xt751c1tgj1v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt751c1tgj1v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky 1921 bulletins English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. IV No. 10, March 15, 1921 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. IV No. 10, March 15, 1921 1921 2015 true xt751c1tgj1v section xt751c1tgj1v 'S ' To Editors: The ‘ _°°W$ in this buudin I Y Entered as second is prepared for the class matter at the press and is released post office at Lex· for publication on ington, Ky. receipt. » PUBLISHED BI-WEEKLY BY THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY. · · March 15, 1921 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY V0 .I . 4 0. Strollers Choose the "Grccnwich Village" A C0-operative Bull Funkhouser Receives Basketball Stars Get _ Big "Cr1chton" Cast University Feature Associations Organized Merited Recognition Deserved Recognition , . I . -—— ——- -— -- _._ The cast of "The Admirable Crich- The Art Department of the Uni- J. Z. Widjer, elf the United States Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, head of the At a meeting 0f the Athletic Coun- ` ° ten," play to he given by the Strollers versity of Kentucky featured a three- Department of Agriculture, specialist Department of Zoology at the Univer· cil of the U11iv~e1·sity of Kentucky, “ or the Uiiiversi-ty of Kentucky, this told entertainment, "A Night in Green- in charge of cooperative bull associa- sity of Kentucky, has received a let- K’s were awarded to the tcllowin · , _ S season, has been formally announced wich Village," at the University of tions for the United States, recently ter from the Secretary ofthe Ent01n0· men who prgvgd their prowess at I, as follows: Kentucky, Saturday night. This was visited Kentucky to assist in the es- logical Society of America notifying baskguball the current Season; Basil Lady Mary ____ Mary Elizabth Downing ,under the general direction of Carl talblishing of such associations here. him of his election, at a recent meet- Haydgn, paris, Captain Og the Wild. r' Louisville. ‘ M. Sax, head of the department, and E. M. Prewitt, dairy specialist, Uni· ing of the Executive Committee, to cats; william ]{ing, Lexington; Pau] Lad? Agatha ·--···-·----—- ‘F}¤¥`USl€ Chenault Miss Belle Bates assisted by the stu- versity ot Kentucky, Spent the entire the rank of Fellow in the society. Adkins, Wh‘if]gy; Robert havin, Paris; ‘ _MaySv1u€‘ _ dents, mmf! with MY`- WidJ€T in C&mT>Yb€U» The eminent University of Kentucky Samuel Ridggeway, Shgpherdsvillc; - Lady C&th€¥`m€ -~---—··~·-— M9·¥`E¤T€€ Smlth . , . . Logan Nelson and Larue counties . · v . . Maysville. There was a magmficient exh1fb1- Ongaméing the work Mr Prewitt SC1€¤t1St has f01‘ H ¤¤mb€1’ of Years G11Ibért Smith, Lexington; and James Tweguy ________________________________ Kitty Conroy tion by Heutscliild and Stuart Todd wm devote his timelm thi; phase Of been a m€m'b€1' of ih'? Entomological Wilhelm, Paducah. Watch charm gold Mt. Sterling. of the Rookwood pctteries, Chicago. dairy extension work in the future, S¤¤1;tyf¤;0§m€¤¤¤»hWh;=¤ IS Cin? fbasketlballs surimounted with pearl ·v _ . · I . .. . . . 0 e e e on r1- _ _ _ _ Lady B!‘0¢k19h¤!`St ----··~----- Claribel Kay besides ctiher works of art. the 1nveST»1g3.t10n havmgi convinced guiad sri mal1;€;u;;s0Or;`;S_cfv€ri€S inlaid K’s will also be given to these `SP"i“gfiB1d» O· t The playlet, "Aria da C3D0." WELS him that me method Offers many ad- to the weild of entomologicalxsciencé men V A . . ,Mrs, Perkins .............. Margare Brooks _· · · vantag t th ll b ‘d h ' A ` ` ' · U t Madisonville Lgwgn m Phe L1mB_Th€at}`G by Student . as .0 8 Sm? me Gr W 0 IS Only seventy-iive of these members "`_`—-_" ~= ‘ stars, MISS Mamie Miller ¥V00ds T-Yymg to Improve hls Stock- . . . · • 1 Fi im ____________,_________ Elmo? Mom 1 . have [been g¤v¤¤ the added ¤1¤¤¤¤· English W<>m¤¤ G1V¢$ l IM SS S iMBgS;·g_ Raymond Connell, Neal Sulli- IH fhé l&S¢ two YBBWS MY`- Pmwitt tion Og classification as Fellows • • M_ S_ L€ximgt°n‘B _ Y Nan, Gus Gay and Milton Revill. has been highly successifu-l in estab- l asslc lntcrpretahon ISS lmmcmséi ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘ emma (mg "Th8 purple Parrot Cwbm·€t~ pm. lishing cow testing associiaticns. The W. I ,Ph B . _ "_ A HBV1 el}/I Pt sented an enticing appearance d€`CO_ Cooperative bull associations Wm 1|'€ QSS One · Hugs . MISS Dorothea Spmney, of Strat- i. MH€· Jemmelé ····- -··—- MY 9 BYSOU rated in brmmnt Orange, green and work in conjunction with the COW msi;. New Presidents VOICE ‘rf0rd-on-Avon, England, an interpreter 1 . . . . . . ___ 1 - Crichton yn am Mmm} Revm purple draperias and Paintings, 5 mg aSS°°`1at1°“S m many Instances- _ _ 0f`classi·c drama, oi international rep· `'''```' feature of which were the futurist The Fullton County C0-operative _ FOI: the mst time m h"‘Y°"y a.Pr€S- utation, appeared in the chapel of I Lord Lcam Pkeston Cherry H0’W€1`S made by Mrs. Jack Powers. Bull Association has been organized idents aiidress has been d}SsEmmat€d University of Kentucky uudgr the Among hte calbaret features were and ODGMUHS Bight m0HthS, and the acmss tw (fouptry by Wlreless talc- _ · - - · " mg mem the peacock dance by Miss Martha, Mg members are pleased with the plan plume and It 1S pmlbwble that et ausplces of the Umvemlty MISS V t ______,_____________________ H d E ` ‘ 1. 1 I- · ‘ 1 “ ‘ ‘ " EYHBS Frankfort em OH Vans mum; Miss Fanny Bruce Loughridgg This association has fom. Holstein QLOTGS of ¤m¤t¤€1‘ WITNESS SWUOHS Simlnféy mad ITIIPPOULUS EY . Lord Bmckléhmt Fmé K Augsburg in "The F1ame," it Sparkung, sash- bu-11s which were purchased at cme- ““°“gh°“t the °°“B§“{”" vm? $‘*““’ E“"1“d€S· I“"““d‘*d m her °1&S$‘° J, Lexiggmn ' ing dance with a beautiful Costume; stream Farms, Lexiugtgm whenever ;$G?i “;S Quacied “d?~X· iimrfh 4» repertoire are six tragedies of l Tmhame john Albright and Miss Ama Louise Connor ju im it is possible to as so, me associations gm b‘{§’d_p1‘*`°s$ tg‘°’_C1v‘¥tL“i1‘;§“` Euvivides, and we tragedy from A ' `°‘'‘‘‘‘'‘`'```''`'`'‘`'‘' ··S,paHjSh D;mC€_~ will buy bums from Kentucky breed- mg ul mg a 8 mversl y O` BH` Sophocles M. Fleury ____,,,_____,,____________ George Rouse tucky ° _ , ' n , ` 1: · · GTS. ° .....1;..... _ LOmSvmB_ apache Dance was given by Miss A group of students, memfbers of , , , · ~ -···· -R¤u·=St¤¤ ....................... 4 .... Edgar Gans ·L?¤1S¤ MSKGG émd H¤r¤¤¤¤ Evans . the university Radio curb, were Boyds Reviews Published x Louisville. wlth muslc Wmtmn and played for Danlel Boone gathered in the room where the ap- “SCl'l00l and SOCi€tY” n. TOHIDSBHZ .........,.................. John Burks the first tune In pubhc by Professor Now at University pgygtug was 531; up_ At 1]_ 0’¤(;]0(;k """"‘ A ;_ Cave City. CMI LamD€1t· Otlfr feaiums “’€T'f; T there was an expectant hush, and Dean Paul P. Boyd, College of Arts A Navel OHHCQT --..-.»............. `William Finn Rlissela Vi? Sagu lmgyptmn Da“`C€» The beech ziazb bearing the carved then the voice of the new President and SGi€11G€S, 11215 an &1‘fiCl€, “EX*·1‘9·=>,__- wc T 1 Burlington. SO {YS ‘S“ ` "t°‘ S9€g°"· q’Y_ Um autograph of ‘Daniel Boone, taken began speaking from the horns ofthe Curricula Activities and Sch0larsliip" Stalblii Boy .................... Rolbert Mitchell Uniwmslty _qum€tt€* Neal Su‘u1V&H> from a. beech tree in Maggffiu g0unty_ W’i1'€`1€SS telephone, "My c0u11try·me11: in Mschool and SO·Ci€ty" for Fgb 5th ? Lexinlgton. Jack D3·h1mg"`I`· C1`£“Vf°1`d AHQGYSOH is now at the College of Engineering, When one surveys the world about Doctcr Bova quotes Statistics from 4 Page -------------»---.-.-i................ John Land and Dumson F°nd18Y· Univérsity of Kentucky, to be mount- him after the great st0rm," and so we Univergity Of Kentucky to Show ; VI Nicholasvillel ed under glass for preservation, on through the entire inaugural that Schblqrsllip is as good as it Wag W '_ The may considered Bm_1_i€,s VHHERLI Shows HOW to The brierf inscription, "D. Boone, Speech which President Harding was thirty years ago He recommends ex; · “ii v ’ ec » -` — - · · , · . ,. ` ' ` J masterpiece, Wm be the most dim Control Black Scurf" 1776, IS carved m the Mrk of a vfcot d"h"‘”`mg “‘°’€ than 600 mugs **“·**’· tension or the point system for stu- ‘ V. It ff · t · { square slalb taken from a tree that dent activities and adoption of the ;1gan°;z;;:;g gEt th;SSgg§tdiS}’;xh‘i;)l;E By treating their seed potatoes grew 011 a mountain ridge which was Students Drarnatize Illinois plan of a faculty committee 1 mg mm tallmt in rehearsal some time between new and planting One 0>f the familiar haunts 0f the in- O Hcmy’s Stories to study the problem of extra—cur- _ Q, ’ 1 * I _ · 1 _ . . . . ` _;§ · time Kentucky faimers will be prac t1‘€D1d DiOD-€€I` one hundred and foity 1. ricula activities and a student coun- -· U The elalborate scenery and c0stum— ticingr crop iiisurauce and preventing iive years ago, when Kentucky was, The Little Theater Of the Univer- cil to co-operate with it. ` ~ ‘ mg for the play is under the direc- ;g;Oi;i<·;5t10¤ f1`€>;“; ;0H111101; scwbi gl I`€a&]EY;S the t“D¤Y§< and B100dY sity cf Kentucky opened its 1921 sea- ————·-·—·-···· ki, .ti011 of Eleanor B. Morse, advanced " la or ‘* **0 SCH? U em TOUR ·’ Omg img ming that YBHT son with four student dramatizations ‘ [ _ Student in the Ari; Dgpm·tm€nt_ "*b1¤‘¤k IBEW &‘