xt754746sx6n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt754746sx6n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-04-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 26, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 26, 1974 1974 1974-04-26 2020 true xt754746sx6n section xt754746sx6n The Kentucky Kernel

Vol. LXV No. 157
Friday, April 26, 1974

an independent student newspaper

University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY. 40506


Committee hears Red River Dam arguments

.’ . _,. a

Kernel Staff Writer

WASHINGTON, DC. — Supporters and opponents of the proposed Red
River Dam and Reservoir testified before the Senate and House Ap-
propriations Subcommittee here Thursday about the necessity of the $30
million project.

Among those speaking against the dam during the morning Senate session
and the afternoon House hearing was one UK student. two UK professors,
and Senator Marlow Cook.

Senator Walter “Dee" Huddleston and Representative Carl Perkins led th
group of proponents which consisted of Clay County Farmers and elected

SHELLEY GRIFFITH. commissioner of physical environment for UK
Student Government. briefly outlined the position of students on the con-
troversial issue and explained some fallacies of the proposal.

“University of Kentucky students are concerned because it would destroy
a unique recreational and educational area and would displace 55 families,"
she said.

The three major reasons for building the dam ~ flood control. water
supply and increased recreation facilities — were reviewed by UK biology
professor Robert Kuehne.

”ALTHOl'GH THE revtsed site spares two miles of the gorge, it inundates
five miles of the lower gorge,“ he said.

Kuehne said he was not among the environmentalists who favored the
upstream site when it was offered in 1971.

Another UK professor. David Richardson. economics. testifed about the
economics of the project and charged that the US. Army Corps of Engineers
used inaccurate figures.

RICHARDSON SAID he and another UK professor had closely studied the
Corps figures used in the draft environmental impact statement. He ex-
plained that if current interest rates were used in figuring the benefit-cost
ratio. it would be less than H.

If the benefit cost ratio were less than 1-1 the federal government would
lose money on the overall project. No federal public works project, such as
the dam, can berecommended if the ratio is less than 1-1.

Cook, the only Kentucky congressman to voice opposition to the dam, said
the overwhelming opposition and the lack of proper justification are the
reasons he took the position.

“I DOUBT seriously that the project can withstand close scrutiny on its
technical merits. The case against the project is air tight and we now have a
chance to win a victory for the people over government,” he said.

Cook requested the project be discontinued immediately and that neither
committee recommend the requested $200,000 fiscal year 1975 ap-
propriations. Cook publicly denounced the project in a statement Wed—

His opponent in the current 0.8. senate raes, Kentucky Gov. Wendell
Ford, came out in favor of the project shortly after Cook’s position was


(‘ontinued on page I6

News In Brlet


0 Vet enrollment up

0 Jury decision

0 Activist questioned

sFind new way
elnvestigations cut

0 Today's weather...

0 WITH A SIGNIFICANT increase in the
number of veterans attending UK over the
past two years, an official with the
Veteran’s Affairs Office said the veteran
enrollment is up to approximately 1400 and
that enrollment for veterans‘ dependants
is up from 500 to 600.

Linda Anderson, director of VAO. said
she believed this is partly dur to the in-
creased benefit payments which became
effective two years ago and to the ter-
mination of American involvement in

She also estimated 90to 95 per cent of the
veterans work part-time or full time jobs
to supplement their benefit payments.

0 NEW YORK —— The conspiracy case
against former Atty. General John Mit-
chell and onetime Commerce Secretary
Maurice Stans went to a federal court jury
Thursday after a 10-week trial—the first
criminal prosecution of former Cabinet
members in nearly 50 years.

lfthe Army Corps of Engineers dam proposal for the Red River Gorge region
proceeds as planned. parts of the Red River and tributar) streams will be
transformed into a lake. (Kernel staffphoto by John Metcalfe)

The jury of nine men and three women
got the case at 4:55 pm. EDT after four
men and one woman alternates were

0 SAN FRANCISCO — Two young
women activists appeared before a federal
grand jury investigating the $10,000 bank
robbery in which kidnaped heiress
Patricia Hearst says she took part of her
own free will.

Cynthia Garvey. 23. and Janet Cooper.
26, appeared under subpoena to be
questioned about any contact they may
have had with members of the terrorist
Symbionese Liberation Army, which
claims it abducted Miss Hearst Feb. 4.

0 WASHINGTON — The House Ap-
propriations (‘ommittee warned that ”it
will be essential that the American
people continue and expand their energy
conservation“ and it urged that the
government spend $2.27 billion to find new
ways to conserve energy.

The money recommended for research
and development during the next fiscal
year starting July 1 would be 70 per cent
more than is being spent in the current

0 WASHINGTON — The House im-
peachment inquiry staff reported Thur-
sday that it is concentrating its in-
vestigation on the major Watergate
allegations and President Nixon‘s tax

The staff told the House Judiciary
Committee that it is halting its inquiries
into 15 of the 56 original allegations
against the President.

...warm er

it will be partly cloudy today as a
warming trend moves in through Satur-

Thehigh today will be in the low 70‘s, the
low tonight in the upper 40‘s and the high
Saturday will be in the mid 70‘s.



The Kentucky Kernel

Published bvvtie Knot Press inc lean ”new in Mamie“ cautiously
as The Kumachv W since ms. The K“ Pr. his. cum MI. Third d‘
”armada“. Ky “a. wimthmmm Me..-
the universityet Kandy cm. MUM. run “a. lens berm-"rum
misleading Whit. me be nun-e I new

Steve Swift, Edna-inflict

'Good guy' awards

State legislators William Kenton and Joe Graves
receive this week's Ralph Nader good guys award"
for their efforts requesting an investigation of
unusually high Ashland Oil Co. gasoline prices in the
Lexmgton area.

The two conducted a survey of several service
stations on April 14 and released results that showed
Ashland prices ranged from five to 11 cents higher
than competitors.

One Ashland representative explained to the
lawmakers that the prices were temporarily higher
than other companies because Ashland had pur-
chased between 2.8 and 3 million barrels of crude oil
from Iran at high prices.

Kenton and Graves. however. believe the company
should abosrb the high cost of the gasoline instead of
passing unfair prices on to consumers. They also

question how the company can ethically put up such a
high price when reporting earning increases of 28. 4
per cent in 1973. over those of 1972.

. Both men deserve thanks for keeping an eye peeled
or big business practices which tend to shortchange

Worth reading



"This Administration has proved it is utterly in—
capable of cleaning out the corruption which has
completely eroded it and re—establishing the con-
fidence and faith ofthe people in the morality and
honesty of their government employes. The in-
vestigations which have been conducted to
date...have only scratched the surface. For every
case which is exposed. there are 10 which are suc-
cessfully covered up and even then this ad-
ministration will go down in history as the 'scandal-a-
day Administration.’

"It is typical of the moral standards of the Ad-
ministration that when they are caught red-handed
with payoff money in their bank accounts the best
defense they can give is that they won the money in a
poker game. a crap game. or by hitting the daily

“A new class of royalty is being created in the
l iiited States and its princes of privileges and payoffs
, (‘lllflt‘tl the racketeers who get concessions on their
filillllt' taxe cases. the insiders who get favorite
' t.illlll‘lll on government contracts. the influence
,u ‘lfllt'l'\ \'.lll keys to the White House. the govern-

«iii i-iiipln} e who uses his position to feather his
' ml the great tragedy. however. is not that
-Hl l iiiiiinn cysts but that itis degended and condoned
ti} lllt‘ l'l’t‘sfllt‘nl and other high Administration of-
iii-ials “V have had corruption defended by those in
high places If they won't recognize or admit that
corruption exists. how can we expect them to clean it

—Nov. 13.1951—Sen. Richard M. Nixon in his
denunciation of the Truman Administration at the
Hotel Statler. Boston.

edito rials represent the opinions 0! the editofl.- not the university

‘ ‘
’~,—:? rx’I‘l a.
. ‘4




Letters to the Kernel




Fun, sun, and excitement

Fun, sun, excitement, and
prizes. all for a good cause.
Here‘s your chance to help in the
fight to conquer cancer. and have
a good time doing it.

Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity
is assisting the American Can-
cer Society in sponsoring the
University of Kentucky Bike-a-
Thon. The all-day event will t’ he
place Sunday April as. from 9
a.m.-6 pm. Come out to Com-
monwealth Stadium anytime
Sunday. and ride for fun and
enjoyment. Refreshments will be
provided for the riders.

If you are interested in riding.
sponsor sheets are available at
the LXA House. the Student
Government Office. and at most
of the residence hall desks.

If you cannot ride. but would
like to sponsor a rider, give us a
call at 258-5077. Your support and
participation will be greatly

Bill Wessell
Lambda Chi Alpha


There‘are those whom are out
to destroy our faith and trust in
vitamins. My friends and I have
been taking vitamins for years. I
owe it to vitamins that I have the
endurance and stamina I now

Doctors have argued in the past
that if people would eat the
proper food they wouk'l have all
the vitamins they need. This is
another medical fallacy because
food processing plants take much
of the nutrition and vitamins out
of food =i.e. — artificial coloring
and flavoring for the sake of
commercial reasons i.

Man is the only creature on this
planet that cooks his food and in
the process he removes the
nutrients before he even begins to
eat. So. it is only natural that man
should have a vitamin sup-
plement with his diet. Doctors
have the fear that vitamins will
steal their patients from them
and this will cost the doctors a

This past year. Columbia
University has proven in ex-
periments that lack of some

proteins in the diet can lead to
psychosis. In the studies of the
diets of ghetto children. it has
been found that lack of proper
nutrition was responsible for
many mental disorders as well as

There is also the weak
argument of taking too many
vitamins. but too much of
anything is not good. food. sun-
shine. and other good things.
Doctors have been afraid for
years that Vitamin E would take
the market as an aphrodisiac.

It has been proven that Vitamin
C helps remove colds. and zinc
supplement tablets are conducive
for prostrate problems in the
male. How many doctors suggest
that a patient resort to vitamins?
These are few and far betweeri
besides vitamins are good for
everyone from eight to eighty.

I observe many people eating
white bread and it is made from
cheap. bleached flour. I do not eat
bread unless it isdark bread; this
is where the true vitamins are
found. The Roman Emperor and
philosopher Marcus Aurieluis
said "For good health is better
than gold. silver or diamonds.“

Richard C. Ditscli


Any UK student worth his
weight in bluegrass cannot be
oblivious to the fact that the
derby is approaching. And to
heighten the usual fervor with
which it is annually anticipated.
this year marks its loah an-
niversary. We should feel pretty
lucky to be so close to Louisville
at this time ofyear. since people
travel from all over the world to
attend this monumental event.

Though convenient as it may
be. how many students will have
to pass up this historical (not to
mention fun) occasion because of
a final exam the following
Monday” While royalty.
celebrities and out-of—towners
enjoy the derby. native Ken~
tuckians can't attend because of
the finals schedule.

The argument could be raised
that the "diligent" student can
study beforehand. thereby

arranging his schedule to allow
for taking May 4 off. Any ex-
perienced student knows how
hectic and tul that last week
before finals is. with end-of-
semester papers and tests. Every
minute counts. and to ignore this
fact and go to the derby with
finals the day afta' you return
can significantly hurt

It seems to me that the state's
major university could arrange
to accommodate for this event.
Other state universities and
colleges dismiss classes for
holidays and holy days when UK
students go to school. leg. EKL’
is free on Washington‘s birthday
and Good Friday.) Couldn't the
University of Kentucky have an
extended weekend for the rim-
ning of the derby?

As complicated as scheduling
already is. it seems that the
Kentucky Derby could be allowed
for' Why not return one day
earlier from Christmas vacation.
or endclassesone day sooner?! It
is. I believe. a reasonable and
plausible suggestion that ad-
ministrators should consider in
the future.

Sloan McKinney


As this academic year draws to
a close. I‘d just like to thank all
you cool efficient secretaries. all
you upright administrators. all
you noble blinded judges. all you
rude. obscene students and any
other supporters of our
discrimination and oppression.
And I hope that each and every
one of you has a queer child. or
that you spend your golden years
being blackmailed by some sleek
young man who'll spend all your
hard earned money on drugs and
corruption. or. I hope that you're
beaten to a pulp some balmy
spring night by some in iddleclass
high school thug. with a cute face.
Maybe after such an intimate
occurence you‘ll understand
what it is that we‘ve been talking
about around here.
Peter J. Taylor

















Nicholas Von Hoffman

Hove bonkers stepped the dollar exodus?

CHICAGO - Down to slightly
more than half of the no million
in deposits the bank once had. the
officers of South Shore National
here think they've stopped the
dollar exodus from their com-
munity. For awhile, however, it
looked as if the bait itself was
going to join the whites
streaming out of this formerly
wealthy area on the shores of
Lake Michigan.

It had made application with
the Controller of the Currency in
Washington to move downtown
into the new 80story Standard Oil
Building in the Loop. The desire
to get out didn't make the South
Shore Bank unique. On the city's
West Side. 300.000 blacks live
without a single bank.

IN GENERAL. Chicago‘s
banks may have redlined the
entire city. It is estimated. by a
few of the subversive types who
try to research these things. that
this city has a “disinvestment
rate" of 80 per cent. If true. that
means 80cents outofevery dollar
deposited in a Chicago bank is
invested outside the city.

You can get some confirmation
of that in the April issue of
Fortune magazine. where
Chicago‘s Continental Bank has a
two-page color ad boasting where
it and its holding-company
affiliates have provided real
estate financing. Only two of 18
projects mentioned are in the
state of Illinois. The rest are in
Texas. California. Toronto.
Montreal. Nova Scotia. Hawaii.
etc. etc.

All of this takes on an ad-
ditional irony when you
ieiiieiii‘uer 'u'ie iiaiiunai TV ad
campaign the industry has going.
glorifying your local. neigh-
borhood. "fullservice bank."
They show us example after
example of how a bank was able
to save a small. usually rural.
dying community

THE NEW management began
by abandoning banker’s hours
and staying open late enough to
accommodate the new population
with its high percentage of
working wives as well as
husbands. The 20-deep lines at
the tellers' windows were done
away with. and a major effort is
now underway to let the new folks
know the bank hasn‘t given up on
them and is genuinely soliciting
their business.

IT WOL'LD be interesting to
know how many urban com-
munities the banks may have
helped kill off by withdrawing
exactly the same services they
tell us are so indispensable.

They are indeed indispensable;
for the banking institutions.
besides lending other people‘s
money. are the unique and sole
conduits the government uses in
the creation of credit — that is.
apportioning out the all-
important borrowing power by
which everything does or does not
happen. That is why the decision
of the South Shore bank to stay in
what is now an 80 per cent black
community couki be important.

For it to happen. the bank had
to be sold to a group headed by
Ronald Grzywinski. a Chicago
banker with a record for making
his bank live up to its advertising.
The down payment was provided
by foundab'ons and a couple of
wealthy men who don't care to
maximize their profits. The rest
of the flaming of the total 83.2
million price was provided by the
billiondollar American National

Grzywinsiti. the white board
chairman. and Milton Davis. the
black president. have been going
through the neighborhood. at-
tending coffee meetings and
wine-and-cheese parties set up on
a block-by-block basis. to reach
prospective depositors.

Such forthright and friendly
behavior on the part of bankers is
as unheard of as it is welcome,
but whether it will work to save
the bank or the community is
another question. While there are
still a number of quite well-to-do
whites in the choicest lake-front
sections. the blacks coming in
don’t have the purchasing power
of the former inhabitants.

IF YOL‘ ignore inflation, the
dollar income of the area has held
steady for a number of years,
but. on the average. rents eat up
35 per cent of aftertax income.

In addition. Chicago, like most
other cities. still prefers to put its
dough into showy glamor
projects rather than the more-
ordinary efforts needed to en-
courage people to make small,
neighborhood investments. The
bank hopes it can generate
enough money so that. through a
non-profit firm owned by the
bank’s holding company, it can
make up for the deficiencies of
capital from the public sector.

This is a tall order for one
medium-size bank, no matter
how creatively run. Returning
the bank to a condition of high

growth and profitability would be
quite an accomplishment. even
without saving the community.

TOO MANY ideas have been
oversold as city savers. But in a
period when the government
offers no hope and no one has
hope in the government. the
South Shore Bank is one of the
few promising ideas around.

Nicholas Von Hoffman is a
columnist for King Features

Grab your sweetheart
and head for the Gorge


Itfinally appeals that this year's strong-
willed winter has given in to the coming of
another spring. It’s time to grab your
sweetheart and head for the Gorge (before
it goes; for a fun-filled weekend of cam-
ping and hiking and mingling with the
beauty of the landscape. Or maybe.
because of coming exams or papers which
must be written. you can only afford to

commune with nature for an afternoon. So ,

you choose to go to High Bridge or Indian

These are the “in“ things to do— but it
must be remembered that there is a
certain amount (1’ skill required in
carrying them out. Many of us believe that
man functions best when removed from
the concrete and placed in a natural en-
vironment. Actually. though we are more
peaceful and happy when contemplating
nature‘s bounty. mist of us function best
on the concrete because that’is what we
have beat socialized to do. Therefore one
should handle going into nature much in
the same way he would prepare for
traveling to a foreign country.

KNOW THE PLACE where you are
going. If you plan to hike. make sure you
are familiar with the terrain. and know

how to climba craggy hill. Get out your old
Scout book and study up on how to make a
fire which will be both effective and safe.
Many other things must be considered.
especially on a weekend outing - un~
perishable foods. pure water. adaptable
clothing. good shoes. etc.

If you plan to get high. you could get into
the "hassle of your life." This time not
with the law. but with you incapacitated
body stumbling around through the
darkness of unfamiliar territory.
v. Remember how many things you have
tripped over when the lights are on?) If
you are not in a clear state of mind. it
follows that danger may indeed be lurking
around every corner. A loo-foot cliff. for
example. or ativer bank. or various other
things which I. in my ignorance of the
wilderness. probably do not even know

SO. NEXT TIME you get the urge to
escape the asphalt jungle. first re-
program yourself to survive the natural
Jungle. Take a course in camping or
survival or ask a friend who has already
developed the skill to pass it on to you.
Then stuff your backpack and get off in the
woods in style





Miss sweat/0W6
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 l—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday. April 26. [974





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John Cooke

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--——-——7 Controversy gushes

from Mobil TV spot

Associated Press Writer

Oil Co. claims in a national
television ad that drilling for oil is
a risky business since only one in
60 wells pays off. But oil industry
statistics indicate results 36
times better.

Data obtained from the
American Petroleum Institute
and from several major oil
companies appears to dispute
Mobil's figures. However. a
spokesman for the oil company
said Mobil would stand by the
television spot.

SOURCES within the Fedr ral
Trade Commission said that at
one time an investigation of the
Mobil ad had been suggested but
said they did not know the
current status of the matter. An
official spokesman for the FTC

would not comment.
The television ad is one of a

number that were produced for
major oil companies during the
worst stages of the energy crisis
to try to explain fuel shortages
and high prices.

Figures compiled by the
American Petroleum Institute
show that of all new wells drilled
worldwide last year, 61.2 per cent
—— or three of every five — was
productive, a record 36 times
better than that claimed in
Mobil’s ad.

Dane Berbach, the advertising
agency that created the Mobil ad,
said the ad did not refer to all
wells dug‘ everywhere in the
world, but only to exploratory
wells. Asked why the ad didn’t
specify exploratory wells, the
executive, Mary McCarthy,

“We couldn‘t explain what an

exploratory well is because the
public wouldn’t understand it.”

Exploratbry drilling,
sometimes called wildcatting, is
searching for oil or gas in new,
untried areas. Production
drilling is the sinking of wells
where reservgs have already
been proved.

THE PUBLIC records of three
oil companies —— including Mobil
—- showed their success rate at
wildcatting considerably higher

than'onein 60, or 1.6 per cent.

Standard Oil of California, the
nation’s fifth largest oil com-
pany, drilled 33 wildcat wells in
the United States last year and
five, or 15 per cent, were
productive. Worldwide, Stan-
dard's success rate was close to

17 per cent.
In 1973, the Exxon Corp., the
world’s largest oil company,

drilled 161 wildcat wells and 23
were commercial successes for a
14.3 per cent success rate.’

MOBIL, the nation’s third
largest oil company, drilled 51
exploratory wells and nine of
them produced for 21.4 per cent
— or better than a on'e-in-five
success rate.

J.A. Gillespie, the Mobil
spokesman, defended the
television ad, saying that both the
CBS and NBC networks had
accepted it on th basis of an API
publication that used the on 9-in-
60 figure.

An API spokesman, J. Speir
Collins, said the figure referred
only to a narrow segment 01 oil

“The figure is way off if you're
talking about all wel‘s drilled
worldwide," he said. “Where the
one~in-6(I figure applies is only for
wildcat drilling in the United
States in brand new fields where
there are no proven oil or gas

reserves ”


Review series featuring, THEY WOULDN’T
LET US DIE. by Stephen Rowen
(recollections at American POW'S).
Reviewed by Sheldon Simon. rescheduled for
Tuesday April n. 10:!) am. in the Gallery
of King Library. NEW WING. Mil.

BRUCE HALL WILL be having his MFA
Exhibition in the Barnhart Gallery,
Reynolds Bldg, UK, an S. Broadway. The
show will open April 23 at 0:00 p.m. and will
run through May 10. Regular gallery hours
are 10:00 o.m.-4:00 p.m., Monday through
Friday. The public is invited. 24m

graduate study or research abroad wider the
FULBRIGHT-HAYS program available now
trom Office for international Program. 110
Bradley Hall, 250-09“. Open to promoting
seniors and graduate students. 24A”

on a closedcourse (Commonwealth
Stadium) 25 miles at test grueling com-
petition. Women’s-Men‘s Divisions. Sat,
April 27, 10:00am. Sponsored by your SCB.




I" i Lune"...


O Delicious Food

O Espresso Coffee
0 Herb Teas



Just Across From
the Commerce Building



Plant Physiology. Proteuor J. E. Varner,
Department of Biology, Washington
Univerlsty, St. Louis. Missouri. "Gib-
berellln Control of 5.19 EM".
Agricultural Science Center North, N-Iz,
April 3. 1914, 4:00 p.m. 24A“.

Chicago will present. VERBATIM, 12 noon.
and TOM SWIFT AND HIS... 8:30 p.m. on
April 29. Guignol Theater. Admission tree.
Sponsored by Student Center Board and
Theater Arts Department. 24A”.

ment bresents Dr. Anthony Greenwald.
professor at social psychology. Ohio State, J
p.m., Kastle 216, April 26, "Consequences ot
Preludice Against the Null Hypothesis."
Retreshments served. 24A”

RUSSIAN CLUB Banquet will be held
Wednesday, May I. For reservations call
Barbara Westley at 255-3932 before Monday.

BLOCK 0. BRIDLE Club present Hunter

Show. Sat. April 27. 9 a.m.. Masterson
Station Park. tntormation: call 272-7957.

academic credit tor study abroad consult
with Study Abroal Adviser, Rm 115,
Bradley Hall. 257-1655, Ottice tor In.
ternational Programs. 24A26

in earning

Center Board is now taking applications for
Travel Committee. Help pian trips tor next
year. Applications Student Center. Room
203. 24A26

Totten. Friday, April 26, 1974. Eighteenth
Iloor POT, 4-6pm. Dr Totten's friends and
associates are cordially invited. was

religious service, meal, Israeli singing and
dancing. Saturday, April 77, 68 p.m. For
more untormation caii Elaine 257 1260. “AN

8 00 pm at the Newman Center, 320 Rose
Lane. (outside. weather permitting) 24AM

EQUINE CLUB: meeting , Cali about
tilms. 26AM.







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Gay lib demonstrators
knock recent court ruling

The first public Gay Lib
demonstration in Lexington
history took place Thursday
afternoon on the Student Center
patio, where UK President Otis
Singletary, Dean of Students
Jack Hall. the judicial system
and the University were “placed
on trial. " The demonstration was
a reply to the recent court ruling
which says the Gay Libbers
cannot be officially recognized as
a campus organization.

The “evidence" against those
on trial was read in turn by dif-
ferent members (1 the small
group. Clauses in various court
documents and statements were
cited as proof that the Gay Lib
supporters are being denied their
Constitutional rights by UK.

IN ONE court document, Dean
Hall was quoted as saying the
organization would be used as a
device to recruit students to
practice homsexuality.

After reading the first Article
of Confederation, member Carey
Junkin, a Tates Creek student,
stated, “Since we are not allowed
to become a student organization,
our rights of freedom of speech
and expression of beliefs are
being abridged."

Statements by Hall and
Singletary. the Constitution and
Hill of Rights. a flag, Bible and
the Student Code of Conduct were
thrown into a pot and burned.
Court documents and
registration papers were in-
cluded in that blaze.

BECAl'Sl-I 0!“ their judgings
on the case. Hall, Singletary, the
judicial system and the
University were found guilty by
the demonstrators. A dummy

representing these forces was
also burned in effigy.

The three-yeareld group will
now take their case to the US.
Supreme Court. J unkin seems to
have no doubts about the result of
this hearing, “We will definitely

win the case in the Supreme
Court, since there have been
precedent cases all over the
country.” He added that it could
be a year or longer before the
case comes up.

Junkin noted the Universities
of Wisconsin, Michigan, Southern
California and Yale, Princeton
and Harvard as schools where
their group has been officially

THOUGH IN its short life the
Gay Lib group has dwindled to
about 20 members, Junkin says
they will continue to fight. “We
may be under a new name next
year,” he said, “but we‘ll still be
here.“ Junkin noted that the
group will probably be known as
the Gay Activist Alliance. “We‘re
going to become militant,” he

“We wish that any student,
faculty member or any other
concerned parties would speak
out against this oppression and
these Mid-Victorian attitudes
toward sexual expression,"
continued Junkin. “Everyone is
urged to do what they can,
especially straights who can get
the most accomplished.”

Misconceptions arise
