian Italian Riviera on Spetember 17-24 and
away, you are sadly mistaken. superior court judge in San exotic Ixtapa, a Mexican Club-Med 0n
Homosexuals are not currently Francisco who adjudicated these November 4—11.
promoted. under the Uhhed States lawsuits for a yearw Both Olivia and RSVP have earned R
Constitution. Under the ex1sting RAVE reviews for their quality lesbigay \A
Circumstances, unless a Ch)” county 0 travel vacations. To examine a brochure hi
or state has passed its own ordinance You want It. or for additional details, please contact JL
against discrimination, a person can Ian at Pegasus Travel, (606) 268-4337 in F;
be Prhhlb‘ted from “Iowa the SO bad 0“ Lexington or (800) 228-4337 outside hZ
iiieisr'ii‘é‘giffoiiii‘s‘ffé‘iii'piiié 3’ 0.... or
. ’ . 0 2040 Idle Hour Center on Richmond th
[rengerrersatci‘ielrrheii 3:10:13; :icthtfiit can taste It. Road. And remember, if you mention the n(
i is qiine ie’gai f. reiuse n’ the; You want to volunteer. GLSO at the “me Y9“. make your ”“61 I”
. arrangements (for OliVia, RSVP or other), ac
horrifiguifxin ton Herald Leader so do It! C6" nOW~ Pegasus will donate 10% oftheir earnings ki
has yet to repongon this issue, See back for listings. to GLSO.v :1
Laura E_ Kama“ W— of
Licensed Clinical Social Worker A I}. an
R t:l¥/A1Dh$ I IPeronal Grtliwth 2:, :1:
teams Ips omen’s ssues Ct '
Spe iaCare m
m 436 West Second Street Pioneers in Alternate-Sire Health Care dh
Lexington, KY 40507 ““
606.254.9112 I Pager: 2152,0373 1510 Newlown Pike. Suite H Phone icon) 253-0300 w(
Lexington. Kentucky 40511 Fax (606) 231-12l-1 Wt
GLSO News Page 8 —

 under a lot of pressure too and White’s parents said they are acknowledge or denounce hate
3 you’ve handled this with elegance. evangelical Christians who regularly crimes against homosexuals or to a
_ And you look good on all those watch Robertson’s 700 club and meeting with a delegation from
J’Sh pictures they keep sending (laughs). have given over $1,000 a year since PFLAG. He simply said he would
2:" Gene: I appreciate it. And again, the early ‘70’s. They have even consider it, but would be out of the
s we’re here in good faith and in good designated country for a few weeks. Bearing
90' spirit. $100,000 in their will for Witness will continue to monitor the
”6d Mel: Hey, I’m gonna say exactly Robertson’s evangelist empire. CBN broadcasts and publications in
CSt’ what I gave you that’s not to Robertson’s camp claims that this an effort to further Mel’s mission to
em pressure. I’m gonna say you came disclosure is not what influenced help stop harmful rhetoric which they
ner. graciously to me at a very busy time Robertson’s decision to go to the jail believe incites violence and suffering
0‘15 of your life, and I’m grateful. and meet with Me] after repeating to God’s gay and lesbian children.
and Gene: Very good, Mel. stating that there would be no To set up interviews with Mel or for
I be Mel: That’s all I wanted. meeting. more information about Bearing
tern Pat:Thank you.v White’s mother said she and her Witness call (804) 543-2460.v
husband have left their son in God’s
2:: COMMENTS FROM hands because homosexuality, “isn”t AND I QUOTE...
, something that you choose.” Mel s “ . .
and MEL WHITE S father Carl said “If we afforded Pat Robertson IS an extraordinary
on MOTHER him [Robertson] away to save face, institution builder and visionary. I
Despite the fact that Pat I’m fine with it. Idon’t have any bad believe when the history ofthe 20th
fled Robertson stated that it was Mel feelings.” But he said that he century 15 Wl’ltlefl, there are tWO
gay White Parents’ letters that persuaded disagreed with Robertson’s preachers who, 1" fact, shaped
lure him to meet with White, Minister of statement that he and his wife were much 0f the domestic/political
tact Justice for the UFMCC’ March 8’ grieving over his son’s lifestyle. debate 0f post-World War II
7in Faythe White, Mel White’s mother What he had actually said to Amerrca. One was black. One was
;ide has been quoted as calling Robertson Robertson was, “We are proud of our white. One was Martin Luther
3 at cruel and nasty. Robertson insisted son, Mel... He believes your King, Jr., and the other Pat
ond that, like himself, White’s parents do propaganda has resulted in the Robertson- The); had an enormous,
the not agree with or approve of Mel’s murder of many gay people... It is PYOfOUHd effect:
wel lifestyle. “That’s not quite difficult for me to understand your "CWt Gingn 7 ,, ,
er), accurate,” said Mrs. White, “He’s attitude. It seems that you are either
ngs kind of putting words in our mouths. afraid of him, although he has no
It’s not our place, or Pat’s, to judge - u r r 'de d ,
Mel. I wish to God he wasn’t gay, Siblgzizzarrgfhge; OtOYOIUetpgjou age Natlonal Gay 8‘
bht [Mfgnthizfzstgiidtlhjisiigiigfiiiel Christian... I suggest you go to the Lesbian Crisis Line
' "ail, ive him five minutes... Pra
of Robertson to have her son arrested Jwith find for him, thereby clearing (800) 247-4283
and then refuse to meet with him for your conscience and relieving the
even a few minutes. “I think it was whole situation. I do not condone
jESt plai: nasty Vthf/lxt” hath gid’ his lifestyle. I do not understand it, Teenage support
t rowing im into jai ‘ e a to but he is m son. It could have been ( ) _
do was spend a few minutes with yours. Myyfamily is dishonored by 800 347 TEEN
him,” she said. “I wonder if he your actions.” . .
would have just let Mel rot in jail if Robertson did not commit to Thurs-Sun. 7pm'M'dmght
we hadn’t written him,” she mused. White’s request for him to publicly
GLSO News Page 9

 So WE’VE HEARD... “The simple truth is, (US. Rep.) on earth wouldn’t such a person use
Today I phoned Speaker Richard Armey (who made the the term ‘fag’? It would at least render
Gingrich’s office to express my ‘Barney Fag’ remark) has a thing his rhetoric consistent with his
support for the Gingrich-Elders plan. about homosexuals. He believes they beliefs.”
This is the proposal for public schools are depraved human beings who —Andrew Sullivan, editor of The
to set aside a few minutes each day for engage in immoral behavior, which New Republic.
silent masturbation. should be stopped or discouraged. “ .
_Richard Stanman Why will he not admit this? He thinks IfIO“g “’1‘“ a“. my gear‘fnfi be ‘1 Pa”
homosexuals should be hunted down gffa commhunlltjy :1 at u yhergoys
“Heterosexuality is not normal, and discharged from the military, if erence,t atb on shnot ont cf 3518
it’s 'ust common ” subjected to mandatory testing if