xt754746qg5v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt754746qg5v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19210720 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1921-07-jul20-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1921-07-jul20-ec. 1921 2011 true xt754746qg5v section xt754746qg5v Minutes of a Special M.ecting of the Executive Committee, University of Kentucky, July 20, 1921. The meeting wa-s called to order at 12 o'clock in the President's office at the University by Judge Stoll, Chairman of the Committee. There were present Messrs. Rainey T. Wells, R. G. Cordon, R. C. Stoll and President F. L. McVey. The Secretary of the Committee was absent from the University. (1) President MoVey offered Presidency of University of Missouri. Js soon as the Executive Committee was called to order, the Chairman of the Cam- mittee stated that Dr. Frank I. MoVey, President of the University cf Ken- tucky, had been called to the presidency of the University of Missouri, but that he had been advised that Doctor McVey had not as yet accepted -the new position there. The Committee discussed the matter fully and was of the opinion that the loss of Doctor McVey to the University at this time Would. be irreparable, and that he should be urged to stay and remain as President of the University of Kentucky. The Committee felt that it could not consistently srge Doctor McVey to remain in Kentucky at a personal financial sacrifice, and thereupon the fol- lowing resolution was offered, and after being fully discussed and consid- ered, was carried: BE IT RESOLVED, that the salary of Doctor M.1cVey be in- oreased by adding thereto the sum of Two Thousand ($2,000) Dollars per annum, beginning as of July, 1921. Thereafter the Committee discussed the matter fully with Doctor MloVey, and, for and on behalf of the University, urged that he remain as President of the University of Kentucky. Doctor McVey stated to the Committee that bh would take the matter under consideration. (2) Report of the Business Agent. Report of the Business agen.t was presented aud ordered placed in the minutes. This report was in the nature of a memorandum covering the financial situation ana showed the year's bud- get had been closed with a balance of $38,660.45. 2- yINA1rCIAI REPORT Income and Expenditures 1920 - 1921 General Fuand Income .................... General Expenditures ..................... Balance.......... ... .. Experiment Station Fund Income .......... Experiment StLation Fund Expenditures . . .. Balance .................. . Extension Division Income . Extension Division Expenaitures ........ B ,lance .............. Income exceeds Expenditures for the year, Combined Yuhd. $67o,936-97 669 161.22 1"775.75 303,911.19 -12 36, 86807 285,374.62 16.63 38, 660 .45 Estimated Cash Available for Present Use Cash in Bank ......................... Collections in July ..................... State Wiarrants in July .. State Wsarrants in Au$,ust. Cash Receipts in Augus-'t ................. Available Loans from Phoenix and Third National Bank ................. Federal Smith-Lever Funds. . State rfarrants in Sentember ... ......... Cash Receipts in Sepiemnber ....... Interdepartmental Social Hygiene Bo:,- d. 356.8a2 55,000900 22,2i6-.59 14,'000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 94,124.20 14,000.00 30, 000 * 00 267, 687. 6i 3. University of Kentucky Lexington Statement showing indebtedness of the General Pund as at June 30, 1921. Bank overdraf" .................*. $82,529.20 Notes payable .. ................ .... 154n29.G00 Accounts payable.. ............................. 2,519 6o Balance due Jackson Lumber Company on Dormitory- 3-920.......9................ 2 86 A&1 tr6 coccunts Receivable State Tax ........... $34,962.02 Vocational Education 11,613.33 Student Fees - Govt. .. 1,066.31 Patterson Hall Board 917.05 $48r5583 71 State 1tarra ots Special Agricultural Appropriation 1,867.13 Special Engineering Equip. Appropriation 13, 80570 Dormitory Appropriation 52,054.86 67,727.69 Cafeteria Advance .8........6 8 Due on railroad fares for Ex-Service men ..... 616.18 PReturr-ed checks n .. . - . .. 235.34 Memorial Building Ad-vance 6,083.96 Lecture FAnd ...... 387,54 Materia,. and Su-pplies 18,511293 Insurance paid in advance 25 ,9791,94 92,440.7 (S !9. 117,4 a34.53 Expended on lMulligani Property 1919 - 1920.O * 206.oo 104,228.53 Expended on Smith Hall 1920 - 1921.6...118.1......... 16j18.16 88,110.16 (3) Budgeto 3 :e rt statAt _ At a meeting of thz Board of Trus- tees in June, the budget of the Experiment Statio3 . . left unapprzved. Up- on the presentation of additional information regarding the bu:.get by Dean Cooper and the approval of the President as to the budget for the coming year the Committea voted tc approve the budget and authorized the Chairman to sign the entire budget as a basis of the year's operatieon (4) Relation of University to State Board of Realth. A leter from Dotor `&c-ormack,' secretary to the State Board of Health, was presetntad by Presidrent Me-Vey. Accompanying this letter was correspondence wi th Deaa Cooper ,nd Doctor Brown, director of the Publio Service T.abAr-t'_. :S X letter by Dean Cooper to Doctor McCormack settirg forth the p Licy that should be followed by the Board of Trustees was approved. The Committee agreed that the University was not called::upon by the law to raakce a monthly statement of expenses to the State Board of Realth. The letter is filed as a part of the Secretary's record. The point raised by the director of the Public Service Laboratories relative to the payment of express and mail upon. containers sent to health officers thruout she State was read to the Committee. After discussion it was moved by MLL. Wells that the policy of the Experiment Station regarding containers and the non-payment of transportation charges should be continued and the Secretary to the Board of Health be informed to that effect. (5) Rebate of Registration Fee of R. E. Henry, Ex-service 'fan. The re- quest for bebate of $15 registration fee for the summer session by R. E. Henry, ex-service man, was ordered referred to the Attorney General. Mr. Henry has not complied with the law which requires application 30 days in advance of the opening of the session. (6) Contract with State Board for Vocational Education for a Course in Commercial Ar-t, Goailract with the State Board for Vocational Educatien for the maintenance of a course in Commeroial Krt was approved. This cob- tract provides that the University shall carry on such work and receive from the Board some $1,400. (7) Transfer of i. C. Vauhn. Transfer of Mre B. C. Vaugl assistant entomologist and botanist in the department of Eotomology anl tootaoy e;+. a salary of $2,50O a year, to th3 department of Farm Economics was approved. This transfer was made under au arrangement with the Bureau of Markets, De- partrment of Agriculture, which agreed to pay $2,340 of the salary for work upon the grading of tobacco. (8) Salar of Professor Lyman Chalkle -- ove.rpa iment. Overpayment of salary of Professor Lyman Chalkley eras called to the attention of the Board and the Business Agent was instructed to collect the bass ace due the Univer- sity upon the basis of $P0 a month for a period of four months. Mr. \Tellq voted against this arrangement stating that it should be paid in full at once, (9) Resignations. ResignatiOn of Miss Kathleen Morgan, assistant home demonstration agent -in Daviess County; Miss Mildred 0'Haver, home demonstra- tion: agent in Logan County; Mr. C. E. Vielch, assistant county agent, flaviess County, were accepted. (10) Appointments. The followring appointments were made: Thomas B. Meadow&s, professor of agricultural education, salary $3,000. Arthur L. Wolfe, instructor in Botany, salary $l,$00. H. P. Fling, assistant professor of Education and principal of the Model High School, salary $2,000. Mrs. Alberta Wilson Server, instructor in Romance Languages, si.lary $1,300. (11) Appointments in Agricultural Extension Work. The following appoint- meats Were made in the Agricultural Extension woks - Appointment of Miss M4argaret Smith, assist~i.nt home demonstration agent, Whitley County, at a salary of $75 a month, for 2 1/3 months, effective July 1, 1921. Appointment of Miss Cora Lee Woods,-nssistiant home demonstration agent, Daviess County, salary $75 a month for 2 13/15 months, effective July 1, 1921. Appointment of MViss Laura Smith, assistant home demonstration agent, Laurel County at a salary of $75 a month for 2 2/3 months, effective July 1, 1921. Appointment of Mr. C. L. Taylor, county agent, Boyle County, at a salary of $208 1/3 a month for 12 months, effective July 1 1921. Appointment of James McCoy, Jr., field agent in club work, Breiokenridge County, at a salary of $100 a, month for 4 months, effective July lf 1921. Appointment of Mr. R. 0. Kimbler5 assistant county agent, Henderson County, at a salary of $125 a month, effective June 1, 1921. Continuation of employment of Henry A. Laine, colored county agent, Madison County, at a salary of $100 a month, effective July 1, 1921. Appointment of Miss Kathleen Morgan, assistant home demonstration agent, Daviess County, at a salarY of $75 a month for 3 months, effective June 8, 1921. Gontinuttion of employment of Miss Jennie C. Grubbs, home aemonstration abent, Boyle County, at a salary of $115 a month for 4 months, effective July la 1921. Appointment of Miss Mary Meguiar, assistant home demonstration agent, Simpson County, at a salary of $75 a month for 3 months, effective June 11, 1921. Appointment of M1iss Mary Crook, assistant home demonstration. agente Mercer County, at a salary of $75 a month for 3 months, effective June 13, 1921. Continuation of employment of Mr. J. W. Jones, county agent, Larue County, at a salary of $216 2/3 a month for 12 months, effective July 1, 1921. Appointment of Miss Isabel Aallabacb, county home demonstration agent Fulton County, at a salary of $113 1/3 a month for 12 months, effective June 5, 1921. 5'I 6. Appointment of Miss Mary Yiemster, home demonstration agent, Vfoodford County, at a salary of $150 a month for 12 months. effective May 31, 19214 Appointment of Miss Madie Beokerdite, home demonstration agent, Render- son County, at a salary of $125 a month for 9 months, effective June 1, 1921. g'2) Chanoe in Title of Experiment Station Workers. Recommendation that the titles of Messrs. B. G. Nelson, E. 3. Kilpatri-ck and F. E. Merriman be chauged from district agent to assistant county leander was authorized. It was also authorized that the titles of Mrs. Margaret D. Jonas and Miss Lulie Logan be changed from district agent to assistant home demonstration agent leader. (13) Salary of Superintendent '. 0. hipple. * The salary of Mr. A. 0. Whipple, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, was made $2,750 for the year. (14) Funds from General Education Board. The President of the Univer- sity oalled attention to a memorandum which he had sent to the General Edu- cation Board requesting assistance in the payment of additional salaries in the Colleges of Arts and Sciences and Engineering. Discussion followed in which it was indicated that the Board would not make appropriations for Agri- culture or Law. No actioa vas taken upon the memorandum. (14) P2.a 2g of Woodwork, Men's Dormitory. Attention of the Committee was called to the -specifioations requiring the woodwork in the new dormitory be painted white. Upon discussion, it was concluded to leave the matter to the President of the University with the feeling that the specifications should be followed. Meeting adjourned. (Signed) R. C. Stoll Chairman of Executive Committee