xt74xg9f5045 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74xg9f5045/data/mets.xml Robertson, George, 1790-1874. 1838 books b92-70-27082916 English A.G. Hodges, : Frankfort, Ky. : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Boyle, John, 1774-1834 or 5. Transylvania University. Biographical sketch of the Hon. John Boyle : an introductory lecture to the law class of Transylvania, November 7, 1838 / by George Robertson. text Biographical sketch of the Hon. John Boyle : an introductory lecture to the law class of Transylvania, November 7, 1838 / by George Robertson. 1838 2002 true xt74xg9f5045 section xt74xg9f5045 A OF THE HON. JOHN BOYLE: IN AN INTRODUCTORY LECTURE TO THE LAW CLASS OF TRANSYLVANIA, NOVEMBER 7, 1838. BY GEORGE ROBERTSON, L. L. D. PROFESSOR OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS COMITY, AND FRUITY. PUBLISHED BY THE LAW CLASS. FRANKFORT, KY. A. G. HODGES, PRINTER. 1838. LEXINGTON, November 27, 1838. Sir-We the undersigned having been appointed by the Law Class of Transylvania University, a Committee to wait upon your honor, respectfully request a copy of your Introductory Lecture for publication, believing it to be a just and able eulogy on the life and public services of the late Hon. John Boyle. Respectfully, your ob't servants, WILLIAM T. BARBOUR, WM. R. CARRADINE, Committee. WM. H. ROBARDS, ( M. R. SINGLETON, Hon. GZORGE ROBERTSON. LEXINGTON, 28th November, 1838. Gentlermen-Thanking you and the Law Class for your kind sentiments, I commit to your discretion and disposal the Introductory Lecture, a copy of which you have requested for publication. Yours respectfully, GEORGE ROBERTSON. Messrs. Wet. T. BARSOUR, X W. R. CARRADINE, Committee. W. H. RoBAGTDS, M. R. SINGLETON,) INTRODUCTORY LECTURE. It is the sacred duty of every generation to preserve faithful memorials of the character and conduct of its distinguished men. The memory of the illustrious dead should never be lost in the oblivion of time. Biography is the soul of history. The maxims and motives and destiny of prominent men, as exemplified, from age to age, in the moral drama of our race, constitute the ele- ments of historic philosophy and impart to the annals of mankind their only practical utility. When, and only when, illustrated by the life of an eminent man, virtue or vice, knowledge or igno- rance, thus personified, is seen and felt as the efficient lever of the moral world. The lives of conspicuous men help to charac- terise their day and country, and, like sign boards on the high- ways and the bye-ways through the wilderness of human affairs, tell the bewildered pilgrim where he is going, what way he should go, and the weal or the wo of his journey's end. Here, with trembling hand, the gifted Burns points to the ruin and despair which lie in ambush on the broad and voluptuous turnpike on which his noble genius was driven to destruction- here sits the cold bust of the captive Napoleon scowling on the iron railway where the steam car of unrighteous ambition, ex- ploding with a tremendous crash, shivered all his gigantic hopes and projects of power-and here too stands the god-like statue of our Washington, consecrating the straight and narrow path- way of virtue, which leads the honest man to everlasting happi- ness, and the pure patriot to immortal renown:-and here, every where, we see exemplifications of the vanity of worldly riches, the wretchedness of selfish ambition, the usefulness of industry, and charity, and self-denial, and the blissfulness of cultivated fa- culties and of moderation in all our desires and enjoyments. The lessons, thus only to be usefully taught, are practical truths echoed from the tombs of buried generations, in the mother tongue of all mankind. 4 Greece, and Rome, and France, and England, have honored their dead and contributed to the stock of useful knowledge among men by graphic memoirs of their conspicuous Philoso- phers, Heroes, Statesmen, and Bards. And Plutarch's parallel Biographies of Greeks and Romans, and Johnson's Lives of the British Poets,-scholastic as the one and garrulous as the other must be admitted to be,-are among the most valuable of the re- positories of practical wisdom. But it is in this our age of rectified reason and enlightened liberty that the lives of the virtuous great who have lived and are buried in our own America, would exhibit the most attractive models of the virtues which made them and our country great, and which alone will ever ennoble and bless the nations and coun- tries of the earth. The Anglo-American heroes and statesmen, from the Pi]grim Band of Plymouth Rock to that more illustrious group signalised in our memorable revolution, stand out in bold relief on the col- umn of history; and the humbler, but not less noble pioneers and hunters of Kentucky and the primitive founders of the great so- cial fabric of this blooming valley of the West, have left behind them monuments more enduring than storied urns or animated busts. But the personal history of most of these nobles of their race is yet told only by the tongue of tradition. And the story of the deeds of many of them is, even now among ourselves, list- ened to as romance. Our own favored Commonwealth, though young in years, is venerable in deeds. Kentucky has been the theatre of marvel- lous events and of distinguished talents. Though not more than 63 years have run since the first track of civilization was made in her dark and bloody wilderness, yet she has already had her age of chivalry, her age of glory, and her -age of reason and religion, liberty and law. She has her battle fields as memorable, and almost as eventful, as those of Marathon or Waterloo-and she has had heroes, orators,-jurists and law- ivers who would have been conspicuous in any age or country. Put neither biography nor general history has done justice to their memories. Most of that class of them, whose lives were peaceful and whose triumphs were merely civic, have been per- mitted to slumber under our feet without either recorded eulogy or biographic memorial. The memory of the Nicholases, the Breckinridges, the Browns, and the Murrays, the Allans and the HLughes, the Talbotts and the Bledsoes, the Daviesses and the 1lardins-the McKees and the Andersons-the Todds, the Trimbles and the Boyles-of whom, in their day, Kentucky was justly proud, should not lon- ger remain thus unhonored and unsung. 5 Influenced by a strong sense of personal and public obligation, we will now attempt to sketch a brief outline of one of these our departed great. Among the honored names of Kentucky, John Boyle, once Chief Justice of the State. is deservedly conspicuous. Modest and unpretending, his sterling merit alone elevated him, from humble obscurity, to high places of public trust, which he filled without reproach, and to a still more enviable place in public con- fidence and esteem which but few men ever attained, and none ever more deserved. Though his whole career was peaceful and unaspiring, his life, "take it all in all," domestic and public, exhi- bits a beautiful model of an honest man, a just citizen, a patriot- ic statesman, and an enlightened jurist. The example of such a man is worthy of imitation by all men living or to come-and the memorials of such a life must be interesting to all good men, and peculiarly profitable to the young who desire to be useful and honored. John Boyle's genealogy cannot be traced through a long line of ancestry. He inherited no ancestral honors, nor fortune, nor memorial. Like most of the first race of illustrious Kentuckians, descended from a sound but humble stock, he was the carver of his own fortune and the ennobler of his own name. His only patrimony was a vigorous constitution, a sound head, a pure heart, and a simple, but virtuous education. He was born October 28th, 1774, in Virginia, at a place called "Castle Woods," on Clinch river, in the (then) county of Botte- tourt, now Russell or Tazewell; and in the year 1779 was brought to Whitley's Station in Kentucky, by his father, who immigrated in that year to try his fortune in the wild woods of the west- and who, like the mass of early adventurers, reared in the old school of provincial simplicity and backwoods equality, was a plain, blunt man of independent spirit. The father first "settled" in Madison county, but afterwards "moved" to the county of Gar- rard, where he lived on a small estate until his death. Of the early history of the son, we have heard nothing signal or peculiar. In his days of pupilage, a collegiate education was not attainable in Kentucky. And those, who like him were poor, were compelled to be content with such scholastic instruction as might be derived from private tutors and voluntary country schools. Emulous of such usefulness and fame as can be secured only by moral and intellectual excellence, he eagerly availed himself of all the means within his reach for improving his mind and cultivating proper principles and habits. After acquiring an elementary English education, he learned the rudiments of the Greek and Latin languages and of the most useful of the sciences, in Madi- 6 son county, under the tutelage of the Rev. Samuel Finley, a Pres- byterian clergyman-of exemplary piety and patriarchal simplici- ty. With this humble preparation, having chosen the Law for his professional pursuit, he read Blackstone's Commentaries and a few other elementary and practical books under the direction of Thomas Davis, then a member of Congress, whom he ssucceeded, and who resided in the county of Mercer, in the neighborhood of Jeremiah Tilford, a plain, pious and frugal farmer with whom the pupil boarded, and one of whose daughters (Elizabeth)-a beautiful and excellent woman-he married in 1797, about the commence- ment of his professional career. His wife's estate dd not equal in value 1,000, and his own patrimony was himself alone, just as he was. With these humble means he bought an out-lot in Lan- caster, Garrard county, on which, in 1798, he built a small log house with only two rooms, in which not only himself, but three other gentlemen, who successively followed him as a national representative. and one of whom also succeeded him in the Chief Justiceship of Kentucky, began the sober business of conjugal life. There he lived happily and practised law successfully until 1802, when, being unanimously called to the House of Represen- tatives of the United States, he settled on a farm of 125 acres near Lancaster, where he continued to reside until 1811, when he moved to a tract of land in the same county, a part of which had been recently given to him by his father, and where he lived, in cabins, until 1814, when he bought and removed to the tract in Mercer on which his wife had been reared, and where he contin- ued to reside until his death. Here let us pause a moment, and, from the eminence to which the people spontaneously elevated the isolated and unambitious Boyle, let us look back on the humble pathway which led him so soon to the enviable place he occupied in the affections of those who knew him first and best, and not one of whom ever faltered in his confidence and esteem. Without the adventitious influence of wealth, or family, or accident, and without any of the artifices of vulgar ambition or selfish pretension, he was, as soon as known, honored with the universal homage of that kind of cordial respect which nothing but intrinsic and unobtrusive merit can ever command, and which alone can be either gratifying or honorable to a man of good taste and elevated mind. It was his general intelligence, his undoubted probity, his child-like candor, his scrupulous honor and undeviating rectitude, which alone extorted-what neither money, nor office, nor flattery, nor duplicity, can ever secure- the sincere esteem of all who knew him. And so conspicuous and attractive was his unostentatious worth, that, though he rather shunned than courted, official distinction, it sought him and 7 called him from his native obscurity and the cherished privacy of domestic enjoyment. His education was unsophisticated and practical. He learned things instead of names, principles of moral truth and inductive philosophy instead of theoretic systems and scholastic dogmatisms. His country education preserved and fortified all his useful faculties, physical and moral,-his taste was never perverted by false fashion-his purity was never contami- nated by the examples or seduced by the temptations of demoral- ising associations. Blessed with a robust constitution, his habitual industry and "temperance in all things" preserved his organic soundness and promoted the health and the vigor of his body and his mind. What he knew to be right he always practised-and that which he felt to be wrong he invariably avoided. In his pur- suit after knowledge his sole objects were truth and utility. In his social intercourse he was chaste, modest and kind-and all his conduct, public and private, was characterised by scrupulous fidelity, impartial justice, and an enlightened and liberal spirit of philanthropy and benificence. Self-poised, he resolutely deter- mined that his destiny should depend on his own conduct. Ob- servant, studious, and discriminating, whatever he acquired from books or from men he made his own by appropriate cogitation or manipulation. And thus, as far as he went in the career of knowledge, he reached, as if per saltem, the end of all learning- practical truth and utility. Panoplied in such principles and habitudes, his merit could not be concealed. In a just and deserving community, such a man is as sure of honorable fame as substance is of shadow in the sun- light of day. And have we. not here a striking illustration of the importance of right education and self dependence Proper edu. cation is that kind of instruction and discipline, moral, mental and physical, which will teach the boy what he should do and what he should shun when he becomes a man, and prepare him to do well whatever an intelligent and upright man should do in all the relations of social and civil life; and any system of education which accomplishes either more or less than this is, so far, imper- fect, or preposterous and pernicious. But, after all, the best school-masters are a mediocrity of fortune, and a country society, virtuous but not puritanical, religious but not fanatical, indepen- dent but not rich, frugal but not penurious, free but not licen- tious-a society which exemplifies the harmony and value of in- dustry and morality, republican simplicity and practical equality. Reared in such a school and practically instructed in the ele- ments of useful knowledge, a man of good capacity, who enters on the business of life with no other fortune than his own faculties and no other hope than his own honest efforts, can scarcely fail to become both useful and great. But he who embarks destitute 8 of such tutilage or freighted with heriditary honor or wealthy in in imminent danger o being wrecked in his voyage. Fortune and illustrious lineage are, but too often, curses rather than bless- ings. The industry and self-denial, which are indispensable to true moral and intellectual greatness, have been but rarely prac- tised without the lash of poverty or the incentive of total self-de- pendence. And the son who cannot make fortune and fame for himself, will not be apt to increase or even to keep inherited wealth or reputation, however bounteously they may have been showered on his early manhood. Parents should therefore be solicitous to educate their children in such a manner as to make them healthful in body and mind, and to enable them to be useful and honorable, without extraneous wealth, which is but too apt to paralize or ensnare the victims of perverted bounty and indis- criminating affection. John Boyle, rightly reared and ulincurnbered by patrimonial trash, started the journey of life alone and on foot-his own mind his only guide, his own conduct his only hope: and though there was nothing strikingly imposing in the character of his mind or in his. manners, but few men on earth ever reached his earthly goal of honor by a straighter or smoother path. During his short professional career, he was eminently just and faithful to his cli- ents; and though his elocution was neither copious nor graceful, he was extensively patronized. For this success he was indebted altogether to his intelligence, integrity, and fidelity. But with much business-his fees being low, and not well collected-he made but little money. He acquired however that which was far more valuable-the reputation of an enlightened and "an honest lawyer." Translated from the forensic to the political theatre, he declined altogether the practice of the law. In the national legislature he acted with the Jeffersonian and then dominant party. And though not a speaking member, he was vigilant, active and useful, and his disinterested patriotism, amiable modesty, unclouded in- telligence and habitual candor, soon exalted him to an enviable reputation. If there be any valid objection to his political course, it is this only-that, agreeing, as he generally did, with a party armed with power and flushed with a recent and great victory, in the downfall of an opposing and previously governing party, he was more of a partizan than perfect justice or abstract truth would altogether have approved. But this aberration, which could not have been easily avoided, was, in his case, as venial and slight as it ever was in the case of any other man who ever lived. He did not give"up to party what was meant for mankind"-nor was he intolerant, proscriptive or factious, or ever influenced by any selfish or sinister motive. And if, when he co-operated with his political friends, he ever erred, the ardor of his patriotism and the onsaspecting confidence of his own honest mind induced him to believe, at the time, that his party was right. But he was never charged with insincerity or obliquity of motive. And his char- acter was always blaimless in the view even of those who did not concur with him in opinion. If as much could be as truly said of more modern partizans, our country would be blessed with more honor and tranquility than can be admitted to prevail in this our day of comparative intoler- ance and intellectual prostitution. Having no taste for political life, and finding moreover that the duties of a representative in Congress were incompatible with his domestic obligations, he had soon resolved to retire from the theatre of public aflairs and devote himself to his family and his legal profession. But such a man as John Boyle cannot always dispose of himself according to his own personal wishes. His constituents re-elected him twice without competition. And we have heard that Mr. Jefferson, who justly appreciated his worth, offered him more than one federal appointment which either his diffidence or his romantic attachment to his family and home in- duced him to decline. But, in March 1809, Mr. Madison, among his first official acts as President, appointed him, without his so- licitation, the first Governor of Illinois. This being, as it certainly was, prospectively one of the most important and lucrative of ail federal appointments, and his domestic duties having become still more and more importunate, he was inclined to accept the pro- vincial Governorship-and did accept it provisionally. But, on his'return to his family, he was invited to elect between the ter- ritorial office and that of a Circuit Judge, and also of an Appel- late Judge of Kentucky, both of which latter appointments had been tendered to him in anticipation of his retirement from Con- gress. And though the salary of Appellate Judge'was then only 1000, and the duties of the office were peculiarly onerous, yet, his local and personal attachments and associations prevailing over his ambition and pecuniary interest, he took his seat on the Appellate bench of his own State on the 4th of April, 1809-and Ninian Edwards, the then Chief Justice of Kentucky, solicited and obtained the abdicated proconsulship of Illinois. The election thus made by Boyle affords an impressive illustra- tion of the cast of his mind and his affections. Illinois was ob- viously the better theatre for an ambitious or avaricious man of his talents. But he was neither ambitious nor avaricious. His own domestic happiness and social sympathies prevailed over every other consideration. And at last, perhaps his decision was as prudent, as it was patriotic. His judicial career, for which he was peculiarly fitted, forms an interesting epoch in the jurispru- dence of the west-and he could not have left to his children a 2 10 better legacy than the fame he. acquired as Chief Justkce of hLb own beloved Commonwealth-to which high and responsible of- fice he was promoted on the 3d of April 1810, and which he con- tinued to hold until the 8th of November 1826. When first called to the bench of justice his legal learning could not have been either extensive, ready, or very exact. But he possessed all the elements of a first rate judge, as time and trial demonstrated. He soon became a distinguished jurist. His legal knowledge, though never remarkably copious, was clear and scien- tific. Many men had read more books, but none ever understood better what they read. His law library contained only the most comprehensive and approved volumes-and those he studied care- fully, could use readily, and understood thoroughly. With the elements of the common law and the philosophy of pleading, he appeared to be perfectly acquainted. His miscellaneous reading was extensive-and in mental and moral philosophy and polite literature, his attainments were emi- nent. His colloquial style was plain and unpedantic, but fluent, chaste and perspicuous; and his style of writing was pure, grace- ful, and luminous. Though his perceptions were clear and quick, yet he was ha- bitually cautious in forming his judical opinions. It was his max- im that a Judge should never give an opinion until he had ex- plored all the consequences, direct and collateral, and had a well considered opinion to give. His associates on the bench, and the members of his bar always felt for him perfect respect, and mani- fested towards hin a becoming deference. His reported-opinions are equal, in most, if not in all respects, with those of any other Judge ancient or modern, and will associate his name, in after- times, with those of the Hales and the Eldons of England, and the Kents and the Marshalls of America. In politics, also, he was enlightened and orthodox. In his more matured and tranquil season of life, he repudiated some of the theories of his earlier and more impassioned days-and in American politics, he was, long before his death, neither a centra- list, nor a confederationist-a democrat, nor an aristocrat-but was an honest and liberal republican, national as far as the com- mon interests of the people of the United States were concerned, and local so far as the municipal concerns of each State were separately and exclusivery involved. He was a friend to that kind of liberty and equality which are regulated by intelligence and controlled and preserved by law-and was a foe to dema- goguery, ignorance, licentiousness, and jacobinism. But it was as a Jurist that he was most distinguished. And as an illustration of his influence, as well as rare modesty and public spirit on the bench,we may notice the signal fact that, in his whole 11 judicial career, during a portion of which -about five hundred causes were annually decided, he never, but once, dissented from the opinion of the court, and then he magnanimously abstained from intimating any reason against the judgment of the majority, lest he might impair the authority of the decision which, until changed by the court, should, as he thought, be deemed the law of the land. The only objection to him as a Judge, which we ever heard suggested, was that, in the opinion of some jurists, he adhered rather more rigidly to the ancient precedents and technicalities of the common law than was perfectly consistent with its progress- ive improvements and its inadaptableness, in some respects, to the genius of American institutions. But this criticism, though it may, in some slight degree, have been just, should not detract much from his superior merit as an Appellate Judge. So far as he misapplied any doctrine of the British common law to cases in this country to which the reason for it in England does not apply here, he certainly erred. But such a misapplication was rarely, if ever, made, by him. And for not extending or im- proving the Amrican common law, he was not justly obnoxious to censure. It is safer and more prudent to err sometimes in the recog- nition of an established doctrine of the law, than to make innovation by deciding upon principle against the authority of judicial prese- dents. And though one of the most valuable qualities of the com- mon law is its peculiar malliableness, in consequence of which it has been greatly improved from age to age by judicial modifica- tions corresponding with its reason and the spirit of the times, yet the Judge who leaves it as he finds it, is at least a safe deposi- tory. Such a Judge, was John Boyle. He was neither a Mans- field nor a Hardwicke-he was more like Hale and Kenyon. If he did not improve, he did not mar or unhinge the-law._ But, not long before he commenced his judicial career, the Legislature of Kentucky, as if to seal up the common law as it was understood on the 4th of July 1776, and to hide it from the light of more modern reason and improvement shed on it in the land of its birth-interdicted the use-in any court in this State-of any post revolutionary decision by a British court. And that pro- scriptive enactment was scrupulously observed by Judge Boyle. So far as it was so observed-however injuriously-the fault was not so much his as that of the Legislative department. But it is impossible altogether to proscribe enlightened reason, whether foreign or domestic, ancient or modern, British or American. And now, Judges more bold, but perhaps less prudent, virtually disre- gard the legislative interdict, by consulting British decisions since '76-not exactly as authorities, but as arguments to prove what the common law now is and ever should have been held to be, here as woell as in England. 12 No man however, of his day, contributed more than Judge Boyle contributed to establish the proper authoritativeness of ju- dical decisions, to elevate the true dignity and to inspire confi- dence in the purity of the judiciary department of the Govern- ment, and to settle, on the stable basis of judicial authority, the legal code of Kentucky. Truly he was-to his own State-what Edmund Pendleton was to Virginia and John Marshall to the United States-the Palinurus of our lawyers and our judges. And a more honest and faithful pilot never stood at the helm of jurisprudence. A careful review of his many judicial acts, as published in our State Reports from 1st Bibb to 3d Monroe, in- cluding fifteen volumes, will result in the conviction that he was equalled by but few Judges and surpassed by still fewer of any age or country. Such an analysis cannot be here attempted. But, for the purpose of illustrating his official firmness and pru- dence, we will cursorily notice a few only of his decisions. 1st. In the year 1813, the question whether a merely legal or constructive seizin was sufficient for maintaining a "Writ of Right" came up, for the first time, for decision by the Court of Appeals of Kentucky. Few questions could have been more interesting or eventful-especially as some of the best lands in our State, which had been improved and occupied for many years by our own citizens under titles deemed good by them, were claimed un- der dormant, though superior titles held by non-residents, and the ultimate assertion of which disturbed the tranquility of our so- ciety and impaired the security of meritorious occupants of our soil. If an actual seizin, or personal entry, orpedispossessio, were indispensable to the maintenance of a writ of right, many of the claims of non-residents could not have been successfully asserted against an adversary occupant who had been possessed of the land more than twenty years. But if a constructive seizin, resulting from a perfect title, were alone sufficient to support a "urit of right," many non-resident claimants, who would otherwise be remediless, might evict the occupants in that species of action, which could be maintained on the demandent's own seizin within thirty years, and on that of his ancestor within fifty years, even though he had never been on the land. In an opinion written by Chief Justice Boyle, and reported in 3d Bibb, (Speed vs. Buford,) our Court of Appeals decided that, according to the common law, actual seizin was indispensable to the maintenance of a "writ of right." A petition for a rehearing having been granted by the Court, the Supreme Court of the United States, between the grant- ing of the rehearing and the final decision upon it, unanimously decided, in the case of Green vs. Liter, that mere legal seizin, re- sulting from a perfect title, was sufficient to maintain a "writ of right." But, as that decision, though conclusive in the case in 13 which it-was rendered, was not controlling authority for the State Court on a question depending on the State law, and as to which the National Court could not reverse or revise the judgment of the highest Court of Kentucky, Chief Justice Boyle, as much as he respected the tribunal which rendered it, and anxious as he un- doubtedly was for harmony and uniformity, still clearly adhering to his first opinion, firmly, but temperately and respectfully, re- asserted and maintained it by affirming the coincident judgment of the inferior court, even though Judge Logan, his only col- league on the bench in that case, receded and yielded to the opin- ion of the Supreme Court of the Union. And the decision, thus given by Boyle alonqe, has never since been overruled. 2d. Though Chief Justice Boyle had been inclined to thepopin- ion that the Bank of the United States was unconstitutional, yet, after the Supreme Court of the United States had decided unani- mously that it was constitutional, he acquiesced and recognized the authoritativeness of the opinion of the National Court on a national question. 3d. Nevertheless, although a majority of the Judges of the Su- preme Court of the Union had decided, in a solitary case, that the Kentucky statute of 1812, for securing to bona fide occupants a prescribed rate of compensation for improvements before they could be evicted by suit, was inconsistent with the compact be- tween Virginia and Kentucky, and therefore unconstitutional- Chief Justice Boyle, with the concurrence of his associates, main- tained the validity of that protective enactment. And the doc- trine thus settled by our State Court has never since been dis- turbed. In this instance-being clearly of the opinion that the compact guaranteed only the titles to land according to the laws of Vir- ginia under which they had been acquired, and did not restrict, in any manner, the authority of Kentucky over the remedies for asserting them, and that the occupant law did not impair the ob- ligation of contracts-our distinguished Chief Justice did not feel bound or even permitted to surrender his own judgment to the conflicting judgment of a mere majority of the Judges of the Su- preme National Court in a single case and never reasserted by all the Judges, or even by a majority. And, in thus acting, he exhibited, in a becoming manner, his own firmness and purity, whilst he did not manifest any unjustifiable obstinacy or want of due respect for the opinions of a majority of the federal Judges on a national question. Had Boyle's opinion been indefensible, the fair presu