xt74xg9f7g7p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74xg9f7g7p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-04-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 1971 1971 1971-04-01 2020 true xt74xg9f7g7p section xt74xg9f7g7p M“ A". I U? 3 1 I V V V I. . I 1 1 . . ' . .. ' I 1 ' ‘ I...-. . .1... .,1 .1 . 4 ‘ IL .1 . y. ' 4 .1 .I l, K .fV 4’VV’. ' 4 Thursd'i ° 1 , . , . ”‘1'“,1‘ ' ‘1’: April 11 1971 UNIVERSITY OF RENTUCKX, LEXINGTON \ 111. 1 \ll. \11, ll : L 7 3 ‘ \ _'”:‘/.V:‘V7"‘ 1'35"; 4L. i W d l d r l t d 50 P - en 9 S 0 f e 30 e resrdent ' 1 ._"'1’ '7:- “ . . - . . ‘ . .4'v.\»_'”..': j By DALE MATTI-VIEWS I think we dispelled a lot of )0an him, ‘Vto get about the allegations that he would not be candidates LlLlTlllL’ the u'iilili‘i‘fl. '4'3'1‘ 1- Kernel Staff Writer myths tonight, Wendelsdorf busrness 0t making student a ble to work with the war '3 1" ' 1 Scott Wendelsdorf emerged said. “I think we finally put to power more than just a slogan.” administration, Wendelsdorf‘ (‘ u rre nt \l thitfll 11 1,113. '. 'le 211‘s night as PreSident-elect of rest the” myth of the Silent Later, during a celebration said. "We have to work with president 51...... 8“...“ WV 1.1.; .3 f 1: t e student body byamargin of majority. . . party, Wendelsdorf said that, them and they have to work f(‘)llt)Wlng Liar-9.111.111! “1.1.1 131,, 2, ‘_.-'-" .4 over 600 votes in UK’s largest Wendelsdorf Cited three major “We will make an honest with us.” election. ." ' . student government election factions othhe campus brought attempt to work with the board The president-elect also “Unixersit; \l‘ida'nls h.i'11.- 1..:~1’ turnout. to light during the campaign and. and the administration.“ emphasized his sincerity in a vote oi 1. on rider-.1;- lll 1” ~ \tVendelsdoer pulled in 2352 urged Fletcher and Legere to Denying earlier campaign hoping to work with the other themselves by making clear at 1' , I10? and ms running mate, keg. , - . .1" _ the polls their t11.-t1.'rniinatiun to '11:. e ecca Westerfield, polled t; “L . " 44 4' ‘ _ ’ establish the studios .1 human 2,333 to Win the electron. ” . ' - i,” being. W e n d e l s d orf’s closest 7 1} V a , " -" “The 14l-41t41'n cg, ,, ",4: .' competition came from the team - g. -» . -- 1-.,_ 1 Wendelgduir Bright cumin 1141i 1. =- . ' 0f Ben Fletcher and Dave ': .1‘ 1: = “indicates tlii 1'11i‘11'm-1 1v :11-\:r11 ,1 '1 1" ’1 ‘0 "., Legi‘mter Who received 1 ,735 _ «a. i * -. 3,31%- sum». within 1111,- \1'. mil; "Y -4 ~ 3:19: 0" f1": 1 ’ ‘1 - ...;...e . - V V . . 'f“5 ‘WZ"?~‘§X? ,4. ' .3" . V . - t' ‘. V' an 1,643 votes respectively. . oi & W ., m 3 1 111 In...” tn. ..U11,:.V1. .._.,_ \1;:».4 _, ‘VtV Jerry LCgerC and DHVICI Blair . sift ' . ‘. ". 1 ‘ - . '5? I; ,, ..-4 ....fi . “file“ ””14” V... .41 .l l “11.4 3-».1“, .fi'. .1 '~ 13a,“ {'1- received 1.058 and 1.124 votes. c. 144-- ; e154“ at; a 1" . 4’ . . and .1 41.13.1114: 1.» ~11. .4 0' 4' '2 .4" ' respectively, and Skip Taylor W x I .113... _ w '4; 111 11. . . VV : , z; r.” . .V , it ‘ ." ‘ V . ' .. fl . ____,:-":V».;..1- "” .1 {3‘ _’ 1a: "<-:_... ,1 ”.1... . ‘1 v; ’ ’ “‘ V ' “ ' ' ‘ ' “ ’ ‘ ' ’ .1‘. .1: .2 .2 . and Deadlt Medley placed «fl @- 2:? M 1- _ 4 a - it". --:-: t1. g.-. 1 : 74 4 4 ‘ ‘ 1 1 lourth With 156 and 167 votes. 3, - 4 .- ,4, '41, ' 1,,- f.’ .' Y’ .1 '1. A t t e r ltlections Board 1:. .‘ 1.1 “R . . . . V. g}. . _ _ .5; v. 1 1. ._ V . . 3., \V , . chairman ”0W9” “01‘5”" ' . 3'1» ”’5-1’3:i.‘1.? . ‘ ’ a?” H the. ' ” '. 4 »» . . -' ‘-44 1‘ 1' ‘ -1 " ' ‘. announced the results of the _ 4 1 3' '0 “it“ :4 " . '1 1. _ 112.; 4' .~ _, ~ 1 - 1... ’1 election from the balcony ofthe _' "\ - .;1° - .. . ' a”: .. l 11V;,_.._,V.1. V, , i , . - j. : Great Hall in the Student Center ' ,. V . ‘3 V 4%.. . . V" ‘ x” " 4 3“" inn ,5. l- u 1 V i- at 11:50 p.m.. Wendelsdorf 14" . on; I ‘3 1 ‘ - ’ ‘ _ 11 "11 _ 511.1: :, 11 . .- 1 _ addressed an anxious crowd. 11' ' 4 ..1 1.. ,1 % 1.;31; 4 3.. - 1 1 . , . . , Wm,”- .4 4 ‘- ”\ D {I .‘I “V g “m“ W W “1’ ~ ‘ t ' I" i g. ‘ . ".I” I L I, ' I s w.-.,.. :‘23 - 3.. '..:1';‘i' 4 Q i ‘ 7 7 ‘ 1» . I: o o ' -,f I ' ,1» ' ‘ 1 l ,r . , . , . - ‘ A‘ 1:»; .-.1;_. 2.... -' 5 'fi . “ii 1 4 - \ . - w: ". ' _. ., . 01' t I 1]] es 1 (] eds "§% .'V_ ,-.’ - ”a: 1,4.- bfif .K-1.-).:.‘A.;-'f__ . y- .11 41. I L‘. ,.. . ”(1.; V': ” " _ - '- "7 '1 :_’ ' ,-‘ .,1:4"- ».'" .4 £512. . T l " ' ' I. "' ' \’ ‘ " ' y,‘ ‘ I _.‘ ‘.- . " " ’ 7‘ ’ __--------..--.-.--..-.;.;;;_.-,,, ,, 4‘8 . . ‘»'~'1.1i;1.21,-:,1.i1 '1 E1 - .;.: ' . »» , on education ' “'7 . a ’11. 1“: ”1‘1“ ‘ ‘" 5 » . ,_ r..t_ resin-.7111 .1..: ';’ -‘.’ 4.1‘. 4' V V Scott WendelsVdorf was elected Student votes over Ben Fletcher. (Kernel photo by Dick 'l‘uesday A...” V.. -V.‘_- 1 j; By VALERIE ELLISON Government Presrdent last night by some 600 Ware) Board ”wh', 1.. I. ~ V I "i, 7 ' '. Kemel Staff Writer ( m ”‘3' .14.‘ : Spud Thomas. original . . coordinator and founder of UK‘s El 1 ' Free University, returned to UK (BC Ion 1 us I a ‘ 3S cam us “100 2': 5 last night and led a Free U j dISCUSSIOh- . BY RON HAWKINS Jerry Legere filled the role of the heavy voter turnout llitlteitlLN 1141 ii f ’1; "~"' . _At the gathering. Thomas gave Assrstant Managing Editor old-campus politician. seeking to draw the Wendelsdoi-i‘ did not “”1 31.1.1111... .11.. 1- __i‘lr. 7-4‘4" V I "1 hIS three “central components Of The CICCtiOH Of SCOtt Wendelsdorf as conservative vote and the support of the old of certain people to turn out”: 1‘ i x it: '1! an alternative educational Student Government President once again Greek machine rather m," hm ide m douh V V; 3 'k U “ ‘ i I -. . . L ‘ ' e . ‘L. .1 * 1 4s“. in t 4. .’ '1 _ system.” shakes the pinnacles ot the concept that the “ . ,, , - 1 , k K k U ‘ U.” 5' '- “F th‘ h 1d b - 1 . Ben Fletcher appealed to the new Greek would 569m 5319 10 say ”HI 1110 autumn 4 4‘ ":14- ‘ ,verv ing S 011 e UK campus is conservative. It may even give and to the “moderates” of the cam us that Bright put together to ”1 him 1 t d ‘ S. 4 volunteer by allowmg freedom some creedence to the belief that the ___—p— still quite solid " u L l i1 .1 1' 1 ' ’7 ‘ . . . ‘ ' 1': ~ " ., 0f ChOICe, Thomas said. _ campus is slowly becoming more liberal. . . . .1 . ‘1 , » - . “If YOU give a kid all the pieces The election was an important test of the News Commentary Although Wendelsdorl did “m‘ the WI” 11' .1 ' in the world” added Thomas, strength of the Student Coalition. Talk that ___—___ total; 530;” that Hugh? :5,“ dLVeézerc ‘3 fV ,7" . “he Will choose the things that the election would show there is a stronger Then there was the liberal element whi ‘h :Om] 316.1119” Vmore voltesht ”V m ‘ S or: ii”. Will film“ hlm1” conservative than liberal element on campus ‘ ' L. ,0"? ‘ ' 15 V0“ tota 4 OWUU4 do” "(‘4 . 1" 11V. 1- “Respond to everything kids was common. set forth Sfcott Wendelssdodrf to(defend their indicate the many people who would have V4 .' . ,, . - .. , a . 1 .7... r'=-. ’ say, continued Thomas. He When the (0311mm formally endorsed 51951 101" 0 PtOWtCF tmh tu enth '?verntr}?(tr;1t‘ voted for Wt ndelsdorl it not llctchi r. . t4 . '1. then related some of his Legere. a classic three-way battle was setup. [1:8 to eI was toh eds odeUCV 1913’th tl L To call the election of Scott Wendeisdorl .1 , 4 . - E; ‘, experiences encountered while Could the new element of the right defeat 1d"? $821.0" fasfmxng . (Int 05 unng K vote of confide-nee tor the Bllyill "V‘..—’5+3f'r~{7 W’f teaching “misfits, juveniles and the old Greek machine and the recently 3 mm“ ra iono L“ “g‘ ' administration is correct, .\et :iie1’1iiiplete non-learners” in the LOUiSViHC established liberal contingency? Thus. we have the election in which Scott For none of the candidates criticised Bright , ,3 SChOOl system. The trichotomy of the candidates was not Wendelsdorf demonstrated that the liberal in their e’dlllp’illgll. ending the Bright era \\.,'1.‘ 4'.) ’- '. Thomas said that JUSt agreeing actually very dramatic. although they did element on campus was ax strong as ever. it not .in issue in the L‘lCCll-“il‘i. 1‘3 Continued on Page 5, Col. 4 fall easily into stereotypes. not stronger. The fact of the unusually Continued on Page 7 ('01 .1 «1"; "1 4i . ' -.. ...1.:1.2.'~m».;.1;w - 4- ...~“'.”4"‘ 1» ' v ml; It,” .ws .. '4 . '1 2' ‘ 4‘ ‘ : '4 ' 2*; 1 ”WI“ 44 ‘ ”L ‘ ‘ ‘ ' " .4 4 . 11w”? 4 .1" 4 1' . ”1“)" 1» ’, 17191944.: .. . $114.4?“ *4“- ”43-- 4- ‘ 1. 1 1 t .s. . 3%me M“?- ' ”‘4 wwe‘fi?m éala‘fe " 7' ‘ 71* “‘7‘ .1 '1: ‘4 ’ ‘ '1: ‘- 3:. f ”(iii- =‘. .4 Xfiéfig’fwc‘ a «9,1,... . «hf-W .' . \94 “‘17.;Mv‘vihés; ‘. 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And. smile for a while only. You see, those short few days 70%. with the low tonight near 50. Tomorrow‘s high will be in . ' S “C ‘0'. a While! of sunshine and meditation will hetherrupted—or so says the the 50’s. Precipitation probabilities 30 percent today. 70 ' 4 “I 9 4 weatherman. The weatherman predicts showers for today and percent tonight. (Kernel photos by Bob Brewer) ‘ 4 thunderstorms possibly tonight. Today‘s high should be in the 1 2 THE KENTI'CKY KERNEL Thursday. hi! I. |97l _________—______—___________________ C ll t ['1 t li'l‘. Bl‘iNNlNG (la. (AP) it for the service and must forfeit The .panel spent about six news kernels William (‘allev was sentenced to ‘1” P3." and allowances. hours 1,“ debate over a span .Of ' life imprisonment Wednesday (‘alley took the verdict with a about 24 hours to assess a life Fro," AP repurts for the slaughter of 22 limp 531”“ bUt betrayed "0 sign sentence. They. needed a . 0 Vietnamese men women and ofemotion. majority vote Of five to one. A MOSCOW—Eight of the Soviet Communist party Congress ‘ ‘ children during the 1968 My Lai The relative leniency 01 the death penalty would have spotlighted today its support of North Vietnam against the t j I "1.3858“? An appeal is automatic sentence was expected to C00] to required unanimous agreement. United States. The first foreign dignitary to address the 5,000 I , . i and could take many months. some degree the nationwide Calley, 27’ was _ the . fHSt Soviet delegates was the party chief from Hanoi, Le Duan. . He also was ordered dismissed furor over Calley’s conviction, American to be conVicted in the Duan, first secretary of the North Vietnamese party, vowed ‘ i a which has mounted steadily long-delayed aftermath of My that the Americans would meet “utter failure” in the . ,- - ‘ filmed he f was 501:“: guilty iIiizfzintrywmle: returliienderhii‘bii Indochina conflict. But more important than his repetgiltign of ’ 0“ ay 0 meme ‘3 e mur er. . . . . . . . this sentiment may have been the fact that he was sin e out ' ‘ MOVING H6 CSUId have gotten the death zlilftleerSlfsatillrilfig 11:31:31]]??? :ézlifgs for the honor of being the first speaker from abroad. . pena y. . , .' STORAGE “You’ll find no case in enemy, the crack 48th Viet WASHINGTON—The Defense Department asked the t ._ ‘ '- . PACKING 21:12:12}; dgztrltcclikizhzthishgzseth: C(gfnpéttatlhznuMarch 16 1968 Selective Service System today to draft 15,000 men for the i - I 1 1 . ’ ' Ma . V ' ' CRATING torn America apart,” chief operation, the ISt Platoon 0f Afl‘Tiilslils 2.0/00 fewer than requested in each of the first four ‘ , -' . defense attorney GeOFSe Latimer “33‘” Company spearheaded months of the year and will bring to 83,000 the number of ‘ Domestic and Overseas told the Slxmen mlhtary Jury the infantry search and destroy men inducted into the Army between January and May. ' . bCfON‘ it retired Tuesday Enilslsion lagginst} .My Lai, under In the first five months of 1970, 84,000 men were called to . ' ' afternoon to begin deliberating ,3 EY’S 03 CFSIIP- a‘tive dut _ Vlncent FISl'el', Inc. on the penalities to be assessed _ The jury sent word to mi“ L y 266—2153 against (3111035 judgc'Col. Rad Kennedy that }t MANILA—Passengers from a Philippines airliner hijacked to _ had agreed upon a sentence Communist China returned to Manila today and one of the , , 2305 Palumbo K #1031311 Tia? us return from four Americans on board said the (‘hinese treated them ' Off New Circle Road ARN'GRAS ”if 1:“ J} p'm‘ h d ul d I courteously and made the hijackers al‘ologixe to them. e e ' sc e e ; ZigngAELI‘Z/tfgbsTg/ASCgNZIZ April 12 and ‘3 L:(\)l:ir-I‘r0;-nn anaboimcement of the [.08 AN(‘il3l.l~TS~--A sharp aftershock of the massixe Feb. 9 3 EFFECTS GOING OVERSEAS STOLL FIELD “I; 1“; 0er pm. k If ‘ earthquake rocked a wide area of the San Fernando Valley , - I tsf' 0 {19 H t to 0 1L today. seriously damaging about 35 homes in the area hardest ‘ . m “ f ‘ i' ”Q . . . . , 11‘: l ‘1?! 1813 kdjl I‘m} ’3‘: hit in last month s temblor. ‘ “HRH“! in” 5‘ T‘} WWI)” lhc (3:52 am. quake broke windows and toppled some . in”)? Wine“. hou comait Clillllt‘tL‘_\\‘ and outside walls in the lli‘ilvll} populated mile} "l “’11:! t; “:L :5 3:11; liluliii()::d:3 north of downtown Los Angeles. . . gt ct o c _ t ee .‘ 2 this case. _ ‘ BIRMINGHAM. Ala. ~A l4-_\ ear-old boy was talked out of , kcnnedy ”W" directed (“HQ hijacking a jet airliner to Cuba today after holding a stewardess . . . _Z ‘0 “S“ and W" defendant “‘11ka at gunpoint for nearly an hour. police reported. . he?W_°°”_ ““5 attorney [0 a Police said the youth attempted the hijacking as the Delta » position 1“ front Of the jury box. Airlines New Orleans-to-(‘hicago Flight 400 made an ~ ‘ ‘ R SA D E ”116?) Ill.“ managed [‘3 wobbly intermediate stop in Birmingham. ‘ l I sa u e. 115 mou 15 ac '. ' [I ' N h V ' h ., .. Sunday thru Wednesday . ort lets urn town ‘ _ '. A .| 2 S A l GON (AP)—North Vietnamese civilians were killed Laotian border in 3 river valley » ; prl 5th-28th Vietnamese troops attacked the or wounded at Duc Due, 18 at the base of Jungled . i 8 m district capital of Duc Due, in the regional militiamen were killed mountains, . | P. ' north, burned most of the town and 36 wounded and 1,000 President Nguyen Van Thieu l' ‘ and inflicted heavy casualties houses were burned. One U.S. announced the raid into Laos ' ‘ . COLISEUM before withdrawing Wednesday, soldier was wounded slightly. against an enemy base west .Of . ' " It was the second enemy blow An American who flew over the Ashau Valley and about five '1 this week in the area south of Da Du Duc said it looked “like a big miles lnSIde the country. This 15 i . '_ ‘ Student seats reserved until 30 minutes before Nang; 35h "HY” SOUth 0f the so”? Kietnamesg . . . . ' , ‘ ‘ f e ruary an - . . be Inmn f e I . Farther to the northwest, A-captured North Vietnamese invaSion area 0 . g g 0 s rvrces, show student ID ‘ of door there was no word from an elite soldier said the assault followed March. . , ' S! d M h . h t . . h h . 200-300 Black Panther Strike a three-day forced march from Thieu made the announcement . u e s w 0 ms 0 Slllg "I t e c our or serve as Force that was flown by U.S. the Ho Chi Minh trail in Laos While ViSiting troops on the .. , , . ushers should contact helicopters into southern Laos TWO North Vietnamese northern front. ~ .' ' for an attack on an enemy base. battalions launched the assault. t The {Zld 1; expected to last ‘ _, - The attack on Duc Due, 25 Despite their losses, the South W0 0T ree 33'5- " .3 Blfly Graham .Crusade Headquarters miles southwest of the Da Nang .Vietnamese never lost control of ' . , 1076 Eastland Shopping Center 255-8727 base began with a mortar barrage the diSt’iCt headquarters, W . Sunday followed by a ground although reinforcements were ' S - probe. That was the day enemy unable to break into the town BRING RESULTS - fl. sappers attaced Fire Base Mary until early Wednesday. U.S. '——‘—— ' , . Ann, 40 miles south of Da Nang, helicopters immediately began ______—_ ’ - ‘ ; . inflicting severe U.S. casualties. evacuating the wounded. ~ . - . 90t in and 90.... JOIN El '9 . I. was no. known we”... the -- It was not known why the THE KENTUCKY KERNEL g ' two blows were related. North Vietnamese attacked Du “Egg“ Kggitucgyt Inferrlicel.t Uiliversity . _ I Field reports said 200 Due, about 40 miles east of the ington.’Kenf’ifckxyy48506.en5euc%n38 32:; 4 _ . Mailed five times weekly during the ' ‘ , school year eXcept holidays and exam 1. , periods. and once during the summer . a ’35 ' . session. ‘ ., . ,r \ Published by the Board of Student . . . m- I, \ Publications, UK Post Office Box 4986. . 7 .’ ,r I \ Begun as the Cadet in 1894 and I . / - . .. . .‘ I, y \ §i%ggs?3l15 continuously as the Kernel ‘ fir» ‘ ~§~ 9 7' ‘ Ad t" " b' h - - ~ _ , _ . 3/ (H r——i ,_ ,3” mfg ‘ tende‘iiertcximggipplihgsrggdgergii?151$in . _ : ,.___,_V . .zr ._, ‘ . \ I false or misleading advertising should . It ‘7'}. _ / _\ be reported to The Editors. f . 7/ SUBSCRIPTION RATES R- o _v~ . a Yearly. by mail — $9.45 . , - ' . f‘ ?:w .v 1 Per copy. from files — $.10 . . j - ‘ , 9", - KERNEL TELEPHONES . . c. . , .‘ , ~._ . t -4 Egiior. {Vlgnaginézd ltiditor 257—1755 . \, _ ~ \ l ONE: :1 ‘ , 4 ‘ ER? . \R‘ ‘\_\ /,/ /‘/\C l Associate Editorsfgports .. 257-1740 ‘1.\\< . \ ’\' / .' Adyertising, Business. Circula- ‘ e. \\_\ Q,»- 7 \ / tlon........................258-4646 , V . Tow More And i . O 4 Stow More In An Built to tow up to 10,000 c z ’ ' pounds. See for yourself, orrec Ion ' i INTERNAT|ONAL Saturday, April 3rd at our _ $ . , TRAVELALL Travelall trailer-towing open l ’ \ The All’ Force ROTC l house. Refreshments. Prizes. " J \ ad which ran Tuesday, : WAGON! Demonstrations. \\. Man" 30’ 1971 Should i . have read: i ”375‘ SPECIAL OFFER g ' ' VALUE 1971 Rand McNally Campground & Trailer Park I l ,, Guide ~— 16.000 Listings . . . Only $1.00. ass 0 73 l w Only 51 00 or yours tree wrth a demonstratIOn ride \ E ~ I : .'21 Try a 1971 International getaway machine 1 A / \j z ”'1 ‘ »‘ Licensed drivers only Otter metres May 31,1971. j ' \ i A I F 4““.— . pp y or Jobs i INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS ‘ SUNDAY! APR'L “‘00 ’ . v Botanical Gardens 3 203 Bork" Holl l . ' i ”05 Industry Road Lexrngton, Ky. 257-1681 .. Bod Weather: Turflond Moll _ ' ——_—————————_—__—_________ '1‘111‘1k1'1\11'1(1\\ k11{\151 Thundny \Enil 1. 1971545 1:. ' 1 . .. . E ' J. . 4 '. 6% 3 5 : if «i; ., ' ’ E 1‘.."(':}1.¢' . , ‘ E 1 .-‘-'_. 1, 1 ',: : 1 .' 1 '1. 1 '.» '2 {‘7‘1' 0 -, '~ ‘1 1 COLLEGE SHOP S . . ---- n-----n.1211:112222111212122111’.11:21::11:11::1:'e E j' '5'. ‘ ‘1": .. 1 b 1 3 i 1 0 a $ ,‘ “t-“flf 1. 1 n d 1 5 1 5:4} 1 ' 1 := 3 E DRESS SH1RTSsouos§2$§1p25515511m~s 4.99 Of 4/17.90 E I 1 1 E 1 7 4:11:41 7 .' 5 KNITS—Short Sleeve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.99 3 i 3 1 ‘ i 1 1 _ an n ua g w... s“... . . . _ N .9. :3 s , s ‘ I 1 . 1 "1 ‘ E BELL JEANS-Specral Group . . . _ . . . . . . 2.00 : _I i 23 VEST SUITS—“9999999 9:9“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . 8.00 E a i , 1 ‘ . \ ‘: f: ' s ‘. .: = ,. : Q E E SHIRTS- BoongngglfiETEgimrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2 Price E l I 5 '1‘? ' ~.- ~ : : t c E E BELL JEANS—Button Front . . . . . . . . . . 2/11.00 5 1 3 f » 1 1 1 "2- f 1 ‘E 1 . 1: 11) E BELTS 2.90 §:E , 1 1 1 1 :1, r-‘ .11“ _. 1. 9 11 E SOCKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88c or 6/5.00 E 5 E ._ ~ 1----..,--,,-..,,,,---,--------- : _ : _ A W E : 1: i; j E P L-‘.--------mu";5:.;‘.;;;:1;;:::::::::::::t:::::::::::::f'@‘3g : '. i E W WWW:TNW M- ' '5 E *9": 3i _ 2 "’"””"””"“""‘. I s 5 4; ~ ‘ t 1‘ ,z‘f‘,’ ) é, 1 1 :7. 1 1“. v. E E l E KNIT TOPS— srzpsscilérlocszésuop . . . . . . . . . 3.99 (“1d 4.99 E E ‘ '- t A E NYLON KNIT TOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . now 6.90 E 1 E f : 2 1 s » -: _.= 5 .3 1 1 .1' ~' V . E STRIPED BLOUSES ..........._........ 3.99 g; 3 \ 1 ' ' .31. .' . 1 _ E PRINT BlKlNlS—Reg. 12.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.90 §3 § 11 ' f' :=.-'. ' 1‘ 1 '. MAXI DRESSES—Re . 18.00 . . . . . . now 14.90 :1 E 1’ 5 , 1 g E 0 1 -t>.. .. ‘ .I t - .11, llvl: 1. ' % E MAXI SKIRTS- FRIDAY 81535113900)” ONLY. . . . . . . . . 5.90 E E E . E if. ' 1 1 1 1 _,; ; E JEANS-Mainland & Anvrl . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.90 i 5 E 5 Q 1 t " g E UASARETTE SWIM SUITS—...°.".. now 4.99 g: E ‘ ~ \ ‘ ' E l A ' E 52°31‘33“... now 4.99 E 1 E '_ ’ : I E 1 : i ‘ ' "1 3 : \ID 0 EE SAFARI JACKETS 10.90 g; E N-mm-~~~,w-m--~~,-u-~~----.,,--,,,,---------; : E :r:g'.:;~_f : . F WWW-WW"""""W"M“""“:::::::::: 1:::::::::::::::rr17::~~:::;EE 3 - -. I Q ‘E’ \ 1 1 z :1 ‘1 I 5%) BEAUTY MIST HOSE SALE/ 9% M ' 1 1‘ . .2, .‘ o E \ . ‘ . i 1 ‘4’“ ss 1 E EPANTY HOSE—Reg. 175139 or 3/4.15 :3: 0 E ‘ 1 :1 I. j“ 1 EPANTY HOSE—Reg. 200159 or 3/4.75 ESE r:,:..g_.j.g . 1 1 E E \ . , . 1 E EPANTY 8. HOSE SET—Reg. 2501.99 or 3/5.95 E: E @ s E 1 E , . , ‘ A I _ : . . . : 3PANTY8. HOSE REFILLS Reg. 115 (59c or 3/2.65 5. E 1 hmww‘m 1 E \ - . : 1 E -,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::tittiitiititiitittttiitii’WWZZ:22:2111112113 E , 5 '- o E ' \ E 395 5a L'me Monday thru Saturday 9:00-5:30 252-4733 E : WWWWNM"~‘M'”" , N S l l f L ° ° ll f b' 'd i ew e e 100 o exmgton IS a sma start or 1g 1 eas By the time we as students enter into this stage of education called the best preparation for adulthood is a childhood that is a period of the University. most of us can accept, without too much surprise. the happiness. creativity,and close communication Wlth other Chhdmh' , insensitive structure which binds our creativity. The New School of Lexmgton could pOSSlbly be a small start for W We should be used to it. After all, what has our education been some big ideas. After all, children that Will attend the school Will grow up. Error . . H . , - , , , , , . - ism ' except a drawn out turning off’ process. What Will such places as the Universny do then? syste - . The reality of the educational “system” is that when a child takes his the c ‘ ' _ first step into the classroom, he is more curious, more willing to learn, not —————————————————— {33361336 . . . . . . e ‘ too terribly afraid after he sees there are others in his Situation, and 'IIHE KENTUCKY ERNEL At , probably more confident about education than he will ever be for the rest wrot . _ of his life. UNIVERSITY or KENTUCKY divm - . From that point on. education becomes a rule. While the student ESTABLISHED 1894 THURSDAY, APRIL 1. 1971 3 ' 3 learns, he learns the wrong things. He learns that to be incorrect or Edam-dis repmcnuhe opigmjg;,,—fh;,;gg,;;,3Ram, 3,53,}.‘r‘3s3-dl3 " confused is the real evil. He learns that Only right answers Wlll be awarded, 7+W'ATWV—— 'lej—“k—S’ E T—IITT’d—_l UIVT d 7 h __ ,_ W "W" _. " . , . . . . . ra . t. , a 't — - ' , 7 . _- and he learns that relating to the most interesting thing in the classroom, . , . . h 00 , '0' " "cf , , A." . 3 - _ _ . , _ Jerry LeWis, thtorial Page Editor Jean Renaker, Managing Editor Wth 7 3 - the other children, Will only get him marks on a card telling his parents Mike Tierney, 5pm,. Edim, Km, “0,3,3 Cadmmis, head , , tlidt 13C talks too much. David King, Business Manager hosp' . , What the student really learns is how to live without looking around Jim“ B“""“‘ h°h ”32:31:;3333hh3‘fl; leggfizlld‘" Gm-‘V M‘k“ 33.333033 :f’m? , , _ _ - i' ( gmg A z ors rest , lllm to see What IS gOlng on. He knows he has to play some klnd of game W the , because after all, his teachers are doing the same thing. The ones that , 3 the , . ' don’t usually aren’t around for very long. Kernel Soapbox BAC ’ However. when some people realize “the games that people play”, ——————'— 3:30 ' it's nice to see them try and do something about it. This is the case with a Sex 0b ‘ects are fun] ' - project being organized call The New School of Lexington. J ' 7 The program is being designed for children of pre—school and primary 3 _ 33 d d - - — . oo . 'n school age and the people lavmg the ground work should be recognized By KAYE BERKEY . k” "1.35!“ hrov‘ded homlhg’ . d .- . . ‘ . . . ' ‘ " . Grad. student,Communications security, all three of which the 3 . 3 3 for their valuable insights into what education should really be. One of the problems seldom considered uneducated Negro might have to do ' - The New School plans on utilizing “the informal classroom” which by those who wanted to abolish slavery in without when he became “free? - ’ already has had success in linvland and several iarts of the United States. the hhd'l9th century wasl‘DO the Slaves - . - - - . , . _ Tl , .- ., 3 - , 3,. ,, ,3 - :3 ,3 ‘ld , b 3“ 3 3 3 . d’ . )3 really want to be free?”) As The Who With freedom coni3es responSIbility,and 3 it toiicep invo yes ttac ting c ii rcn y recognizing tieir eSIrts to sang “Freedom tastes of reality.” A 30, a lot of women don t seem to want to be . . explore and understand rather than simply being told. It also realizes that of slaves were quite content with their “berated , Wheh they 9“”, be, Shh” content Sitting home and ironing 1n tront 3.34”".3-7 of the TV set while “master”33 is out ’ ; . 3‘? ’ ll!!! earning the daily bread. No doubt, being , ' a?“ 'r ll: a “sex object" has its advantages; all one 3 “313.: 342) \“3 needs to “produce” is children, a , ' 1"" 0+ .338 ‘3 relatively easy task. Betsy Kaye Ellis has a ' £5.33 at 3 very good point; why should we force 1’ - I 7‘3‘ 4’25 LS “liberation” on those who don’t desire it? . - ~a\ V 335 E i3 11 - l c 3 Nag, 33 ‘3 U0") he}! However. I feel this also holds true for .. \ - ,v. ._ WM {3900“}; , the male. I suspect that perhaps manv 7” ' 5' in 'm- ,3, N ' ' ' i 3 ’3 #333 a- 333373333335.h- 33333 Note“ 35 33, males resent the liberated state they are . , .—.3 -;I:3-‘:353-" ’33.; ~33}: M‘"‘~i%.:f<., - .33 8‘4“”;va born into. and would like to cop out of (. ’ l: {£3321 33 '3,.' f "'4 33 .f ' ‘- ’. ‘ gt inalc responsibility to live the easy life of ‘4 $93. 3 .3. ‘ “334,33. 3 the “sex object.” as today only the (' ' '5. 5 12h? T f: u-_‘ M“ A female can. To provide an opportunity . . ‘ . ~' ‘ 7:? g”: T? if}? 2'; JM“ for such males to live the life they H . . , 3 ."s‘ -‘. E: a} ~~ "‘ __ choose. I offer a new instrument of 3. ' ’ . i ,2! - ,, ’ .. " ‘ p , l ' ‘t 3 _ 3 ’ .- . .43 1315. :.- 33;“ ." k‘ hit '1‘ "\3 l\k -‘ = i‘ El LtD re-socializatioii; the Mr. Sexy pageant. ' l k! ‘, ', ,l‘ f "' l l L» \ l\\\""" ,, . t, . . 3 (y 3 . Q. 931.5333 333‘, 0 - 5 £1 LL- \--J‘ , Liberated tcmalcs like me would really a . I15. .2" '- .~ Vi; J —~\ -, ~ ~-~ (\ r” l'' tl ‘ ( iorl Ill' to have our own , _ §3§ .,,.h__..§ - t, _. . r- .(. t, i A us it Hit ur .V ,. h “'l ‘5‘» :33, hi W S '5. 3 N}; P \5:‘J\ J El: Al k/8 l UP IT (igling SCSSlOll. \lnt‘t‘ lllt' only: “Pl‘(‘!‘lllllll}' ' ’ ' S a" t; ' l g - Iii-thin '. _ we have now is to watch Mick Jagger in p ' h f "A“; " 3 3,3. ML hymn-m" ’ if) lPPE LE VA N "(‘imme Shelter ” ind even there we have . ' 'fnfit‘tflhn3 fur “ '-. 3 fl, ', 7.3, I ' ' ‘ 3. ‘ ‘ ' ‘ W'il333333333% 3““? “‘3" ‘ 3 "I ,3. £3 . T male competition. I . 3..3333333 -'--.'l' il'li’ill’ijli -l‘.“’.'..' 5:; 5'. I':‘ ”m ' . ','3.';t'_ l“ ":3". t' 3*" ,l, 333 ,' ..t ." .,. . . . 333,’ 3 3.333333333335313 Jilin-V; a 33333 - - : 3 3 All certified jocks. treaks. and . 3 3333-33337« 3 "" . i. v «.3 r .,3.3~ . independents could enter my pageant. 3 3‘ ' H" » M 33 “A? 3 33 ‘ 3 -.333333 ‘ Winner of the UK regional would go on , ._ {M 3 .3 \;.3 3. R _ . , 33‘ I33. 33 ' to state. and finally to the national :33 3 .. 5,3 2“ high?" 3 3 3 333 333 3.3. 3133 I 3 3 pageant. Where we could hear Bess 3 . 35' - 2.33 3:33 3..i,13w-..,33 3 “Hg,3:j--.f,':f:::‘..;ll.,,.gi . 3 'llll 3!“! 33! 3 3 I Myerson sign “Here he comes, Mr Sexy.” 7 ' 5‘ 53.45;“ 5. l" l! l‘;li.f? ”.3 Winners of the “talent competition” ' . ‘Q-«n-MM, W3. 45,-" 3 *;-3 'vm3g;,333%,..,..,‘-33mw\ illll l would be awarded full scholarships to . WW _..'_,2};f,3 3, L- l Midnight Cowboy U. Winners in the . , 7:: a3 9.3,. ..'.;-iii‘:"r« i‘glhgtwg ll“ \ ,1; ‘ 2 fl ; MORE I swimsuit competition could become 7 ; 1‘; 23 g gig-7V \ i. 3 3 ,3". ,y- "WASH ,L l 3 “go-go men” in the. local bars, “My, . V 3 '7 ii W '. '--.3.,3 ’ f ' ' "3‘ "Egg Congeniality” just might be offered ajob 3 . 3 3. :5 ,3 33h . 3g \3 in“ 'M’ 3 as disc jockey for WLAP, I am sure all 3 33 3333 :3 $33 33 g 3 - 3‘3- i - \ '. contestants who entered would find the ' " ,3; h, E; 3,; ‘é’ 3 ;' r ----‘ 7' pageant to be a “rewarding experience.” ‘3- .' " ah I ha ‘3 -. v -z-i ~ -. -'~-r.3.',.,-. - , _ 3 "1 E. . g _ "<15; 3‘ . 3 . biaMg°hl3¢ Lets not force liberation on anybody, 7 3 -,-,.' £525 - ”WOT“ male or female. I advocate equality of 3 3 ._____..______. _....__.._. sex-object opportunity. ‘ o . .mrlr‘vxxzm K I F . t h d t -;;:;:;:;2;:;:;:;-:-:;:-:;.,'—:;:;:-:-: ' was. . 3 3 er no or um. 9 r ea 8"3 wr l 8 it -- hm ~ 3,, 3 “ (HHS 1| ('hOH ‘ shows through shockingly vivid suprisingly enough, many of us do not pictures to assure them a place in our , To the Editor of the Kernel: photographs the ecological messes we are consider 19-year-old National Guardsmen memories. I recently received my copy of the creating in our state. I appreciate the “pigs” or Timothy Leary