xt751c1ths3d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt751c1ths3d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-04-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1991 1991 1991-04-18 2020 true xt751c1ths3d section xt751c1ths3d  

Kentucky Kernel

LKD gets off to a shaky — but fun — start

‘Pong’ site
leaves some

Staff Writer

The Little Kentucky Derby got
off to a rather shaky start with its
Ping Pong Drop yesterday, leaving
some students grumbling about this
year’s location for the event.

The drop, which in recent years
has occurred from high atop Patter‘
son Office Tower, was held from
the roof of the Student Center.

Acting Dean of Students David
Stockham declared POT off limits
for the event because the area is not
an official free-speech area.

Students participating in the event
stood in the counde of the Student
Center facing South Limestone
Street. Using a vacuum machine,
3.000 balls were then shot out into
the crowd.

Each ball contained a number that
could correspond to prizes like din-
ners at local restaurants.

LKD Chairman John Fischer said
the equipment being used to shoot
the balls into the crowd broke down
after about half of the balls had been

The rest of the balls were thrown
from the roof by hand.

This method of dispersing the
balls left several UK students dis-

One of those students was Jimmy
Lenz, who said because the balls
were not projected far enough from


Staff Writer

Two key positions in stu-
dent media at UKm on the
yearbodk and alternative ta:
dio staticnwwete filledyen-

Jack Hash. a French sopho- , '
more from Elizabethtowti,
Ky; .. was appointed editor in
chief of the Kentucklart. the

, school yearbook : '

In addition; Bill. Vathle,
English junior from Letting; 3-
m was selected program tilo; --
rector for UK‘s student-hm -
radio station, WRFLvFM 88 l »

Mth finally take ovet '
July 1 1991 Terms for the
positions" will officially end .‘
June 30 1992 .

next year” said Hash who
tanunopposed. "We have BC“, "
camri ltslwdaiotmthe way"
ofdesigii and public galations-
in inelasttwaear's Forus,_
portant meets of publica-

“Im looking forward to
it on to the next generation,

' " “lack Hash will continues j
tradition of excellehee arid iti-
novation at the yearbook,"
said Student Media Adviser-
Michnal a Asia. “Jack’s a

creative student snow-sixth“ ----------

he’ll bring a lot of creativity,
Hash who will. W

San Wt. Baottpaonj





Telecommunications freshman John Surmont grabbed a garbage can and waited for ping pong balls to drop from the roof of the Student
Center yesterday About 300 people showed up at the event that kicked off a week of Little Kentucky Derby activities

the building, most of them landed in
the front of the crowd of an estimat-
ed 300 students. He said students in
this area were rather rough in their
attempts to collect the balls.

“There were people jumping on
each other trying to get to the ping-
pong balls,” Lenz said.

Fischer said he was unaware of
any complaints and thought the

ON THE GO: Shannon Morgan has made a career out of keeping

drop had gone smoothly.

“Of course we don't want any
pushing and shoving,” he said.

Lenz said the organizers of the
event need to move it back to POT
or get something more effective to
shoot the balls into the crowd.

Neal Waldemayer, who will be
chairman of the Ping Pong Drop
during next year‘s LKD, said he


busy — and successful. His goal is to be an environmental lawyer.

400 UK students honored at

Staff reports

Student leaders were among the
400 students honored Tuesday night
at UK's I991 Honors and Recogni-
tion Banquet.

Student Government Association
President Sean Lohman and Student
Activities Board President Page
Estes won the Singletary outstand-
ing male and female graduating sen-
ior awards. The top senior awards
carry $1.00) prizes.

Lohman. a history and political

science senior also serves as the UK
student representative and chairs the
Kentucky Board of Student Body
Presidents and the Student Library
Endowment Committee.

Estes, a human studies senior.
chairedthe UK Challenge Student
Development Council fund-raising
drive and serves on the library en-
dowment committee.

The WL. Mathews lr Fellow—
ship valued at $10,000 and given
by the UK Athletics Association
was presented to Steven Brian Loy.

plans to look into the possibility of
moving it back to POT.

He said several people have told
him the chances are slim of getting
permission to move it back. howev-

“I would definitely like to request
it," Waldemayer said. “I can't see
why it can’t take place there."

He said POT offers many advan-

tages over the Student Center loca-
tion, including more room for spec-
tators and a central location.

“Obviously POT is a more ideal
location," he said.

Students who retrieved pingpong
balls yesterday can take them to the
LKD information tent near the ES.
Goodbam Saturday to find out if
they have won a prize.

For children,
carnival is
just the ticket

Staff Writer

Flashing lights, laughing children
and screaming kiddie-car riders
filled Commonwealth Stadium park-
ing lot last night for the Little Ken-
tucky Derby Festival Carnival.

The carnival was open last night
from 6 pm. until 10 pm. and also
will will be open through Friday at
those hours.

The carnival will be open from
noon until 10 pm. Saturday and

The camiynl was addcd to the I ll'
tle Kentucky Derby chmsl ‘,t“~‘;.".ll
years ago to provide cntcrtmmwnt
for a younger crowd.

“Lots of people who do come
have little children or bring their lll-
tle brothers and sisters,“ said John
Fischer, LKD chairman.

There were about If) rides at the
carnival, including roller coasters.
men'y-govrounds, a tilt-a-whirl and
saucer cups. Food and candy also
were sold.

Wanda Harper. who owns the
rides. said carnival attendance has
been hampered in the past because
“every other year it's rained."

She said this year probably will
be the biggest for the carnival “if the
weather permits."

Lexington Fayette~l.’rban County
Police Officer DB. Stone policed
the camival for the second year
“There's been a steady stream of

See CARNIVAL, Back page

IFC’s Morgan always busy,
but that’s just fine with him

News Editor

While most college students are
struggling to free up their schedules.
Shannon Morgan tries to find things
to keep him busy.

During his three years at UK,
Morgan has immersed himself in
many campus organizations, includ—
ing student government. Student Ac-
tivities Board and the greek system.

And he's not satisfied simply by
being busy. His academic career
also is important to him. Morgan,
who is involved with (.‘ollcgrans for
Academic Excellence and has
served as president of Lambda Sig-
ma honorary society, is graduating
in December — in 3 1/2 years ——
with a degree in agricultural bio-

“I‘m really, really goal—onented,
and I see some kind of direction ——
I‘m highly intense," said Morgan, a
native of Alvaton, Ky. “When I go
to the mall or somewhere with my
friends, I‘ll be 10 steps ahead of
them because I'm so used to going.

“Meetings, meetings all the time.
I drink that’s probably indicative of
the fact that I'm graduating early."

Morgan is president of UK’s In»
tcrfratemity Council, the body that
governs all social fratemities. He
moved up the ranks of the greek sys-
tem quickly. Arriving at UK in fall
1988, he pledged and moved into

a special education and social sci-
ences senior.

The Otis A. Singletary Fellow-
ship awards. each also valued at
$10,000, and given by the Athletics
Dcpanment, were presented to four

-Zachary Richard Lewton, a soci-
ology senior.

-Jeffrey B. Schanding, a math and
philosophy senior.

-Iulianne Unsel, a history senior.

-S. Akbar Hasan. an arts and sci-
ences senior.

Farmhouse social fraternity. During
his first year, he became yicc PTCSI‘
dent of the organization.

“We had an officer that retired
I guess I was fortunate _.,, that grad—
uated in the middle of the year, and
l was nominated and elected to the
vice presrdency, and l was Sllll real-
ly young. Then the follomng year. I
was elected presrdent."

Morgan, in his fourth month as
IFC president, has had an impact on
the council. His unassuming style
of leadership and delegation of au-
thority have enabled the group to
affect changes within the greek sys-

Ron Lcc, assistant dean of Stu--
dents and fraternity advrser, hm cn-
joyed working wtth Morgan for the
last two years.

“He‘s very good at delegating rc-


The Outstanding Junior Award
was presented to David Croshaw.
an agricultural biotechnology jun-
ior. Croshaw is president-elect of
the Student Development Council
and has been active in fraternity ac-

David Pace. an agricultural eco—
nomics sophomore and Gaines Fel-
low, was named Outstanding Soph—
omore. He is active Cats for Christ,
his fraternity and the Interfratcmity

See STUDENT, Back page


sponsibility," Lee said "He's been
an excellent lcadcr because rit-
doesn‘t jUSI grab the gavel and push
things through. He spreads out We
rcsponsrbility by tomting .mnirrtzt
tccs. llt‘ likes to take lllTIC in lUt‘lklIlL‘
into things.‘

Ire accompanied Morgan it ‘\l'
Ianta for .i Southeastcm Intortmrt-r
mty Councrl Conference. Morgan
was elected ‘-ICC PICSIanl .t rut
group, which tw'Crst‘cs Kcrziutm
Tennessee and West \ irginm

”I‘yc t‘nioycd rm ‘Atlllk’lllL‘ ..i
tmnship “Ilh him." 1 cc mitt.
had ample opportunity to tut
know him. It's a pleasure to be
around him v not JUSI on a dean

See MORGAN. Back page

Grub Hub, 4 to 7 pm.
Run for the Rose, 4
. Live Band (Red Beans
. and Rice), 4 pm.
‘ Run for the Rodents, 6
pm. Events are at
Clifton Circle.

Profile of
Larry Forgy,
othér candi-

dates for


Page 3

. Classdieds.




 "Mill“! Kernel. Thursday. Aprll18.1991

UK’s ‘American Clock’ brilliant
portrayal of the Great Depression

Staff Critic

Don’t miss UK Theatre‘s produc-
tion of The American C lock .

Whether you like a good musical.
3 historical drama, a sensitive hu-
man story or Just want to immerse
yourself for a couple of hours in an
intriguing tale that is brilliantly pro-
duced and performed, do not miss
this show.

Watching this production of the
Arthur Miller play, it is easy to for-
get that it is not being performed by
a professional company. The acting,
the singing, even the bit of dancing
(a little soft shoe number by Billy
Breed) are fantastic.

This production is a showcase of
the UK Theatre's best talent paired
with a captivating tale.

Available In
Assorted (\tilorsl

All Women’s






The American Clock is about the
Great Depression and the drastic ef-
fect it had on Americans who lived
through it.

It is especially about the stories
that came out of the Depression. It
seems everybody had a story to tell
about the terrible things they saw
and experienced.

Miller’s play takes the stories of
a variety of people, from all walks
of life, and weaves them together to
produce a fascinating mosaic of the
Depression experience.

The American Clock centers
upon the Baums, an upper middle-
class family who. at the beginning
of the play, are disciples of the

1920s philosophy of excess.

Lee Baum (played by Chris Car-
rier in an outstanding performance)
is the idealistic son who. in 1929,
sees the 19305 as a decade of bud-
ding potential and continued pos-
pen'ty. In his view, the stock market
crash is a minor setback for the up-
ward-and-onward moving nation.

Lee's parents. Moe (Dennis Mill-
er Jr.) and Rose (Krista Linn). also
keep a positive outlook, although
they take substantial losses in the

The blind faith of the Baums is a
telling sign of the widespread feel-
ing that the American economy was

Another point Miller brings out is
that most Americans, even those
who lost substantial amounts of

See ‘AMERICAN,’ Page 6



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Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, April re, 1001 - 3




Stakes heat up
as 7 candidates
head for home

An analysis by the Kentucky Kernel editorial board

It’s spring and you’re in Kentucky, the cliche goes, that can only mean
two things. Horses are ninning around tracks and somebody, somewhere in
the state, is running for office. Kentucky, it seems, is perpetually in a state
of election. An off year doesn’t exist here. The game of politics, like a nev-
er-ending vicious cycle, runs continuously in Kentucky. Some say that's
part of the problem — that we always play at our politics instead of mani-
festing it in the form of good, representative public policy.

Kentucky, whether in education or social policy, seems always to have
reacted, rather than promoted. progressive change. Current education re-
form is still in its infant stages. It is too early to judge the reform's merits
on the potential for promise.

If that is true, then it is, at least in pan, the responsibility of voters to
make any substantive change. This year’s govemor‘s race may offer the
best chance for that change to occur.

As a public service to UK students, we thought it best to give you at least
a brief glimpse at the candidates for govemor this year. Maybe, then, you
can decide who is the best person to offer that badly needed change for a
state that constantly has found itself immersed in the backwaters of Ameri-
can development.

Here‘s a look at the candidates.

Scotty Baesler

Scotty Baesler, now in his third term as mayor of Lexington, at least can
point to a city that has grown in population and wealth in the last ten years
— while he has been mayor.

The Fayette County native thus far has been able to balance economic de-
velopment with calls to maintain the green space and beauty that make cen—
tral Kentucky distinctive. Baesler also has been a strong advocate of educa-
tion with his Sweet 16 Education
Showcase, which has proved im-
mensely popular.

One strong criticism of Baesler has
been his alleged coziness with devel-
opers. Some of his critics contend
that Baesler has propped up ailing
developers with projects designed to
pump money into their businesses.
To this accusation, Baesler answers
that it is his responsibility to pump
life into downtown redevelopment.
So far, the voters in Lexington have
certainly agreed.

However, there are certainly two
things the former UK basketball
player lacks in his bid for the govem-
or‘s mansion — charisma and mon-
ey. Baesler, although seen as a com-
petent, intelligent public official, has
all of the charisma and speaking abil-
ity of wet cardboard. He mumbles, bumbles and generally stumbles his way
through most speeches. That may play well in rural Kentucky, where Baes-
ler is potentially an effective campaigner, but it is not likely to excite pet»
ple in Kentucky’s other urban centers — Louisville and northern Kentucky.

Baesler may also have a problem with exposure. He does not have the
money that some of his opponents in the Democratic primary have. And
surveys have shown that, while he is extremely popular in Fayette County,
a lot of people don’t know him from Adam in the rest of the state.

Gatewood Galbraith

One thing Lexington attorney
Gatewood Galbraith cenainly doesn‘t
have any problems with is charisma.
He’s got enough of it for virtually a
whole slate of tired, road-weary can-
didates. Galbraith‘s rhetoric and in-
telligence have delighted political au-
diences across the state.

However, the issue he advocates as
the primary plank in his campaign
platform probably means that most
people won't even listen. Galbraith is
advocating that Kentucky legalize
marijuana. He forcefully argues that
hemp can be used for more than just
medicinal, not to mention recreation-
al, purposes. To prove it, for much of
the campaign Galbraith has driven a
red Mercedes-Benz, which he says is
fueled by hemp oil.

But that's probably as far as Gal-
braith’s campaign will go.





Brereton Jones

Lt Gov. Brereton Jones faces an altogether different problem in his race
for governor. He‘s the front runner,
thereby giving him everything to

Thus far. the Woodford County
horseman has not helped himself on
the campaign trail. He has wamed on
issues, ranging from education re-
form to drunken driving.

Moreover, Jones has been needled
by his bickering. and outright fight-
ing, with Gov. Wallace Wilkinson.
Although the two represent generally
different camps in Kentucky electo-
ral politics, it is no secret that the
powerful Wilkinson would like noth-
ing better than Jones' scalp.

Recently. Jones has tried to be-
come more assertive, taking stands
on issues and promising to back
down from tough questions no long-



. o






er. Near the beginning of the race, the Courier-Joumal’s Bluegras State
Poll showed Jones had a 27 percent to 14 percent lead over his nearest com-
petitor. Despite Jones' high name recognition in a crowded field, such a
lead is dangerously small.

Floyd Poore

Another candidate with a fair amount of governmental experience is
northern Kentucky physician Floyd Poore. Poore has served in the adminis-
trations of both Martha Layne Collins and Wilkinson. But Poore left each
administration early in clouds of controversy.

Published reports also have put a
dent in the myth of wealth and luxury
Poore created for himself over the
years. The flamboyant dresser has
presented himself to people as a rags-
to—riches Kentuckian, whose hard
work has showed the truth in the
American dream and work ethic. The
reality, though, shows Poore to be a
man of relatively modest means com-
pared to Jones, who is a millionaire
horseman, for one.

Poore, who worked himself into
state politics because of his reputa-
tion as an astute and successful fund-
raiser, also has had problems raising
money for his own campaign.

One. however, should not count
out the populist, grass-roots approach
that Poore has taken on the campaign
trail. He has advocated a rollback of
the massive tax increase enacted for
education. and he seems to have an affinity with people, who are impressed
by his seeming sincerity.

Poore has not outlined exactly how he would roll back part of thc §l 1
billion tax increase. but that‘s never stopped candidates in the past form Us»
ing similar promises to get elected.

Martha Wilkinson

Arguably. the most interesting candidate in the field is Martha Wilkin-
son, the wife of our current governor. Wallace Wilkinson failed in his at-
tempt to be allowed to succeed himself. so the conventional wisdom is that
his wife will do it for him. Such a move is unprecedented in Kentucky.

Like her husband, Martha Wilkinson has run a highly anti-establishment
campaign. And she has promised to carry on the successful economic de-
velopment programs of her husband’s
administration. Martha Wilkinson has
presented herself as her husband's
right hand man in all of his successful
business operations, and Wilkinson
himself, has called his wife the true
lieutenant governor.

Yet, published financial reports
show little financial involvement on
the pan of Martha Wilkinson in her
husband's business affairs. And re-
porters have been unable to get her to
sit down for any extended interviews.
raising more than just a suspicion that
she is little more than a surrogate for
her husband's bigger-than-life politi-
cal ambitions and ego.


However, the political machine of
the Wilkinsons is powerful. And she
may have latched on to a powerful is-
sue with teacher competencies and
mandatory testing of teachers. That, and her decrdedly “us-versus-them"
theme will play well in rural Kentucky, where her husband is immensely




Nevertheless, her high negative ratings make Martha Wilkinson a long

This year for the first time in more than 20 years, it appears that there
will be a real twoparty race for governor in Kentucky.

There hasn't been a Republican governor elected here since Louis Nunn
in 1967. There are two strong Republicans in this year’s primary — and
they are about as different as two candidates can be.








Larry F orgy

Many students may remember Lexington lawyer Larry Forgy from his tu-
multuous term on the UK Board of Trustees. Then, Forgy was a constant
thorn in the side of Gov. Wilkinson.

Forgy, an eloquent but at times
overly verbose man, was considered
a strong contender for g0vcrnor in
1987. But he dropped out. saying he
didn’t want to make the sort of prom-
ises necessary to get the money he
needed to win a Kentucky election.

This time Forgy has made the ma
son he dropped out an issue. He is ac-
cepting no campaign contributions
above $300. Campaign finance re-
form was a successful issue in the
US. Senate race of former Honda
Gov. Lawton Chiles. But C‘hiles had
name recognition of which Forgy can
only dream.

Forgy, like Poore, is calling for
rollback of pan of the education tax.
claiming much of it was used for leg-
islative pork projects that are an un»
necessary burden of Kentucky tax-
payers. Also like Poorc. he hasn‘t said how he’ll do it.

Forgy also is calling for a curtailment of the Kt‘nllltk) lottery. which
helped catapult Wilkinson to Frankfort four years ago

But Forgy may have too much ground to cover


Larry Hopkins

Forgy‘s opponent. iarrx Hopkins l~. .l ;s~pttl.ir cwnsrcvrnan '; rm Ken
tucky‘s oth horn; wt whith Lev
trigton l\ a part. Hopkins l\ .in 1.. uni
plishcd fundraiser and sasm Us
won each of his elections to the l' S.

House of Representatives ll! a pre—

dominantly Democratic district.

However, Hopkins has Virtually re»
fused to discuss any substantive is-
sues, saying he doesn‘t want to reveal
much of his platfomi before the gen-
eral election. But he promises to be a
progressive governor.

For better, or as usual lll Ken—
tucky's case, for worse. those are the
candidates for governor in IWI, In
many respects, it is a diverse field of
candidates. For the first time in a
long time, some substantive issues
have come out fl like campaign ll-
nance reform. Yet, up to this pornt.
the race has been a relatively qUICl
one compared to other Kentucky elections.

That does not mitigate its importance. though. lhe primary on May 28
will go a long way in dcterrmning the course of Kentucky's future in the
next four years and beyond. For that reason alone. you, as a student, should
be keenly interested in its outcome.

Unlike Madonna, we're not going to trot out lll bikinis. wrapped in
American flags. and urge you to vote. We shouldn't have to do that (be—
sides you wouldn‘t want to see us in bikinis).

Anyway the message is abundantly clear: Make your vote count on May
28. It's your future —~ and your state‘s v that will be dccrded.





. e e . - e e - 0
Democrats Republicans
Scotty Baesler
Gatewood Galbraith Larry Forgy

Brereton Jones
Floyd Poore
Martha Wilkinson

Larry Hopkins








 4- Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, Aprll 10, 1991

UK explodes in the seventh to beat Peay 11-5

Senior Stall Writer

Don't let the score in the Bat Cats
11-5 win over Austin Peay State
University fool you.

The UK baseball teams l3-game,
non-conference winning streak was
in jeopardy after the Governors
scored three runs to take the lead 5-
3 in the top of the seventh inning.

But the Bat Cats scored six runs

in the bottom of the seventh, the big
blow a three run home run by UK
outfielder Greg Mercer.

“The score doesn't indicate this
—- but the Austin Peay pitchers, es-
pecially the first two did a good job
on our hitters." said a relieved UK
coach Keith Madison.

The Bat Cat rally began with a
bang when outfielder Jeff Abbott
crushed a line drive up the middle
that ricocheted off Governor stan-













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ing pitcher David Richardson’s foot
— enabling Abott to reach first
safely. The Cats followed with two
more singles including one by third
baseman Rick Norton that scored
Abbot from second.

The rally was in full swing as was
the crowd. The crowd of about 400
did something rarely seen out at
Shively Field in recent years — the

UK sent waves of their own to
Austin Peay pitchers. The first tsu-
nami was delivered by Mercer. Still
in the seventh, with runners on first
and second, Mercer crunched a 2-2
pitch over the right field fence that
put the Bat Cats up for good 7-5.

But the Bat Cat tide kept rising as
they went on to bat around the line-

After Mercer’s blast, second base-
man Max Reitz singled and short-
stop Jeff Michael reached first on a
bumbled grounder.

Then the theme from the movie
“Jaws" played over the loudspeaker,
signaling the presence of UK first
baseman Mike Harris at the plate.
But of late Harris‘s bite has resem-
bled that of a goldfish— including
an O for 6 showing in Tuesday’s
doubleheader against Wright State.

Just when the Bat Cats were hop
ing that Harris’s slump would end
in time for this weekend's battle
with the Southeastern Confemce
leader Louisiana State Univesity —
and it did.

Harris kept UK’s big seventh in-
ning going with his second hit of
the game. Harris singled up the mid-
dle scoring two more, making the
score 9-5.




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UK catcher Billy Thompson snares the throw to the plate, but too late as an Austin Peay Gov-
ernor has zoomed home for the run. The Cats play LSU in a big home SEC series this weekend.

The waves, however, weren’t al-
ways washing away the Austin Peay
team (8-24). After UK starter Mark
Thompson got past the first inning
with only a walk, Harris, UK‘s lead-
off hitter, blooped a single to left
center to get the offensive ball roll-
ing for the Bat Cats.

Jeff Abbott followed Harris with a
slow bouncer to short Governor
shortstop Wes Sims picked up the
ball and tossed it to second base, but
too late. Harris slid in safe. Then
Steve Phillips bounced into a double
play, while Harris made it to third.

Harris then scored on a ripping
single to right by Norton.

In the bottom of the second.
Thompson withstood a mammoth

Peay threat. It began when Thomas
smacked a single that puffed the
powder on the third base line.
McDermott then stepped up and
slapped a single to the gap near first
base. Thomas advanced to second.

A wild pitch advanced both
McDermott and Thomas to scoring
position. The threat ended, howev-
er, when Mikulecky flew to center.

Austin Peay began the first where
they left off in the second — with a
fly ball to center. Only this one, hit
by Lexington native Thomas
Coates, sailed over the center field

Peay took the lead in the fourth
with a baserunning show by first
baseman Bryan Link. Link began

the inning with a single and prompt-
ly stole second base. Then APSU's
Todd Hinterson grounded out to
second while Link waltzed to third.

Marc Thomas grounded out to the
same spot to score Link and give
the Governors a 2-1 lead.

UK tied it up in the fifth after Mi-
chael -— who errored twice at shon-
stop — led off with an infield single
and scored on Abbott's shot that
bounced off the left center wall. The
fifth ended with the score 2-2.

That would be all UK pitcher
Tom Froning would need in his first
relief appearance of the season to
nail down the victory. Froning got
the Governors out 1-2-3 in the top
of the eighth.

UK soccer team to hold Classic

Staff reports

The University of Kentucky soc-
cer team will play host to the 1991
Blue/White Spring Soccer Classic
this Saturday at Lexington’s Tates
Creed High School at 10 am.

Six collegiate teams will compete




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in what UK soccer coach Sam Woo-
ten says is one of the largest soccer
events in the Lexington and central
Kentucky area.

“We are really expecting a great
turnout for this year’s event," Woo-
ten said. “Fans will have the oppor-
tunity to see some of the best colle-


giate players in the nation right here
in Lexington."

Wooten's team, which will expe-
rience its first season of varsity, and
fans will see the likes of the Univer-
sity of Miami (Ohio), Wright State
University, Marshall, the University
of Louisville and Cincinnati.














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Stall Writer

The temperatiue was hovering
around 80 and the sun gleamed off
the sunglasses of fans and coaches
surrounding UK’s Downing Out-
door Tennis Courts.

On the blue-painted courts, how-
ever. it was the orange-clad Tennes-
see Lady Vols doing the shining as
they deflected UK 7-2.

Kats’ coach John Dineen said
l9th-ranked Kentucky's toughest
losses on the day came at the No. 2
and No. 6 positions as Melissa Nel-
son couldn’t get untracked and Ni-
cole Wansgard jumped out to a 5-2
lead in her second set, only to fall 7-

“I didn't feel good going into the
match,” Nelson said. “I tried to get
myself pumped up but I was flat .
I didn’t move my feet well, I didn‘t
concentrate — two things you need

(to do) to win a tennis match.
“I beat myself.” she concluded.
