xt74xg9f7k7b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74xg9f7k7b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-09-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 19, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 19, 1997 1997 1997-09-19 2020 true xt74xg9f7k7b section xt74xg9f7k7b  


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lSifthi IStil l) 1894

Drill lllll‘ns
lire sale
into hall

By Erlch Kraoel

Firefighters, carrying hoses and fully geared,
rushed into a second floor residence hall room in
Blanding I last night as smoke poured out of the
room. The students efficiently evacuated the low
rise and it appeared as if one student was injured.

Many of the students who evacuated the building
were surprised to learn that this wasn't a real fire. It
was a new learning tool to train students in fire safety.

This new tool, termed “mock disaster situation,”
was coordinated by UK and the Lexington Fire
Department, as well as the Residential Hall Associ—

“This is the first time for a ‘mock disaster drill’
(at UK)," said UK Fire Marshall Garry Beach. “We
want students to realize how serious (this situation)
can be. It also adds excitement (to fire drills)"

Minutes after the initial entering of the building,
fire fighters rushed out with a “mock casualty” who
was carried to an emergency buggy. Students thought
their fellow classmate was itijured or possibly dead.

“My (resident adviser) came down an pounded
on my door saying ‘there's smoke, get out of here!m
said Molly McGurk, a special education freshman.
“I was scared.“

The “mock casualty,“ junior psychology and
sociology major Shasta M'alker, played the part
because of her concern over students” attitudes
when faced with a fire alarm. “On our first drill,
(students) took their time.“ she said.

Smoke poured from a smoke machine super—
vised by firefighters. This convinced the students
that it could be the real thing.

“The smoke caught a lot of people‘s attention,”
said advertising sophomore Mindy Flder.

The instigation of the drill partly resulted from last
springs 45 false alarms in Kirw‘aii Tower, said UK
spokesman Ralph Derickson.

Beach says that not onlv are false alarms a hassle,
they also can be a hazard to everyone. “False fire
alarms are not only a pain for the students or for
me, but dangerous for the firemen.“ said Beach,
recallin a firefighter who was injured while
respon ing to a false alarm, mainly because each
firemen treat each alarm as ifit’s real.

The University is re uired to hold two drills
each year, one announcer? and one unannounced.

Every fall semester, Beach trains house directors
in each building about fire safety. The house direc—
tors, in turn, pass this knowledge to the RAs and
residents. Beach wishes there could be more exten-






mm Sunny today, high

near 80. Cooling ofl'tonight,
[out in the mid 50x. Poxxihle
shower: tomorrow, high of70.
[m In “I 8“ The volley/tall
team tries to regroup and form on thit u'colt-
end} tournament. Sec Sports, page 2.













sive training, both in how to locate a fire and pulling
an alarm, and in proper evacuation procedures.

"BE llltlll Lexington fire fighter Wayne TbOWIIIJ L‘Yllh’x 11::in from 1/ plunncdjirt' drill at tho Kiitz‘nn—Bliinilmg
Complexyatterdny evening. The drill was part ofn not: fire safety learning tool ail/ml ‘moi‘l' iliynxtcr .tit/Mtion.‘


Women take center stage at GOIIIBI‘BIIBB

By Ellen Lord
Staff lVriter

In order to better inform students
of women’s issues, the Lexington
Community College is sponsoring a
“Women to \Vomen" conference
tomorrow from 8:30 a.m. to noon.

The purpose of the conference is to
“educate, empower and enrich all
women," said Denise Vll'hite, coordina—
tor ofmulticultural affairs at LCC and
co—chairwoman of the school‘s
Women's History Awareness Team.

While the team, composed of about
25 professors and staff persons from
LCC, is'“focusing primarily on women
students at LCC," they welcome UK
students as well as the general public,
White said.

Sixty eo le have already regis-
tered, an W ite expects up to 100 by

the morning of the conference.

Women can re ister in advance
with any of LCC's division secretaries
or at the drop box in the Oswald
Building. Registration will take place
from 8 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. in the Aca—
demic Technical Building on the LCC

Partici ants will attend three brief
seminars read by “different professors
at LCC (and) three people out in
the community," White said. Local
television anchor Melanie Glasscock,
the keynote speaker of the day, s eaks
at 11:30 a.m. on “Laying a Fountfiation
for I Iappiness."

The morning sessions include
women’s health and sexual issues, non-
traditional jobs and roles of women,
power communication, women's legal
concerns and child care.

Pat Lefler, an associate professor of

psychology at LCC, will lead a session
on women's sexual health. ller seminar
will stress that women “need to be self-
informed, self—educatet ," about sexual-
ly transmitted diseases, Lefier said.

“STDs do not show up in routine
gynecological examinations," Lefler
said. In addition, if a woman believes
she is at risk for an STD, she must
often take the initiative to ask her doc-
tor for testing, Lefler said.

Lefler is particularly concerned that
women become aware of the dangers of
the Human Papillona Virus, a condition
that can be a precursor for cervical can—
cer and leaves no visible sign of infection.

In between seminars, students will
also have the op ortunity to browse
the Resource Pavilion. Eighteen differ-
ent or anizations will set up booths in
the lo by of the technical building
with the intention of informing “con-

ference participants of various
resources in the community related to
health, welLbeing, and entrepreneur-
ship," said Laura Nicol, an educational
talent search counselor at LCC.

(iroups‘ iii the pavilion will include
the Lexington Rape Crisis Center, the
Child Care Council of Lexington and
other resource services. The Child
Care Council will “provide information
on how women can look for legitiv
mate and safe daycare," Nicol said.

Mso, representatives of self-
employment organizations like Mary
Kay Cosmetics and The Pampered
Chef will also “share their experiences"
as women entrepreneurs, Nicol said.

The conference costs $5, which will
include bagels, muffins and juice for
breakfast. Door prizes, including a
night in a Lexington hotel suite. will
be awarded after (ilasscock's talk.




Septth 19, 1997

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By Mal Herron

(Qt/Input lull/tor

Investigative comments from Lexington Police
Officers obtained this week sheds more light on the
current investigation of the Sigma Mpha l‘ips‘ilon
social fraternity.

Through a window, Lexington l’olicc saw about
35 to 30 people “in the basement of~ll() l’ennsylva-
nia Court the night of May 15 and the mornin of
May Io, “with a flag (S;\l“.‘) hanging from the ceiling
and two pledges seated in chairs at one end of the
basement while others poured beer on them, yelling.
beating them and knocking them to the floor and
cheering.“ according to the report. obtained through
an open records request on

()fficers David .\shford
alid other metro officers
waited outside until back— '

it) arrived at the house -

l‘tl‘lllL‘tl by former SM“. vicc I tbmk we are

president Seth Burnett. ”"7 mud)
lit the report, :\shford wanting to

wrote that as the officers observe with

entep-d the baseipent of can, theproce-

the iouse, “the lag was

quickly ripped dowii and dare ofdf,“

after some discussion I pTOCCSS.

obtained the flag and idenv 7

tificd the fraternity 0"“ Mam

involved." dam ”My,“

:\s in the L'K police
report, everyone who
attended the party drank, half of whom were
underage, :\.s‘hford said.

:\nother Lexington Police officer. Darren
(ircenwalt, wrote in the report that he received a
call on Sept. 3 from “a ‘Seth.'" who .iskcd (ircenwalt
to “rethink and reevaluate what he had observed."

Calls to Burnett and other fraternity officers wcrc
not returned. The fraternity has denied any hazing.

\fter months of investigation. SM“, was formally
charged with hazing by L'K on ;\ug. 25 in a letter
from .-\ssistant Dean ofStudents Victor 1 Lizard to the
fr;itci‘iiity"s l’resident l’eter \esiiiith. as well as Dean
of Fraternities Tony Blaiiton, Dean of Students
David Stockham and SM“. national officers in Illinois.

.\lthough hazing violates state law, universities
iiitist deal with discipline matters for student orga-
nizations outside the court system. as dictated by
the lnstitutions of Higher Learning section in
Kentucky Revised Statutes.

“This is under the student code, so it would be
adjudicated under the student code on campus,"
said Stockhani, who said SM“. has had “disciplinary
action" taken against them in the past.

Four (ircek organizations have been charged
with hazing since the fall of l‘)‘)(): Sigma Mpha
l“,j)slll)ll, Kappa Sigma. Phi Kappa Tau. and .i
sorority. which Stockhaiii could not remember.

In the case of the last three, the organi/ations
“were obligated to leave campus for awhile."
Stockliaiii said.

Hazard and Blanton interviewed SM“. members
as part ofthe L'iiiversity‘s investigation, which last»
ed through the summer.

\Vith about two weeks left until the fraternity
sends its official response, the L'niversity is now in
a holding pattern.

“I think we are very iiitich wanting to observe
with care the procedure of due process," Stockhaiii
said. “There is no prescribed time limit iii this type
of proceeding."


GI‘OIIIIS say sing a little song lfll‘ diversity

By Vanessa Damon
Contributing I'Vrim'

Four student organizations will host
a karaoke contest tomorrow to pro—
mote cultural divcrsity and celebrate
the annual Chinese Moon Festival.

The Moon Festival, or Mid-
Autumn Festival, is an important Chi—
nese holida , second only to the Chi-
nese New ear. It is celebrated during
the middle of the eighth lunar month.
Like Thanksgiving, the Moon Festival
is a time of family reunion.

Families often travel long distances
to have dinner together to celebrate
the ancient tradition.

v 9

“We welcome all students, Ameri—
can and international, to this event,”
said Kara Cheung, president of the
Hong Kong Student Association.

Her organization has worked with
the Chinese Student and Scholar Asso-
ciation, the Malaysian Student Organi-
zation and the Chinese Student Associ-
ation (Taiwan) to organize the karaoke
contest. Students in all four organiza-
tions share similar cultures that recog-
nize the Moon Festival holiday.

The goal of the event is to promote
cooperation and communication
among students and to encourage stu-
dents to understand and appreciate dif-
ferent cultures.

The event allows students who can—
not travel home for the Moon Festival
to have fun and observe the festival’s

“We want to provide a good time
for those students who can’t 0 home
to be with their families," said eo Cai,

resident of the Chinese Student and
Scholar Association. “We also want to
promote better communication among
the organizations."

“Audience members are welcome to
participate. Everyone is welcome to
come, Cheung said. The event is a
great way to bring together people of
different backgrounds, she said.

Students participating in the contest

said they were excited about getting to
have fun and make memories at the
same time.

“In an anlish-speakin country, it
is fun and more comforta ile to get to
sing in our native language," said
Ycechu Foo, a UK student who will
sing in the contest tomorrow night.

The Moon Festival Karaoke Con—
test will take place at 7 p.m. tomorrow,
Sept. 20 in the VVorsham Theater
which is located on the first floor of the
Student Center. Tickets are available
for $3 in advance and $5 at the door.
For tickets, students can call Leo Cai
or Kara Cheung in the Student Orga—
nizations at 2574109.






MY '1 IBM Lau De-Bin, a nutrition doctoral ma-
dam. .tingx during a rebearmlfm Saturday} contest.

a ......_.,.


<.-aw.-u+ Lletl-h. . W_

at... m. . m,“



 2 Friday. September 19, I 997. Kentucky Kernel



Cats looking tor ‘riglit' answers

By Jay G. Toto
Spam Editor

It took roughly two hours
“'ednesday night for the CR vol-
leyball team to go from smoke to

Prior to its mid-week tnatch
against Louisville, UK was sporting
one of the .\'C.-\~\’s best records at
8-1 and runnin its new “low"
offense efficientiiy. Progress was
being made — progress even
opposing coaches could notice.

“This is a much smarter L'K
team than I have seen in the past."
Eastern Kentucky L'niversity head
coach Geri Polvino said after her
(Iolonels were upended by ER
three weeks ago. “They have a lot of

options, and I see them becoming a
force in (the Southeastern Confer-
ence) very soon."

But it seemed progress came to
an abru it stop \\'ednesday .is the
Cardinals edged the (Eats 3—2 in

' Louisville. Compounding the River

(lily disenchantment was the mem»
ory of the teams' last tneeting ~—
another arduous fifth—game L' of l.
victory played last season.

It w as a cruel case of deja vu.

“(\Vednesday's match) was a bad
one and it cut us deep," his head
coach Fran Flory said. “ \Ve have to
look at it and say. '()K. they got Us
—— we'll just have to get tbein next

One of the most disappointing
aspects of the loss. Flory said. was






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the play of middle blocker jaclyn
lloman. Though the sophomore is
one of the team's most salient
offensive threats, she has become a
defensive force as well — leading
the team in blocks and posting a
respectable 2.42 digs per game.

\Vednesday night's line: .053 bit—
ting with one block and four digs.

“I really took a step back
(\Vednesday)." Iloman
said. "I expect a lot out
of my play. I have really
high expectations and I
guess I have to be a little
more realistic.

After the match,
Flory was also con-
cerned with her team‘s
play on the right side.
Louisville was able to


like putting your left shoe on the
right foot it just doesn‘t fit."
Though Thom son may not be
the answer to the ats’ dilemma —
Flory has listed freshman Megan
\Veiskircher as a probable starter at
right side — the team needs a quick
This weekend's Kentucky Con-
ference Challenge pits UK
against Eastern Illinois,
an 11-0 Butler squad
and perennial power-
house Michigan State.
taught the


Cats a lesson in the two
Tb: UK 0W

teams' last meeting ——
an easy 3—0 Spartan
win. State hit .431 for
the match and allowed
UK only 17 points.

exploit L'K‘s right side madman However, the Spar-
weaknesses with repeti— Bud"- mi It tans have lost two—time
rive swings from that 7.12wfllag;w All-American Val Sterk
side ofthe court. Emmllh’wis to graduation and setter

L' of 1. head coach MMW julie Pavlus, who was
Leonid Yelin detected Sm," forced to retire from

the weakness. lie sent
Kelly .\lc(llaiu to
exploit it.

;\ud she did —— to the tune of
.353 hitting. ller performance
yielded lo kills. including several
which surprised the (iats~ ill—pre—
pared blocking corps.

“( )ur right side is very weak right
now." Flory said. “\Ve have got to
find a way to get some production
from that side ofthe court."

Since the season opener against
.\1orehead State. converted middle
blocker Tracy Thompson has been
handling the right side duties. She
leads the team in hitting. but admits
she and her new role are not on
good tenth.

"I've been playing middle all my
life." Thompson said. “Trying to
move from middle to right side is








Sp arts

UK Women’s Volleyball In Action On September 19th and 20th!
VSeptember 19 At 7:30 pm

Kentucky Takes On Butler.
VSeptember 20 At 12:00 n

Kentucky Plays Eastern Illinois.
V And The Final Match WIll Be Played At 7230 When Kentucky Takes On Michigan


, I
UK Women 3 Soccer Action
Friday September 19 vs Butler @7:00
Sunday September 19 vs Evansville @ Noon

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cheer on The Wildcats!!!!!!

UKAA would like to thank it’s corporate sponsors:
Papa John’s Pizza, McDonald’s. Kroger’s, Powerade, and Ohio Casualty



competitive volleyball
as a result of a chronic
back injury.

MSL‘ head coach Chuck Erbe
said the offseason losses have dra-
matically changed his team’s
dynamic and have forced inexperi-
enced players into key roles.

“\\'e have younger players and
they‘re having to go through the
learning process right now.” Erbe
said. “That inexperience really
shows in our middle."

AISLE inexperience was brought
to full light in last weekend’s match
with South Florida. Against the
Bulls, .\lSL"s front line was able to
muster only two team blocks ’ far
below its team average two blocks
per game —— and dug itself into a
hole with 11 service errors.

"South Florida took us to the




MATT BARTON Ixrruc/ -I.Ifi

THE KILLING GEM! LiI'IiUij/a H 'clili goes fiir one oflier ? 6 lei/1r against E 0f1..

cleaners." Erbe said. “\Ve just
weren't equipped to handle them at

If UK is to handle MSLi. llouian
said the team needs to regain its
defensive confidence.

“Against L' of 1., we sat back and
said. ‘(Iome at us,“‘ Homan said.

“If we want to be a good defen—
sive team. we have to say. ‘\\'e‘re
here. \Ve‘re not going to let you
come at us.”


By Rob Herhst

Sports Editor

It was a rather unusual sight for
the ER women's soccer team.

it hadn't happened since
September of 1095.

The \Vildcats. known for their
defense in the past, gave up a
whopping 27 shots to nationally-
ranked Florida and thus lost +0. It
was the first time a CR team has
surrendered at least 30 shots since a


3-2 overtime loss tojames Madison
in 1995.

Two days later after the loss at
Florida, L’K gave tip 21 shots to
South Carolina — a squad not
exactly known for its success in
women's soccer.

But thanks to some heroics from
forward Kim LaBelle. the \Vildcats
ptilled otit a 4—3 overtime victory.

Despite the fact that [K gave up
46 shots in two games. head coach
\\'arren Lipka is looking ahead and



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thinking positive.

“You're just looking at a transi-
tion." Iiipka said. “\‘l'e‘ve got three
brand new players back there that
have been playing together for six
or seven matches. it's gonna take
some time to make the adjustments.

“It's not the personnel. \l'e have
the personnel and ability to get the
job done. \Vc‘ve just gotta get used
to the new faces. You've gotta
expect some things to go wrong."

Although the Eli defense may
not have been superb. the LE
offense was opportunistic to say the
least against Smith Carolina.

The \Vildcats mustered 11) shots
in the game and four of them found
the back ofthe net.

UK was in big trouble on Stin—
day when the (iamecocks took a
one goal lead with only four initi—
utes left. But in stepped Lchllc
who scored only nine seconds later.

“South Carolina was surprised
by that goal almost as much as I was
surprised by it," Lipka said. “I don't
think any of us could run down
from the niidstripe to the goal in
nine seconds. (L‘K offense) must
ha\c rtiii a dead on sprint."

LaBelle added, “When South
Carolina scored that goal. you
could just see cveryone‘s heads go
down. But South Carolina thought
they had the game won and just
stood there while we blew by

L'K pulled out the win in sud-
den-death overtime when Lchlle's
heroics continued with some help
from fellow forward Carrie Staber.
LaBelle took advantage of a perfect
pass from Stabcr about 10 yards
from the goal and knocked in the
winner. _

Now the \Vildcats come home
after being away for two straight
weekends. UK begins a six-game
homestand tonight at 7 pm. when
it takes on Butler. The \Vildcats
play Evansville on Sunday at noon.

L'K has never beaten Butler;
although the last meeting between
the squads took place back in 1993;
Butler enters tonight's game with a
2—3 record. -

Unlike Butler. Evansville is very
familiar to the \I'ilthiits. LlK-a’nd
Evansville have met each of the last
four years. The home team has won
every game including last yca'i‘
when the Aces won 2-1. '

The Wildcats controlled inucli
of the play in last year's game and
even had a one-player advantage in
the second half. But UK had prob;
lems scoring and the Wildcats
remember that feeling. 0

“Last year was a very good game
for us exce t for the end result,"
LaBelle sai . “Everybody was upset
and we want revenge now. It was a
hard way to (go especially since they
were a man own." .


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iffez'ze spotlight

Ii Pflco Atkinson
Senior Staff H 'riter

; f :The life and times of two rival football programs in
the Midwest have come full—circle.

; Indiana and UK now look a lot alike in more ways
than one.

' ' Cam Cameron has taken the helm for the Indiana
Hoosiers and Hal has “mummified" the UK program.

j Both [U and UK feature two starting sophomore
Quarterbacks responsible for each team’s onward
tnarch to opposing goal lines.

‘ Identical l—l records are carried by the Hoosiers
and Cats into the “Battle for the Bourbon Barrel."

. These reflections and more of
Indiana and UK’s revamped teams
can be seen at Memorial Stadium in
Bloomington, Ind. when both teams
take to the gridiron for a 1 pm. CDT

Thou h sitnilar to L'K's situation,
1U has (feveloped an identity of its
own under the first-year Hoosier
head coach Cameron and his newly
installed ro—offense he brought frotn
the \Vasliington Redskins, where he
was the quarterback coach.

Mutnme compared Cameron‘s
offense to the same one he brought
to Lexington from Valdosta, Ga.

“Offensively, they look kind of
like us," Mumme said. “They're kind
of a ball control passing team, and
B d they're doing that real well."

o 90's “It looks very complicated." IL'
quarterback jay Rodgers said of the newly installed
offense. “\\'e have a variety of formations. but at the
same time (Cameron) teaches it so well that it makes
it easier for us quarterbacks to adapt to.”

Rodgers has cotne a long way from his freshman
season where he started four of the final five games of
IL"s 3—8 season. During the 1996 campaign. IL'
dropped a 3-0 decision to UK on Sept. 21 in a rain-
drenched, muddy Commonwealth Stadium.

IL' fell in its 1997 season opener to North Caroli-
na. 23-6, at Chapel Hill despite a strong showing.

Last weekend, the Hoosiers broke ree frotn a 7-6
half-time lead over Ball State en route to a second-
halfoffensive explosion and a 33-6 win, a game where
Rodgers threw for a career-high 408 yards on 27 of 39
passes and five touchdowns.

“I think that a lot ofpeople have a lot of confidence
coming out of that game, especially our receivers."
Rodgers said. “\Ve were able to spread it around a lot
and get some people involved we really never have
gotten involved in the past."

However Cameron downplayed his team's offen—
sive output against Ball State.

“\Ve ran the same play over and over and over and
it was open, over and over and over.” Cameron said.
“1 think Saturday night's game was misleading."

Misleading or not, UK defensive coordinator Mike
Major said his defensive unit made some changes
because of the different looks the Hoosiers present.

“They run a pro-style offense where they do a lot
of shifting and motion,” Major said. “\Ve've had to
learn how to make adjustments and make sure we line
up correctly."

Lining up to run the NCAA’s No. 1 ranked offense
will be UK sophomore Tim Couch.

“I think we just need to go out and execute the
game plan,“ Couch said. “It’s going to be tough for
them to stop and if we go out and execute we’ll be

Leadin the IL" defensive charge will be a young
but solid ine comprised of four returning starters
averaging 6—foot—3, 270 pounds.

Senior defensive tackle Benyard jones along with
sophomore defensive end Adewale ()gunleye anchor a
Hoosier defense that has seven sacks to its credit in
two games.

Jones said the key to the IU defensive game plan
on Saturday will be to put constant heat on Couch
while handling the experienced UK offensive line.

“They’ve got a pretty good front line,"]0nes said.
“It’s going to be very important because we can't let
them sit back there all day and pick us apart.”









I ‘ ' f \




‘ ‘t I .
-1 a-robo'vvvvw- dw- .. .. .




hrnmth Kt’IWt'l. I'i‘li/Ji. Sirloin/w I‘l. I‘M." a


Cats look in mirror tor glimpse oi Ind



g“ \.

MATT B‘RTON l\; 17th 4.1"

KEVIN IN” "'8 JETS L'K u‘idc receiver lx'cz'in Coleman rot/[d be rolled upon to army a bigger loot! ngninxr Indnnm this :rrrl‘rinl. ll 'Ir/v Inf/(rm Io [IQ/if t'l/(f 7mm” Hn/cv (llltf

wide receiverjimmy Ro/Iim‘on, (.‘o/cmnn may lie the [tone/irony Off/JP imp/m pzl.\‘_\‘t'.\'.

Bourbon Bowel trowel good, but other: await

am just a football fan.
I don’t ask for tnuch — a
remote. a satellite and a few
good tickets now and then.
Indiana—Kentucky would high—
light any weekend. except this one.
Tomorrow is the best col-
lege football Saturday of 1097.
How am I supposed to
The Bourbon
liven last seasons 3—()
sleeper had its moments. For
\Vildcat aficionados, it was the

Barrel is a


nessee‘s year. 'I ey are more talent—
ed than Florida. They may be the
best team in America.

But the pass rush is coming. I can
hear the footsteps. They want blood,
Peyton. They want yours.

It is a must—see.

;\ loss at the Swamp this
weekend would send the Big
Orange back home to the
Citrus Bowl.

Rumor has it the team
hotel is already on reserve.

The national champi—
onship picture is also being

first game—winning drive of I painted out west this weekend
. .. . . aron . . . -
quarterback l im (.ouch s col- by Nebraska at \\ ashington.
legiate career. Sanderloi‘il The lluskies have been
It is a natural rivalry. Spam sleeping in Seattle the last few
But the Hal Mumme road- vol/minim seasons. (in their way back
show is just one of the great 7 from a crippling probation.

games on tap. Tennessee sold
its soul for one last crack at Steve
Spurrier and Florida.

Quarterback Peyton Manning
ignored the National Football
League for another shot at the
Gators. The first half of last year’s
35-29 debacle resonates in his head
with the pitch of a blind—side sack.

He is the Heisman. No one can
take that from him. But another loss
to Spurrier would make four years of
college football a waste. This is Ten-




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LWV dangled in the lower half
ofthe Top 35.

But the best program in the \\'es’t
is retooled and ready to rumble.
\\'ashin rton destroyed Brigham
Young by 20 points on the road.
This team is for real.

The Huskies strut out with sights
set on nothing short of a Rose Bowl
with a pur )le tint.

Nebraska is a football powerhouse
coming off its back-to—back champi-
onship hangover. Last season, the

(Iornhuskers played in an Alliance
Bowl that had no bearing on the
national title.

They come to Seattle hungry and
untested. :\ftcr last weekend's liig
XII showings by Colorado and Texas
(see Michigan and L'(Il.;\). the con—
ferencc race is theirs to lose.

The winner will play fora chain—
pionship in january. The loser will

Another great story line for this
weekend is .\'otre Dame.

First—year Irish coach Bob ”mic
is under fire already, and I must con-
fess. if he loses to .\lichigan State
this weekend, 'l‘ouchdown _lcstls will
be looking for a new savior.

The road for the lighting lrisli
doesn't get any easier.

.\lichigan and Stanford wait in the

New seats, new coach, new sys—
tem, same l’owlus.

Too bad.

The (Iarolinas arc hostingr a pair
of great games as well -—«» South (jar-
olina at ICast Carolina and Florida
State at (Ilcmson.

Coming off an embarrassing loss
at Georgia. the (iamccocks‘ season
hangs in the balance as they visit an
ECL' team that is the class of sec»
(ind-tier football.

Florida State. although heavily
favored. travels to Death Valley with
Thad Busby at quarterback and a lot
of questions on offense. Sure. they
looked good at home against Mary »
land. but so did ()hio L'niicrsity.

(Iletnson is back from a couple of
below ~.1ver;igc . and the
\tlantic (joas’t (jonfcrcncc may have
a race on its hands for the first time
since admitting lliSL .

Back home in the Southeastern
(ionfcrcnce is the battle of the
Tigers -,.. .\uburn .lt l.(itl]\i.lli.l State.

'l‘erry Bowdcn is feeling the heat
of expectations he created by going
undefeated his first season :It

l‘iSL'calibcr expectations at .1
school that plays a much tougher
schedule than his father llobby are
dangerous. ;\no'“er li)lll‘*lt).\\ season
could put the iumor llowdcn into
retirement before dear old dad.

.\le.inwhile. running back Kevin
l7;iulk and the l.SL' faithful are ready
to pounce on their first Sl’(l title of
the (icri‘y l)l\;ll'(lt) era.

Does anybody have .in


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