xt74xg9f5337 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74xg9f5337/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19300704 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 4, 1930 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 4, 1930 1930 2012 true xt74xg9f5337 section xt74xg9f5337 Best Copy Available inn SUMMER SPORTS A FAVORITE SPORT AND WIN A TROPHY! ENTER inn i THE KENTUCKY KERNEL LEXINGTON, UNIVERSITY MEN PROFESSORS 0. T. BOOK ACCEPTED ARE 653 Students Representing 21 Colleges and Universities Taking Advanced Work AWARD TO BE GIVEN FOR HIGHEST POINTS Some Engaged in craft Defense, Others signed to Infantry Officers In the University of Kentucky R. O. T. C. corps arc now at Camp Knox, Ky., where the students have gone into advanced training after the usual preliminary work. The total of 653 students there represent 21 different colleges and universities In Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Kansas, Michigan, Tennessee, Minnesota, Missouri and West Virginia. About 140 of the men are workft defense ing in the practice program, the remaining being assigned to field arstudents tillery and infantry companies, and are receiving instruction and practice along these lines. The majority of men are from the Fifth Corps Area, and come from the following schools: tjniversity of Kentucky, West Virginia University, University of Dayton, University of Cincinnati, University of Akron, Ohio State University, Purdue University, Kentucky Military Institute, Greenbriar Military School, Indiana University, DePauw University, and Culver Military Academy. Boxing and wrestling shows were started last week, as a part of the supervised athletics which form a large section of the camp program. Gold and silver medals will be awarded In each weight class. There will be an all R. O. T. C. track and field meet July 23, with each branch of the service holding its own preliminary meet for the selection of its representatives. Gold, silver and bronze medals will also be awarded winners in all events, .and the college or university whose students make the largest number of points will be given a handsome trophy. Baseball is another sport which' is arousing interest among the men, each company and battery being represented by a team. Students of the C. A. C. unit have taken up practice with the .30 calibre rifle., All equipment used by the students is of the latest design and manufacture, devised by army experts who have made a studv of the problem since the World War. The men will also be given instruction in the use of the guns, ana win nre on three-inc- h towed targets with them. Airplanes from Bowman Field will tow an 18 foot tarcet both at night and dur Ing the daylight, five huge search lights being put to use at night practice. CAMPUS KERNELS SHEEP BREEDERS SCHOOL PLANNED Third Annual Series of College of Agriculture to Be Held July 28, 29, 30, 31 by University PRIZES TO BE GIVEN The date has been set for the third annual series of purebred sheep schools of the College of Agriculture for July 28, 29, 30 and 31. The program will be conducted in cooperation with the Kentucky Ac credited Purebred Sheep Breeders Association. A series of prizes will be offered and a trip to the International Livestock Show will be awarded to the high point winner of the Judging contests. In addition to members of the department of animal husbandry, are exthe following authorities pected to attend and take pare in the program: Lawrence Kaufman, Ohio State University; H. E. Reed, Kansas State College; E. L. Shaw, West Virginia; L. V Starkey, Clem-so- n College, S. C; George Temple-to- n, Fort Worth, Texas; W. L. Hen-nin- g, Pennsylvania State College; C. C. Flannery, University of Tennessee, and the noted breeders, Senator P. B. Gaines, William Hin-to- n, John Devers, G. C. Thompson, A. T. Sanders, C. D. Cotton. Kenneth Connelly, and J. H. Sousley; shepherds Harold Barber, Jack Dennis, and Thomas Cardwell. The schools will begin at 9 o'clock Monday morning, July 28, continuing through the four days with trips to Danville, Lancaster, Versailles, Goshen, Carrollton. Owenton, Jones-vill- e, Elllston. Sadlevllle, Stamping Ground, and returning to the University Thursday afternoon, July 31, will close with the sixth annual banquet of the organization that night The trips will include visits to many of the farms of Kentucky where purebred sheep are raised. We feel the urge coming upon us to award some first class prizes. To summer school the "courtinest" couple, we give this handsome Austin. 1927 model. Step right up . . . ladles and gentlemen, let me introduce Miss Dorothy Berlin and Mr Robert Smith I We hear that there MAY be a POSSIBILITY of moving the senior law class rooms downstairs this fall. What luck I Not so far now to get to the smoking room for that usual rest period between the strenuous arguments we lawyers live upon. While scattering some good hours to the wind, fell upon the neck of our old friend who blows the trumpet for the University. And what we mean, he doesn't play one either, even If he Is musically Inclined. Sulzer tells us he did a little recording on his trip to Columbus, making a record of "On, On, U. of K.," and "Hail Kentucky, Alma Mater," for use at the radio studio. FACULTY WISHES YOU ALL A PLEASANT HOLIDAY ON THE FOURTH Saw the versatile Christine Johnson ALONE, and began to worry a JESS M. LAUOIILIN MAKK1E1) poor overtaxed brain . . . but lo and behold, not two hours later saw her Mr. and Mrs. Jess M. Laughlln equipped with the mighty are spending several days at the Lawell Scotchman, Paul McBrayer. All's fayette hotel before getting settled welll in an apartment for housekeeping. Mr. Laughlln, who was a 1930 gradWhereupon to the library, to marvel uate of the University, was married who people June 12 in Phoenix, Arlz., to Miss nt the ever studious folk our summer campus. There's a Nancy L. Lewln, and the young moral somewhere. Can YOU puzzle couple have Just completed their wedding Journey. it out? MEMBERS Entered in Borscshoe Meet for Which Courts Have 16 Been Made DR.. ULSSE . ADAMS Prof. Jesse E. Adams, of the Education College, has been notified that his new text book, "The Child Centered Speller," has been accepted for use In the Lexington schools. U.K. Exhibit of 4-- H Club Publications Wins First Honors The University College of Agriculture won first honors on Its exhibit of H club publications at the club camp held in national Washington last week, according to word received by J. W. Whitehouse, leader of the state club. Edward Hayes, of McKee, one of the four outstanding Kentucky club members, was honored by being selected to place a wreath on the tomb of George Washington. The committee which awarded Kentucky's exhibit first place was composed of Dr. M. C. Merrill, chief of the office of publications; Frank D. Smith, assistant chief, and Edwin C. Powell, senior editor, United States department of agriculture. Miss Edith Lacey and M. S. Gar-sid- e, of the University, accompanied the club members to Washington They were Edward Hayes, Ruth Harris, Elizabeth Word and Robert L. Graves. Foreign Countries Give Summer Work . The defeat of Earl King Senff, star and '31 captain-elec- t, featured the tennis tournament for the summer students. Senff was favored to win the cham pionship, but now great interest is particularly shown in other prospective "dark horses" who may come to the front. Senff was beatby R. Y. Cravens, en graduate student and a former ten nis star at the University. Two stars of the Berca College team are entered in the tourna They are Kendrick and ment. Harlow, the former No. 1 ranking player during the past season at his school. Professor Randall and his two sons are also entered in the tournament. The faculty Is also represented by Mr. Portmann of the Journalism department, and Mr. Heinz of the hygiene depart ment. The results of the singles tournament is as follows: T. Boyd defeated Portmann; T. Gregg defeated B. Lewis; R. Y. Cravens defeated E. K. Senff; B. Kaplan defeated S. Goller; C. Randall defeated Heinz; Steely defeated H. R. Greene; Ben LeRoy defeated L. Crump; T. H. Dunlgan defeated L. Crump; D. Randall defeated McDonald; Harlow defeated Revel; F. H. Randall defeated Harry Baum; Beemon defeated Hicks; Lawson defeated Gul-let- t. In fourteen European countries 119 WOKKS AT PLAYGROUNDS In the quarter finals of the doubles the following are paired: ' Beeman and Dunigan vs. Senff and Steely; Harlow and Kendrick vs. Sparks and Hamilton; Randall and Randall vs. Gregg and LeRoy; Cravens and Lawson vs. Greene and Hamon. There are 16 in the horseshoe tournament which is well under way. The first round will have been played off by today. Six new standard horseshoe courts are being erected east of the gymnasium. Per- manent LEY TO D1KKCT SERIES Beginning October 1, every four weeks, on Wednesday nights, a series of musical comcdettes will be given by the Univesity radio stuMany of the latest musical dio. comedies with their musical scores and some dialogue, will be produced, adlo anwith Thomas L. Rlle.v pervislng. nouncer, directing and being-s- an.con-cre- te and regulation frames are being made. The tournament In diamondball has not yet started. It Is hard to organize the different teams, but Mr. Robinson believes he can have the teams organized and the tournament started within the next few days. The Engineering College and the dormitories have teams and the to have a faculty is arranging team. Anyone who cares to play see Mr. Robinson at once. should Compile Data for Utterly forsaken and deathly silent Is the campus during the summer school. All the students have scattered except a few who are especially ambitious and thirsty for knowl edge, and who are spending their time In the library. Even the professors leave. It Is possible and most probable that the janitor, who is always around, may have deserted his post. Books are left untouched and lessons are forgotten In short, there Is nothing doing. This But don't misunderstand! Is the description of the campus on the Fourth of July, on which day the entire constituency of the University summer school is released to add their bit of celebration to the national holiday. It should be needless to remind anyone that Friday, July Fourth, 1930, marks the passing of 154 years since the Declaration of Independence was signed Methods of living are considered to have greatly improved since that day. Science is supplanting the work of a few great brains for a multitude of smaller ones. Our nation occupies a position of prominence and Is respected by all others. Expansion and organization has been the business of the United States since that day when the Declaration was signed by a few statesmen. However, as much as Americans have endeavored to be original and individual, at least a few of the old world characteristics have not been eradicated. The note of restriction and restraint which our ancestors fought creeps Into the following notice: "One-tent- h will be deducted from the final standing of any student who is absent from his last class before the holiday or the first class It" ADVOCATES SMOKING ROOM BERKi LEY, Calif. To the de fense or "men who want to smoke ly campus of the Unlver- on the si slty of Ca . Tiiia, has come William of the University! Hudson, student da . newspaper. He advo-iNt- ie cates a women's smoking room in Stephens Union building on the campus. 1 i 33 J PLANS PROGRESS;SUMMER SCHOOL FOR BROADCASTjAGES ARE FROM 16 TO 70 YEARS Project of Seven Station- Hookup for Alabama-Kenlucky Game Favorably Re-- , Mfss inah G. Cabell, Major in ceived by Radio Authorities Library Science, Is Old -' Prof. Elmer G. Sulzer, director of the University radio studio, has received a letter from T. M. McKnlght of the University of Alabama publicity department, concerning the plans for the broadcasting of the Alabama-Kentuck- y football game November 1 over the National Broadcasting Company chain hookup The plan seems to be progressing favorably according to Professor Sulzer. This will be the first time a University of Kentucky game has been broadcast through so many stations. The regular program Is broadcast through WHAS, Louisville, WSM Nashville, WMC Memphis, WSB Atlanta, WAPI Birmingham, WSNB New Orleans, and WJDX Jackson, would be the other stations on the chain. Professor Sulzer has also written to J. R. Williams, publisher, of the Appalachian Journal, concerning the plans, getting the reaction of the people in Tennessee to the national broadcast. Mr. Williams says that he considers the Idea an excellent one, and believes that the NBC should be urged to broadcast results on all the southern games. The University stadium has a remote control wiring to connect it with WHAS at Louisville where It could be put on the chain without additional expense. The NBC authorities are giving the project favorable consideration. est Student MARY E. ELSTON IS IN AGRICULTURE COLLEGE Many Claim 1930 as Year of Birth, as Registration Cards Arc Filled By FRANCES L. IIOLLIDAY "Prominent on the campus," that worthy phrase, takes on a new meaning In the Summer Session over that which it has during the compiled The following list was regular term at the University, as by the publicity department, and intwo women, one of whom is 70 years cludes registration statistics for the old, the other 16, attain it as the first term of the Summer Session, youngest and oldest students here. giving the geographical distribution counMiss of the students here. Sixteen Inah G. Cabell, Henderson, Ky., Is the eldest; Miss Mary Elizaties of Kentucky, 39 other states, and two foreign countries are repbeth Elston, Turner's Station, Ky resented in the list of students enis the youngest. rolled at the University. Miss Cabell Is enrolled In the ColKentucky counties: lege of Arts and Sciences, majoring Adair 5, Allen 1, Anderson 4. in library science She has been of Ballard 7, Barren 2, Bath 4, Bell the educational profession for fifty 6, Boone 6, Bourbon 41, Boyd 37, years, having been connected with Boyle 21, Bracken 13, Breathitt 5, the Henderson High School during Breckinridge 5, Bullitt 1, Butler 1. the past thirty years. Caldwell 1, Calloway 6, Carlisle 3, During her work at Henderson, ChrisCarroll 8, Casey 8, Carter 8, Miss Cabell has been head of the tian 6, Clark 31, Clay 2, CrittenEnglish department, as well as den 4. Her work as coach of debating Daviess 30. coach has been very successful, and Edmonson 1, Elliott 3, Estill 3. her many pupils have won for ner Fayette 290, Fleming 10, Floyd 9, much praise. Franklin 37, Fulton 5. Two years ago when a high school Gallatin 7, Garrard 9, Graves 13, library was established In Hender Grayson 6, Green 2, Greenup 9 son, Miss uaDeii was uyyuiincu liHancock 1, Hardin 11, Harlan 9, To satisfy the requirebrarian. Harrison 21, Hart 4, Henderson 7, ments of the Southern Association Henry 10, Hopkins 11. of Colleges and Secondary Schools Jackson 1, Jefferson 72, Jessain regard to the qualifications oi a mine 29, Johnson 3. high school librarian, she has atKenton and Campbell 34, Knott 3, tended the University Summer Knox 12. School last year and this. Larue 2, Laurel 11, Lawrence 6, Her program for the day during Lee 5, Leslie 1, Letcher 2, Lincoln "Facts About Gases and You" Subject of First Talk of Se- the two summers, which has been 12, Livingston 2, Logan 4, Lyon 1. Mcmuch the same, begins with a start McCracken 14, McCreary 4, ries to Be Given by Dr. for school at 7 o'clock each mornLean 4, Madison 18, Magoffin 8, MaCharles Barkenbus ing. From that time until 5 o'clock rion 3, Marshall 13, Martin 1, Main the afternoon Miss Cabell studies 22, Meade 2, Menifee 1, Mercer son A series of four Tuesday radio attends classes on the campus; 17, Metcalf 1, Monroe 2, Montgomtalks by Dr. Charles Barkenbus, as and eating at the University Commons. ery 4, Morgan 3, Muhlenberg 10. soclate professor of organic chem Returning home, she Indulges In a 5, Nicholas 10. Nelson Istry at the University, will be given rest, but at 7 o'clock in the Oldham 1, Owen 7, Owsley 2. from the University remote control short Pendleton 9, Perry 4, Pike 3, Pow- studios in connection with station evening resumes her studies, until 10 p. m., when she retires. ell 4, Pulaski 21. and WHAS of the Courier-Journ- al Robertson t3, 'Rockcastleal,. Rowen Times at Louisville, beginning on Miss "Cabell expressed "herself as ' 3, Russell 4. Tuesday, July 8. The title of these pleased with the University and the Scott 14, Shelby 12, Spencer 4. work which it is doing. She has talks will be "Facts About Gases Taylor 7, Todd 1, Trigg 1. Trim and You," which gives promise of been especially Interested in the ble 1. being one of the most interesting prominent parts her former stuUnion 6. series planned for the 1930 radio dents have taken while here. Among 10, Wayne thpsp sh( mentioned Prof. Wavne Warren 9, Washington program from the University. ' 1, Webster 13, Whitley 21, Wolfe 4, assistant chemistry instruc Other University radio features Keller, Riley, writer for Tne Woodford 20. for the week beginning July 7, are: tor; Thomas Out of State Kernel "Roamin' the Rialto" colMonday, July 7, 12:45 to 1:00 p. umn: and Jack Rash, former mem2, California Alabama 2, Arkansas m. (a) "Avoid Early Molters," by ber of Toy Sandefur's Rhythm Kings 3, China 2, Colorado 1, Connecticut Stanley Caton, field agent in orchestra. 1, Florida 3, Georgia 2, Illinois 9, Prof. (b) "Sheep Talk." Prof. R. 9 M t, poultry, Tnlnno Q Tniira 1 VonC-lMiss Elston came for this summer C. Miller, clinni r WsnnhnsPtts l. Michigan ba"dry- - field agent in animal hus- school at the University to get her . 2, Minnesota 1, Missouri 5, Nebraska , first taste of university work and 1 Tu.fidaf New Jersey 1. New Mexico 1. N. life. She is enrolled in the College m. About Gases 1 and is planning Jo i oc,,f,,Vn (No. 1). Dr. Charles Barkenbus. as- of Agriculture, economics, preparu- to o soctate professor of organic chem- Vteaching the subject, 1. S. Carolina 2, S. Dakota 1. Texas i 2 Tennessee 17. Virginia fa. west g 1M Mlss Elst0n is a graduate of the j '.? Virginia 16. Wisconsin 1. camnbellsburc high school in the n During her high C. Miller, field agent in animal hus- - class of 1930. c bandry. (b) "Cover Crops For tne scnooi years., bug ua urcnara, rroi. w. vv. .uuyin, uem ber of the H club near her home; j engaging in otner agrias well as PyleS agent in horticulture. Wednesday, July 9. 10:00 to iu:ju cultural activities. Her brother, Charles B. Elston, E. Pyles, of Maysvllle, was re- P. m. "The Story of Our Music W. who received his degree of bachelor elected president of the Kentucky (No. 5) (Rossini and Verdi). 10, 12:45 to 1:00 of science from the University in Poultry Improvement Association at Thursday, July "Adventures in Modern 1915. Is now county agricultural the close of the short course on p. m. poultry problems held last week by Drama" (No. 2), Dr. George K. agent of Lincoln county. Ninety-fiv- e Brady, is truly associate professor of the College of Agriculture. That men and women attended the a characteristic of school teachers p. Friday, July 11. 12:45 to 1:00 thoroughly demonstrated by classes and made an intensive study "What Farm Folks Are Asking" tnem m the -- manner in which they of practical poultry problems, under m the supervision of Prof. H C. Kna-de- l. Prof. N. R. Elliott, state agent to disclosed the years of their respec head of the poultry department charge of specialists, College of Ag tive births. Consulting the blanks riculture. at the University of Pennsylvania. which they had filled out at tne n was The present work of the associatime of their registration protion Includes an educational found that at least 100 students gram for the state, functioning as a year of their birth as claimed the medium of supervision of poultry 1930. while one lady boldly Inscribed, flocks in order to provide baby Chi Omega Sorority's Gift to after the date of her birth 1992. chicks and breeding stock of varied Arkansas University Perhaps she Is a believer In reingrades. carnation! Directors attending the sixth anA Greek FAYETTEVILLE. Ark. nual meeting were W. E. Pyles, of amphitheater, a white monument of " Maysvllle; Stabley Menefee, Critten-do- n; classic charm set in the natural COLLEGES Walter Fresh, Georgetown: greenery of an Ozark hillside, was George Turner, Campbellsvllle; J. dedicated by Chi Omega, national E. Humphrey and J. Holmes Mar- women's fraternity, as a memorial tin, Lexington; Strauter Harney, of gift to the University of Arkansas, Paris. the fraternity's birthplace nearly a half century ago. OAKMONT, Pa. With 21 colleges KECEIVES PROMOTION With her sister fraternity memqualifiers, a bers and visitors seated in the con- represented in the 32 up the new record, the intercollegiate golf Mr. J. Abell Mills, of Lebanon, crete tiers that ranged Ky., a graduate of the University, campus hillside, Mrs. Ida Pace Pur- championship Tuesday finished the stage and moved on to has recently been named assistant due, of Los Angeles, made the medal play n encounters Wedof speech of presentation for the thea- the to the executive nesday the Carrier Engineering Corporation ter from its expansive stage. PresiNever before has such a variety In Newark. N. J., where he has dent John C. Futrall, of the Unibeen employed for the last two versity of Arkansas, accepted the of institutions, from far and near, years as contract manager. He is gift in a short address. United States North, South, East, and West, sent also a director of the Auditorium Senator Joseph T. Robinson, of Ar- Its crack golfers into the championConditioning Corporation of New kansas, senior senator, was the prin- ship proper. qualifying round, In the York, and a former direcnr of the cipal speaker at the exercises. Princeton won the team championUniversal Humidifier Corporation. ship for the fourth consecutive year, l'ATTEE WINS PRIZE its total of 643 for the four-ma- n ISSUES QUESTIONNAIRE Harold F Pat- - team nosing out Yale by five LOS ANGELES Claremont, strokes. Harvard, in turn, was five Mrs. Sara Holmes, dean of women, tee. Pomona College, has Issued a questionnaire to women Calif., won the national intercolle- - strokes back of the Blue, Larry Moller. captain of the Notre Session, who giate oratorical contest on the Con-- 1 attending the Summer stitution, sponsored by the Better Dame team, playing in the cham- live in the halls, to gather informa tion about serving meals In the America Federation. He received a pionsnip ior tne nrst time, anu George T, Dunlap, Jr., medalist in of $1,500. women's residence halls next sum-prilast year's tournament, tied for the mer. At present meals are not ser-- 1 scores of 153. medal with ATTENDING CONVENTION ved to the students In the summer. scores were 70 Moller's two-da- y Misses Mary and Gladys Wilson, and 77, but Dunlap had to improvo BELIEVE IT OK NOT Lucille Preston. Carolyn Peoples, on his 78 In the first round with a May Gordon Squires, and Mary sparkling 75 in the second. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. The low score was 75, Dunlap of 107 sweet girl graduates of Louise Yelton, are attending the nacollege never have been tional convention of their fraternity, sharing the honor with two others, Slodmore kit. Ml. They admitted it at the Zeta Tau Alpha, at West Baden, John Reese, of Yale, and Vincent Doelp, of the University of Oregon. Indiana. senior banquet. Publicity Department Gathers Information on Students of First Term RADIO PROGRAM IS ANNOUNCED Students Desert u" rfZ Campus on Day Of July Fourth Frank Davidson, University graduate, who is dramatic director for the Civic League playgrounds this summer, is also in charge of the street showers for the Lexington The showers were startchildren ed Monday at various locations in following city. the 111 &takes,JaiV?' Seniors expecting to take their degrees in August must place orders for their Senior invitations at the Campus Book Store before July 19. The Invitations are the same as those for the spring commencement, and the price will be 50c for those with leather covers and 30c for those with the cardboard covers. Seniors arc urged to place their orders now In order to avoid the confusion of rush orders at a later date. Geographical List 1930 varsity Plummer Is Added to Faculty in visiting the University radio station while the programs are being broadcasted, may call the publicity office before Wednesdays. A limited number can be admitted to the-- broadcasting room. NUMBER 19.10 SENIOR INVITATIONS WELL REPRESENTED Successful Anyone who Is Interested CT Kentucky Varsity Star Beaten by Graduate Student in Tennis Singles summer courses will be offered this year for the main benefit of the foreign student. Germany, with 25, leads In the number of universities 'offering such summer courses; France offers 23, and England 20. Belgium, Denmark, Italy Jugoslavia, Holland, Austria, Portugal, Switzerland, Spain, Hungary and Ireland also offer students the opportunity of making their vacations, spent in these countries, profitable as well as pleasurable. The University of Hamburg offers a general course, with special emphasis on instruction in the German language. The Romance Seminar includes study of the language, lit erature, folklore and art of Spain coun and the Spanish-America- n tries. For teachers, there will be i course in the best and most sue cessful methods of teaching Ger man. Class Comes The Cost of the summer study In Germany is nominal, being from 50 Close to" 100 marks'. In 'Austria instruc To greater part, is Approximately 60 students enroll- tion, for the showing the workfree ac training A certificate ed in the Parent-Teachcomplished is given to each student course class conducted by Dr H. S. at the close of the summer worK, McCoy, which closes tomorrow. One college credit will be given for satisfactory completion of the course. L. Niel Topics discussed during the last week included program construction. anDroved activities, rural prob Mr L. Niel Plummer, a graduate lems, trained leadership, pageantry, and publicity, danger signals, ana of the University, and at present city editor of the Lexington Herald, lectures. Lectures, discussion, readings, re- has been added to the staff of the as an InJournalism department ports and display of parent-teachmaterial constituted the class work. structor in the freshman classes subjects. He will assume Outside work included 16 volumes and other prob- his duties with the opening of the dealing with parent-teachrecular fall term. lems, for reading and .study. While attending the University, Mr. Plummer was well known on the AWARD IS MADE campus, especially in journalistic An award of merit has been made circles. He served for two years on to the Phoenix Amusement Com- The Kernel staff, holding the posipany by the Exhibitor's Herald-Worl- d, tion of managing editor at the end a motion picture Industrial of that time. Mr. Plummer was a member of magazine, through the Western Electric Company, for the excellence Alpha Tau Omega fraternity, and productions shown at SlEtna Delta cm, mens nonorary of the sound the Strand and Ben All theaters. Journalism fraternity. He has been The award Is In the form of a beau- with the Herald since graduating, tiful bronze plaque, now on display and was promoted to city editorship last winter. at the Ben All theater. MAY VISIT RADIO STUDIO JULY 4, SENFF DEFEATED BY R. Y. CRAVENS Teaching During Summer Short One of the advantages the sum mer student has over his winter companion in searching after knowledge, is the beauty of the campus Rppnprv In June. July and August, We are always singing the praises of old Kentucky, and there are some spots on our own unlverstly acreage that even live up to the Progress Magazine cuts and description. It's a rare place for moonlight courting but there's no use trying that or curfew will ring on you. CAPTAIN-ELE- Some of Arts and sciences Faculty Members Studying in Other Colleges, Others Romi? of the members of the fac ulty of the Arts and Sciences Coltheir vacation lege are spending months studying and teaching at other universities, while others are spending the summer months at restful resorts. Dr G. L. Basset, of the psychol ogy department, is teaching at North Dakota Agricultural College, Fargo, North Dakota. Prof. H. H. Downing Is teaching at the University of Alabama, Tus caloosa, Ala. R. G. Lundc and Ellery Hall, in structors in the history department, are studying at the University or Chicago Prof. Margaret Horsefield, or tne romance language department, is studying at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. W. H. Hansen, instructor in pny-slc- al education, is a counselor at Camp Winnebago, Fayette, Maine. Prof. N. R. Maxson is spending his vacation at Bay View, Mich. Prof. O. J. Stewart, of the cnem-lstr- y department, is In Angola, Ind. KENTUCKY, SSl 'Is' C. TAKING VACATION TRAINING CAMP THE KERNEL UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY VOLUME XX ATTEND R. m ,.., !,?:SZ t J fJ, Vf Poultrymeri Elect President Theater Dedicated 21 IN GOLF TOURNEY V * TP, Best THE KENTUCKY KERNEL PAGE TWO The Kentucky Kernel j Otncinl Newspaper of the students or the University of Kentucky j j MEMBER K. I. P. A. Subscription $1.50 a year. Entered nt Lexington as SCCOUU ciusa iiiiiii mow POStOIIlCC SUMMER SESSION .... Margaret cunam Hazel Baucom SOCIETY EDITOR Roy H. Owsley MANAGER (Phones Ashland 6802, University 74) ASSISTANT MANAOER . . . Coleman Smith EDITOR-IN-CHIE- F Associate Editor .. FRANCES HOLLIDAY SPECIAL WRITERS Thomas Riley Clarence Barnes GET ACQUAINTED CONVERSATION CLUBS in England has formed clubs to cultivate the "fast disappearing art of informal abstract talking." The news sounded like a joke at first, but come to think of It, conversation has so many enemies now the radio, vlctrola, bridge, and the like that something probably is needed to bolstej- It up. age in which we are Despite the living, most people welcome the opportunity to talk and it is reasonable to predict that there will be a general response to a project which regards chatter as an art. We're not predicting that any conversation societies will be organized Immediately at Ohio State but, after all, it's worth thinking about. Ohio State Lantern. of the United States arc attracted to the camp, which has been successfully operated since 1913. The forty girls who are at the camp, repreTrails' End camp for young girls, present term of the sent Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, which Is owned and operated by Kentucky, Oklahoma, Indiana, WisMiss Sarah Blandlng, dean of womconsin, Nebraska, and Virginia. en at the University, and Miss Mary D. Snyder, University graduate, Don Mcikcljohn, tennis and hockopened Its 1930 season on the Ken- ey star nt the University of Wistucky river Tuesday. consin for the past three years, was Miss Anne Louise Rice, also of the awarded the conference medal for University, is a counsellor at the proficiency in athletics and scholarcamp, being In charge of art work. ship for 1930 by the athletic Counsellors and girls from all parts Dean S. Standing's Summer Camp Opens ?????? LISTEN IN There Is a lot heard about the variations of the type of students on the campus during the summer school, differing from the usual boys and girls In the regular sessions. To a great extent this Is true; summer school was originated with a thought to the doors of opportunity open for the teachers throughout the state, who might come to the University In the vacation period and take classes to keep them In touch with the latest educational methods. These educators are here to learn, to get something from their professors that they may take home with them and pass on to the youth of Kentucky. They are an earnest, sincere and a most worthwhile group of people. If the younger students who are attending the Summer Session so desire, they may And many In their neighbors worthy of characteristics emulation. After all, a university is, primarily, a place of learning, In spite of the fact that untold precious hours are sometimes frlvoled away and wasted. On the other side of the question, the older students may learn, after close observation and contact with their younger fellows, that the modern generation Is not as bad as is painted, that there is a fearless honesty and open Handedness about them which Is most admirable. They may find that some of the freshness and vitality is communicable, and