Minutes of the University Senfite ~ October 21, 19/9 the curriculum in Metallurgical reinserlng, to corresonnd to the “receding Chem. ljlb. change in Secretary ,. cw- . . ~ ,__ M11 .1 7.. mill‘llelD‘D C": iL'lLL 511‘ November lb, The Univers November 15, in the Assembly Room of Lafferty presided. ity Senate met Hall Monday, 1940. President Cooper The minutes or October 21 were read and avurcved. Professor 8. H. Weaver read to the Senate the following reuort from the Curriculum Committee: The committee recommends th*t the Senate auurove the following reCOmH endatious from the College of Arts and Sciences: F ‘W , “ n r‘rfl ‘~ ~ x ,s 1. Geology 206. Structural onlOgy. rhree credits A study of the structural features of the earth's crust with an analYSis of the mechanics involved in the uroduction of such structures. (Three lectures and recitations or two lectures and two hours of laborat3r3i Will var v at difierent times.) ‘ ' ‘1 n f n 1 Prerequriites: Physics 13,0; oeology 20e,b; geology 124 a,b. 2. Geology 125. Methods of Subsurface Correlatio Three edits. Methods of and “uractice in subsurface strati raohic work in oetroleum geology. Ererequisites: Geology 122 and 123a,b 3. Drop Petrology. Ge 01 0'44 “OZ; Egézglqu: Opticalldineralogv enl 207b, 4. Geology 212a. Petr olOgjn Optical Mineralogy. Three credits. A study of the ontic -al trove rties of minerals in thin An int roduccion One lecture Mn cections by means of tne Detro rauhic micrOSCOpe. 9% to the class ific ati3n oi the igneous rocks. four hours of laboratory Der week. Prerequisites: Physics la,b and Geology l?33,b Three credits. A sed on micros scooical analysis. One 5. Geolo gy 212b.§3@ me ntarf :etrolOVV. is i study of sedimentarv rocks b lecture and four 3 hours of l bo ratory Der week Prerequisite: Geology 212a- 4 | l x