xt754746qr4p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt754746qr4p/data/mets.xml Historical Records Survey (Ky.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky 1942 "There are 120 counties in Kentucky and it is expected that a guide will be issued for each county."--Letter from Work projects administration of Kentucky dated Sept. 8, 1942. books This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Associations, institutions, etc.--Kentucky--Louisville--Directories Associations, institutions, etc.--Kentucky--Jefferson County--Directories Kentucky--Louisville--Civil defense Kentucky--Jefferson County--Civil defense Guide to civilian organizations. Louisville and Jefferson County, Kentucky text Guide to civilian organizations. Louisville and Jefferson County, Kentucky 1942 1942 2012 true xt754746qr4p section xt754746qr4p ` I I F K ` K I
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By the
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Service Division
U I j_ Work Projects Administration , =g -1 ,
Louisville, Kentucky "
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This guide is prepared for the official use
of the Louisville Defense Council and other
agencies engaged in defense work. It should
not be made available for commerical use.
Additional copies can be obtainedonly at the
; office of the Louisville Defense Council.
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The Louisville Defense Council is affiliated with the
Kentucky Defense Council
V Frankfort, Kentucky
Honorable Keen Johnson, Governor of Kentucky
Cha irm an
John J. Greenleaf, State Director of
I Civilian Defense
Embracing Jefferson County, Ky. and Floyd and Clark Counties, Ind.
Wilson W} Wyatt, Chairman
Mayor of Louisville
Neil Dalton, Co-ordinator
Roy W. Burke Andrew Broaddus James T. Howington
Director Division President Louisville District Manager
of Public Ybrks Board of hldermen Priorities Field
Service Office of
Col. H. Watson Lindsey· Villiam B. Harrison Production Management
Director Division Fenner Mayor of
of Public Safety Louisville, Director Miss Mary Stotsenburg
Division of Volunteer Executive Secretary
Jmnes W. Henning Personnel Louisville Community
Jefferson County Chest
Commissioner C. Robert Brooks
Mayor of New Albany Mark E. Ethridge
Dr. Hugh R. Leavell Indiana Vice President and
Director Division ' General Manager
of Public Health Charles J. kicder, Jr. COIRIER JOURNAL and
Director Division LOUISVILLE TIMES
Edward H. Weyler of Public Tblfare
Executive Secretary J. Everett Harris
Kentucky State Col. Henry J. Stites Attorney, Member »
Federation of Labor Chairman Jefferson Co. Louisville Municipal
Defense Committee of Housing Commission
Dr. Joseph Rauch American Legion
Chairman Louisville Homer Vawter
Chapter American Mark Beauchamp Mayor of
Red Cross Jefferson County Jeffersonville, Ind.
Judge A ; -_ _
This directory, listing clubs, associations, societies, and other
at organizations in the greater Louisville area available for civilian defense
activities, facilitates access to organized community resources. In addi~ ·
r tion, the lists of officers and committeechairmwxt provides the coordinator
of Civilian Defense for the City of Louisville and Jefferson County with
rosters of cmmnunity leaders with specific civic interests whose assistance
can be obtained as needed in the development of the program of volunteer
n participation in civilian defense activities.
l An inventory of the organizations listed in the directory vos con-
i_ ducted by personnel in the War Services Section of the Work Projects Admin-
C istration in Kentucky, through the medium of calls made on the officers ·
F of these organizations, at which time certain pertinent information concer-
ie ning these civic groups was obtained for use in the directory.
S Editing of this data on each organization, the preparation of ex? -
ii tracts from the field data, the compilation of the directory and its issuance
to in mimeogrnphod form was also accomplished through the agency of H P A.
ti Neil Dalton, Coordinator
yi Louisville Defense Council
-. _. _. ,a.r r
.·’ ff
SG Pu:-2;
Votornns Organizations and Luxiliarics. ... . .i. . . . . . . . . 1
)r Patriotic Organizations . . . . . . . . ............. 19
Industrial, Business and Trudo Orgsnizutions . . . ....... 25
7G Civic Organizations ..... ... . ... . . . . . . . . . .&. . . ¤ . 55
Literary, nrt, Educational and Historical Sociotios . . . . . . . 49
Rcligious Orgcnizations . . . . . . . . . ....... . . , . . 55
Profcssionnl ind Technical Organizations. . . .`. . .... . . . 65
_ Wtlfuro and Rclstcd Organizations . . . . . . ..¤.... . . . 75
K Fratcrncl Orgznizations . .... . . . . . . . . ...... . . 99
_ Jcwish Ucmon’s Organizations. . . . . . . .......... . . 125
Alumni gssecistions . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . ..... 135
A Parcnt-Touchor nssrcimtions T Catholic. . . . . . ....... . 157
LCG Parcnt-Tcachcr Assvcimtions — City ani County . . ........ 149
Fisccllsnpous Organizations . . . . . . . . ........... 179
Typcs of Jcfonso nctivitios Listed. ............... 195
lndcx By Dofcnsc nctivitics . . . . . ........ ¤ .¤.. . 195
Alphabetical lndox. . . . . . .......¤¤.. ¤ ...... 215
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AMERICAN LEGION OF KEITUCKY(National American Legion) War Memorial Auditori-
um. Founded 1919. Department Commander, Edgar N. Caldwell, Glasgow. Term
expires July, 1943. Department Adjutant, T. H. Hayden, Dar Memorial Auditori-
um. WA 1414. Term indefinite.
Membership: 15,000. Qualifications, one with service in the army, navy, marine
corps or coast guard between April 6, 1917 and November ll, 191S and honorably
discharged from that service.
Committees: Americanism, W} H. Jones, Jr., Glasgow; National Defense, General
G. L. McClain, Bardstown; Rehabilitation, Roy Payne, Glasgow; Child Welfare,
Reverend William J. Murphy, 1310 west Breadway; Legislative,`Uilliam_M. Duffy,
Federal Building.
Purpose: Patriotic, charitable and civic welfare.
Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with all organizations engaged in act-
ivities and programs analogous to those of the American Legion.
Defense Activities; Engaged in Auxiliary Police, Air Raid Warden Service,
. . -,. I- . .. T
Civilian Aircraft harning Service, Auxiliary Eire Protection, First Aid,
Collection of Scrap Metals and Other Metals, Entertainment, Recreation, Lib-
rary Service, Public Speaking, Teaching Americanizations Classes for Aliens
and Others, Typing and Other Clerical Assistance, Interviewing. Interested in
Salvage Demolition Service, Emergency Repair Service, Motor Corps Service,
Ambulance Service O eration of Canteens Radio Operation and Repair, Sisnal
3 3 L - O
Services, Teaching Classes in Mechanical Skills heeded in Defense Industries.
Local Publications: "The Kentucky Legionnaire"(monthly newspaper to membership).
AJQRICAN LEGIOH, EDHA PROCTOR POST(Nation€l American Legion), Fourth Floor,
Henry Clay Hotel. Founded 1935. Cdmnander, Kiss Julia Cunningham, 1417 Hepburn
Avenue. UA 4485. Term expires 1945. Adjutant, Miss Anne E. Flynn,¢y5 Lincoln
Apartments. JA 7571. Term expire 1945.
Membership: 24. Qualifications, service as nurse in World War I, and honorable
dischar e. ,
Committees: Defense, Miss Kyrtlo Applegate, Xenry Clay Hotel; Child_Welfare,
Miss Mabel Peters, 1831 Cypress Street. J
Pufposez Patriotic and fellowship organization to aid the rehabilitation of
veterans’ families to instill the ideals of good citizenship in young men and
Normal Civic Activities; Nursing and child care, cooperating with Email? Social
Service, Childrens Agency.
. _ 2 _ E
ll American Legion, Edna Proctor Post(Continued) ¥ gi
g Defense Activities: Engaged in Child Welfare, Recreation, Collecting Books, ~ A‘
° Training for Red Cross Assistance, A
` '“*"”‘“““‘*' · 7 lk
Local Publications: None. C dz
`_ AMERICAN LEGION, HENRY WATTERSON POST#164(American Legion), Buechel,Founded QI
1928. Commander, G. Dewey Detwiler, 527 Starks Building. JA 1879. Adjutant, E"
Walter F. Diemer, 1015 Realty Building. WA 5894. Chairman, Urban Herre, 2500 ¥
Manchester Road. HI 4190-W. Terms expire June, 1945. I hi
Membership: 51. World War veterans. il
` Committees: Americanism, Edward T. Stewart, 2504“Uoodbourne Avenue; Child _ il
Welfare, Reverend Paul M. Watson, Buechel; Relief, J. V. Mulhall, Buechel,
Athletics, Vernon Chewing, 1200 Benton Avenue. _ _%
` (
Q Purpose: Promotion of ideals of American Legion. g ?
I ‘·*··‘*" 1
“ Normal Civic Activities: Community service, youth education. R‘
. C <
B Defense Activities: Interested in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Child I &
It Care, Public Speaking?.TeachiEETAmericanization Classes for Aliens and 31
L_ Others. · · ` C-
le I O
5 Local Publications: "Post Prattler“. l L
it AMERICAN LEGION, HIGHLAND POST=#20l(National American Legion), Legion Lodge,
i_ Bardstown Road. Founded 1954. Commander, E. A. Heil, (U; S. Armed Forces). _ JQ
» Vice—Commander, Merlin Hogan, 1827 Deerwood Avenue. HI 0290-M. Adjutant, N
E Charles U. Hebel, 526 Ybst Jefferson Street. Terms expire July, l9A5. W
”· A H
f Membership: 527. Qualifications, service in World Ter I, with honorable
T discharge. · 4 ~ • E
Q, Committees: Americanism, Dr. George WL Dwyer, Bashford Manor Lane; Child
Vi Welfare, Mrs.·WL L. Harang, 2015 Bonnycastle Avenue; Finance, Hr R. Snyder, E
QI Southern Parkway; Activity, Dr. George W. Dwyer, Bashford Manor Lane; Servise E
’_ Officer, E. A. Heil, 2082 Douglass Boulevard. ‘ D
Q Purpose; Americanism and fellowship. · = A1 E
§ Normal Civic Activities: Child Welfare. E
AM.; _ · V D
gg Defemse Activities: Interested in Auxiliary Police, Air Raid Warden Service, E
§§ Child Care. ·•* _ B
S Local Publications: None.
- 3 -
AMERICAN LEGION, JEFFERSON POST 5l5(American Legion), nar Memorial Auditorium.
Founded 1919. Commander, U} 0. Carver, Jr., 405 Pleasant View Avenue. TA 2254.
Adjutant, Rudy Gunter, 2119 Strathmoor Boulevard. HI 0581. Terms expire 1945.
Membership: 950. Qualifications, a veteran of World Har I, with an·honorable
Committees: Civilian Defense, Harry V. Davis, Jr., 2534 Tennyson Avenue;
Americanism, M. B. 0'Su1livan, Kentucky Home Life Building; Child Welfare,
Reverend Thlliam J. Murphy, 1510 Tkst Broadway; Relief, William E. Farley,
Jr., 119 North Keats Avenue; Radio, Frank H. Dyer, 2221 Talbott Avenue;
Militia, Dave Frank, 852 South Sixth Street.
Purpose: Associated together for God and country.
Normal Civic Activities; Americanism, child welfare and rehabilitation.
Defense Activities: Engaged in Family Social in Industrial Areas, Child Care,
Collection of Scrap Metals and Other Metals, Recreation, Collecting Books,
Public Speaking, Teaching Amcricanization- Classes for Aliens and Others.
Training for First Lid, Entertainment. Interested in Auxiliary Police, Air
Raid Harden Service, Civilian Aircraft Warning Service, Auxiliary Fire Prot-
oction, Salvage Demolition Service, Emergency Repair Service, Motor Corps
Service, Ambulance Service, Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Red Cross Assist-
ance, Radio Operation and Repair, Discussion Leaders, Interpreting, Teaching
Classes of Map Reading and Sketehing, Drafting, Signal Services, Typing and
Other Clerical Assistance, Interviewing, Consumer Protection Activities.
Local Publications: Monthly Bulletin.
AMERICAN LEGION, PETER SALEM POST #45(Amcriean Legion Department of Kentucky;
National American Legion), Ninth and Magazine Streets. Founded 19l9.Commander,
Vhlliam O. Nillis, 1540 Garland Avenue. Adjutant, J. B. Fisher, 950 South
Hancock Street. Terms expire July, 1945.
Membership: 108. Qualifications, service inllorhlhar I and an honorable dis-
charge from U. S. armed forces.
Committees; Child Welfare and Tmericanism, Eugene Gilliam, 426 South Twenty-
Eighth Street; First Aid, Thomas Tate, 2907 Fist Nblnut Street; Civilian
Defense and Air Raid Thrdens, William 0. Hillis, 1540 Garland Avenue.
Purpose; To promote Americanism and all patriotic programs. -
Yonnal Civic Activities; Teaching by precept and example true Americanism.
I Defense Activities: Engaged in Air Paid harden Servicc,First Aid,Chi1d Circ,
Collection of Scrap Fetdls ind Other hetals,Entcrtainrent,necreation,Collecting
Books,Public Spoaking.Interested in Auxiliary Poliec,Civilian Aircraft Tarning
Servico,Auxiliary Fire Protection.
Local Publications: None. ·
. 1e?
AMERICAN LEGION, SHAWREE POS1l95 (National American Legion) 401 Republic
Building. Founded 1956. Commander, John E. Davis, 909 South 42nd. Street. KN
1 • · ¤ J J, /..
* SH 4670-W. Adgutant, Rudolph Pentrich, 28th Greenwood Streets. SH 0105. f
Executive‘Secretary, Lew Ulrich, 401 Republic Building. JA 8020. Terms ex- Od
. e
pire June, 1945.
{ - · ta
· Membership:500. Qualifications, world war veterans. · SC
Committees: National Defense and Americamism, Willian M. Duffy, c/o Social E2
Security Board, Federal Building. A Am
1 Purpose: Rehabilitation of world war veterans. A EQ
'”““"“' Mr
Normal Civic Activities: All public and civic organizations pertaining to 40
rehabilitation of veterans.
· Pu
Defense Activities: Engaged in Auxiliary Police, Air Raid Warden Service,
·····?——-——-———. . . qu . Y
. Civilian Aircraft Earning Service, Auxiliary Eire Protection, Ambulance ff
Service, Red Cross Assistance, First Aid, Collection of Scrap Metals and
Other Metals, Interested in Salvage Demolition Service, Emergency Repair EE
1 Service Motor Cor s Service Hes ital and Clinical Assistance, Pre aratien Rc
3 9 .
2 and Serving of Food, Operation of Canteens, Family Social Service in Indust-
fy rial Areas, Child Care, Radio Operation and Repair, Entertainment, Recreation, Lc
y Discussion'Leaders, Public Speaking, Teaching Literacy Classes for Aliens
A and Others, Teaching Americanizatiens Classes for Aliens and Others, Inter¤
I; preting, Teaching Classes of Map Reading and Sketching, Drafting, Signal I
1 Services Research Assistance T in# and Other Clerical Assistance Inter— hk
H .• s .5 .•
L viewing, Teaching Classes in Mechanical Skills Needed in Defense Industries, 92
iT Consumer Protection Activities. Ti
1 es
A AMERICAN LEGION, SHELBY POST¢#214(Natiena1 American Legien)5l0 East St.Cath—
erine Street. Founded 1958. Commander Eu one Timmel 1505 Goddard Avenue. hk
: F3 » _
i- HI 5024-TL Adjutant, Robert Linker, 1522 East Breckinridge Street. JA 4598.
y Finance Officer, Raymond Haner, 655 Cmnp Street. MA 6741-W. Terms expire C
It June, 1945.
1 _ _ If
1 Membership: 125. Qualifications, veteran with honorable discharge.
F ' 11
‘ — - rs.- A v
1 Cmmnittees: Defense, Raymond haner, o55 Camp Street. . lu
;i Pur ose: En endor patriotism Americanism and fellewshio. D·
_ _ .> .1. J .1. . _
;i R
E Normal Civic Activities:Three School Boy Patrolsg St. Vincent DePaul, St. C
_f Elizabeth, St.Beniface. Chairman, Robert W. Linker, 1522 East Breckinridge L
»_ Street. Erected monument in St. Michael's Cemetery for deceased veterans of A
- World liar #1.
A, 1,,
F `‘`i l a
a Defense Activities: Interested in Auxiliary Fire Protection, First Aid. P
I ` A
.e . . M
u. Local Publications: None.
¥§ —- . I
5 Auxiliary). Founded 1921. President, Irs. H. C. Snydvr, 2655 Newman Street, I
a Ashland. Term expires July, 1945. Seeretary—Treasurer, Miss Louise U. Brawn- 1
F: , 1- —·-· r, ,- . . .
Q er, /08 wilson Street, Frankiort. Telephone 1502. Term indefinite. E
,k_ _
- 5 -
of Kentucky; National American Legion Auxiliary), 40ll Spring Hill Road. Found-
ed l937. President, Mrs. Everett Roles, 40ll Spring Hill Road. TA 7629. Secre-
tary, Mrs. Lee S. Walker, Anchorage. Telephone Anchorage 200. Terms expire
September, 1945.
Membership: 7. Qualifications, wives of members of the Highland Post of the
American Legion.
Committees: Americanism, Mrs. G. F. Dwyer, Bashford Manor Lane; Child Welfare,
las. Marion Mills, l8l2 Rutherford Avenue; Hospitalization, Mrs. Everett Roles,
40ll Spring Hill Road.
Purpose: Fellowship and assistance to the Highland Post of American Legion.
Normal Civic Activities: Child welfare and hospitalization.
Defense Activities: Interested in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings,
Red Cross Assistance, Child Care.
u Local Publications: Ngng,
War Memorial Auditorium. Founded 1922. President, Hrs. Louis E. Schneeberger,
924 Greenleaf Road. MA 2786-RL Corresponding Secretary, Hrs. C. B. Figge, 4500
Taylor Boulevard. FR 2352. Recording Secretary, Mrs. A. L. Eubank, l7lO Chich-
ester. HI 5544-WL Terms expire June, l945.
Nhmbership: 245. Open to Wife, daughter or sister of World War veteran. `
Committees: None reported.
Purpose: Service to World War veterans and the community. "
Normal Civic Activities: Red Cross, Community Chest, Cancer Drive, Veterans
· Administration.
Defense Activities: Engaged in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings,
*"’!¥T"""*"'T"?-. vw . N . <'— . . -.- . · .
Red Cross Assistance, First Aid, rmnily Social ¤ervice in industrial Areas,
Collection of Scrap Metals and Other Metals, Recreation, Collecting Books,
Literacy Classes for Aliens and Others, Tzaching Lmericanization Classes for
Aliens and Others. Interested in Air Raid Warden Service, Civilian Aircraft
‘** • . . . . - ' . .
W&TD1ngSeyvjq%gmbul&nCgService, Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Preparation _
and Serving of Food, Operation of Canteens, Child Care, Discussion Leaders,
Public Speaking, Interpreting, Research Assistance, Typing and Other Clerical
Assistance, Interviewing.
` Local Publications: None.
~liERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY, SHATHEQ UNIT=#l95(National American Legion Auxiliary),
lO5l South Twenty-eighth Street. Founded 1956. President, Mrs. Henry Richardson,
l8$5 Burwell. SH 2528. Secretary, Mrs. Matt Hillcrich, 2624 Greenwood AVODUG•
SH 5698-U. Terms expire l943. _ _ _
A ii;
- 6 -
r‘ American Legion Auxiliary, Shawnee Unit #l93(C0ntinued) Q
Membership: 150. Qualifications, mother, wife or daughter of a member of the »_ E
U American Legion. `
Committees: Sewing and Bandages, Mrs. Walter Ruh, 2201 Burwell Avenue; First Q Z
Aid, Mrs. William H. Stockton, 1051 South Twenty-eighth Street; Civilian De- A
fense, Mrs. Henry Richardson, 1855 Burwell Avenue; Service Club, Mrs. Mary , 3
j Stammerman, 4210 Vermont Avenue. ° P
Purpose: Stimulation of patriotic Americanism and aid to the American Legion. I
Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with Red Cross, Service Clubs and Marine 1
and Waverly Hills Hospitals.
. I
= Defense Activities: Engaged in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Sewing and 1
Preparation of Surgica1`Dressings, Red Cross Assistance, Collection of Scrap {
Metals and Other Metals, Entertainment, Teaching Americanizations Classes for A A
‘ Alien and Others, Typing and Other Clerical Assistance. Training for First '
Q Aid. Interested in Air Raid Warden Service, Operation of Canteens, Family 1 _
li Social Service in Industrial Areas, Child Care, Recreation. _
L Local Publications: None. _
,1 AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY, VICTORY UNIT(American Legion Auxiliary, Depart-
Q; ment of Kentucky), 1525 Sale Avenue. Founded 1921. President, Mrs. Elizabeth
§ Nortqf, 1525 Sale Avenue. FR 1205. Secretary, Ienahagruder, 208 west Collins A
Court. MA 1518-M. Executive Secretary, Catherine Tillers, 1846 Iytle Street. i
SH 6590-J. Terms expire July, 1945. __
if ` ‘
tg Membership: 40. Open to mother, wife, sister or daughter of a veteran of __
{ World Mar I.
)` _q>mnitteeS: Child Welfare, Esther Kastan, 2156 Cerfederate Place; Defense
g Activities, Mrs. Catherine Brown, 2507 Wibben Avenue. .
je Purpose: To promote better citizenship, national defense and civic improve-
L`; IT1€D.`t•
E Nomnal Civic Activities: Cooperating with Federal and State Health Agencies
`; in promoting Better community health. Blood donor lists being prepared in
1; cooperation with E} P. A. ~
it Defense Activities: Interested inHospita1 and Clinical Assistance, Sewing
4 and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Preparation and Serving of Food, Op-
Q eration of Canteens, Child Care, Collecting Books.
g Local Publications: None.
Lg Department of Kentucky), St, Hatthews. Founded 1951. President, Mrs. Fred
E Hloesattel, 1800 Fernwood Avenue.`HI 1560-W} Secretary, hrs. Clarence J.
ii Ctte, 257 Produce Avenue. TA 1959. Terms expire July, 1945.
American Legion Auxiliary, Zachary Taylor Unit(Continued)
Membership: 96, including 25 Junior members. Qualifications, wife, mother,
sister or daughter of American Legion Member.
Committees: National Defense, Americanism, Community Service, Child Welfare,
Rational Emergency. Chairman not apponited for 1942-1945.
Purpose: To assist the American Legion, promote better citizenship, American-
imn and national defense.
Normal Civic Activities: Aid to Red Cross, Bundles for Britain, Goodwill Ind-
ustries and campaign against tuberculosis; sponsor children's parties; furnish
’ flags to schools.
Defense Activities; Engaged in Child Care, Collection of Scrap Metals and other
metals, Recreation, Collecting Books. Interested in Hospital and Clinical
Assistance, Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Red Cross Assistance,
- First Aid, Preparation and Serving of Food, Operation of Canteens, Entertainment,
Typing and Other Clerical Assistance.
Local Publications: None.
Founded 1959. President, Mrs. Carl Herbold, 509 Glendora Street. SH 4879-M.
Secretary,'Mrs. Henry WL Richardson, 1855 Burwell Street. Sh 2528. Terms ex-
pire Agfil, 1945.
F Membership: 55. Qualifications, mother, sister, wife or daughter of disabled
World Har veteran. . _
__ Purpose: To look after veterans and their families at any time they need
Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with Red Cross and all private groups.
J Defense Activities: Engaged in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Sewing
and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Red Cross Assistance, Child Care,
Training for Red Cross Assistance.
Local Publications; "Forget—Me-Not Magazine"(monthly). _
LADIES OF THE GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC(Grand Army of the Republic), 5140
Del Park Terrace. Founded 1865. President, Mrs. Mabel McClain, 5140 Del Park
Terrace. SH 2024. Secretary, Mrs. Pearl Reister, 105 West Woodlawn Avenue.
FR 4725. Terms expire January, 1945.
Membership: 65. Qualifications, blood kin of Civil War veteran,
Committees: Defense, Hrs. Ida Ashby, 1507 Bardstown Road; Social, Mrs. Mary
King, 2902 Alford Avenue; Membership, Hrs. Jeannette Hatfield, 245 East Market
.. 3 - l
Ladies of the Grand Army of The Repub1ic(Continued) ,
.. 1
T Purpose: Social and fraternal.
, K
Normal Civic Activities: Child Welfare. , T
v Defense Activities: Interested in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dress-
ings, Red Cross Assistance, Family Social Service in Industrial Areas, Child [
Care. I
Y Local Publications: None. r
Founded 1885. President, Mrs. S. M. Cartmill, 628 South Thirty-fifth Street.
F SH 5251. Secretary, Mrs. Isabelle Riancho, 628 South Thirty—fifth Street. I
Terms expire January, 1945. National Executive, Mrs. R. V. Love, 2205 Alta j
” Avenue. HI 5285. 4
Membership, 50. Qualifications, female relatives of Union veterans of Civil {
dar and all loyal women of the United States. I
€· Com ittees: National Defense, Mrs. R. V. Love, 2205 Alta avenue; Hospital, I
~ Mrs. Carl J. Bott, 2502 Winston avenue; Tblfare, Mrs. Elizabeth Apel, 212 ‘
x North Thirty-fourth Street; Patriotic,“Mrs. Carl Herbold, Glendora Avenue; (
K Community Service, Mrs. Ada G. Koehler, 219 North Thirty-fifth Street. $
[1 Purpose: Patriotic,educational, hospital and welfare work. I
E Normal Civic Lctivities: Presenting flags, veterans rehabilitation, child j
Ymlf&F0· Cooperating with Red Cross. `
Q Defense Activities: Engaged in Teaching mnericanizatien Classes for nliens ;
5Y and Others, Family Social Service in Industrial nreas, Collection of Scrap — '
; Metals and Other Metals, Discussion Loaders, Public Speaking, Typing and _
l Other Clerical Assistance, Interviewing, Consumer Protection Activities. ,
Il Local Publications: None. M .
G Vhr Veterans), Cherokee Hall, Seventeenth and Market Streets. Founded 1900.
H President, Mrs. Lmelia Featon, 448 South Thirty-second Street. SH 2070-W}
Ap Secretary, Mrs. Dorothy Otterbach, Cherokee Hall, Seventeenth and Market
»; Streets. Executive Secretary, Mrs. Sallie Mae Cartmill, 628 South Thirty-
Q fifth Street. SH 5251. Terms expire January, 1945.
I Membership: 55. Open to relatives of Spanish War veterans. `
E Committees: Defense, Sally Mae Cartmill, 528 South Thirty-fifth Street.
ei `—"_"`-"_` ‘ ' l
Q . . . an
lg Purpose; To provide assistance to Spanish har veterans.
Q .
.. 9 ..
United Spanish War Veterans, Colonel Morris B. Belknap Auxiliary¤%7(Continucd)
Normal Civic Activities: Members act as chaperone for girls on trips to Fort
Knox and Service Club dances, Child Welfare, Hospital work, National Defense
Legislation and Americanism.
1> . _. . . . , . . , .
la Defense Activities: Engaged in Red Cross Assistance, Entertainment, Recreation,
Collecting'Boeks. Training for Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Red Cross
Assistance, Operation of Canteens, Child Care, Entertainment, Recreation, Coll-
ecting Books. Interested in Ambulance Service, Blood Donors.
Local Publications: None.
iary; United Spanish War Veterans), Moose Hall, 1545 South Fourth Street. MA
4511. Founded 1927. President, Hrs. Vuna Hart, 2117 West Oak Street. SH 5849-M.
_ Secretary, Mrs. Cora Stasel, 1114 South Twenty-sixth Street. SH 8571. Executive
ll Secretary, Mrs. Myrtle Wilson, Route #:2, Box 820. FR 6948. Terms expire Jan-
uary, 1945.
Membership; 90. Open to wife or female relatives of Spanish Dar Veterans.
Committees: Hospital, Mrs. Lizzie Apel, 212 North Twenty—;fourth Strcot;Chi1d ·
Tblfare, Mrs. Lillie Smith, 1008 South Twenty~second Street.
Purpose; Teach patriotism and aid families of Spanish Ear Veterans.
Normal Civic Activities: Child Welfare, Hospital work, National Defense Legis-
lation and Americanism.
Defense Activities: Enaaved in Red Cross Assistance Entertainment, Recreation
I La L> ,9 -’
Collecting Books. Training for Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Red Cross
~ · . -, ... . .
assistance, Operation of tanteens, Chile Care, Entertainment, Recreation, Coll-
ecting Books. Interested in Ambulance Service, Blood donors.
Local Publications: None. A ` _
l. _- .-- ,.,,, ,.- - .1 .2,, ,. 1 . , rj - . . _.- . _·
Sapnish War Veterans), Noose Hall., 1545 South Fourth Street, l§l45l1. Founded
1914. President, Anna Stewart, 5955 lestern Parkway. SH 8181. Secretary, Minnie
Ybllman, SOO South Thirty—fourth Street. SH 2089-YL Executive Secretary, Mary
R. Truman, 1925 Princeton Drive. HI 4341. Terms expire January, 1945. y
Membership: 125. Open to wives and female relatives of Spanish Nar veterans.
Committees: Executive, hrs. Dolores Schaffer, 976 Barret Avenue.
Purpose: To help their cenrades and dependents.
Normal Civic Activities: Red Cross, Sewing,E§ntertaining soldiers at Louisville
Service Club and Fort Knox, Child Tklfare, Hospital work.
. E
-..].0 -
United Spanish War Veterans Louisville Auxiliary #5(Continued) l V
.~ F
Defense Activities: Engaged in Red Cross Assistance, Entertainment, Rccre~ A R
ation, Collecting Books. Training for Hospital and Clinical assistance, T
. Operation of Cantcens, Child Care, Entertainment, Recreation, Collecting _ p
7 Books. Interested in Ambulance Service. Blood Donors. ’ A
.“ M
Local Publications: None. A _
1 E
erans of Foreign Wars), c/o Michael Gilligan, 1214 Union Avenue. WA 2961. `
Founded 1899. Department Commander, William Sangstcr, 1214 Union Avenue. WA N
2961. Department Adjutant, Michael Gilligan, 1214 Union Avenue. WA 2961. I `
Department Quater Master, Louis L. Myer, 424 Philadelphia Street, Covington. D
Terms expire June, 1945. _
‘ ‘ I 1
Membership: 9,000. Qualifications, active foreign service with U. S. Armed —
‘ V
Committees: National Defense, Robert B. Leufer; Americanism, F. C. Schneider; R
3 Poppy Sales, LeRoy Omer; Employment, H. H. Jeffries, all of Louisville: Leg- 2
islative, Daniel L. Starncs; Membership, Leo H. Douglas, both of Covington. n
‘ T
E. Purpose: Comfadship, Americanism and pcrpetuation of memory of those who
{ gave their lives on foreign soil ar sea in time of snr. Q
by Normal Civic Activities: Welfare of disabled veterans and their fmnilies, Q
5 child welfare and Americanism.
Defense Activities: None reported. —
, "`"_"—"”`*`**"` R
f` Local Publications: None. ‘ _ ‘
;— E
{ VETERANS OF FOREIGN UiRS, BEARGRASS POST #il70(Nationa1 Veterans of Foreign Q
Q Wars), St. Matthews. Founded 1959. Commander, T. E. McDonald, 115O South
[ Twenty-eighth Street. SH 5541. Adjutant, John T. Croebue, 1215 Ellison Avenue.
;‘ Quater Faster, Stanford Thompson, 107 Blackburn Road. TA 7255. Terms expire V
ij April, 1945. K
tf Membcrshipg Qualifications: Active foreign service in the U} S. Armed Forces. R
{ Committees: None. r
t Purpose; Assistance to veterans and their families. E
Q Normal Civic Activities: Community service and rehabilitation of veterans. E
E Defense Activities: lone reported. E
g Local Publications: None. - E
` l 1
li I
- ll -
Foreign Wars), Queen and Central Avenues. Founded 1928. Commander, Thomas
Robert, 4517 Tavelle Street, Camp Taylor. Adjutant, George Halton, 4945 South
Third Street. Quarter Master, Grover C. Bowers, 151 Garrett Street. Terms ex-
pire April, 1945. ‘ - ’ ‘
Membership:`Qualifications: Active foreign service with U. S. Armed Forces.
Committees: None.
Purpose: Assistance to veterans and their families.
K Normal Civic Activities: Promotion of Americanism.
1- Defense Activities: None reported.
Local Publications: None.
VETERANS OF FOREIGN MARS, FALLS CITY POST·#l854(National Veterans of Foreign
2r; Mars , Shelb and Market Streets. Founded 1951. Commander RobertIJ. Holden
I 3
g- 2412 Sherry Drive. FA 8545-J. Adjutant, Bland H. Garrett, Sr., 855 East Tal-
. nut Street. TM.5l77. QU&Pt€Fl&1ster, LeRoy Omer, 1066 East Kentucky Street.
Terms expire April, 1945. ‘ _
Membership: Qualifications: Active foreign service in U. S. Armed Forces.
Committees: None. l
Purpose: Assistance to veterans and their families.
Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with worthy community enterprises.
Defense Activities: None reported.
1 Local Publications: None.
VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS, FARMERS POST #5705(Nationa1 Veterans of Foreign
USPS), Buechel. Founded 1957. Commander, Oscar L. Hughes. R. R.-#2 Buechel.
Adjutant, Louis P. Kaolin, R. R. ji, Buochol.Quarter Master, B. C. Buford,
S. R. R. #1, Joffersontown. Terms expire April, 1945. ‘
Membership: Qualifications: Active foreign service with U. S. Armed Forces.
Committees: None.
Purpose: Assistance to veterans and their families.
Nomnal Civic Activities: