Domestic Violence Panel continued Pride Center Video Sale
There will be mental health pro- GLSO will be selling many gay
fessionals present to offer help to any— related videos, as well as some general
one who feels a need to talk about videos and DVDs, at the Center during
their reactions. The panel is spon- the week of April 6 through April 12.
sored by the OUTSource Center and If you have any to donate, bring them
the UK GSA- in. We want to get these out of the way
before yard sale items begin to arrive.
Softball Team
The Heifers and Used Cows is a Lexmgton P1 lde Festlv312009
lesbian women's softball team that Stonewall Lives
plays softball in the Lexington Parks Saturday, June 27 in Cheapside
and Recreation leagues. The spring Park, downtown Lexington. G0 to
season opens With the first game being for information. If
held the first week oprrll. We play at you are interested in volunteering the
the Athens—Boonesborough fields Off day of the festival, you can contact
of Richmond Road on Tuesday nights- Ondine at 859 368-4438 or laexi—
The times of the games vary. Practices
are held two to three times a week, The winner of the logo design
depending on the weather. contest is Anthony Mejean. See his
New players are always welcome, design as it will look on the T-shirt on
as are cheerleaders and fans. For more page 7. We hope to start selling them
information you can contact Andi in May.
Anderson via e-mail at an— The wristbands will go on sale soon. They will give you special dis-
counts during the month of June at
TransKentucky several establishments!
Last year’s festival created visibil—
TransKentucky meets on the fimt ity and raised awareness for the GLBT
Saturday of each month at 7:30pm. community like few other events in
9:10“ :P en at 7' We are 8 sup port, so— Lexington have. It was one of the most
Cl ’ an . resource group. at mission is diverse events Lexington has ever seen
to prov1de a safe place for transgender Help us make the 2009 festival even
individuals. better
We include cross dressers, trans- '
sexuals, gender queers, intersexuals, and I .d Th. N l
others who do not fit the standard gen- 1181 e 18 CW8 etter
der norms or who are questioning their Fairness Wra —U a e 8
gender. Supportive allies are also wel— GLSO N P l'P P g 8
come d. ews on me page
Meetings are free and you may dress Helena’s Spotlight page 17
' however you feel comfortable. This is Thanks from lggie page 18
not a therapy group. For info and place Tran in Iran P e 19
contact s ag
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