xt751c1ths65 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt751c1ths65/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-11-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 10, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 10, 1993 1993 1993-11-10 2020 true xt751c1ths65 section xt751c1ths65 "H‘K ___

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By Ayana Blair
Contributing Writer

A College of Pharmacy professor
has developed a vaginal contracep-
tive drug that kills the virus that
causes AIDS. The contraceptive
capsule combines the spermicide
nonoxynol-9 with an anti-bacterial
agent developed by George Dige-
nis, a UK medicinal chemistry and

Tuition hike
forces some
to plan ahead


By Tammy Gay
Senior Staff Writer

The announcement of a tuition in-
crease for 1994 has UK students
looking now for ways to pay for
school next year

Melissa Thomas an elementary
education junior, said she fixed her
schedule next semester so that she
could work more hours during the

“It’s going to be hard with all the
money.” Thomas said. “Each year.
you are going to think twice if you
can afford to come back."

Even though the Council on
Higher Education voted to increase
tuition for UK by 11.2 percent. Stu-
dent Government Association Presi-
dent Lance Dowdy said he hopes
students will continue to care about
tuition and education funding and
remain involved in the process.

“When January comes (and the
General Assembly meets) it's go~
ing to take all of us getting in-
volvcd" Dowdy said.

Dowdy said all students should
call their representatives to con-
vince state government officials
that tuition hikes are not welcome.

He said he wants the state to pro-
vide more funding for education.
He said that. considering the high
quality and performance of the uni-
versities, the state bearing its share
of funding responsibilities.

“Students are having to pay more
than their fair share," Dowdy said.

Doug Goetz, an undeclared jun-
ior. said he will have to work more
during the summer to pay his half
of tuition. His parents pay the other

Goetz. said he does not under-
stand why the state does not have
money for education.

“They are constantly working on
the highways. I don’t understand
why they keep cutting education."
he said.

Dowdy said he knew the council
would increase tuition. but he was
disappointed that the increase was
not less than what had been

“To maintain the level we were
at. there had to be an increase," he

Dowdy insisted. however. that
the SGA-sponsored protest held last
week was not a failure.

“The goal of the rally was to min-

See TUITION Page 2

pharmaceutics professor. He will
direct a three-year study to further
test and develop the contraceptive.

“This is a big step forward for
women." Digenis said. He said the
capsule also could be used with
condoms, which would make the
drug more effective The research is
supported by a $1.2 million grant
from the National Institute of Child
Health and Human Development, a
division of the National Institutes of


Health. The team conducting the
study wants to market the drug to
18- to 25- -year- -old heterosexuals
said Steve London, director of
UK’s Center for Women's Health.
He said young people are more
prone to “sporadic” intercourse.

The scientists formulated the
drug as a suppository capsule be-
cause it is easy to use. The capsule
is easier than jellies or ointrnents,
which have been found to be un-

popular with many young people.

Digenis said this form is “cosmet-
ically acceptable." The female in-
sens the suppository before inter-
course, and the drug is released 30
seconds later. It is effective for six
hours. Digenis said. Digenis calls
the contraceptive the “triad" cap-
sule because of its three compo-
nents. It is composed of an outer
layer, the rapid-release drug and an
inner layer of beads.








Accounting freshman Najlb Yatlm serves up authentlc Arabian food at Cafe Sharazad In
245 Student Center. The cafe ls open 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. through tomorrow.





v   Kentucky Kernel

Doctors at Vanderbilt and Duke
uhiversities performed animal tests
with the drug, and the only side ef
feet they found was an occasional
allergic reaction to the nonoxynol- 9
contained in capsule. Digenis
would not disclose the name of the
other anti— bacterial agent used in
the drug because the University has
applied for a patent on the contra-
ceptive capsule.

The doctors believe the drug

nov 1 01993

we developed for HIV

would offer some protection
against other sexually transmitted
diseases as well. And Digenis said
the capsule in a different form may
be used by homosexual men in-
volved in anal intercourse. ‘But
that is not the mission of our con-
tract with the NIH for the first three
years,” he said.

Information for this article also
was gathered by The Associated

Speaker dissects
popular fairy tales


By Jennifer Wieher
Staff Writer

Fairy tales are no longer just for

According to a translator of fairy
tales and folklore, Jack Zipes, they
began as stories for adults and even
tually changed for a younger audi-

Zipes, a professor of German at
the University of Minnesota. re-
searches fairy tales and folklore. He
has translated many fairy tales. in-
cluding “Beauty and the Beast" and
"The Little Red Riding Hood." He
has also written on feminist fairy
tales and radical theories of folk

In Zipes discussion on the origins
of the fairy tale last night in the Stu—
dent Center he said that the tales
originally were written for adults.

“Literary folk tales were not ten
or written for children." 7.;pc said.

He argued that ariswcratic wOITI‘
en gave birth to the fairy tale. He
said that during the 17th century,

Study finds slow graduation rates


Associated Press


A review ordered by the 1992
General Assembly found that fewer
than one-fourth of full-time stu—
dents complete a bachelor's degree
within five years at three of the
state's public universities.

The report, the first of its kind in
the state, also found that an average
of only 15 percent of full- -time stu-
dents complete their two~year pro-
grams in three years at the 14 com-
munity colleges.

The three schools where less than
a quarter of full-time students grad-
uate within five years were North-
ern Kentucky University. the Uni-
versity of Louisville and Kentucky
State University.

The presidents of the three
schools said they have been work-
ing to improve their graduation
rates for several years. They noted
that many of their students can’t af-
ford to attend full time for the tradi-
tional four years and become pan-
time students, taking longer to grad-

At Western Kentucky. which had

a 35 percent five-year graduation
rate. university President Thomas
Meredith said he was surprised that
more than half of last year‘s gradu-
ates reported delays in finishing be-
cause courses weren't available.

Meredith blamed that on budget
cuts, which included about
$200,000 from Westem‘s fund for
pan-time lecturers. But all schools'
budgets were cut. so that may not
be the entire reason, he said.

University presidents didn’t seem
surprised by some of the figures re-
leased Monday by the Council on
Higher Education. The presidents
praised the process, saying it‘s
healthy to look at where the schools
are and where they should be going.

“I think it’s very positive," Mere-
dith said. “We receive state funds
and should be accountable."

A commission appointed by the
governor to review higher educa-
tion is studying the reports — one
for each school and one for the sys-
tem overall. The panel will recom-
mend which of the 15 performance
areas should be used to help set
school budgets in 1994. The areas
range from support for the Ken-

tucky Education Reform Act. to
graduation rates. to the numbers of
hours professors spend in teaching,
research and public serVice.

Sen. Ed Ford, D-Cynthiana, who
introduced the bill that led to the as—
sessment, warned Monday against
using the repon to compare schools
with one another. Rather. the
schools will be competing against
themselves toward self-set goals, he

Ford, who represents Kentucky
on the Southern Regional Education
Board, said he saw little in the re-
port that surprised him or was out
of line with the missions of the uni-

One exception was the high fail-
ure rate for freshmen and sopho-
mores taking remedial math and
English courses. he said.

“What is really shocking is that
more than 30 percent of them are
not passing those courses,“ Ford

Statewide. 12,430 students en-
rolled in remedial math courses in
the fall 1990 semester. while 4,457
enrolled in remedial English cours-

Big Blue Crush begins neXt week

Oflicials plan to increase number
of blood drives held on campus


By Lance Williams
News Editor

Just as the football Wildcats hope
a victory over the University of
Tennessee will help send them to a
bowl game. blood donations offi-
cials hope the annual blood drive
against UT will bring them enough
blood to last through Thanksgiving

Big Blue Crush, in its sixth year.
is an annual blood drive between
UK‘s and UT's fans, faculty. staff
and students.

UK won last year‘s contest with a
record 2,350 pints, against Tennes-
see’s 1,977 pints.

The drive will be held Nov. IS-
19. the week of the UK-UT football
game. which is scheduled for Nov.
20. Sites will be set up around the
state and on campus.

“This drive will give us another
chance to beat our neighbors to the
south," UK Athletics Director CM.
Newton said yesterday at the an-
nouncement of this year's drive.

Newton said he does not think
the drive will have the same margin
of victory as the Southeastern Con-
ference Tournament basketball
game last spring in which UK beat
UT 101-40.

Newton said he would settle for a
field goal to win the football game.

d“maybe a pint or two‘ to win
the blood drive

Mickie King. special assistant to
the athletics director. who served in
the armed forces for 26 years. said
blood drives are especially impor-
tant in combat and equally impor-
tant in civilian.

Marsha Berry. a spokeswoman
for the Central Kentucky Blood
Center. said UK gives more than
5.000 pints of blood to the center
each year.

Tennessee set a goal of 2.000
pints this year, so Berry said the
goal for UK will be to heat last
year‘s total.

"If we can match what we did
last year. we should win." Berry
said. “The goal that we have is a
tough one to meet"

Glen White, donor resources con-


sultant for Fayette County said the
blood center hopes to increase the
number of blood drives the group
holds on campus in the next few

A UK marketing class did a sur-
vey last year to find out how much
students reacted to the blood dnvcs
on campus.

“We were afraid we had too
many. to the contrary. (the students
said) they didn‘t know where they
were and they didn't feel intimately
close to the ones we had." White

White said the blood center hopes
to hold a greater number of specral-
ized drives.

He said plans are to add drives at
the Business and Economics Build-
ing and the College of Law Build-
ing. a well as other sites on cam-

“The remediation failure rates are
not unusual as far as the South and
the nation goes. but to me they are
unacceptable." Ford said.

The university presidents also
said they hope to reduce the number
of classes taught by graduate assrst-
ants and pamtime faculty.

At the University of Kentucky,
where more titan 20 percent of
courses were taught by graduate as-
sistants, President Charles Wething—
ton said he has made it a priority to
improve instniction for freshmen
and sophomores.

He is adding about 15 full- time
faculty this year whose main duty
will be teaching and another 15
who will focus on teaching fresh-
men and sophomores while also
pursuing research and community

Overall. about 22 percent of uni-
versity classes in Kentucky are
taught by pan-time instructors or
teaching assistants. And because
they often teach large. entry-level
classes, part-timers and assistants
may teach more students than the
22 percent figure would indicate.


-Sa Jesse Raphael's
eomnr‘iienm had no place at the
Radio Hall of Fame awards
ceremony — and Rush
Limbaugh knew it. Cohrnn,
Page 6.

Partly sunny today; high in
the mid-503.



. , Evert with the format
Most dear toni ht. low
betwe'rym 35 and 490. M333. mde to fit ”on 3"
-Partfy sunny Pi‘ind warmeéo mhllmmmfimmfiw;
tomorrow, h' between
was '° the books willbe belbom so

NDEX: Saczygielski said it he «I-
Sponss may '5 thieka m -
Diversions.,...,.........................4 an phone number wit hire
Viewpoint... ........................... 0
Classifieds ............................. 7
OBI-word Puzzle

women were dissatisfied wrtli their
roles. so the, treated stories to es-
tablish. new roles for themselves.

The fairy tales originated in sa-
lons for women as a type of amuse-
ment and a way for the women to
demonstrate their intelligence.
Zipes said.

“The salon fairy tale became so
acceptable that women and men be-
gan publishing them,” he said.
“However. there was a definite dis-
tinction between the tales the wom~
en told and the ones the men
wrote “

Zipes stressed that a the fairy
tale began to evolve. gender and
class differences in them became
apparent. Women generally were
seen as objects that fell under the
domination of men. and men were
always a symbol of independence.
he said.

Slowly, the fairy tale was short.
ened to adhere to a younger audi-
ence. Fairy tales that once were
only for adults began to include

See TALES. Page 2


for 1993-94
coming soon

By Rob Thoma
Staff Writer



The Student Government
Association's campus directo-
ry is expected to be released
some time next week, a few
weeks later than planned.

The delivery of the directo-
ries, which usually at distrib-
uted in late October. is later
this year because of what
SGA executive director of
student services Rob War-
rington termed “publishing
problems." University Direc-
tmes is printing this year’s
directories for SGA.

“The interesting thing is
thatitisnooneon thiscam-
pus’ fault," Warrington said

SGA President Lance Dow-
dy said some of the compa-
ny' s presses were shut down
for a while. causing the delay.

Dowdy and Mrilyn Szczy-
gielski. the directory‘ 5 editor
and an employee of UK Com—
munications Marketing. said
the delay also was caused by
the reformatting of the book.

“We redid the whole
book.” she said. "The book is
formatted totally different.

"There will be three col-
umns (of text) where there
were two columns, and four
columns when: there were
thee,” said Saczygielski. who

week of Thliksgiving.






"1.21.5.“ “wk?” ., , . . .




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2- Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, November 10, 1993
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Gore, Perot debate NAFTA


Associated Press


WASHINGTON — Waving pho-
tographs of slums in the shadows of
Mexican factories, Ross Perot as-
serted yesterday that the North
American Free Trade Agreement
would cost American jobs without
helping impoverished Mexicans.
“This is a good deal for our coun~
try,“ Vice President Al Gore coun-

The high stakes of the prime-
time debate was evident almost in-
stantly. Perot accused Gore of inter-
rupting him as he said the trade
deal would lower “the living stan-
dards of working Americans."

Perot then cut in when Gore tried
to rebut that argument, but the vice
president persisted: “We know this
works. If it doesn’t work, we give
six months notice and we’re out of



Continued from Page 1

morals for children.

“Beauty and the Beast“ was one
of the fairy tales that was intro-
duced to children, Zipes said.

This version was carried out into
many different interpretations and
changed to include morals for
younger children. Zipes said.

He said in all of the versions, in-
cluding the most recent one depict-
ed in the Walt Disney film, the
roles of the submissive woman.
Beauty. and the dominant man, the
beast, are apparent.

The children‘s version of the
fairy tale was made shorter and was
written to enforce morals and man-
ners to school children, Zipes said.



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3-4 Thurschy,Nov 11 3pm
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FRESHMEN 5.0 Monehy.Nov 15 Sam
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0 My_Nov 15 12pm
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34 MyNov 15 39m
0-. Tandyfiov 16

Barn 4.30pm




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In addition to UK-VIP, terminal-based registration services will be available at college registration sites 8 am. - 4:30 pm. on the following schedule:


However, they still reinforced the
notion of power in the upper class
and in men.

Zipes said even Disney‘s version
of “Beauty and the Beast” rational-
ized male domination and power.
Beauty submitted to her father and
the beast by doing what they both
desired. not what she wanted, he
said. “Beauty’s function in life is
predetermined by men," Zipes said.
“The only change in the Disney ver-
sion is that Beauty is an elitist."

Zipes will continue his lectures in
Thomas Clark Lecture Series of
1993 with speeches on “A Second
Glance at Little Red Riding Hood"
and “The Wizard of 02 as Ameri-
can Myth" tomorrow and Friday
nights respectively.


Continued from Page 1


imize tuition and get students in-
formed," he said.

Forestry junior Charles Saunders
said he has mixed feelings about
the increase.

“If it will give us a better quality
education, it's worth the increase,”
Saunders said. ”But. so far since
I’ve been here, (tuition) has gone
up but the education has been the

Millie Lynn, a chemistry sopho-
more, said even though the in—
crease will not affect her — she has
a scholarship — she is mad about
the increase.

“I think we are not getting our
money‘s worth," Lynn said. ”They
keep raising our tuition, and we
still have limited classes. We don’t
get what we are paying for at all.“

Sherman's Alley m Twas/“C

.x _.




Continued from Page 1

On Dec. I9 the University will
change to a new telephone

switch that will make the current
numbers with 258 and 233 ex-
changes obsolete. The book will
have both the current numbers
and the numbers that will take ef—
fect next semester in it, Szczy-
gielski said. This way, she said,
when students come back to
school in January, the book still
will be up—to-date.

Warrington said he and Szczy-
gielski discussed printing differ-
ent books for the two semesters,
but he thought that it would con-
fuse students.

Dowdy said the docision to
print one book was based on en-
vironmental factors. “We want
to be environmentally sound and
save some trees." he said.

Szczygielski said prompt de-
livery of the directories was fur-
ther hampered by gathering the
numbers that will take effect on
Dec. 19. She said she has seen
what the directories will look
like and is very pleased.

“It looks fantastic,“ she said.
“We reformatted things that
look like they haven't been
touched in years.“

Dowdy said the directories
will add about $15,000 to the
SGA budget. Most of the money
raised from the campus directo-
ry comes from the sale of adver-





Plt’anMTPuLt/Nc MY






Ana at age 5. a neighvcrhood
bully pulver 250 the re Kept
repeat‘ng the are t" ng



AmaZIng. Mr Ashcra‘t
I never knew one coula
pronounce an aSCCrl'éK.








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Students In colleges of Ass, AH, eats, COM, and EDUC report to
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‘ l


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fee the here '&#@%$}+
word >5 quite oftenswe,
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very suggestive









lthink we're getting
off the aibJect

Mr Ashcraft, you had
Jufit My liquificd

by a .5ch bully...



Actually. Senator. around
our 5 emcrtary schoo. t
was the pe'ccrtagc ayrribo1
that was taboo


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m. next aay r the
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Let me commcra you ‘cr

avoid ng the Swer M
not variety





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round inform-Ion dock on main floor of Funhhouaor my. ALL OTHER






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Georgia, LS U
still possible
with 4 -5 records



By Ty Haplln
Sports Editor


UK‘s bowl possibilities could
have been solidified with a win last
Saturday. The Peach Bowl would
have been the most likely destina-

By losing to Vanderbilt in Nash-
ville, Tenn. 12- 7 the Cats have
thrown their bowl picture closer to
the pits.

With that loss, the Wildcats
dropped to 4-3 in the Southeastern
Conference and 5-4 overall, still
good for fourth overall in the con-

A win would have all but sewn
up a bowl bid for the Cats. Now,

bowl prospects are injured, but still


With the SEC tied into five auto-
matic bids, the Wildcats would be
an almost lock if they can defeat
East Carolina Saturday. A victory
over the 2-7 Pirates would give the
Cats their sixth win. a prerequisite
for bowl initiation.

If the Wildcats don‘t win Satur-
da‘y, bowl invitations will be almost
as common as the number of stu-
dents who actually have gotten
through trying to register by phone
using UK-VIP.

Still, a victory should be enough
to wrap up a bid for the 5—4 Cats.

Those nipping at UK's heels in-

~LSU: After an emotional and
astounding victory at Alabama, the
Tigers have won two straight. On
Oct. 30, the Bayou Bengals defeat-
ed Ole Miss at home. LSU is 3-4 in
the conference (4-5 overall), good
for fifth place.

With a week off, the Tigers face
Tulane and Arkansas at home the
last two weeks of their season.
Should they win those, LSU would
have the six wins needed to make a
bowl and wrap up one of the auto-
matic bids.

Since UK defeated LSU 35-17.
the Cats have the upper hand

~Georgia Things for Bulldog
tans aren’t looking too good. UK
need not worry about Georgia who
IS 2-5 in the SEC. The Dawgs still
(perhaps) have an outside shot at a
bowl bid. Financially. Georgia fans
will back up their team no matter

At 4—5, the Dawgs must in their
last two games.

With undefeated Auburn at home
this week and a game at bitter rival



Wildcats bowl chances still good







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Georgia Tech. Georgia‘s path is not
easy. With seeing the team‘s im-
proved play over the past few
weeks, bowl officials might give
the Dawgs a bid -— if they win six

UK goes for its sixth win Satur-

That would secure a winning sea-
son. the team’s first since I989,
when it went 65.

The Wildcats have the chance to

go to a bowl game for the first time
since 1984.

Most, if not all, of the bowl pres-
sure lies Saturday with East Caroli-
na a.

Fulmer, Vols already looking
ahead to 1994 football season


Assoclated Press


KNOXVILLE — lf 1993 is
good, 1994 could be even better.

That son of talk is starting to be
heard at No. 6 Tennessee after it
ran its record to 7-1-1 with a45-10
victory over Louisville on Satur‘

The Vols. who have an open date
this week, are red hot.

“Personally. I feel we're playing
as well as anybody in the South-
eastern Conference, and we feel
that if you took away a couple of
turnovers, this team would be un-
defeated." coach Phillip Fulmer

A single loss to Southeastern
Conference East Division leader
Florida, now ranked No. 8, cost the
Vols dearly — likely a shot at the
SEC championship and invitation
to the Sugar Bowl

”A lot of us are frustrated by the
situation we re in,’ k'icker John



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Becksvoort said.

But season-ending victories over
UK (5-4) in two weeks, then Van-
derbilt (3-5) and a lesser bowl victo-
ry may be a spring board to 1994.

"We re in a situation next year
where we can control our own desti-
ny.‘ said quarterback Heath Shuler.

“But talk‘s cheap," the coach said
in a teleconference Sunday. ‘We
can ‘tdrop the ball in the early part
of the season."

Meanwhile the Vols have to get
through this season. Fulmer said
this week’ 3 break comes at a good

“There are a number of people on
the injured list who need time to
heal and mend," he said. Among
them: wide receiver Billy Williams
(hamstring) and tailback Charlie
Garner (shoulder).




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nvwvwrw’v’wv‘yn'nvmrikv_ ymv , Tr,
The 1hnmael).(|erlr Lectureship Presents fl : — ES 62? 5N2

‘1." an: .IL in mu.“ “:1:

jack Zipes

Dis/Enchantment ..

Rekeadmg Folk and Fairy Tales

I” '


‘0' The Origins of the Fairy Tale
or How Script was Used to Tame the Beast in Us
Tuesday, November 9 at 7:30 p.rn.
OM Student Center Theater
Reception following in mm 2m oi the Student Center

3' A Second Glarra' at Little Red Riding Hood

Thursday. November II at 7:30 pan.
Old Student Center Theater
Eruption Tallowtng in room 2m 0‘ the Student Center

lack ZI'PCS, e rennwned
reeeerrher of Telly tales Ind
folklore, in trend-tor of TM-
Cornrletr [airy Tales a] flu
lrnlhrn Cur-"n and
flee-tin. lee-tr and
rnrhuwtmnt-(‘laeur I've-rd
fairy Tells. He bee written
on lernlnhl "try telee end
redial theertee of
tolhrultun. Me In prnleseor
of German at the University
oI Mlnmum

e The Wizard of Oz as American Myth
Friday, November 12 at 7:30 p.rn.
Old Student Center Theeler
Rnrrptlnn following 3! the Brngham Davis ”misc,
III lust Mauve" Street



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4- My Kernel. Wednesday, Novornbor 10.1003

‘Saints’ canonizes daily life of immigrants Love Jones








// 7 7 simply agood story told very well. This is kind of a departure role miracles and sewing God, racked mUSlcal affalr
of of gaff Based on the novel by Francine for Ullman. Unlike the ribald char- with Catholic-induced guilt. - h h
Q / S / Prose, “Household Saints" takes aciers she s played in the past, Ull- “Household Saints" is a strangely Wlt C arrn
man plays the role of Catherine








place in New York‘s Little ltaly quaint film about family, food and

'S'Hotisehgid sm'i'iii and spans from the late '40s to the E m n m m mgfigfigrfisl‘ific Carmela m a]- faith.
Amgugcgeturemlm early 703' . most every way. Catherine is more Savoca approaches each or these
The film deals with three genera- subjects in an almost religious mari-

in tune with the real world and less






(ions of women and their relation- She lives her life by superstition . _ , Th h . d .
' . . _ ' . ‘ ‘ ,‘ , W'llh [he s lnlua]. "Cr. C C aI’aClCl’S are CV01." In .
\ 5“ By Kenn Minter Ships With family and religion. and old wives tales. Her PNUM‘ 0‘ The "11:1 generation in this l'ami- their personal beliefs and philoso- ”Lgtf'iigerire L m. e“.
\ .i‘ Sta" Critic Judith Malina plays Carmela (slht’hc'm borders .0" "00‘1“" 1‘. of women is Teresa (played by phies. whatever they happen to be. Zooiintenainm; ti
\ ‘” . ‘ Santa" Clo the mother 0‘ Jose h Wth th Strange beliefs and [TN '.. . . u _ n ' “n
ij Director Nancy Savoca s new . ‘ g g , _ p shrines of her personal gain” she Lt“ Taylor). the daughter 0f Cathe- While Household Saints is
film. "Household Saints,“ is a ha