xt754746sz5m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt754746sz5m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-10-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 18, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 18, 1982 1982 1982-10-18 2020 true xt754746sz5m section xt754746sz5m so. . ~“““~I
‘ " Autumn night on the gridiron
’ fir h \ UK last 3440 Saturday night, again de-
. laying Jerry Claiborne's first victory as
. I head coach. The game included eight
' Wildcat fumbles. four of which were lost
. to LSU. See page 5 for a photographic
summary of the game.
“M , ,W_~_ ._l
g M,‘ _—______
V°'- lXXXVc NO- 49 Monday. October '8. ,982 An Independent student newspaper University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
ENE ,HN___~__-.E__‘, ,.
Dinkle administrators disa ree on Universit 's role
' g y Police arrest teenager in poisoning threat
m— -' ’ P . . M "I $3:th victims and local merchants to partic- A teen-ager was arrested in Louisville yesterday after au-
SpebcialPro'jects Editor . we .. .\ -' ' . “Right now we don't have anything tangible, thorities received a letter warning that some food products
7" . 5 ' "’ . ciI . but we’re working on it." Tichenor said about had been poisoned.
~M_._ . :55 themeeIting. . . FBI agents arrested a l9-year-old after a grocery store
8P ' ' I": ' He 531d he '5 most 0°"Cemed “ml" the Chgvy received a letter warning that certain foods contained a
l ALauxz‘IeIn Ea ggin‘sfig' steppetd 0f; absidewalk L ED ‘ giggggeghxfigleugoflgox; ‘23:; $2353 poison. Special Agent James Yelvington said Lawrence May-
. an . e was 5 we a car. . - - . .
whigch carried her about 61 feet before she {l ' m” tics. he said there have been more than 1,000 "0", 0‘ JelleFSOMOW” was charged W'lh e’f'°”‘°“-
flipped over its topand hitatelephone pole. iw pedestrian-vehicle accidents on Euclid Avenue Yelvington said a Gateway store received a letter SatuIr-
The accident occurred at the intersection of i lhItIhe last five years. I day stating that some foods were tainted With a neurotoxm
EUClld and Kentucky avenues. on the outskirts There are P901?” th have been "13'de poison. The writer demanded $5,000 in return for identify-
of campus. But it brought home the chances Jill . 23;: caiIiLepleIiIiIxftoIrIIhfe. Tichenor said. Whos ingthefoods, YelengIon said.
(art’s/1:: Elgkgogrilzlltef‘dsthgfeclgsf; week as they U i . Wfien questioned on whether University offi- He 505d the "0‘9 COU'ioned ”‘0' H" You ”1W9ht TY'enoI
Ten pedestrian~vehicle accidents involving cials are fulfilling their responsibilities to pe- was bad you haven't seen anything yet."
' ' ‘ in l d four destrians, he replied. “I don't know. If they Also, in Clearwater, Fla., authorities pulled Lavoris
injuries occurred on campus 981 an . _ I .
so far in 1982. according to campus police. ‘ have. the “W certainly hIasn t- "S (the mouthwash from the shelves of a store after four bottles
These statistics are based on reported me" , l g$:$)h:seg‘ :fgujgrgggée 30:1;nzhaIme were found laced with acid. the latest contamination of a
gig; meaning the actual "Mb." may be - something.“ g consumer product since seven people died from Tylenol
Tom. Padgett, director of UK Public Safety. ‘. . Dinkle forecasts a Iremedy for the pedestrian capsules Containing cyanide.
said the problem of pedestrian safety is worse ' . flirting), I '. safety problem — usmg more signs and Signals _ I I _
on this campus than most because of its loca- - ’jfiélé‘v h—gzy thhi BIIIIdIOfIIl98I2- lie hasdgliacelii thellzslde Israel said pleased Wlth U.S. support
tion in thecenterof town. .‘c-."I , 7'9‘2'34215312’57y, ‘ 3_-.~,:¢‘=' l on S is o prion leS. a ng e is n -
He said the most bazardom areas for pedes— c-. :"f. _; ’ '~§-W§~'H?§ ' , I" ling it himself because an SGA committee . . . .
trians, in order of danger, are Rose Street. Eu- 1234333.: W}; , . JIE-A? wouldonly“bogitdown.“ "L AYW' 'f'f'e' _ The Foreign M'ms'rIY “"1 yés'e'day
clid Avenue and South Limestone Street, three 2- gag; ,. image .' 4.3;: “The pedestrian safety problem is one of the Israel '5 grot'lled by US. support m OPPOS'nQ 'sme" expu"
heavily-used thoroughfares that form the WWW . 51,1-“ . - _ A?!" most seriom problems on campus,I considering sion from the UN. General Assembly and technical confer-
boundaries of main campus. I .173 :4; V' - 7 . ‘ 4&5: the number 0‘ students Wh°_ “de bikes. conSid- ences of the world body.
Padgetthacknowledgedgliet UT‘IerSiFyIIfdmm' 9-.“3’.” ‘ I ' R gefiahzewgmfiluzthfik‘lzsggs and park "Israel is very appreciative and very pleased with the
istration as a responSi my 0 main in pec _,I._:-.. . - - . . . . ., . .
destrian safety on campus and said it has ful- .3“: I _ d.f‘c.(;1:ts up I:heIIi-e VigIth campus crime. financial :anI'Iderican approach to the problem, a ministry spokesman
filled its duty. "- .:- ’ ai . 'sac ie pro em on campus. .
“If we didn’t have traffic lights and cross- ,fiwI ', , RobertIZumwinkle. vice chancellor for stu- Secretary of State George P. Shultz said Saturday that
walks, that‘s a different story.“ he said. "1;? c , " dent affairs. said he believes it is important to Washin ton would withdraw delegations and withhold pay-
th' k d ll “ " make students more aware of pedestrian safe 9 l T .
m we‘ve onea wecan. V ‘ ments to the General Assembly and the Internationa e e-
Jim Dinkle. Student Government Association " . l , i' u ty. . . . . . .
president. said. however. he has found several ,I' :- c {J l’ He views the University‘s role as being that commUT'Icm'oIns Conference In No'rOb' 'f those QrOUpS VO'ed
areas along the edges of campus that could be ‘~ “fur; \ \ of an educator. “I think we have a responsibili- ‘0 expe I5”? ~ . I d
improved by additional traffic markings. . _ ty to assure that reasonable steps are taken for In Nairobi. the balloting on the Algerian-sponsore reso-
He said that, on a four-block tour around /, - - * safety. Also, we have a responsibility to Icau- lution to expel Israel from the communications conference
central ciImTS’ he {Sundrofi bepetdestnaIrIiI saFerty k ”(I)" studentsIfinId OtherImenIiberts 0f the Univer- was scheduled for today. Chief U.S. delegate Michael Gard-
signal.a as ing ye ow lg ween e ine stycommuniyincrossmgsree s. ner said he has sent copies of Shultz's statement to the
' ‘ ‘ d Delta H ‘d th U ' ‘t d ' 'st at'on h
all 832$:gstfr'ogittyl‘ehfulslesorzflaiogg Street. / takfn 5:; Spoiificmslteerlgsl ytoainnsiili'il‘le Ipetliestrijil: heads of all delegations. .
A150. there werenopedestrian “05$th signs. \ safety other than advising residence hall dwell- Arab nations have spearheaded the drive to oust lsrael
In addition. “we desperately "99d a Signal \ ersandsItudent groups tobecauti0i5. in response to the lsraeli invasion of Lebanon to rout Pales-
where students cross near the Student Center ‘ c I ZumwmklIe said. however. that in regard to tinian guerrillas and the massacre of polesfinians by 0mg
and Jewell Hall ton Euclid Avenue), Dinkle the budget.I [would say there are a number of tian militiamen in two Beirut refugee camps
said. “it‘s likea time bomb waiting to explode. ‘ other priorities higher on the list to do any- '
forsomeone to get hurt.” "’ .\ thing Significant to improve the safety situa- _ _
Padgett said he is working with city officials . , . \ tion.“ Gemayel arrives in New York
. to resolve the congestion problem around Icam- -.‘-“ I"; \\ . Padgett also gives the issue a low rankI be-
pus. I“WIe're continuing to work with the City — . ‘ fauss the [tinnt/IeIrSity has “done allIIit cIan. tHe NEW YORK _ Lebanese President Amin Gemayel arrived
trig]cigngllllizdflgt‘orgl:gtl:§(grsetaregl'sobably has J.D.VANHOOS(/Kernel5tatl 02:3), mos 0 er 0p Ions imprac lea or 00 YeSlerdaY '0 05“ the U-N- Security Council and President
“an adequate number of signals." but “people Despite signs like this one on Rose Although he said UK police officers' primary Mag“ ’0' help in “Obi“zmg and VebUl'ding his war-torn
won't usethem." Street, l0 pedestrian-vehicle accidents duty is to patrol. they are uinable to oversee country.
I”As long as you have a main thoroughfare occurred on campus ’05, year, and four congested areas because their numbers are Gemayel. elected four weeks ago after the assassina-
likeIRose running through campus. Si‘idemf so for this year. limited. , . f‘ tion of his brother, told reporters at Kennedy Airport he
wont useIthe Signals and traffic markings. . I I Number one. theres not enough police of i- had come ..I° carry to the international community and the
Padgett said. Blanton said UK now has no other pedestrian cers to do that. and two. if you prov1de cross- , . I
The department has installed a light signal safety improvement plans. “We have a pretty walks and traffic lights and someone refuses to Amer'W" PeOP‘e "‘9 “Opes Ond OSP'rat'Ons 0‘ the People Of
on Euclid and a “No Right On Red" Sign at the good safety record." he said. “It's a minor use them. (you've) done all you can.“ he said. Lebanon after nearly a decade of suffering.”
intersection of Euclid and South Limestone be- miracle we haven‘t had anyone splattered out UKPD has 34 employees. including detec- He called for the withdrawal of all foreign forces from
cause of problems disabled students had cross- on Rose Street with the way it is heawly trav- tives, administrators and officers. Of these. his country and a comprehensive program to aid ”5 recons-
mg thosestreets. d eled. h k th bl t th aboutIIfii are patrolmen working on eight-per truction
Also. P'idgett said long-range plans to re uce Dinkle. too, as ta en e pro em 0 e sons 1 s. ‘ . . .
motor vehicle traffic on campus include closd city. He approached the Lexington-Fayette Ur- Suggestions of underpasses or skywalks were T0‘1"”- Ge"WW?" W'” address the Un'lF—‘d Nations Gener-
ing congested areas. “We hope eventually that ban/County Council for support in improving frowned upon. "Depressing the road and over ol Assembly. Alfred Mady, Gemayel’s special adviser, said
RoseStreetwillbecomeapartofcampus." campus pedestrian safety and said he is head crosswalks are very expensive." Padgett at the airport that the president would ask the Security
He was referring to the possible development pleased with the results. said “They're usefulIifI used. but I don't think Council for a three-month extension in the stay of a UN.
of an alternate route for traffic now usmg Rose “There‘s been really good response from It will be used, It's ridiculous to me to do any eacekee in f r ei 5 th L b
Street. thereby restricting the street to pedes— Ann Ross icouncilperson at large and vice majorconstruction.” p p 9 ° C " ou er" 9 °"°”' .
trian use. This would require city cooperation. mayor). Pam Miller icouncilperson at large) Zumwinkle said such proposals are not finan- Tomorrow. GemaYe' W!“ "ovel '0 WOSh'nQ'OT‘ for toms
and Padgett said no decisions on the issue have and Gene Tichenor 15th District councilman) cially possible. “The University is caught in an with President Reagan. Secretary of State George Shultz
been made. in helping me get pedestrian safety markings unfortunate situation in a couple of important and Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger.
Jack Blanton. vice chancellor for administra- and signals.“ traffic arteries that will always be there."
tion, said that although realization of the Rose A council planning committee will meet in Enforcement of the jaywalking law would
Street plan is “not in the immediate future.“ November to discuss improving pedestrian alsobeimpractical.Padgett said. POPE deplores waste Of food
administrators are working with the city. He safety on and around campus. said Tichenor. a “Jaywalking laws are the least enforced. We
added. however. that the deC‘S'O" '5 "0‘ the formIerILK student government presideiit. He could go on a binge and cite a few people and VATICAN CITY — Pope John Paul II yesterday deplored
UniverSitysbutthecuy s. has minted Dinkle. UniverSIty police offICials. SeeSAFETV,page4 what he called selfish consumption of food in rich nations
. - I and asked for prayers so the cry of the poor and the hund
Leaders predict more strikes W. W.” be heard
I . I Speaking to 50,000 pilgrims and tourists gathered in St.
A ed o'lce atrol POIISh Clt of Nowa Huta Peter's Square for his weekly blessung, the pontiff noted
rm p that Saturday marked the second observance of World Food
Day by the Rome-based U.N. Food and Agriculture Organi-
m . ,
Hy'l‘llf).\lASW.NE1TER .~ . .; .. . . . . . 7 away by police Friday night. zation.
Assomated Press Writer .. '31? I: ., - , ' l dISOIul‘cesdwnh ”gust; m. "If SIOI“ He said the day reminds us how much we owe to all
I . . II II _,. _, I . I I , I % xiii; mtgrgw:korl(id:rlslfr:dg those who produce food. in a squfiCient measure to feed all
, ‘ % 5”. ¢:¢:/ Warsaw planned to stay home today of us. But It also makes one think that in the richest coun-
WARSAW. Poland —~ Riot police . / U‘ to protest the Solidarity ban and the "'e5 many WhO) selfishly consume more than others are
with automatic weapons patrolled I’I . ‘ GDANSK ///// government‘s new law restricting able to share of the fruits of nature that God has given to
the steel city of Nowa Huta yesterl ,' ' " union activities all men
day to prevent further street fight- // / The law sparked strikes last week He asked for re ers s that the cr f the ear and
mg. Underground leaders of the / in Gdansk. and riots there and m p Y o _ y o p
banned Solidarity union said work Nowa Huta. Poland‘s largest steel "‘9 “‘1"ng M“ be heard 0nd 50 that. In the 59'“' 0f "’09
crs in four cities will stay at home / PO L A N D factory with 36.000 workers. There brotherhood and cooperation, the problem of hunger in the
today ma new protest action. / were no reports of unrest Saturday world will be finally conquered.
BlaefIk‘f’or‘iIered “an?“ "mafia“ é . / orgestetrday ll f t t in a speech marking World Food Day FAO director-gen-
pear in .owa ua. a a w espie ca s or new procss. . .
suburb where street clashes erupted g WARSAW / worker compliance with earlier such 9": Edguard 59:”:"3 5°“? the :d’mberhofszenéll'sw tuna?
three nights running last week. stat- / appeals was spotty. One or two- on U” ernouris e 99°99 COU “3°C m' '0" Y e
"18 301189" WIOSlk- 20. WOUld be bur- ? WROCLAW / hour work stoppages last week ap~ year 2,000 without major efforts to boost food production.
icd Wednesday ~~ one week after // o pcared spontaneous and were re-
heing shot by police during violent / solved through discussion. An ap-
protests. / KRAKOW , peal for strikes in Warsaw and \
. . , . / , O ' / Krakow was largely ignored /
Official sources in hrakow Said 7 Nowa The biggest protest so far were \
tlIiItziIfuneraIlIIcould ““59 newIIItensionIsII Hu‘a two eight-hour strikes in Gdansk,
z... a: a... // / cdlldccd wedddcdd. WHAT H -
. ‘ . - . Ff ‘ . h - t l; ' -
privately printed notices. His death. . ./.,% :zhrgmi‘:pri2i:hrll::fd fourp vlforllgr: / \
fficials said remains under investi- ”4 c’lrl'v'd‘xl"? ..: I/ ‘. . . ‘ . . ‘
0. ' % // who refused to obey orders.
gation. /////// . .//// /4 Archbishop Jozef (ilemp. who
Wlosm. who worked at the Lenin I heads Poland's Roman Catholic Today will be sunny and mild with a high in the mid
..,_ Steel Works in Nowa Huta. was the ”"c‘"'°'°"‘""""“' Church. said Saturday that outlaw- ,9 upper ‘0‘.
' first person to die in street fighting ing Solidarity had removed all
since Parliament outlawed the Sovi~ posedDec. 13. so tight only small children could chances of dialogue and left Poles Tonight will b. ”'"y cloudy witha b" around 50'
et bloc's only free labor union on Witnesses tOUI‘lhg NOW“ Hula 0" bring flowers to the spot where W10» with a "zero option. not only in the '°"‘°"°"' will 5' "‘°"'Y W'va 5'00‘Y W" warmer
Oct 8. He was the 15th riot-related Saturday said POth' virtually had Sik was shot. A memorial of candles realm of trade unions but in the gen With 0 high in "to low 70!-
death since martial law was im- Occupied the “D'- and 59°“er “'35 flags and flowers there was swept eralsuuation.”

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unsure... AMVIOWM lot-«ennui Magma-m... Matti-dob. LIV-M haw
EditoHnIChioi News Eduor Arte Editor Sports Editor Spocial Project- Editor Photo Editor Graphite Editor
P E R5 UASION mm mm mm “WW W ..........
Monugmgfditor Editorialidnor Itlll.WId.n0!Jt. AufetomSportIEditor SwiolProikteAulstont ChietPhotogrophor CopyDnIi Chat
i .~
CHE is correct in limiting WI mans DOEKS’n' I 00011113 mm? In
To L 20’ ms‘i‘ YEARUELC S
dental school enrollment ,
, ‘ :3
With education in Kentucky heading for public education, that some programs should ‘. "
the intensive care list. David Grissom, chair- be shaved, some cut drastically and others . /. .
man of the Council on Higher Education, has cut altogether. ‘ / 1
a prescription that might be just the tonic to Harry Snyder, CHE executive director, " i i.—
lead the ailing patient to recovery. eloquently voiced the rationale the Council . @ .‘:‘){ . ’l
Grissom and the CHE Thursday voted to used in the past and on Thursday with re- . I , ’ Q a
limit enrollment at the state’s two schools of gard to the overpopulated employment mar- (SASVAY ‘ W " ,' $3.;
dentistry. By doing so. the CHE established ket. “The state, at taxpayer expense.” he '3 Q of: i
a precedent it should not be loathe to apply said, “maintains professional schools to sat- . ‘ ‘ x. 1.7’.
elsewhere in public higher education. isfy the state’s manpower demands for that 1' it 7'.
The CHE allowed dental students here and service." w -.1
at the University of Louisville to rest easier That rationale should be put to the test in ,l, . g for
when it passed on the issue of closing one of the near future, before the CHE convenes its \\ g 0' ‘* ._ E“
the two schools, but it siezed what Grissom brightest thinkers to tackle budget appro- ’, -;' . ,\~ 11,, .
viewed as a chance “to explore ways to con- priation requests for the 1984-86 biennium. In ’-
solidate functions and realize further econ- those meetings, financing levels for the /3‘.' “
omies” by limiting entering class sizes at state’s dental, law, engineering and other "ll-I‘m" %
the two schools beginning in Fall 1983. trade schools will be decided for presenta- T g3:
Dental students aren't the first to experi- tion to the General Assembly, and with those WHICH ONE DO PRESIDEN ea-
ence the fear and uncertainty of losing the figures must come the rationale to maintain REAGAN WANT 0 “GIST“? g:
place where they choose to learn their craft. programs at their present levels. 0 g.
During the summer of 1981. students at the If Kentucky educators and Kentuckians m g:
Commonwealth’s three law schools were on themselves find the wealth of lawyers, engi- , . . mm
the hot seat, worrying which of the schools neers and others to be so great as to make a P d bl _ p a
would go the way of the horse-drawn car- growth in the professional population undesi- r I n Ge an "8 m 0 VI 8 r I n cess ..
riage.None did.however. rable, their programs should be restrained I . ,
Dental students won‘t be the last to sweat as the dental schools‘ have, and the appro- are dalng What comes naturally
out a crisis either, if the CHE responds with priations hearings will be the time to re- '
courage and tenacity to the economic hard- strain them. BOSTON — It‘s truly like some- revived the dormant relationship, wouldn’t pass up the chance to ma- ,
Ships imposed on Kentucky’s eight public After all, Kentucky hasn’t made a habit la- thing oiitkof “Misterpilfmle Thgatre.‘l' Speiidling tivtirythavatiilabled moTint roofirll thfhmselves 9:0: giogcgfisgi: ,
universities. tely of “consolidating functions" and “realiz- But “"1 F? amt, er W W W1" mya W" 003 e ea ‘3‘" a" e l 9- w‘. e‘ er a h.” . ‘ . f '
v - - n - - - ro nce, it wont rovoke an ' forth- Soon. as most an other self-res t- rincess. And, if past experience 15
. It S Clear‘ based Upon current employment mg further eanomie§ "l hlgher education coiiiilng television sgecials. y ing 22-year-old wzuld have donefin- :ny measurement, the tabloid scrib- ‘ '
figures for recent graduates of the state 5 With the CHE s dec1$ion, it appears the time Ya. we're talking about the affair drew planned a getaway, expensa blers on Fleet Street should have no
professional schools and on the state‘s abili~ —— and the opportunity — has indeed come to of Andrew and “Koo.“ And, no, we permitting, trouble stretching this scandal well ,
ty to finance the tremendously high cost of do so. are not amused. A free-spirited intoNovember.' ' _
American woman steals the heart of l.“l But at the risk of sounding like
a sailor—prince and, together, the .1. .mfllf.’ . GLEN apologists, we think Andrew and
a _ couple earns the immediate condem— 2 ; ; _ vi _ Koo deserve a break. First, they’re
DRABBLE by Kevm Fogan nationofa voyeuristic world. a s g ,. . , and only doing what comes naturally.
. ‘ s w W The affair began naturally enough \ j ‘ ’ ‘ SHEARER Moreover, few ever trot as graceful-
310/1 aha/Mime, J'vc Lem Wm! bung . 5 “NM” °"'° M“ eight months ago when Kathleen 3&- I . ly from adolescence into maturity as
. Pg 367/111 :1 (II Goethe 4h dam!» ' :9 ‘ '-.§ Norris Stark. a 25—year-old actress, - their parents would have liked. Most
a... lumen}. Mtg/rd Tough, but. =‘u w‘Wu —"-:'.D scolded England‘s Most Eligible With his parents’ knowledge, An- of us have stumbled, and repeated-
‘fi Milt/m J M q M =',; 55.- Bachelor in a chic London disco, drew secured the use of Aunt Mar- ly. ‘
2. - MI W WW imdm, 3:34. \ 7* -_-_””~’ known as Tramps, for talking loud- garet‘s Georgian-style house on a re- Except in extreme cases. most .
Ear- -: q Q "i. _- ly. . mote Caribbean island, where he young 9°09]? try to honor the" par-
__..- ~ _.. :5, , \ r) -‘= i," Bells rang. Somewhere, strings was to fly via British Airways with ents best Wishes, even as they kilo
'-.,'- Pl? ,-= l .. (“4’4“ 5” ,l/“l fig”; 7,, could be heard. For the moment, his beloved, under the names of wmgly stray from the rules. When ;
'== 2, ‘ i4 m. Q =5 i7 ' J =3 C; love had conquered again. Then. as “Mr aners Cambridge." they trip UP, it‘s as If they’ve dehh' . ~
_° / " _L‘7 j" —' — fr: ' ' ‘ I ' ~' ~ ' , tel shatteredagreat artifact.
a: . If ‘ ‘ =€6§® —: ." .. Alistair Cooke might have had h~ Within days of the couples depar- era y . 1
=5 fl ;;, =- l W ‘ -g c ‘ .-_".— ‘— , Andrewwas called off to war. ture however, London’s Daily Ex- .The blame for generational con- _.
—‘ \fi3 , - ._. = , -' . W —’ ‘3 ‘ When the prince returned tvicto- press columnist William Hickey, flict, of course, is shared. From day Q.
Q ‘1 E: Q“ I04: 5. '~ 55 1.. riously. and. some said. a hero) he began to reveal, all of the bench- one, parents strive to steer their ;
marks in Koo’s short life. It wasn‘t kids ‘hto the right clothes, schools F
- long before the worldwide press was and Circles ”,3" the “we encour- 1:
running color photos from the blue aging that which‘make's them. hap- :
BOOM!" m K... mm... ..
gages in some energetic shower predicated on parental conditions,
scenes with another woman. however, fihlese courses arent al-
' ' ' ' B the time re rters finished ways P?” e. ,
Seminars tell graduating students how to find jobs me; ..,,,,.,,,.,,.,::a m... day. an r them a tenancy .0 o...
later. it was clear that Koo was a struct a youthful freedom to make
Throughout the Bluegrass. May is sxonal significance of the material Now entering thr startingp.ie. . . hire him. Keep this humility at all woman with both a history and a mistakes, too many young folkshalso .5
famous for the Run for the Roses. and wanted to devote more time to After achieving; the proper karma times to avoid overconfidence or past. Everyone from Brighten to let their elders get the best of t em.
This. however. is the season for pro- master it: and 2) was delayed in in which to begn the Starch. decid- even. horror of horrors, failure to Brisbane could detail the poor girl’s Even if Andrew probably wills (M
spective graduates to begin a more completing the course because he ing career objI;ct_1\'es .5 in order. It follow through on all opportunities. filmsfiihgs and features. among the last to learn of his gir f-
important quest: the search for cm- was completing an investigation that is hoped much of trgs work was done Even if this doesn't land a job. y0u'll It seemed as if a kind of instant riend 5 background, he WE“ to
Ployment resulted in the resignations of three vears ago; few prospective veteri- be impressed by your own drive and indignation would surely see the have been. the only one to deCide the :
Goinginroughthe paces . , department chairmen. the end of a harians will br served by bachelor‘s determination. prince publicly scolded _ perhaps futureof his affairs. ' ..
Any person who has 00mph”6d gubernatorial campaign and the in social worn. nor mechanics by de- A150. this is one race where ster- even grounded — by his mum at Indeed, 't seems as If the royal 7”
three years of college must realize scuttling of a politicized attempt to grees in hug-moss law. oids are dangerous. Lying on re- Buckingham Palace, right after the family may already understand
that turning the fruit of that work. redistrictthestate'.’ Deciding what area of the country sumes is definitely gauche. or so changingoftheguard. thht- Even the stately House Of »
which in all hopes area diploma and -.-———— to occupy can be tough Tobacco Ms. Cooke writes whenever goons Andy .n. Koo are a good story if Windsor down! lack for missteps in
a grade point average that won't be chewers should probably ignore m»_ from the Post are not hot on her only because some percentage of and false starts. (the frequency, in :
mistaken for an IQ score. into a po- ; . Ch . fers from Boston. where such activ- trail. English-speaking people probably fact, helps explain why Charles and
sltlon on some patroll involve: out~ i A. f!“ ”3 lties. however wholesome and enter- But. most of all. be yourself. We ‘ D‘Vl'e'esuchasmas" h‘uastyean'
of-class endeavor. l ‘ ASH taming. will nevertheless be know we're ready to tackle any "‘33:!" Eggfdseyaalilgdiigegitslealglotsli \
That non-academic work involves . Shunned. Hot tub fanatics mi t do work assignment. N0 task is too , . 1 g,
non-scholastic chores: writing re- _—_———— well to avoid the Far West; 5:9 in- small or too complex for uS, be- Letters Pallcy , and mm stars. (and daughter Annes ‘k
sumes. choosing the lUCkl' t'f‘ll' Who The other seminar stressed that experienced L'tah resident reported- cause, after all. we're the selfish continuing estrangement from
will serve as personal references. exhibiting “smarts" and persxstence 1y squandered her state‘s water al— generation, aren't we? We‘ve spent People submitting letters to the her husband, Mark), it hardly seems
begging t0l’ lhtel‘VlEWS With employ- to an executive are more important lotment for the summer in just this our time in the indulgent practice of Kernel should address their com- likely that the Crown ‘5 gomg to '
ers and lists of unfilled positions. than clothing and a typeset resume. manner. studying instead of protesting an in- ments typed and double-spaced to blush for long over the suntanned
TWO recent seminars at the JOur- The news director of a television Do not be discouraged by a lack of crease in psychotic whales and a re- the editor ht 1“ Journalism prince. . f
nalism SChOO] 0" the lflh SBaFCh station said writing ability would triI work experience. The American ported rise in the acidity of Salt mumg'UK-mz- So, as we watch the $1185.}: 9t .
Dl‘OVed the importance Of lndll'ldual' umph over experience in front of the electorate may require 50 years of Lake — we are immature brats, Writers must include their Andy and l(oo unfold, we a e l
ity. At one. the director Of the UN” camera and he was not perturbed by experience in a presidential candle aren‘t we: not worthy of occupying names, addresses, telephone for what n seems to .be. —‘ tw: 23:}
versity placement service em~ people's continuing to ask about job date; the instructor of management our spots on these hallowed sites of numbers ”"1 "M" majors, "h“l' healthy young people enjoying eac
phasized the importance of Opemngs trainees at Kroger‘s will be more ”0,8, valor? fications or connection with UK. others company - rather than two
positivism: explaining POSSlhle “98' An editor at the same seminar understanding. Uh. right. That theory resembles Identification willbeverllled. irresponSlblesex-crazed brats. .
ative 3599015 Of a person‘s back- said an applicant's scores on tests And downthe home stretch. . . the residue of the Churchill Downs The Kernel reserves “'9 rlght Those who 5mg“ the latter “”Sh
ground by turning them into pluses. given by the newspaper mean more Application deadlines are i mpor- run. to edit for grammar, clarity and harder than they can see.
She Cited a Student's attendance at [han “‘earjng a [hree-piece sun and tan! Inltlaii) one must aSSUme no law ‘nd to cumm“e "km 7 .
{our colleges 35 proof that he had writing a bulky triology of personal one wants him and. in fact. could Chris Ash is a journalism senior material. Maxwell Glen‘ °"d_ Cody Shearer
satisfied his need for travel and ad data. t"M)- eyes are green; my high not be paid anv amount of monev to and Kernel copy desk chief. are Pulitzer Prize-winning national
venture and was ready to settle into school friends said my eyes were ' ‘ columnists.
a POSlthTl- green: I. in fact, conclude I have an ~
One wonders. however. If this can Inherent tendency toward green I - I - . g:
Stereo-Optlcon Is fueled by media is
« Wl“ Barry Bingham really under- Of course. we must draw the ill]? 1
stand that three incompletes ill a HJS disdain of typeset resumes on. y
o vedltin course merely means . ~ - r -, , . H .. .. .. H
fhf'swden‘i, 1i realized the protes» 21:55:15? {3351,9331 52:: A Beg T' p( Through the press. the radio. the his work improve. ending a book where we started ex- predominate “X, R and PG
teleVlsion and the motion picture. One day a bricklayer discovered cept at a little lower level and in a mowes.
man is being lead through life. This he could build a brick wall the same worse condition. ' As has been said. people tend to
- or"; WAVE Lk .53; isthe Great Stereo-()pticon. size but thinner! it went unnoticed. it is becoming so that we believe imitate what they see and hear and
:‘DAi “JNOCNC’ )7“ What we see 18 what is to be im- ———-——-—_ the fantasies and'exaggeratlons that thus only make our Situationworse.
I“? éwflg‘én, .‘rtv-l‘lt’tcn' itated People work on the set. on E T we wrote in the first place, and thus Indeed, the pot of a persons defl-
' ‘; 7“.“ '.,',,‘. '33,"? , e 0 the radio and in the newsroom. we are calling downward into the mtlon has cracked, and privacy,
“@94‘3459Wo’hh ' Their object is to make money. To Great Stereo-Opticon machine, fu- Obscenities and the uncooked raw
MI'EM ':”""' make money. they play or show OPINION elingitlikeabreederreactor. stuffoflikehasspilledout.
’ .' . , what the public thinks they want to h is true that many 0‘ our fanta- What is the conclision? Where is
(IQ-l a, ' f' i Q, Q hear. Egotism plays its role here. _____________ Slw allfl eifageratlons are a PTOdllCt the answer? if there is one, then it
v' ‘ l i . 1“; gm Throughout time egotism has One day someone else found out Of the ldt 0'". the cm“ character 9‘ starts Wlth you! . .
i,‘ i l r .' --""-'—2"--."‘t l O slowly taken over man in the areas and tried it himself ‘ it worked! human behaVIO'r.‘ The Id today 15 For the Christian, it‘s trueand un-
r' 9‘ . " . We. . of work and art. and so has the Soon it caught on and so it is with running Wild, SlVllIS ho heed to the defiled. religion that includes keep-
6 ‘ /‘ 3 I 32o“ .‘ z I media The world IS becoming irre- the world today. 880 or super 680' Wthh l5 the Pa" ing himself unspotted from the
l . -I . - v‘ -" R, - ’ . sponsible and lazy. losing all self- How does this apply to the media? of us that controls us as to how we world, knowmg that he has been set
kt 4 _ 0‘ identity and thus giving up its qual» There is a falsified conflict and should conductourselvosm public. apart from it. . _ '
' Q ‘i, , j: ‘J ity in work and in craftsmanship. drama in the media and because of ‘Modern man‘ has. failed to "3008‘ lf this means av0ldlng the media,
5 \ 1‘, g. // 'r . , ‘ Earning money for one's self is the Great Stereo-()pticon we seem- “lle‘ obscenity In this 88¢ 0t ”VIBES not watching TV, not listaiing to the
\‘Axx 3’ ’ [)3 becoming more important than ingly imitate what is heard and 0f immediacy. T06”. .man d0§ radio, not going to the memes and
-w’. . " spending th