xt751c1tfb36_13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt751c1tfb36/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt751c1tfb36/data/46m137.dao.xml Jeffrey family 1.35 Cubic feet ca. 700 items archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Jeffrey family papers Gas companies--Kentucky--History--19th century. Gas companies--United States--History--19th century. United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865. 1851-1856 text 1851-1856 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt751c1tfb36/data/1/2/0001/0001.pdf 1851-1856 1856 1851-1856 section false xt751c1tfb36_13 xt751c1tfb36 A A V A ; `Y w:»VgcwV;rM canu¤Vw:AA-,i:£.w.$V‘<:&1»4;wq(s4w54;·. .~.-»Q--»-vM;mL>c5wa>¤um" " A, V A VV ‘·
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VK V V V K _ K K .».. .,.. ;\.K•`¢;`·K{\fry,>*V;i¢;V V QV KV K V
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KV V V ' _ K K —, K. K— .,»»KK»»,»4>—;;··»K~KMK~2·,vii{>:~=ig KV K K
· A A F A ‘j¤A A V —_ ~ AA~;AA — as = U`; LAAAAA
A y ` U. AA —, A__ ‘AV A °—· ‘ A A AA~e,AA;VA,A A y
» e i’ ee e ’f“""*fé'(f§t‘·“~ - l V
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4 AA A .r A A A . » A V , Ayn ;
*‘ Sno, 11. If any person or persons shali comm1ti—21nyV A ‘ , z ¤»A yy; ‘·AV e p A j -· e
of the offences enumerated in the 7th section, he, she i_ pj up »~e V; p A e A {Q _» AA · A C V C A
— or they, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and C ~ V it ~; { AA-pe; »°», T V V V — A
upon conviction thereof shall be punished as iniother »-ni‘ ~ e . —A i,_i ‘ e V . ni
. 7 J A A. A A ‘ * #‘A‘ e A · ¤ 3
cases of misdemeanor. = ·e —V t r ,r , A V A i A j A A A g
( SEC. 12. The Stock ofwsaid shall all bg A AA A A _.~4 A . J · AA
· . · · · · ~ · V · · A e ·' e ‘¢L# .¤‘ A»a,a»¤; e ’e · · e ~ ` V e
paid in within three years ffromit§e VA Vganization there- V V _ {A.; A. V i 3
— . 7 . . r i e . . ‘ ‘A ·' n· · ‘· ' ¤
, of, in such proportions or instalments, éand at such times A A AA — A A *
J and places, as may be requirpdebyi the directory; and any A A A A Aj { A V e {
{ stockholder failing to pay §s__iehe§~nistalment, shall, at the _i A A A A V y up
l discretion of the directoriyjj forfeitltoithe Company all p ‘ A A A A A
’ right, title and interestAi{‘§,,Af%d to,,eve1y share on account t e V e A· ~ .~s-- ··’r —Ajj}~ f,A:A A i, [ V
_ of which sueh deiault»nArayAi—fjA ave been made; or the di- V A e A V , AAaA¢ ‘
` rectory, at their optioné, cause suit to be instituted » A es A
· e ‘ •`“'·’·` W » ’ `. * ` V • i
· against such defaulf;1;ng;“ste{e¤¤t¤f¤a· [
A by re1ea%g sto rs.,&omAthe payment of their shares ~ ti¤31_a¤<$AA_La\v§A¤f this Sm; Aaihloaf th¤A1Tgte§1‘S gl AeA_ A have S¥$¤<=SS1¤¤
e . , e·ei;_ ·_ • ~ Q '* ‘· N0 , A AA *1%* T; 'lfff e ‘ e
A crianyspart theregtgrner by any Aother means, discharge A“‘{S,§§?“§{`“g,§§`iZ°f,’; py·ivil]e;es, powers? ':iiidA ` sc<>11tai¤;ied in nw
such stockholder@§m his liability to the creditors of said A mppmi, ams, fourth, nah, einth,ieyt§thAA AAe auth and twelftg
` · A ' · _ { fe t'] t' 9-t e as # . ;A AA vm ¤1iy," passe V
AO0m~pany, to the of any balance due, or to be §sA;;>A1§b<§AA Q gygygzrggggsistant AWit AAA A iAmA0fPtmS AAGAAASMU A A
' ` °°m° duet On a°°°“§$e·9f ulngmd Stocks- “ pppiy te me Memphis emmigne Company, sanipieteiy as though A
~ ’¤;e· r NDON C. HAYES, A thesame were herein funyeset fcntl; and · =g; AA AAAAO _ AA th
AA fg { ~ i L ‘ _ V S , 3. _The fifteenth section 0 an A mcorporae e
ie 4 iE<)fH%6§7§$nZatZvAe8’ _ EliZ3.l)€tl'll20I1,,, 3.Hd fOl' 0th€l'A A A 319};
~_ . A A AA _ _‘ -i a V— `be,a,nd1;he same is, hereby~repea1ed, e· A% fw ei; »e·V A
. · Aw- A A ·Ap‘ 7* A u@eaker.Qf thctgenate A see. A4. »Rebei»t CA Brinkley, QA #-Tr ,A·He¤_ Samuel P. ·
ge e?*‘ A AA N $2849 ‘ ' . · A · A Wptkey and Wiley BA Mi11ew,a;we hereby ap j intéd Qpigh i pers farpthc pur- ;
A r ,;y,;V· ·V A e A e _A V pose ei opening Books et Subscription, they shall igwe aaayaaf the
eete ", V:egr A, Ag A e N ei i . A time and pieeeer opening Booksin thedeiigfeffut p¤wAA=§A Ae;§1b;¤sht%A m
3, A; e’·‘ ; e i · . VV ‘~‘ t :Memphis: and, afteiy fi_fty-ene thousan =_ 0 ars in Vs_ cA gz ave een ~
i e Lg? A__e ` . A? .A 5 A A _ ‘ e _A i mmeemhea, the Commigsicnereshall give texi days 1i¤t1ce‘and€pr¤caéd_w glam
VA Ap r p A A A e gffiieraom the manner required mthe ME m¤<>rp<>rat}16§€&NN#§SA{_18l1駧S S- »
ee t A=A— eV· V, ~e ’ e ‘ · . A i ¥* · - A ° - AV e .V A V ~- A· =
AA A Q A A; " ’· i A; lg t many speakerqfrhe Hausézy"A`1A;tegg_Ae¤»i§i¢;jjgAve:,
‘ ‘‘‘eAAe E ee ` ‘r‘‘ ~ ; V - ‘ ‘ - . ’ ‘ A A A =e ·i 3
Ayii “ C iee? A * A {iw-;r A·‘‘_ "` A i Ve 1Spl>aker»f¢&eS¢ae¢¢, ‘
C i ' ’· A e r > ° “-¤e»» ee . A V?¤¤·¤ Nsvwber-20 185* ` e V i
AV ‘‘e »_t- AA e e
‘ i “ ‘A··· “ =%T A A; { ·Ae~ A - Z q Ag¥_;_A;;» .¤ · V
? ' 5, ,3 A, V A A Aj ,g¤_ · A ' A ‘ A
· A T ._ ·p,,·;eA.p;V,p.A V ’ e A ,A Fj J A; ‘§A»; ;· A
A A~ e A · #*·i = e A. e A. ;·g‘%e¤- A V»A» nga. A gs ·
V e V ' T T` ‘ V.AA `iiie t AVVA “" VViVe e * a? '` 2 [
Ai, AAAA A AMAA A A A A AA AAAA A, , . ... .A
T ‘$‘’ V V ` `° ° ’'* ~“ " . »‘ V i " .`
_ l -1. " ( ` _ pp`.}: {\ V p , ,_ ` l , .,1
l A * A· : V ` A A `» Z ’’ V ` AV AA Y . V A . ~
H .7 . , V ,._ij 2;-, , ,, V. A , [
V ~ V., x, .. i _ A _ v _ f: * ' L
GI X ,7 p _j` ,:3,,, V ‘ ‘ V . ·` pr; V I ., _ _, Ap J 4 · ` p
' SEG- 2- The b¤$i¤$`$s*I`<>f J . < —’ Ae? -¢¢m¤ii@¢¥a&?@%‘¢Q~Fht.h°”J*h W ¤°*¤f°**¤i°f»*h°Am· i
4 establish and construct iin‘.%§h f<;h, i 1 Aandj jwothing in this att shall beso p V T
. phis a¤d#h¢:>* may rvrt ate ‘ *ih;§saii·¤¤- e t.‘r¤i¤¤¤y» ¤h<¤iM·s¢¤t¤ M <>m~ -¤-s
; tate as may ‘be`necessa¥Y ’egpedie11_ »` §¥@jil5i¥isi11ess,» V ‘ ’ F gg t0»=11e&©¥‘ain, Of abate any ·r &—
J »m1dt0` $€<>\11*€;=Mi}’ debt L. 3?¤5!A Q¤Ql¤, rks °¥i.OP¢m$1°¤S··_iT€¤A~ . V , _. A
y ~ Sno, 3.- It shall he ie d i ,¥;,`iAj _ , ,A to es- ; d n, `,3persons‘¥Lshal1f,injnreV or de-, ~ A 1
mb1i$h·WithmithY€°iY°; — ’`»` Aibuary Av A A ? i £X@¤1’QSYi?l¤¥~6€H€¥;r}?¤'°P€¥'tF A i
fi _ 1850, ra Gas_Manufactoiiy€2A V.Vtstg?t,g i phis; it s .;§elO1igihzg;2€" A y gg@;·.,Sha,1l_;dvi1f'ull,y.Enpen¥ ard dl} {
V . an" _ `anuiai AVA- nElgvendi1¤grGasy in_the City of Mem- . ,rectors, to whom shall be man ,,i‘iment_ o
I ghis, byim ublicfpworks, for the term of 99. years _, » the affairs of the companiygrand `‘ny , sQj all ielectyiapresi-
~ A om an a ,,V, ie·` he this act. A reasonable price . . { i ident from theirown num er. ._,A . g l . y A . ?
¤. perthousan shall be charged in the case of I AA `A Sno. 9. The election ofggp gl; ;i• directors shall g
` private Y; V. qegulated shy the prices inother i . be annual, and they shall ii eythat iéiuay ap- tg
A zffor spuhl-ic lights such sum as L,,A sour in their hoard the sa`, ;A‘_ 'i_- to he he at t e
may be agar Q, < VC0mpany andthe. puhli(§Qau— ,;6"Hice ofithecompany, ‘dl, Stockholders Q
y ¢h<>1‘iti@Sr ¤‘ 2. A :· did Said AO<>mi>¤Hr?éhal1 P *“ma$v 2»1>P<>i¤t· i t».— , i . A ` Q
y' never chai ., * ‘ {br ,everyAcul§ié foot of { A V er ello enahle any s ’er of the hoard
gas indicated‘hyVi`et}gefA,;gasmeter,t or com- ; y _·gf,AAdirect0rs erpresident, he _. owner ef ten 5
putedb “i~ i inary rtiles in such cases; nor shall they shares of stock, and be a citizen o ate. Q
ever the Corpograticn oi" the City ofillliérnphis, . A ‘ Q A; i For each and every share of stock hold, each
_ more p61j ic» foot than they shall he getting at thesame { i stpickholder shall be entitled to one hich may be
{ · time ajority of the inhabitants of the nity using f. givs;% by proxy, in the election of it rde of direc- ‘
A such .. A * y i V- $01`S}Y AV., V .
·ASn` f . The works and epsraticns of said Company i Stock may be transfered on the hooks o¥§,e company,
shall so constructed and m anap;ed, .that.no.·,annoyance Q at any time previous to one month h electioni ij A ., I
V KL l - EQ] · 11
·iVV A A e l
.<— st.-¤.J=»A%~—*· ` V:. `, ,, WL . ,,...., -.>.;Z . . ""' ,5 , `f,, " Ml`; `( ' `;_,,.i.de—js€%>#${* . , _ V I ;..»:__..,_;gl'.._,_..\ U ,,, _, .`» WN,. ~n_,.4•·£¤·.»¢v— ligqqi g ,,,,»_ ` ~; ri
A * · ·V » *v » , ) ; e ’` · v `
V V V V V, V V V ~ V_j V . ; i { »·,; , » ,V V
V ‘ . r?_ V.Vs V V _ ~_ V ‘,V_, mj gv I I A I
Qtr . VQ? i V " '( l ` · ‘
V VV V t e ,‘ =
. _ ’ Ilr __ A ` —h
1 QEG. 11; Ifianyporsortor porson5.sballoo1’;1mitV any V ‘ V V ‘ Q VM V gig; V _ VV _V Vit A- ; I
— V oftheoH'oncos;€nunioratod§in thoffth section, hA©,.sh¢¤ EV . 5,},. · V\*_ i ;
o1*_thoy,_sh3V1,l·boc1oo11iod giiltyveof amisdomwmor, and ` \ ‘_;, ‘ _ ' __, IVg‘_; V
· ; _V uponiconviction thereof, 51§a.11“;_bo punished as in other gg; _V _f` SVZLVV"] “ V
casos of misd€m€8»nor-. »VVe? ' °_`i ; V V V V ‘ V A V_ _ ’
Sno, 12. 'I`ha»Stock of§saig1 Qornpany shallzll bo _ f ._& V _V > .»_» t'o; ` VL` F
peidie, Wi#hi¤·_eh¤eeVeyee*e;a fremV¢%ie*Verge¤iZe¤iee there- _ V V o,~o V ·,t.o -toe V V
oi; in snohipropoitionsV·o1·i1ist2,Ii11o1it$};;e;tnd at such/times ‘ . ` V _ 5 4 ‘__*?*‘*,,;f? V V—`_ Q Q_*_*·j;Q I Q _`°AV VQ ‘ . g
eee IE3·‘?eS5_ a,$i’h%¥i1’éY€Q“`e.Ve€di:i?¥VV the;<@i#eetery;Ve¤d eey e · V ~ V ~ —. G2&S`:L HT GIIMPKMQQV 5. I n e
V stock oldorfailing to pay c}1_i11sta1=;nont,i Shall,/at, the V to.o· > it _, V , t V ; £Q’ gf?vo;*ysh;mro_onaocount 5 1 I. V .v V ..7- V VV ; VY . ·e
` of which.suohVeVde§&u1t may awa boon made; or thegfdi- e _ j 4 V ` V _i l V "“; iL _ “V VV
recto1¢y,k_3.t their option, ”m.·>1;° otmso suitto be ingtitntogl V V _ t V V _ I V’ `_ ~
a.ga}inSt:éuoli·dofa1;1ting st0__ hoidoig for tho qinountvdue; i iig, e Adj; io_§;uc;oj·porgt¤ ’tg£_?`i§4 y phie; Zqasjpigm `
V ’01}”S]1®h_ VfOIffQi13@d ¥b9_€}?§7€Dt\0f_&.fO1*fGii}§1¥€, U '?} gi it iguitcggg sgqiwziilg/Vq“_t/ig? Siqie gf T¢j#iue3#Q»` i
the Shefehetiééteee ferfeiti ehetl eieo stiil‘VbeVQheId;i¤diVé<11¥· "?*‘§§§§?“F“%Y_hF°`§§ ?§S§*§§&é§iV§i¥ §?“§;(§;?fg}%’§§f{§g§§§’§$_‘;aQ‘§ — X
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e pany, Wh€iWere cneditogs at} h€=Q¤i€Y¤®·VQf thei;f01*ie1¢¤f¢$V$@ ig eeei%eV.¤vé;E1§¤;;i;§;ieV te51.e Bg>HYQ1>61i¢i9 ¤¤d¤eH>e1‘eteJ¥y V
thg fg]]_;g,mOun]; unpaid Share} Ofrstock fjrfeitgdy e VV _ ' ~· His 5,‘iid`.5tyié of c`MéYn 2 `VV4 F;_1`G :Ii1ghtV_;QomRauy, snndgundeye snail? )
V V a - J 1 Y . . V e., / ‘V “ [T gl I18.!]1G,Q8»H§1 style, thBy may SHG 3Dd;?t)G>'S]1€ be (R0Ht[`B£t€d· W&~
d1Y%0t01‘S‘ SQ: . r’*` V ij@)€1%$’y:‘}jHv€gihgdiug-Qia;cé l]; I VV `UIICS, 1‘GgllL3ti0l1S `
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ieabyilélohsingiestook~hoId€Y$»*:frlnfitbo paymontof . V. gggéopggi ]??‘Y"’ S‘??’{§“?°?¥ V A
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B¤??1¥VJV$tOCk}1§1}d6¥ifY0mV his 1; b111$§’ i?0¤*ah€i¥?Y¥’逑%§§~t%@?1’St e Vseizgmi, ·‘ ·;§h?}E§¥i@hh€}Fg€¤*h;@¤*L·*YY<=Ig§
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€X1?°Hte‘°f‘ `— irlglgflaucae {iw t V é @jngiii1sisté§ ‘ iti1§:hé$£ii?§§iV¤evti¤m of tbiS*5@$;V—sh:H1 V
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VV ` EY e,`.TV ` ` `h¤;§$,g,§;:thgVsag§c;is}h¢re}gvrcpéalcdi ;Q V· V ~. _
V eV`V V. ;; V 2% V V.@aakemyf'V¢he ve ss;§;£V’4. V.·R0beV—to` B.>mk1¤yV, John igg,nHem·y G-VWel1%er, Samuel?. V
V _; V _ Y A ‘ ` ' riff V’ i`·`». E ` ii ’ B.‘Mi1Iev. a.ré‘liewby ppointcii G61néim§:ssionZ>1€Q=foriiIgo%»ur- i
VV ; VV. F Y'. V. { ...,.1 V `_ or _ L _. ’ V V \,V-Q `‘_·_ fla V_ Books of Shbgyjyfiqjn, ; hoyV.Sh8$H giV§rg§2Qh·jd§yS}10t1f3BD il}? V
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‘ E . 5..,5-) " Y .V ‘ EQ V V ‘ V ‘ __ Sp kerqf the H¤meqf§tep§5sM!¢f};v5¢, .
a` mi? b I ¢ > I ` M V} S. W lx ` _ * ‘>‘V ·» I J ` , '4`A V/ V V. _ · ;_ I · xi, 1
Q ` w);V>,i .~ ;~ · · V: " V 1 ‘VV’ V_`v · 4 ;< ¤ V I {V ‘ KV · ;~ _
’— V V »‘»· ~ .`·` .. :4 — 1* Q ~V»V @1851, V, .V V VV VQ VV.e i ‘—.V y VV
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i C J ‘_ ‘ fr ‘‘’‘ ” ‘ ’ i ‘“‘‘ i i _*"¢’; g””l ee ·‘’
{2 1 e ` Q he { 3] i
See. 2. The business? of said Company shall be to A, _4 if shall accrue therefrometo the {health or comfort ofthe in- {
e$f3IbliSl1 and construct Gas sworks . in l the City of. mem- ` habitants of Memphis; and nothing inthisisact shall he so _,
T .phis,.and they may purchase and hold as muchreal es· V. , Q ‘ Y construed as to absolve the chmpany, their agents or ’oiii—
. `tate asmay be necessary and expedient for said business, W `* cers from any legal proceedirigs to restrain or abate any _
and to secure any debt that may bedue them. 4. ` nuisance arising from such wlrks or operations. s w f C
s Sno. 3, It shall be ther duty of said Company, to es- 1,; Sno. 7 . lf any personjoigpersons shall injure or dc-
tablish, véithigil three years from theflst day oflganuary, ‘ stroy any por·tion,,o£·the,gas · fixtures, or other, property
1850 at ,3tD¤f¤0t®Y_’j'__iWi$hiH l3héf§City Of emphie * belongino to saidicompany, r shall wilfullyropenacom.—
s ofisiiiiicient capacity to srlppry its corporate ·,te a uthorities _, Q municati$n,into.,the sti·set,i •g otherbgasfpipes, or let on
an inhabitants with such bl»`c a d ’ `vate Gas#L` hts i`? as after `t has been sto e ‘ b the com an such er·
as may be required. s 1 n Pm lg Q gon or perhons shall be lglcl fdr all darriltgdsi sustaiiied l
Sno. 4. To enablejséid Company to establish such ; by such proceeding, and als ,_,, t o a penalty not exceeding _
works, they are hereby ‘a thorized and empowered to lay five hundred dollars, upo » conviction by the proper `
down pipes and extend coS__ ductors and othewapparatus A T, authorities. T l s _ ` ’ r r s
throughgall or any of the) treats, lanes, or alleys of the y l V Sno. 8.._’ ThatR. G. Bri ley, John Trigg, Henry C. r
Cityiof Memphis, inzsuc manner as to produce the least _, Walker, S. P, Walker,t ll Miller, or a majority of
possible,einconvenieneeyto. hetcity wor itsyinhabitants or to them, shall be commissipne s, to open books for the sub-
travellersg, and to take u thejpavementseorsideoywalks; . s.criptionij;4>f,stoek, ll be kept open untilthey
grolvzdpd, Thbey ghpll erwards repair the same, with _ -i jréilay depni ilgat a lsuilicéent mountthas pleen subscribed. . ,
e eas possi e ,e ay. _ as — p _, » e ey s a v en _ y a yer semen in e newspapers ~
` » Sno. 5. The sara Co pany shall have the. privilege agitge at least thiity ,d~aysy,n . ice to rsthe stockholders, to
of (precting,t°estahlishing» ,4 El constructing. Gas;W1girks, V ..hgld,,a·aneetiriig for the ele ion of aboard offseven di}
an manuiacturin and v iding Gas in.theCity. of lem- meters toivwhom shall bef trusted the management o
pllfis, byi means oiggublic orks, for tléeiilerm YQ99.years , ;tns»aeér;s.;sr.i·snse company, and s who shall-elect a ipresi-
, _ oman after the ate of this C act. . jirmsonlableqirice r ’_adent._fi·om—their'ownnumb I ¤ T , · ¤ i
° `perithoi1sand,i,'eet_for Gas hall be .charged?in-the of ` _ Viep Snc,Qg9,} . The electioii‘*of president and directors shall
rivaiteindivi uals,'to¢=be e sulated by thepricesinother ‘ - and they shallk l anywacancy that Lmayqoc-
gouth-Wiestern citiest;i,a;n_ agar public lights_sn;ch.sunn as i ‘?cnrgin§t`h_eig.»`sbo`ard,{the sai election to°be held at the
may be agreed upon by t _ r Company and (plxeffpublie an- omee company, at starch as thesjstockholders
thoritiesy of Memphis; movidid, Said e ompanyshall .“ ‘ y may appoint. ‘ -» f ‘ ~
s never charge more than ne cent for every cubicifoot of ._ _ To enable anyeperson to Qact as a member of the board
gas used, asmay be indie ted by the gasnieter, orrcom· of directors or president, he must be the owner of ten
puted b}y the orglingry rulgf `in such casgs; ‘nor·s§r,[alle.·=they , lshixres of stoclg and be a citizen oflglgs State,] ld .
ever c arge t e orpor _, ion ~o£_’th3e J ‘ity_of * einphlis s or each an ·every~share of stoc e may 0 each
C more per cubic foot than they shall be getting atzthe same g ‘ isstoekholder shall be entitled to one vote, which may be
tim; from amajority of the inhabitants ofthe citytusing e T given by proxy, in the election of the board of direc-
suc gas,. _V e i ` ` ty tors., j ’ *e ,
· i Sno; 6. i The works and o eratirms ot said Corn an ' Stoclrmar be transfered on the books ofthe company
, p . _ _ ,_ ____ P Y . Y , _ 1
s shall be so constructed and niaiiages, that =noe·"e.nnoyance at anytime previous to one month before the election.
mn 1 1 11 7. fm /__' _ _ W ,Vr, 1,, _,,. A rr,,rV.r rr,. _, R. we. W-. . — ~ · - .· —-A A- .~.~.s ,V~rr ~ r—— ~» — ~V V Ve V
, I `
I 1l)1111110111111D0 11016 00150
1 I mv. —...•.».»s-- .- -s `
’ 1 0flice, in North Room of Exchange, ’
. _ 1 On Third Street, Philadelphia. 1
_ _ The following Statement ofthe Atfarrs of the Com- ' _M,,,gmg,,,,· 3,], 1851,
1 pany, is published in conformity with e Provision <>i` its 1 The Beard ot`Directors have this day declared a divi·
1 Charter. dend of six rmt cmvr. ` h th C 'L l St k
` Pizmuuirs Rscmvrzn DURINGTHE YEAR ENDING 1 and I m $5* ’ on 8 ap] a Oc :
1 _ 1 s x ran cmrr. on the ecnp ofthe Company, paya
, s OCTOBER 3151% 18511 ble on and after December lst, 1851, Also a dividend `
, 1 ‘ gn l£_’[f1Fi1E>_¤1;¤d Illlimd Risks ··-·-···--·!···~- $Yi’g5¤i8g 1 ofrex rmt cum`. in Scrip, on the Capital Stock and
1 H me ls S '''''''''’'''''‘'’ ‘ ‘‘'‘‘''‘'''''' ij 4 °‘ Earned Premiums,Certificatcs for which will be issued 1
1 $350 034 50 as above. 1
1 Eammn r·RmIIU»Is DURING Tun YEAR ENDTNG AS __ _ N _ D I R E C T O RS · 1
ABOVE z 1 `¥g;(l;lL1ar·r£1r&a1;;11i, 1 Hégongsolirooks,
. - On Marine and Inland Risks ..... $240,598 $7 1 Edmund Sohdsr HugRy(i.,,i';n’
1 On Fire Risks. .... . .............. 104,777 46 1 _] Imc D .· ’ . . » 1
$345 376 43 1 Ro b tk atvis, William Eyre, Jr.
Interest, Salvage, &c ...,..·-· ·· · »····--···· 223658 12 J 0 r?rR. ilr Onlsc 1 Charles Kim,
1 oh euro l , J. G. Johnson,
*’-"T j George G. lreiper, I Samuel E. Stokes, 1
· §368.0?g§ 1 Fd»vari•;l lgarlington, 1 games 'lywqixlair,
. "`"""‘ 1 $@39 M _i1V\S» epenccr . c vain ‘
Losses, Exeizxsss, Etc., DURING Tru: saixm ·rIms; 1 }?)1;11l§mN¥011Y€11, james Eerénant, 1 1
Marine and Inland Navigat’n Los.$118,4i72 75 1 DL R_'M_e§,;11;O“ Jgiiggil P°;{g§tt’
. brre Losses ............ . ........... 126,630 al _ 1 James C_ Hand ’ 1 J T Logan Piktsbmgh
' , $24°¤w3 26 ’ Tlreophilus Paulding 1 Mor rin do {
' Return Premiums ............................ 24,060 22 1 , ’ ' ‘ g _ ’
Re-insurances. ............... ,. .............. 15,426 42 1 )’yILLlAM MARTIN, B1”€51¢']€¤E·
Agency charges, and commissions ,_______ __ _ 2],483 95 1 1 HOMAS C, HAND, Vice President.
‘ ’ 1 Expeusagkcnt, Salaries, Stati0ucry,&c .... 9,690 20 Josceri VY. Cowan, Sect’y. 1
1 Sgjgggo 05 1 · By an Act incorporating this Company, the parties
A :;;;*2; 1 insuring property therein are entitled to :1 SHARE ofthe 1
1 THE ASSETS OFTHE COMPMW ARE As FOLLOWS, PROFITS of the Institution, without subjecting them»
1 Bonds, Nlmtgages and Ground Rents ______ __,$?4’Q64 selves to any liability beyond the premium paid, .
— 1 $33,055 Pennsylvania. Qix per cent. Loan ...... 53.(2l_0 60 j The Capital Stock and Subscription Notes are pledg-
1 @2,000 P1_l RP C_tv §,lVE¢ Q: -·-··· gg 1 ed by the Charter for the payment of losses; and the
1 Cgnileg &lAm1;gy R·R_ 5 DL CL 'L'6,;,; 8;,,25 00 g profits olf the Company are directed to be invested and
_ 1 s 5,000 S rmg (;m·,]s,,’ six my cc,,;_ Loan ___, 4,750 oo 1 remain in the possession of the Corporation, as Il fund
· S 2,000 Uliiited States, _SiX _ i` “ {M55 U1) 1 for the further security of the assured, This fund will
Z101} Shgres Y0““$5`11’i""“ Colnggm ·* gg ` bc represe