xt74tm71zf90 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74tm71zf90/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1942-09-21  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 21, 1942 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 21, 1942 1942 1942-09-21 2020 true xt74tm71zf90 section xt74tm71zf90 98


























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Minutes of the Faculty of the University - September 12, 1942

2000 of the best high school graduates in Kentucky fail each year to
enter any institution of higher learning. and pointed out the need for
more aggressiveness in encouraging superior students to enter the Uni- 6gb
versity. President DonOVan indicated that a bulletin would be prepared,
to go regularly to each member of a group known as "Friends of the Uni:
versity." He stated. too, that there are approximately 18,000 public
school teachers in the state, many of whom might well continue their
studies during the spring quarter after their schools have closed. He
indicated that an effort is being made to interest such teachers by the
use of an ad each month on the back cover of the K. E. A. Journal. The
first issue to appear soon will deal with the Annual Educational Cone
ference. Subsequently. each college in the University will be featured
in an issue.

President Donovan also reported on the recent meeting in Washington,
attended by educators from throughout the country. The meeting was called
for the purpose of discussing war problems and their relationin education. 'N
Great emphasis was placed at the meeting on the importance of education as '
a background for the military program. It was pointed out that 63 per
cent of the army personnel needs some form of specializad training. One
speaker suggested that the emergency is so great that there is really no
time for anything except preainduction education. The importance of
mathematics. science, American history, and the ability to write was
emphasized. It was suggested that intercollegiate football would probably
have to be abandoned before next fall. primarily because of the transporn
tation problem.


President Donovan outlined briefly the plans of the University to
furnish instruction for some 800 or more soldiers in certain technical
fields. He outlined the preparations that are being made and indicated
that the Animal Pathology Building is being rushed to completion and
would be used for this purpose.

Reference was again made to the problem faced by the coaching staff
of the University in its efforts to compete with other schools in the ,
Southeastern Conference. The problem had been outlined by Coach Kirwan $
at the meeting of the Faculty on July 17. .There appeared to be a desire
on the part of the Faculty to lend some assistance in this connection,
if proper means could be found.


September 21, 1942

The Faculty of the Uhiversity met in the President's Office f
Monday, September 21, 1942. President Donovan presided. Members present
were Paul P. Boyd, Alvin E. Evans. W. D, Funkhouser, J. H. Graham,








Minutes of the Faculty of the University - September 21, 1942

W. S. Taylor. Edward Wiest, and Leo M. Chamberlain. Jesse E. Adams,
Louis Clifton, and L. J. Horlacher also attended the meeting.

The minutes of September 12 were read and approved.

The following statement, prepared as a result of the discussion
in the meeting of September 12, was presented to the Faculty for considera-

"In view of the problems presented to the Faculty by Coach
Kirwan at a recent meeting, it is the judgment of that body that
the following plan might be tried experimentally:

The Faculty of the University will consider recommendations
for special consideration in the admission of certain students
designated by the Department of Athletics. Each case will be
individually studied and action.relative to the admission of the
student taken on the basis of all factors involved. The following
policies would govern:

1. Requests for special consideration during any one year
would not involve more than 10 students.

2. Before requests for special consideration are made, each
student's application will be handled in the regular way in all
respects, including the requirement of the classification examina-
tion where necessary.

3. Should the student fail to gain admission under regularly
established rules, he may be recommended to the Faculty of the
University by the Faculty Representative of the Southeastern Con-
ference for special consideration. Each student will be a
graduate of a fully accredited high school and will present a
minimum of 15 units as defined by the admission requirements of
the University.

4. If admitted by the Faculty of the University, the ad-
mission would be provisional for one quarter, with the future
status of the student to be left to the Dean of the College and
the Committee on Scholarship and Attendance.

The proposal was approved. The application for admission of Robert Drury
was considered in terms of the above policy and approved.

President Donovan presented to the Faculty of the University the
question as to whether or not it would be desirable to cancel the annual
Educational Conference and the meeting of the Kentucky Association of
Colleges and Secondary Schools, planned for the last week in October.

It appeared not improbable that gas rationing would be in effect by that
time and that the attendance would therefore be limited to teachers and
others from this immediate area. It appeared also that in cancelling

the meeting the University would be contributing more to the war effort
than could be accomplished by holding the conference as usual, OVCn though
the program had been planned to contribute to the observance of the Ken-
tucky Sesquicentennial. The Faculty voted to cancel the meeting, but in










































Minutes of the Faculty of the university a September 21, 1942

doing so, recommended that papers, committee reports, etc., which had

been prepared in anticipation of this meeting, be assembled and pub-s %
lished as usual. Dean Taylor and Dean Boyd were asked to assume respona f’
sibility for giving notice of cancellation of the meeting and for assema

bling materials for publication.

Dean Taylor reviewed for the Faculty of the University the work
that had been done in certain problems courses in Harlan, Jackson, and
Pike Counties during the past summer, and called attention to the fact
that requests had come from groups of interested persons in Louisville ‘
and in Jackson for similar courses. The question was raised as to the ;
proper procedure to be followed in offering such courses in view of a
feeling on the part of Professor Clifton that offecampus work should be
administered by the Department of University Extension as extension
courses. The desire of certain students for graduate credit complicates
the problem, since the present rules of the University do not permit
graduate credit by extension. After an extended discussion of the
various aspects of this problem of offecampus courses. involving some (gag
graduate students, the matter was, on motion and second, referred to a "
committee composed of Dean Taylor, Dean Funkhouser. and Professor Clifton. (

President Donovan presented to the Faculty a request from the
authorities at Keeneland to have the University Band appear at the
ceremonies attending the opening of the fall racing meeting on Tuesday.
October 13. Members of the Band were given permission to be absent from
classes on Tuesday afternoon, October 13. for the purpose of assisting
with this program.

On recommendation of Dean Boyd, the petition of Mary Rion was
approved. Miss Rion asked that she be allowed to take by correspondence ‘
the last 12 quarter hours of work required for graduation.


October 21, 1942

The Faculty of the University met in the President's Office \
Wednesday. October 21, 1942. President Donovan precided. Members present
were Paul P. Boyd. Thomas P. Cooper, Alvin E. Evans. W. D. Funkhouser,

J. H. Graham, Frank D. Peterson, William S. Taylor, Edward Wiest, and
Leo M. Chamberlain.

The minutes of September 21 were read and approved. 1

The Faculty discussed the policies that might govern during the I
1943 summer quarter, in anticipation of an early request for the summer 3