xt74xg9f5p21 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74xg9f5p21/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1924 course catalogs English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- Bulletin, University of Kentucky, Summer Session, Vol. 16, No. 2, 1924 text Bulletin, University of Kentucky, Summer Session, Vol. 16, No. 2, 1924 1924 1924 2013 true xt74xg9f5p21 section xt74xg9f5p21 `V`Y`` ° ’° V `' ` ” " , A `S · ° `Q { ·· - ‘ '‘ iT" ‘’·.
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‘ JUNE 16, TO AUGUST 15, 1924
February, 1924
· Published by the University of Kentucky, Lexington. Entered as Second A
Class Matter ut the Post Oifice, Lexington, Ky., ·
. under the Act of July 16, 1894.
Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section
4 . 1108, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized June 30, 1920.
_ Vol. 16 N0. 2
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iA§;:QA‘.A’ A _ AA ‘ Q Friday July 4 H0liday——:1ll classes suspended
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\\'lIll.iA1\l S. ’l`AYLOlt, I‘h. D., Dunn, Collcgc of Education
FltlGlJI·ll{l(Tl{ l’AUl, ANI.!}-IILSUN. Al. I-]., lJ•·:in, Qollcgc of Iingincering
IIYMAN (`IIAIIKLEX', B. L., Acting Dunn, College of Lzuv ~
\\'l·lliI.lN&i'I‘ON 1’A'l‘ltICK, A Il., A. M., Director of University Extension
LT<)I.l'Allil.TS ltlTlJt>lll’ll 1ll·II,&`lll·ll<, A. M., Dean of Men i
EMMA .l. \\'Ol·1l{NlCl'{, B. S., l\I. A., Acting Dcnn of \\'omcn
EZHA li. t.2liii.IS, A B., Ilcgistrnr
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20 credits in any department or related group, exclusive of ele- .
mentary courses. ~
l 20 credits in one or two minors, to be approved by head of major
, department.
{ Subject to approval of dean and head of major department.
, To receive the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture a student
‘ must complete 139.3 credits of work with a standing of 1. These credits
’ are classihed as follows:
i Prescribed subjects, non-agriculture 52.3 credits
i Prescribed subjects, agriculture 21.0 credits
i Electives required in agriculture 41.0 credits
j Free electives 25.0 credits
’ Total 139.3 credits
Students who have not had physics in high school will be required to i
take a iive—credit course in college which will reduce the number of free
elective credits to 20. The free electives may be in agriculture. lt will ’
thus be seen that there is opportunity to take work in agriculture amount- i
ing to 87 credits. ¢
No student will be allowed to carry fewer than 12 credit hours of work
exclusive of Military Science and Physical Education.
The maximum and minimum hours for special students are the same as
for regular students.
12 E
Prior to the senior year all candidates for the degree in agriculture
` must satisfy the Dean that they have had at least one year’s work on the
farm o1· work for two summer vacations of three months each.
A student desiring to do major work in any department of instruction
A should select his courses of study upon the advice of the head of the de-
partment. i
To receive the degree of Bachelor of Science in Home Economics, a {
student must complete 133.1 credits of work with a standing of 1. `.
The College of Engineering oti`ers instruction leading to the following
baccalaureate degrees: `
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. {
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.
' Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering. E
A Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical Engineering. g
The courses of study leading to these degrees are identical during the `
freshman and sophomore years. Familiarity with such fundamental sub- ,
jects as Chemistry, Drawing, English, l\Iathematics, Physics and Practical
Mechanics is essential to the successful study and practice of any branch of
the engineering profession. Furthermore after two years of college work E
a student is better able to make a deiinite choice of the branch of engl- i
neering which he is best iitted to follow. During the junior and senior i
years the courses are planned to give the special training that is best}
suited to each branch of the profession.
For a detailed description of the curriculum, write for a catalog of the l.
regular session.
The College oI` Education grants two degrees: A Bachelor of Arts in l
i Education and a Bachelor of Science in Education. A
Students who major in education and select their group work in English, ,
· mathematics, social science, natural science or the languages will be en-
l titled to consideration for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Education.
i Students who major in education and select their group work in Art,
5 Education, Agriculture, Engineering or Home Economics will be entitled to
consideration for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education. `
For a degree in education the student is required to present a total of
127 credits with a standing of 1. i
I 13 ·
1 s
I i`
. The following is 1.he work required in all curricula leading to the degree
· Bachelor of Arts in Education, *
English ..............,..................,...... G credits
Biologicl Science .....................l.......,, G credits
Social Science, History and Government ......,. 6 credits
Psychology .....i....................,......... 3 credits ·
Physical Education ...........,...,............. 1.4 credits l
General Hygiene ............,............,..... 2.6 credits
Military Science (Men) ....................... 5.6 credits (
Total Academic Suli_ie¤·is .................. 25.0 credits
Survey of Education .........,.4............... 3 credits
Educational Psychology .....o.....4o..,........ 3 credits
Principles of Education ........................ 3 credits
Secondary Education ..................,,...... 3 credits
The Technique of Teaching ..................... 3 credits
Special Methods including Ohserv:ition_
Participation and Prat·ti<~e 'I`('1l(’Illlll§ ........, 3 credits
Public Education in the Ijnitt-tl States .......... 3 credits A
Electives in Education ......................... 3 credits
Total Education Stilljects .,...ii........ 2-i credits
Group Electives in Field of Major Interest ...24 to 30 credits
Group Electives in Field of Minor Int<·i·cs