xt754746t39p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt754746t39p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1967-04-10  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 10, 1967 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 10, 1967 1967 1967-04-10 2020 true xt754746t39p section xt754746t39p    





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Minutes of the University Senate, January 9, 1967 (con't)

Council is advised to choose sufficient names so that there is at
least some attempt made to include representation from all of the
individual units. In order to be a member of such Residence J—Board
the student must have been in residence at the University for at
least one year and at the housing unit at least one semester and
must be a member of a class other than the freshman. (NOTE: Neither
the residence requirement nor the class requirement shall apply
where the housing unit is composed solely of freshmen.) Furthermde,
the House Council should establish procedures with regard to its
recommendations to make sure that any person suggested is Willing

to serve in such capacity. The Residence J—Board then shall have
jurisdiction over all cases involving violations of the rules of
conduct occurring within the comprehensive housing unit to which

it is connected. The Residence J—Board shall be responsible for
determining the guilt or innocence of the accused student and

shall have the primary authority for imposing punishment upon the
student if it determines that the student has, in fact, committed

a violation. Notice of the punishment determined shall be communicated
to the resident adviser for action.

Any student who believes that he has been improperly adjudged
guilty or who believes that his punishment is too severe for the
nature of the offense, shall have a right to appeal from the decision
of the Residence J~Board to the University J~Board. Such appeal
must be in writing, setting forth the areas of disagreement with
the Residence J—Board and must be filed with the University J-Board
within 50 days of the announcement of the decision of the Residence
J—Board. The University J—Board (whose composition and general
structure is set forth infra) shall have the right to reverse the
decision of the Residence J—Board both as to the existence or non—
existence of a violation and as to the scope or size of the punishment
to be imposed. However, in the latter case the University J—Board
shall have authority only to reduce the punishment, not to increase

C. The Punishment — The Residence J-Board may impose any
punishment up to and including dismissal from the housing unit.
In other words, the discipline may consist of social probation,
reprimand, fines, and any other appropriate punishment. It is
important, however, that the Residence J~Board understand that it
cannot impose traditional University disciplinary punishments, e.g.,
suspension or expulsion, for violation of housing rules and regulations.
It is suggested that the Residence J—Board establish, as much as
possible, a system of possible punishments which will be imposed
for violations of various rules. The Committee is making no suggestion
on this point because it feels that the variety of possible rules
which might be violated require greater discretion on the part of
the Residence J—Board in order to ”make the punishment fit the crime.“

5) that the material regarding offenses, procedures, and punishment
relating to the community of scholars be adopted;


















































The University Senate met in regular session at 4:00 p.m., Monday,
April 10, 1967, in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman Diachun
presided. Members absent: A. D. Albright, Clifford Amyx*, Charles E.
Barnhart, John R. Batt, John J. Begin*, Harry M. Bohannan*, Peter Bosomworth*,
Thomas D. Brower, Marion A. Carnes*, Lewis W. Cochran, Emmett R. Costich*,
Glenwood L. Creech, Tihamer Z. Csaky*, Jesse DeBoer, Melvin DeFleur, John E.
Delap*, Wendell C. DeMarous*, Kurt W. Deuschle, Robert M. Drake, Jr.*, William
D. Ehmann*, Ben A. Eiseman, Marsha Fields, W. Garrett Flickinger, Norman H.
Franke, James E. Funk, Oliver Gard, Charles P. Graves*, John W. Greene, Jr.,
Ward Griffen*, Ellis F. Hartford, Thomas L. Hayden, Don Jacobson*, Malcolm
E. Jewell, Raymon D. Johnson, Robert L. Johnson, Robert F. Kerley, Donald
E. Knapp*, John A. Koepke*, R. A. Lauderdale, Jr., Frank A. Loeffel, James T.
Moore*, Alvin L. Morris, R. T. Muelling, Jr., Vincent E. Nelson*, John W.
Oswald, Leonard V. Packett, Howard C. Parker*, J. W. Patterson*, Arlon G.
Podshadley*, Carson Porter, John T. Reeves, Robert W. Rudd*, Benjamin Rush*,

Ivan Russell*, Paul G. Sears, William A. Seay, Doris M. Seward, Roy E. Sigafus*.

Wellington B. Stewart, Sheryl Snider, Joseph V. Swintosky, Warren E. Wheeler,
Robert L. White, W. W. Winternitz, Kenneth Wright*, Wesley 0. Young, Fred
Zechman*, Leon Zolondek*.

The Senate approved a request to permit Mr. Frank Browning of the
KERNEL to sit in the meeting and report its proceedings.

The minutes of the meetings of February 13—14, February'BT, and March
8, 1967 were approved as circulated.

Resolutions were presented on the deaths of Doctors Stanley J.
Zyzniewski, Silvio Navarro and Rinaldo Simonini, Jr. by Doctors Carl B.
Cone, Wimberly C. Royster, and Jacob Adler with recommendations that the
resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the Senate and copies be sent to
the families. The Senate stood for a moment of silent tribute in memory,
and in acceptance of the resolutions.

Dr. Stanley John Zyzniewski, Associate Professor of History and Acting
Chairman of the Department of Slavic and Oriental Languages, died of a
heart attack on April 6, 1967. He earned his bachelor's degree at Syracuse
University and the degrees Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy at
Harvard University. He taught at Syracuse University and at the University
of Virginia before coming to the University of Kentucky in 1960.

Dr. Zyzniewski studied in Poland in 1958 under a Ford Foundation grant,
in Russia in 1962 under a cultural exchange program, and in Helsinki in
1964—1965 under a Fulbright Research Fellowship. In 1967 he received the
Alice Hallam publication award for the best article published by a member
of the Department of History during the years 1965 and 1966. He was
vice—president of the Southern Conference on Slavic Studies. Dr. Zyzniewski
gave unreservedly of his time to the interest of the University and the well~
being of its faculty and students. He was an enthusiastic teacher, a
meticulous scholar, a congenial colleague, and a generous friend.

*Absence Explained




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Minutes of the University Senate, April 10, 1967 (con't)

Dr. Silvio Navarro, Chairman of the Department of Computer Science
and Director of the Computing Center, was one of the four University
faculty members lost in the recent plane crash. He was a native of
Cuba. He did his undergraduate and graduate work in the United States,

obtaining his Doctorate in Electrical Engineering from Texas A and M
in 1955.

Dr. Navarro joined the University of Kentucky as an associate
professor in Electrical Engineering in 1959. He became Director of the

Computing Center in 1961 and became the first Chairman of the Computer
Science Department in 1966.

Dr. Navarro was engaged in many professional activities, notable
among which were his membership of the SMSG writing team in computing,
and membership of the National Curriculum Committee. This committee
was set up by the Association for Computing Machinery with responsibility
for prOposing guidelines in the development of undergraduate Computer
Science programs throughout the country.

To his colleagues in Computer Science, he was a Chairman who
possessed energy, enterprise and eminently sound professional judgment.
His death is mourned by all who were close to him.

Dr. Rinaldo Simonini, Professor of English Education, came to
this University only in the fall of 1966. A man of national reputation,
he came to us with significant accomplishments in three fields: Italian
and English Renaissance literature; modern linguistics and its application
to the teaching of English in the public schools; and educational theory
and administration in the field of English. With his baccalaureate
degree from Johns Hopkins and his advanced degrees from the University
of North Carolina, Dr. Simonini had taught at various colleges in the
coastal Upper South, and particularly for twelve or thirteen years
served as Chairman of the English Department at Longwood College in
Virginia. His many honors included a Fulbright Research Scholarship
in Italy, high posts in the National Council of TeaChers of English,
and the vice chairmanship of the National Association of Chairmen of
English Departments. Dr. Simonini came to Kentucky to teach linguistics,
but more primarily to provide liaison between the Department of English
and the English staffs of the Community Colleges and of the public
schools. He performed this essential task enthusiastically and well,
as the Community College Office and the staffs at the Colleges will
eagerly testify. A man of sound judgment, willing cooperativeness,
resourceful ideas, and cheerful good nature, he had already earned
for himself among English instructors on this campus and in the field
a place as a good friend and a trusted colleague. He will be deeply

Dr. Schwert, Secretary of the Senate Council, presented a recommendation
from the Council that the Senate favorably consider recommending to the President
and the Board of Trustees that the rule governing a quorum of the Senate be
altered to define a quorum as 25 elected members. The motion was seconded.
Following discussion in which it was pointed out that the Senate was convicting
itself in passage of such a motion, that a reduction in quorum would encourage
members further not to attend, and that it was untimely in View of the two
actions which the Senate had already taken in appointing a committee to study






















































Minutes of the University Senate, April lb, 196? (con't)

the reorganization of the Senate, and in

ts purgation rule, the Senate
approved a motion to table the recommenda '

Resolutions on the deaths of Doctors Jerome E. Cohn and Richard S.
Schweet were presented to the Senate by Dr. William R. Willard with
recommendation that the resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this
meeting and copies be sent to the families. The Senate stood for a moment
of silent tribute in memory, and in acceptance of the resolutions.

Dr. Jerome E. Cohn, associate professor 0? medicine, was one
of the fou?University faculty members lost in the recent plane
crash. He was a truly dedicated medical scientist who gave himself
fully to each student, patient and program. He was a native of
Baltimore, Maryland, a graduate of Johns Hopkins University and the
University of Maryland Medical School. He received further training
and experience at the University of Maryland, at Johns Hopkins, at
Duke and at Eellvue Hospital with emphasis in the field of chest
diseases and pulmonary physiology. His training was interrupted by
a period of active duty with the United States Navy. Dr. Cohn‘s


academic career, after his extensive training, began at the University

of Utah Medical School where he served on the faculty and where he

also served as staff physician at the Salt Lake Veteran's Administration


Dr. Cohn joined the faculty at the University of Kentucky in

1960 as an assistant professor. He was promoted to associate professor
in 1965 and had been approved for promotion of full professor effective

July 1, 1967. At the University of Kentucky Dr. Cohn headed a large
and growing unit in pulmonary medicine. He attracted extensive
outside research grants to support his work and had a number of
post—doctoral fellows and students working with him at all times.

He taught in the courses offered by both the Department of Medicine
and the Department of Physiology and Biophysics, holding faculty
appointments in both departments. Also, Dr. Cohn carried on one

of the research projects in the University Tabacco and Health Program.

Equally significant, Dr. Cohn served as chairman of the curriculum

committee for the College of Medicine and on the very day of his death
obtained approval of the Faculty Council of the College of Medicine
for a major and far reaching revision in the curriculum.

Dr. Cohn's reputation nationally as a scientist was exemplified
by the fact that he was embarking upon a site visit to another
institution in behalf of the National Institutes of Health at the
time he met his death.

Dr. Cohn was an example of a fine clinician, a talented
investigator, a stimulating teacher, and a faculty member with
University wide interests. He was just approaching the period
of a maximum influence, effectiveness, and productivity in his
professional career when he met an untimely death.




Minutes of the University Senate, April 10, 1967 (con't)

The University mourns Dr. Cohn's loss. He leaves a great
personal and professional void within the University family. Our
sorrow, however, can be but little compared with that suffered
by his wife, his children, and other members of his family. In
behalf of the entire University faculty, the University Senate
hereby extends its condolences to Dr. Cohn's family, its appreciation
for his distinguished services and its recognition of outstanding
professional and personal qualities.

Richard S. Schweet, professor and chairman of the Department
of Cell Biology, one of the four University faculty members lost
in the recent plane crash, was also one of the most distinguished
scholars on the University campus.

He was born in New York City, graduated from City College
of New York and then went to Iowa State College for graduate work
in biology. His graduate education was interrupted by four years
of military service, following which he obtained a Ph.D. in
biochemistry at Iowa State College.

Dr. Schweet's professional career then took him to the
Enzyme Institute at the University of Wisconsin and to the
California Institute of Technology and the associated City of
Hope Medical Center. His talents as an investigator were recognized
by being named, among other things, as an established investigator
of the American Heart Association and as a Career Research Fellowship
of the National Institutes of Health.

In 1960, Dr. Schweet joined Dr. George Schwert as full professor
of biochemistry at the University. In 1965, he was named chairman
of the newly created University Department of Cell Biology. He
was busy in recruiting and developing the staff of this Department,
its teaching and research program when he met his untimely death.

In addition to teaching medical, dental, graduate, and
post~doctoral students at the University, Dr. Schweet was an
active supporter of the newly created School of Biological Sciences
and served on its first executive committee. He was a recipient‘
of the University of Kentucky Alumni Award for distinguished research.
He provided much of the leadership for the Thomas Hunt Morgan
Symposium on biology, a distingushed event which was held on this
campus last fall.

Dr. Schweet's national recognition was demonstrated by
the caliber of participants in the Thomas Hunt Morgan Symposium,
by several positions on editorial boards of leading scientific
journals, by his service on the Fellowship Review Board of the
Public Health Service, and by the offers he received for positions
from other institutions.

Dr. Schweet had arrived professionally and was approaching
the peak of his career when he met his untimely death. The
University has lost an outstanding scholar with broad scientific
and academic interests. He will be missed sorely but our sorrow
can be only a fraction of that experienced by his family. In
behalf of the entire University faculty, the Senate extends its







































Minutes of the University Senate, April 10





"7 {con't)

condolences to Dr. Schweet's family, its appreciation of his valuable

services to the Universitv


a, and its recognition of his


The annual report of the Library Committee which had been circulated to
the faculty under date of April 3, 1967 was received by the University

Senate as presented.

The Library Committee has held one spring meeting on March

24, 1967.


Dr. Stuart Forth.

Discussion was devoted to the following subjects:

A new lending code proposed by the Director of Libraries,

Comment: A review of long standing problems in lending
books drew comments on faculty who will not return books, faculty
fines, length of loan period, proxy signature cards, and so forth.

Dr. Forth also commented

on the increasing problem of the use of

library resources by townspeople, high school students, faculty from

other institutions, etc.


The Committee recommended that the Director of

Libraries explore the possibilities of establishing an annual charge
of ten dollars or less for non—University users.

No action taken.


Book funds.

The proposed new bio—medical library.

Comment: Dr. Forth reported on the availability of book
funds, noting that the Library had received very good support this
year, that many ”back sets” were acquired, that few departments had

n A”

been ”out OII
good one.

No action taken.

as yet and that next year's budget would likely be a


Herbert P. Riley

Donald Ringe

Richard Thurston

Robert L. Donohew

Walter Langlois

John M. Patterson

Steven E. Puckett

S. Sidney Ulmer, Chairman


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Minutes of the University Senate, April 10, 1967 (con't)


Motion was made and seconded that the two (2) reports of the Rules
Committee which had been circulated to the faculty under dates of March
7 and 24, 1967 be considered as one report for consideration by the Senate.
Motion was then made to amend the Recommendation under Item 4, Page two,
of the Report dated March 24th, to substitute the word ”earned” in line 4
for the word ”accumulated". The Senate approved this amendment. The
Senate then received the combined report and approved the recommendations
contained in these reports with this one amendment.

The Senate Rules Committee presents this report in three
parts to the University Senate with the request that a different
action be taken relative to each part.

Current election practices for certain elective bodies
The Rules Committee requests that this part of the report be

accepted by the Senate to be spread on the minutes as representing
current practices:

The Secretary of the Senate is charged with administering
elections for four deliberative bodies of the faculty—~the
University Senate, the Senate Council, the Undergraduate
Council, and the Non-Voting Faculty Member of the Board of
Trustees. Following are the current practices in determining who
is eligible to serve in and to vote for the various elected
bodies. They rest on several sources: the Governing Regulations
(1960); the Rules of the University Senate (1964); a report
on the "Role of the University Faculty” approved by the
Faculty on May 11, 1959; a report of a special committee dated
March 26, 1960, set up by an open meeting of the general faculty
on March 24, 1960, to adOpt procedures for electing the non—voting
members of the Board of Trustees in accordance with the sense of
the faculty as reflected at that meeting; the booklet, "Beginning
a Second Century”, dated October, 1965, detailing the academic
plan and adopted by the Senate on November 22, 1965; and Election
Committees' instructions for the past several years.

In compiling lists of College or Area faculty who are eligible
to be elected to the University Senate, Undergraduate Council, or
Board of Trustees, the following criteria shall be applied:

1. He must have the rank of Assistant Professor (or equivalent)
or higher.

2. He must be engaged in full time teaching and/or research.*

5. EXcept for Department Chairman, he must have no official
administrative title.

4. Faculty members of the Community Colleges are ineligible.

5. Eligibility is determined as of the time of the election
rather than the time of assumption of office.


*For the Senate only, the Divison of Libraries is specifically in—

cluded in the groups having proportional representation even though
they may not be engaged in full time teaching and/or research.












































"1 Minutes of the University Senate, April l0, 1967 (con‘t)

Those eligible to vote are the same as those eligible to be ,
elected. (

The only criterion for eligibility to be elected to and to vote ‘
for the Senate Council is to be an elected member (full time .
teaching and/or research) of the Senate at the time of the election 1
(or be nominated by at least fifteen Senate members).

For all of the above elections the Secretary of the Senate compiles
the lists of eligible faculty from lists certified by the various
deans. The Senate Rules Committee serves to advise and make rulings
in cases of question.

B. Senate rules relative to term of office and vacancies in the ;
Senate Council and Undergraduate Council. {


The Rules Committee recommends the Senate approve the following ‘
changes in the Rules of the Senate of March, 1964:

l. Page 26, under heading ”Selection, Terms,———”, 2nd sentence :
beginning "Council members may~——”. Delete this sentence and g
replace with "Council members are not eligible to succeed ‘

'y themselves until a lapse of one year from the expiration of ,

their terms.” ‘


, 2. Page 26, under heading "Selection, Terms~~—”, 5rd paragraph,
“it beginning ”The terms of Council members—~~”; delete all of

l the paragraph except the first sentence and replace with ”If {
f; a member of the Senate Council should at any time during his ‘
;; term become ineligible for election to the Senate by reason ‘
9 of assuming an administrative title his seat shall be declared

vacant. In event of a vacancy the Chairman of the Council

shall appoint as successor that eligible nominee who at the ‘
last Council election received the largest vote without being /
elected to serve until the next Council election, at which

time a person shall be elected to serve for any portion of

the term which remains.”





5. Page 26, under heading "Selection, Terms~—~", 2nd paragraph (
after the sentence ending”—~—to be filled." insert ”However |
not more than twice the number of names from any one college
than there are vacancies for that college shall remain on
the ballot.”

4. Page 168 of ”Beginning a Second Century” adopted by the Sen«
ate at its November 22, 1965, meeting, under 5. (b), after
second sentence ending “—:—three year members.”, insert ‘
”Those eligible to serve in and vote for the Undergraduate
Council shall be the same faculty members of the undergraduate
ly colleges who are eligible to be elected to and vote for the
"l University Senate. If a member of the Undergraduate Council
should at any time during his term become ineligible to serve,
a vacancy shall be declared. To fill each vacancy the
Undergraduate Council shall appoint a member from the
eligible faculty to serve until the next election.”







Minutes of the University Senate, April 10, 1967 (con't)



Governing Regulations relative to non—voting members of the Board
of Trustees and the University Senate


The Rules Committee requests that the University Senate recommend
to the President and the Board of Trustees the following amendments
to the Governing Regulations of December, 1960:


Page 5, at the end of the paragraph under ”2. Membership”,
add “If a non—voting member of the Board of Trustees at
any time during his term becomes ineligible to serve by
reason of an administrative appointment his seat shall

be declared vacant for the duration of his ineligibility.
In the event of a vacancy the Senate Council shall appoint
that eligible faculty member who at the last election
received the largest vote without being elected. If

a replaced member becomes eligible to serve before the
expiration of his term, he shall resume his seat.“

Page 8, under ”III University Senate”, 2nd paragraph,
delete the last sentence beginning with ”To fill a
vacancy——~” and insert ”If a member of the Senate should
at any time during his term become ineligible to serve,
(e.g., by reason of assuming an administrative title,
resignation, or an official leave which precludes
attendance), a vacancy shall be declared by the Dean

of the affected college. To fill each vacancy the
Senate Council shall appoint that member from the eligible
faculty who at the last election received the next
highest vote to serve for the duration of that member's

Page 8, under “III The University Senate”, after the
first sentence insert ”Only elected members of the
Senate and the three student members shall be voting

The Senate Rules Committee recommends that the following eight changes
be made in the March, 1964 Rules 9f the University Faculty.

Item 1.




Under ”Admission Requirements, Undergraduate Colleges, 1
Admission to Freshman Class, a.) Resident Students, 1., Page 6:

This item now reads: "that he has at least fifteen units of

acceptable high school work and the recommendation of his high
school principal"

Delete the words ”at least fifteen units of acceptable
high school work and"

The reference to 15 units is out of date, since Kentucky high

schools now require 18 units for graduation. However, any
reference to numbers of units is confusing and misleading.











































































Minutes of the University Senate, April 10, 1967 (con't)

Item 2.



Item 3.


Certification of graduation from an accepted high school is
the basis for admission.

Under the same heading, Item 2, Page 6:

This item now reads: ”that he submit the results of a
University classification test to the office of the Dean

of Admissions. Those scoring below the 25 percentile must
come to the campus accompanied if under 21, by a parent or
guardian for an interview with the Dean of Admissions, unless
special arrangements are made."

That this be restated as follows: ”that he submit

the results of a University classification test to the office
of the Dean of Admissions. Those students whose academic
records and test scores indicate that they will have difficulty
in maintaining minimum University standards shall be given
special counseling by the office of the Dean of Admissions

at the time they apply for admission.”

Evidence has shown that the interview does not in itself

act as a deterrent to these students, but that a warning

letter is a more effective counseling advice. Interviews are
still encouraged, however, as well as other kinds of counseling
utilizing the services of high school counselors and the
University Counseling office.

Under 2, ”Admission to Advanced Standing", 2nd paragraph,
page 7.

This item now reads: "Work done at a fully accredited

college or University is recognized credit hour for credit
hour. In order to be classified as fully accredited, a
college must be a member of a regional accrediting association,
Advanced standing from an unaccredited college may be obtained
by special subject examinations.”

That this item be revised as follows: ”Baccalaureate
degree credit work taken at a fully accredited college or
university is recognized credit hour for credit hour. In
order to be classified as fully accredited, a college or
university must be a member of a regional accrediting
association. Advanced standing from an unaccredited college
or university may be obtained by special subject examinations
or by validation under conditions set forth bx the office of
the Dean of Admissions and the office of the Dean of the
College within the University in which the student will

PTechnical, terminal and other kinds of course work which
is not demonstrably offered for baccalaureate degree purposes
will not be accepted by the University as transfer work to be



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Minutes of the University Senate, April 10, 1967 (con't) 2455


Recommendation: That this be expanded as follows: ”Credit hours


Item 5.

Recommendation: The elimination of the category of ”Special Student”


Item 6.

counted towards a baccalaureate degree, and cannot be validated
for such a purpose. Students who have engaged in such course
work may, after enrollment, petition to be examined in University
courses in the related subject areas.”

The proliferation of technical, terminal, and other types of
educational programs with other than baccalaureate degrees as
their goal requires this kind of restatement. Course work
should be accepted for degree credit by the University of
Kentucky only when the institution offering the work clearly and
unequivocally endorses its degree value.

Under same heading, 3rd. paragraph:

The paragraph now reads: ”Credit hours accepted from junior
colleges will be limited to a maximum of 67”.

accepted from junior and other two year colleges or branches will
be limited to a maximum of 67. This maximum shall be reduced

by hours earned at other schools or by other methods. Once a
student haS‘ earned" 67 credit hours by any method or methods,
no further work taken at a junior or two—year college or branch

record to determine his admissibility, however, all course work
which has been attempted will be considered."

can be accepted for transfer credit. In evaluating an applicant's a,

This item needs expansion both to clarify the terms for accepting
junior college work and to put the transfer of junior college
work on the same basis as that for transferring Community College
work as stated on page 10.


Under a, ”Admission as a