xt75736m0p7n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75736m0p7n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1950 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1950-toc. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1950-toc. 1950 2011 true xt75736m0p7n section xt75736m0p7n 




                     VOLUME I

           Meeting of the Executive Committee
                    January 6, 1950

A.    Minutes Approved.............................         1
B.    Comptroller's Report.........................          1
C.    Purchases Approved...........................         1
Ca.   Sale of Surplus Equipment Approved.                    2
D.    Approval of Contract with the Cincinnati,
          New Orleans and Texas Pacific Rail-
          way Company.                                       4
E.    Report on Patterson Will.....................         4
F.    Reorganization of the Aeronautical Research
          Laboratory...............................         4
G.    Applied Music Fees...........................          5
H.    Appropriation for Founders Week..............         6
I.    Fee for Organ Practice and Charge for
          Instruction...............                        6
J.    Transfer of Bound Volumes of Newspapers
          Approved by Court of Appeals.                      7
K.    G ifts
          From Mr. Louis Ware.                               7
          From The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Founda-
               tion.... ..........................        8
L.    Sale of University of Kentucky Journalism
          Building Revenue Bonds...................         8
M.    Veterans Administration Ruling to Deduct from
          Cost of Instruction Compensation Federal
          Funds Received from Morrill-Nelson and
          Bankhead-Jones Acts .......................     12
N.    Appointments and Other Staff Changes.........       21
0.    Adjournment................................         28


        Meeting of the Executive Committee
                 February 17, 1950

A.    Approval of Minutes..........................     29
B.    Report of the Comptroller .29
C.    Increase in Appropriation for Memorial
         Coliseum.                                       29
D.    Appropriation for Repair of Men's Residence
        Halls...........                                30
E.    Appropriation of p2,_00 for Journal of
        Southern History .30
F.    Appropriation for Traveling Expenses of
        Mr. Tapp..................................      31
G.    Transfer of Investments of Kentucky Kernel
        Fund .31
H.    Transfer of Agricultural Extension Workers
        from Teachers Insurance and Annuity
        Association of America Completed...........     32
I.    Permission to Run R Sewer Line across Robinson
        Substation Property Granted .33
J.    The Central Kentucky Concert and Lecture
        Series Agreement Approved .33
K.    Increase of Registration and Incidental Fees
        Approved...........3....................7..     37
L.    Horse Rental Contract writh Mrs. H. V. Rouse,
        Jr., Approved .38
M.    Scholarships Approved for Foreign Students        39
N.    Purchase of House and Lot at Quicksand, Ky.,
        Approved...................................     40
0.    The Sale of Surplus Property Approved ........       41
P.    Used Steps Authorized Transferred to Eastern
        State College............................       41
Q.    Use of Stage and Chairs for Henry Clay Founda-
        tion Program Aoproved......................     41
R.    Gifts..................                           42
S. Injury to Kenneth Dale Stahl.46
T.  Professor J. W. Martin to Do Outside Work .47
U.    Mr. Grover Creech Ill .47
V.    Appointments and Other Staff Changes .47

        Meeting of the Executive Committee
                March 17, 1950

A. Approval of Minutes.61
B.    Report of the Comptroller ....................     61
C.    Purchase of Dicker Property ......6.....1... .     .D6


D.    Revision of Contract with Kentucky
           Utilities Company .....................     62
E.    License Agreement, Tocco Process.........        62
F.   U. S. Atomic Commission Contract Modified.        63
G.   Agreement with Berea College for Blueberry
           Breeding..............................      63
H.    Psychological Study Fee Approved .63
I. Gifts.                                              64
J.    Off-Campus Work Approved...................      68
K.    Change of Work for S. C. Jones .68
L.    Change of Work for Oliver M. Shedd .69
M.    Option to Purchase Beta Psi House
           Corporation on Corner of Rose and
           Columbia Avenues.                           69
N.    Authorization for Return of Coupons .71
0.    Purchase of Houses and Lots at 353 Rose
           Street and 264 College View Avenue...       72
P.    Sale of Old Steam Condenser...............       72
Q.    Budget Changes...........................        73
R.    Contracts and Purchases Approved and
           Appropriation Authorized..........,...      76
S.    Best Wishes and Commendation Extended to
           President Donovan.                          77
T.    Appointments and Other Staff Changes             77
U.    Adjournment................................      84

        Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                  April 4, 1950

A.    New Members...............................       85
B.    Approval of Minutes.......................       85
C.   Resolution on Death of Grover Creech ......       85
D.    State Requisitions, et Cetera.............-      86
E.    Refund of Federal Advance for Plan
           Preparation .88
F.    Approval of Increase in Basic Cost of
           Kentucky Kernel-Journalism Building         89
G.    Cubic Cost--Fine Arts Building .90
H.    Contract between the Central Kentucky
           Natural Gas Company and the University
           of Kentucky...........,.,.,.,.......        91
I.    Withdrawal of Fees for Animal Husbandry
           Courses.....                                92
J.    Section of Minor Elements Research Dis-
           continued..                                 92


K.    Authority Granted to Contract wirith Farmers
           to Raise Aromatic Tobacco in
           Reseerch Program.....................       93
L.    Adoption of Budget for 1950-51............       94
M.    Adjournment for Luncheon at 12:45 p.m.....      105
N.    University's Future Building Needs........      105
0.    Memorial Tablets ..........................     108
P.    Appropriation for Memorial Coliseum
           Dedication Authorized ................     109
Q.    Additions to Graduate Faculty .............     109
R.    Honorary Degrees..........................      110
S.    Gifts...1.................................      111
T.    Resolution on Death of Stanley Caton......      112
U. Vacation for the President.113
V.    Apoointments and Other Staff Changes......      113
W. Adjournment..,.115

      Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                May 30, 1950

A.    Minutes Approved As Published .............     116
B.    Report of the Comptroller .................     116
C.    College of Veterinary Science.............      128
D.    Housing. .................................... .  .. 132
E.    Approval of Candidates for Degrees at
             Commencement of June 2, 1950      .      140
F.    List of Honorary Degrees ..................     159
G.    Budget Changes ............................     162
H.    Appropriation for Excavation for Kentucky
             Kernel-Journalism Building........       163
I.    Appropriation for Fine Arts Building......      165
J.    Construction of a Small Tobacco Barn at
             Greenville Soil Field..........          166
K.    Construction of Tobacco Barn at Western
             Kentucky Sub-Station...............      166
L.    Water System at Western Kentucky Sub-Station
             Authorized Extended and Repaired,        166
M.    Agricultural and Industrial Development
             Board Contract With the Kentucky
             Geological Survey Approved.......        167
N.    Geological Survey Contract with A. & I. D. B.,
             1950-51..........................        167
0.    Sale of Surplus Property..................      167
P.    Sale of Surplus Books.....................      168
Q.    Sale of Electronic Surplus Material.......      169
R.    Rental Fees for Organ Practice Approved ...     1 69
S.    Rental Agreement for Horses Approved ......      170


T.    Rental of Barn Room and Pastures.....           171
U.    Award of Scholarships to Foreign Students.      173
V.    Two Scholarships Approved for YMCA and
         YWCA..   .    .    .   ...............      173
W.    Board Member on the Board of Directors of
         the Kentucky Research Foundation Appointed    174
X.    Gifts
         From International Minerals and Chemical
           Corporation.......................        174
         From The Borden Company Foundation....:     175
         From Mr. Harry W. Schacter .............    175
         From Mrs. James Farra Van Meter ......      176
         From Professor R. D. McIntyre .176
         From Lexington Council for Jewish Women     176
         From a Group of Sportsmen in Pulaski
           County ...............................    177
Y.    Governor Clements Excused from Meeting..        177
Z.    Interpretation of Length of Service of
           S. C. Jones........................       177
A-1   Doctor Webb Made Distinguished Professor.       177
B-1   Resignation of Dean Seay..................      178
C-1   Discontinuance of Office of Dean of the
           University, and Establishment of Office
           of Dean of Students, with Dr. A. D.
           Kirwan as Head.                            178
D-1   Doctor and Mrs. Donovan Extend Intitations
           to Board Members..........                 179
E-l1  Appreciation Extended to Doctor Poling.,        179
F-1   President's Office Air-Conditioned .    .......   179
G-1   Appointments and Other Staff Changes ......     180
H-i1  Adjournment....................                 213

       Meeting of the Executive Committee
                 June 23, 1950

A.    Minutes Approved.........................       214
B.    Comptroller's Report .....................      214
C.    Association of Governing Boards .    .......... 214
D.    Budget Changes ............... 215
E.    Patterson Will........................          215
F.    Kentucky and West Virginia Power Company
            Agreement........................         215
G.    Agreement with Probation and Parole Division
            and Social Research Consultation Service 216
H.    Contract with Board of Education of the City
            of Covington..    .......     ....        216
I.    Burroughs Adding Machine Stolen ..., 217
J.    Music Scholarships.......................       217
K.    Disposal of Surplus Property ..............     217
L.    Sale of Surplus Machines ..................     218
M.    Recess for Luncheon.......................      220
N.    Employment of Miss Jane Basham ..    .......... 220
      Interpretation of Service in the University
            ror Change of Employment ............     220


P.    Gifts.........
             From Swift and Company,........*....      221
             From Mrs. Georg Vetlesen   .   .......   221
             From the Family of the late Mrs. W. L.
                Carter.      ..............           222
Q.    Appointments and Other Staff Changes..   .....  223
R.    Adjournment................................     236

       Meeting of the Executive Committee
                August 26, 1950

A.     Minutes Approved.........................      237
B.     Fiscal Agent Appointed    .      ............  237
C.     Resignation of Dr. Louis A. Pardue    .   .    241
D.     Dr. Herman E. Spivey Appointed Dean of the
             Graduate School...... ...............       243
E.     Report of the Comptroller.................     244
F.     Budget Adjustment, Experiment Station ..       244
G.     Breackage Fee for Department of Zoology
             Approved       .       .      ........ 245
H.     Brock and Johnson Architects' Fee Considered   245
I.     Loss of Royal Typewriter Reported .    ......  246
J.     Loss of Wheelbarrow Reported........ ......    246
K.     Cut-Off Saw Authorized Sold...............     247
L.     Request to Borrow Water Tanks Denied....       247
M.     Injury to Jesse Mack................   ..  .   247
N.     Injury to Wilbur Cecil Fisher.........         248
0.     Mr. E. B. Farris Given Permission to Do
             Outside Work........................         248
P.     Gifts...........
             From Plantmix Asphalt Industry of
               Kentucky.......................        248
             From Mason County Farm Bureau .   .      248
             From National Engineering Company of
               Chicago, Illinois.....     .........   249
             From Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Rees .   .249
             From Kroger Foundation   .    .      .   249
             From The Buckeye Cotton Oil Company..        249
             From the Sears-Roebuck Foundation...         250
             From Dr. L. H. South.       .            250
             From Solvay Process Division of the
               Allied Chemical and Dye Corporation        251
Q..    Bond of Petty Cash Custodian Cancelled.....    251


R.     Appointments and Other Staff Changes    s....    251
S.     Adjournment ...............................     252

        Meeting of the Board of Trustees
               September 19, 1950

A.     Minutes Approved as Published.............    261
B.     Comptroller's Report ......................     261
C.     Report on the Work of the Board of Control
            for Southern Regional Education ...,.    274
D.     The War Situation and Its Effect on the
            University..........    .    .   .       274
E.     Report on the University's Activities on
            Behalf of National Defensee..........    274
F.     Report of the Committee Studying the
            Patterson Will...................        275
G.     Organ In Memorial Hall Authorized Replaced    275
H.     4-H Club Camp at Dawson Springs ...........     276
I.     Dormitory Revenue Bond (456 Rose Street)
            Issue Authorized..   ..............*,D   276
J.     Sale of Dormitory Revenue Bonds (456 Rose
            Street) Authorized ...................     290
K.     Sale of Surplus Material   .    ...........   292
L.     Sale of Engineering Machines Authorized...    292
M.     Contract with Kob Ryen Riding Academy
            Approved ............................    293
N.     Gifts
            From Kentucky Distillers' Association    294
            From Kentucky Association of Insurance
                 Agents..........................    294
            From Louisville Board of Fire Under-
                 writers        ,........            294
            From Mr. Bernard D. Klein, of Long
                 Island City, New York.... ....      295
            From the South-east Coal Company...      295
            From the Kentucky Artificial Breeding
                 Association...............          296
            From Blue Diamond Coal Companya.....     296
            From Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lebus,.Jr,    296
0,     Gift from Harry E. Bullock Estate.........     297
P.     Cooperative Agreement between the Legisla-
            tive Research Commission and the Bureau
            of Business Research ..................    299
Q.     Injury to Henry Wilder..............  ..,,    299


R.     Change of Applied Music Fee...............    299
S.     Appointments and Other Staff Changes.......   301
T.     Adjournment.......                            308

       Meeting of the Executive Committee
                October 25, 1950

A.     Minutes Approved.................   .         309
B.     Report of the Comptroller     .   .   .309
C.     Experiment Station Budget Revised......   .   309
D.     Western Kentucky Sub-station Budget Revised.  309
E.     Purchases Made by the Comptroller's Office..  311
F.     Sale of Printing Press...................     312
G.     Acceptance of Library of McCormick Histori-
            cal Association...       ...   .         312
H.     The Will of Miss Annie Dilliard     ...        314
I.     Transfer of Dawson Springs State Park for
            the Use and Benefit of the University
            of Kentucky    .      .     ...........  314
J.     Lease of Property at 456 Rose Street to Chi
            Omega Sorority...     ..............      315
K.     Allocation of Fees.......................      319
L.     Name of English Department Changed.......      319
M.     Policy for Military Leave of Absence ...      320
N.     Radio Grants-in-Aid    .     ........          32
0.     Gifts
            From The George Davis Bivin Foundation.       321
            From Mrs. William B. Worth     ...       322
            From Professor Kenneth Wright, Depart-
              of Music, University of Kentucky....,       322
P.     Disposal of Salvage and Surplus Property....   323
Q.     Resolution on Death of Mrs. Will Hughes....    323
R.     Appointmentv and Other Staff Changes......     324
8S     Adjournment..............................      332

         Meeting of the Executive Committee
                  November 17, 1950

A.     Minutes Approved     .       .                 333
B.     Report of the Comptroller..                    333
C.     Budget Changes............................     333
D.     Fiscal Agent Employed .     ......................333
E.     Resolution of Intent to Issue Revenue Bonds
            and Authorization of Notice Soliciting
            Competitive Bids for Sale of Revenue
            Bonds....................0......*.....        337


F.     Report on the Estate of Annie Dilliard......      339
G.     Dawson Springs State Park..            .      339
H.     Report on James X. Patterson Trust Fund....      340
I.     Remodeling of Agricultural Engineering
            Building...............................     340
J.     Investment of Simon N. Jones Fund.......   .  341
K.     Investment of the Harry E. Bullock, Jr.,
            Memorial Fund ........................      341
L.     Gift
            From Mr. R. T. Taylor, Bagdad, Kentucky. 342
M.     Appointments and Other Staff Changes........     342
N.     Adjournment .................................    346

        Meeting of the Board of Trustees
               December 12, 1950

A.     Mr. Evans New Member     .      .............. 347
B.     Mihutes Approved as Published...............     347
C.     Report of Comptroller     .      ............. 347
D.     Annual Report of the Comptroller........*,     361
E.     Report of the President.      ....................361
F.     Dormitory Revenue Bonds(476 Rose Street)
            Authorized................     .          382
G.     Sale of Dormitory Revenue Bonds(476 Rose
            Street)....................   ......      394
H.     War Surplus Property Authorized Transferred.      397
I.     Report of Election of University Alumni.....      397
J.     Gifts
            From the Union Light, Heat, and Power
               Company, Covington, Kentucky.......      398
            From the McMahan Furniture Company, of
               Campbellsville, Kentucly ............    399
            From the National Association of
               Thoroughbred Breeders...............     400
            From Mrs. James 0, Roberts, Frankfort,
              - Kentucky         ....... 400
K.     Report of Survey Committee on College of
            Veterinary Science...... 00..............   401
L.     Appointments and Other Staff Changes........     405
M.     Adjournment......................,,.        . 408